* feat: add api endpoints for volume check * feat: add docker icon * add size prop * feat: add frontend UI for checking docker-volume * update caddy to server validation file * add more extensive documentation around setup req * fix: wrong type on user id #1123 * spelling * refactor: cleanup excessive function calls
403 lines
12 KiB
403 lines
12 KiB
<v-container fluid class="narrow-container">
<BasePageTitle divider>
<template #header>
<v-img max-height="200" max-width="150" :src="require('~/static/svgs/admin-site-settings.svg')"></v-img>
<template #title> {{ $t("settings.site-settings") }} </template>
<BaseCardSectionTitle class="pb-0" :icon="$globals.icons.cog" title="Configuration"> </BaseCardSectionTitle>
<v-card class="mb-4">
<template v-for="(check, idx) in simpleChecks">
<v-list-item :key="`list-item-${idx}`">
<v-icon :color="check.color">
{{ check.icon }}
{{ check.text }}
<v-list-item-subtitle class="wrap-word">
{{ check.status ? check.successText : check.errorText }}
<v-divider :key="`divider-${idx}`"></v-divider>
<BaseCardSectionTitle class="pt-2" :icon="$globals.icons.docker" title="Docker Volume" />
:type="docker.state === DockerVolumeState.Error ? 'error' : 'info'"
<div class="d-flex align-center font-weight-medium">
Docker Volume
<HelpIcon small class="my-n3">
Mealie requires that the frontend container and the backend share the same docker volume or storage. This
ensures that the frontend container can properly access the images and assets stored on disk.
<template v-if="docker.state === DockerVolumeState.Error"> Volumes are misconfigured. </template>
<template v-else-if="docker.state === DockerVolumeState.Success">
Volumes are configured correctly.
<template v-else-if="docker.state === DockerVolumeState.Unknown">
Status Unknown. Try running a validation.
<div class="mt-4">
<BaseButton color="info" :loading="docker.loading" @click="dockerValidate">
<template #icon> {{ $globals.icons.checkboxMarkedCircle }} </template>
<BaseCardSectionTitle class="pt-2" :icon="$globals.icons.email" title="Email" />
<v-alert border="left" colored-border :type="appConfig.emailReady ? 'success' : 'error'" elevation="2">
<div class="font-weight-medium">Email Configuration Status</div>
{{ appConfig.emailReady ? "Ready" : "Not Ready - Check Environmental Variables" }}
<v-text-field v-model="address" class="mr-4" :label="$t('user.email')" :rules="[validators.email]">
:disabled="!appConfig.emailReady || !validEmail"
<template #icon> {{ $globals.icons.email }} </template>
{{ $t("general.test") }}
<template v-if="tested">
<v-divider class="my-x mt-6"></v-divider>
<v-card-text class="px-0">
<h4>Email Test Results</h4>
<span class="pl-4">
{{ success ? "Succeeded" : "Failed" }}
<section class="mt-4">
<BaseCardSectionTitle class="pb-0" :icon="$globals.icons.cog" title="General About"> </BaseCardSectionTitle>
<v-card class="mb-4">
<v-list-item v-for="property in appInfo" :key="property.name">
<v-icon> {{ property.icon || $globals.icons.user }} </v-icon>
<div>{{ property.name }}</div>
<v-list-item-subtitle class="text-end">
{{ property.value }}
<script lang="ts">
import {
} from "@nuxtjs/composition-api";
import { useAdminApi, useUserApi } from "~/composables/api";
import { validators } from "~/composables/use-validators";
import { useAsyncKey } from "~/composables/use-utils";
import { CheckAppConfig } from "~/types/api-types/admin";
enum DockerVolumeState {
Unknown = "unknown",
Success = "success",
Error = "error",
interface SimpleCheck {
text: string;
status: boolean | undefined;
successText: string;
errorText: string;
color: string;
icon: string;
interface CheckApp extends CheckAppConfig {
isSiteSecure?: boolean;
export default defineComponent({
layout: "admin",
setup() {
// ==========================================================
// Docker Volume Validation
const docker = reactive({
loading: false,
state: DockerVolumeState.Unknown,
async function dockerValidate() {
docker.loading = true;
// Do API Check
const { data } = await adminApi.about.checkDocker();
if (data == null) {
docker.state = DockerVolumeState.Error;
// Get File Contents
const { data: fileContents } = await adminApi.about.getDockerValidateFileContents();
if (data.text === fileContents) {
docker.state = DockerVolumeState.Success;
} else {
docker.state = DockerVolumeState.Error;
docker.loading = false;
const state = reactive({
loading: false,
address: "",
success: false,
error: "",
tested: false,
const appConfig = ref<CheckApp>({
emailReady: true,
baseUrlSet: true,
isSiteSecure: true,
isUpToDate: false,
ldapReady: false,
function isLocalHostOrHttps() {
return window.location.hostname === "localhost" || window.location.protocol === "https:";
const api = useUserApi();
const adminApi = useAdminApi();
onMounted(async () => {
const { data } = await adminApi.about.checkApp();
if (data) {
appConfig.value = data;
appConfig.value.isSiteSecure = isLocalHostOrHttps();
const simpleChecks = computed<SimpleCheck[]>(() => {
const goodIcon = $globals.icons.checkboxMarkedCircle;
const badIcon = $globals.icons.alert;
const warningIcon = $globals.icons.alertCircle;
const goodColor = "success";
const badColor = "error";
const warningColor = "warning";
const data: SimpleCheck[] = [
text: "Application Version",
status: appConfig.value.isUpToDate,
errorText: `Your current version (${rawAppInfo.value.version}) does not match the latest release. Considering updating to the latest version (${rawAppInfo.value.versionLatest}).`,
successText: "Mealie is up to date",
color: appConfig.value.isUpToDate ? goodColor : warningColor,
icon: appConfig.value.isUpToDate ? goodIcon : warningIcon,
text: "Secure Site",
status: appConfig.value.isSiteSecure,
errorText: "Serve via localhost or secure with https. Clipboard and additional browser APIs may not work.",
successText: "Site is accessed by localhost or https",
color: appConfig.value.isSiteSecure ? goodColor : badColor,
icon: appConfig.value.isSiteSecure ? goodIcon : badIcon,
text: "Server Side Base URL",
status: appConfig.value.baseUrlSet,
"`BASE_URL` is still the default value on API Server. This will cause issues with notifications links generated on the server for emails, etc.",
successText: "Server Side URL does not match the default",
color: appConfig.value.baseUrlSet ? goodColor : badColor,
icon: appConfig.value.baseUrlSet ? goodIcon : badIcon,
text: "LDAP Ready",
status: appConfig.value.ldapReady,
"Not all LDAP Values are configured. This can be ignored if you are not using LDAP Authentication.",
successText: "Required LDAP variables are all set.",
color: appConfig.value.ldapReady ? goodColor : warningColor,
icon: appConfig.value.ldapReady ? goodIcon : warningIcon,
return data;
async function testEmail() {
state.loading = true;
state.tested = false;
const { data } = await api.email.test({ email: state.address });
if (data) {
if (data.success) {
state.success = true;
} else {
state.error = data.error;
state.success = false;
state.loading = false;
state.tested = true;
const validEmail = computed(() => {
if (state.address === "") {
return false;
const valid = validators.email(state.address);
// Explicit bool check because validators.email sometimes returns a string
if (valid === true) {
return true;
return false;
// ============================================================
// General About Info
const { $globals, i18n } = useContext();
const rawAppInfo = ref({
version: "null",
versionLatest: "null",
function getAppInfo() {
const statistics = useAsync(async () => {
const { data } = await adminApi.about.about();
if (data) {
rawAppInfo.value.version = data.version;
rawAppInfo.value.versionLatest = data.versionLatest;
const prettyInfo = [
name: i18n.t("about.version"),
icon: $globals.icons.information,
value: data.version,
name: "Build",
icon: $globals.icons.information,
value: data.buildId,
name: i18n.t("about.application-mode"),
icon: $globals.icons.devTo,
value: data.production ? i18n.t("about.production") : i18n.t("about.development"),
name: i18n.t("about.demo-status"),
icon: $globals.icons.testTube,
value: data.demoStatus ? i18n.t("about.demo") : i18n.t("about.not-demo"),
name: i18n.t("about.api-port"),
icon: $globals.icons.api,
value: data.apiPort,
name: i18n.t("about.api-docs"),
icon: $globals.icons.file,
value: data.apiDocs ? i18n.t("general.enabled") : i18n.t("general.disabled"),
name: i18n.t("about.database-type"),
icon: $globals.icons.database,
value: data.dbType,
name: i18n.t("about.database-url"),
icon: $globals.icons.database,
value: data.dbUrl,
name: i18n.t("about.default-group"),
icon: $globals.icons.group,
value: data.defaultGroup,
return prettyInfo;
return data;
}, useAsyncKey());
return statistics;
const appInfo = getAppInfo();
return {
head() {
return {
title: this.$t("settings.site-settings") as string,
<style scoped>
.wrap-word {
white-space: normal;
word-wrap: break-word;