"ShareManager::getSharesBy()" already checks if the share provider exists before returning the shares and, if the provider does not exist, it returns an empty array. Therefore it is not needed to explicitly check if the provider exists or not. Signed-off-by: Daniel Calviño Sánchez <danxuliu@gmail.com>
1317 lines
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1317 lines
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* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud, Inc.
* @author Bjoern Schiessle <bjoern@schiessle.org>
* @author Joas Schilling <coding@schilljs.com>
* @author Lukas Reschke <lukas@statuscode.ch>
* @author Maxence Lange <maxence@nextcloud.com>
* @author Michael Jobst <mjobst+github@tecratech.de>
* @author Robin Appelman <robin@icewind.nl>
* @author Roeland Jago Douma <roeland@famdouma.nl>
* @author Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>
* @author John Molakvoæ <skjnldsv@protonmail.com>
* @license AGPL-3.0
* This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
namespace OCA\Files_Sharing\Controller;
use OCA\Files\Helper;
use OCP\App\IAppManager;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\DataResponse;
use OCP\AppFramework\OCS\OCSBadRequestException;
use OCP\AppFramework\OCS\OCSException;
use OCP\AppFramework\OCS\OCSForbiddenException;
use OCP\AppFramework\OCS\OCSNotFoundException;
use OCP\AppFramework\OCSController;
use OCP\AppFramework\QueryException;
use OCP\Constants;
use OCP\Files\Node;
use OCP\Files\NotFoundException;
use OCP\IConfig;
use OCP\IGroupManager;
use OCP\IL10N;
use OCP\IUserManager;
use OCP\IRequest;
use OCP\IServerContainer;
use OCP\IURLGenerator;
use OCP\Files\IRootFolder;
use OCP\Lock\LockedException;
use OCP\Share;
use OCP\Share\IManager;
use OCP\Share\Exceptions\ShareNotFound;
use OCP\Share\Exceptions\GenericShareException;
use OCP\Lock\ILockingProvider;
use OCP\Share\IShare;
use OCA\Files_Sharing\External\Storage;
* Class Share20OCS
* @package OCA\Files_Sharing\API
class ShareAPIController extends OCSController {
/** @var IManager */
private $shareManager;
/** @var IGroupManager */
private $groupManager;
/** @var IUserManager */
private $userManager;
/** @var IRootFolder */
private $rootFolder;
/** @var IURLGenerator */
private $urlGenerator;
/** @var string */
private $currentUser;
/** @var IL10N */
private $l;
/** @var \OCP\Files\Node */
private $lockedNode;
/** @var IConfig */
private $config;
/** @var IAppManager */
private $appManager;
/** @var IServerContainer */
private $serverContainer;
* Share20OCS constructor.
* @param string $appName
* @param IRequest $request
* @param IManager $shareManager
* @param IGroupManager $groupManager
* @param IUserManager $userManager
* @param IRootFolder $rootFolder
* @param IURLGenerator $urlGenerator
* @param string $userId
* @param IL10N $l10n
* @param IConfig $config
* @param IAppManager $appManager
* @param IServerContainer $serverContainer
public function __construct(
string $appName,
IRequest $request,
IManager $shareManager,
IGroupManager $groupManager,
IUserManager $userManager,
IRootFolder $rootFolder,
IURLGenerator $urlGenerator,
string $userId = null,
IL10N $l10n,
IConfig $config,
IAppManager $appManager,
IServerContainer $serverContainer
) {
parent::__construct($appName, $request);
$this->shareManager = $shareManager;
$this->userManager = $userManager;
$this->groupManager = $groupManager;
$this->request = $request;
$this->rootFolder = $rootFolder;
$this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator;
$this->currentUser = $userId;
$this->l = $l10n;
$this->config = $config;
$this->appManager = $appManager;
$this->serverContainer = $serverContainer;
* Convert an IShare to an array for OCS output
* @param \OCP\Share\IShare $share
* @param Node|null $recipientNode
* @return array
* @throws NotFoundException In case the node can't be resolved.
* @suppress PhanUndeclaredClassMethod
protected function formatShare(\OCP\Share\IShare $share, Node $recipientNode = null): array {
$sharedBy = $this->userManager->get($share->getSharedBy());
$shareOwner = $this->userManager->get($share->getShareOwner());
$result = [
'id' => $share->getId(),
'share_type' => $share->getShareType(),
'uid_owner' => $share->getSharedBy(),
'displayname_owner' => $sharedBy !== null ? $sharedBy->getDisplayName() : $share->getSharedBy(),
'permissions' => $share->getPermissions(),
'stime' => $share->getShareTime()->getTimestamp(),
'parent' => null,
'expiration' => null,
'token' => null,
'uid_file_owner' => $share->getShareOwner(),
'note' => $share->getNote(),
'label' => $share->getLabel(),
'displayname_file_owner' => $shareOwner !== null ? $shareOwner->getDisplayName() : $share->getShareOwner(),
$userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($this->currentUser);
if ($recipientNode) {
$node = $recipientNode;
} else {
$nodes = $userFolder->getById($share->getNodeId());
if (empty($nodes)) {
// fallback to guessing the path
$node = $userFolder->get($share->getTarget());
if ($node === null || $share->getTarget() === '') {
throw new NotFoundException();
} else {
$node = $nodes[0];
$result['path'] = $userFolder->getRelativePath($node->getPath());
if ($node instanceof \OCP\Files\Folder) {
$result['item_type'] = 'folder';
} else {
$result['item_type'] = 'file';
$result['mimetype'] = $node->getMimetype();
$result['storage_id'] = $node->getStorage()->getId();
$result['storage'] = $node->getStorage()->getCache()->getNumericStorageId();
$result['item_source'] = $node->getId();
$result['file_source'] = $node->getId();
$result['file_parent'] = $node->getParent()->getId();
$result['file_target'] = $share->getTarget();
$expiration = $share->getExpirationDate();
if ($expiration !== null) {
$result['expiration'] = $expiration->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
$sharedWith = $this->userManager->get($share->getSharedWith());
$result['share_with'] = $share->getSharedWith();
$result['share_with_displayname'] = $sharedWith !== null ? $sharedWith->getDisplayName() : $share->getSharedWith();
} else if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
$group = $this->groupManager->get($share->getSharedWith());
$result['share_with'] = $share->getSharedWith();
$result['share_with_displayname'] = $group !== null ? $group->getDisplayName() : $share->getSharedWith();
} else if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK) {
// "share_with" and "share_with_displayname" for passwords of link
// shares was deprecated in Nextcloud 15, use "password" instead.
$result['share_with'] = $share->getPassword();
$result['share_with_displayname'] = $share->getPassword();
$result['password'] = $share->getPassword();
$result['send_password_by_talk'] = $share->getSendPasswordByTalk();
$result['token'] = $share->getToken();
$result['url'] = $this->urlGenerator->linkToRouteAbsolute('files_sharing.sharecontroller.showShare', ['token' => $share->getToken()]);
} else if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE || $share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE_GROUP) {
$result['share_with'] = $share->getSharedWith();
$result['share_with_displayname'] = $this->getDisplayNameFromAddressBook($share->getSharedWith(), 'CLOUD');
$result['token'] = $share->getToken();
} else if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_EMAIL) {
$result['share_with'] = $share->getSharedWith();
$result['password'] = $share->getPassword();
$result['send_password_by_talk'] = $share->getSendPasswordByTalk();
$result['share_with_displayname'] = $this->getDisplayNameFromAddressBook($share->getSharedWith(), 'EMAIL');
$result['token'] = $share->getToken();
} else if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_CIRCLE) {
// getSharedWith() returns either "name (type, owner)" or
// "name (type, owner) [id]", depending on the Circles app version.
$hasCircleId = (substr($share->getSharedWith(), -1) === ']');
$result['share_with_displayname'] = $share->getSharedWithDisplayName();
if (empty($result['share_with_displayname'])) {
$displayNameLength = ($hasCircleId ? strrpos($share->getSharedWith(), ' ') : strlen($share->getSharedWith()));
$result['share_with_displayname'] = substr($share->getSharedWith(), 0, $displayNameLength);
$result['share_with_avatar'] = $share->getSharedWithAvatar();
$shareWithStart = ($hasCircleId ? strrpos($share->getSharedWith(), '[') + 1 : 0);
$shareWithLength = ($hasCircleId ? -1 : strpos($share->getSharedWith(), ' '));
if (is_bool($shareWithLength)) {
$shareWithLength = -1;
$result['share_with'] = substr($share->getSharedWith(), $shareWithStart, $shareWithLength);
} else if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_ROOM) {
$result['share_with'] = $share->getSharedWith();
$result['share_with_displayname'] = '';
try {
$result = array_merge($result, $this->getRoomShareHelper()->formatShare($share));
} catch (QueryException $e) {}
$result['mail_send'] = $share->getMailSend() ? 1 : 0;
$result['hide_download'] = $share->getHideDownload() ? 1 : 0;
return $result;
* Check if one of the users address books knows the exact property, if
* yes we return the full name.
* @param string $query
* @param string $property
* @return string
private function getDisplayNameFromAddressBook(string $query, string $property): string {
// FIXME: If we inject the contacts manager it gets initialized bofore any address books are registered
$result = \OC::$server->getContactsManager()->search($query, [$property]);
foreach ($result as $r) {
foreach ($r[$property] as $value) {
if ($value === $query) {
return $r['FN'];
return $query;
* Get a specific share by id
* @NoAdminRequired
* @param string $id
* @return DataResponse
* @throws OCSNotFoundException
public function getShare(string $id): DataResponse {
try {
$share = $this->getShareById($id);
} catch (ShareNotFound $e) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Wrong share ID, share doesn\'t exist'));
try {
if ($this->canAccessShare($share)) {
$share = $this->formatShare($share);
return new DataResponse([$share]);
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
// Fall trough
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Wrong share ID, share doesn\'t exist'));
* Delete a share
* @NoAdminRequired
* @param string $id
* @return DataResponse
* @throws OCSNotFoundException
public function deleteShare(string $id): DataResponse {
try {
$share = $this->getShareById($id);
} catch (ShareNotFound $e) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Wrong share ID, share doesn\'t exist'));
try {
} catch (LockedException $e) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Could not delete share'));
if (!$this->canAccessShare($share)) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Wrong share ID, share doesn\'t exist'));
// if it's a group share or a room share
// we don't delete the share, but only the
// mount point. Allowing it to be restored
// from the deleted shares
if ($this->canDeleteShareFromSelf($share)) {
$this->shareManager->deleteFromSelf($share, $this->currentUser);
} else {
if (!$this->canDeleteShare($share)) {
throw new OCSForbiddenException($this->l->t('Could not delete share'));
return new DataResponse();
* @NoAdminRequired
* @param string $path
* @param int $permissions
* @param int $shareType
* @param string $shareWith
* @param string $publicUpload
* @param string $password
* @param string $sendPasswordByTalk
* @param string $expireDate
* @param string $label
* @return DataResponse
* @throws NotFoundException
* @throws OCSBadRequestException
* @throws OCSException
* @throws OCSForbiddenException
* @throws OCSNotFoundException
* @throws \OCP\Files\InvalidPathException
* @suppress PhanUndeclaredClassMethod
public function createShare(
string $path = null,
int $permissions = null,
int $shareType = -1,
string $shareWith = null,
string $publicUpload = 'false',
string $password = '',
string $sendPasswordByTalk = null,
string $expireDate = '',
string $label = ''
): DataResponse {
$share = $this->shareManager->newShare();
if ($permissions === null) {
$permissions = $this->config->getAppValue('core', 'shareapi_default_permissions', Constants::PERMISSION_ALL);
// Verify path
if ($path === null) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Please specify a file or folder path'));
$userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($this->currentUser);
try {
$path = $userFolder->get($path);
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Wrong path, file/folder doesn\'t exist'));
try {
} catch (LockedException $e) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Could not create share'));
if ($permissions < 0 || $permissions > Constants::PERMISSION_ALL) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('invalid permissions'));
// Shares always require read permissions
$permissions |= Constants::PERMISSION_READ;
if ($path instanceof \OCP\Files\File) {
// Single file shares should never have delete or create permissions
$permissions &= ~Constants::PERMISSION_DELETE;
$permissions &= ~Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE;
* Hack for https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/22587
* We check the permissions via webdav. But the permissions of the mount point
* do not equal the share permissions. Here we fix that for federated mounts.
if ($path->getStorage()->instanceOfStorage(Storage::class)) {
$permissions &= ~($permissions & ~$path->getPermissions());
if ($shareType === Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
// Valid user is required to share
if ($shareWith === null || !$this->userManager->userExists($shareWith)) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Please specify a valid user'));
} else if ($shareType === Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
if (!$this->shareManager->allowGroupSharing()) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Group sharing is disabled by the administrator'));
// Valid group is required to share
if ($shareWith === null || !$this->groupManager->groupExists($shareWith)) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Please specify a valid group'));
} else if ($shareType === Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK
|| $shareType === Share::SHARE_TYPE_EMAIL) {
// Can we even share links?
if (!$this->shareManager->shareApiAllowLinks()) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Public link sharing is disabled by the administrator'));
if ($publicUpload === 'true') {
// Check if public upload is allowed
if (!$this->shareManager->shareApiLinkAllowPublicUpload()) {
throw new OCSForbiddenException($this->l->t('Public upload disabled by the administrator'));
// Public upload can only be set for folders
if ($path instanceof \OCP\Files\File) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Public upload is only possible for publicly shared folders'));
} else {
// Set password
if ($password !== '') {
// Only share by mail have a recipient
if ($shareType === Share::SHARE_TYPE_EMAIL) {
} else {
// Only link share have a label
if (!empty($label)) {
if ($sendPasswordByTalk === 'true') {
if (!$this->appManager->isEnabledForUser('spreed')) {
throw new OCSForbiddenException($this->l->t('Sharing %s sending the password by Nextcloud Talk failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled', [$path->getPath()]));
//Expire date
if ($expireDate !== '') {
try {
$expireDate = $this->parseDate($expireDate);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Invalid date, date format must be YYYY-MM-DD'));
} else if ($shareType === Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE) {
if (!$this->shareManager->outgoingServer2ServerSharesAllowed()) {
throw new OCSForbiddenException($this->l->t('Sharing %1$s failed because the back end does not allow shares from type %2$s', [$path->getPath(), $shareType]));
} else if ($shareType === Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE_GROUP) {
if (!$this->shareManager->outgoingServer2ServerGroupSharesAllowed()) {
throw new OCSForbiddenException($this->l->t('Sharing %1$s failed because the back end does not allow shares from type %2$s', [$path->getPath(), $shareType]));
} else if ($shareType === Share::SHARE_TYPE_CIRCLE) {
if (!\OC::$server->getAppManager()->isEnabledForUser('circles') || !class_exists('\OCA\Circles\ShareByCircleProvider')) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('You cannot share to a Circle if the app is not enabled'));
$circle = \OCA\Circles\Api\v1\Circles::detailsCircle($shareWith);
// Valid circle is required to share
if ($circle === null) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Please specify a valid circle'));
} else if ($shareType === Share::SHARE_TYPE_ROOM) {
try {
$this->getRoomShareHelper()->createShare($share, $shareWith, $permissions, $expireDate);
} catch (QueryException $e) {
throw new OCSForbiddenException($this->l->t('Sharing %s failed because the back end does not support room shares', [$path->getPath()]));
} else {
throw new OCSBadRequestException($this->l->t('Unknown share type'));
try {
$share = $this->shareManager->createShare($share);
} catch (GenericShareException $e) {
$code = $e->getCode() === 0 ? 403 : $e->getCode();
throw new OCSException($e->getHint(), $code);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new OCSForbiddenException($e->getMessage(), $e);
$output = $this->formatShare($share);
return new DataResponse($output);
* @param \OCP\Files\File|\OCP\Files\Folder $node
* @param boolean $includeTags
* @return DataResponse
private function getSharedWithMe($node = null, bool $includeTags): DataResponse {
$userShares = $this->shareManager->getSharedWith($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $node, -1, 0);
$groupShares = $this->shareManager->getSharedWith($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, $node, -1, 0);
$circleShares = $this->shareManager->getSharedWith($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_CIRCLE, $node, -1, 0);
$roomShares = $this->shareManager->getSharedWith($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_ROOM, $node, -1, 0);
$shares = array_merge($userShares, $groupShares, $circleShares, $roomShares);
$shares = array_filter($shares, function (IShare $share) {
return $share->getShareOwner() !== $this->currentUser;
$formatted = [];
foreach ($shares as $share) {
if ($this->canAccessShare($share)) {
try {
$formatted[] = $this->formatShare($share);
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
// Ignore this share
if ($includeTags) {
$formatted = Helper::populateTags($formatted, 'file_source', \OC::$server->getTagManager());
return new DataResponse($formatted);
* @param \OCP\Files\Folder $folder
* @return DataResponse
* @throws OCSBadRequestException
private function getSharesInDir(Node $folder): DataResponse {
if (!($folder instanceof \OCP\Files\Folder)) {
throw new OCSBadRequestException($this->l->t('Not a directory'));
$nodes = $folder->getDirectoryListing();
/** @var \OCP\Share\IShare[] $shares */
$shares = [];
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$shares = array_merge($shares, $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $node, true, -1, 0));
$shares = array_merge($shares, $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, $node, true, -1, 0));
$shares = array_merge($shares, $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK, $node, true, -1, 0));
$shares = array_merge($shares, $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_EMAIL, $node, true, -1, 0));
if ($this->shareManager->outgoingServer2ServerSharesAllowed()) {
$shares = array_merge($shares, $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, $node, true, -1, 0));
$shares = array_merge($shares, $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_ROOM, $node, true, -1, 0));
$formatted = $miniFormatted = [];
$resharingRight = false;
$known = [];
foreach ($shares as $share) {
if (in_array($share->getId(), $known) || $share->getSharedWith() === $this->currentUser) {
try {
$format = $this->formatShare($share);
$known[] = $share->getId();
$formatted[] = $format;
if ($share->getSharedBy() === $this->currentUser) {
$miniFormatted[] = $format;
if (!$resharingRight && $this->shareProviderResharingRights($this->currentUser, $share, $folder)) {
$resharingRight = true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
//Ignore this share
if (!$resharingRight) {
$formatted = $miniFormatted;
return new DataResponse($formatted);
* The getShares function.
* @NoAdminRequired
* @param string $shared_with_me
* @param string $reshares
* @param string $subfiles
* @param string $path
* - Get shares by the current user
* - Get shares by the current user and reshares (?reshares=true)
* - Get shares with the current user (?shared_with_me=true)
* - Get shares for a specific path (?path=...)
* - Get all shares in a folder (?subfiles=true&path=..)
* @return DataResponse
* @throws OCSNotFoundException
public function getShares(
string $shared_with_me = 'false',
string $reshares = 'false',
string $subfiles = 'false',
string $path = null,
string $include_tags = 'false'
): DataResponse {
if ($path !== null) {
$userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($this->currentUser);
try {
$path = $userFolder->get($path);
} catch (\OCP\Files\NotFoundException $e) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Wrong path, file/folder doesn\'t exist'));
} catch (LockedException $e) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Could not lock path'));
$include_tags = $include_tags === 'true';
if ($shared_with_me === 'true') {
$result = $this->getSharedWithMe($path, $include_tags);
return $result;
if ($subfiles === 'true') {
$result = $this->getSharesInDir($path);
return $result;
if ($reshares === 'true') {
$reshares = true;
} else {
$reshares = false;
// Get all shares
$userShares = $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $path, $reshares, -1, 0);
$groupShares = $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, $path, $reshares, -1, 0);
$linkShares = $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK, $path, $reshares, -1, 0);
$mailShares = $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_EMAIL, $path, $reshares, -1, 0);
$circleShares = $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_CIRCLE, $path, $reshares, -1, 0);
$roomShares = $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_ROOM, $path, $reshares, -1, 0);
$shares = array_merge($userShares, $groupShares, $linkShares, $mailShares, $circleShares, $roomShares);
if ($this->shareManager->outgoingServer2ServerSharesAllowed()) {
$federatedShares = $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, $path, $reshares, -1, 0);
$shares = array_merge($shares, $federatedShares);
if ($this->shareManager->outgoingServer2ServerGroupSharesAllowed()) {
$federatedShares = $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser, Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE_GROUP, $path, $reshares, -1, 0);
$shares = array_merge($shares, $federatedShares);
$formatted = $miniFormatted = [];
$resharingRight = false;
foreach ($shares as $share) {
/** @var IShare $share */
try {
$format = $this->formatShare($share, $path);
$formatted[] = $format;
if ($share->getSharedBy() === $this->currentUser) {
$miniFormatted[] = $format;
if (!$resharingRight && $this->shareProviderResharingRights($this->currentUser, $share, $path)) {
$resharingRight = true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
//Ignore share
if (!$resharingRight) {
$formatted = $miniFormatted;
if ($include_tags) {
$formatted = Helper::populateTags($formatted, 'file_source', \OC::$server->getTagManager());
return new DataResponse($formatted);
* @NoAdminRequired
* @param string $id
* @param int $permissions
* @param string $password
* @param string $sendPasswordByTalk
* @param string $publicUpload
* @param string $expireDate
* @param string $note
* @param string $label
* @param string $hideDownload
* @return DataResponse
* @throws LockedException
* @throws NotFoundException
* @throws OCSBadRequestException
* @throws OCSForbiddenException
* @throws OCSNotFoundException
public function updateShare(
string $id,
int $permissions = null,
string $password = null,
string $sendPasswordByTalk = null,
string $publicUpload = null,
string $expireDate = null,
string $note = null,
string $label = null,
string $hideDownload = null
): DataResponse {
try {
$share = $this->getShareById($id);
} catch (ShareNotFound $e) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Wrong share ID, share doesn\'t exist'));
if (!$this->canAccessShare($share, false)) {
throw new OCSNotFoundException($this->l->t('Wrong share ID, share doesn\'t exist'));
if (!$this->canEditShare($share)) {
throw new OCSForbiddenException('You are not allowed to edit incoming shares');
if (
$permissions === null &&
$password === null &&
$sendPasswordByTalk === null &&
$publicUpload === null &&
$expireDate === null &&
$note === null &&
$label === null &&
$hideDownload === null
) {
throw new OCSBadRequestException($this->l->t('Wrong or no update parameter given'));
if ($note !== null) {
* expirationdate, password and publicUpload only make sense for link shares
if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK
|| $share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_EMAIL) {
* We do not allow editing link shares that the current user
* doesn't own. This is confusing and lead to errors when
* someone else edit a password or expiration date without
* the share owner knowing about it.
* We only allow deletion
if ($share->getSharedBy() !== $this->currentUser) {
throw new OCSForbiddenException('You are not allowed to edit link shares that you don\'t own');
// Update hide download state
if ($hideDownload === 'true') {
} else if ($hideDownload === 'false') {
$newPermissions = null;
if ($publicUpload === 'true') {
$newPermissions = Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE | Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE | Constants::PERMISSION_DELETE;
} else if ($publicUpload === 'false') {
$newPermissions = Constants::PERMISSION_READ;
if ($permissions !== null) {
$newPermissions = (int) $permissions;
$newPermissions = $newPermissions & ~Constants::PERMISSION_SHARE;
if ($newPermissions !== null &&
!in_array($newPermissions, [
Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE | Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE, // legacy
Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE, // hidden file list
Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE, // allow to edit single files
], true)
) {
throw new OCSBadRequestException($this->l->t('Can\'t change permissions for public share links'));
if (
// legacy
$newPermissions === (Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE | Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE) ||
// correct
$newPermissions === (Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE | Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE | Constants::PERMISSION_DELETE)
) {
if (!$this->shareManager->shareApiLinkAllowPublicUpload()) {
throw new OCSForbiddenException($this->l->t('Public upload disabled by the administrator'));
if (!($share->getNode() instanceof \OCP\Files\Folder)) {
throw new OCSBadRequestException($this->l->t('Public upload is only possible for publicly shared folders'));
// normalize to correct public upload permissions
$newPermissions = Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE | Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE | Constants::PERMISSION_DELETE;
if ($newPermissions !== null) {
$permissions = $newPermissions;
if ($expireDate === '') {
} else if ($expireDate !== null) {
try {
$expireDate = $this->parseDate($expireDate);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new OCSBadRequestException($e->getMessage(), $e);
if ($password === '') {
} else if ($password !== null) {
// only link shares have labels
if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK && $label !== null) {
if ($sendPasswordByTalk === 'true') {
if (!$this->appManager->isEnabledForUser('spreed')) {
throw new OCSForbiddenException($this->l->t('Sharing sending the password by Nextcloud Talk failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled'));
} else if ($sendPasswordByTalk !== null) {
else {
if ($permissions !== null) {
$permissions = (int) $permissions;
if ($expireDate === '') {
} else if ($expireDate !== null) {
try {
$expireDate = $this->parseDate($expireDate);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new OCSBadRequestException($e->getMessage(), $e);
try {
$share = $this->shareManager->updateShare($share);
} catch (GenericShareException $e) {
$code = $e->getCode() === 0 ? 403 : $e->getCode();
throw new OCSException($e->getHint(), $code);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new OCSBadRequestException($e->getMessage(), $e);
return new DataResponse($this->formatShare($share));
* Does the user have read permission on the share
* @param \OCP\Share\IShare $share the share to check
* @param boolean $checkGroups check groups as well?
* @return boolean
* @throws NotFoundException
* @suppress PhanUndeclaredClassMethod
protected function canAccessShare(\OCP\Share\IShare $share, bool $checkGroups = true): bool {
// A file with permissions 0 can't be accessed by us. So Don't show it
if ($share->getPermissions() === 0) {
return false;
// Owner of the file and the sharer of the file can always get share
if ($share->getShareOwner() === $this->currentUser
|| $share->getSharedBy() === $this->currentUser) {
return true;
// If the share is shared with you, you can access it!
if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER
&& $share->getSharedWith() === $this->currentUser) {
return true;
// Have reshare rights on the shared file/folder ?
// Does the currentUser have access to the shared file?
$userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($this->currentUser);
$files = $userFolder->getById($share->getNodeId());
if (!empty($files) && $this->shareProviderResharingRights($this->currentUser, $share, $files[0])) {
return true;
// If in the recipient group, you can see the share
if ($checkGroups && $share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
$sharedWith = $this->groupManager->get($share->getSharedWith());
$user = $this->userManager->get($this->currentUser);
if ($user !== null && $sharedWith !== null && $sharedWith->inGroup($user)) {
return true;
if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_CIRCLE) {
// TODO: have a sanity check like above?
return true;
if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_ROOM) {
try {
return $this->getRoomShareHelper()->canAccessShare($share, $this->currentUser);
} catch (QueryException $e) {
return false;
return false;
* Does the user have edit permission on the share
* @param \OCP\Share\IShare $share the share to check
* @return boolean
protected function canEditShare(\OCP\Share\IShare $share): bool {
// A file with permissions 0 can't be accessed by us. So Don't show it
if ($share->getPermissions() === 0) {
return false;
// The owner of the file and the creator of the share
// can always edit the share
if ($share->getShareOwner() === $this->currentUser ||
$share->getSharedBy() === $this->currentUser
) {
return true;
//! we do NOT support some kind of `admin` in groups.
//! You cannot edit shares shared to a group you're
//! a member of if you're not the share owner or the file owner!
return false;
* Does the user have delete permission on the share
* @param \OCP\Share\IShare $share the share to check
* @return boolean
protected function canDeleteShare(\OCP\Share\IShare $share): bool {
// A file with permissions 0 can't be accessed by us. So Don't show it
if ($share->getPermissions() === 0) {
return false;
// if the user is the recipient, i can unshare
// the share with self
if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER &&
$share->getSharedWith() === $this->currentUser
) {
return true;
// The owner of the file and the creator of the share
// can always delete the share
if ($share->getShareOwner() === $this->currentUser ||
$share->getSharedBy() === $this->currentUser
) {
return true;
return false;
* Does the user have delete permission on the share
* This differs from the canDeleteShare function as it only
* remove the share for the current user. It does NOT
* completely delete the share but only the mount point.
* It can then be restored from the deleted shares section.
* @param \OCP\Share\IShare $share the share to check
* @return boolean
* @suppress PhanUndeclaredClassMethod
protected function canDeleteShareFromSelf(\OCP\Share\IShare $share): bool {
if ($share->getShareType() !== Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP &&
$share->getShareType() !== Share::SHARE_TYPE_ROOM
) {
return false;
if ($share->getShareOwner() === $this->currentUser ||
$share->getSharedBy() === $this->currentUser
) {
// Delete the whole share, not just for self
return false;
// If in the recipient group, you can delete the share from self
if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
$sharedWith = $this->groupManager->get($share->getSharedWith());
$user = $this->userManager->get($this->currentUser);
if ($user !== null && $sharedWith !== null && $sharedWith->inGroup($user)) {
return true;
if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_ROOM) {
try {
return $this->getRoomShareHelper()->canAccessShare($share, $this->currentUser);
} catch (QueryException $e) {
return false;
return false;
* Make sure that the passed date is valid ISO 8601
* If not throw an exception
* @param string $expireDate
* @throws \Exception
* @return \DateTime
private function parseDate(string $expireDate): \DateTime {
try {
$date = new \DateTime($expireDate);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception('Invalid date. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD');
if ($date === false) {
throw new \Exception('Invalid date. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD');
$date->setTime(0, 0, 0);
return $date;
* Since we have multiple providers but the OCS Share API v1 does
* not support this we need to check all backends.
* @param string $id
* @return \OCP\Share\IShare
* @throws ShareNotFound
private function getShareById(string $id): IShare {
$share = null;
// First check if it is an internal share.
try {
$share = $this->shareManager->getShareById('ocinternal:' . $id, $this->currentUser);
return $share;
} catch (ShareNotFound $e) {
// Do nothing, just try the other share type
try {
if ($this->shareManager->shareProviderExists(Share::SHARE_TYPE_CIRCLE)) {
$share = $this->shareManager->getShareById('ocCircleShare:' . $id, $this->currentUser);
return $share;
} catch (ShareNotFound $e) {
// Do nothing, just try the other share type
try {
if ($this->shareManager->shareProviderExists(Share::SHARE_TYPE_EMAIL)) {
$share = $this->shareManager->getShareById('ocMailShare:' . $id, $this->currentUser);
return $share;
} catch (ShareNotFound $e) {
// Do nothing, just try the other share type
try {
$share = $this->shareManager->getShareById('ocRoomShare:' . $id, $this->currentUser);
return $share;
} catch (ShareNotFound $e) {
// Do nothing, just try the other share type
if (!$this->shareManager->outgoingServer2ServerSharesAllowed()) {
throw new ShareNotFound();
$share = $this->shareManager->getShareById('ocFederatedSharing:' . $id, $this->currentUser);
return $share;
* Lock a Node
* @param \OCP\Files\Node $node
* @throws LockedException
private function lock(\OCP\Files\Node $node) {
$this->lockedNode = $node;
* Cleanup the remaining locks
* @throws @LockedException
public function cleanup() {
if ($this->lockedNode !== null) {
* Returns the helper of ShareAPIController for room shares.
* If the Talk application is not enabled or the helper is not available
* a QueryException is thrown instead.
* @return \OCA\Talk\Share\Helper\ShareAPIController
* @throws QueryException
private function getRoomShareHelper() {
if (!$this->appManager->isEnabledForUser('spreed')) {
throw new QueryException();
return $this->serverContainer->query('\OCA\Talk\Share\Helper\ShareAPIController');
* Returns if we can find resharing rights in an IShare object for a specific user.
* @suppress PhanUndeclaredClassMethod
* @param string $userId
* @param IShare $share
* @param Node $node
* @return bool
* @throws NotFoundException
* @throws \OCP\Files\InvalidPathException
private function shareProviderResharingRights(string $userId, IShare $share, $node): bool {
if ($share->getShareOwner() === $userId) {
return true;
// we check that current user have parent resharing rights on the current file
if ($node !== null && ($node->getPermissions() & \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_SHARE) !== 0) {
return true;
if ((\OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_SHARE & $share->getPermissions()) === 0) {
return false;
if ($share->getShareType() === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER && $share->getSharedWith() === $userId) {
return true;
if ($share->getShareType() === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP && $this->groupManager->isInGroup($userId, $share->getSharedWith())) {
return true;
if ($share->getShareType() === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_CIRCLE && \OC::$server->getAppManager()->isEnabledForUser('circles')
&& class_exists('\OCA\Circles\Api\v1\Circles')) {
$hasCircleId = (substr($share->getSharedWith(), -1) === ']');
$shareWithStart = ($hasCircleId ? strrpos($share->getSharedWith(), '[') + 1 : 0);
$shareWithLength = ($hasCircleId ? -1 : strpos($share->getSharedWith(), ' '));
if (is_bool($shareWithLength)) {
$shareWithLength = -1;
$sharedWith = substr($share->getSharedWith(), $shareWithStart, $shareWithLength);
try {
$member = \OCA\Circles\Api\v1\Circles::getMember($sharedWith, $userId, 1);
if ($member->getLevel() >= 4) {
return true;
return false;
} catch (QueryException $e) {
return false;
return false;