2015-04-15 13:31:30 +00:00
2015-06-25 09:43:55 +00:00
* @author Morris Jobke <hey@morrisjobke.de>
* @author Robin Appelman <icewind@owncloud.com>
2015-04-15 13:31:30 +00:00
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, ownCloud, Inc.
* @license AGPL-3.0
* This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
namespace OCA\Files_sharing\Tests;
use OC\Files\View;
class SizePropagation extends TestCase {
public function testSizePropagationWhenOwnerChangesFile() {
$recipientView = new View('/' . self::TEST_FILES_SHARING_API_USER1 . '/files');
$ownerView = new View('/' . self::TEST_FILES_SHARING_API_USER2 . '/files');
$ownerView->file_put_contents('/sharedfolder/subfolder/foo.txt', 'bar');
$sharedFolderInfo = $ownerView->getFileInfo('/sharedfolder', false);
\OCP\Share::shareItem('folder', $sharedFolderInfo->getId(), \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, self::TEST_FILES_SHARING_API_USER1, 31);
$ownerRootInfo = $ownerView->getFileInfo('', false);
$recipientRootInfo = $recipientView->getFileInfo('', false);
// when file changed as owner
$ownerView->file_put_contents('/sharedfolder/subfolder/foo.txt', 'foobar');
// size of recipient's root stays the same
$newRecipientRootInfo = $recipientView->getFileInfo('', false);
$this->assertEquals($recipientRootInfo->getSize(), $newRecipientRootInfo->getSize());
// size of owner's root increases
$newOwnerRootInfo = $ownerView->getFileInfo('', false);
$this->assertEquals($ownerRootInfo->getSize() + 3, $newOwnerRootInfo->getSize());
public function testSizePropagationWhenRecipientChangesFile() {
$recipientView = new View('/' . self::TEST_FILES_SHARING_API_USER1 . '/files');
$ownerView = new View('/' . self::TEST_FILES_SHARING_API_USER2 . '/files');
$ownerView->file_put_contents('/sharedfolder/subfolder/foo.txt', 'bar');
$sharedFolderInfo = $ownerView->getFileInfo('/sharedfolder', false);
\OCP\Share::shareItem('folder', $sharedFolderInfo->getId(), \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, self::TEST_FILES_SHARING_API_USER1, 31);
$ownerRootInfo = $ownerView->getFileInfo('', false);
$recipientRootInfo = $recipientView->getFileInfo('', false);
// when file changed as recipient
$recipientView->file_put_contents('/sharedfolder/subfolder/foo.txt', 'foobar');
// size of recipient's root stays the same
$newRecipientRootInfo = $recipientView->getFileInfo('', false);
$this->assertEquals($recipientRootInfo->getSize(), $newRecipientRootInfo->getSize());
// size of owner's root increases
$newOwnerRootInfo = $ownerView->getFileInfo('', false);
$this->assertEquals($ownerRootInfo->getSize() + 3, $newOwnerRootInfo->getSize());