* * @author Arthur Schiwon * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ namespace Test\Collaboration\Collaborators; use OC\Collaboration\Collaborators\RemotePlugin; use OC\Collaboration\Collaborators\SearchResult; use OC\Federation\CloudIdManager; use OCP\Collaboration\Collaborators\SearchResultType; use OCP\Contacts\IManager; use OCP\Federation\ICloudIdManager; use OCP\IConfig; use OCP\Share; use Test\TestCase; class RemotePluginTest extends TestCase { /** @var IConfig|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */ protected $config; /** @var IManager|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */ protected $contactsManager; /** @var ICloudIdManager|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */ protected $cloudIdManager; /** @var RemotePlugin */ protected $plugin; /** @var SearchResult */ protected $searchResult; public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->config = $this->createMock(IConfig::class); $this->contactsManager = $this->createMock(IManager::class); //$this->cloudIdManager = $this->createMock(ICloudIdManager::class); $this->cloudIdManager = new CloudIdManager(); $this->searchResult = new SearchResult(); } public function instantiatePlugin() { $this->plugin = new RemotePlugin($this->contactsManager, $this->cloudIdManager, $this->config); } /** * @dataProvider dataGetRemote * * @param string $searchTerm * @param array $contacts * @param bool $shareeEnumeration * @param array $expected * @param bool $exactIdMatch * @param bool $reachedEnd */ public function testSearch($searchTerm, array $contacts, $shareeEnumeration, array $expected, $exactIdMatch, $reachedEnd) { $this->config->expects($this->any()) ->method('getAppValue') ->willReturnCallback( function($appName, $key, $default) use ($shareeEnumeration) { if ($appName === 'core' && $key === 'shareapi_allow_share_dialog_user_enumeration') { return $shareeEnumeration ? 'yes' : 'no'; } return $default; } ); $this->instantiatePlugin(); $this->contactsManager->expects($this->any()) ->method('search') ->with($searchTerm, ['CLOUD', 'FN']) ->willReturn($contacts); $moreResults = $this->plugin->search($searchTerm, 0, 0, $this->searchResult); $result = $this->searchResult->asArray(); $this->assertSame($exactIdMatch, $this->searchResult->hasExactIdMatch(new SearchResultType('remotes'))); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); $this->assertSame($reachedEnd, $moreResults); } public function dataGetRemote() { return [ ['test', [], true, ['remotes' => [], 'exact' => ['remotes' => []]], false, true], ['test', [], false, ['remotes' => [], 'exact' => ['remotes' => []]], false, true], [ 'test@remote', [], true, ['remotes' => [], 'exact' => ['remotes' => [['label' => 'test@remote', 'value' => ['shareType' => Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'test@remote']]]]], false, true, ], [ 'test@remote', [], false, ['remotes' => [], 'exact' => ['remotes' => [['label' => 'test@remote', 'value' => ['shareType' => Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'test@remote']]]]], false, true, ], [ 'test', [ [ 'FN' => 'User3 @ Localhost', ], [ 'FN' => 'User2 @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ ], ], [ 'FN' => 'User @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ 'username@localhost', ], ], ], true, ['remotes' => [['label' => 'User @ Localhost (username@localhost)', 'value' => ['shareType' => Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'username@localhost', 'server' => 'localhost']]], 'exact' => ['remotes' => []]], false, true, ], [ 'test', [ [ 'FN' => 'User3 @ Localhost', ], [ 'FN' => 'User2 @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ ], ], [ 'FN' => 'User @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ 'username@localhost', ], ], ], false, ['remotes' => [], 'exact' => ['remotes' => []]], false, true, ], [ 'test@remote', [ [ 'FN' => 'User3 @ Localhost', ], [ 'FN' => 'User2 @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ ], ], [ 'FN' => 'User @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ 'username@localhost', ], ], ], true, ['remotes' => [['label' => 'User @ Localhost (username@localhost)', 'value' => ['shareType' => Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'username@localhost', 'server' => 'localhost']]], 'exact' => ['remotes' => [['label' => 'test@remote', 'value' => ['shareType' => Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'test@remote']]]]], false, true, ], [ 'test@remote', [ [ 'FN' => 'User3 @ Localhost', ], [ 'FN' => 'User2 @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ ], ], [ 'FN' => 'User @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ 'username@localhost', ], ], ], false, ['remotes' => [], 'exact' => ['remotes' => [['label' => 'test@remote', 'value' => ['shareType' => Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'test@remote']]]]], false, true, ], [ 'username@localhost', [ [ 'FN' => 'User3 @ Localhost', ], [ 'FN' => 'User2 @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ ], ], [ 'FN' => 'User @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ 'username@localhost', ], ], ], true, ['remotes' => [], 'exact' => ['remotes' => [['label' => 'User @ Localhost (username@localhost)', 'value' => ['shareType' => Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'username@localhost', 'server' => 'localhost']]]]], true, true, ], [ 'username@localhost', [ [ 'FN' => 'User3 @ Localhost', ], [ 'FN' => 'User2 @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ ], ], [ 'FN' => 'User @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ 'username@localhost', ], ], ], false, ['remotes' => [], 'exact' => ['remotes' => [['label' => 'User @ Localhost (username@localhost)', 'value' => ['shareType' => Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'username@localhost', 'server' => 'localhost']]]]], true, true, ], // contact with space [ 'user name@localhost', [ [ 'FN' => 'User3 @ Localhost', ], [ 'FN' => 'User2 @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ ], ], [ 'FN' => 'User Name @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ 'user name@localhost', ], ], ], false, ['remotes' => [], 'exact' => ['remotes' => [['label' => 'User Name @ Localhost (user name@localhost)', 'value' => ['shareType' => Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'user name@localhost', 'server' => 'localhost']]]]], true, true, ], // remote with space, no contact [ 'user space@remote', [ [ 'FN' => 'User3 @ Localhost', ], [ 'FN' => 'User2 @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ ], ], [ 'FN' => 'User @ Localhost', 'CLOUD' => [ 'username@localhost', ], ], ], false, ['remotes' => [], 'exact' => ['remotes' => [['label' => 'user space@remote', 'value' => ['shareType' => Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'user space@remote']]]]], false, true, ], ]; } }