Roeland Jago Douma 63f6d2d558
Allow ocs/v2.php/cloud/... routes
One of the possibilities of the old OCS API is that you can define the
url yourself.

This PR makes this possible again by adding an optional root elemenet to
the route. Routes are thus:


By default <root> = apps/<app>

This will allow for example the provisioning API etc to be in
2016-08-08 15:01:26 +02:00

426 lines
13 KiB

namespace Test\AppFramework\Routing;
use OC\AppFramework\DependencyInjection\DIContainer;
use OC\AppFramework\Routing\RouteActionHandler;
use OC\AppFramework\Routing\RouteConfig;
class RoutingTest extends \Test\TestCase
public function testSimpleRoute()
$routes = array('routes' => array(
array('name' => 'folders#open', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'GET')
$this->assertSimpleRoute($routes, '', 'GET', '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open');
public function testSimpleOCSRoute() {
$routes = ['ocs' => [
['name' => 'folders#open', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'GET']
$this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'GET', '/apps/app1/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open');
public function testSimpleRouteWithMissingVerb()
$routes = array('routes' => array(
array('name' => 'folders#open', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open')
$this->assertSimpleRoute($routes, '', 'GET', '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open');
public function testSimpleOCSRouteWithMissingVerb() {
$routes = ['ocs' => [
['name' => 'folders#open', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open']
$this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'GET', '/apps/app1/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open');
public function testSimpleRouteWithLowercaseVerb()
$routes = array('routes' => array(
array('name' => 'folders#open', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'delete')
$this->assertSimpleRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open');
public function testSimpleOCSRouteWithLowercaseVerb() {
$routes = ['ocs' => [
['name' => 'folders#open', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'delete']
$this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/apps/app1/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open');
public function testSimpleRouteWithRequirements()
$routes = array('routes' => array(
array('name' => 'folders#open', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'delete', 'requirements' => array('something'))
$this->assertSimpleRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open', array('something'));
public function testSimpleOCSRouteWithRequirements() {
$routes = ['ocs' => [
['name' => 'folders#open', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'delete', 'requirements' => ['something']]
$this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/apps/app1/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open', ['something']);
public function testSimpleRouteWithDefaults()
$routes = array('routes' => array(
array('name' => 'folders#open', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'delete', array(), 'defaults' => array('param' => 'foobar'))
$this->assertSimpleRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open', array(), array('param' => 'foobar'));
public function testSimpleOCSRouteWithDefaults() {
$routes = ['ocs' => [
['name' => 'folders#open', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'delete', 'defaults' => ['param' => 'foobar']]
$this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/apps/app1/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open', [], ['param' => 'foobar']);
public function testSimpleRouteWithPostfix()
$routes = array('routes' => array(
array('name' => 'folders#open', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'delete', 'postfix' => '_something')
$this->assertSimpleRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open', array(), array(), '_something');
public function testSimpleOCSRouteWithPostfix() {
$routes = ['ocs' => [
['name' => 'folders#open', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'delete', 'postfix' => '_something']
$this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/apps/app1/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open', [], [], '_something');
* @expectedException \UnexpectedValueException
public function testSimpleRouteWithBrokenName()
$routes = array('routes' => array(
array('name' => 'folders_open', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'delete')
// router mock
$router = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Route\Router')
// load route configuration
$container = new DIContainer('app1');
$config = new RouteConfig($container, $router, $routes);
* @expectedException \UnexpectedValueException
public function testSimpleOCSRouteWithBrokenName() {
$routes = ['ocs' => [
['name' => 'folders_open', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'delete']
// router mock
$router = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Route\Router')
// load route configuration
$container = new DIContainer('app1');
$config = new RouteConfig($container, $router, $routes);
public function testSimpleRouteWithUnderScoreNames()
$routes = array('routes' => array(
array('name' => 'admin_folders#open_current', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'delete')
$this->assertSimpleRoute($routes, 'admin_folders.open_current', 'DELETE', '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'AdminFoldersController', 'openCurrent');
public function testSimpleOCSRouteWithUnderScoreNames() {
$routes = ['ocs' => [
['name' => 'admin_folders#open_current', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'delete']
$this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, 'admin_folders.open_current', 'DELETE', '/apps/app1/folders/{folderId}/open', 'AdminFoldersController', 'openCurrent');
public function testResource()
$routes = array('resources' => array('account' => array('url' => '/accounts')));
$this->assertResource($routes, 'account', '/accounts', 'AccountController', 'id');
public function testResourceWithUnderScoreName()
$routes = array('resources' => array('admin_accounts' => array('url' => '/admin/accounts')));
$this->assertResource($routes, 'admin_accounts', '/admin/accounts', 'AdminAccountsController', 'id');
* @param string $name
* @param string $verb
* @param string $url
* @param string $controllerName
* @param string $actionName
private function assertSimpleRoute($routes, $name, $verb, $url, $controllerName, $actionName, array $requirements=array(), array $defaults=array(), $postfix='')
if ($postfix) {
$name .= $postfix;
// route mocks
$container = new DIContainer('app1');
$route = $this->mockRoute($container, $verb, $controllerName, $actionName, $requirements, $defaults);
// router mock
$router = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Route\Router')
// we expect create to be called once:
->with($this->equalTo('app1.' . $name), $this->equalTo($url))
// load route configuration
$config = new RouteConfig($container, $router, $routes);
* @param $routes
* @param string $name
* @param string $verb
* @param string $url
* @param string $controllerName
* @param string $actionName
* @param array $requirements
* @param array $defaults
* @param string $postfix
private function assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes,
array $requirements=array(),
array $defaults=array(),
if ($postfix) {
$name .= $postfix;
// route mocks
$container = new DIContainer('app1');
$route = $this->mockRoute($container, $verb, $controllerName, $actionName, $requirements, $defaults);
// router mock
$router = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Route\Router')
// we expect create to be called once:
->with($this->equalTo('ocs.app1.' . $name), $this->equalTo($url))
// load route configuration
$config = new RouteConfig($container, $router, $routes);
* @param string $resourceName
* @param string $url
* @param string $controllerName
* @param string $paramName
private function assertResource($yaml, $resourceName, $url, $controllerName, $paramName)
// router mock
$router = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Route\Router')
// route mocks
$container = new DIContainer('app1');
$indexRoute = $this->mockRoute($container, 'GET', $controllerName, 'index');
$showRoute = $this->mockRoute($container, 'GET', $controllerName, 'show');
$createRoute = $this->mockRoute($container, 'POST', $controllerName, 'create');
$updateRoute = $this->mockRoute($container, 'PUT', $controllerName, 'update');
$destroyRoute = $this->mockRoute($container, 'DELETE', $controllerName, 'destroy');
$urlWithParam = $url . '/{' . $paramName . '}';
// we expect create to be called once:
->with($this->equalTo('app1.' . $resourceName . '.index'), $this->equalTo($url))
->with($this->equalTo('app1.' . $resourceName . '.show'), $this->equalTo($urlWithParam))
->with($this->equalTo('app1.' . $resourceName . '.create'), $this->equalTo($url))
->with($this->equalTo('app1.' . $resourceName . '.update'), $this->equalTo($urlWithParam))
->with($this->equalTo('app1.' . $resourceName . '.destroy'), $this->equalTo($urlWithParam))
// load route configuration
$config = new RouteConfig($container, $router, $yaml);
* @param DIContainer $container
* @param string $verb
* @param string $controllerName
* @param string $actionName
* @param array $requirements
* @param array $defaults
* @return \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
private function mockRoute(
DIContainer $container,
array $requirements=array(),
array $defaults=array()
) {
$route = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Route\Route')
->setMethods(['method', 'action', 'requirements', 'defaults'])
->with($this->equalTo(new RouteActionHandler($container, $controllerName, $actionName)))
if(count($requirements) > 0) {
if (count($defaults) > 0) {
return $route;
# sample routes.yaml for ownCloud
# the section simple describes one route
- name: folders#open
url: /folders/{folderId}/open
verb: GET
# controller: name.split()[0]
# action: name.split()[1]
# for a resource following actions will be generated:
# - index
# - create
# - show
# - update
# - destroy
# - new
url: /accounts
url: /accounts/{accountId}/folders
# actions can be used to define additional actions on the resource
- name: validate
verb: GET
on-collection: false
* */