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Raw Normal View History

* @copyright Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Calviño Sánchez (
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
class FilesAppContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface {
use ActorAware;
* @return array
public static function sections() {
return [ "All files" => "files",
"Recent" => "recent",
"Favorites" => "favorites",
"Shared with you" => "sharingin",
"Shared with others" => "sharingout",
"Shared by link" => "sharinglinks",
"Tags" => "systemtagsfilter",
"Deleted files" => "trashbin" ];
* @return Locator
public static function appNavigation() {
return Locator::forThe()->id("app-navigation")->
describedAs("App navigation");
* @return Locator
public static function appNavigationSectionItemFor($sectionText) {
return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//li[normalize-space() = '$sectionText']")->
describedAs($sectionText . " section item in App Navigation");
* @return Locator
public static function appNavigationCurrentSectionItem() {
return Locator::forThe()->css(".active")->descendantOf(self::appNavigation())->
describedAs("Current section item in App Navigation");
* @return Locator
public static function mainViewForSection($section) {
$sectionId = self::sections()[$section];
return Locator::forThe()->id("app-content-$sectionId")->
describedAs("Main view for section $section in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function currentSectionMainView() {
return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//*[starts-with(@id, 'app-content-') and not(contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' hidden '))]")->
describedAs("Current section main view in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function detailsViewForSection($section) {
return Locator::forThe()->xpath("/preceding-sibling::*[position() = 1 and @id = 'app-sidebar']")->
describedAs("Details view for section $section in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function currentSectionDetailsView() {
return Locator::forThe()->xpath("/preceding-sibling::*[position() = 1 and @id = 'app-sidebar']")->
describedAs("Current section details view in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function fileDetailsInCurrentSectionDetailsViewWithText($fileDetailsText) {
return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//span[normalize-space() = '$fileDetailsText']")->
describedAs("File details with text \"$fileDetailsText\" in current section details view in Files app");
* @return Locator
private static function fileDetailsInCurrentSectionDetailsView() {
return Locator::forThe()->css(".file-details")->
describedAs("File details in current section details view in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function inputFieldForTagsInCurrentSectionDetails() {
return Locator::forThe()->css(".systemTagsInfoView")->
describedAs("Input field for tags in current section details view in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function tabHeaderInCurrentSectionDetailsViewNamed($tabHeaderName) {
return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//li[normalize-space() = '$tabHeaderName']")->
describedAs("Tab header named $tabHeaderName in current section details view in Files app");
* @return Locator
private static function tabHeadersInCurrentSectionDetailsView() {
return Locator::forThe()->css(".tabHeaders")->
describedAs("Tab headers in current section details view in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function tabInCurrentSectionDetailsViewNamed($tabName) {
return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//div[@id=//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' tabHeader ') and normalize-space() = '$tabName']/@data-tabid]")->
describedAs("Tab named $tabName in current section details view in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function loadingIconForTabInCurrentSectionDetailsViewNamed($tabName) {
return Locator::forThe()->css(".loading")->
describedAs("Loading icon for tab named $tabName in current section details view in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function shareLinkCheckbox() {
Remove "content" locator from acceptance tests The "content" locator uses the "named" Mink selector and the "content" Mink locator to find the element. The "named" Mink first tries to find the elements whose content match exactly the given content but, if none is found, then it tries to find elements that just contain the given content. This behaviour can lead to hard to track issues. Finding the exact match and, if not found, finding the partial match is done in quick succession. In most cases, when looking for an exact match the element is already there, it is returned, and everything works as expected. Or it may not be there, but then it is not there either when finding the partial match, so no element is returned, and everything works as expected (that is, the actor tries to find again the element after some time). However, it can also happen that when looking for an exact match there is no element yet, but it appears after trying to find the exact match but before trying to find the partial match. In that situation the desired element would be returned along with its ancestors. However, as only the first found element is taken into account and the ancestors would appear first the find action would be successful, but the returned element would not be the expected one. This is highly unlikely, yet possible, and can cause sporadic failures in acceptance tests that, apparently, work as expected. Using a "named_exact" Mink selector instead of the "named" Mink selector does not provide the desired behaviour in most cases either. As it finds any element whose content matches exactly the given content, looking for "Hello world" in "<div><p><a>Hello world</a></p></div>" would match the "div", "p" and "a" elements; in that situation the "div" element would be the one returned, when typically the "a" element would be the expected one. As it is error prone and easily replaceable by more robust locators the "content" locator was removed from the predefined ones (although it can still be used if needed through the "customSelector" method in the builder object). Signed-off-by: Daniel Calviño Sánchez <>
2017-05-02 10:49:27 +00:00
// forThe()->checkbox("Share link") can not be used here; that would
// return the checkbox itself, but the element that the user interacts
// with is the label.
return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//label[normalize-space() = 'Share link']")->
describedAs("Share link checkbox in the details view in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function shareLinkField() {
return Locator::forThe()->css(".linkText")->descendantOf(self::currentSectionDetailsView())->
describedAs("Share link field in the details view in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function passwordProtectCheckbox() {
Remove "content" locator from acceptance tests The "content" locator uses the "named" Mink selector and the "content" Mink locator to find the element. The "named" Mink first tries to find the elements whose content match exactly the given content but, if none is found, then it tries to find elements that just contain the given content. This behaviour can lead to hard to track issues. Finding the exact match and, if not found, finding the partial match is done in quick succession. In most cases, when looking for an exact match the element is already there, it is returned, and everything works as expected. Or it may not be there, but then it is not there either when finding the partial match, so no element is returned, and everything works as expected (that is, the actor tries to find again the element after some time). However, it can also happen that when looking for an exact match there is no element yet, but it appears after trying to find the exact match but before trying to find the partial match. In that situation the desired element would be returned along with its ancestors. However, as only the first found element is taken into account and the ancestors would appear first the find action would be successful, but the returned element would not be the expected one. This is highly unlikely, yet possible, and can cause sporadic failures in acceptance tests that, apparently, work as expected. Using a "named_exact" Mink selector instead of the "named" Mink selector does not provide the desired behaviour in most cases either. As it finds any element whose content matches exactly the given content, looking for "Hello world" in "<div><p><a>Hello world</a></p></div>" would match the "div", "p" and "a" elements; in that situation the "div" element would be the one returned, when typically the "a" element would be the expected one. As it is error prone and easily replaceable by more robust locators the "content" locator was removed from the predefined ones (although it can still be used if needed through the "customSelector" method in the builder object). Signed-off-by: Daniel Calviño Sánchez <>
2017-05-02 10:49:27 +00:00
// forThe()->checkbox("Password protect") can not be used here; that
// would return the checkbox itself, but the element that the user
// interacts with is the label.
return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//label[normalize-space() = 'Password protect']")->
describedAs("Password protect checkbox in the details view in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function passwordProtectField() {
return Locator::forThe()->css(".linkPassText")->descendantOf(self::currentSectionDetailsView())->
describedAs("Password protect field in the details view in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function passwordProtectWorkingIcon() {
return Locator::forThe()->css(".linkPass .icon-loading-small")->descendantOf(self::currentSectionDetailsView())->
describedAs("Password protect working icon in the details view in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function rowForFile($fileName) {
return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//*[@id = 'fileList']//span[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' nametext ') and normalize-space() = '$fileName']/ancestor::tr")->
describedAs("Row for file $fileName in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function favoriteActionForFile($fileName) {
return Locator::forThe()->css(".action-favorite")->descendantOf(self::rowForFile($fileName))->
describedAs("Favorite action for file $fileName in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function favoritedStateIconForFile($fileName) {
Remove "content" locator from acceptance tests The "content" locator uses the "named" Mink selector and the "content" Mink locator to find the element. The "named" Mink first tries to find the elements whose content match exactly the given content but, if none is found, then it tries to find elements that just contain the given content. This behaviour can lead to hard to track issues. Finding the exact match and, if not found, finding the partial match is done in quick succession. In most cases, when looking for an exact match the element is already there, it is returned, and everything works as expected. Or it may not be there, but then it is not there either when finding the partial match, so no element is returned, and everything works as expected (that is, the actor tries to find again the element after some time). However, it can also happen that when looking for an exact match there is no element yet, but it appears after trying to find the exact match but before trying to find the partial match. In that situation the desired element would be returned along with its ancestors. However, as only the first found element is taken into account and the ancestors would appear first the find action would be successful, but the returned element would not be the expected one. This is highly unlikely, yet possible, and can cause sporadic failures in acceptance tests that, apparently, work as expected. Using a "named_exact" Mink selector instead of the "named" Mink selector does not provide the desired behaviour in most cases either. As it finds any element whose content matches exactly the given content, looking for "Hello world" in "<div><p><a>Hello world</a></p></div>" would match the "div", "p" and "a" elements; in that situation the "div" element would be the one returned, when typically the "a" element would be the expected one. As it is error prone and easily replaceable by more robust locators the "content" locator was removed from the predefined ones (although it can still be used if needed through the "customSelector" method in the builder object). Signed-off-by: Daniel Calviño Sánchez <>
2017-05-02 10:49:27 +00:00
return Locator::forThe()->css(".icon-starred")->descendantOf(self::favoriteActionForFile($fileName))->
describedAs("Favorited state icon for file $fileName in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function mainLinkForFile($fileName) {
return Locator::forThe()->css(".name")->descendantOf(self::rowForFile($fileName))->
describedAs("Main link for file $fileName in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function shareActionForFile($fileName) {
return Locator::forThe()->css(".action-share")->descendantOf(self::rowForFile($fileName))->
describedAs("Share action for file $fileName in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function fileActionsMenuButtonForFile($fileName) {
return Locator::forThe()->css(".action-menu")->descendantOf(self::rowForFile($fileName))->
describedAs("File actions menu button for file $fileName in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function fileActionsMenu() {
return Locator::forThe()->css(".fileActionsMenu")->
describedAs("File actions menu in Files app");
* @return Locator
public static function detailsMenuItem() {
return self::fileActionsMenuItemFor("Details");
* @return Locator
public static function viewFileInFolderMenuItem() {
return self::fileActionsMenuItemFor("View in folder");
* @return Locator
private static function fileActionsMenuItemFor($itemText) {
Remove "content" locator from acceptance tests The "content" locator uses the "named" Mink selector and the "content" Mink locator to find the element. The "named" Mink first tries to find the elements whose content match exactly the given content but, if none is found, then it tries to find elements that just contain the given content. This behaviour can lead to hard to track issues. Finding the exact match and, if not found, finding the partial match is done in quick succession. In most cases, when looking for an exact match the element is already there, it is returned, and everything works as expected. Or it may not be there, but then it is not there either when finding the partial match, so no element is returned, and everything works as expected (that is, the actor tries to find again the element after some time). However, it can also happen that when looking for an exact match there is no element yet, but it appears after trying to find the exact match but before trying to find the partial match. In that situation the desired element would be returned along with its ancestors. However, as only the first found element is taken into account and the ancestors would appear first the find action would be successful, but the returned element would not be the expected one. This is highly unlikely, yet possible, and can cause sporadic failures in acceptance tests that, apparently, work as expected. Using a "named_exact" Mink selector instead of the "named" Mink selector does not provide the desired behaviour in most cases either. As it finds any element whose content matches exactly the given content, looking for "Hello world" in "<div><p><a>Hello world</a></p></div>" would match the "div", "p" and "a" elements; in that situation the "div" element would be the one returned, when typically the "a" element would be the expected one. As it is error prone and easily replaceable by more robust locators the "content" locator was removed from the predefined ones (although it can still be used if needed through the "customSelector" method in the builder object). Signed-off-by: Daniel Calviño Sánchez <>
2017-05-02 10:49:27 +00:00
return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//a[normalize-space() = '$itemText']")->
describedAs($itemText . " item in file actions menu in Files app");
* @Given I open the :section section
public function iOpenTheSection($section) {
$this->actor->find(self::appNavigationSectionItemFor($section), 10)->click();
* @Given I open the details view for :fileName
public function iOpenTheDetailsViewFor($fileName) {
$this->actor->find(self::fileActionsMenuButtonForFile($fileName), 10)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::detailsMenuItem(), 2)->click();
* @Given I open the input field for tags in the details view
public function iOpenTheInputFieldForTagsInTheDetailsView() {
$this->actor->find(self::fileDetailsInCurrentSectionDetailsViewWithText("Tags"), 10)->click();
* @Given I open the :tabName tab in the details view
public function iOpenTheTabInTheDetailsView($tabName) {
$this->actor->find(self::tabHeaderInCurrentSectionDetailsViewNamed($tabName), 10)->click();
* @Given I mark :fileName as favorite
public function iMarkAsFavorite($fileName) {
$this->actor->find(self::favoriteActionForFile($fileName), 10)->click();
* @Given I share the link for :fileName
public function iShareTheLinkFor($fileName) {
$this->actor->find(self::shareActionForFile($fileName), 10)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::shareLinkCheckbox(), 5)->click();
* @Given I write down the shared link
public function iWriteDownTheSharedLink() {
$this->actor->getSharedNotebook()["shared link"] = $this->actor->find(self::shareLinkField(), 10)->getValue();
* @When I view :fileName in folder
public function iViewInFolder($fileName) {
$this->actor->find(self::fileActionsMenuButtonForFile($fileName), 10)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::viewFileInFolderMenuItem(), 2)->click();
* @When I protect the shared link with the password :password
public function iProtectTheSharedLinkWithThePassword($password) {
$this->actor->find(self::passwordProtectCheckbox(), 10)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::passwordProtectField(), 2)->setValue($password . "\r");
* @Then I see that the current page is the Files app
public function iSeeThatTheCurrentPageIsTheFilesApp() {
* @Then I see that the current section is :section
public function iSeeThatTheCurrentSectionIs($section) {
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($this->actor->find(self::appNavigationCurrentSectionItem(), 10)->getText(), $section);
* @Then I see that the details view for :section section is open
public function iSeeThatTheDetailsViewForSectionIsOpen($section) {
$this->actor->find(self::detailsViewForSection($section), 10)->isVisible());
$otherSections = self::sections();
* @Then I see that the details view is closed
public function iSeeThatTheDetailsViewIsClosed() {
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotNull($this->actor->find(self::currentSectionMainView(), 10));
private function assertDetailsViewForSectionsAreClosed($sections) {
foreach ($sections as $section => $id) {
try {
"Details view for section $section is open but it should be closed");
} catch (NoSuchElementException $exception) {
* @Then I see that :fileName is marked as favorite
public function iSeeThatIsMarkedAsFavorite($fileName) {
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotNull($this->actor->find(self::favoritedStateIconForFile($fileName), 10));
* @Then I see that the input field for tags in the details view is shown
public function iSeeThatTheInputFieldForTagsInTheDetailsViewIsShown() {
$this->actor->find(self::inputFieldForTagsInCurrentSectionDetails(), 10)->isVisible());
* @When I see that the :tabName tab in the details view is eventually loaded
public function iSeeThatTheTabInTheDetailsViewIsEventuallyLoaded($tabName) {
if (!$this->waitForElementToBeEventuallyNotShown(self::loadingIconForTabInCurrentSectionDetailsViewNamed($tabName), $timeout = 10)) {
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::fail("The $tabName tab in the details view has not been loaded after $timeout seconds");
* @Then I see that the working icon for password protect is shown
public function iSeeThatTheWorkingIconForPasswordProtectIsShown() {
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotNull($this->actor->find(self::passwordProtectWorkingIcon(), 10));
* @Then I see that the working icon for password protect is eventually not shown
public function iSeeThatTheWorkingIconForPasswordProtectIsEventuallyNotShown() {
if (!$this->waitForElementToBeEventuallyNotShown(self::passwordProtectWorkingIcon(), $timeout = 10)) {
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::fail("The working icon for password protect is still shown after $timeout seconds");
* @Given I share the link for :fileName protected by the password :password
public function iShareTheLinkForProtectedByThePassword($fileName, $password) {
private function waitForElementToBeEventuallyNotShown($elementLocator, $timeout = 10, $timeoutStep = 1) {
$actor = $this->actor;
$elementNotFoundCallback = function() use ($actor, $elementLocator) {
try {
return !$actor->find($elementLocator)->isVisible();
} catch (NoSuchElementException $exception) {
return true;
return Utils::waitFor($elementNotFoundCallback, $timeout, $timeoutStep);