2013-07-08 09:11:07 +00:00
< ? php
namespace Guzzle\Http\Curl ;
use Guzzle\Common\AbstractHasDispatcher ;
use Guzzle\Common\Event ;
use Guzzle\Http\Exception\MultiTransferException ;
use Guzzle\Http\Exception\CurlException ;
use Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface ;
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use Guzzle\Http\Message\EntityEnclosingRequestInterface ;
use Guzzle\Http\Exception\RequestException ;
2013-07-08 09:11:07 +00:00
* Send { @ see RequestInterface } objects in parallel using curl_multi
class CurlMulti extends AbstractHasDispatcher implements CurlMultiInterface
/** @var resource cURL multi handle. */
protected $multiHandle ;
/** @var array Attached {@see RequestInterface} objects. */
protected $requests ;
/** @var \SplObjectStorage RequestInterface to CurlHandle hash */
protected $handles ;
/** @var array Hash mapping curl handle resource IDs to request objects */
protected $resourceHash ;
/** @var array Queued exceptions */
protected $exceptions = array ();
/** @var array Requests that succeeded */
protected $successful = array ();
/** @var array cURL multi error values and codes */
protected $multiErrors = array (
CURLM_BAD_HANDLE => array ( 'CURLM_BAD_HANDLE' , 'The passed-in handle is not a valid CURLM handle.' ),
CURLM_BAD_EASY_HANDLE => array ( 'CURLM_BAD_EASY_HANDLE' , " An easy handle was not good/valid. It could mean that it isn't an easy handle at all, or possibly that the handle already is in used by this or another multi handle. " ),
CURLM_OUT_OF_MEMORY => array ( 'CURLM_OUT_OF_MEMORY' , 'You are doomed.' ),
CURLM_INTERNAL_ERROR => array ( 'CURLM_INTERNAL_ERROR' , 'This can only be returned if libcurl bugs. Please report it to us!' )
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/** @var float */
protected $selectTimeout ;
public function __construct ( $selectTimeout = 1.0 )
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$this -> selectTimeout = $selectTimeout ;
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$this -> multiHandle = curl_multi_init ();
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ( $this -> multiHandle === false ) {
throw new CurlException ( 'Unable to create multi handle' );
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$this -> reset ();
public function __destruct ()
if ( is_resource ( $this -> multiHandle )) {
curl_multi_close ( $this -> multiHandle );
public function add ( RequestInterface $request )
$this -> requests [] = $request ;
// If requests are currently transferring and this is async, then the
// request must be prepared now as the send() method is not called.
$this -> beforeSend ( $request );
$this -> dispatch ( self :: ADD_REQUEST , array ( 'request' => $request ));
return $this ;
public function all ()
return $this -> requests ;
public function remove ( RequestInterface $request )
$this -> removeHandle ( $request );
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if (( $index = array_search ( $request , $this -> requests , true )) !== false ) {
$request = $this -> requests [ $index ];
unset ( $this -> requests [ $index ]);
$this -> requests = array_values ( $this -> requests );
$this -> dispatch ( self :: REMOVE_REQUEST , array ( 'request' => $request ));
return true ;
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return false ;
public function reset ( $hard = false )
// Remove each request
if ( $this -> requests ) {
foreach ( $this -> requests as $request ) {
$this -> remove ( $request );
$this -> handles = new \SplObjectStorage ();
$this -> requests = $this -> resourceHash = $this -> exceptions = $this -> successful = array ();
public function send ()
$this -> perform ();
$exceptions = $this -> exceptions ;
$successful = $this -> successful ;
$this -> reset ();
if ( $exceptions ) {
$this -> throwMultiException ( $exceptions , $successful );
public function count ()
return count ( $this -> requests );
* Build and throw a MultiTransferException
* @ param array $exceptions Exceptions encountered
* @ param array $successful Successful requests
* @ throws MultiTransferException
protected function throwMultiException ( array $exceptions , array $successful )
$multiException = new MultiTransferException ( 'Errors during multi transfer' );
while ( $e = array_shift ( $exceptions )) {
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$multiException -> addFailedRequestWithException ( $e [ 'request' ], $e [ 'exception' ]);
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// Add successful requests
foreach ( $successful as $request ) {
if ( ! $multiException -> containsRequest ( $request )) {
$multiException -> addSuccessfulRequest ( $request );
throw $multiException ;
* Prepare for sending
* @ param RequestInterface $request Request to prepare
* @ throws \Exception on error preparing the request
protected function beforeSend ( RequestInterface $request )
try {
$state = $request -> setState ( RequestInterface :: STATE_TRANSFER );
if ( $state == RequestInterface :: STATE_TRANSFER ) {
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$this -> addHandle ( $request );
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} else {
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// Requests might decide they don't need to be sent just before
// transfer (e.g. CachePlugin)
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$this -> remove ( $request );
if ( $state == RequestInterface :: STATE_COMPLETE ) {
$this -> successful [] = $request ;
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
// Queue the exception to be thrown when sent
$this -> removeErroredRequest ( $request , $e );
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private function addHandle ( RequestInterface $request )
$handle = $this -> createCurlHandle ( $request ) -> getHandle ();
$this -> checkCurlResult (
curl_multi_add_handle ( $this -> multiHandle , $handle )
2013-07-08 09:11:07 +00:00
* Create a curl handle for a request
* @ param RequestInterface $request Request
* @ return CurlHandle
protected function createCurlHandle ( RequestInterface $request )
$wrapper = CurlHandle :: factory ( $request );
$this -> handles [ $request ] = $wrapper ;
$this -> resourceHash [( int ) $wrapper -> getHandle ()] = $request ;
return $wrapper ;
* Get the data from the multi handle
protected function perform ()
$event = new Event ( array ( 'curl_multi' => $this ));
while ( $this -> requests ) {
// Notify each request as polling
$blocking = $total = 0 ;
foreach ( $this -> requests as $request ) {
++ $total ;
$event [ 'request' ] = $request ;
$request -> getEventDispatcher () -> dispatch ( self :: POLLING_REQUEST , $event );
// The blocking variable just has to be non-falsey to block the loop
if ( $request -> getParams () -> hasKey ( self :: BLOCKING )) {
++ $blocking ;
if ( $blocking == $total ) {
// Sleep to prevent eating CPU because no requests are actually pending a select call
usleep ( 500 );
} else {
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$this -> executeHandles ();
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2014-08-27 22:10:31 +00:00
* Execute and select curl handles
private function executeHandles ()
// The first curl_multi_select often times out no matter what, but is usually required for fast transfers
$selectTimeout = 0.001 ;
$active = false ;
do {
while (( $mrc = curl_multi_exec ( $this -> multiHandle , $active )) == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM );
$this -> checkCurlResult ( $mrc );
$this -> processMessages ();
if ( $active && curl_multi_select ( $this -> multiHandle , $selectTimeout ) === - 1 ) {
// Perform a usleep if a select returns -1: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61141
usleep ( 150 );
$selectTimeout = $this -> selectTimeout ;
} while ( $active );
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* Process any received curl multi messages
private function processMessages ()
while ( $done = curl_multi_info_read ( $this -> multiHandle )) {
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$request = $this -> resourceHash [( int ) $done [ 'handle' ]];
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try {
$this -> processResponse ( $request , $this -> handles [ $request ], $done );
$this -> successful [] = $request ;
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$this -> removeErroredRequest ( $request , $e );
* Remove a request that encountered an exception
* @ param RequestInterface $request Request to remove
* @ param \Exception $e Exception encountered
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protected function removeErroredRequest ( RequestInterface $request , \Exception $e = null )
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$this -> exceptions [] = array ( 'request' => $request , 'exception' => $e );
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$this -> remove ( $request );
$this -> dispatch ( self :: MULTI_EXCEPTION , array ( 'exception' => $e , 'all_exceptions' => $this -> exceptions ));
* Check for errors and fix headers of a request based on a curl response
* @ param RequestInterface $request Request to process
* @ param CurlHandle $handle Curl handle object
* @ param array $curl Array returned from curl_multi_info_read
* @ throws CurlException on Curl error
protected function processResponse ( RequestInterface $request , CurlHandle $handle , array $curl )
// Set the transfer stats on the response
$handle -> updateRequestFromTransfer ( $request );
// Check if a cURL exception occurred, and if so, notify things
$curlException = $this -> isCurlException ( $request , $handle , $curl );
// Always remove completed curl handles. They can be added back again
// via events if needed (e.g. ExponentialBackoffPlugin)
$this -> removeHandle ( $request );
if ( ! $curlException ) {
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if ( $this -> validateResponseWasSet ( $request )) {
$state = $request -> setState (
RequestInterface :: STATE_COMPLETE ,
array ( 'handle' => $handle )
// Only remove the request if it wasn't resent as a result of
// the state change
if ( $state != RequestInterface :: STATE_TRANSFER ) {
$this -> remove ( $request );
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return ;
// Set the state of the request to an error
$state = $request -> setState ( RequestInterface :: STATE_ERROR , array ( 'exception' => $curlException ));
// Allow things to ignore the error if possible
if ( $state != RequestInterface :: STATE_TRANSFER ) {
$this -> remove ( $request );
// The error was not handled, so fail
if ( $state == RequestInterface :: STATE_ERROR ) {
/** @var CurlException $curlException */
throw $curlException ;
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* Remove a curl handle from the curl multi object
* @ param RequestInterface $request Request that owns the handle
protected function removeHandle ( RequestInterface $request )
if ( isset ( $this -> handles [ $request ])) {
$handle = $this -> handles [ $request ];
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curl_multi_remove_handle ( $this -> multiHandle , $handle -> getHandle ());
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unset ( $this -> handles [ $request ]);
unset ( $this -> resourceHash [( int ) $handle -> getHandle ()]);
$handle -> close ();
* Check if a cURL transfer resulted in what should be an exception
* @ param RequestInterface $request Request to check
* @ param CurlHandle $handle Curl handle object
* @ param array $curl Array returned from curl_multi_info_read
* @ return CurlException | bool
private function isCurlException ( RequestInterface $request , CurlHandle $handle , array $curl )
if ( CURLM_OK == $curl [ 'result' ] || CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM == $curl [ 'result' ]) {
return false ;
$handle -> setErrorNo ( $curl [ 'result' ]);
$e = new CurlException ( sprintf ( '[curl] %s: %s [url] %s' ,
$handle -> getErrorNo (), $handle -> getError (), $handle -> getUrl ()));
$e -> setCurlHandle ( $handle )
-> setRequest ( $request )
-> setCurlInfo ( $handle -> getInfo ())
-> setError ( $handle -> getError (), $handle -> getErrorNo ());
return $e ;
* Throw an exception for a cURL multi response if needed
* @ param int $code Curl response code
* @ throws CurlException
private function checkCurlResult ( $code )
if ( $code != CURLM_OK && $code != CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM ) {
throw new CurlException ( isset ( $this -> multiErrors [ $code ])
? " cURL error: { $code } ( { $this -> multiErrors [ $code ][ 0 ] } ): cURL message: { $this -> multiErrors [ $code ][ 1 ] } "
: 'Unexpected cURL error: ' . $code
2014-08-27 22:10:31 +00:00
* @ link https :// github . com / guzzle / guzzle / issues / 710
private function validateResponseWasSet ( RequestInterface $request )
if ( $request -> getResponse ()) {
return true ;
$body = $request instanceof EntityEnclosingRequestInterface
? $request -> getBody ()
: null ;
if ( ! $body ) {
$rex = new RequestException (
'No response was received for a request with no body. This'
. ' could mean that you are saturating your network.'
$rex -> setRequest ( $request );
$this -> removeErroredRequest ( $request , $rex );
} elseif ( ! $body -> isSeekable () || ! $body -> seek ( 0 )) {
// Nothing we can do with this. Sorry!
$rex = new RequestException (
'The connection was unexpectedly closed. The request would'
. ' have been retried, but attempting to rewind the'
. ' request body failed.'
$rex -> setRequest ( $request );
$this -> removeErroredRequest ( $request , $rex );
} else {
$this -> remove ( $request );
// Add the request back to the batch to retry automatically.
$this -> requests [] = $request ;
$this -> addHandle ( $request );
return false ;
2013-07-08 09:11:07 +00:00