In theory, if your instance ever creates more jobs then your system cron can handle, the default background jobs get never executed anymore. Because everytime when the joblist returns the next job it looks for the next ID, however there is always a new next ID, so it will never wrap back to execute the low IDs. But when we change the sort order to be DESC, we make sure that these low IDs are always executed, before the system jumps back up to execute the new IDs.
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* Copyright (c) 2014 Robin Appelman <icewind@owncloud.com>
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
namespace Test\BackgroundJob;
use OCP\BackgroundJob\IJob;
use OCP\IDBConnection;
use Test\TestCase;
* Class JobList
* @group DB
* @package Test\BackgroundJob
class JobList extends TestCase {
/** @var \OC\BackgroundJob\JobList */
protected $instance;
/** @var \OCP\IConfig|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
protected $config;
protected function setUp() {
$connection = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection();
$this->config = $this->getMock('\OCP\IConfig');
$this->instance = new \OC\BackgroundJob\JobList($connection, $this->config);
protected function clearJobsList(IDBConnection $connection) {
$query = $connection->getQueryBuilder();
protected function getAllSorted() {
$jobs = $this->instance->getAll();
usort($jobs, function (IJob $job1, IJob $job2) {
return $job1->getId() - $job2->getId();
return $jobs;
public function argumentProvider() {
return array(
'asd' => 5,
'foo' => 'bar'
* @dataProvider argumentProvider
* @param $argument
public function testAddRemove($argument) {
$existingJobs = $this->getAllSorted();
$job = new TestJob();
$this->instance->add($job, $argument);
$jobs = $this->getAllSorted();
$this->assertCount(count($existingJobs) + 1, $jobs);
$addedJob = $jobs[count($jobs) - 1];
$this->assertInstanceOf('\Test\BackgroundJob\TestJob', $addedJob);
$this->assertEquals($argument, $addedJob->getArgument());
$this->instance->remove($job, $argument);
$jobs = $this->getAllSorted();
$this->assertEquals($existingJobs, $jobs);
* @dataProvider argumentProvider
* @param $argument
public function testRemoveDifferentArgument($argument) {
$existingJobs = $this->getAllSorted();
$job = new TestJob();
$this->instance->add($job, $argument);
$jobs = $this->getAllSorted();
$this->instance->remove($job, 10);
$jobs2 = $this->getAllSorted();
$this->assertEquals($jobs, $jobs2);
$this->instance->remove($job, $argument);
$jobs = $this->getAllSorted();
$this->assertEquals($existingJobs, $jobs);
* @dataProvider argumentProvider
* @param $argument
public function testHas($argument) {
$job = new TestJob();
$this->assertFalse($this->instance->has($job, $argument));
$this->instance->add($job, $argument);
$this->assertTrue($this->instance->has($job, $argument));
$this->instance->remove($job, $argument);
$this->assertFalse($this->instance->has($job, $argument));
* @dataProvider argumentProvider
* @param $argument
public function testHasDifferentArgument($argument) {
$job = new TestJob();
$this->instance->add($job, $argument);
$this->assertFalse($this->instance->has($job, 10));
$this->instance->remove($job, $argument);
public function testGetLastJob() {
->with('backgroundjob', 'lastjob', 0)
$this->assertEquals(15, $this->instance->getLastJob());
public function testGetNext() {
$job = new TestJob();
$this->instance->add($job, 1);
$this->instance->add($job, 2);
$jobs = $this->getAllSorted();
$savedJob1 = $jobs[count($jobs) - 2];
$savedJob2 = $jobs[count($jobs) - 1];
->with('backgroundjob', 'lastjob', 0)
$nextJob = $this->instance->getNext();
$this->assertEquals($savedJob1, $nextJob);
$this->instance->remove($job, 1);
$this->instance->remove($job, 2);
public function testGetNextWrapAround() {
$job = new TestJob();
$this->instance->add($job, 1);
$this->instance->add($job, 2);
$jobs = $this->getAllSorted();
$savedJob1 = $jobs[count($jobs) - 2];
$savedJob2 = $jobs[count($jobs) - 1];
->with('backgroundjob', 'lastjob', 0)
$nextJob = $this->instance->getNext();
$this->assertEquals($savedJob2, $nextJob);
$this->instance->remove($job, 1);
$this->instance->remove($job, 2);
* @dataProvider argumentProvider
* @param $argument
public function testGetById($argument) {
$job = new TestJob();
$this->instance->add($job, $argument);
$jobs = $this->getAllSorted();
$addedJob = $jobs[count($jobs) - 1];
$this->assertEquals($addedJob, $this->instance->getById($addedJob->getId()));
$this->instance->remove($job, $argument);
public function testSetLastRun() {
$job = new TestJob();
$jobs = $this->getAllSorted();
$addedJob = $jobs[count($jobs) - 1];
$timeStart = time();
$timeEnd = time();
$addedJob = $this->instance->getById($addedJob->getId());
$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($timeStart, $addedJob->getLastRun());
$this->assertLessThanOrEqual($timeEnd, $addedJob->getLastRun());
public function testGetNextNonExisting() {
$job = new TestJob();
$this->instance->add($job, 1);
$this->instance->add($job, 2);
$jobs = $this->getAllSorted();
$savedJob1 = $jobs[count($jobs) - 2];
$savedJob2 = $jobs[count($jobs) - 1];
->with('backgroundjob', 'lastjob', 0)
$nextJob = $this->instance->getNext();
$this->assertEquals($savedJob2, $nextJob);
$this->instance->remove($job, 1);
$this->instance->remove($job, 2);