Fix quota plugin to use the correct file name when chunking When chunking, the file name is the compound name, so need to convert it to the correct final file name before doing the free space check. This ensures that in the case of shared files, the correct storage is used for the quota check.
223 lines
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223 lines
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* @author Robin Appelman <icewind@owncloud.com>
* @author Thomas Müller <thomas.mueller@tmit.eu>
* @author Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud, Inc.
* @license AGPL-3.0
* This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
namespace OCA\DAV\Tests\Unit\Connector\Sabre;
* Copyright (c) 2013 Thomas Müller <thomas.mueller@tmit.eu>
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
class QuotaPlugin extends \Test\TestCase {
* @var \Sabre\DAV\Server
private $server;
* @var \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\QuotaPlugin
private $plugin;
private function init($quota, $checkedPath = '') {
$view = $this->buildFileViewMock($quota, $checkedPath);
$this->server = new \Sabre\DAV\Server();
$this->plugin = $this->getMockBuilder('\OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\QuotaPlugin')
* @dataProvider lengthProvider
public function testLength($expected, $headers) {
$this->server->httpRequest = new \Sabre\HTTP\Request(null, null, $headers);
$length = $this->plugin->getLength();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $length);
* @dataProvider quotaOkayProvider
public function testCheckQuota($quota, $headers) {
$this->server->httpRequest = new \Sabre\HTTP\Request(null, null, $headers);
$result = $this->plugin->checkQuota('');
* @expectedException \Sabre\DAV\Exception\InsufficientStorage
* @dataProvider quotaExceededProvider
public function testCheckExceededQuota($quota, $headers) {
$this->server->httpRequest = new \Sabre\HTTP\Request(null, null, $headers);
* @dataProvider quotaOkayProvider
public function testCheckQuotaOnPath($quota, $headers) {
$this->init($quota, 'sub/test.txt');
$this->server->httpRequest = new \Sabre\HTTP\Request(null, null, $headers);
$result = $this->plugin->checkQuota('/sub/test.txt');
public function quotaOkayProvider() {
return array(
array(1024, array()),
array(1024, array('X-EXPECTED-ENTITY-LENGTH' => '1024')),
array(1024, array('CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
array(1024, array('OC-TOTAL-LENGTH' => '1024', 'CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
// \OCP\Files\FileInfo::SPACE-UNKNOWN = -2
array(-2, array()),
array(-2, array('X-EXPECTED-ENTITY-LENGTH' => '1024')),
array(-2, array('CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
array(-2, array('OC-TOTAL-LENGTH' => '1024', 'CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
public function quotaExceededProvider() {
return array(
array(1023, array('X-EXPECTED-ENTITY-LENGTH' => '1024')),
array(511, array('CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
array(2047, array('OC-TOTAL-LENGTH' => '2048', 'CONTENT-LENGTH' => '1024')),
public function lengthProvider() {
return array(
array(null, array()),
array(1024, array('X-EXPECTED-ENTITY-LENGTH' => '1024')),
array(512, array('CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
array(2048, array('OC-TOTAL-LENGTH' => '2048', 'CONTENT-LENGTH' => '1024')),
array(4096, array('OC-TOTAL-LENGTH' => '2048', 'X-EXPECTED-ENTITY-LENGTH' => '4096')),
public function quotaChunkedOkProvider() {
return array(
array(1024, 0, array('X-EXPECTED-ENTITY-LENGTH' => '1024')),
array(1024, 0, array('CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
array(1024, 0, array('OC-TOTAL-LENGTH' => '1024', 'CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
// with existing chunks (allowed size = total length - chunk total size)
array(400, 128, array('X-EXPECTED-ENTITY-LENGTH' => '512')),
array(400, 128, array('CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
array(400, 128, array('OC-TOTAL-LENGTH' => '512', 'CONTENT-LENGTH' => '500')),
// \OCP\Files\FileInfo::SPACE-UNKNOWN = -2
array(-2, 0, array('X-EXPECTED-ENTITY-LENGTH' => '1024')),
array(-2, 0, array('CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
array(-2, 0, array('OC-TOTAL-LENGTH' => '1024', 'CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
array(-2, 128, array('X-EXPECTED-ENTITY-LENGTH' => '1024')),
array(-2, 128, array('CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
array(-2, 128, array('OC-TOTAL-LENGTH' => '1024', 'CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
* @dataProvider quotaChunkedOkProvider
public function testCheckQuotaChunkedOk($quota, $chunkTotalSize, $headers) {
$this->init($quota, 'sub/test.txt');
$mockChunking = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC_FileChunking')
$headers['OC-CHUNKED'] = 1;
$this->server->httpRequest = new \Sabre\HTTP\Request(null, null, $headers);
$result = $this->plugin->checkQuota('/sub/test.txt-chunking-12345-3-1');
public function quotaChunkedFailProvider() {
return array(
array(400, 0, array('X-EXPECTED-ENTITY-LENGTH' => '1024')),
array(400, 0, array('CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
array(400, 0, array('OC-TOTAL-LENGTH' => '1024', 'CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
// with existing chunks (allowed size = total length - chunk total size)
array(380, 128, array('X-EXPECTED-ENTITY-LENGTH' => '512')),
array(380, 128, array('CONTENT-LENGTH' => '512')),
array(380, 128, array('OC-TOTAL-LENGTH' => '512', 'CONTENT-LENGTH' => '500')),
* @dataProvider quotaChunkedFailProvider
* @expectedException \Sabre\DAV\Exception\InsufficientStorage
public function testCheckQuotaChunkedFail($quota, $chunkTotalSize, $headers) {
$this->init($quota, 'sub/test.txt');
$mockChunking = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC_FileChunking')
$headers['OC-CHUNKED'] = 1;
$this->server->httpRequest = new \Sabre\HTTP\Request(null, null, $headers);
private function buildFileViewMock($quota, $checkedPath) {
// mock filesysten
$view = $this->getMock('\OC\Files\View', array('free_space'), array(), '', false);
return $view;