When uploading files through WebDAV, a part file is created and a rename operation is performed with the expectation that the part file overwrites an existing file, if any. This fix makes the SMB external storage delete the target file before renaming, as smbclient doesn't support overwrite on move/rename. Fixes #5348
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# smb.php
# This class implements a SMB stream wrapper based on 'smbclient'
# Date: lun oct 22 10:35:35 CEST 2007
# Homepage: http://www.phpclasses.org/smb4php
# Copyright (c) 2007 Victor M. Varela <vmvarela@gmail.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
define ('SMB4PHP_VERSION', '0.8');
# CONFIGURATION SECTION - Change for your needs
define ('SMB4PHP_SMBCLIENT', 'smbclient');
define ('SMB4PHP_AUTHMODE', 'arg'); # set to 'env' to use USER enviroment variable
# SMB - commands that does not need an instance
$GLOBALS['__smb_cache'] = array ('stat' => array (), 'dir' => array ());
class smb {
function parse_url ($url) {
$pu = parse_url (trim($url));
foreach (array ('domain', 'user', 'pass', 'host', 'port', 'path') as $i) {
if (! isset($pu[$i])) {
$pu[$i] = '';
if (count ($userdomain = explode (';', urldecode ($pu['user']))) > 1) {
@list ($pu['domain'], $pu['user']) = $userdomain;
$path = preg_replace (array ('/^\//', '/\/$/'), '', urldecode ($pu['path']));
list ($pu['share'], $pu['path']) = (preg_match ('/^([^\/]+)\/(.*)/', $path, $regs))
? array ($regs[1], preg_replace ('/\//', '\\', $regs[2]))
: array ($path, '');
$pu['type'] = $pu['path'] ? 'path' : ($pu['share'] ? 'share' : ($pu['host'] ? 'host' : '**error**'));
if (! ($pu['port'] = intval(@$pu['port']))) {
$pu['port'] = 139;
// decode user and password
$pu['user'] = urldecode($pu['user']);
$pu['pass'] = urldecode($pu['pass']);
return $pu;
function look ($purl) {
return smb::client ('-L ' . escapeshellarg ($purl['host']), $purl);
function execute ($command, $purl) {
return smb::client ('-d 0 '
. escapeshellarg ('//' . $purl['host'] . '/' . $purl['share'])
. ' -c ' . escapeshellarg ($command), $purl
function client ($params, $purl) {
static $regexp = array (
'^added interface ip=(.*) bcast=(.*) nmask=(.*)$' => 'skip',
'Anonymous login successful' => 'skip',
'^Domain=\[(.*)\] OS=\[(.*)\] Server=\[(.*)\]$' => 'skip',
'^\tSharename[ ]+Type[ ]+Comment$' => 'shares',
'^\t---------[ ]+----[ ]+-------$' => 'skip',
'^\tServer [ ]+Comment$' => 'servers',
'^\t---------[ ]+-------$' => 'skip',
'^\tWorkgroup[ ]+Master$' => 'workg',
'^\t(.*)[ ]+(Disk|IPC)[ ]+IPC.*$' => 'skip',
'^\tIPC\\\$(.*)[ ]+IPC' => 'skip',
'^\t(.*)[ ]+(Disk)[ ]+(.*)$' => 'share',
'^\t(.*)[ ]+(Printer)[ ]+(.*)$' => 'skip',
'([0-9]+) blocks of size ([0-9]+)\. ([0-9]+) blocks available' => 'skip',
'Got a positive name query response from ' => 'skip',
'^(session setup failed): (.*)$' => 'error',
'^(.*): ERRSRV - ERRbadpw' => 'error',
'^Error returning browse list: (.*)$' => 'error',
'^tree connect failed: (.*)$' => 'error',
'^(Connection to .* failed)(.*)$' => 'error-connect',
'^NT_STATUS_(.*) ' => 'error',
'^NT_STATUS_(.*)\$' => 'error',
'ERRDOS - ERRbadpath \((.*).\)' => 'error',
'cd (.*): (.*)$' => 'error',
'^cd (.*): NT_STATUS_(.*)' => 'error',
'^\t(.*)$' => 'srvorwg',
'^([0-9]+)[ ]+([0-9]+)[ ]+(.*)$' => 'skip',
'^Job ([0-9]+) cancelled' => 'skip',
'^[ ]+(.*)[ ]+([0-9]+)[ ]+(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun)[ ](Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)[ ]+([0-9]+)[ ]+([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})[ ]([0-9]{4})$' => 'files',
'^message start: ERRSRV - (ERRmsgoff)' => 'error'
if (SMB4PHP_AUTHMODE == 'env') {
$auth = '';
} else {
$auth = ($purl['user'] <> '' ? (' -U ' . escapeshellarg ($purl['user'] . '%' . $purl['pass'])) : '');
if ($purl['domain'] <> '') {
$auth .= ' -W ' . escapeshellarg ($purl['domain']);
$port = ($purl['port'] <> 139 ? ' -p ' . escapeshellarg ($purl['port']) : '');
$options = '-O ' . escapeshellarg(SMB4PHP_SMBOPTIONS);
// this put env is necessary to read the output of smbclient correctly
$old_locale = getenv('LC_ALL');
$output = popen (SMB4PHP_SMBCLIENT." -N {$auth} {$options} {$port} {$options} {$params} 2>/dev/null", 'r');
$gotInfo = false;
$info = array ();
$info['info']= array ();
$mode = '';
while ($line = fgets ($output, 4096)) {
list ($tag, $regs, $i) = array ('skip', array (), array ());
reset ($regexp);
foreach ($regexp as $r => $t) if (preg_match ('/'.$r.'/', $line, $regs)) {
$tag = $t;
switch ($tag) {
case 'skip': continue;
case 'shares': $mode = 'shares'; break;
case 'servers': $mode = 'servers'; break;
case 'workg': $mode = 'workgroups'; break;
case 'share':
list($name, $type) = array (
trim(substr($line, 1, 15)),
trim(strtolower(substr($line, 17, 10)))
$i = ($type <> 'disk' && preg_match('/^(.*) Disk/', $line, $regs))
? array(trim($regs[1]), 'disk')
: array($name, 'disk');
case 'srvorwg':
list ($name, $master) = array (
strtolower(trim(substr($line, 22)))
$i = ($mode == 'servers') ? array ($name, "server") : array ($name, "workgroup", $master);
case 'files':
list ($attr, $name) = preg_match ("/^(.*)[ ]+([D|A|H|S|R]+)$/", trim ($regs[1]), $regs2)
? array (trim ($regs2[2]), trim ($regs2[1]))
: array ('', trim ($regs[1]));
list ($his, $im) = array (
explode(':', $regs[6]), 1 + strpos("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec", $regs[4]) / 3);
$i = ($name <> '.' && $name <> '..')
? array (
(strpos($attr,'D') === FALSE) ? 'file' : 'folder',
'attr' => $attr,
'size' => intval($regs[2]),
'time' => mktime ($his[0], $his[1], $his[2], $im, $regs[5], $regs[7])
: array();
case 'error':
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
trigger_error($regs[0].' params('.$params.')', E_USER_ERROR);
case 'error-connect':
// connection error can happen after obtaining share list if
// NetBIOS is disabled/blocked on the target server,
// in which case we keep the info and continue
if (!$gotInfo) {
return false;
if ($i) switch ($i[1]) {
case 'file':
case 'folder': $info['info'][$i[0]] = $i;
case 'disk':
case 'server':
case 'workgroup': $info[$i[1]][] = $i[0];
$gotInfo = true;
// restore previous locale
if ($old_locale===false) {
} else {
return $info;
# stats
function url_stat ($url, $flags = STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK) {
if ($s = smb::getstatcache($url)) {
return $s;
list ($stat, $pu) = array (false, smb::parse_url ($url));
switch ($pu['type']) {
case 'host':
if ($o = smb::look ($pu))
$stat = stat ("/tmp");
trigger_error ("url_stat(): list failed for host '{$pu['host']}'", E_USER_WARNING);
case 'share':
if ($o = smb::look ($pu)) {
$found = FALSE;
$lshare = strtolower ($pu['share']); # fix by Eric Leung
foreach ($o['disk'] as $s) if ($lshare == strtolower($s)) {
$found = TRUE;
$stat = stat ("/tmp");
if (! $found)
trigger_error ("url_stat(): disk resource '{$lshare}' not found in '{$pu['host']}'", E_USER_WARNING);
case 'path':
if ($o = smb::execute ('dir "'.$pu['path'].'"', $pu)) {
$p = explode('\\', $pu['path']);
$name = $p[count($p)-1];
if (isset ($o['info'][$name])) {
$stat = smb::addstatcache ($url, $o['info'][$name]);
} else {
trigger_error ("url_stat(): path '{$pu['path']}' not found", E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
return false;
// trigger_error ("url_stat(): dir failed for path '{$pu['path']}'", E_USER_WARNING);
default: trigger_error ('error in URL', E_USER_ERROR);
return $stat;
function addstatcache ($url, $info) {
$url = str_replace('//', '/', $url);
$url = rtrim($url, '/');
global $__smb_cache;
$is_file = (strpos ($info['attr'],'D') === FALSE);
$s = ($is_file) ? stat ('/etc/passwd') : stat ('/tmp');
$s[7] = $s['size'] = $info['size'];
$s[8] = $s[9] = $s[10] = $s['atime'] = $s['mtime'] = $s['ctime'] = $info['time'];
return $__smb_cache['stat'][$url] = $s;
function getstatcache ($url) {
$url = str_replace('//', '/', $url);
$url = rtrim($url, '/');
global $__smb_cache;
return isset ($__smb_cache['stat'][$url]) ? $__smb_cache['stat'][$url] : FALSE;
function clearstatcache ($url='') {
$url = str_replace('//', '/', $url);
$url = rtrim($url, '/');
global $__smb_cache;
if ($url == '') $__smb_cache['stat'] = array (); else unset ($__smb_cache['stat'][$url]);
# commands
function unlink ($url) {
$pu = smb::parse_url($url);
if ($pu['type'] <> 'path') trigger_error('unlink(): error in URL', E_USER_ERROR);
smb::clearstatcache ($url);
smb_stream_wrapper::cleardircache (dirname($url));
return smb::execute ('del "'.$pu['path'].'"', $pu);
function rename ($url_from, $url_to) {
$replace = false;
list ($from, $to) = array (smb::parse_url($url_from), smb::parse_url($url_to));
if ($from['host'] <> $to['host'] ||
$from['share'] <> $to['share'] ||
$from['user'] <> $to['user'] ||
$from['pass'] <> $to['pass'] ||
$from['domain'] <> $to['domain']) {
trigger_error('rename(): FROM & TO must be in same server-share-user-pass-domain', E_USER_ERROR);
if ($from['type'] <> 'path' || $to['type'] <> 'path') {
trigger_error('rename(): error in URL', E_USER_ERROR);
smb::clearstatcache ($url_from);
$cmd = '';
// check if target file exists
if (smb::url_stat($url_to)) {
// delete target file first
$cmd = 'del "' . $to['path'] . '"; ';
$replace = true;
$cmd .= 'rename "' . $from['path'] . '" "' . $to['path'] . '"';
$result = smb::execute($cmd, $to);
if ($replace) {
// clear again, else the cache will return the info
// from the old file
smb::clearstatcache ($url_to);
return $result !== false;
function mkdir ($url, $mode, $options) {
$pu = smb::parse_url($url);
if ($pu['type'] <> 'path') trigger_error('mkdir(): error in URL', E_USER_ERROR);
return smb::execute ('mkdir "'.$pu['path'].'"', $pu)!==false;
function rmdir ($url) {
$pu = smb::parse_url($url);
if ($pu['type'] <> 'path') trigger_error('rmdir(): error in URL', E_USER_ERROR);
smb::clearstatcache ($url);
smb_stream_wrapper::cleardircache (dirname($url));
return smb::execute ('rmdir "'.$pu['path'].'"', $pu)!==false;
# SMB_STREAM_WRAPPER - class to be registered for smb:// URLs
class smb_stream_wrapper extends smb {
# variables
private $stream, $url, $parsed_url = array (), $mode, $tmpfile;
private $need_flush = FALSE;
private $dir = array (), $dir_index = -1;
# directories
function dir_opendir ($url, $options) {
if ($d = $this->getdircache ($url)) {
$this->dir = $d;
$this->dir_index = 0;
return TRUE;
$pu = smb::parse_url ($url);
switch ($pu['type']) {
case 'host':
if ($o = smb::look ($pu)) {
$this->dir = $o['disk'];
$this->dir_index = 0;
} else {
trigger_error ("dir_opendir(): list failed for host '{$pu['host']}'", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
case 'share':
case 'path':
if (is_array($o = smb::execute ('dir "'.$pu['path'].'\*"', $pu))) {
$this->dir = array_keys($o['info']);
$this->dir_index = 0;
$this->adddircache ($url, $this->dir);
foreach ($o['info'] as $name => $info) {
smb::addstatcache($url . '/' . $name, $info);
} else {
trigger_error ("dir_opendir(): dir failed for path '".$pu['path']."'", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
trigger_error ('dir_opendir(): error in URL', E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
return TRUE;
function dir_readdir () {
return ($this->dir_index < count($this->dir)) ? $this->dir[$this->dir_index++] : FALSE;
function dir_rewinddir () { $this->dir_index = 0; }
function dir_closedir () { $this->dir = array(); $this->dir_index = -1; return TRUE; }
# cache
function adddircache ($url, $content) {
$url = str_replace('//', '/', $url);
$url = rtrim($url, '/');
global $__smb_cache;
return $__smb_cache['dir'][$url] = $content;
function getdircache ($url) {
$url = str_replace('//', '/', $url);
$url = rtrim($url, '/');
global $__smb_cache;
return isset ($__smb_cache['dir'][$url]) ? $__smb_cache['dir'][$url] : FALSE;
function cleardircache ($url='') {
$url = str_replace('//', '/', $url);
$url = rtrim($url, '/');
global $__smb_cache;
if ($url == ''){
$__smb_cache['dir'] = array ();
unset ($__smb_cache['dir'][$url]);
# streams
function stream_open ($url, $mode, $options, $opened_path) {
$this->url = $url;
$this->mode = $mode;
$this->parsed_url = $pu = smb::parse_url($url);
if ($pu['type'] <> 'path') trigger_error('stream_open(): error in URL', E_USER_ERROR);
switch ($mode) {
case 'r':
case 'r+':
case 'rb':
case 'a':
case 'a+': $this->tmpfile = tempnam('/tmp', 'smb.down.');
$result = smb::execute ('get "'.$pu['path'].'" "'.$this->tmpfile.'"', $pu);
if($result === false){
return $result;
case 'w':
case 'w+':
case 'wb':
case 'x':
case 'x+': $this->cleardircache();
$this->tmpfile = tempnam('/tmp', 'smb.up.');
$this->stream = fopen ($this->tmpfile, $mode);
return TRUE;
function stream_close () { return fclose($this->stream); }
function stream_read ($count) { return fread($this->stream, $count); }
function stream_write ($data) { $this->need_flush = TRUE; return fwrite($this->stream, $data); }
function stream_eof () { return feof($this->stream); }
function stream_tell () { return ftell($this->stream); }
// PATCH: the wrapper must return true when fseek succeeded by returning 0.
function stream_seek ($offset, $whence=null) { return fseek($this->stream, $offset, $whence) === 0; }
function stream_flush () {
if ($this->mode <> 'r' && $this->need_flush) {
smb::clearstatcache ($this->url);
smb::execute ('put "'.$this->tmpfile.'" "'.$this->parsed_url['path'].'"', $this->parsed_url);
$this->need_flush = FALSE;
function stream_stat () { return smb::url_stat ($this->url); }
function __destruct () {
if ($this->tmpfile <> '') {
if ($this->need_flush) $this->stream_flush ();
unlink ($this->tmpfile);
# Register 'smb' protocol !
stream_wrapper_register('smb', 'smb_stream_wrapper')
or die ('Failed to register protocol');