abort with errors if no name is defined for some object, which was the
case for 'pilotAttributeType 27'.
Also avoid this very situation by assigning the name
could be done automagically, much like the numbering in libeay.num and
ssleay.num. The solution works as follows:
- New object identifiers are inserted in objects.txt, following the
syntax given in objects.README.
- objects.pl is used to process obj_mac.num and create a new
- obj_dat.pl is used to create a new obj_dat.h, using the data in
This is currently kind of a hack, and the perl code in objects.pl
isn't very elegant, but it works as I intended. The simplest way to
check that it worked correctly is to look in obj_dat.h and check the
array nid_objs and make sure the objects haven't moved around (this is
important!). Additions are OK, as well as consistent name changes.