2015-10-23 15:26:54 +00:00
< ? php
* @ author Lukas Reschke < lukas @ owncloud . com >
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2015 , ownCloud , Inc .
* @ license AGPL - 3.0
* This code is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License , version 3 ,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License , version 3 ,
* along with this program . If not , see < http :// www . gnu . org / licenses />
2015-10-30 15:05:25 +00:00
namespace OCA\DAV\Tests\Unit\Connector\Sabre ;
2015-10-23 15:26:54 +00:00
use Test\TestCase ;
use OCP\ISession ;
use OCP\IUserSession ;
* Class Auth
* @ package OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre
class Auth extends TestCase {
/** @var ISession */
private $session ;
/** @var \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Auth */
private $auth ;
/** @var IUserSession */
private $userSession ;
public function setUp () {
parent :: setUp ();
$this -> session = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\OCP\ISession' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor () -> getMock ();
$this -> userSession = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\OCP\IUserSession' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor () -> getMock ();
$this -> auth = new \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Auth ( $this -> session , $this -> userSession );
public function testIsDavAuthenticatedWithoutDavSession () {
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'get' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( null ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> invokePrivate ( $this -> auth , 'isDavAuthenticated' , [ 'MyTestUser' ]));
public function testIsDavAuthenticatedWithWrongDavSession () {
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 ))
-> method ( 'get' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'AnotherUser' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> invokePrivate ( $this -> auth , 'isDavAuthenticated' , [ 'MyTestUser' ]));
public function testIsDavAuthenticatedWithCorrectDavSession () {
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 ))
-> method ( 'get' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'MyTestUser' ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> invokePrivate ( $this -> auth , 'isDavAuthenticated' , [ 'MyTestUser' ]));
public function testValidateUserPassOfAlreadyDAVAuthenticatedUser () {
$user = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\OCP\IUser' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$user -> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 ))
-> method ( 'getUID' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'MyTestUser' ));
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'isLoggedIn' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( true ));
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 ))
-> method ( 'getUser' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( $user ));
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 ))
-> method ( 'get' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'MyTestUser' ));
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'close' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> invokePrivate ( $this -> auth , 'validateUserPass' , [ 'MyTestUser' , 'MyTestPassword' ]));
public function testValidateUserPassOfInvalidDAVAuthenticatedUser () {
$user = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\OCP\IUser' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$user -> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'getUID' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'MyTestUser' ));
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'isLoggedIn' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( true ));
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'getUser' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( $user ));
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 ))
-> method ( 'get' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'AnotherUser' ));
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'close' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> invokePrivate ( $this -> auth , 'validateUserPass' , [ 'MyTestUser' , 'MyTestPassword' ]));
public function testValidateUserPassOfInvalidDAVAuthenticatedUserWithValidPassword () {
$user = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\OCP\IUser' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$user -> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 3 ))
-> method ( 'getUID' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'MyTestUser' ));
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'isLoggedIn' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( true ));
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 3 ))
-> method ( 'getUser' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( $user ));
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 ))
-> method ( 'get' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'AnotherUser' ));
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'login' )
-> with ( 'MyTestUser' , 'MyTestPassword' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( true ));
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'set' )
-> with ( 'AUTHENTICATED_TO_DAV_BACKEND' , 'MyTestUser' );
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'close' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> invokePrivate ( $this -> auth , 'validateUserPass' , [ 'MyTestUser' , 'MyTestPassword' ]));
public function testValidateUserPassWithInvalidPassword () {
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'isLoggedIn' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( false ));
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'login' )
-> with ( 'MyTestUser' , 'MyTestPassword' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( false ));
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'close' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> invokePrivate ( $this -> auth , 'validateUserPass' , [ 'MyTestUser' , 'MyTestPassword' ]));
public function testGetCurrentUserWithoutBeingLoggedIn () {
$this -> assertSame ( null , $this -> auth -> getCurrentUser ());
public function testGetCurrentUserWithValidDAVLogin () {
$user = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\OCP\IUser' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$user -> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'getUID' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'MyTestUser' ));
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 ))
-> method ( 'getUser' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( $user ));
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 ))
-> method ( 'get' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'MyTestUser' ));
$this -> assertSame ( 'MyTestUser' , $this -> auth -> getCurrentUser ());
public function testGetCurrentUserWithoutAnyDAVLogin () {
$user = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\OCP\IUser' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$user -> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'getUID' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'MyTestUser' ));
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 ))
-> method ( 'getUser' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( $user ));
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 ))
-> method ( 'get' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( null ));
$this -> assertSame ( 'MyTestUser' , $this -> auth -> getCurrentUser ());
public function testGetCurrentUserWithWrongDAVUser () {
$user = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\OCP\IUser' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$user -> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'getUID' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'MyWrongDavUser' ));
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 ))
-> method ( 'getUser' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( $user ));
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 3 ))
-> method ( 'get' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'AnotherUser' ));
$this -> assertSame ( null , $this -> auth -> getCurrentUser ());
public function testAuthenticateAlreadyLoggedIn () {
2015-11-20 12:35:23 +00:00
$request = $this -> getMockBuilder ( 'Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$response = $this -> getMockBuilder ( 'Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
2015-10-23 15:26:54 +00:00
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'isLoggedIn' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( true ));
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'get' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( null ));
$user = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\OCP\IUser' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$user -> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'getUID' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'MyWrongDavUser' ));
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'getUser' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( $user ));
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'close' );
2015-11-20 12:35:23 +00:00
$response = $this -> auth -> check ( $request , $response );
2015-11-24 10:15:31 +00:00
$this -> assertEquals ([ true , 'principals/users/MyWrongDavUser' ], $response );
2015-10-23 15:26:54 +00:00
public function testAuthenticateNoBasicAuthenticateHeadersProvided () {
$server = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\Sabre\DAV\Server' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$server -> httpRequest = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$server -> httpResponse = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
2015-11-20 12:35:23 +00:00
$response = $this -> auth -> check ( $server -> httpRequest , $server -> httpResponse );
$this -> assertEquals ([ false , 'No \'Authorization: Basic\' header found. Either the client didn\'t send one, or the server is mis-configured' ], $response );
2015-10-23 15:26:54 +00:00
2015-11-19 13:18:27 +00:00
* @ expectedException \Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotAuthenticated
* @ expectedExceptionMessage Cannot authenticate over ajax calls
public function testAuthenticateNoBasicAuthenticateHeadersProvidedWithAjax () {
2015-11-20 12:35:23 +00:00
/** @var \Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface $httpRequest */
$httpRequest = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface' )
2015-10-23 15:26:54 +00:00
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
2015-11-20 12:35:23 +00:00
/** @var \Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface $httpResponse */
$httpResponse = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface' )
2015-10-23 15:26:54 +00:00
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
2015-11-26 15:14:49 +00:00
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> any ())
-> method ( 'isLoggedIn' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( false ));
2015-11-20 12:35:23 +00:00
2015-10-23 15:26:54 +00:00
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'getHeader' )
2015-11-19 13:18:27 +00:00
-> with ( 'X-Requested-With' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'XMLHttpRequest' ));
2015-11-20 12:35:23 +00:00
$this -> auth -> check ( $httpRequest , $httpResponse );
2015-11-19 13:18:27 +00:00
2015-11-26 15:14:49 +00:00
public function testAuthenticateNoBasicAuthenticateHeadersProvidedWithAjaxButUserIsStillLoggedIn () {
/** @var \Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface $httpRequest */
$httpRequest = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
/** @var \Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface $httpResponse */
$httpResponse = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> any ())
-> method ( 'isLoggedIn' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( true ));
$this -> session
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'get' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'MyTestUser' ));
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'getHeader' )
-> with ( 'Authorization' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( null ));
$this -> auth -> check ( $httpRequest , $httpResponse );
2015-11-19 13:18:27 +00:00
public function testAuthenticateValidCredentials () {
$server = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\Sabre\DAV\Server' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$server -> httpRequest = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$server -> httpRequest
-> expects ( $this -> at ( 0 ))
-> method ( 'getHeader' )
-> with ( 'X-Requested-With' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( null ));
$server -> httpRequest
-> expects ( $this -> at ( 1 ))
-> method ( 'getHeader' )
2015-10-23 15:26:54 +00:00
-> with ( 'Authorization' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' ));
$server -> httpResponse = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'login' )
-> with ( 'username' , 'password' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( true ));
$user = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\OCP\IUser' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$user -> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 ))
-> method ( 'getUID' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'MyTestUser' ));
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 ))
-> method ( 'getUser' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( $user ));
2015-11-20 12:35:23 +00:00
$response = $this -> auth -> check ( $server -> httpRequest , $server -> httpResponse );
2015-11-24 10:15:31 +00:00
$this -> assertEquals ([ true , 'principals/users/username' ], $response );
2015-10-23 15:26:54 +00:00
public function testAuthenticateInvalidCredentials () {
$server = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\Sabre\DAV\Server' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$server -> httpRequest = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$server -> httpRequest
2015-11-19 13:18:27 +00:00
-> expects ( $this -> at ( 0 ))
-> method ( 'getHeader' )
-> with ( 'X-Requested-With' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( null ));
$server -> httpRequest
-> expects ( $this -> at ( 1 ))
2015-10-23 15:26:54 +00:00
-> method ( 'getHeader' )
-> with ( 'Authorization' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 'basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' ));
$server -> httpResponse = $this -> getMockBuilder ( '\Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface' )
-> disableOriginalConstructor ()
-> getMock ();
$this -> userSession
-> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'login' )
-> with ( 'username' , 'password' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( false ));
2015-11-20 12:35:23 +00:00
$response = $this -> auth -> check ( $server -> httpRequest , $server -> httpResponse );
$this -> assertEquals ([ false , 'Username or password was incorrect' ], $response );
2015-10-23 15:26:54 +00:00