/** * ownCloud * * @author Bartek Przybylski * @copyright 2012 Bartek Przybylski bartek@alefzero.eu * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * */ /** * this class to ease the usage of jquery dialogs */ var OCdialogs = { /** * displays alert dialog * @param text content of dialog * @param title dialog title * @param callback which will be triggered when user presses OK * @param modal make the dialog modal */ alert:function(text, title, callback, modal) { var content = '

' + escapeHTML(text) + '

'; OCdialogs.message(content, title, OCdialogs.ALERT_DIALOG, OCdialogs.OK_BUTTON, callback, modal); }, /** * displays info dialog * @param text content of dialog * @param title dialog title * @param callback which will be triggered when user presses OK * @param modal make the dialog modal */ info:function(text, title, callback, modal) { var content = '

' + escapeHTML(text) + '

'; OCdialogs.message(content, title, OCdialogs.ALERT_DIALOG, OCdialogs.OK_BUTTON, callback, modal); }, /** * displays confirmation dialog * @param text content of dialog * @param title dialog title * @param callback which will be triggered when user presses YES or NO (true or false would be passed to callback respectively) * @param modal make the dialog modal */ confirm:function(text, title, callback, modal) { var content = '

' + escapeHTML(text) + '

'; OCdialogs.message(content, title, OCdialogs.ALERT_DIALOG, OCdialogs.YES_NO_BUTTONS, callback, modal); }, /** * prompt for user input * @param text content of dialog * @param title dialog title * @param callback which will be triggered when user presses OK (input text will be passed to callback) * @param modal make the dialog modal */ prompt:function(text, title, default_value, callback, modal) { var content = '

' + escapeHTML(text) + ':

'; OCdialogs.message(content, title, OCdialogs.PROMPT_DIALOG, OCdialogs.OK_BUTTON, callback, modal); }, /** * prompt user for input with custom form * fields should be passed in following format: [{text:'prompt text', name:'return name', type:'input type', value: 'default value'},...] * example: * var fields=[{text:'Test', name:'test', type:'select', options:[{text:'hello1',value:1},{text:'hello2',value:2}] }]; * @param fields to display * @param title dialog title * @param callback which will be triggered when user presses OK (user answers will be passed to callback in following format: [{name:'return name', value: 'user value'},...]) * @param modal make the dialog modal */ form:function(fields, title, callback, modal) { var content = ''; $.each(fields, function(index, field){ content += ''; }); content += '
' + escapeHTML(field.text) + ''; var type = field.type; if (type === 'text' || type === 'checkbox' || type === 'password') { content += '' + escapeHTML(field_option.text) + ''; }); content += ''; } content += '
'; var dialog_name = 'oc-dialog-' + OCdialogs.dialogs_counter + '-content'; var dialog_id = '#' + dialog_name; var dialog_div = '
' + escapeHTML(content) + '
'; if (modal === undefined) { modal = false }; $('body').append(dialog_div); var buttonlist = [{ text: t('core', 'Ok'), click: function(){ OCdialogs.form_ok_handler(callback, dialog_id); } }, { text: t('core', 'Cancel'), click: function(){ $(dialog_id).dialog('close'); } }]; var dialog_height = ( $('tr', dialog_div).length + 1 ) * 30 + 120; $(dialog_id).dialog({ width: (4/9) * $(document).width(), height: dialog_height, modal: modal, buttons: buttonlist }); OCdialogs.dialogs_counter++; }, /** * show a file picker to pick a file from * @param title dialog title * @param callback which will be triggered when user presses Choose * @param multiselect whether it should be possible to select multiple files * @param mimetype_filter mimetype to filter by * @param modal make the dialog modal */ filepicker:function(title, callback, multiselect, mimetype_filter, modal) { var dialog_name = 'oc-dialog-' + OCdialogs.dialogs_counter + '-content'; var dialog_id = '#' + dialog_name; var dialog_div = '
'; if (modal === undefined) { modal = false }; if (multiselect === undefined) { multiselect = false }; if (mimetype_filter === undefined) { mimetype_filter = '' }; $('body').append(dialog_div); $(dialog_id).data('path', '/'); $(dialog_id + ' #dirtree').focus().change( {dcid: dialog_id}, OCdialogs.handleTreeListSelect ); $(dialog_id + ' #dirup').click( {dcid: dialog_id}, OCdialogs.filepickerDirUp ); $(dialog_id).ready(function(){ $.getJSON(OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'), { mimetype: mimetype_filter } ,function(request) { OCdialogs.fillFilePicker(request, dialog_id); }); $.getJSON(OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'), { mimetype: "httpd/unix-directory" }, function(request) { OCdialogs.fillTreeList(request, dialog_id); }); }).data('multiselect', multiselect).data('mimetype',mimetype_filter); // build buttons var functionToCall = function() { if (callback !== undefined) { var datapath; if (multiselect === true) { datapath = []; $(dialog_id + ' .filepicker_element_selected .filename').each(function(index, element) { datapath.push( $(dialog_id).data('path') + $(elem).text() ); }); } else { var datapath = $(dialog_id).data('path'); datapath += $(dialog_id+' .filepicker_element_selected .filename').text(); } callback(datapath); $(dialog_id).dialog('close'); } }; var buttonlist = [{ text: t('core', 'Choose'), click: functionToCall }, { text: t('core', 'Cancel'), click: function(){$(dialog_id).dialog('close'); } }]; $(dialog_id).dialog({ width: (4/9)*$(document).width(), height: 420, modal: modal, buttons: buttonlist }); OCdialogs.dialogs_counter++; }, /** * Displays raw dialog * You better use a wrapper instead ... */ message:function(content, title, dialog_type, buttons, callback, modal) { var dialog_name = 'oc-dialog-' + OCdialogs.dialogs_counter + '-content'; var dialog_id = '#' + dialog_name; var dialog_div = '
' + escapeHTML(content) + '
'; if (modal === undefined) { modal = false }; $('body').append(dialog_div); var buttonlist = []; switch (buttons) { case OCdialogs.YES_NO_BUTTONS: buttonlist = [{ text: t('core', 'Yes'), click: function(){ if (callback !== undefined) { callback(true) }; $(dialog_id).dialog('close'); } }, { text: t('core', 'No'), click: function(){ if (callback !== undefined) { callback(false) }; $(dialog_id).dialog('close'); } }]; break; case OCdialogs.OK_BUTTON: var functionToCall; switch(dialog_type) { case OCdialogs.ALERT_DIALOG: functionToCall = function() { $(dialog_id).dialog('close'); if(callback !== undefined) { callback() }; }; break; case OCdialogs.PROMPT_DIALOG: buttonlist[1] = { text: t('core', 'Cancel'), click: function() { $(dialog_id).dialog('close'); } }; functionToCall = function() { OCdialogs.prompt_ok_handler(callback, dialog_id); }; break; } buttonlist[0] = { text: t('core', 'Ok'), click: functionToCall }; break; }; $(dialog_id).dialog({ width: (4/9) * $(document).width(), height: 180, modal: modal, buttons: buttonlist }); OCdialogs.dialogs_counter++; }, // dialog button types YES_NO_BUTTONS: 70, OK_BUTTONS: 71, // dialogs types ALERT_DIALOG: 80, INFO_DIALOG: 81, FORM_DIALOG: 82, // used to name each dialog dialogs_counter: 0, determineValue: function(element) { if ( $(element).attr('type') === 'checkbox' ) { return element.checked; } else { return $(element).val(); } }, prompt_ok_handler: function(callback, dialog_id) { $(dialog_id).dialog('close'); if (callback !== undefined) { callback($(dialog_id + " input#oc-dialog-prompt-input").val()) }; }, form_ok_handler: function(callback, dialog_id) { if (callback !== undefined) { var valuelist = []; $(dialog_id + ' input, ' + dialog_id + ' select').each(function(index, element) { valuelist[index] = { name: $(elem).attr('name'), value: OCdialogs.determineValue(elem) }; }); $(dialog_id).dialog('close'); callback(valuelist); } else { $(dialog_id).dialog('close'); } }, /** * fills the filepicker with files */ fillFilePicker:function(request, dialog_content_id) { var template = '
'; var files = ''; var dirs = []; var others = []; $.each(request.data, function(index, file) { if (file.type === 'dir') { dirs.push(file); } else { others.push(file); } }); var sorted = dirs.concat(others); for (var i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++) { files += template.replace('*LASTMODDATE*', OC.mtime2date(sorted[i].mtime)).replace('*NAME*', escapeHTML(sorted[i].name)).replace('*MIMETYPEICON*', sorted[i].mimetype_icon).replace('*ENTRYNAME*', escapeHTML(sorted[i].name)).replace('*ENTRYTYPE*', escapeHTML(sorted[i].type)); } $(dialog_content_id + ' #filelist').html(files).on('click', '[data="file"]', function() { OCdialogs.handlePickerClick(this, $(this).data('entryname'), $(this).data('dcid')); }); $(dialog_content_id + ' #filelist').html(files).on('click', '[data="dir"]', function() { OCdialogs.handlePickerClick(this, $(this).data('entryname'), $(this).data('dcid')); }); $(dialog_content_id + ' .filepicker_loader').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }, /** * fills the tree list with directories */ fillTreeList: function(request, dialog_id) { var template = ''; var paths = ''; var count = 1; $.each(request.data, function(index, file) { if (file.mimetype === "httpd/unix-directory") { paths += template.replace('*COUNT*', count).replace('*NAME*', escapeHTML(file.name)); count++; } }); $(dialog_id + ' #dirtree').html(paths); }, handleTreeListSelect:function(event) { // fails at paths with & if ($("option:selected", this).html().indexOf('/') !== -1) { // if there's a slash in the selected path, don't append it $(event.data.dcid).data('path', $("option:selected", this).html()); } else { $(event.data.dcid).data('path', $(event.data.dcid).data('path') + $("option:selected", this).html() + '/'); } $(event.data.dcid + ' .filepicker_loader').css('visibility', 'visible'); $.getJSON( OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'), { dir: $(event.data.dcid).data('path'), mimetype: $(event.data.dcid).data('mimetype') }, function(request) { OCdialogs.fillFilePicker(request, event.data.dcid) } ); $.getJSON( OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'), { dir: $(event.data.dcid).data('path'), mimetype: "httpd/unix-directory" }, function(request) { OCdialogs.fillTreeList(request, event.data.dcid) } ); }, // go one directory up filepickerDirUp:function(event) { var old_path = $(event.data.dcid).data('path'); if ( old_path !== "/") { var splitted_path = old_path.split("/"); var new_path = "" for (var i = 0; i < splitted_path.length - 2; i++) { new_path += splitted_path[i] + "/" } $(event.data.dcid).data('path', new_path); $.getJSON( OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'), { dir: $(event.data.dcid).data('path'), mimetype: $(event.data.dcid).data('mimetype') }, function(request) { OCdialogs.fillFilePicker(request, event.data.dcid) } ); $.getJSON( OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'), { dir: $(event.data.dcid).data('path'), mimetype: "httpd/unix-directory" }, function(request) { OCdialogs.fillTreeList(request, event.data.dcid) } ); } }, // this function is in early development state, please dont use it unless you know what you are doing handlePickerClick:function(element, name, dialog_content_id) { var datapath = $(dialog_content_id).data('path'); if (datapath === undefined) { datapath = '' }; datapath += name; if ( $(element).attr('data') === 'file' ){ if ( $(dialog_content_id).data('multiselect') !== true) { $(dialog_content_id + ' .filepicker_element_selected').removeClass('filepicker_element_selected'); } $(element).toggleClass('filepicker_element_selected'); return; } else if ( $(element).attr('data') === 'dir' ) { datapath += '/'; $(dialog_content_id).data('path', datapath); $(dialog_content_id + ' .filepicker_loader').css('visibility', 'visible'); $.getJSON( OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'), { dir: datapath, mimetype: $(dialog_content_id).data('mimetype') }, function(request){ OCdialogs.fillFilePicker(request, dialog_content_id) } ); $.getJSON( OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'), { dir: datapath, mimetype: "httpd/unix-directory" }, function(request) { OCdialogs.fillTreeList(request, dialog_content_id) } ); } } };