/** * Copyright (c) 2011, Robin Appelman * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ var UserList={ useUndo:true, /** * @brief Initiate user deletion process in UI * @param string uid the user ID to be deleted * * Does not actually delete the user; it sets them for * deletion when the current page is unloaded, at which point * finishDelete() completes the process. This allows for 'undo'. */ do_delete:function( uid ) { if (typeof UserList.deleteUid !== 'undefined') { //Already a user in the undo queue UserList.finishDelete(null); } UserList.deleteUid = uid; // Set undo flag UserList.deleteCanceled = false; // Provide user with option to undo $('#notification').html(t('users', 'deleted')+' '+uid+''+t('users', 'undo')+''); $('#notification').data('deleteuser',true); $('#notification').fadeIn(); }, /** * @brief Delete a user via ajax * @param bool ready whether to use ready() upon completion * * Executes deletion via ajax of user identified by property deleteUid * if 'undo' has not been used. Completes the user deletion procedure * and reflects success in UI. */ finishDelete:function( ready ){ // Check deletion has not been undone if( !UserList.deleteCanceled && UserList.deleteUid ){ // Delete user via ajax $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: OC.filePath('settings', 'ajax', 'removeuser.php'), async: false, data: { username: UserList.deleteUid }, success: function(result) { if (result.status == 'success') { // Remove undo option, & remove user from table $('#notification').fadeOut(); $('tr').filterAttr('data-uid', UserList.deleteUid).remove(); UserList.deleteCanceled = true; if (ready) { ready(); } } } }); } }, add:function(username, groups, subadmin, quota, sort) { var tr = $('tbody tr').first().clone(); tr.attr('data-uid', username); tr.find('td.name').text(username); var groupsSelect = $(''); subadminSelect.data('username', username); subadminSelect.data('userGroups', groups); subadminSelect.data('subadmin', subadmin); tr.find('td.subadmins').empty(); } var allGroups = String($('#content table').attr('data-groups')).split(', '); $.each(allGroups, function(i, group) { groupsSelect.append($('')); if (typeof subadminSelect !== 'undefined' && group != 'admin') { subadminSelect.append($('')); } }); tr.find('td.groups').append(groupsSelect); UserList.applyMultiplySelect(groupsSelect); if (tr.find('td.subadmins').length > 0) { tr.find('td.subadmins').append(subadminSelect); UserList.applyMultiplySelect(subadminSelect); } if (tr.find('td.remove img').length == 0 && OC.currentUser != username) { var rm_img = $('', { class: 'svg action', src: OC.imagePath('core','actions/delete'), alt: t('settings','Delete'), title: t('settings','Delete') }); var rm_link = $('', { class: 'action delete', href: '#'}).append(rm_img); tr.find('td.remove').append(rm_link); } else if (OC.currentUser == username) { tr.find('td.remove a').remove(); } var quotaSelect = tr.find('select.quota-user'); if (quota == 'default') { quotaSelect.find('option').attr('selected', null); quotaSelect.find('option').first().attr('selected', 'selected'); quotaSelect.data('previous', 'default'); } else { if (quotaSelect.find('option[value="'+quota+'"]').length > 0) { quotaSelect.find('option[value="'+quota+'"]').attr('selected', 'selected'); } else { quotaSelect.append(''); } } var added = false; if (sort) { username = username.toLowerCase(); $('tbody tr').each(function() { if (username < $(this).attr('data-uid').toLowerCase()) { $(tr).insertBefore($(this)); added = true; return false; } }); } if (!added) { $(tr).appendTo('tbody'); } return tr; }, update:function() { if (typeof UserList.offset === 'undefined') { UserList.offset = $('tbody tr').length; } $.get(OC.Router.generate('settings_ajax_userlist', { offset: UserList.offset }), function(result) { if (result.status === 'success') { $.each(result.data, function(index, user) { var tr = UserList.add(user.name, user.groups, user.subadmin, user.quota, false); UserList.offset++; if (index == 9) { $(tr).bind('inview', function(event, isInView, visiblePartX, visiblePartY) { $(this).unbind(event); UserList.update(); }); } }); } }); }, applyMultiplySelect:function(element) { var checked=[]; var user=element.attr('data-username'); if($(element).attr('class') == 'groupsselect'){ if(element.data('userGroups')){ checked=String(element.data('userGroups')).split(', '); } if(user){ var checkHandeler=function(group){ if(user==OC.currentUser && group=='admin'){ return false; } if(!isadmin && checked.length == 1 && checked[0] == group){ return false; } $.post( OC.filePath('settings','ajax','togglegroups.php'), { username:user, group:group }, function(){} ); }; }else{ checkHandeler=false; } var addGroup = function(group) { $('select[multiple]').each(function(index, element) { if ($(element).find('option[value="'+group +'"]').length == 0) { $(element).append(''); } }) }; var label; if(isadmin){ label = t('core', 'add group'); }else{ label = null; } element.multiSelect({ createCallback:addGroup, createText:label, checked:checked, oncheck:checkHandeler, onuncheck:checkHandeler, minWidth: 100, }); } if($(element).attr('class') == 'subadminsselect'){ if(element.data('subadmin')){ checked=String(element.data('subadmin')).split(', '); } var checkHandeler=function(group){ if(group=='admin'){ return false; } $.post( OC.filePath('settings','ajax','togglesubadmins.php'), { username:user, group:group }, function(){} ); }; var addSubAdmin = function(group) { $('select[multiple]').each(function(index, element) { if ($(element).find('option[value="'+group +'"]').length == 0) { $(element).append(''); } }) }; element.multiSelect({ createCallback:addSubAdmin, createText:null, checked:checked, oncheck:checkHandeler, onuncheck:checkHandeler, minWidth: 100, }); } } } $(document).ready(function(){ $('tbody tr:last').bind('inview', function(event, isInView, visiblePartX, visiblePartY) { UserList.update(); }); function setQuota(uid,quota,ready){ $.post( OC.filePath('settings','ajax','setquota.php'), {username:uid,quota:quota}, function(result){ if(ready){ ready(result.data.quota); } } ); } $('select[multiple]').each(function(index,element){ UserList.applyMultiplySelect($(element)); }); $('td.remove>a').live('click',function(event){ var row = $(this).parent().parent(); var uid = $(row).attr('data-uid'); $(row).hide(); // Call function for handling delete/undo UserList.do_delete(uid); }); $('td.password>img').live('click',function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); var img=$(this); var uid=img.parent().parent().attr('data-uid'); var input=$(''); img.css('display','none'); img.parent().children('span').replaceWith(input); input.focus(); input.keypress(function(event) { if(event.keyCode == 13) { if($(this).val().length>0){ $.post( OC.filePath('settings','ajax','changepassword.php'), {username:uid,password:$(this).val()}, function(result){} ); input.blur(); }else{ input.blur(); } } }); input.blur(function(){ $(this).replaceWith($('●●●●●●●')); img.css('display',''); }); }); $('td.password').live('click',function(event){ $(this).children('img').click(); }); $('select.quota, select.quota-user').live('change',function(){ var select=$(this); var uid=$(this).parent().parent().parent().attr('data-uid'); var quota=$(this).val(); var other=$(this).next(); if(quota!='other'){ other.hide(); select.data('previous',quota); setQuota(uid,quota); }else{ other.show(); select.addClass('active'); other.focus(); } }); $('select.quota, select.quota-user').each(function(i,select){ $(select).data('previous',$(select).val()); }) $('input.quota-other').live('change',function(){ var uid=$(this).parent().parent().parent().attr('data-uid'); var quota=$(this).val(); var select=$(this).prev(); var other=$(this); if(quota){ setQuota(uid,quota,function(quota){ select.children().attr('selected',null); var existingOption=select.children().filter(function(i,option){ return ($(option).val()==quota); }); if(existingOption.length){ existingOption.attr('selected','selected'); }else{ var option=$('