Arthur Schiwon 1d48c0313c
fix inGroup check, thus make integration tests succeed
there is not such strange return mode. Having invalid user ids caused this
check to fail, and as side effect share limitation to groups to not work.

Signed-off-by: Arthur Schiwon <>
2019-06-14 06:23:58 +02:00

1249 lines
38 KiB

* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud, Inc.
* @author Alex Weirig <>
* @author Alexander Bergolth <>
* @author alexweirig <>
* @author Andreas Fischer <>
* @author Andreas Pflug <>
* @author Arthur Schiwon <>
* @author Bart Visscher <>
* @author Christopher Schäpers <>
* @author Frédéric Fortier <>
* @author Joas Schilling <>
* @author Lukas Reschke <>
* @author Morris Jobke <>
* @author Nicolas Grekas <>
* @author Robin McCorkell <>
* @author Roeland Jago Douma <>
* @author Thomas Müller <>
* @author Victor Dubiniuk <>
* @author Vincent Petry <>
* @author Vinicius Cubas Brand <>
* @author Xuanwo <>
* @license AGPL-3.0
* This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* along with this program. If not, see <>
namespace OCA\User_LDAP;
use OC\Cache\CappedMemoryCache;
use OCP\Group\Backend\IGetDisplayNameBackend;
use OCP\GroupInterface;
use OCP\ILogger;
class Group_LDAP extends BackendUtility implements \OCP\GroupInterface, IGroupLDAP, IGetDisplayNameBackend {
protected $enabled = false;
* @var string[] $cachedGroupMembers array of users with gid as key
protected $cachedGroupMembers;
* @var string[] $cachedGroupsByMember array of groups with uid as key
protected $cachedGroupsByMember;
* @var string[] $cachedNestedGroups array of groups with gid (DN) as key
protected $cachedNestedGroups;
/** @var GroupPluginManager */
protected $groupPluginManager;
public function __construct(Access $access, GroupPluginManager $groupPluginManager) {
$filter = $this->access->connection->ldapGroupFilter;
$gassoc = $this->access->connection->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr;
if(!empty($filter) && !empty($gassoc)) {
$this->enabled = true;
$this->cachedGroupMembers = new CappedMemoryCache();
$this->cachedGroupsByMember = new CappedMemoryCache();
$this->cachedNestedGroups = new CappedMemoryCache();
$this->groupPluginManager = $groupPluginManager;
* is user in group?
* @param string $uid uid of the user
* @param string $gid gid of the group
* @return bool
* Checks whether the user is member of a group or not.
public function inGroup($uid, $gid) {
if(!$this->enabled) {
return false;
$cacheKey = 'inGroup'.$uid.':'.$gid;
$inGroup = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if(!is_null($inGroup)) {
return (bool)$inGroup;
$userDN = $this->access->username2dn($uid);
if(isset($this->cachedGroupMembers[$gid])) {
$isInGroup = in_array($userDN, $this->cachedGroupMembers[$gid]);
return $isInGroup;
$cacheKeyMembers = 'inGroup-members:'.$gid;
$members = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKeyMembers);
if(!is_null($members)) {
$this->cachedGroupMembers[$gid] = $members;
$isInGroup = in_array($userDN, $members);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $isInGroup);
return $isInGroup;
$groupDN = $this->access->groupname2dn($gid);
// just in case
if(!$groupDN || !$userDN) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, false);
return false;
//check primary group first
if($gid === $this->getUserPrimaryGroup($userDN)) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, true);
return true;
//usually, LDAP attributes are said to be case insensitive. But there are exceptions of course.
$members = $this->_groupMembers($groupDN);
if(!is_array($members) || count($members) === 0) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, false);
return false;
//extra work if we don't get back user DNs
if(strtolower($this->access->connection->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr) === 'memberuid') {
$dns = array();
$filterParts = array();
$bytes = 0;
foreach($members as $mid) {
$filter = str_replace('%uid', $mid, $this->access->connection->ldapLoginFilter);
$filterParts[] = $filter;
$bytes += strlen($filter);
if($bytes >= 9000000) {
// AD has a default input buffer of 10 MB, we do not want
// to take even the chance to exceed it
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithOr($filterParts);
$bytes = 0;
$filterParts = array();
$users = $this->access->fetchListOfUsers($filter, 'dn', count($filterParts));
$dns = array_merge($dns, $users);
if(count($filterParts) > 0) {
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithOr($filterParts);
$users = $this->access->fetchListOfUsers($filter, 'dn', count($filterParts));
$dns = array_merge($dns, $users);
$members = $dns;
$isInGroup = in_array($userDN, $members);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $isInGroup);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKeyMembers, $members);
$this->cachedGroupMembers[$gid] = $members;
return $isInGroup;
* @param string $dnGroup
* @return array
* For a group that has user membership defined by an LDAP search url attribute returns the users
* that match the search url otherwise returns an empty array.
public function getDynamicGroupMembers($dnGroup) {
$dynamicGroupMemberURL = strtolower($this->access->connection->ldapDynamicGroupMemberURL);
if (empty($dynamicGroupMemberURL)) {
return array();
$dynamicMembers = array();
$memberURLs = $this->access->readAttribute(
if ($memberURLs !== false) {
// this group has the 'memberURL' attribute so this is a dynamic group
// example 1: ldap:///cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=dcsubbase,dc=dcbase??one?(o=HeadOffice)
// example 2: ldap:///cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=dcsubbase,dc=dcbase??one?(&(o=HeadOffice)(uidNumber>=500))
$pos = strpos($memberURLs[0], '(');
if ($pos !== false) {
$memberUrlFilter = substr($memberURLs[0], $pos);
$foundMembers = $this->access->searchUsers($memberUrlFilter,'dn');
$dynamicMembers = array();
foreach($foundMembers as $value) {
$dynamicMembers[$value['dn'][0]] = 1;
} else {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'No search filter found on member url '.
'of group ' . $dnGroup, ILogger::DEBUG);
return $dynamicMembers;
* @param string $dnGroup
* @param array|null &$seen
* @return array|mixed|null
* @throws \OC\ServerNotAvailableException
private function _groupMembers($dnGroup, &$seen = null) {
if ($seen === null) {
$seen = [];
$allMembers = [];
if (array_key_exists($dnGroup, $seen)) {
// avoid loops
return [];
// used extensively in cron job, caching makes sense for nested groups
$cacheKey = '_groupMembers'.$dnGroup;
$groupMembers = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if($groupMembers !== null) {
return $groupMembers;
$seen[$dnGroup] = 1;
$members = $this->access->readAttribute($dnGroup, $this->access->connection->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr);
if (is_array($members)) {
$fetcher = function($memberDN, &$seen) {
return $this->_groupMembers($memberDN, $seen);
$allMembers = $this->walkNestedGroups($dnGroup, $fetcher, $members);
$allMembers += $this->getDynamicGroupMembers($dnGroup);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $allMembers);
return $allMembers;
* @param string $DN
* @param array|null &$seen
* @return array
* @throws \OC\ServerNotAvailableException
private function _getGroupDNsFromMemberOf($DN) {
$groups = $this->access->readAttribute($DN, 'memberOf');
if (!is_array($groups)) {
return [];
$fetcher = function($groupDN) {
if (isset($this->cachedNestedGroups[$groupDN])) {
$nestedGroups = $this->cachedNestedGroups[$groupDN];
} else {
$nestedGroups = $this->access->readAttribute($groupDN, 'memberOf');
if (!is_array($nestedGroups)) {
$nestedGroups = [];
$this->cachedNestedGroups[$groupDN] = $nestedGroups;
return $nestedGroups;
$groups = $this->walkNestedGroups($DN, $fetcher, $groups);
return $this->access->groupsMatchFilter($groups);
* @param string $dn
* @param \Closure $fetcher args: string $dn, array $seen, returns: string[] of dns
* @param array $list
* @return array
private function walkNestedGroups(string $dn, \Closure $fetcher, array $list): array {
$nesting = (int) $this->access->connection->ldapNestedGroups;
// depending on the input, we either have a list of DNs or a list of LDAP records
// also, the output expects either DNs or records. Testing the first element should suffice.
$recordMode = is_array($list) && isset($list[0]) && is_array($list[0]) && isset($list[0]['dn'][0]);
if ($nesting !== 1) {
if($recordMode) {
// the keys are numeric, but should hold the DN
return array_reduce($list, function ($transformed, $record) use ($dn) {
if($record['dn'][0] != $dn) {
$transformed[$record['dn'][0]] = $record;
return $transformed;
}, []);
return $list;
$seen = [];
while ($record = array_pop($list)) {
$recordDN = $recordMode ? $record['dn'][0] : $record;
if ($recordDN === $dn || array_key_exists($recordDN, $seen)) {
// Prevent loops
$fetched = $fetcher($record, $seen);
$list = array_merge($list, $fetched);
$seen[$recordDN] = $record;
return $recordMode ? $seen : array_keys($seen);
* translates a gidNumber into an ownCloud internal name
* @param string $gid as given by gidNumber on POSIX LDAP
* @param string $dn a DN that belongs to the same domain as the group
* @return string|bool
public function gidNumber2Name($gid, $dn) {
$cacheKey = 'gidNumberToName' . $gid;
$groupName = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if(!is_null($groupName) && isset($groupName)) {
return $groupName;
//we need to get the DN from LDAP
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd([
$this->access->connection->ldapGidNumber . '=' . $gid
$result = $this->access->searchGroups($filter, array('dn'), 1);
if(empty($result)) {
return false;
$dn = $result[0]['dn'][0];
//and now the group name
//NOTE once we have separate ownCloud group IDs and group names we can
//directly read the display name attribute instead of the DN
$name = $this->access->dn2groupname($dn);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $name);
return $name;
* returns the entry's gidNumber
* @param string $dn
* @param string $attribute
* @return string|bool
private function getEntryGidNumber($dn, $attribute) {
$value = $this->access->readAttribute($dn, $attribute);
if(is_array($value) && !empty($value)) {
return $value[0];
return false;
* returns the group's primary ID
* @param string $dn
* @return string|bool
public function getGroupGidNumber($dn) {
return $this->getEntryGidNumber($dn, 'gidNumber');
* returns the user's gidNumber
* @param string $dn
* @return string|bool
public function getUserGidNumber($dn) {
$gidNumber = false;
if($this->access->connection->hasGidNumber) {
$gidNumber = $this->getEntryGidNumber($dn, $this->access->connection->ldapGidNumber);
if($gidNumber === false) {
$this->access->connection->hasGidNumber = false;
return $gidNumber;
* returns a filter for a "users has specific gid" search or count operation
* @param string $groupDN
* @param string $search
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
private function prepareFilterForUsersHasGidNumber($groupDN, $search = '') {
$groupID = $this->getGroupGidNumber($groupDN);
if($groupID === false) {
throw new \Exception('Not a valid group');
$filterParts = [];
$filterParts[] = $this->access->getFilterForUserCount();
if ($search !== '') {
$filterParts[] = $this->access->getFilterPartForUserSearch($search);
$filterParts[] = $this->access->connection->ldapGidNumber .'=' . $groupID;
return $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd($filterParts);
* returns a list of users that have the given group as gid number
* @param string $groupDN
* @param string $search
* @param int $limit
* @param int $offset
* @return string[]
public function getUsersInGidNumber($groupDN, $search = '', $limit = -1, $offset = 0) {
try {
$filter = $this->prepareFilterForUsersHasGidNumber($groupDN, $search);
$users = $this->access->fetchListOfUsers(
[$this->access->connection->ldapUserDisplayName, 'dn'],
return $this->access->nextcloudUserNames($users);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return [];
* returns the number of users that have the given group as gid number
* @param string $groupDN
* @param string $search
* @param int $limit
* @param int $offset
* @return int
public function countUsersInGidNumber($groupDN, $search = '', $limit = -1, $offset = 0) {
try {
$filter = $this->prepareFilterForUsersHasGidNumber($groupDN, $search);
$users = $this->access->countUsers($filter, ['dn'], $limit, $offset);
return (int)$users;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return 0;
* gets the gidNumber of a user
* @param string $dn
* @return string
public function getUserGroupByGid($dn) {
$groupID = $this->getUserGidNumber($dn);
if($groupID !== false) {
$groupName = $this->gidNumber2Name($groupID, $dn);
if($groupName !== false) {
return $groupName;
return false;
* translates a primary group ID into an Nextcloud internal name
* @param string $gid as given by primaryGroupID on AD
* @param string $dn a DN that belongs to the same domain as the group
* @return string|bool
public function primaryGroupID2Name($gid, $dn) {
$cacheKey = 'primaryGroupIDtoName';
$groupNames = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if(!is_null($groupNames) && isset($groupNames[$gid])) {
return $groupNames[$gid];
$domainObjectSid = $this->access->getSID($dn);
if($domainObjectSid === false) {
return false;
//we need to get the DN from LDAP
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd(array(
'objectsid=' . $domainObjectSid . '-' . $gid
$result = $this->access->searchGroups($filter, array('dn'), 1);
if(empty($result)) {
return false;
$dn = $result[0]['dn'][0];
//and now the group name
//NOTE once we have separate Nextcloud group IDs and group names we can
//directly read the display name attribute instead of the DN
$name = $this->access->dn2groupname($dn);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $name);
return $name;
* returns the entry's primary group ID
* @param string $dn
* @param string $attribute
* @return string|bool
private function getEntryGroupID($dn, $attribute) {
$value = $this->access->readAttribute($dn, $attribute);
if(is_array($value) && !empty($value)) {
return $value[0];
return false;
* returns the group's primary ID
* @param string $dn
* @return string|bool
public function getGroupPrimaryGroupID($dn) {
return $this->getEntryGroupID($dn, 'primaryGroupToken');
* returns the user's primary group ID
* @param string $dn
* @return string|bool
public function getUserPrimaryGroupIDs($dn) {
$primaryGroupID = false;
if($this->access->connection->hasPrimaryGroups) {
$primaryGroupID = $this->getEntryGroupID($dn, 'primaryGroupID');
if($primaryGroupID === false) {
$this->access->connection->hasPrimaryGroups = false;
return $primaryGroupID;
* returns a filter for a "users in primary group" search or count operation
* @param string $groupDN
* @param string $search
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
private function prepareFilterForUsersInPrimaryGroup($groupDN, $search = '') {
$groupID = $this->getGroupPrimaryGroupID($groupDN);
if($groupID === false) {
throw new \Exception('Not a valid group');
$filterParts = [];
$filterParts[] = $this->access->getFilterForUserCount();
if ($search !== '') {
$filterParts[] = $this->access->getFilterPartForUserSearch($search);
$filterParts[] = 'primaryGroupID=' . $groupID;
return $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd($filterParts);
* returns a list of users that have the given group as primary group
* @param string $groupDN
* @param string $search
* @param int $limit
* @param int $offset
* @return string[]
public function getUsersInPrimaryGroup($groupDN, $search = '', $limit = -1, $offset = 0) {
try {
$filter = $this->prepareFilterForUsersInPrimaryGroup($groupDN, $search);
$users = $this->access->fetchListOfUsers(
array($this->access->connection->ldapUserDisplayName, 'dn'),
return $this->access->nextcloudUserNames($users);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return array();
* returns the number of users that have the given group as primary group
* @param string $groupDN
* @param string $search
* @param int $limit
* @param int $offset
* @return int
public function countUsersInPrimaryGroup($groupDN, $search = '', $limit = -1, $offset = 0) {
try {
$filter = $this->prepareFilterForUsersInPrimaryGroup($groupDN, $search);
$users = $this->access->countUsers($filter, array('dn'), $limit, $offset);
return (int)$users;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return 0;
* gets the primary group of a user
* @param string $dn
* @return string
public function getUserPrimaryGroup($dn) {
$groupID = $this->getUserPrimaryGroupIDs($dn);
if($groupID !== false) {
$groupName = $this->primaryGroupID2Name($groupID, $dn);
if($groupName !== false) {
return $groupName;
return false;
* Get all groups a user belongs to
* @param string $uid Name of the user
* @return array with group names
* This function fetches all groups a user belongs to. It does not check
* if the user exists at all.
* This function includes groups based on dynamic group membership.
public function getUserGroups($uid) {
if(!$this->enabled) {
return array();
$cacheKey = 'getUserGroups'.$uid;
$userGroups = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if(!is_null($userGroups)) {
return $userGroups;
$userDN = $this->access->username2dn($uid);
if(!$userDN) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, array());
return array();
$groups = [];
$primaryGroup = $this->getUserPrimaryGroup($userDN);
$gidGroupName = $this->getUserGroupByGid($userDN);
$dynamicGroupMemberURL = strtolower($this->access->connection->ldapDynamicGroupMemberURL);
if (!empty($dynamicGroupMemberURL)) {
// look through dynamic groups to add them to the result array if needed
$groupsToMatch = $this->access->fetchListOfGroups(
foreach($groupsToMatch as $dynamicGroup) {
if (!array_key_exists($dynamicGroupMemberURL, $dynamicGroup)) {
$pos = strpos($dynamicGroup[$dynamicGroupMemberURL][0], '(');
if ($pos !== false) {
$memberUrlFilter = substr($dynamicGroup[$dynamicGroupMemberURL][0],$pos);
// apply filter via ldap search to see if this user is in this
// dynamic group
$userMatch = $this->access->readAttribute(
if ($userMatch !== false) {
// match found so this user is in this group
$groupName = $this->access->dn2groupname($dynamicGroup['dn'][0]);
if(is_string($groupName)) {
// be sure to never return false if the dn could not be
// resolved to a name, for whatever reason.
$groups[] = $groupName;
} else {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'No search filter found on member url '.
'of group ' . print_r($dynamicGroup, true), ILogger::DEBUG);
// if possible, read out membership via memberOf. It's far faster than
// performing a search, which still is a fallback later.
// memberof doesn't support memberuid, so skip it here.
if((int)$this->access->connection->hasMemberOfFilterSupport === 1
&& (int)$this->access->connection->useMemberOfToDetectMembership === 1
&& strtolower($this->access->connection->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr) !== 'memberuid'
) {
$groupDNs = $this->_getGroupDNsFromMemberOf($userDN);
if (is_array($groupDNs)) {
foreach ($groupDNs as $dn) {
$groupName = $this->access->dn2groupname($dn);
if(is_string($groupName)) {
// be sure to never return false if the dn could not be
// resolved to a name, for whatever reason.
$groups[] = $groupName;
if($primaryGroup !== false) {
$groups[] = $primaryGroup;
if($gidGroupName !== false) {
$groups[] = $gidGroupName;
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $groups);
return $groups;
//uniqueMember takes DN, memberuid the uid, so we need to distinguish
if((strtolower($this->access->connection->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr) === 'uniquemember')
|| (strtolower($this->access->connection->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr) === 'member')
) {
$uid = $userDN;
} else if(strtolower($this->access->connection->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr) === 'memberuid') {
$result = $this->access->readAttribute($userDN, 'uid');
if ($result === false) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'No uid attribute found for DN ' . $userDN . ' on '.
$this->access->connection->ldapHost, ILogger::DEBUG);
$uid = $result[0];
} else {
// just in case
$uid = $userDN;
if(isset($this->cachedGroupsByMember[$uid])) {
$groups = array_merge($groups, $this->cachedGroupsByMember[$uid]);
} else {
$groupsByMember = array_values($this->getGroupsByMember($uid));
$groupsByMember = $this->access->nextcloudGroupNames($groupsByMember);
$this->cachedGroupsByMember[$uid] = $groupsByMember;
$groups = array_merge($groups, $groupsByMember);
if($primaryGroup !== false) {
$groups[] = $primaryGroup;
if($gidGroupName !== false) {
$groups[] = $gidGroupName;
$groups = array_unique($groups, SORT_LOCALE_STRING);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $groups);
return $groups;
* @param string $dn
* @param array|null &$seen
* @return array
private function getGroupsByMember($dn, &$seen = null) {
if ($seen === null) {
$seen = [];
if (array_key_exists($dn, $seen)) {
// avoid loops
return [];
$allGroups = [];
$seen[$dn] = true;
$filter = $this->access->connection->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr.'='.$dn;
$groups = $this->access->fetchListOfGroups($filter,
[$this->access->connection->ldapGroupDisplayName, 'dn']);
if (is_array($groups)) {
$fetcher = function ($dn, &$seen) {
if(is_array($dn) && isset($dn['dn'][0])) {
$dn = $dn['dn'][0];
return $this->getGroupsByMember($dn, $seen);
$allGroups = $this->walkNestedGroups($dn, $fetcher, $groups);
$visibleGroups = $this->access->groupsMatchFilter(array_keys($allGroups));
return array_intersect_key($allGroups, array_flip($visibleGroups));
* get a list of all users in a group
* @param string $gid
* @param string $search
* @param int $limit
* @param int $offset
* @return array with user ids
public function usersInGroup($gid, $search = '', $limit = -1, $offset = 0) {
if(!$this->enabled) {
return array();
if(!$this->groupExists($gid)) {
return array();
$search = $this->access->escapeFilterPart($search, true);
$cacheKey = 'usersInGroup-'.$gid.'-'.$search.'-'.$limit.'-'.$offset;
// check for cache of the exact query
$groupUsers = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if(!is_null($groupUsers)) {
return $groupUsers;
// check for cache of the query without limit and offset
$groupUsers = $this->access->connection->getFromCache('usersInGroup-'.$gid.'-'.$search);
if(!is_null($groupUsers)) {
$groupUsers = array_slice($groupUsers, $offset, $limit);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $groupUsers);
return $groupUsers;
if($limit === -1) {
$limit = null;
$groupDN = $this->access->groupname2dn($gid);
if(!$groupDN) {
// group couldn't be found, return empty resultset
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, array());
return array();
$primaryUsers = $this->getUsersInPrimaryGroup($groupDN, $search, $limit, $offset);
$posixGroupUsers = $this->getUsersInGidNumber($groupDN, $search, $limit, $offset);
$members = $this->_groupMembers($groupDN);
if(!$members && empty($posixGroupUsers) && empty($primaryUsers)) {
//in case users could not be retrieved, return empty result set
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, []);
return [];
$groupUsers = array();
$isMemberUid = (strtolower($this->access->connection->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr) === 'memberuid');
$attrs = $this->access->userManager->getAttributes(true);
foreach($members as $member) {
if($isMemberUid) {
//we got uids, need to get their DNs to 'translate' them to user names
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd(array(
str_replace('%uid', trim($member), $this->access->connection->ldapLoginFilter),
$ldap_users = $this->access->fetchListOfUsers($filter, $attrs, 1);
if(count($ldap_users) < 1) {
$groupUsers[] = $this->access->dn2username($ldap_users[0]['dn'][0]);
} else {
//we got DNs, check if we need to filter by search or we can give back all of them
if ($search !== '') {
$this->access->getFilterPartForUserSearch($search))) {
// dn2username will also check if the users belong to the allowed base
if($ocname = $this->access->dn2username($member)) {
$groupUsers[] = $ocname;
$groupUsers = array_unique(array_merge($groupUsers, $primaryUsers, $posixGroupUsers));
$this->access->connection->writeToCache('usersInGroup-'.$gid.'-'.$search, $groupUsers);
$groupUsers = array_slice($groupUsers, $offset, $limit);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $groupUsers);
return $groupUsers;
* returns the number of users in a group, who match the search term
* @param string $gid the internal group name
* @param string $search optional, a search string
* @return int|bool
public function countUsersInGroup($gid, $search = '') {
if ($this->groupPluginManager->implementsActions(GroupInterface::COUNT_USERS)) {
return $this->groupPluginManager->countUsersInGroup($gid, $search);
$cacheKey = 'countUsersInGroup-'.$gid.'-'.$search;
if(!$this->enabled || !$this->groupExists($gid)) {
return false;
$groupUsers = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if(!is_null($groupUsers)) {
return $groupUsers;
$groupDN = $this->access->groupname2dn($gid);
if(!$groupDN) {
// group couldn't be found, return empty result set
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, false);
return false;
$members = $this->_groupMembers($groupDN);
$primaryUserCount = $this->countUsersInPrimaryGroup($groupDN, '');
if(!$members && $primaryUserCount === 0) {
//in case users could not be retrieved, return empty result set
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, false);
return false;
if ($search === '') {
$groupUsers = count($members) + $primaryUserCount;
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $groupUsers);
return $groupUsers;
$search = $this->access->escapeFilterPart($search, true);
$isMemberUid =
=== 'memberuid');
//we need to apply the search filter
//alternatives that need to be checked:
//a) get all users by search filter and array_intersect them
//b) a, but only when less than 1k 10k ?k users like it is
//c) put all DNs|uids in a LDAP filter, combine with the search string
// and let it count.
//For now this is not important, because the only use of this method
//does not supply a search string
$groupUsers = array();
foreach($members as $member) {
if($isMemberUid) {
//we got uids, need to get their DNs to 'translate' them to user names
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd(array(
str_replace('%uid', $member, $this->access->connection->ldapLoginFilter),
$ldap_users = $this->access->fetchListOfUsers($filter, 'dn', 1);
if(count($ldap_users) < 1) {
$groupUsers[] = $this->access->dn2username($ldap_users[0]);
} else {
//we need to apply the search filter now
$this->access->getFilterPartForUserSearch($search))) {
// dn2username will also check if the users belong to the allowed base
if($ocname = $this->access->dn2username($member)) {
$groupUsers[] = $ocname;
//and get users that have the group as primary
$primaryUsers = $this->countUsersInPrimaryGroup($groupDN, $search);
return count($groupUsers) + $primaryUsers;
* get a list of all groups
* @param string $search
* @param $limit
* @param int $offset
* @return array with group names
* Returns a list with all groups (used by getGroups)
protected function getGroupsChunk($search = '', $limit = -1, $offset = 0) {
if(!$this->enabled) {
return array();
$cacheKey = 'getGroups-'.$search.'-'.$limit.'-'.$offset;
//Check cache before driving unnecessary searches
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'getGroups '.$cacheKey, ILogger::DEBUG);
$ldap_groups = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if(!is_null($ldap_groups)) {
return $ldap_groups;
// if we'd pass -1 to LDAP search, we'd end up in a Protocol
// error. With a limit of 0, we get 0 results. So we pass null.
if($limit <= 0) {
$limit = null;
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd(array(
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'getGroups Filter '.$filter, ILogger::DEBUG);
$ldap_groups = $this->access->fetchListOfGroups($filter,
array($this->access->connection->ldapGroupDisplayName, 'dn'),
$ldap_groups = $this->access->nextcloudGroupNames($ldap_groups);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $ldap_groups);
return $ldap_groups;
* get a list of all groups using a paged search
* @param string $search
* @param int $limit
* @param int $offset
* @return array with group names
* Returns a list with all groups
* Uses a paged search if available to override a
* server side search limit.
* (active directory has a limit of 1000 by default)
public function getGroups($search = '', $limit = -1, $offset = 0) {
if(!$this->enabled) {
return array();
$search = $this->access->escapeFilterPart($search, true);
$pagingSize = (int)$this->access->connection->ldapPagingSize;
if ($pagingSize <= 0) {
return $this->getGroupsChunk($search, $limit, $offset);
$maxGroups = 100000; // limit max results (just for safety reasons)
if ($limit > -1) {
$overallLimit = min($limit + $offset, $maxGroups);
} else {
$overallLimit = $maxGroups;
$chunkOffset = $offset;
$allGroups = array();
while ($chunkOffset < $overallLimit) {
$chunkLimit = min($pagingSize, $overallLimit - $chunkOffset);
$ldapGroups = $this->getGroupsChunk($search, $chunkLimit, $chunkOffset);
$nread = count($ldapGroups);
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'getGroups('.$search.'): read '.$nread.' at offset '.$chunkOffset.' (limit: '.$chunkLimit.')', ILogger::DEBUG);
if ($nread) {
$allGroups = array_merge($allGroups, $ldapGroups);
$chunkOffset += $nread;
if ($nread < $chunkLimit) {
return $allGroups;
* @param string $group
* @return bool
public function groupMatchesFilter($group) {
return (strripos($group, $this->groupSearch) !== false);
* check if a group exists
* @param string $gid
* @return bool
public function groupExists($gid) {
$groupExists = $this->access->connection->getFromCache('groupExists'.$gid);
if(!is_null($groupExists)) {
return (bool)$groupExists;
//getting dn, if false the group does not exist. If dn, it may be mapped
//only, requires more checking.
$dn = $this->access->groupname2dn($gid);
if(!$dn) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache('groupExists'.$gid, false);
return false;
//if group really still exists, we will be able to read its objectclass
if(!is_array($this->access->readAttribute($dn, ''))) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache('groupExists'.$gid, false);
return false;
$this->access->connection->writeToCache('groupExists'.$gid, true);
return true;
* Check if backend implements actions
* @param int $actions bitwise-or'ed actions
* @return boolean
* Returns the supported actions as int to be
* compared with GroupInterface::CREATE_GROUP etc.
public function implementsActions($actions) {
return (bool)((GroupInterface::COUNT_USERS |
$this->groupPluginManager->getImplementedActions()) & $actions);
* Return access for LDAP interaction.
* @return Access instance of Access for LDAP interaction
public function getLDAPAccess($gid) {
return $this->access;
* create a group
* @param string $gid
* @return bool
* @throws \Exception
public function createGroup($gid) {
if ($this->groupPluginManager->implementsActions(GroupInterface::CREATE_GROUP)) {
if ($dn = $this->groupPluginManager->createGroup($gid)) {
//updates group mapping
$this->access->dn2ocname($dn, $gid, false);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache("groupExists".$gid, true);
return $dn != null;
throw new \Exception('Could not create group in LDAP backend.');
* delete a group
* @param string $gid gid of the group to delete
* @return bool
* @throws \Exception
public function deleteGroup($gid) {
if ($this->groupPluginManager->implementsActions(GroupInterface::DELETE_GROUP)) {
if ($ret = $this->groupPluginManager->deleteGroup($gid)) {
#delete group in nextcloud internal db
$this->access->connection->writeToCache("groupExists".$gid, false);
return $ret;
throw new \Exception('Could not delete group in LDAP backend.');
* Add a user to a group
* @param string $uid Name of the user to add to group
* @param string $gid Name of the group in which add the user
* @return bool
* @throws \Exception
public function addToGroup($uid, $gid) {
if ($this->groupPluginManager->implementsActions(GroupInterface::ADD_TO_GROUP)) {
if ($ret = $this->groupPluginManager->addToGroup($uid, $gid)) {
return $ret;
throw new \Exception('Could not add user to group in LDAP backend.');
* Removes a user from a group
* @param string $uid Name of the user to remove from group
* @param string $gid Name of the group from which remove the user
* @return bool
* @throws \Exception
public function removeFromGroup($uid, $gid) {
if ($this->groupPluginManager->implementsActions(GroupInterface::REMOVE_FROM_GROUP)) {
if ($ret = $this->groupPluginManager->removeFromGroup($uid, $gid)) {
return $ret;
throw new \Exception('Could not remove user from group in LDAP backend.');
* Gets group details
* @param string $gid Name of the group
* @return array | false
* @throws \Exception
public function getGroupDetails($gid) {
if ($this->groupPluginManager->implementsActions(GroupInterface::GROUP_DETAILS)) {
return $this->groupPluginManager->getGroupDetails($gid);
throw new \Exception('Could not get group details in LDAP backend.');
* Return LDAP connection resource from a cloned connection.
* The cloned connection needs to be closed manually.
* of the current access.
* @param string $gid
* @return resource of the LDAP connection
public function getNewLDAPConnection($gid) {
$connection = clone $this->access->getConnection();
return $connection->getConnectionResource();
* @throws \OC\ServerNotAvailableException
public function getDisplayName(string $gid): string {
if ($this->groupPluginManager instanceof IGetDisplayNameBackend) {
return $this->groupPluginManager->getDisplayName($gid);
$cacheKey = 'group_getDisplayName' . $gid;
if (!is_null($displayName = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey))) {
return $displayName;
$displayName = $this->access->readAttribute(
if ($displayName && (count($displayName) > 0)) {
$displayName = $displayName[0];
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $displayName);
return $displayName;
return '';