Lukas Reschke fc2c5fe414 Add header for attachment disposition only once
Recent refactorings have resulted in the header being added twice, this makes browsers ignore the header which removes any security gains.

This changeset adds the header only once and adds integration tests ensuring the correct header in future.
2016-02-23 12:23:41 +01:00

233 lines
6.6 KiB

use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
use Behat\Behat\Context\SnippetAcceptingContext;
use GuzzleHttp\Client as GClient;
use GuzzleHttp\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Sabre\DAV\Client as SClient;
require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
trait WebDav {
/** @var string*/
private $davPath = "remote.php/webdav";
/** @var ResponseInterface */
private $response;
* @Given /^using dav path "([^"]*)"$/
public function usingDavPath($davPath) {
$this->davPath = $davPath;
public function makeDavRequest($user, $method, $path, $headers, $body = null){
$fullUrl = substr($this->baseUrl, 0, -4) . $this->davPath . "$path";
$client = new GClient();
$options = [];
if ($user === 'admin') {
$options['auth'] = $this->adminUser;
} else {
$options['auth'] = [$user, $this->regularUser];
$request = $client->createRequest($method, $fullUrl, $options);
if (!is_null($headers)){
foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
$request->addHeader($key, $value);
if (!is_null($body)) {
return $client->send($request);
* @Given /^User "([^"]*)" moved file "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)"$/
public function userMovedFile($user, $fileSource, $fileDestination){
$fullUrl = substr($this->baseUrl, 0, -4) . $this->davPath;
$headers['Destination'] = $fullUrl . $fileDestination;
$this->response = $this->makeDavRequest($user, "MOVE", $fileSource, $headers);
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals(201, $this->response->getStatusCode());
* @When /^User "([^"]*)" moves file "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)"$/
public function userMovesFile($user, $fileSource, $fileDestination){
$fullUrl = substr($this->baseUrl, 0, -4) . $this->davPath;
$headers['Destination'] = $fullUrl . $fileDestination;
$this->response = $this->makeDavRequest($user, "MOVE", $fileSource, $headers);
* @When /^Downloading file "([^"]*)" with range "([^"]*)"$/
public function downloadFileWithRange($fileSource, $range){
$fullUrl = substr($this->baseUrl, 0, -4) . $this->davPath;
$headers['Range'] = $range;
$this->response = $this->makeDavRequest($this->currentUser, "GET", $fileSource, $headers);
* @When /^Downloading last public shared file with range "([^"]*)"$/
public function downloadPublicFileWithRange($range){
$token = $this->lastShareData->data->token;
$fullUrl = substr($this->baseUrl, 0, -4) . "public.php/webdav";
$headers['Range'] = $range;
$client = new GClient();
$options = [];
$options['auth'] = [$token, ""];
$request = $client->createRequest("GET", $fullUrl, $options);
$request->addHeader('Range', $range);
$this->response = $client->send($request);
* @Then /^Downloaded content should be "([^"]*)"$/
public function downloadedContentShouldBe($content){
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($content, (string)$this->response->getBody());
* @Then /^Downloaded content when downloading file "([^"]*)" with range "([^"]*)" should be "([^"]*)"$/
public function downloadedContentWhenDownloadindShouldBe($fileSource, $range, $content){
$this->downloadFileWithRange($fileSource, $range);
* @When Downloading file :fileName
public function downloadingFile($fileName) {
$this->response = $this->makeDavRequest($this->currentUser, 'GET', $fileName, []);
* @Then The following headers should be set
public function theFollowingHeadersShouldBeSet(\Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode $table) {
foreach($table->getTable() as $header) {
$headerName = $header[0];
$expectedHeaderValue = $header[1];
$returnedHeader = $this->response->getHeader($headerName);
if($returnedHeader !== $expectedHeaderValue) {
throw new \Exception(
"Expected value '%s' for header '%s', got '%s'",
* @Then Downloaded content should start with :start
public function downloadedContentShouldStartWith($start) {
if(strpos($this->response->getBody()->getContents(), $start) !== 0) {
throw new \Exception(
"Expected '%s', got '%s'",
/*Returns the elements of a propfind, $folderDepth requires 1 to see elements without children*/
public function listFolder($user, $path, $folderDepth){
$fullUrl = substr($this->baseUrl, 0, -4);
$settings = array(
'baseUri' => $fullUrl,
'userName' => $user,
if ($user === 'admin') {
$settings['password'] = $this->adminUser[1];
} else {
$settings['password'] = $this->regularUser;
$client = new SClient($settings);
$response = $client->propfind($this->davPath . "/", array(
), $folderDepth);
return $response;
* @Then /^user "([^"]*)" should see following elements$/
* @param \Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode|null $expectedElements
public function checkElementList($user, $expectedElements){
$elementList = $this->listFolder($user, '/', 3);
if ($expectedElements instanceof \Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode) {
$elementRows = $expectedElements->getRows();
$elementsSimplified = $this->simplifyArray($elementRows);
foreach($elementsSimplified as $expectedElement) {
$webdavPath = "/" . $this->davPath . $expectedElement;
if (!array_key_exists($webdavPath,$elementList)){
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::fail("$webdavPath" . " is not in propfind answer");
* @When User :user uploads file :source to :destination
public function userUploadsAFileTo($user, $source, $destination)
$file = \GuzzleHttp\Stream\Stream::factory(fopen($source, 'r'));
try {
$this->response = $this->makeDavRequest($user, "PUT", $destination, [], $file);
} catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException $e) {
// 4xx and 5xx responses cause an exception
$this->response = $e->getResponse();
* @When User :user deletes file :file
public function userDeletesFile($user, $file) {
try {
$this->response = $this->makeDavRequest($user, 'DELETE', $file, []);
} catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException $e) {
// 4xx and 5xx responses cause an exception
$this->response = $e->getResponse();
* @Given User :user created a folder :destination
public function userCreatedAFolder($user, $destination){
try {
$this->response = $this->makeDavRequest($user, "MKCOL", $destination, []);
} catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException $e) {
// 4xx and 5xx responses cause an exception
$this->response = $e->getResponse();