* Activate more linting rules from eslint and typescript * Properly add VForm as type information * Fix usage of native types * Fix more linting issues * Rename vuetify types file, add VTooltip * Fix some more typing problems * Use composition API for more components * Convert RecipeRating * Convert RecipeNutrition * Convert more components to composition API * Fix globals plugin for type checking * Add missing icon types * Fix vuetify types in Nuxt context * Use composition API for RecipeActionMenu * Convert error.vue to composition API * Convert RecipeContextMenu to composition API * Use more composition API and type checking in recipe/create * Convert AppButtonUpload to composition API * Fix some type checking in RecipeContextMenu * Remove unused components BaseAutoForm and BaseColorPicker * Convert RecipeCategoryTagDialog to composition API * Convert RecipeCardSection to composition API * Convert RecipeCategoryTagSelector to composition API * Properly import vuetify type definitions * Convert BaseButton to composition API * Convert AutoForm to composition API * Remove unused requests API file * Remove static routes from recipe API * Fix more type errors * Convert AppHeader to composition API, fixing some search bar focus problems * Convert RecipeDialogSearch to composition API * Update API types from pydantic models, handle undefined values * Improve more typing problems * Add types to other plugins * Properly type the CRUD API access * Fix typing of static image routes * Fix more typing stuff * Fix some more typing problems * Turn off more rules
129 lines
3.9 KiB
129 lines
3.9 KiB
<v-container class="narrow-container">
<BasePageTitle divider>
<template #header>
<v-img max-height="200px" max-width="200px" :src="require('~/static/svgs/manage-api-tokens.svg')"></v-img>
<template #title> API Tokens </template>
You have {{ user.tokens.length }} active tokens.
<section class="d-flex justify-center">
<v-card class="mt-4" width="500px">
<v-form ref="domNewTokenForm" @submit.prevent>
<v-text-field v-model="name" :label="$t('settings.token.token-name')"> </v-text-field>
<template v-if="createdToken != ''">
class="mb-0 pb-0"
<v-subheader class="text-center">
<BaseButton v-if="createdToken" cancel @click="resetCreate()"> Close </BaseButton>
<AppButtonCopy v-if="createdToken" :icon="false" color="info" :copy-text="createdToken"> </AppButtonCopy>
<BaseButton v-else key="generate-button" :disabled="name == ''" @click="createToken(name)">
<BaseCardSectionTitle class="mt-10" title="Active Tokens"> </BaseCardSectionTitle>
<section class="d-flex flex-column align-center justify-center">
<div v-for="(token, index) in $auth.user.tokens" :key="index" class="d-flex my-2">
<v-card outlined width="500px">
{{ token.name }}
<v-list-item-subtitle> Created on: {{ $d(token.created_at) }} </v-list-item-subtitle>
<BaseButton delete small @click="deleteToken(token.id)"></BaseButton>
<script lang="ts">
import { computed, defineComponent, useContext, ref } from "@nuxtjs/composition-api";
import { useUserApi } from "~/composables/api";
import { VForm } from "~/types/vuetify";
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const nuxtContext = useContext();
const user = computed(() => {
return nuxtContext.$auth.user;
const api = useUserApi();
const domNewTokenForm = ref<VForm | null>(null);
const createdToken = ref("");
const name = ref("");
const loading = ref(false);
function resetCreate() {
createdToken.value = "";
loading.value = false;
name.value = "";
async function createToken(name: string) {
if (loading.value) {
loading.value = true;
if (domNewTokenForm?.value?.validate()) {
const { data } = await api.users.createAPIToken({ name });
if (data) {
createdToken.value = data.token;
async function deleteToken(id: string | number) {
const { data } = await api.users.deleteAPIToken(id);
return data;
return { createToken, deleteToken, createdToken, loading, name, user, resetCreate };
head() {
return {
title: this.$t("settings.token.api-tokens") as string,