/** * Copyright (c) 2015, Arthur Schiwon * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ OCA = OCA || {}; (function() { /** * @classdesc main view class. It takes care of tab-unrelated control * elements (status bar, control buttons) and does or requests configuration * checks. It also manages the separate tab views. * * @constructor */ var WizardView = function() {}; WizardView.prototype = { /** @constant {number} */ STATUS_ERROR: 0, /** @constant {number} */ STATUS_INCOMPLETE: 1, /** @constant {number} */ STATUS_SUCCESS: 2, /** * initializes the instance. Always call it after creating the instance. */ init: function () { this.tabs = {}; this.tabs.server = new OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardTabElementary(); this.$settings = $('#ldapSettings'); this.$saveSpinners = $('.ldap_saving'); this.saveProcesses = 0; _.bindAll(this, 'onTabChange', 'onTestButtonClick'); }, /** * applies click events to the forward and backword buttons */ initControls: function() { var view = this; $('.ldap_action_continue').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); view._controlContinue(view); }); $('.ldap_action_back').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); view._controlBack(view); }); $('.ldap_action_test_connection').click(this.onTestButtonClick); }, /** * registers a tab * * @param {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardTabGeneric} tabView * @param {string} index * @returns {boolean} */ registerTab: function(tabView, index) { if( _.isUndefined(this.tabs[index]) && tabView instanceof OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardTabGeneric ) { this.tabs[index] = tabView; this.tabs[index].setModel(this.configModel); return true; } return false; }, /** * checks certain config values for completeness and depending on them * enables or disables non-elementary tabs. */ basicStatusCheck: function(view) { var host = view.configModel.configuration.ldap_host; var port = view.configModel.configuration.ldap_port; var base = view.configModel.configuration.ldap_base; var agent = view.configModel.configuration.ldap_dn; var pwd = view.configModel.configuration.ldap_agent_password; if((host && port && base) && ((!agent && !pwd) || (agent && pwd))) { view.enableTabs(); } else { view.disableTabs(); } }, /** * if the configuration is sufficient the model is being request to * perform a configuration test. Otherwise, the status indicator is * being updated with the status "incomplete" */ functionalityCheck: function() { // this method should be called only if necessary, because it may // cause an LDAP request! var host = this.configModel.configuration.ldap_host; var port = this.configModel.configuration.ldap_port; var base = this.configModel.configuration.ldap_base; var userFilter = this.configModel.configuration.ldap_userlist_filter; var loginFilter = this.configModel.configuration.ldap_login_filter; if(host && port && base && userFilter && loginFilter) { this.configModel.requestConfigurationTest(); } else { this._updateStatusIndicator(this.STATUS_INCOMPLETE); } }, /** * will request a functionality check if one of the related configuration * settings was changed. * * @param {ConfigSetPayload|Object} [changeSet] */ considerFunctionalityCheck: function(changeSet) { var testTriggers = [ 'ldap_host', 'ldap_port', 'ldap_dn', 'ldap_agent_password', 'ldap_base', 'ldap_userlist_filter', 'ldap_login_filter' ]; for(var key in changeSet) { if($.inArray(key, testTriggers) >= 0) { this.functionalityCheck(); return; } } }, /** * keeps number of running save processes and shows a spinner if * necessary * * @param {WizardView} [view] * @listens ConfigModel#setRequested */ onSetRequested: function(view) { view.saveProcesses += 1; if(view.saveProcesses === 1) { view.showSaveSpinner(); } }, /** * keeps number of running save processes and hides the spinner if * necessary. Also triggers checks, to adjust tabs state and status bar. * * @param {WizardView} [view] * @param {ConfigSetPayload} [result] * @listens ConfigModel#setCompleted */ onSetRequestDone: function(view, result) { if(view.saveProcesses > 0) { view.saveProcesses -= 1; if(view.saveProcesses === 0) { view.hideSaveSpinner(); } } view.basicStatusCheck(view); var param = {}; param[result.key] = 1; view.considerFunctionalityCheck(param); }, /** * updates the status indicator based on the configuration test result * * @param {WizardView} [view] * @param {ConfigTestPayload} [result] * @listens ConfigModel#configurationTested */ onTestCompleted: function(view, result) { if(result.isSuccess) { view._updateStatusIndicator(view.STATUS_SUCCESS); } else { view._updateStatusIndicator(view.STATUS_ERROR); } }, /** * triggers initial checks upon configuration loading to update status * controls * * @param {WizardView} [view] * @listens ConfigModel#configLoaded */ onConfigLoaded: function(view) { view.basicStatusCheck(view); view.functionalityCheck(); }, /** * reacts on attempts to switch to a different tab * * @param {object} event * @param {object} ui * @returns {boolean} */ onTabChange: function(event, ui) { if(this.saveProcesses > 0) { return false; } var newTabID = ui.newTab[0].id; if(newTabID === '#ldapWizard1') { newTabID = 'server'; } var oldTabID = ui.oldTab[0].id; if(oldTabID === '#ldapWizard1') { oldTabID = 'server'; } if(!_.isUndefined(this.tabs[newTabID])) { this.tabs[newTabID].isActive = true; this.tabs[newTabID].onActivate(); } else { console.warn('Unreferenced activated tab ' + newTabID); } if(!_.isUndefined(this.tabs[oldTabID])) { this.tabs[oldTabID].isActive = false; } else { console.warn('Unreferenced left tab ' + oldTabID); } }, /** * triggers checks upon configuration updates to keep status controls * up to date * * @param {WizardView} [view] * @param {object} [changeSet] * @listens ConfigModel#configUpdated */ onConfigUpdated: function(view, changeSet) { view.basicStatusCheck(view); view.considerFunctionalityCheck(changeSet); }, /** * requests a configuration test */ onTestButtonClick: function() { this.configModel.requestWizard('ldap_action_test_connection', this.configModel.configuration); }, /** * sets the model instance and registers event listeners * * @param {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.ConfigModel} [configModel] */ setModel: function(configModel) { /** @type {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.ConfigModel} */ this.configModel = configModel; for(var i in this.tabs) { this.tabs[i].setModel(configModel); } // make sure this is definitely run after tabs did their work, order is important here // for now this works, because tabs are supposed to register their listeners in their // setModel() method. // alternative: make Elementary Tab a Publisher as well. this.configModel.on('configLoaded', this.onConfigLoaded, this); this.configModel.on('configUpdated', this.onConfigUpdated, this); this.configModel.on('setRequested', this.onSetRequested, this); this.configModel.on('setCompleted', this.onSetRequestDone, this); this.configModel.on('configurationTested', this.onTestCompleted, this); }, /** * enables tab and navigation buttons */ enableTabs: function() { //do not use this function directly, use basicStatusCheck instead. if(this.saveProcesses === 0) { $('.ldap_action_continue').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.ldap_action_back').removeAttr('disabled'); this.$settings.tabs('option', 'disabled', []); } }, /** * disables tab and navigation buttons */ disableTabs: function() { $('.ldap_action_continue').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $('.ldap_action_back').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); this.$settings.tabs('option', 'disabled', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); }, /** * shows a save spinner */ showSaveSpinner: function() { this.$saveSpinners.removeClass('hidden'); $('#ldap *').addClass('save-cursor'); }, /** * hides the save spinner */ hideSaveSpinner: function() { this.$saveSpinners.addClass('hidden'); $('#ldap *').removeClass('save-cursor'); }, /** * performs a config load request to the model * * @param {string} [configID] * @private */ _requestConfig: function(configID) { this.configModel.load(configID); }, /** * bootstraps the visual appearance and event listeners, as well as the * first config */ render: function () { $('#ldapAdvancedAccordion').accordion({ heightStyle: 'content', animate: 'easeInOutCirc'}); this.$settings.tabs({}); $('.ldap_submit').button(); $('.ldap_action_test_connection').button(); $('#ldapSettings').tabs({ beforeActivate: this.onTabChange }); this.initControls(); this.disableTabs(); this._requestConfig(this.tabs.server.getConfigID()); }, /** * updates the status indicator / bar * * @param {number} [state] * @private */ _updateStatusIndicator: function(state) { var $indicator = $('.ldap_config_state_indicator'); var $indicatorLight = $('.ldap_config_state_indicator_sign'); switch(state) { case this.STATUS_ERROR: $indicator.text(t('user_ldap', 'Configuration incorrect' )); $indicator.removeClass('ldap_grey'); $indicatorLight.addClass('error'); $indicatorLight.removeClass('success'); break; case this.STATUS_INCOMPLETE: $indicator.text(t('user_ldap', 'Configuration incomplete' )); $indicator.removeClass('ldap_grey'); $indicatorLight.removeClass('error'); $indicatorLight.removeClass('success'); break; case this.STATUS_SUCCESS: $indicator.text(t('user_ldap', 'Configuration OK')); $indicator.addClass('ldap_grey'); $indicatorLight.removeClass('error'); $indicatorLight.addClass('success'); if(!this.tabs.server.isActive) { this.configModel.set('ldap_configuration_active', 1); } break; } }, /** * handles a click on the Back button * * @param {WizardView} [view] * @private */ _controlBack: function(view) { var curTabIndex = view.$settings.tabs('option', 'active'); if(curTabIndex == 0) { return; } view.$settings.tabs('option', 'active', curTabIndex - 1); view._controlUpdate(curTabIndex - 1); }, /** * handles a click on the Continue button * * @param {WizardView} [view] * @private */ _controlContinue: function(view) { var curTabIndex = view.$settings.tabs('option', 'active'); if(curTabIndex == 3) { return; } view.$settings.tabs('option', 'active', 1 + curTabIndex); view._controlUpdate(curTabIndex + 1); }, /** * updates the controls (navigation buttons) * * @param {number} [nextTabIndex] - index of the tab being switched to * @private */ _controlUpdate: function(nextTabIndex) { if(nextTabIndex == 0) { $('.ldap_action_back').addClass('invisible'); $('.ldap_action_continue').removeClass('invisible'); } else if(nextTabIndex == 1) { $('.ldap_action_back').removeClass('invisible'); $('.ldap_action_continue').removeClass('invisible'); } else if(nextTabIndex == 2) { $('.ldap_action_continue').removeClass('invisible'); $('.ldap_action_back').removeClass('invisible'); } else if(nextTabIndex == 3) { $('.ldap_action_back').removeClass('invisible'); $('.ldap_action_continue').addClass('invisible'); } } }; OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardView = WizardView; })();