2012-04-23 12:19:03 +00:00
/* Copyright (c) 2011, Jan-Christoph Borchardt, http://jancborchardt.net
2011-08-08 21:31:58 +00:00
This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
See the COPYING-README file. */
2011-08-13 14:00:10 +00:00
html, body, div, span, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, code, del, dfn, em, img, q, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, dialog, figure, footer, header, hgroup, nav, section { margin:0; padding:0; border:0; outline:0; font-weight:inherit; font-size:100%; font-family:inherit; vertical-align:baseline; cursor:default; }
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
html, body { height:100%; overflow:auto; }
2011-08-10 14:02:28 +00:00
article, aside, dialog, figure, footer, header, hgroup, nav, section { display:block; }
body { line-height:1.5; }
table { border-collapse:separate; border-spacing:0; white-space:nowrap; }
caption, th, td { text-align:left; font-weight:normal; }
table, td, th { vertical-align:middle; }
a { border:0; color:#000; text-decoration:none;}
2011-08-13 13:32:00 +00:00
a, a *, input, input *, select, .button span, li, label { cursor:pointer; }
2011-08-10 14:02:28 +00:00
ul { list-style:none; }
2011-08-13 13:32:00 +00:00
body { background:#fefefe; font:normal .8em/1.6em "Lucida Grande", Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; color:#000; }
2011-08-08 15:57:45 +00:00
2012-12-18 23:10:03 +00:00
#body-user #header, #body-settings #header { position:fixed; top:0; left:0; right:0; z-index:100; height:45px; line-height:2.5em; background:#1d2d44; -moz-box-shadow:0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), inset 0 -2px 10px #222; -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), inset 0 -2px 10px #222; box-shadow:0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), inset 0 -2px 10px #222; }
2012-04-16 09:34:00 +00:00
#body-login #header { margin: -2em auto 0; text-align:center; height:10em; padding:1em 0 .5em;
2011-10-04 16:58:38 +00:00
-moz-box-shadow:0 0 1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); box-shadow:0 0 1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
background:#1d2d44; /* Old browsers */
background:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #35537a 0%, #1d2d42 100%); /* FF3.6+ */
background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#35537a), color-stop(100%,#1d2d42)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #35537a 0%,#1d2d42 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
background:-o-linear-gradient(top, #35537a 0%,#1d2d42 100%); /* Opera11.10+ */
background:-ms-linear-gradient(top, #35537a 0%,#1d2d42 100%); /* IE10+ */
background:linear-gradient(top, #35537a 0%,#1d2d42 100%); /* W3C */
filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#35537a', endColorstr='#1d2d42',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */ }
2011-08-08 15:57:45 +00:00
2013-01-31 19:19:32 +00:00
#owncloud { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; padding:6px; padding-bottom:0; }
.header-right { float:right; vertical-align:middle; padding:0 0.5em; }
.header-right > * { vertical-align:middle; }
2011-08-08 15:57:45 +00:00
/* INPUTS */
input[type="text"], input[type="password"] { cursor:text; }
2013-01-02 17:01:33 +00:00
input, textarea, select, button, .button, #quota, div.jp-progress, .pager li a {
2012-12-05 10:17:41 +00:00
width:10em; margin:.3em; padding:.6em .5em .4em;
font-size:1em; font-family:Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
2012-12-04 23:25:58 +00:00
background:#fff; color:#333; border:1px solid #ddd; outline:none;
-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 1px #fff, 0 2px 0 #bbb inset; -webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 1px #fff, 0 1px 0 #bbb inset; box-shadow:0 1px 1px #fff, 0 1px 0 #bbb inset;
-moz-border-radius:.5em; -webkit-border-radius:.5em; border-radius:.5em;
2012-12-05 10:17:41 +00:00
input[type="hidden"] { height:0; width:0; }
2012-10-20 18:11:35 +00:00
input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="search"], textarea { background:#f8f8f8; color:#555; cursor:text; }
2011-10-23 08:44:05 +00:00
input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="search"] { -webkit-appearance:textfield; -moz-appearance:textfield; -webkit-box-sizing:content-box; -moz-box-sizing:content-box; box-sizing:content-box; }
input[type="text"]:hover, input[type="text"]:focus, input[type="text"]:active,
input[type="password"]:hover, input[type="password"]:focus, input[type="password"]:active,
2012-10-20 18:11:35 +00:00
.searchbox input[type="search"]:hover, .searchbox input[type="search"]:focus, .searchbox input[type="search"]:active,
textarea:hover, textarea:focus, textarea:active { background-color:#fff; color:#333; -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100)"; filter:alpha(opacity=100); opacity:1; }
2012-12-13 11:51:45 +00:00
input[type="checkbox"] { margin:0; padding:0; height:auto; width:auto; }
input[type="checkbox"]:hover+label, input[type="checkbox"]:focus+label { color:#111 !important; }
2011-09-24 20:13:35 +00:00
#quota { cursor:default; }
2011-08-08 07:47:58 +00:00
2013-01-25 09:52:10 +00:00
2013-01-31 16:21:44 +00:00
2013-01-31 21:20:31 +00:00
::-webkit-scrollbar { width:8px; }
::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece { background-color:transparent; }
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background:#ddd; }
2013-01-31 16:21:44 +00:00
2011-08-08 07:47:58 +00:00
2012-12-13 11:51:45 +00:00
2012-12-04 23:25:58 +00:00
input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], button, .button, #quota, div.jp-progress, select, .pager li a {
2013-01-28 12:16:30 +00:00
width:auto; padding:.4em;
2013-01-31 11:59:30 +00:00
background-color:rgba(240,240,240,.9); font-weight:bold; color:#555; text-shadow:rgba(255,255,255,.9) 0 1px 0; border:1px solid rgba(190,190,190,.9); cursor:pointer;
-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,.9), 0 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,.9) inset; -webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,.9), 0 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,.9) inset; box-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,.9), 0 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,.9) inset;
2012-12-04 23:25:58 +00:00
-moz-border-radius:.5em; -webkit-border-radius:.5em; border-radius:.5em;
2012-12-13 11:49:59 +00:00
input[type="submit"]:hover, input[type="submit"]:focus, input[type="button"]:hover, select:hover, select:focus, select:active, input[type="button"]:focus, .button:hover {
2013-01-29 18:13:39 +00:00
background:rgba(250,250,250,.9); color:#333;
2012-12-13 11:49:59 +00:00
2012-11-05 18:54:48 +00:00
input[type="submit"] img, input[type="button"] img, button img, .button img { cursor:pointer; }
2013-01-31 14:21:50 +00:00
#header .button { border:none; -moz-box-shadow:none; -webkit-box-shadow:none; box-shadow:none; }
2012-12-04 23:37:00 +00:00
2012-12-13 11:51:45 +00:00
/* Primary action button, use sparingly */
2012-12-10 14:08:58 +00:00
.primary, input[type="submit"].primary, input[type="button"].primary, button.primary, .button.primary {
border:1px solid #1d2d44;
background:#35537a; color:#ddd; text-shadow:#000 0 -1px 0;
-moz-box-shadow:0 0 1px #000,0 1px 1px #6d7d94 inset; -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 1px #000,0 1px 1px #6d7d94 inset; box-shadow:0 0 1px #000,0 1px 1px #6d7d94 inset;
.primary:hover, input[type="submit"].primary:hover, input[type="button"].primary:hover, button.primary:hover, .button.primary:hover,
.primary:focus, input[type="submit"].primary:focus, input[type="button"].primary:focus, button.primary:focus, .button.primary:focus {
border:1px solid #1d2d44;
background:#2d3d54; color:#fff; text-shadow:#000 0 -1px 0;
-moz-box-shadow:0 0 1px #000,0 1px 1px #5d6d84 inset; -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 1px #000,0 1px 1px #5d6d84 inset; box-shadow:0 0 1px #000,0 1px 1px #5d6d84 inset;
.primary:active, input[type="submit"].primary:active, input[type="button"].primary:active, button.primary:active, .button.primary:active {
border:1px solid #1d2d44;
background:#1d2d42; color:#bbb; text-shadow:#000 0 -1px 0;
-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 1px #fff,0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2) inset; -webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 1px #fff,0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2) inset; box-shadow:0 1px 1px #fff,0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2) inset;
2012-12-04 23:37:00 +00:00
2011-08-08 07:47:58 +00:00
#body-login input { font-size:1.5em; }
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
#body-login input[type="text"], #body-login input[type="password"] { width:13em; }
2013-02-05 11:48:30 +00:00
#body-login input.login { width:auto; float:right; padding:7px 9px 6px; }
2013-02-05 11:49:33 +00:00
#remember_login { margin:.8em .2em 0 1em; vertical-align:text-bottom; }
2012-10-27 16:58:16 +00:00
.searchbox input[type="search"] { font-size:1.2em; padding:.2em .5em .2em 1.5em; background:#fff url('../img/actions/search.svg') no-repeat .5em center; border:0; -moz-border-radius:1em; -webkit-border-radius:1em; border-radius:1em; -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=70)"; filter:alpha(opacity=70);opacity:.7; -webkit-transition:opacity 300ms; -moz-transition:opacity 300ms; -o-transition:opacity 300ms; transition:opacity 300ms; margin-top:10px; float:right; }
2011-08-08 12:13:11 +00:00
input[type="submit"].enabled { background:#66f866; border:1px solid #5e5; -moz-box-shadow:0 1px 1px #f8f8f8, 0 1px 1px #cfc inset; -webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 1px #f8f8f8, 0 1px 1px #cfc inset; box-shadow:0 1px 1px #f8f8f8, 0 1px 1px #cfc inset; }
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
#select_all{ margin-top:.4em !important;}
2012-12-18 14:41:58 +00:00
2011-08-08 20:31:17 +00:00
/* CONTENT ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
2013-02-04 17:30:49 +00:00
#controls {
height:2.8em; width:100%;
padding:0 70px 0 0.5em; margin:0;
-moz-box-sizing:border-box; box-sizing:border-box;
-moz-box-shadow:0 -3px 7px #000; -webkit-box-shadow:0 -3px 7px #000; box-shadow:0 -3px 7px #000;
background:#f7f7f7; border-bottom:1px solid #eee; z-index:50;
2011-08-21 09:14:57 +00:00
#controls .button { display:inline-block; }
2013-01-18 12:58:50 +00:00
#content { position:relative; height:100%; width:100%; }
2013-02-06 15:56:26 +00:00
#content .hascontrols { position: relative; top: 2.9em; }
2013-01-18 12:58:50 +00:00
#content-wrapper {
position:absolute; height:100%; width:100%; padding-top:3.5em; padding-left:64px;
-moz-box-sizing:border-box; box-sizing:border-box;
2012-10-27 17:42:25 +00:00
2013-01-28 18:36:21 +00:00
#leftcontent, .leftcontent {
2013-02-03 13:44:33 +00:00
position:relative; overflow:auto; width:20em; height:100%;
2013-01-28 18:36:21 +00:00
background:#f8f8f8; border-right:1px solid #ddd;
2013-02-03 13:44:33 +00:00
-moz-box-sizing:border-box; box-sizing:border-box;
2013-01-28 18:36:21 +00:00
2012-04-16 10:52:48 +00:00
#leftcontent li, .leftcontent li { background:#f8f8f8; padding:.5em .8em; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis; -webkit-transition:background-color 200ms; -moz-transition:background-color 200ms; -o-transition:background-color 200ms; transition:background-color 200ms; }
2011-09-16 23:05:24 +00:00
#leftcontent li:hover, #leftcontent li:active, #leftcontent li.active, .leftcontent li:hover, .leftcontent li:active, .leftcontent li.active { background:#eee; }
2012-04-16 10:52:48 +00:00
#leftcontent li.active, .leftcontent li.active { font-weight:bold; }
#leftcontent li:hover, .leftcontent li:hover { color:#333; background:#ddd; }
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
#leftcontent a { height:100%; display:block; margin:0; padding:0 1em 0 0; float:left; }
2013-01-25 10:31:41 +00:00
#rightcontent, .rightcontent { position:fixed; top:6.4em; left:24.5em; overflow:auto }
2011-03-01 22:20:16 +00:00
2011-08-13 13:32:00 +00:00
2011-04-19 00:00:15 +00:00
/* LOG IN & INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------------------------ */
2011-08-10 13:10:32 +00:00
#body-login { background:#ddd; }
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
#body-login div.buttons { text-align:center; }
#body-login p.info { width:22em; text-align:center; margin:2em auto; color:#777; text-shadow:#fff 0 1px 0; }
2011-09-28 15:14:37 +00:00
#body-login p.info a { font-weight:bold; color:#777; }
2011-05-17 20:34:31 +00:00
2011-08-08 10:19:22 +00:00
#login { min-height:30em; margin:2em auto 0; border-bottom:1px solid #f8f8f8; background:#eee; }
2011-09-30 16:22:12 +00:00
#login form { width:22em; margin:2em auto 2em; padding:0; }
2012-12-10 14:08:58 +00:00
#login form fieldset { margin-bottom:20px; }
#login form #adminaccount { margin-bottom:5px; }
#login form fieldset legend, #datadirContent label {
width:100%; text-align:center;
font-weight:bold; color:#999; text-shadow:0 1px 0 white;
#login form fieldset legend a { color:#999; }
#login #datadirContent label { display:block; margin:0; color:#999; }
#login form #datadirField legend { margin-bottom:15px; }
2012-12-11 17:54:43 +00:00
/* Icons for username and password fields to better recognize them */
2012-12-12 21:40:08 +00:00
#adminlogin, #adminpass, #user, #password { width:11.7em!important; padding-left:1.8em; }
2013-02-07 17:04:14 +00:00
#adminlogin+label+img, #adminpass-icon, #user+label+img, #password-icon {
2012-12-12 21:40:08 +00:00
position:absolute; left:1.25em; top:1.65em;
2013-02-07 17:04:14 +00:00
#adminpass-icon, #password-icon { top:1.1em; }
2013-01-25 09:52:10 +00:00
input[name="password-clone"] { padding-left:1.8em; width:11.7em !important; }
2012-12-12 21:40:08 +00:00
2012-12-10 14:08:58 +00:00
/* Nicely grouping input field sets */
.grouptop input {
border-bottom:0; border-bottom-left-radius:0; border-bottom-right-radius:0;
.groupmiddle input {
margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0;
border-top:0; border-radius:0;
box-shadow:0 1px 1px #fff,0 1px 0 #ddd inset;
.groupbottom input {
border-top:0; border-top-right-radius:0; border-top-left-radius:0;
box-shadow:0 1px 1px #fff,0 1px 0 #ddd inset;
2012-12-04 15:58:42 +00:00
2013-02-07 16:02:43 +00:00
/* In field labels. No, HTML placeholder does not work as well. */
2012-12-11 17:54:43 +00:00
#login form label { color:#666; }
#login .groupmiddle label, #login .groupbottom label { top:.65em; }
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
p.infield { position:relative; }
2012-12-11 17:54:43 +00:00
label.infield { cursor:text !important; top:1.05em; left:.85em; }
2013-02-05 11:30:23 +00:00
#login form label.infield { position:absolute; font-size:19px; color:#aaa; white-space:nowrap; padding-left:1.4em; }
2013-02-07 15:57:54 +00:00
#login #databaseField .infield { padding-left:0; }
2011-08-08 09:45:01 +00:00
#login form input[type="checkbox"]+label { position:relative; margin:0; font-size:1em; text-shadow:#fff 0 1px 0; }
2011-10-23 08:48:42 +00:00
#login form .errors { background:#fed7d7; border:1px solid #f00; list-style-indent:inside; margin:0 0 2em; padding:1em; }
2011-04-17 16:00:10 +00:00
2013-02-07 16:04:03 +00:00
/* Show password toggle */
#show {
position:absolute; right:1em; top:.8em; float:right;
2013-02-07 16:41:24 +00:00
#show + label {
position:absolute!important; height:14px; width:24px; right:1em; top:1.25em!important;
2013-02-07 16:04:03 +00:00
background-image:url("../img/actions/toggle.png"); background-repeat:no-repeat; opacity:.3;
2013-02-07 16:41:24 +00:00
#show:checked + label { opacity:.8; }
2013-02-07 16:04:03 +00:00
2013-02-07 16:02:43 +00:00
/* Database selector */
2011-08-11 16:18:50 +00:00
#login form #selectDbType { text-align:center; }
2012-12-10 14:08:58 +00:00
#login form #selectDbType label {
position:static; margin:0 -3px 5px; padding:.4em;
font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; background:#f8f8f8; color:#888; cursor:pointer;
border:1px solid #ddd; text-shadow:#eee 0 1px 0;
-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 1px #fff, 0 1px 1px #fff inset; -webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 1px #fff, 0 1px 1px #fff inset;
#login form #selectDbType label.ui-state-hover, #login form #selectDbType label.ui-state-active { color:#000; background-color:#e8e8e8; }
2013-02-07 16:02:43 +00:00
/* Warnings */
2012-12-10 14:08:58 +00:00
fieldset.warning {
color:#b94a48; background-color:#f2dede; border:1px solid #eed3d7;
fieldset.warning legend { color:#b94a48 !important; }
2011-08-11 16:18:50 +00:00
2013-02-06 14:15:20 +00:00
/* Alternative Logins */
#alternative-logins legend { margin-bottom:10px; }
#alternative-logins li { height:40px; display:inline-block; white-space:nowrap; }
2011-08-11 14:37:20 +00:00
2011-04-17 16:00:10 +00:00
/* NAVIGATION ------------------------------------------------------------- */
2013-01-31 13:14:12 +00:00
#navigation {
position:fixed; top:3.5em; float:left; width:64px; padding:0; z-index:75; height:100%;
background:#30343a url('../img/noise.png') repeat; border-right:1px #333 solid;
-moz-box-shadow:0 0 7px #000; -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 7px #000; box-shadow:0 0 7px #000;
2013-01-17 04:54:31 +00:00
#navigation a {
display:block; padding:8px 0 4px;
text-decoration:none; font-size:10px; text-align:center;
2013-01-31 13:32:07 +00:00
color:#fff; text-shadow:#000 0 -1px 0; opacity:.4;
2013-01-31 13:04:33 +00:00
white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis; // ellipsize long app names
2013-01-17 04:54:31 +00:00
#navigation a:hover, #navigation a:focus { opacity:.8; }
#navigation a.active { opacity:1; }
#navigation .icon { display:block; width:32px; height:32px; margin:0 16px 0; }
#navigation li:first-child a { padding-top:16px; }
2012-10-27 16:58:16 +00:00
#settings { float:right; margin-top:7px; color:#bbb; text-shadow:0 -1px 0 #000; }
#expand { padding:15px; cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold; }
#expand:hover, #expand:focus, #expand:active { color:#fff; }
2013-01-31 13:32:07 +00:00
#expand img { opacity:.7; margin-bottom:-2px; }
2012-10-27 16:58:16 +00:00
#expand:hover img, #expand:focus img, #expand:active img { opacity:1; }
2013-02-06 15:03:01 +00:00
#expanddiv {
position:absolute; right:0; top:45px; z-index:76; display:none;
background-color:#444; border-bottom-left-radius:7px; box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgb(29,45,68);
2013-01-31 13:32:07 +00:00
#expanddiv a { display:block; color:#fff; text-shadow:0 -1px 0 #000; padding:0 8px; opacity:.7; }
2013-01-17 05:45:33 +00:00
#expanddiv a img { margin-bottom:-3px; }
#expanddiv a:hover, #expanddiv a:focus, #expanddiv a:active { opacity:1; }
2011-03-01 22:20:16 +00:00
2013-01-30 13:42:51 +00:00
2011-08-13 13:32:00 +00:00
.hidden { display:none; }
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
.bold { font-weight:bold; }
.center { text-align:center; }
2011-08-13 13:32:00 +00:00
2013-01-11 14:21:39 +00:00
#notification-container { position: fixed; top: 0px; width: 100%; text-align: center; z-index: 101; line-height: 1.2;}
2013-01-11 10:52:07 +00:00
#notification { z-index:101; background-color:#fc4; border:0; padding:0 .7em .3em; display:none; position: relative; top:0; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft:1em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius:1em; border-bottom-left-radius:1em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright:1em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius:1em; border-bottom-right-radius:1em; }
2012-08-04 20:44:26 +00:00
#notification span { cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold; margin-left:1em; }
2011-08-11 21:38:43 +00:00
2013-01-26 18:25:15 +00:00
tr .action:not(.permanent), .selectedActions a { -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)"; filter:alpha(opacity=0); opacity:0; }
tr:hover .action, tr .action.permanent, .selectedActions a { -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=50)"; filter:alpha(opacity=50); opacity:.5; }
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
tr .action { width:16px; height:16px; }
2012-06-18 21:22:52 +00:00
.header-action { -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80)"; filter:alpha(opacity=80); opacity:.8; }
2012-10-28 11:47:33 +00:00
tr:hover .action:hover, .selectedActions a:hover, .header-action:hover { -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100)"; filter:alpha(opacity=100); opacity:1; }
2011-08-13 13:32:00 +00:00
tbody tr:hover, tr:active { background-color:#f8f8f8; }
2011-08-21 09:14:57 +00:00
#body-settings .personalblock, #body-settings .helpblock { padding:.5em 1em; margin:1em; background:#f8f8f8; color:#555; text-shadow:#fff 0 1px 0; -moz-border-radius:.5em; -webkit-border-radius:.5em; border-radius:.5em; }
2012-02-21 21:31:35 +00:00
#body-settings .personalblock#quota { position:relative; padding:0; }
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
#body-settings #controls+.helpblock { position:relative; margin-top:3em; }
2011-09-29 13:55:18 +00:00
.personalblock > legend { margin-top:2em; }
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
.personalblock > legend, th, dt, label { font-weight:bold; }
code { font-family:"Lucida Console", "Lucida Sans Typewriter", "DejaVu Sans Mono", monospace; }
2011-08-13 13:32:00 +00:00
2011-09-23 17:43:32 +00:00
#quota div, div.jp-play-bar, div.jp-seek-bar { padding:0; background:#e6e6e6; font-weight:normal; white-space:nowrap; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft:.4em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius:.4em; border-bottom-left-radius:.4em; -moz-border-radius-topleft:.4em; -webkit-border-top-left-radius:.4em; border-top-left-radius:.4em; }
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
#quotatext {padding:.6em 1em;}
2011-08-13 14:34:40 +00:00
div.jp-play-bar, div.jp-seek-bar { padding:0; }
2011-08-13 13:32:00 +00:00
2011-10-04 19:39:13 +00:00
.pager { list-style:none; float:right; display:inline; margin:.7em 13em 0 0; }
2011-08-21 09:14:57 +00:00
.pager li { display:inline-block; }
2011-08-20 03:07:58 +00:00
2013-01-04 02:32:33 +00:00
li.update, li.error { width:640px; margin:4em auto; padding:1em 1em 1em 4em; background:#ffe .8em .8em no-repeat; border:1px solid #ccc; -moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; border-radius:10px; cursor:default; }
.error { color:#FF3B3B; }
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
.ui-state-default, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-default, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-default { overflow:hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis; }
.hint { background-image:url('../img/actions/info.png'); background-repeat:no-repeat; color:#777777; padding-left:25px; background-position:0 0.3em;}
.separator { display:inline; border-left:1px solid #d3d3d3; border-right:1px solid #fff; height:10px; width:0px; margin:4px; }
2012-02-27 23:20:40 +00:00
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
a.bookmarklet { background-color:#ddd; border:1px solid #ccc; padding:5px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:2px; text-decoration:none; margin-top:5px }
2012-03-29 21:16:19 +00:00
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
.exception textarea{width:95%;height:200px;background:#ffe;border:0;}
2012-04-02 17:39:24 +00:00
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
.ui-icon-circle-triangle-e{ background-image:url('../img/actions/play-next.svg'); }
.ui-icon-circle-triangle-w{ background-image:url('../img/actions/play-previous.svg'); }
.ui-datepicker-prev,.ui-datepicker-next{ border:1px solid #ddd; background:#ffffff; }
2012-09-19 16:51:20 +00:00
2012-04-13 15:23:56 +00:00
/* ---- DIALOGS ---- */
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
#dirtree {width:100%;}
#filelist {height:270px; overflow:scroll; background-color:white; width:100%;}
.filepicker_element_selected { background-color:lightblue;}
.filepicker_loader {height:120px; width:100%; background-color:#333; -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=30)"; filter:alpha(opacity=30); opacity:.3; visibility:visible; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; text-align:center; padding-top:150px;}
2012-04-13 15:23:56 +00:00
/* ---- CATEGORIES ---- */
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
#categoryform .scrollarea { position:absolute; left:10px; top:10px; right:10px; bottom:50px; overflow:auto; border:1px solid #ddd; background:#f8f8f8; }
#categoryform .bottombuttons { position:absolute; bottom:10px;}
#categoryform .bottombuttons * { float:left;}
2012-04-13 15:23:56 +00:00
/*#categorylist { border:1px solid #ddd;}*/
#categorylist li { background:#f8f8f8; padding:.3em .8em; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis; -webkit-transition:background-color 500ms; -moz-transition:background-color 500ms; -o-transition:background-color 500ms; transition:background-color 500ms; }
2012-10-01 21:42:45 +00:00
#categorylist li:hover, #categorylist li:active { background:#eee; }
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
#category_addinput { width:10em; }
2012-07-31 10:21:06 +00:00
/* ---- APP SETTINGS ---- */
2012-12-07 16:41:52 +00:00
.popup { background-color:white; border-radius:10px 10px 10px 10px; box-shadow:0 0 20px #888888; color:#333333; padding:10px; position:fixed !important; z-index:200; }
.popup.topright { top:7em; right:1em; }
.popup.bottomleft { bottom:1em; left:33em; }
.popup .close { position:absolute; top:0.2em; right:0.2em; height:20px; width:20px; background:url('../img/actions/delete.svg') no-repeat center; }
.popup h2 { font-weight:bold; font-size:1.2em; }
.arrow { border-bottom:10px solid white; border-left:10px solid transparent; border-right:10px solid transparent; display:block; height:0; position:absolute; width:0; z-index:201; }
.arrow.left { left:-13px; bottom:1.2em; -webkit-transform:rotate(270deg); -moz-transform:rotate(270deg); -o-transform:rotate(270deg); -ms-transform:rotate(270deg); transform:rotate(270deg); }
.arrow.up { top:-8px; right:2em; }
.arrow.down { -webkit-transform:rotate(180deg); -moz-transform:rotate(180deg); -o-transform:rotate(180deg); -ms-transform:rotate(180deg); transform:rotate(180deg); }
2012-09-09 00:59:43 +00:00
/* ---- BREADCRUMB ---- */
2012-10-28 15:05:31 +00:00
div.crumb { float:left; display:block; background:url('../img/breadcrumb.svg') no-repeat right 0; padding:.75em 1.5em 0 1em; height:2.9em; }
2012-10-28 16:10:31 +00:00
div.crumb:first-child { padding:10px 20px 10px 5px; }
div.crumb.last { font-weight:bold; background:none; padding-right:10px; }
2012-10-28 15:05:31 +00:00
div.crumb a{ padding: 0.9em 0 0.7em 0; }