2011-09-12 19:28:28 +00:00
< label for = " summary " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Summary' ); ?> </label>
2011-09-13 20:44:15 +00:00
< input type = " text " id = " summary " name = " summary " placeholder = " <?php echo $l->t ('Summary of the task');?> " value = " <?php echo isset( $_['details'] ->SUMMARY) ? $_['details'] ->SUMMARY[0]->value : '' ?> " >
< br >
< label for = " location " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Location' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " text " id = " location " name = " location " placeholder = " <?php echo $l->t ('Location of the task');?> " value = " <?php echo isset( $_['details'] ->LOCATION) ? $_['details'] ->LOCATION[0]->value : '' ?> " >
< br >
< label for = " categories " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Categories' ); ?> </label>
2012-04-14 12:55:37 +00:00
< input id = " categories " name = " categories " type = " text " placeholder = " <?php echo $l->t ('Separate categories with commas'); ?> " value = " <?php echo isset( $_['categories'] ) ? htmlspecialchars( $_['categories'] ) : '' ?> " >
< a class = " action edit " onclick = " $ (this).tipsy('hide');OCCategories.edit(); " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Edit categories'); ?> " >< img alt = " <?php echo $l->t ('Edit categories'); ?> " src = " <?php echo image_path('core','actions/rename.svg')?> " class = " svg action " style = " width: 16px; height: 16px; " ></ a >
2011-09-13 20:44:15 +00:00
< br >
< label for = " due " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Due' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " text " id = " due " name = " due " placeholder = " <?php echo $l->t ('Due date') ?> " value = " <?php echo isset( $_['details'] ->DUE) ? $l->l ('datetime', $_['details'] ->DUE[0]->getDateTime()) : '' ?> " >
< br >
< select name = " percent_complete " id = " percent_complete " >
< ? php
foreach ( $_ [ 'percent_options' ] as $percent ){
echo '<option value="' . $percent . '"' . (( $_ [ 'details' ] -> __get ( 'PERCENT-COMPLETE' ) && $percent == $_ [ 'details' ] -> __get ( 'PERCENT-COMPLETE' ) -> value ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '>' . $percent . ' %</option>' ;
</ select >
< label for = " percent_complete " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Complete' ); ?> </label>
< span id = " complete " < ? php echo ( $_ [ 'details' ] -> __get ( 'PERCENT-COMPLETE' ) && $_ [ 'details' ] -> __get ( 'PERCENT-COMPLETE' ) -> value == 100 ) ? '' : ' style="display:none;"' ?> ><label for="completed"><?php echo $l->t('completed on'); ?></label>
< input type = " text " id = " completed " name = " completed " value = " <?php echo isset( $_['details'] ->COMPLETED) ? $l->l ('datetime', $_['details'] ->COMPLETED[0]->getDateTime()) : '' ?> " ></ span >
< br >
< label for = " priority " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Priority' ); ?> </label>
< select name = " priority " >
< ? php
foreach ( $_ [ 'priority_options' ] as $priority => $label ){
echo '<option value="' . $priority . '"' . (( isset ( $_ [ 'details' ] -> PRIORITY ) && $priority == $_ [ 'details' ] -> PRIORITY -> value ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '>' . $label . '</option>' ;
</ select >
< br >
< label for = " description " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Description' ); ?> </label><br>
< textarea placeholder = " <?php echo $l->t ('Description of the task');?> " name = " description " >< ? php echo isset ( $_ [ 'details' ] -> DESCRIPTION ) ? $_ [ 'details' ] -> DESCRIPTION [ 0 ] -> value : '' ?> </textarea>
< br >