/* * Copyright (c) 2016 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ /* global Handlebars */ (function(OC, OCA) { var TEMPLATE = '' + '' + '' + ''; var EDIT_COMMENT_TEMPLATE = '
' + '
' + ' {{#if avatarEnabled}}' + '
' + ' {{/if}}' + '
' + '{{#if isEditMode}}' + ' ' + '{{/if}}' + '
' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + '{{#if isEditMode}}' + ' ' + '{{/if}}' + ' '+ '
' + '
  • ' + '
    ' + ' {{#if avatarEnabled}}' + '
    ' + ' {{/if}}' + '
    ' + '{{#if isUserAuthor}}' + ' ' + '{{/if}}' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
  • '; /** * @memberof OCA.Comments */ var CommentsTabView = OCA.Files.DetailTabView.extend( /** @lends OCA.Comments.CommentsTabView.prototype */ { id: 'commentsTabView', className: 'tab commentsTabView', events: { 'submit .newCommentForm': '_onSubmitComment', 'click .showMore': '_onClickShowMore', 'click .action.edit': '_onClickEditComment', 'click .action.delete': '_onClickDeleteComment', 'click .cancel': '_onClickCloseComment' }, initialize: function() { OCA.Files.DetailTabView.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.collection = new OCA.Comments.CommentCollection(); this.collection.on('request', this._onRequest, this); this.collection.on('sync', this._onEndRequest, this); this.collection.on('add', this._onAddModel, this); this._avatarsEnabled = !!OC.config.enable_avatars; // TODO: error handling }, template: function(params) { if (!this._template) { this._template = Handlebars.compile(TEMPLATE); } var currentUser = OC.getCurrentUser(); return this._template(_.extend({ avatarEnabled: this._avatarsEnabled, actorId: currentUser.uid, actorDisplayName: currentUser.displayName }, params)); }, editCommentTemplate: function(params) { if (!this._editCommentTemplate) { this._editCommentTemplate = Handlebars.compile(EDIT_COMMENT_TEMPLATE); } var currentUser = OC.getCurrentUser(); return this._editCommentTemplate(_.extend({ avatarEnabled: this._avatarsEnabled, actorId: currentUser.uid, actorDisplayName: currentUser.displayName, newMessagePlaceholder: t('comments', 'Type in a new comment...'), deleteTooltip: t('comments', 'Delete comment'), submitText: t('comments', 'Post'), cancelText: t('comments', 'Cancel') }, params)); }, commentTemplate: function(params) { if (!this._commentTemplate) { this._commentTemplate = Handlebars.compile(COMMENT_TEMPLATE); } params = _.extend({ avatarEnabled: this._avatarsEnabled, editTooltip: t('comments', 'Edit comment'), isUserAuthor: OC.getCurrentUser().uid === params.actorId }, params); if (params.actorType === 'deleted_users') { // makes the avatar a X params.actorId = null; params.actorDisplayName = t('comments', '[Deleted user]'); } return this._commentTemplate(params); }, getLabel: function() { return t('comments', 'Comments'); }, setFileInfo: function(fileInfo) { if (fileInfo) { this.model = fileInfo; this.render(); this.collection.setObjectId(fileInfo.id); // reset to first page this.collection.reset([], {silent: true}); this.nextPage(); } else { this.model = null; this.render(); this.collection.reset(); } }, render: function() { this.$el.html(this.template({ emptyResultLabel: t('comments', 'No other comments available'), moreLabel: t('comments', 'More comments...') })); this.$el.find('.comments').before(this.editCommentTemplate({})); this.$el.find('.has-tooltip').tooltip(); this.$container = this.$el.find('ul.comments'); if (this._avatarsEnabled) { this.$el.find('.avatar').avatar(OC.getCurrentUser().uid, 28); } this.delegateEvents(); }, _formatItem: function(commentModel) { var timestamp = new Date(commentModel.get('creationDateTime')).getTime(); var data = _.extend({ date: OC.Util.relativeModifiedDate(timestamp), altDate: OC.Util.formatDate(timestamp), formattedMessage: this._formatMessage(commentModel.get('message')) }, commentModel.attributes); return data; }, _toggleLoading: function(state) { this._loading = state; this.$el.find('.loading').toggleClass('hidden', !state); }, _onRequest: function(type) { if (type === 'REPORT') { this._toggleLoading(true); this.$el.find('.showMore').addClass('hidden'); } }, _onEndRequest: function(type) { var fileInfoModel = this.model; this._toggleLoading(false); this.$el.find('.empty').toggleClass('hidden', !!this.collection.length); this.$el.find('.showMore').toggleClass('hidden', !this.collection.hasMoreResults()); if (type !== 'REPORT') { return; } // find first unread comment var firstUnreadComment = this.collection.findWhere({isUnread: true}); if (firstUnreadComment) { // update read marker this.collection.updateReadMarker( null, { success: function() { fileInfoModel.set('commentsUnread', 0); } } ); } }, _onAddModel: function(model, collection, options) { var $el = $(this.commentTemplate(this._formatItem(model))); if (!_.isUndefined(options.at) && collection.length > 1) { this.$container.find('li').eq(options.at).before($el); } else { this.$container.append($el); } this._postRenderItem($el); }, _postRenderItem: function($el) { $el.find('.has-tooltip').tooltip(); if(this._avatarsEnabled) { $el.find('.avatar').each(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.avatar($this.attr('data-username'), 28); }); } }, /** * Convert a message to be displayed in HTML, * converts newlines to
    tags. */ _formatMessage: function(message) { return escapeHTML(message).replace(/\n/g, '
    '); }, nextPage: function() { if (this._loading || !this.collection.hasMoreResults()) { return; } this.collection.fetchNext(); }, _onClickEditComment: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var $comment = $(ev.target).closest('.comment'); var commentId = $comment.data('id'); var commentToEdit = this.collection.get(commentId); var $formRow = $(this.editCommentTemplate(_.extend({ isEditMode: true, submitText: t('comments', 'Save') }, commentToEdit.attributes))); $comment.addClass('hidden'); // spawn form $comment.after($formRow); $formRow.data('commentEl', $comment); // copy avatar element from original to avoid flickering $formRow.find('.avatar').replaceWith($comment.find('.avatar').clone()); $formRow.find('.has-tooltip').tooltip(); return false; }, _onClickCloseComment: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var $row = $(ev.target).closest('.comment'); $row.data('commentEl').removeClass('hidden'); $row.remove(); return false; }, _onClickDeleteComment: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var $comment = $(ev.target).closest('.comment'); var commentId = $comment.data('id'); var $loading = $comment.find('.submitLoading'); $comment.addClass('disabled'); $loading.removeClass('hidden'); this.collection.get(commentId).destroy({ success: function() { $comment.data('commentEl').remove(); $comment.remove(); }, error: function(msg) { $loading.addClass('hidden'); $comment.removeClass('disabled'); OC.Notification.showTemporary(msg); } }); return false; }, _onClickShowMore: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.nextPage(); }, _onSubmitComment: function(e) { var self = this; var $form = $(e.target); var commentId = $form.closest('.comment').data('id'); var currentUser = OC.getCurrentUser(); var $submit = $form.find('.submit'); var $loading = $form.find('.submitLoading'); var $textArea = $form.find('textarea'); var message = $textArea.val().trim(); e.preventDefault(); if (!message.length) { return; } $textArea.prop('disabled', true); $submit.addClass('hidden'); $loading.removeClass('hidden'); if (commentId) { // edit mode var comment = this.collection.get(commentId); comment.save({ message: $textArea.val() }, { success: function(model) { var $row = $form.closest('.comment'); $submit.removeClass('hidden'); $loading.addClass('hidden'); $row.data('commentEl') .removeClass('hidden') .find('.message') .html(self._formatMessage(model.get('message'))); $row.remove(); }, error: function(msg) { $submit.removeClass('hidden'); $loading.addClass('hidden'); $textArea.prop('disabled', false); OC.Notification.showTemporary(msg); } }); } else { this.collection.create({ actorId: currentUser.uid, actorDisplayName: currentUser.displayName, actorType: 'users', verb: 'comment', message: $textArea.val(), creationDateTime: (new Date()).toUTCString() }, { at: 0, // wait for real creation before adding wait: true, success: function() { $submit.removeClass('hidden'); $loading.addClass('hidden'); $textArea.val('').prop('disabled', false); }, error: function(msg) { $submit.removeClass('hidden'); $loading.addClass('hidden'); $textArea.prop('disabled', false); OC.Notification.showTemporary(msg); } }); } return false; } }); OCA.Comments.CommentsTabView = CommentsTabView; })(OC, OCA);