2011-09-03 13:08:49 +00:00
< ? php $TRANSLATIONS = array (
2012-08-19 00:05:44 +00:00
" Unable to load list from App Store " => " 无法从应用商店载入列表 " ,
2012-09-28 00:06:03 +00:00
" Group already exists " => " 已存在该组 " ,
" Unable to add group " => " 无法添加组 " ,
2012-09-16 00:03:40 +00:00
" Could not enable app. " => " 无法开启App " ,
2012-07-27 00:04:26 +00:00
" Email saved " => " 电子邮件已保存 " ,
" Invalid email " => " 无效的电子邮件 " ,
2012-01-11 00:06:59 +00:00
" OpenID Changed " => " OpenID 已修改 " ,
2012-06-05 22:29:28 +00:00
" Invalid request " => " 非法请求 " ,
2012-09-28 00:06:03 +00:00
" Unable to delete group " => " 无法删除组 " ,
2012-10-18 00:09:32 +00:00
" Authentication error " => " 认证错误 " ,
2012-09-28 00:06:03 +00:00
" Unable to delete user " => " 无法删除用户 " ,
2011-09-03 13:08:49 +00:00
" Language changed " => " 语言已修改 " ,
2012-12-03 23:07:11 +00:00
" Admins can't remove themself from the admin group " => " 管理员不能将自己移出管理组。 " ,
2012-09-28 00:06:03 +00:00
" Unable to add user to group %s " => " 无法把用户添加到组 %s " ,
" Unable to remove user from group %s " => " 无法从组%s中移除用户 " ,
2012-07-27 00:04:26 +00:00
" Disable " => " 禁用 " ,
" Enable " => " 启用 " ,
" Saving... " => " 正在保存 " ,
2012-01-23 23:42:08 +00:00
" __language_name__ " => " 简体中文 " ,
2012-06-05 22:29:28 +00:00
" Add your App " => " 添加应用 " ,
2012-10-18 00:09:32 +00:00
" More Apps " => " 更多应用 " ,
2011-09-03 13:08:49 +00:00
" Select an App " => " 选择一个应用 " ,
2012-07-27 00:04:26 +00:00
" See application page at apps.owncloud.com " => " 查看在 app.owncloud.com 的应用程序页面 " ,
2012-09-07 00:07:22 +00:00
" <span class= \" licence \" ></span>-licensed by <span class= \" author \" ></span> " => " <span class= \" licence \" ></span>-核准: <span class= \" author \" ></span> " ,
2012-12-23 23:12:16 +00:00
" User Documentation " => " 用户文档 " ,
" Administrator Documentation " => " 管理员文档 " ,
" Online Documentation " => " 在线文档 " ,
" Forum " => " 论坛 " ,
" Bugtracker " => " 问题跟踪器 " ,
" Commercial Support " => " 商业支持 " ,
2012-11-17 23:02:00 +00:00
" You have used <strong>%s</strong> of the available <strong>%s</strong> " => " 你已使用 <strong>%s</strong>,有效空间 <strong>%s</strong> " ,
2012-12-20 23:11:31 +00:00
" Clients " => " 客户 " ,
2012-12-23 23:12:16 +00:00
" Download Desktop Clients " => " 下载桌面客户端 " ,
" Download Android Client " => " 下载 Android 客户端 " ,
" Download iOS Client " => " 下载 iOS 客户端 " ,
2012-12-19 23:13:09 +00:00
" Password " => " 密码 " ,
2012-09-28 00:06:03 +00:00
" Your password was changed " => " 密码已修改 " ,
2011-09-03 13:08:49 +00:00
" Unable to change your password " => " 无法修改密码 " ,
" Current password " => " 当前密码 " ,
" New password " => " 新密码 " ,
" show " => " 显示 " ,
" Change password " => " 修改密码 " ,
2012-01-23 23:42:08 +00:00
" Email " => " 电子邮件 " ,
" Your email address " => " 您的电子邮件 " ,
2012-10-26 00:05:56 +00:00
" Fill in an email address to enable password recovery " => " 填写电子邮件地址以启用密码恢复功能 " ,
2011-09-03 13:08:49 +00:00
" Language " => " 语言 " ,
2012-01-23 23:42:08 +00:00
" Help translate " => " 帮助翻译 " ,
2012-12-23 23:12:16 +00:00
" WebDAV " => " WebDAV " ,
" Use this address to connect to your ownCloud in your file manager " => " 用该地址来连接文件管理器中的 ownCloud " ,
" Version " => " 版本 " ,
2012-11-09 23:02:29 +00:00
" Developed by the <a href= \" http://ownCloud.org/contact \" target= \" _blank \" >ownCloud community</a>, the <a href= \" https://github.com/owncloud \" target= \" _blank \" >source code</a> is licensed under the <a href= \" http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html \" target= \" _blank \" ><abbr title= \" Affero General Public License \" >AGPL</abbr></a>. " => " 由<a href= \" http://ownCloud.org/contact \" target= \" _blank \" >ownCloud社区</a>开发, <a href= \" https://github.com/owncloud \" target= \" _blank \" >源代码</a>在<a href= \" http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html \" target= \" _blank \" ><abbr title= \" Affero General Public License \" >AGPL</abbr></a>许可证下发布。 " ,
2011-09-03 13:08:49 +00:00
" Name " => " 名称 " ,
" Groups " => " 组 " ,
" Create " => " 创建 " ,
2012-06-05 22:29:28 +00:00
" Other " => " 其它 " ,
2012-10-26 00:05:56 +00:00
" Group Admin " => " 组管理员 " ,
2011-09-03 13:08:49 +00:00
" Delete " => " 删除 "