2018-06-19 09:16:25 +00:00
/ *
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2014 Jörn Friedrich Dreyer < jfd @ owncloud . com >
* @ author Jörn Friedrich Dreyer < jfd @ owncloud . com >
* @ author John Molakvoæ < skjnldsv @ protonmail . com >
* @ license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the
* License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
( function ( ) {
/ * *
* @ class OCA . Search . Core
* @ classdesc
* The Search class manages a search queries and their results
* @ param $searchBox container element with existing markup for the # searchbox form
* @ param $searchResults container element for results und status message
* /
var Search = function ( $searchBox , $searchResults ) {
this . initialize ( $searchBox , $searchResults ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ memberof OC
* /
Search . prototype = {
/ * *
* Initialize the search box
* @ param $searchBox container element with existing markup for the # searchbox form
* @ param $searchResults container element for results und status message
* @ private
* /
initialize : function ( $searchBox , $searchResults ) {
var self = this ;
/ * *
* contains closures that are called to filter the current content
* /
var filters = { } ;
this . setFilter = function ( type , filter ) {
filters [ type ] = filter ;
} ;
this . hasFilter = function ( type ) {
return typeof filters [ type ] !== 'undefined' ;
} ;
this . getFilter = function ( type ) {
return filters [ type ] ;
} ;
/ * *
* contains closures that are called to render search results
* /
var renderers = { } ;
this . setRenderer = function ( type , renderer ) {
renderers [ type ] = renderer ;
} ;
this . hasRenderer = function ( type ) {
return typeof renderers [ type ] !== 'undefined' ;
} ;
this . getRenderer = function ( type ) {
return renderers [ type ] ;
} ;
/ * *
* contains closures that are called when a search result has been clicked
* /
var handlers = { } ;
this . setHandler = function ( type , handler ) {
handlers [ type ] = handler ;
} ;
this . hasHandler = function ( type ) {
return typeof handlers [ type ] !== 'undefined' ;
} ;
this . getHandler = function ( type ) {
return handlers [ type ] ;
} ;
var currentResult = - 1 ;
var lastQuery = '' ;
var lastInApps = [ ] ;
var lastPage = 0 ;
var lastSize = 30 ;
var lastResults = [ ] ;
var timeoutID = null ;
this . getLastQuery = function ( ) {
return lastQuery ;
} ;
/ * *
* Do a search query and display the results
* @ param { string } query the search query
* @ param inApps
* @ param page
* @ param size
* /
this . search = function ( query , inApps , page , size ) {
if ( query ) {
if ( typeof page !== 'number' ) {
page = 1 ;
if ( typeof size !== 'number' ) {
size = 30 ;
if ( typeof inApps !== 'object' ) {
var currentApp = getCurrentApp ( ) ;
if ( currentApp ) {
inApps = [ currentApp ] ;
} else {
inApps = [ ] ;
// prevent double pages
if (
$searchResults &&
query === lastQuery &&
page === lastPage &&
size === lastSize
) {
return ;
window . clearTimeout ( timeoutID ) ;
timeoutID = window . setTimeout ( function ( ) {
lastQuery = query ;
lastInApps = inApps ;
lastPage = page ;
lastSize = size ;
//show spinner
$searchResults . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
$status . addClass ( 'status emptycontent' ) ;
$status . html ( '<div class="icon-loading"></div><h2>' + t ( 'core' , 'Searching other places' ) + '</h2>' ) ;
// do the actual search query
$ . getJSON (
OC . generateUrl ( 'core/search' ) ,
query : query ,
inApps : inApps ,
page : page ,
size : size
} ,
function ( results ) {
lastResults = results ;
if ( page === 1 ) {
showResults ( results ) ;
} else {
addResults ( results ) ;
) ;
} , 500 ) ;
} ;
//TODO should be a core method, see https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/12557
function getCurrentApp ( ) {
var content = document . getElementById ( 'content' ) ;
if ( content ) {
var classList = document . getElementById ( 'content' ) . className . split ( /\s+/ ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < classList . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( classList [ i ] . indexOf ( 'app-' ) === 0 ) {
return classList [ i ] . substr ( 4 ) ;
return false ;
var $status = $searchResults . find ( '#status' ) ;
// summaryAndStatusHeight is a constant
var summaryAndStatusHeight = 118 ;
function isStatusOffScreen ( ) {
return (
$searchResults . position ( ) &&
$searchResults . position ( ) . top + summaryAndStatusHeight >
window . innerHeight
) ;
function placeStatus ( ) {
if ( isStatusOffScreen ( ) ) {
$status . addClass ( 'fixed' ) ;
} else {
$status . removeClass ( 'fixed' ) ;
function showResults ( results ) {
lastResults = results ;
$searchResults . find ( 'tr.result' ) . remove ( ) ;
$searchResults . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
addResults ( results ) ;
function addResults ( results ) {
var $template = $searchResults . find ( 'tr.template' ) ;
jQuery . each ( results , function ( i , result ) {
var $row = $template . clone ( ) ;
$row . removeClass ( 'template' ) ;
$row . addClass ( 'result' ) ;
$row . data ( 'result' , result ) ;
// generic results only have four attributes
$row . find ( 'td.info div.name' ) . text ( result . name ) ;
$row . find ( 'td.info a' ) . attr ( 'href' , result . link ) ;
/ * *
* Give plugins the ability to customize the search results . see result . js for examples
* /
if ( self . hasRenderer ( result . type ) ) {
$row = self . getRenderer ( result . type ) ( $row , result ) ;
} else {
// for backward compatibility add text div
$row . find ( 'td.info div.name' ) . addClass ( 'result' ) ;
$row . find ( 'td.result div.name' ) . after ( '<div class="text"></div>' ) ;
$row . find ( 'td.result div.text' ) . text ( result . name ) ;
if ( OC . search . customResults && OC . search . customResults [ result . type ] ) {
OC . search . customResults [ result . type ] ( $row , result ) ;
if ( $row ) {
$searchResults . find ( 'tbody' ) . append ( $row ) ;
} ) ;
var count = $searchResults . find ( 'tr.result' ) . length ;
$status . data ( 'count' , count ) ;
if ( count === 0 ) {
$status . addClass ( 'emptycontent' ) . removeClass ( 'status' ) ;
$status . html ( '' ) ;
$status . append ( $ ( '<div>' ) . addClass ( 'icon-search' ) ) ;
var error = t ( 'core' , 'No search results in other folders for {tag}{filter}{endtag}' , { filter : lastQuery } ) ;
$status . append ( $ ( '<h2>' ) . html ( error . replace ( '{tag}' , '<strong>' ) . replace ( '{endtag}' , '</strong>' ) ) ) ;
} else {
$status . removeClass ( 'emptycontent' ) . addClass ( 'status summary' ) ;
$status . text ( n ( 'core' , '{count} search result in another folder' , '{count} search results in other folders' , count , { count : count } ) ) ;
$status . html ( '<span class="info">' + n ( 'core' , '{count} search result in another folder' , '{count} search results in other folders' , count , { count : count } ) + '</span>' ) ;
function renderCurrent ( ) {
var result = $searchResults . find ( 'tr.result' ) [ currentResult ] ;
if ( result ) {
var $result = $ ( result ) ;
var currentOffset = $ ( '#app-content' ) . scrollTop ( ) ;
$ ( '#app-content' ) . animate (
// Scrolling to the top of the new result
scrollTop :
currentOffset +
$result . offset ( ) . top -
$result . height ( ) * 2
} ,
duration : 100
) ;
$searchResults . find ( 'tr.result.current' ) . removeClass ( 'current' ) ;
$result . addClass ( 'current' ) ;
this . hideResults = function ( ) {
$searchResults . addClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
$searchResults . find ( 'tr.result' ) . remove ( ) ;
lastQuery = false ;
} ;
this . clear = function ( ) {
self . hideResults ( ) ;
if ( self . hasFilter ( getCurrentApp ( ) ) ) {
self . getFilter ( getCurrentApp ( ) ) ( '' ) ;
$searchBox . val ( '' ) ;
$searchBox . blur ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Event handler for when scrolling the list container .
* This appends / renders the next page of entries when reaching the bottom .
* /
function onScroll ( ) {
if (
$searchResults &&
lastQuery !== false &&
lastResults . length > 0
) {
var resultsBottom = $searchResults . offset ( ) . top + $searchResults . height ( ) ;
var containerBottom = $searchResults . offsetParent ( ) . offset ( ) . top + $searchResults . offsetParent ( ) . height ( ) ;
if ( resultsBottom < containerBottom * 1.2 ) {
self . search ( lastQuery , lastInApps , lastPage + 1 ) ;
placeStatus ( ) ;
$ ( '#app-content' ) . on ( 'scroll' , _ . bind ( onScroll , this ) ) ;
/ * *
* scrolls the search results to the top
* /
function scrollToResults ( ) {
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
if ( isStatusOffScreen ( ) ) {
var newScrollTop = $ ( '#app-content' ) . prop ( 'scrollHeight' ) - $searchResults . height ( ) ;
console . log ( 'scrolling to ' + newScrollTop ) ;
$ ( '#app-content' ) . animate (
scrollTop : newScrollTop
} ,
duration : 100 ,
complete : function ( ) {
scrollToResults ( ) ;
) ;
} , 150 ) ;
$searchBox . keyup ( function ( event ) {
if ( event . keyCode === 13 ) {
if ( currentResult > - 1 ) {
var result = $searchResults . find ( 'tr.result a' ) [ currentResult ] ;
window . location = $ ( result ) . attr ( 'href' ) ;
} else if ( event . keyCode === 38 ) {
if ( currentResult > 0 ) {
currentResult -- ;
renderCurrent ( ) ;
} else if ( event . keyCode === 40 ) {
if ( lastResults . length > currentResult + 1 ) {
currentResult ++ ;
renderCurrent ( ) ;
} ) ;
$searchResults . on ( 'click' , 'tr.result' , function ( event ) {
var $row = $ ( this ) ;
var item = $row . data ( 'result' ) ;
if ( self . hasHandler ( item . type ) ) {
var result = self . getHandler ( item . type ) ( $row , item , event ) ;
$searchBox . val ( '' ) ;
if ( self . hasFilter ( getCurrentApp ( ) ) ) {
self . getFilter ( getCurrentApp ( ) ) ( '' ) ;
self . hideResults ( ) ;
return result ;
} ) ;
$searchResults . on ( 'click' , '#status' , function ( event ) {
event . preventDefault ( ) ;
scrollToResults ( ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
placeStatus ( ) ;
OC . Plugins . attach ( 'OCA.Search.Core' , this ) ;
// Finally use default Search registration
return new OCA . Search (
// Search handler
function ( query ) {
if ( lastQuery !== query ) {
currentResult = - 1 ;
if ( query . length > 2 ) {
self . search ( query ) ;
} else {
self . hideResults ( ) ;
if ( self . hasFilter ( getCurrentApp ( ) ) ) {
self . getFilter ( getCurrentApp ( ) ) ( query ) ;
} ,
// Reset handler
function ( ) {
if ( $searchBox . val ( ) === '' ) {
if ( self . hasFilter ( getCurrentApp ( ) ) ) {
self . getFilter ( getCurrentApp ( ) ) ( '' ) ;
self . hideResults ( ) ;
) ;
} ;
OCA . Search . Core = Search ;
} ) ( ) ;
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) {
var $searchResults = $ ( '#searchresults' ) ;
2018-07-25 10:20:46 +00:00
var $searchBox = $ ( '#searchbox' ) ;
if ( $searchResults . length > 0 && $searchBox . length > 0 ) {
2018-06-19 09:16:25 +00:00
$searchResults . addClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
2019-01-18 21:06:54 +00:00
$searchResults . html ( '<table>\n' +
'\t<tbody>\n' +
'\t\t<tr class="template">\n' +
'\t\t\t<td class="icon"></td>\n' +
'\t\t\t<td class="info">\n' +
'\t\t\t\t<a class="link">\n' +
'\t\t\t\t\t<div class="name"></div>\n' +
'\t\t\t\t</a>\n' +
'\t\t\t</td>\n' +
'\t\t</tr>\n' +
'\t</tbody>\n' +
'</table>\n' +
'<div id="status"><span></span></div>' ) ;
OC . Search = new OCA . Search . Core (
$searchBox ,
2018-06-19 09:16:25 +00:00
) ;
} else {
2018-07-25 10:20:46 +00:00
// check again later
2018-06-19 09:16:25 +00:00
_ . defer ( function ( ) {
2018-07-25 10:20:46 +00:00
if ( $searchResults . length > 0 && $searchBox . length > 0 ) {
OC . Search = new OCA . Search . Core (
$searchBox ,
) ;
2018-06-19 09:16:25 +00:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* @ deprecated use get / setRenderer ( ) instead
* /
OC . search . customResults = { } ;
/ * *
* @ deprecated use get / setRenderer ( ) instead
* /
OC . search . resultTypes = { } ;