2012-06-09 19:02:26 +00:00
< ? php
* Dropbox API class
* @ package Dropbox
* @ copyright Copyright ( C ) 2010 Rooftop Solutions . All rights reserved .
* @ author Evert Pot ( http :// www . rooftopsolutions . nl / )
* @ license http :// code . google . com / p / dropbox - php / wiki / License MIT
class Dropbox_API {
* Sandbox root - path
const ROOT_SANDBOX = 'sandbox' ;
* Dropbox root - path
const ROOT_DROPBOX = 'dropbox' ;
protected $api_url = 'https://api.dropbox.com/1/' ;
* Content API URl
protected $api_content_url = 'https://api-content.dropbox.com/1/' ;
* OAuth object
* @ var Dropbox_OAuth
protected $oauth ;
* Default root - path , this will most likely be 'sandbox' or 'dropbox'
* @ var string
protected $root ;
protected $useSSL ;
* Constructor
* @ param Dropbox_OAuth Dropbox_Auth object
* @ param string $root default root path ( sandbox or dropbox )
public function __construct ( Dropbox_OAuth $oauth , $root = self :: ROOT_DROPBOX , $useSSL = true ) {
$this -> oauth = $oauth ;
$this -> root = $root ;
$this -> useSSL = $useSSL ;
if ( ! $this -> useSSL )
throw new Dropbox_Exception ( 'Dropbox REST API now requires that all requests use SSL' );
* Returns information about the current dropbox account
* @ return stdclass
public function getAccountInfo () {
$data = $this -> oauth -> fetch ( $this -> api_url . 'account/info' );
return json_decode ( $data [ 'body' ], true );
* Returns a file ' s contents
* @ param string $path path
* @ param string $root Use this to override the default root path ( sandbox / dropbox )
* @ return string
public function getFile ( $path = '' , $root = null ) {
if ( is_null ( $root )) $root = $this -> root ;
$path = str_replace ( array ( '%2F' , '~' ), array ( '/' , '%7E' ), rawurlencode ( $path ));
$result = $this -> oauth -> fetch ( $this -> api_content_url . 'files/' . $root . '/' . ltrim ( $path , '/' ));
return $result [ 'body' ];
* Uploads a new file
* @ param string $path Target path ( including filename )
* @ param string $file Either a path to a file or a stream resource
* @ param string $root Use this to override the default root path ( sandbox / dropbox )
* @ return bool
public function putFile ( $path , $file , $root = null ) {
$directory = dirname ( $path );
$filename = basename ( $path );
if ( $directory === '.' ) $directory = '' ;
$directory = str_replace ( array ( '%2F' , '~' ), array ( '/' , '%7E' ), rawurlencode ( $directory ));
// $filename = str_replace('~', '%7E', rawurlencode($filename));
if ( is_null ( $root )) $root = $this -> root ;
if ( is_string ( $file )) {
$file = fopen ( $file , 'rb' );
} elseif ( ! is_resource ( $file )) {
throw new Dropbox_Exception ( 'File must be a file-resource or a string' );
$result = $this -> multipartFetch ( $this -> api_content_url . 'files/' .
$root . '/' . trim ( $directory , '/' ), $file , $filename );
if ( ! isset ( $result [ " httpStatus " ]) || $result [ " httpStatus " ] != 200 )
throw new Dropbox_Exception ( " Uploading file to Dropbox failed " );
return true ;
* Copies a file or directory from one location to another
* This method returns the file information of the newly created file .
* @ param string $from source path
* @ param string $to destination path
* @ param string $root Use this to override the default root path ( sandbox / dropbox )
* @ return stdclass
public function copy ( $from , $to , $root = null ) {
if ( is_null ( $root )) $root = $this -> root ;
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$response = $this -> oauth -> fetch ( $this -> api_url . 'fileops/copy' , array ( 'from_path' => $from , 'to_path' => $to , 'root' => $root ), 'POST' );
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return json_decode ( $response [ 'body' ], true );
* Creates a new folder
* This method returns the information from the newly created directory
* @ param string $path
* @ param string $root Use this to override the default root path ( sandbox / dropbox )
* @ return stdclass
public function createFolder ( $path , $root = null ) {
if ( is_null ( $root )) $root = $this -> root ;
// Making sure the path starts with a /
// $path = '/' . ltrim($path,'/');
$response = $this -> oauth -> fetch ( $this -> api_url . 'fileops/create_folder' , array ( 'path' => $path , 'root' => $root ), 'POST' );
return json_decode ( $response [ 'body' ], true );
* Deletes a file or folder .
* This method will return the metadata information from the deleted file or folder , if successful .
* @ param string $path Path to new folder
* @ param string $root Use this to override the default root path ( sandbox / dropbox )
* @ return array
public function delete ( $path , $root = null ) {
if ( is_null ( $root )) $root = $this -> root ;
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$response = $this -> oauth -> fetch ( $this -> api_url . 'fileops/delete' , array ( 'path' => $path , 'root' => $root ), 'POST' );
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return json_decode ( $response [ 'body' ]);
* Moves a file or directory to a new location
* This method returns the information from the newly created directory
* @ param mixed $from Source path
* @ param mixed $to destination path
* @ param string $root Use this to override the default root path ( sandbox / dropbox )
* @ return stdclass
public function move ( $from , $to , $root = null ) {
if ( is_null ( $root )) $root = $this -> root ;
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$response = $this -> oauth -> fetch ( $this -> api_url . 'fileops/move' , array ( 'from_path' => rawurldecode ( $from ), 'to_path' => rawurldecode ( $to ), 'root' => $root ), 'POST' );
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return json_decode ( $response [ 'body' ], true );
* Returns file and directory information
* @ param string $path Path to receive information from
* @ param bool $list When set to true , this method returns information from all files in a directory . When set to false it will only return infromation from the specified directory .
* @ param string $hash If a hash is supplied , this method simply returns true if nothing has changed since the last request . Good for caching .
* @ param int $fileLimit Maximum number of file - information to receive
* @ param string $root Use this to override the default root path ( sandbox / dropbox )
* @ return array | true
public function getMetaData ( $path , $list = true , $hash = null , $fileLimit = null , $root = null ) {
if ( is_null ( $root )) $root = $this -> root ;
$args = array (
'list' => $list ,
if ( ! is_null ( $hash )) $args [ 'hash' ] = $hash ;
if ( ! is_null ( $fileLimit )) $args [ 'file_limit' ] = $fileLimit ;
$path = str_replace ( array ( '%2F' , '~' ), array ( '/' , '%7E' ), rawurlencode ( $path ));
$response = $this -> oauth -> fetch ( $this -> api_url . 'metadata/' . $root . '/' . ltrim ( $path , '/' ), $args );
/* 304 is not modified */
if ( $response [ 'httpStatus' ] == 304 ) {
return true ;
} else {
return json_decode ( $response [ 'body' ], true );
* A way of letting you keep up with changes to files and folders in a user 's Dropbox. You can periodically call /delta to get a list of "delta entries", which are instructions on how to update your local state to match the server' s state .
* This method returns the information from the newly created directory
* @ param string $cursor A string that is used to keep track of your current state . On the next call pass in this value to return delta entries that have been recorded since the cursor was returned .
* @ return stdclass
public function delta ( $cursor ) {
$arg [ 'cursor' ] = $cursor ;
$response = $this -> oauth -> fetch ( $this -> api_url . 'delta' , $arg , 'POST' );
return json_decode ( $response [ 'body' ], true );
* Returns a thumbnail ( as a string ) for a file path .
* @ param string $path Path to file
* @ param string $size small , medium or large
* @ param string $root Use this to override the default root path ( sandbox / dropbox )
* @ return string
public function getThumbnail ( $path , $size = 'small' , $root = null ) {
if ( is_null ( $root )) $root = $this -> root ;
$path = str_replace ( array ( '%2F' , '~' ), array ( '/' , '%7E' ), rawurlencode ( $path ));
$response = $this -> oauth -> fetch ( $this -> api_content_url . 'thumbnails/' . $root . '/' . ltrim ( $path , '/' ), array ( 'size' => $size ));
return $response [ 'body' ];
* This method is used to generate multipart POST requests for file upload
* @ param string $uri
* @ param array $arguments
* @ return bool
protected function multipartFetch ( $uri , $file , $filename ) {
/* random string */
$boundary = 'R50hrfBj5JYyfR3vF3wR96GPCC9Fd2q2pVMERvEaOE3D8LZTgLLbRpNwXek3' ;
$headers = array (
'Content-Type' => 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' . $boundary ,
$body = " -- " . $boundary . " \r \n " ;
$body .= " Content-Disposition: form-data; name=file; filename= " . rawurldecode ( $filename ) . " \r \n " ;
$body .= " Content-type: application/octet-stream \r \n " ;
$body .= " \r \n " ;
$body .= stream_get_contents ( $file );
$body .= " \r \n " ;
$body .= " -- " . $boundary . " -- " ;
// Dropbox requires the filename to also be part of the regular arguments, so it becomes
// part of the signature.
$uri .= '?file=' . $filename ;
return $this -> oauth -> fetch ( $uri , $body , 'POST' , $headers );
* Search
* Returns metadata for all files and folders that match the search query .
* @ added by : diszo . sasil
* @ param string $query
* @ param string $root Use this to override the default root path ( sandbox / dropbox )
* @ param string $path
* @ return array
public function search ( $query = '' , $root = null , $path = '' ){
if ( is_null ( $root )) $root = $this -> root ;
if ( ! empty ( $path )){
$path = str_replace ( array ( '%2F' , '~' ), array ( '/' , '%7E' ), rawurlencode ( $path ));
$response = $this -> oauth -> fetch ( $this -> api_url . 'search/' . $root . '/' . ltrim ( $path , '/' ), array ( 'query' => $query ));
return json_decode ( $response [ 'body' ], true );
* Creates and returns a shareable link to files or folders .
* Note : Links created by the / shares API call expire after thirty days .
* @ param type $path
* @ param type $root
* @ return type
public function share ( $path , $root = null ) {
if ( is_null ( $root )) $root = $this -> root ;
$path = str_replace ( array ( '%2F' , '~' ), array ( '/' , '%7E' ), rawurlencode ( $path ));
$response = $this -> oauth -> fetch ( $this -> api_url . 'shares/' . $root . '/' . ltrim ( $path , '/' ), array (), 'POST' );
return json_decode ( $response [ 'body' ], true );
* Returns a link directly to a file .
* Similar to / shares . The difference is that this bypasses the Dropbox webserver , used to provide a preview of the file , so that you can effectively stream the contents of your media .
* Note : The / media link expires after four hours , allotting enough time to stream files , but not enough to leave a connection open indefinitely .
* @ param type $path
* @ param type $root
* @ return type
public function media ( $path , $root = null ) {
if ( is_null ( $root )) $root = $this -> root ;
$path = str_replace ( array ( '%2F' , '~' ), array ( '/' , '%7E' ), rawurlencode ( $path ));
$response = $this -> oauth -> fetch ( $this -> api_url . 'media/' . $root . '/' . ltrim ( $path , '/' ), array (), 'POST' );
return json_decode ( $response [ 'body' ], true );
* Creates and returns a copy_ref to a file . This reference string can be used to copy that file to another user ' s Dropbox by passing it in as the from_copy_ref parameter on / fileops / copy .
* @ param type $path
* @ param type $root
* @ return type
public function copy_ref ( $path , $root = null ) {
if ( is_null ( $root )) $root = $this -> root ;
$path = str_replace ( array ( '%2F' , '~' ), array ( '/' , '%7E' ), rawurlencode ( $path ));
$response = $this -> oauth -> fetch ( $this -> api_url . 'copy_ref/' . $root . '/' . ltrim ( $path , '/' ));
return json_decode ( $response [ 'body' ], true );