
7124 lines
234 KiB

The JavaScript code in this page is free software: you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
(GNU AGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version. The code is distributed
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
As additional permission under GNU AGPL version 3 section 7, you
may distribute non-source (e.g., minimized or compacted) forms of
that code without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required by
section 4, provided you include this license notice and a URL
through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source.
As a special exception to the AGPL, any HTML file which merely makes function
calls to this code, and for that purpose includes it by reference shall be
deemed a separate work for copyright law purposes. In addition, the copyright
holders of this code give you permission to combine this code with free
software libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL. You may copy and
distribute such a system following the terms of the GNU AGPL for this code
and the LGPL for the libraries. If you modify this code, you may extend this
exception to your version of the code, but you are not obligated to do so.
If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
This license applies to this entire compilation.
var core = {};
var gui = {};
var xmldom = {};
var odf = {};
function Runtime() {
Runtime.ByteArray = function(size) {
Runtime.ByteArray.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {
Runtime.prototype.byteArrayFromArray = function(array) {
Runtime.prototype.byteArrayFromString = function(string, encoding) {
Runtime.prototype.byteArrayToString = function(bytearray, encoding) {
Runtime.prototype.concatByteArrays = function(bytearray1, bytearray2) {
}; = function(path, offset, length, callback) {
Runtime.prototype.readFile = function(path, encoding, callback) {
Runtime.prototype.readFileSync = function(path, encoding) {
Runtime.prototype.loadXML = function(path, callback) {
Runtime.prototype.writeFile = function(path, data, callback) {
Runtime.prototype.isFile = function(path, callback) {
Runtime.prototype.getFileSize = function(path, callback) {
Runtime.prototype.deleteFile = function(path, callback) {
Runtime.prototype.log = function(msgOrCategory, msg) {
Runtime.prototype.setTimeout = function(callback, milliseconds) {
Runtime.prototype.libraryPaths = function() {
Runtime.prototype.type = function() {
Runtime.prototype.getDOMImplementation = function() {
Runtime.prototype.getWindow = function() {
var IS_COMPILED_CODE = false;
Runtime.byteArrayToString = function(bytearray, encoding) {
function byteArrayToString(bytearray) {
var s = "", i, l = bytearray.length;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
s += String.fromCharCode(bytearray[i] & 255)
return s
function utf8ByteArrayToString(bytearray) {
var s = "", i, l = bytearray.length, c0, c1, c2;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
c0 = bytearray[i];
if(c0 < 128) {
s += String.fromCharCode(c0)
}else {
i += 1;
c1 = bytearray[i];
if(c0 < 224) {
s += String.fromCharCode((c0 & 31) << 6 | c1 & 63)
}else {
i += 1;
c2 = bytearray[i];
s += String.fromCharCode((c0 & 15) << 12 | (c1 & 63) << 6 | c2 & 63)
return s
var result;
if(encoding === "utf8") {
result = utf8ByteArrayToString(bytearray)
}else {
if(encoding !== "binary") {
this.log("Unsupported encoding: " + encoding)
result = byteArrayToString(bytearray)
return result
Runtime.getFunctionName = function getFunctionName(f) {
var m;
if( === undefined) {
m = (new RegExp("function\\s+(\\w+)")).exec(f);
return m && m[1]
function BrowserRuntime(logoutput) {
var self = this, cache = {}, useNativeArray = window.ArrayBuffer && window.Uint8Array;
this.ByteArray = useNativeArray ? function ByteArray(size) {
Uint8Array.prototype.slice = function(begin, end) {
if(end === undefined) {
if(begin === undefined) {
begin = 0
end = this.length
var view = this.subarray(begin, end), array, i;
end -= begin;
array = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(end));
for(i = 0;i < end;i += 1) {
array[i] = view[i]
return array
return new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(size))
} : function ByteArray(size) {
var a = [];
a.length = size;
return a
this.concatByteArrays = useNativeArray ? function(bytearray1, bytearray2) {
var i, l1 = bytearray1.length, l2 = bytearray2.length, a = new this.ByteArray(l1 + l2);
for(i = 0;i < l1;i += 1) {
a[i] = bytearray1[i]
for(i = 0;i < l2;i += 1) {
a[i + l1] = bytearray2[i]
return a
} : function(bytearray1, bytearray2) {
return bytearray1.concat(bytearray2)
function utf8ByteArrayFromString(string) {
var l = string.length, bytearray, i, n, j = 0;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
n = string.charCodeAt(i);
j += 1 + (n > 128) + (n > 2048)
bytearray = new self.ByteArray(j);
j = 0;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
n = string.charCodeAt(i);
if(n < 128) {
bytearray[j] = n;
j += 1
}else {
if(n < 2048) {
bytearray[j] = 192 | n >>> 6;
bytearray[j + 1] = 128 | n & 63;
j += 2
}else {
bytearray[j] = 224 | n >>> 12 & 15;
bytearray[j + 1] = 128 | n >>> 6 & 63;
bytearray[j + 2] = 128 | n & 63;
j += 3
return bytearray
function byteArrayFromString(string) {
var l = string.length, a = new self.ByteArray(l), i;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
a[i] = string.charCodeAt(i) & 255
return a
this.byteArrayFromArray = function(array) {
return array.slice()
this.byteArrayFromString = function(string, encoding) {
var result;
if(encoding === "utf8") {
result = utf8ByteArrayFromString(string)
}else {
if(encoding !== "binary") {
self.log("unknown encoding: " + encoding)
result = byteArrayFromString(string)
return result
this.byteArrayToString = Runtime.byteArrayToString;
function log(msgOrCategory, msg) {
var node, doc, category;
if(msg) {
category = msgOrCategory
}else {
msg = msgOrCategory
if(logoutput) {
doc = logoutput.ownerDocument;
if(category) {
node = doc.createElement("span");
node.className = category;
logoutput.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(" "))
node = doc.createElement("span");
}else {
if(console) {
function readFile(path, encoding, callback) {
if(cache.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
callback(null, cache[path]);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
function handleResult() {
var data;
if(xhr.readyState === 4) {
if(xhr.status === 0 && !xhr.responseText) {
callback("File " + path + " is empty.")
}else {
if(xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0) {
if(encoding === "binary") {
if(typeof VBArray !== "undefined") {
data = (new VBArray(xhr.responseBody)).toArray()
}else {
data = self.byteArrayFromString(xhr.responseText, "binary")
}else {
data = xhr.responseText
cache[path] = data;
callback(null, data)
}else {
callback(xhr.responseText || xhr.statusText)
}"GET", path, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = handleResult;
if(xhr.overrideMimeType) {
if(encoding !== "binary") {
xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=" + encoding)
}else {
xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined")
try {
}catch(e) {
function read(path, offset, length, callback) {
if(cache.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
callback(null, cache[path].slice(offset, offset + length));
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
function handleResult() {
var data;
if(xhr.readyState === 4) {
if(xhr.status === 0 && !xhr.responseText) {
callback("File " + path + " is empty.")
}else {
if(xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0) {
if(typeof VBArray !== "undefined") {
data = (new VBArray(xhr.responseBody)).toArray()
}else {
data = self.byteArrayFromString(xhr.responseText, "binary")
cache[path] = data;
callback(null, data.slice(offset, offset + length))
}else {
callback(xhr.responseText || xhr.statusText)
}"GET", path, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = handleResult;
if(xhr.overrideMimeType) {
xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined")
try {
}catch(e) {
function readFileSync(path, encoding) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest, result;"GET", path, false);
if(xhr.overrideMimeType) {
if(encoding !== "binary") {
xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=" + encoding)
}else {
xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined")
try {
if(xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0) {
result = xhr.responseText
}catch(e) {
return result
function writeFile(path, data, callback) {
cache[path] = data;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
function handleResult() {
if(xhr.readyState === 4) {
if(xhr.status === 0 && !xhr.responseText) {
callback("File " + path + " is empty.")
}else {
if(xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 0) {
}else {
callback("Status " + String(xhr.status) + ": " + xhr.responseText || xhr.statusText)
}"PUT", path, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = handleResult;
if(data.buffer && !xhr.sendAsBinary) {
data = data.buffer
}else {
data = self.byteArrayToString(data, "binary")
try {
if(xhr.sendAsBinary) {
}else {
}catch(e) {
self.log("HUH? " + e + " " + data);
function deleteFile(path, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"DELETE", path, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readyState === 4) {
if(xhr.status < 200 && xhr.status >= 300) {
}else {
function loadXML(path, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
function handleResult() {
if(xhr.readyState === 4) {
if(xhr.status === 0 && !xhr.responseText) {
callback("File " + path + " is empty.")
}else {
if(xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0) {
callback(null, xhr.responseXML)
}else {
}"GET", path, true);
if(xhr.overrideMimeType) {
xhr.onreadystatechange = handleResult;
try {
}catch(e) {
function isFile(path, callback) {
self.getFileSize(path, function(size) {
callback(size !== -1)
function getFileSize(path, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"HEAD", path, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readyState !== 4) {
var cl = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Length");
if(cl) {
callback(parseInt(cl, 10))
}else {
function wrap(nativeFunction, nargs) {
if(!nativeFunction) {
return null
return function() {
cache = {};
var callback = arguments[nargs], args =, 0, nargs), callbackname = "callback" + String(Math.random()).substring(2);
window[callbackname] = function() {
delete window[callbackname];
callback.apply(this, arguments)
nativeFunction.apply(this, args)
this.readFile = readFile; = read;
this.readFileSync = readFileSync;
this.writeFile = writeFile;
this.deleteFile = deleteFile;
this.loadXML = loadXML;
this.isFile = isFile;
this.getFileSize = getFileSize;
this.log = log;
this.setTimeout = function(f, msec) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, msec)
this.libraryPaths = function() {
this.setCurrentDirectory = function(dir) {
this.type = function() {
this.getDOMImplementation = function() {
return window.document.implementation
this.exit = function(exitCode) {
log("Calling exit with code " + String(exitCode) + ", but exit() is not implemented.")
this.getWindow = function() {
return window
function NodeJSRuntime() {
var self = this, fs = require("fs"), currentDirectory = "";
this.ByteArray = function(size) {
return new Buffer(size)
this.byteArrayFromArray = function(array) {
var ba = new Buffer(array.length), i, l = array.length;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
ba[i] = array[i]
return ba
this.concatByteArrays = function(a, b) {
var ba = new Buffer(a.length + b.length);
a.copy(ba, 0, 0);
b.copy(ba, a.length, 0);
return ba
this.byteArrayFromString = function(string, encoding) {
return new Buffer(string, encoding)
this.byteArrayToString = function(bytearray, encoding) {
return bytearray.toString(encoding)
function isFile(path, callback) {
if(currentDirectory) {
path = currentDirectory + "/" + path
fs.stat(path, function(err, stats) {
callback(!err && stats.isFile())
function loadXML(path, callback) {
throw"Not implemented.";
this.readFile = function(path, encoding, callback) {
if(encoding !== "binary") {
fs.readFile(path, encoding, callback)
}else {
fs.readFile(path, null, callback)
this.writeFile = function(path, data, callback) {
fs.writeFile(path, data, "binary", function(err) {
callback(err || null)
this.deleteFile = fs.unlink; = function(path, offset, length, callback) {
if(currentDirectory) {
path = currentDirectory + "/" + path
}, "r+", 666, function(err, fd) {
if(err) {
var buffer = new Buffer(length);, buffer, 0, length, offset, function(err, bytesRead) {
callback(err, buffer)
this.readFileSync = function(path, encoding) {
if(!encoding) {
return fs.readFileSync(path, encoding)
this.loadXML = loadXML;
this.isFile = isFile;
this.getFileSize = function(path, callback) {
if(currentDirectory) {
path = currentDirectory + "/" + path
fs.stat(path, function(err, stats) {
if(err) {
}else {
this.log = function(msg) {
process.stderr.write(msg + "\n")
this.setTimeout = function(f, msec) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, msec)
this.libraryPaths = function() {
this.setCurrentDirectory = function(dir) {
currentDirectory = dir
this.currentDirectory = function() {
return currentDirectory
this.type = function() {
this.getDOMImplementation = function() {
return null
this.exit = process.exit;
this.getWindow = function() {
return null
function RhinoRuntime() {
var self = this, dom = Packages.javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(), builder, entityresolver, currentDirectory = "";
entityresolver ={resolveEntity:function(publicId, systemId) {
var file, open = function(path) {
var reader = new, source = new;
return source
file = systemId;
return open(file)
builder = dom.newDocumentBuilder();
this.ByteArray = function ByteArray(size) {
this.byteArrayFromArray = function(array) {
return array
this.byteArrayFromString = function(string, encoding) {
var a = [], i, l = string.length;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
a[i] = string.charCodeAt(i) & 255
return a
this.byteArrayToString = Runtime.byteArrayToString;
this.concatByteArrays = function(bytearray1, bytearray2) {
return bytearray1.concat(bytearray2)
function loadXML(path, callback) {
var file = new, document;
try {
document = builder.parse(file)
}catch(err) {
callback(null, document)
function runtimeReadFile(path, encoding, callback) {
var file = new, data, rhinoencoding = encoding === "binary" ? "latin1" : encoding;
if(!file.isFile()) {
callback(path + " is not a file.")
}else {
data = readFile(path, rhinoencoding);
if(encoding === "binary") {
data = self.byteArrayFromString(data, "binary")
callback(null, data)
function runtimeReadFileSync(path, encoding) {
var file = new, data, i;
if(!file.isFile()) {
return null
if(encoding === "binary") {
encoding = "latin1"
return readFile(path, encoding)
function isFile(path, callback) {
if(currentDirectory) {
path = currentDirectory + "/" + path
var file = new;
this.loadXML = loadXML;
this.readFile = runtimeReadFile;
this.writeFile = function(path, data, callback) {
var out = new, i, l = data.length;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
this.deleteFile = function(path, callback) {
var file = new;
if(file["delete"]()) {
}else {
callback("Could not delete " + path)
}; = function(path, offset, length, callback) {
if(currentDirectory) {
path = currentDirectory + "/" + path
var data = runtimeReadFileSync(path, "binary");
if(data) {
callback(null, this.byteArrayFromString(data.substring(offset, offset + length), "binary"))
}else {
callback("Cannot read " + path)
this.readFileSync = function(path, encoding) {
if(!encoding) {
return readFile(path, encoding)
this.isFile = isFile;
this.getFileSize = function(path, callback) {
if(currentDirectory) {
path = currentDirectory + "/" + path
var file = new;
this.log = print;
this.setTimeout = function(f, msec) {
this.libraryPaths = function() {
this.setCurrentDirectory = function(dir) {
currentDirectory = dir
this.currentDirectory = function() {
return currentDirectory
this.type = function() {
this.getDOMImplementation = function() {
return builder.getDOMImplementation()
this.exit = quit;
this.getWindow = function() {
return null
var runtime = function() {
var result;
if(typeof window !== "undefined") {
result = new BrowserRuntime(window.document.getElementById("logoutput"))
}else {
if(typeof require !== "undefined") {
result = new NodeJSRuntime
}else {
result = new RhinoRuntime
return result
(function() {
var cache = {}, dircontents = {};
function getOrDefinePackage(packageNameComponents) {
var topname = packageNameComponents[0], i, pkg;
pkg = eval("if (typeof " + topname + " === 'undefined') {" + "eval('" + topname + " = {};');}" + topname);
for(i = 1;i < packageNameComponents.length - 1;i += 1) {
if(!pkg.hasOwnProperty(packageNameComponents[i])) {
pkg = pkg[packageNameComponents[i]] = {}
return pkg[packageNameComponents[packageNameComponents.length - 1]]
runtime.loadClass = function(classpath) {
if(cache.hasOwnProperty(classpath)) {
var names = classpath.split("."), impl;
impl = getOrDefinePackage(names);
if(impl) {
cache[classpath] = true;
function getPathFromManifests(classpath) {
var path = classpath.replace(".", "/") + ".js", dirs = runtime.libraryPaths(), i, dir, code;
if(runtime.currentDirectory) {
for(i = 0;i < dirs.length;i += 1) {
dir = dirs[i];
if(!dircontents.hasOwnProperty(dir)) {
code = runtime.readFileSync(dirs[i] + "/manifest.js", "utf8");
if(code && code.length) {
try {
dircontents[dir] = eval(code)
}catch(e1) {
dircontents[dir] = null;
runtime.log("Cannot load manifest for " + dir + ".")
}else {
dircontents[dir] = null
code = null;
dir = dircontents[dir];
if(dir && dir.indexOf && dir.indexOf(path) !== -1) {
return dirs[i] + "/" + path
return null
function load(classpath) {
var code, path;
path = getPathFromManifests(classpath);
if(!path) {
throw classpath + " is not listed in any manifest.js.";
try {
code = runtime.readFileSync(path, "utf8")
}catch(e2) {
runtime.log("Error loading " + classpath + " " + e2);
throw e2;
if(code === undefined) {
throw"Cannot load class " + classpath;
try {
code = eval(classpath + " = eval(code);")
}catch(e4) {
runtime.log("Error loading " + classpath + " " + e4);
throw e4;
return code
impl = load(classpath);
if(!impl || Runtime.getFunctionName(impl) !== names[names.length - 1]) {
runtime.log("Loaded code is not for " + names[names.length - 1]);
throw"Loaded code is not for " + names[names.length - 1];
cache[classpath] = true
(function(args) {
args =;
function run(argv) {
if(!argv.length) {
var script = argv[0];
runtime.readFile(script, "utf8", function(err, code) {
var path = "", paths = runtime.libraryPaths();
if(script.indexOf("/") !== -1) {
path = script.substring(0, script.indexOf("/"))
function run() {
var script, path, paths, args, argv, result;
result = eval(code);
if(result) {
if(err) {
}else {
run.apply(null, argv)
if(runtime.type() === "NodeJSRuntime") {
}else {
if(runtime.type() === "RhinoRuntime") {
}else {
})(typeof arguments !== "undefined" && arguments);
core.Base64 = function() {
var b64chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", b64charcodes = function() {
var a = [], i, codeA = "A".charCodeAt(0), codea = "a".charCodeAt(0), code0 = "0".charCodeAt(0);
for(i = 0;i < 26;i += 1) {
a.push(codeA + i)
for(i = 0;i < 26;i += 1) {
a.push(codea + i)
for(i = 0;i < 10;i += 1) {
a.push(code0 + i)
return a
}(), b64tab = function(bin) {
var t = {}, i, l;
for(i = 0, l = bin.length;i < l;i += 1) {
t[bin.charAt(i)] = i
return t
}(b64chars), convertUTF16StringToBase64, convertBase64ToUTF16String, btoa, atob;
function stringToArray(s) {
var a = [], i, l = s.length;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
a[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 255
return a
function convertUTF8ArrayToBase64(bin) {
var n, b64 = "", i, l = bin.length - 2;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 3) {
n = bin[i] << 16 | bin[i + 1] << 8 | bin[i + 2];
b64 += b64chars[n >>> 18];
b64 += b64chars[n >>> 12 & 63];
b64 += b64chars[n >>> 6 & 63];
b64 += b64chars[n & 63]
if(i === l + 1) {
n = bin[i] << 4;
b64 += b64chars[n >>> 6];
b64 += b64chars[n & 63];
b64 += "=="
}else {
if(i === l) {
n = bin[i] << 10 | bin[i + 1] << 2;
b64 += b64chars[n >>> 12];
b64 += b64chars[n >>> 6 & 63];
b64 += b64chars[n & 63];
b64 += "="
return b64
function convertBase64ToUTF8Array(b64) {
b64 = b64.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+\/]+/g, "");
var bin = [], padlen = b64.length % 4, i, l = b64.length, n;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 4) {
n = (b64tab[b64.charAt(i)] || 0) << 18 | (b64tab[b64.charAt(i + 1)] || 0) << 12 | (b64tab[b64.charAt(i + 2)] || 0) << 6 | (b64tab[b64.charAt(i + 3)] || 0);
bin.push(n >> 16, n >> 8 & 255, n & 255)
bin.length -= [0, 0, 2, 1][padlen];
return bin
function convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8Array(uni) {
var bin = [], i, l = uni.length, n;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
n = uni[i];
if(n < 128) {
}else {
if(n < 2048) {
bin.push(192 | n >>> 6, 128 | n & 63)
}else {
bin.push(224 | n >>> 12 & 15, 128 | n >>> 6 & 63, 128 | n & 63)
return bin
function convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16Array(bin) {
var uni = [], i, l = bin.length, c0, c1, c2;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
c0 = bin[i];
if(c0 < 128) {
}else {
i += 1;
c1 = bin[i];
if(c0 < 224) {
uni.push((c0 & 31) << 6 | c1 & 63)
}else {
i += 1;
c2 = bin[i];
uni.push((c0 & 15) << 12 | (c1 & 63) << 6 | c2 & 63)
return uni
function convertUTF8StringToBase64(bin) {
return convertUTF8ArrayToBase64(stringToArray(bin))
function convertBase64ToUTF8String(b64) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, convertBase64ToUTF8Array(b64))
function convertUTF8StringToUTF16Array(bin) {
return convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16Array(stringToArray(bin))
function convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16String(bin) {
var b = convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16Array(bin), r = "", i = 0, chunksize = 45E3;
while(i < b.length) {
r += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, b.slice(i, i + chunksize));
i += chunksize
return r
function convertUTF8StringToUTF16String_internal(bin, i, end) {
var str = "", c0, c1, c2, j;
for(j = i;j < end;j += 1) {
c0 = bin.charCodeAt(j) & 255;
if(c0 < 128) {
str += String.fromCharCode(c0)
}else {
j += 1;
c1 = bin.charCodeAt(j) & 255;
if(c0 < 224) {
str += String.fromCharCode((c0 & 31) << 6 | c1 & 63)
}else {
j += 1;
c2 = bin.charCodeAt(j) & 255;
str += String.fromCharCode((c0 & 15) << 12 | (c1 & 63) << 6 | c2 & 63)
return str
function convertUTF8StringToUTF16String(bin, callback) {
var partsize = 1E5, numparts = bin.length / partsize, str = "", pos = 0;
if(bin.length < partsize) {
callback(convertUTF8StringToUTF16String_internal(bin, 0, bin.length), true);
if(typeof bin !== "string") {
bin = bin.slice()
function f() {
var end = pos + partsize;
if(end > bin.length) {
end = bin.length
str += convertUTF8StringToUTF16String_internal(bin, pos, end);
pos = end;
end = pos === bin.length;
if(callback(str, end) && !end) {
runtime.setTimeout(f, 0)
function convertUTF16StringToUTF8Array(uni) {
return convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8Array(stringToArray(uni))
function convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8String(uni) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8Array(uni))
function convertUTF16StringToUTF8String(uni) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8Array(stringToArray(uni)))
btoa = runtime.getWindow() && runtime.getWindow().btoa;
if(btoa) {
convertUTF16StringToBase64 = function(uni) {
return btoa(convertUTF16StringToUTF8String(uni))
}else {
btoa = convertUTF8StringToBase64;
convertUTF16StringToBase64 = function(uni) {
return convertUTF8ArrayToBase64(convertUTF16StringToUTF8Array(uni))
atob = runtime.getWindow() && runtime.getWindow().atob;
if(atob) {
convertBase64ToUTF16String = function(b64) {
var b = atob(b64);
return convertUTF8StringToUTF16String_internal(b, 0, b.length)
}else {
atob = convertBase64ToUTF8String;
convertBase64ToUTF16String = function(b64) {
return convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16String(convertBase64ToUTF8Array(b64))
function Base64() {
this.convertUTF8ArrayToBase64 = convertUTF8ArrayToBase64;
this.convertByteArrayToBase64 = convertUTF8ArrayToBase64;
this.convertBase64ToUTF8Array = convertBase64ToUTF8Array;
this.convertBase64ToByteArray = convertBase64ToUTF8Array;
this.convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8Array = convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8Array;
this.convertUTF16ArrayToByteArray = convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8Array;
this.convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16Array = convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16Array;
this.convertByteArrayToUTF16Array = convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16Array;
this.convertUTF8StringToBase64 = convertUTF8StringToBase64;
this.convertBase64ToUTF8String = convertBase64ToUTF8String;
this.convertUTF8StringToUTF16Array = convertUTF8StringToUTF16Array;
this.convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16String = convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16String;
this.convertByteArrayToUTF16String = convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16String;
this.convertUTF8StringToUTF16String = convertUTF8StringToUTF16String;
this.convertUTF16StringToUTF8Array = convertUTF16StringToUTF8Array;
this.convertUTF16StringToByteArray = convertUTF16StringToUTF8Array;
this.convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8String = convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8String;
this.convertUTF16StringToUTF8String = convertUTF16StringToUTF8String;
this.convertUTF16StringToBase64 = convertUTF16StringToBase64;
this.convertBase64ToUTF16String = convertBase64ToUTF16String;
this.fromBase64 = convertBase64ToUTF8String;
this.toBase64 = convertUTF8StringToBase64;
this.atob = atob;
this.btoa = btoa;
this.utob = convertUTF16StringToUTF8String;
this.btou = convertUTF8StringToUTF16String;
this.encode = convertUTF16StringToBase64;
this.encodeURI = function(u) {
return convertUTF16StringToBase64(u).replace(/[+\/]/g, function(m0) {
return m0 === "+" ? "-" : "_"
}).replace(/\\=+$/, "")
this.decode = function(a) {
return convertBase64ToUTF16String(a.replace(/[\-_]/g, function(m0) {
return m0 === "-" ? "+" : "/"
return Base64
core.RawDeflate = function() {
var zip_WSIZE = 32768, zip_STORED_BLOCK = 0, zip_STATIC_TREES = 1, zip_DYN_TREES = 2, zip_DEFAULT_LEVEL = 6, zip_FULL_SEARCH = true, zip_INBUFSIZ = 32768, zip_INBUF_EXTRA = 64, zip_OUTBUFSIZ = 1024 * 8, zip_window_size = 2 * zip_WSIZE, zip_MIN_MATCH = 3, zip_MAX_MATCH = 258, zip_BITS = 16, zip_LIT_BUFSIZE = 8192, zip_HASH_BITS = 13, zip_DIST_BUFSIZE = zip_LIT_BUFSIZE, zip_HASH_SIZE = 1 << zip_HASH_BITS, zip_HASH_MASK = zip_HASH_SIZE - 1, zip_WMASK = zip_WSIZE - 1, zip_NIL = 0, zip_TOO_FAR = 4096,
zip_MIN_LOOKAHEAD = zip_MAX_MATCH + zip_MIN_MATCH + 1, zip_MAX_DIST = zip_WSIZE - zip_MIN_LOOKAHEAD, zip_SMALLEST = 1, zip_MAX_BITS = 15, zip_MAX_BL_BITS = 7, zip_LENGTH_CODES = 29, zip_LITERALS = 256, zip_END_BLOCK = 256, zip_L_CODES = zip_LITERALS + 1 + zip_LENGTH_CODES, zip_D_CODES = 30, zip_BL_CODES = 19, zip_REP_3_6 = 16, zip_REPZ_3_10 = 17, zip_REPZ_11_138 = 18, zip_HEAP_SIZE = 2 * zip_L_CODES + 1, zip_H_SHIFT = parseInt((zip_HASH_BITS + zip_MIN_MATCH - 1) / zip_MIN_MATCH, 10), zip_free_queue,
zip_qhead, zip_qtail, zip_initflag, zip_outbuf = null, zip_outcnt, zip_outoff, zip_complete, zip_window, zip_d_buf, zip_l_buf, zip_prev, zip_bi_buf, zip_bi_valid, zip_block_start, zip_ins_h, zip_hash_head, zip_prev_match, zip_match_available, zip_match_length, zip_prev_length, zip_strstart, zip_match_start, zip_eofile, zip_lookahead, zip_max_chain_length, zip_max_lazy_match, zip_compr_level, zip_good_match, zip_nice_match, zip_dyn_ltree, zip_dyn_dtree, zip_static_ltree, zip_static_dtree, zip_bl_tree,
zip_l_desc, zip_d_desc, zip_bl_desc, zip_bl_count, zip_heap, zip_heap_len, zip_heap_max, zip_depth, zip_length_code, zip_dist_code, zip_base_length, zip_base_dist, zip_flag_buf, zip_last_lit, zip_last_dist, zip_last_flags, zip_flags, zip_flag_bit, zip_opt_len, zip_static_len, zip_deflate_data, zip_deflate_pos, zip_extra_lbits = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0], zip_extra_dbits = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9,
9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13], zip_extra_blbits = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7], zip_bl_order = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15], zip_configuration_table;
if(zip_LIT_BUFSIZE > zip_INBUFSIZ) {
runtime.log("error: zip_INBUFSIZ is too small")
if(zip_WSIZE << 1 > 1 << zip_BITS) {
runtime.log("error: zip_WSIZE is too large")
if(zip_HASH_BITS > zip_BITS - 1) {
runtime.log("error: zip_HASH_BITS is too large")
if(zip_HASH_BITS < 8 || zip_MAX_MATCH !== 258) {
runtime.log("error: Code too clever")
function Zip_DeflateCT() {
this.fc = 0;
this.dl = 0
function Zip_DeflateTreeDesc() {
this.dyn_tree = null;
this.static_tree = null;
this.extra_bits = null;
this.extra_base = 0;
this.elems = 0;
this.max_length = 0;
this.max_code = 0
function Zip_DeflateConfiguration(a, b, c, d) {
this.good_length = a;
this.max_lazy = b;
this.nice_length = c;
this.max_chain = d
function Zip_DeflateBuffer() { = null;
this.len = 0;
this.ptr = [];
this.ptr.length = zip_OUTBUFSIZ; = 0
zip_configuration_table = [new Zip_DeflateConfiguration(0, 0, 0, 0), new Zip_DeflateConfiguration(4, 4, 8, 4), new Zip_DeflateConfiguration(4, 5, 16, 8), new Zip_DeflateConfiguration(4, 6, 32, 32), new Zip_DeflateConfiguration(4, 4, 16, 16), new Zip_DeflateConfiguration(8, 16, 32, 32), new Zip_DeflateConfiguration(8, 16, 128, 128), new Zip_DeflateConfiguration(8, 32, 128, 256), new Zip_DeflateConfiguration(32, 128, 258, 1024), new Zip_DeflateConfiguration(32, 258, 258, 4096)];
function zip_deflate_start(level) {
var i;
if(!level) {
level = zip_DEFAULT_LEVEL
}else {
if(level < 1) {
level = 1
}else {
if(level > 9) {
level = 9
zip_compr_level = level;
zip_initflag = false;
zip_eofile = false;
if(zip_outbuf !== null) {
zip_free_queue = zip_qhead = zip_qtail = null;
zip_outbuf = [];
zip_outbuf.length = zip_OUTBUFSIZ;
zip_window = [];
zip_window.length = zip_window_size;
zip_d_buf = [];
zip_d_buf.length = zip_DIST_BUFSIZE;
zip_l_buf = [];
zip_l_buf.length = zip_INBUFSIZ + zip_INBUF_EXTRA;
zip_prev = [];
zip_prev.length = 1 << zip_BITS;
zip_dyn_ltree = [];
zip_dyn_ltree.length = zip_HEAP_SIZE;
for(i = 0;i < zip_HEAP_SIZE;i++) {
zip_dyn_ltree[i] = new Zip_DeflateCT
zip_dyn_dtree = [];
zip_dyn_dtree.length = 2 * zip_D_CODES + 1;
for(i = 0;i < 2 * zip_D_CODES + 1;i++) {
zip_dyn_dtree[i] = new Zip_DeflateCT
zip_static_ltree = [];
zip_static_ltree.length = zip_L_CODES + 2;
for(i = 0;i < zip_L_CODES + 2;i++) {
zip_static_ltree[i] = new Zip_DeflateCT
zip_static_dtree = [];
zip_static_dtree.length = zip_D_CODES;
for(i = 0;i < zip_D_CODES;i++) {
zip_static_dtree[i] = new Zip_DeflateCT
zip_bl_tree = [];
zip_bl_tree.length = 2 * zip_BL_CODES + 1;
for(i = 0;i < 2 * zip_BL_CODES + 1;i++) {
zip_bl_tree[i] = new Zip_DeflateCT
zip_l_desc = new Zip_DeflateTreeDesc;
zip_d_desc = new Zip_DeflateTreeDesc;
zip_bl_desc = new Zip_DeflateTreeDesc;
zip_bl_count = [];
zip_bl_count.length = zip_MAX_BITS + 1;
zip_heap = [];
zip_heap.length = 2 * zip_L_CODES + 1;
zip_depth = [];
zip_depth.length = 2 * zip_L_CODES + 1;
zip_length_code = [];
zip_length_code.length = zip_MAX_MATCH - zip_MIN_MATCH + 1;
zip_dist_code = [];
zip_dist_code.length = 512;
zip_base_length = [];
zip_base_length.length = zip_LENGTH_CODES;
zip_base_dist = [];
zip_base_dist.length = zip_D_CODES;
zip_flag_buf = [];
zip_flag_buf.length = parseInt(zip_LIT_BUFSIZE / 8, 10)
var zip_deflate_end = function() {
zip_free_queue = zip_qhead = zip_qtail = null;
zip_outbuf = null;
zip_window = null;
zip_d_buf = null;
zip_l_buf = null;
zip_prev = null;
zip_dyn_ltree = null;
zip_dyn_dtree = null;
zip_static_ltree = null;
zip_static_dtree = null;
zip_bl_tree = null;
zip_l_desc = null;
zip_d_desc = null;
zip_bl_desc = null;
zip_bl_count = null;
zip_heap = null;
zip_depth = null;
zip_length_code = null;
zip_dist_code = null;
zip_base_length = null;
zip_base_dist = null;
zip_flag_buf = null
var zip_reuse_queue = function(p) { = zip_free_queue;
zip_free_queue = p
var zip_new_queue = function() {
var p;
if(zip_free_queue !== null) {
p = zip_free_queue;
zip_free_queue =
}else {
p = new Zip_DeflateBuffer
} = null;
p.len = = 0;
return p
var zip_head1 = function(i) {
return zip_prev[zip_WSIZE + i]
var zip_head2 = function(i, val) {
zip_prev[zip_WSIZE + i] = val;
return val
var zip_qoutbuf = function() {
var q, i;
if(zip_outcnt !== 0) {
q = zip_new_queue();
if(zip_qhead === null) {
zip_qhead = zip_qtail = q
}else {
zip_qtail = = q
q.len = zip_outcnt - zip_outoff;
for(i = 0;i < q.len;i++) {
q.ptr[i] = zip_outbuf[zip_outoff + i]
zip_outcnt = zip_outoff = 0
var zip_put_byte = function(c) {
zip_outbuf[zip_outoff + zip_outcnt++] = c;
if(zip_outoff + zip_outcnt === zip_OUTBUFSIZ) {
var zip_put_short = function(w) {
w &= 65535;
if(zip_outoff + zip_outcnt < zip_OUTBUFSIZ - 2) {
zip_outbuf[zip_outoff + zip_outcnt++] = w & 255;
zip_outbuf[zip_outoff + zip_outcnt++] = w >>> 8
}else {
zip_put_byte(w & 255);
zip_put_byte(w >>> 8)
var zip_INSERT_STRING = function() {
zip_ins_h = (zip_ins_h << zip_H_SHIFT ^ zip_window[zip_strstart + zip_MIN_MATCH - 1] & 255) & zip_HASH_MASK;
zip_hash_head = zip_head1(zip_ins_h);
zip_prev[zip_strstart & zip_WMASK] = zip_hash_head;
zip_head2(zip_ins_h, zip_strstart)
var zip_Buf_size = 16;
var zip_send_bits = function(value, length) {
if(zip_bi_valid > zip_Buf_size - length) {
zip_bi_buf |= value << zip_bi_valid;
zip_bi_buf = value >> zip_Buf_size - zip_bi_valid;
zip_bi_valid += length - zip_Buf_size
}else {
zip_bi_buf |= value << zip_bi_valid;
zip_bi_valid += length
var zip_SEND_CODE = function(c, tree) {
zip_send_bits(tree[c].fc, tree[c].dl)
var zip_D_CODE = function(dist) {
return(dist < 256 ? zip_dist_code[dist] : zip_dist_code[256 + (dist >> 7)]) & 255
var zip_SMALLER = function(tree, n, m) {
return tree[n].fc < tree[m].fc || tree[n].fc === tree[m].fc && zip_depth[n] <= zip_depth[m]
var zip_read_buff = function(buff, offset, n) {
var i;
for(i = 0;i < n && zip_deflate_pos < zip_deflate_data.length;i++) {
buff[offset + i] = zip_deflate_data.charCodeAt(zip_deflate_pos++) & 255
return i
var zip_fill_window = function() {
var n, m;
var more = zip_window_size - zip_lookahead - zip_strstart;
if(more === -1) {
}else {
if(zip_strstart >= zip_WSIZE + zip_MAX_DIST) {
for(n = 0;n < zip_WSIZE;n++) {
zip_window[n] = zip_window[n + zip_WSIZE]
zip_match_start -= zip_WSIZE;
zip_strstart -= zip_WSIZE;
zip_block_start -= zip_WSIZE;
for(n = 0;n < zip_HASH_SIZE;n++) {
m = zip_head1(n);
zip_head2(n, m >= zip_WSIZE ? m - zip_WSIZE : zip_NIL)
for(n = 0;n < zip_WSIZE;n++) {
m = zip_prev[n];
zip_prev[n] = m >= zip_WSIZE ? m - zip_WSIZE : zip_NIL
more += zip_WSIZE
if(!zip_eofile) {
n = zip_read_buff(zip_window, zip_strstart + zip_lookahead, more);
if(n <= 0) {
zip_eofile = true
}else {
zip_lookahead += n
var zip_lm_init = function() {
var j;
for(j = 0;j < zip_HASH_SIZE;j++) {
zip_prev[zip_WSIZE + j] = 0
zip_max_lazy_match = zip_configuration_table[zip_compr_level].max_lazy;
zip_good_match = zip_configuration_table[zip_compr_level].good_length;
if(!zip_FULL_SEARCH) {
zip_nice_match = zip_configuration_table[zip_compr_level].nice_length
zip_max_chain_length = zip_configuration_table[zip_compr_level].max_chain;
zip_strstart = 0;
zip_block_start = 0;
zip_lookahead = zip_read_buff(zip_window, 0, 2 * zip_WSIZE);
if(zip_lookahead <= 0) {
zip_eofile = true;
zip_lookahead = 0;
zip_eofile = false;
while(zip_lookahead < zip_MIN_LOOKAHEAD && !zip_eofile) {
zip_ins_h = 0;
for(j = 0;j < zip_MIN_MATCH - 1;j++) {
zip_ins_h = (zip_ins_h << zip_H_SHIFT ^ zip_window[j] & 255) & zip_HASH_MASK
var zip_longest_match = function(cur_match) {
var chain_length = zip_max_chain_length;
var scanp = zip_strstart;
var matchp;
var len;
var best_len = zip_prev_length;
var limit = zip_strstart > zip_MAX_DIST ? zip_strstart - zip_MAX_DIST : zip_NIL;
var strendp = zip_strstart + zip_MAX_MATCH;
var scan_end1 = zip_window[scanp + best_len - 1];
var scan_end = zip_window[scanp + best_len];
if(zip_prev_length >= zip_good_match) {
chain_length >>= 2
do {
matchp = cur_match;
if(zip_window[matchp + best_len] !== scan_end || zip_window[matchp + best_len - 1] !== scan_end1 || zip_window[matchp] !== zip_window[scanp] || zip_window[++matchp] !== zip_window[scanp + 1]) {
scanp += 2;
do {
}while(zip_window[scanp] === zip_window[++matchp] && zip_window[++scanp] === zip_window[++matchp] && zip_window[++scanp] === zip_window[++matchp] && zip_window[++scanp] === zip_window[++matchp] && zip_window[++scanp] === zip_window[++matchp] && zip_window[++scanp] === zip_window[++matchp] && zip_window[++scanp] === zip_window[++matchp] && zip_window[++scanp] === zip_window[++matchp] && scanp < strendp);
len = zip_MAX_MATCH - (strendp - scanp);
scanp = strendp - zip_MAX_MATCH;
if(len > best_len) {
zip_match_start = cur_match;
best_len = len;
if(zip_FULL_SEARCH) {
if(len >= zip_MAX_MATCH) {
}else {
if(len >= zip_nice_match) {
scan_end1 = zip_window[scanp + best_len - 1];
scan_end = zip_window[scanp + best_len]
}while((cur_match = zip_prev[cur_match & zip_WMASK]) > limit && --chain_length !== 0);
return best_len
var zip_ct_tally = function(dist, lc) {
zip_l_buf[zip_last_lit++] = lc;
if(dist === 0) {
}else {
zip_dyn_ltree[zip_length_code[lc] + zip_LITERALS + 1].fc++;
zip_d_buf[zip_last_dist++] = dist;
zip_flags |= zip_flag_bit
zip_flag_bit <<= 1;
if((zip_last_lit & 7) === 0) {
zip_flag_buf[zip_last_flags++] = zip_flags;
zip_flags = 0;
zip_flag_bit = 1
if(zip_compr_level > 2 && (zip_last_lit & 4095) === 0) {
var out_length = zip_last_lit * 8;
var in_length = zip_strstart - zip_block_start;
var dcode;
for(dcode = 0;dcode < zip_D_CODES;dcode++) {
out_length += zip_dyn_dtree[dcode].fc * (5 + zip_extra_dbits[dcode])
out_length >>= 3;
if(zip_last_dist < parseInt(zip_last_lit / 2, 10) && out_length < parseInt(in_length / 2, 10)) {
return true
return zip_last_lit === zip_LIT_BUFSIZE - 1 || zip_last_dist === zip_DIST_BUFSIZE
var zip_pqdownheap = function(tree, k) {
var v = zip_heap[k];
var j = k << 1;
while(j <= zip_heap_len) {
if(j < zip_heap_len && zip_SMALLER(tree, zip_heap[j + 1], zip_heap[j])) {
if(zip_SMALLER(tree, v, zip_heap[j])) {
zip_heap[k] = zip_heap[j];
k = j;
j <<= 1
zip_heap[k] = v
var zip_gen_bitlen = function(desc) {
var tree = desc.dyn_tree;
var extra = desc.extra_bits;
var base = desc.extra_base;
var max_code = desc.max_code;
var max_length = desc.max_length;
var stree = desc.static_tree;
var h;
var n, m;
var bits;
var xbits;
var f;
var overflow = 0;
for(bits = 0;bits <= zip_MAX_BITS;bits++) {
zip_bl_count[bits] = 0
tree[zip_heap[zip_heap_max]].dl = 0;
for(h = zip_heap_max + 1;h < zip_HEAP_SIZE;h++) {
n = zip_heap[h];
bits = tree[tree[n].dl].dl + 1;
if(bits > max_length) {
bits = max_length;
tree[n].dl = bits;
if(n > max_code) {
xbits = 0;
if(n >= base) {
xbits = extra[n - base]
f = tree[n].fc;
zip_opt_len += f * (bits + xbits);
if(stree !== null) {
zip_static_len += f * (stree[n].dl + xbits)
if(overflow === 0) {
do {
bits = max_length - 1;
while(zip_bl_count[bits] === 0) {
zip_bl_count[bits + 1] += 2;
overflow -= 2
}while(overflow > 0);
for(bits = max_length;bits !== 0;bits--) {
n = zip_bl_count[bits];
while(n !== 0) {
m = zip_heap[--h];
if(m > max_code) {
if(tree[m].dl !== bits) {
zip_opt_len += (bits - tree[m].dl) * tree[m].fc;
tree[m].fc = bits
var zip_bi_reverse = function(code, len) {
var res = 0;
do {
res |= code & 1;
code >>= 1;
res <<= 1
}while(--len > 0);
return res >> 1
var zip_gen_codes = function(tree, max_code) {
var next_code = [];
next_code.length = zip_MAX_BITS + 1;
var code = 0;
var bits;
var n;
for(bits = 1;bits <= zip_MAX_BITS;bits++) {
code = code + zip_bl_count[bits - 1] << 1;
next_code[bits] = code
for(n = 0;n <= max_code;n++) {
var len = tree[n].dl;
if(len === 0) {
tree[n].fc = zip_bi_reverse(next_code[len]++, len)
var zip_build_tree = function(desc) {
var tree = desc.dyn_tree;
var stree = desc.static_tree;
var elems = desc.elems;
var n, m;
var max_code = -1;
var node = elems;
zip_heap_len = 0;
zip_heap_max = zip_HEAP_SIZE;
for(n = 0;n < elems;n++) {
if(tree[n].fc !== 0) {
zip_heap[++zip_heap_len] = max_code = n;
zip_depth[n] = 0
}else {
tree[n].dl = 0
while(zip_heap_len < 2) {
var xnew = zip_heap[++zip_heap_len] = max_code < 2 ? ++max_code : 0;
tree[xnew].fc = 1;
zip_depth[xnew] = 0;
if(stree !== null) {
zip_static_len -= stree[xnew].dl
desc.max_code = max_code;
for(n = zip_heap_len >> 1;n >= 1;n--) {
zip_pqdownheap(tree, n)
do {
n = zip_heap[zip_SMALLEST];
zip_heap[zip_SMALLEST] = zip_heap[zip_heap_len--];
zip_pqdownheap(tree, zip_SMALLEST);
m = zip_heap[zip_SMALLEST];
zip_heap[--zip_heap_max] = n;
zip_heap[--zip_heap_max] = m;
tree[node].fc = tree[n].fc + tree[m].fc;
if(zip_depth[n] > zip_depth[m] + 1) {
zip_depth[node] = zip_depth[n]
}else {
zip_depth[node] = zip_depth[m] + 1
tree[n].dl = tree[m].dl = node;
zip_heap[zip_SMALLEST] = node++;
zip_pqdownheap(tree, zip_SMALLEST)
}while(zip_heap_len >= 2);
zip_heap[--zip_heap_max] = zip_heap[zip_SMALLEST];
zip_gen_codes(tree, max_code)
var zip_scan_tree = function(tree, max_code) {
var n;
var prevlen = -1;
var curlen;
var nextlen = tree[0].dl;
var count = 0;
var max_count = 7;
var min_count = 4;
if(nextlen === 0) {
max_count = 138;
min_count = 3
tree[max_code + 1].dl = 65535;
for(n = 0;n <= max_code;n++) {
curlen = nextlen;
nextlen = tree[n + 1].dl;
if(++count < max_count && curlen === nextlen) {
}else {
if(count < min_count) {
zip_bl_tree[curlen].fc += count
}else {
if(curlen !== 0) {
if(curlen !== prevlen) {
}else {
if(count <= 10) {
}else {
count = 0;
prevlen = curlen;
if(nextlen === 0) {
max_count = 138;
min_count = 3
}else {
if(curlen === nextlen) {
max_count = 6;
min_count = 3
}else {
max_count = 7;
min_count = 4
var zip_build_bl_tree = function() {
var max_blindex;
zip_scan_tree(zip_dyn_ltree, zip_l_desc.max_code);
zip_scan_tree(zip_dyn_dtree, zip_d_desc.max_code);
for(max_blindex = zip_BL_CODES - 1;max_blindex >= 3;max_blindex--) {
if(zip_bl_tree[zip_bl_order[max_blindex]].dl !== 0) {
zip_opt_len += 3 * (max_blindex + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4;
return max_blindex
var zip_bi_windup = function() {
if(zip_bi_valid > 8) {
}else {
if(zip_bi_valid > 0) {
zip_bi_buf = 0;
zip_bi_valid = 0
var zip_compress_block = function(ltree, dtree) {
var dist;
var lc;
var lx = 0;
var dx = 0;
var fx = 0;
var flag = 0;
var code;
var extra;
if(zip_last_lit !== 0) {
do {
if((lx & 7) === 0) {
flag = zip_flag_buf[fx++]
lc = zip_l_buf[lx++] & 255;
if((flag & 1) === 0) {
zip_SEND_CODE(lc, ltree)
}else {
code = zip_length_code[lc];
zip_SEND_CODE(code + zip_LITERALS + 1, ltree);
extra = zip_extra_lbits[code];
if(extra !== 0) {
lc -= zip_base_length[code];
zip_send_bits(lc, extra)
dist = zip_d_buf[dx++];
code = zip_D_CODE(dist);
zip_SEND_CODE(code, dtree);
extra = zip_extra_dbits[code];
if(extra !== 0) {
dist -= zip_base_dist[code];
zip_send_bits(dist, extra)
flag >>= 1
}while(lx < zip_last_lit)
zip_SEND_CODE(zip_END_BLOCK, ltree)
var zip_send_tree = function(tree, max_code) {
var n;
var prevlen = -1;
var curlen;
var nextlen = tree[0].dl;
var count = 0;
var max_count = 7;
var min_count = 4;
if(nextlen === 0) {
max_count = 138;
min_count = 3
for(n = 0;n <= max_code;n++) {
curlen = nextlen;
nextlen = tree[n + 1].dl;
if(++count < max_count && curlen === nextlen) {
}else {
if(count < min_count) {
do {
zip_SEND_CODE(curlen, zip_bl_tree)
}while(--count !== 0)
}else {
if(curlen !== 0) {
if(curlen !== prevlen) {
zip_SEND_CODE(curlen, zip_bl_tree);
zip_SEND_CODE(zip_REP_3_6, zip_bl_tree);
zip_send_bits(count - 3, 2)
}else {
if(count <= 10) {
zip_SEND_CODE(zip_REPZ_3_10, zip_bl_tree);
zip_send_bits(count - 3, 3)
}else {
zip_SEND_CODE(zip_REPZ_11_138, zip_bl_tree);
zip_send_bits(count - 11, 7)
count = 0;
prevlen = curlen;
if(nextlen === 0) {
max_count = 138;
min_count = 3
}else {
if(curlen === nextlen) {
max_count = 6;
min_count = 3
}else {
max_count = 7;
min_count = 4
var zip_send_all_trees = function(lcodes, dcodes, blcodes) {
var rank;
zip_send_bits(lcodes - 257, 5);
zip_send_bits(dcodes - 1, 5);
zip_send_bits(blcodes - 4, 4);
for(rank = 0;rank < blcodes;rank++) {
zip_send_bits(zip_bl_tree[zip_bl_order[rank]].dl, 3)
zip_send_tree(zip_dyn_ltree, lcodes - 1);
zip_send_tree(zip_dyn_dtree, dcodes - 1)
var zip_init_block = function() {
var n;
for(n = 0;n < zip_L_CODES;n++) {
zip_dyn_ltree[n].fc = 0
for(n = 0;n < zip_D_CODES;n++) {
zip_dyn_dtree[n].fc = 0
for(n = 0;n < zip_BL_CODES;n++) {
zip_bl_tree[n].fc = 0
zip_dyn_ltree[zip_END_BLOCK].fc = 1;
zip_opt_len = zip_static_len = 0;
zip_last_lit = zip_last_dist = zip_last_flags = 0;
zip_flags = 0;
zip_flag_bit = 1
var zip_flush_block = function(eof) {
var opt_lenb, static_lenb;
var max_blindex;
var stored_len;
stored_len = zip_strstart - zip_block_start;
zip_flag_buf[zip_last_flags] = zip_flags;
max_blindex = zip_build_bl_tree();
opt_lenb = zip_opt_len + 3 + 7 >> 3;
static_lenb = zip_static_len + 3 + 7 >> 3;
if(static_lenb <= opt_lenb) {
opt_lenb = static_lenb
if(stored_len + 4 <= opt_lenb && zip_block_start >= 0) {
var i;
zip_send_bits((zip_STORED_BLOCK << 1) + eof, 3);
for(i = 0;i < stored_len;i++) {
zip_put_byte(zip_window[zip_block_start + i])
}else {
if(static_lenb === opt_lenb) {
zip_send_bits((zip_STATIC_TREES << 1) + eof, 3);
zip_compress_block(zip_static_ltree, zip_static_dtree)
}else {
zip_send_bits((zip_DYN_TREES << 1) + eof, 3);
zip_send_all_trees(zip_l_desc.max_code + 1, zip_d_desc.max_code + 1, max_blindex + 1);
zip_compress_block(zip_dyn_ltree, zip_dyn_dtree)
if(eof !== 0) {
var zip_deflate_fast = function() {
while(zip_lookahead !== 0 && zip_qhead === null) {
var flush;
if(zip_hash_head !== zip_NIL && zip_strstart - zip_hash_head <= zip_MAX_DIST) {
zip_match_length = zip_longest_match(zip_hash_head);
if(zip_match_length > zip_lookahead) {
zip_match_length = zip_lookahead
if(zip_match_length >= zip_MIN_MATCH) {
flush = zip_ct_tally(zip_strstart - zip_match_start, zip_match_length - zip_MIN_MATCH);
zip_lookahead -= zip_match_length;
if(zip_match_length <= zip_max_lazy_match) {
do {
}while(--zip_match_length !== 0);
}else {
zip_strstart += zip_match_length;
zip_match_length = 0;
zip_ins_h = zip_window[zip_strstart] & 255;
zip_ins_h = (zip_ins_h << zip_H_SHIFT ^ zip_window[zip_strstart + 1] & 255) & zip_HASH_MASK
}else {
flush = zip_ct_tally(0, zip_window[zip_strstart] & 255);
if(flush) {
zip_block_start = zip_strstart
while(zip_lookahead < zip_MIN_LOOKAHEAD && !zip_eofile) {
var zip_deflate_better = function() {
while(zip_lookahead !== 0 && zip_qhead === null) {
zip_prev_length = zip_match_length;
zip_prev_match = zip_match_start;
zip_match_length = zip_MIN_MATCH - 1;
if(zip_hash_head !== zip_NIL && zip_prev_length < zip_max_lazy_match && zip_strstart - zip_hash_head <= zip_MAX_DIST) {
zip_match_length = zip_longest_match(zip_hash_head);
if(zip_match_length > zip_lookahead) {
zip_match_length = zip_lookahead
if(zip_match_length === zip_MIN_MATCH && zip_strstart - zip_match_start > zip_TOO_FAR) {
if(zip_prev_length >= zip_MIN_MATCH && zip_match_length <= zip_prev_length) {
var flush;
flush = zip_ct_tally(zip_strstart - 1 - zip_prev_match, zip_prev_length - zip_MIN_MATCH);
zip_lookahead -= zip_prev_length - 1;
zip_prev_length -= 2;
do {
}while(--zip_prev_length !== 0);
zip_match_available = 0;
zip_match_length = zip_MIN_MATCH - 1;
if(flush) {
zip_block_start = zip_strstart
}else {
if(zip_match_available !== 0) {
if(zip_ct_tally(0, zip_window[zip_strstart - 1] & 255)) {
zip_block_start = zip_strstart
}else {
zip_match_available = 1;
while(zip_lookahead < zip_MIN_LOOKAHEAD && !zip_eofile) {
var zip_ct_init = function() {
var n;
var bits;
var length;
var code;
var dist;
if(zip_static_dtree[0].dl !== 0) {
zip_l_desc.dyn_tree = zip_dyn_ltree;
zip_l_desc.static_tree = zip_static_ltree;
zip_l_desc.extra_bits = zip_extra_lbits;
zip_l_desc.extra_base = zip_LITERALS + 1;
zip_l_desc.elems = zip_L_CODES;
zip_l_desc.max_length = zip_MAX_BITS;
zip_l_desc.max_code = 0;
zip_d_desc.dyn_tree = zip_dyn_dtree;
zip_d_desc.static_tree = zip_static_dtree;
zip_d_desc.extra_bits = zip_extra_dbits;
zip_d_desc.extra_base = 0;
zip_d_desc.elems = zip_D_CODES;
zip_d_desc.max_length = zip_MAX_BITS;
zip_d_desc.max_code = 0;
zip_bl_desc.dyn_tree = zip_bl_tree;
zip_bl_desc.static_tree = null;
zip_bl_desc.extra_bits = zip_extra_blbits;
zip_bl_desc.extra_base = 0;
zip_bl_desc.elems = zip_BL_CODES;
zip_bl_desc.max_length = zip_MAX_BL_BITS;
zip_bl_desc.max_code = 0;
length = 0;
for(code = 0;code < zip_LENGTH_CODES - 1;code++) {
zip_base_length[code] = length;
for(n = 0;n < 1 << zip_extra_lbits[code];n++) {
zip_length_code[length++] = code
zip_length_code[length - 1] = code;
dist = 0;
for(code = 0;code < 16;code++) {
zip_base_dist[code] = dist;
for(n = 0;n < 1 << zip_extra_dbits[code];n++) {
zip_dist_code[dist++] = code
dist >>= 7;
n = code;
for(code = n;code < zip_D_CODES;code++) {
zip_base_dist[code] = dist << 7;
for(n = 0;n < 1 << zip_extra_dbits[code] - 7;n++) {
zip_dist_code[256 + dist++] = code
for(bits = 0;bits <= zip_MAX_BITS;bits++) {
zip_bl_count[bits] = 0
n = 0;
while(n <= 143) {
zip_static_ltree[n++].dl = 8;
while(n <= 255) {
zip_static_ltree[n++].dl = 9;
while(n <= 279) {
zip_static_ltree[n++].dl = 7;
while(n <= 287) {
zip_static_ltree[n++].dl = 8;
zip_gen_codes(zip_static_ltree, zip_L_CODES + 1);
for(n = 0;n < zip_D_CODES;n++) {
zip_static_dtree[n].dl = 5;
zip_static_dtree[n].fc = zip_bi_reverse(n, 5)
var zip_init_deflate = function() {
if(zip_eofile) {
zip_bi_buf = 0;
zip_bi_valid = 0;
zip_qhead = null;
zip_outcnt = 0;
zip_outoff = 0;
if(zip_compr_level <= 3) {
zip_prev_length = zip_MIN_MATCH - 1;
zip_match_length = 0
}else {
zip_match_length = zip_MIN_MATCH - 1;
zip_match_available = 0
zip_complete = false
var zip_qcopy = function(buff, off, buff_size) {
var n, i, j;
n = 0;
while(zip_qhead !== null && n < buff_size) {
i = buff_size - n;
if(i > zip_qhead.len) {
i = zip_qhead.len
for(j = 0;j < i;j++) {
buff[off + n + j] = zip_qhead.ptr[ + j]
} += i;
zip_qhead.len -= i;
n += i;
if(zip_qhead.len === 0) {
var p;
p = zip_qhead;
zip_qhead =;
if(n === buff_size) {
return n
if(zip_outoff < zip_outcnt) {
i = buff_size - n;
if(i > zip_outcnt - zip_outoff) {
i = zip_outcnt - zip_outoff
for(j = 0;j < i;j++) {
buff[off + n + j] = zip_outbuf[zip_outoff + j]
zip_outoff += i;
n += i;
if(zip_outcnt === zip_outoff) {
zip_outcnt = zip_outoff = 0
return n
var zip_deflate_internal = function(buff, off, buff_size) {
var n;
if(!zip_initflag) {
zip_initflag = true;
if(zip_lookahead === 0) {
zip_complete = true;
return 0
if((n = zip_qcopy(buff, off, buff_size)) === buff_size) {
return buff_size
if(zip_complete) {
return n
if(zip_compr_level <= 3) {
}else {
if(zip_lookahead === 0) {
if(zip_match_available !== 0) {
zip_ct_tally(0, zip_window[zip_strstart - 1] & 255)
zip_complete = true
return n + zip_qcopy(buff, n + off, buff_size - n)
var zip_deflate = function(str, level) {
var i, j;
zip_deflate_data = str;
zip_deflate_pos = 0;
if(typeof level === "undefined") {
level = zip_DEFAULT_LEVEL
var buff = new Array(1024);
var aout = [];
while((i = zip_deflate_internal(buff, 0, buff.length)) > 0) {
var cbuf = [];
cbuf.length = i;
for(j = 0;j < i;j++) {
cbuf[j] = String.fromCharCode(buff[j])
aout[aout.length] = cbuf.join("")
zip_deflate_data = null;
return aout.join("")
this.deflate = zip_deflate
core.ByteArray = function ByteArray(data) {
this.pos = 0; = data;
this.readUInt32LE = function() {
var data =, pos = this.pos += 4;
return data[--pos] << 24 | data[--pos] << 16 | data[--pos] << 8 | data[--pos]
this.readUInt16LE = function() {
var data =, pos = this.pos += 2;
return data[--pos] << 8 | data[--pos]
core.ByteArrayWriter = function ByteArrayWriter(encoding) {
var self = this, data = new runtime.ByteArray(0);
this.appendByteArrayWriter = function(writer) {
data = runtime.concatByteArrays(data, writer.getByteArray())
this.appendByteArray = function(array) {
data = runtime.concatByteArrays(data, array)
this.appendArray = function(array) {
data = runtime.concatByteArrays(data, runtime.byteArrayFromArray(array))
this.appendUInt16LE = function(value) {
self.appendArray([value & 255, value >> 8 & 255])
this.appendUInt32LE = function(value) {
self.appendArray([value & 255, value >> 8 & 255, value >> 16 & 255, value >> 24 & 255])
this.appendString = function(string) {
data = runtime.concatByteArrays(data, runtime.byteArrayFromString(string, encoding))
this.getLength = function() {
return data.length
this.getByteArray = function() {
return data
core.RawInflate = function RawInflate() {
var zip_WSIZE = 32768;
var zip_STORED_BLOCK = 0;
var zip_STATIC_TREES = 1;
var zip_DYN_TREES = 2;
var zip_lbits = 9;
var zip_dbits = 6;
var zip_INBUFSIZ = 32768;
var zip_INBUF_EXTRA = 64;
var zip_slide;
var zip_wp;
var zip_fixed_tl = null;
var zip_fixed_td;
var zip_fixed_bl, fixed_bd;
var zip_bit_buf;
var zip_bit_len;
var zip_method;
var zip_eof;
var zip_copy_leng;
var zip_copy_dist;
var zip_tl, zip_td;
var zip_bl, zip_bd;
var zip_inflate_data;
var zip_inflate_pos;
var zip_MASK_BITS = new Array(0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511, 1023, 2047, 4095, 8191, 16383, 32767, 65535);
var zip_cplens = new Array(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0);
var zip_cplext = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 99, 99);
var zip_cpdist = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577);
var zip_cpdext = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13);
var zip_border = new Array(16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15);
var zip_HuftList = function() { = null;
this.list = null
var zip_HuftNode = function() {
this.e = 0;
this.b = 0;
this.n = 0;
this.t = null
var zip_HuftBuild = function(b, n, s, d, e, mm) {
this.BMAX = 16;
this.N_MAX = 288;
this.status = 0;
this.root = null;
this.m = 0;
var a;
var c = new Array(this.BMAX + 1);
var el;
var f;
var g;
var h;
var i;
var j;
var k;
var lx = new Array(this.BMAX + 1);
var p;
var pidx;
var q;
var r = new zip_HuftNode;
var u = new Array(this.BMAX);
var v = new Array(this.N_MAX);
var w;
var x = new Array(this.BMAX + 1);
var xp;
var y;
var z;
var o;
var tail;
tail = this.root = null;
for(i = 0;i < c.length;i++) {
c[i] = 0
for(i = 0;i < lx.length;i++) {
lx[i] = 0
for(i = 0;i < u.length;i++) {
u[i] = null
for(i = 0;i < v.length;i++) {
v[i] = 0
for(i = 0;i < x.length;i++) {
x[i] = 0
el = n > 256 ? b[256] : this.BMAX;
p = b;
pidx = 0;
i = n;
do {
}while(--i > 0);
if(c[0] == n) {
this.root = null;
this.m = 0;
this.status = 0;
for(j = 1;j <= this.BMAX;j++) {
if(c[j] != 0) {
k = j;
if(mm < j) {
mm = j
for(i = this.BMAX;i != 0;i--) {
if(c[i] != 0) {
g = i;
if(mm > i) {
mm = i
for(y = 1 << j;j < i;j++, y <<= 1) {
if((y -= c[j]) < 0) {
this.status = 2;
this.m = mm;
if((y -= c[i]) < 0) {
this.status = 2;
this.m = mm;
c[i] += y;
x[1] = j = 0;
p = c;
pidx = 1;
xp = 2;
while(--i > 0) {
x[xp++] = j += p[pidx++]
p = b;
pidx = 0;
i = 0;
do {
if((j = p[pidx++]) != 0) {
v[x[j]++] = i
}while(++i < n);
n = x[g];
x[0] = i = 0;
p = v;
pidx = 0;
h = -1;
w = lx[0] = 0;
q = null;
z = 0;
for(;k <= g;k++) {
a = c[k];
while(a-- > 0) {
while(k > w + lx[1 + h]) {
w += lx[1 + h];
z = (z = g - w) > mm ? mm : z;
if((f = 1 << (j = k - w)) > a + 1) {
f -= a + 1;
xp = k;
while(++j < z) {
if((f <<= 1) <= c[++xp]) {
f -= c[xp]
if(w + j > el && w < el) {
j = el - w
z = 1 << j;
lx[1 + h] = j;
q = new Array(z);
for(o = 0;o < z;o++) {
q[o] = new zip_HuftNode
if(tail == null) {
tail = this.root = new zip_HuftList
}else {
tail = = new zip_HuftList
} = null;
tail.list = q;
u[h] = q;
if(h > 0) {
x[h] = i;
r.b = lx[h];
r.e = 16 + j;
r.t = q;
j = (i & (1 << w) - 1) >> w - lx[h];
u[h - 1][j].e = r.e;
u[h - 1][j].b = r.b;
u[h - 1][j].n = r.n;
u[h - 1][j].t = r.t
r.b = k - w;
if(pidx >= n) {
r.e = 99
}else {
if(p[pidx] < s) {
r.e = p[pidx] < 256 ? 16 : 15;
r.n = p[pidx++]
}else {
r.e = e[p[pidx] - s];
r.n = d[p[pidx++] - s]
f = 1 << k - w;
for(j = i >> w;j < z;j += f) {
q[j].e = r.e;
q[j].b = r.b;
q[j].n = r.n;
q[j].t = r.t
for(j = 1 << k - 1;(i & j) != 0;j >>= 1) {
i ^= j
i ^= j;
while((i & (1 << w) - 1) != x[h]) {
w -= lx[h];
this.m = lx[1];
this.status = y != 0 && g != 1 ? 1 : 0
var zip_GET_BYTE = function() {
if(zip_inflate_data.length == zip_inflate_pos) {
return zip_inflate_data[zip_inflate_pos++]
var zip_NEEDBITS = function(n) {
while(zip_bit_len < n) {
zip_bit_buf |= zip_GET_BYTE() << zip_bit_len;
zip_bit_len += 8
var zip_GETBITS = function(n) {
return zip_bit_buf & zip_MASK_BITS[n]
var zip_DUMPBITS = function(n) {
zip_bit_buf >>= n;
zip_bit_len -= n
var zip_inflate_codes = function(buff, off, size) {
var e;
var t;
var n;
if(size == 0) {
return 0
n = 0;
for(;;) {
t = zip_tl.list[zip_GETBITS(zip_bl)];
e = t.e;
while(e > 16) {
if(e == 99) {
e -= 16;
t = t.t[zip_GETBITS(e)];
e = t.e
if(e == 16) {
zip_wp &= zip_WSIZE - 1;
buff[off + n++] = zip_slide[zip_wp++] = t.n;
if(n == size) {
return size
if(e == 15) {
zip_copy_leng = t.n + zip_GETBITS(e);
t = zip_td.list[zip_GETBITS(zip_bd)];
e = t.e;
while(e > 16) {
if(e == 99) {
e -= 16;
t = t.t[zip_GETBITS(e)];
e = t.e
zip_copy_dist = zip_wp - t.n - zip_GETBITS(e);
while(zip_copy_leng > 0 && n < size) {
zip_copy_dist &= zip_WSIZE - 1;
zip_wp &= zip_WSIZE - 1;
buff[off + n++] = zip_slide[zip_wp++] = zip_slide[zip_copy_dist++]
if(n == size) {
return size
zip_method = -1;
return n
var zip_inflate_stored = function(buff, off, size) {
var n;
n = zip_bit_len & 7;
n = zip_GETBITS(16);
if(n != (~zip_bit_buf & 65535)) {
zip_copy_leng = n;
n = 0;
while(zip_copy_leng > 0 && n < size) {
zip_wp &= zip_WSIZE - 1;
buff[off + n++] = zip_slide[zip_wp++] = zip_GETBITS(8);
if(zip_copy_leng == 0) {
zip_method = -1
return n
var zip_fixed_bd;
var zip_inflate_fixed = function(buff, off, size) {
if(zip_fixed_tl == null) {
var i;
var l = new Array(288);
var h;
for(i = 0;i < 144;i++) {
l[i] = 8
for(;i < 256;i++) {
l[i] = 9
for(;i < 280;i++) {
l[i] = 7
for(;i < 288;i++) {
l[i] = 8
zip_fixed_bl = 7;
h = new zip_HuftBuild(l, 288, 257, zip_cplens, zip_cplext, zip_fixed_bl);
if(h.status != 0) {
alert("HufBuild error: " + h.status);
zip_fixed_tl = h.root;
zip_fixed_bl = h.m;
for(i = 0;i < 30;i++) {
l[i] = 5
zip_fixed_bd = 5;
h = new zip_HuftBuild(l, 30, 0, zip_cpdist, zip_cpdext, zip_fixed_bd);
if(h.status > 1) {
zip_fixed_tl = null;
alert("HufBuild error: " + h.status);
zip_fixed_td = h.root;
zip_fixed_bd = h.m
zip_tl = zip_fixed_tl;
zip_td = zip_fixed_td;
zip_bl = zip_fixed_bl;
zip_bd = zip_fixed_bd;
return zip_inflate_codes(buff, off, size)
var zip_inflate_dynamic = function(buff, off, size) {
var i;
var j;
var l;
var n;
var t;
var nb;
var nl;
var nd;
var ll = new Array(286 + 30);
var h;
for(i = 0;i < ll.length;i++) {
ll[i] = 0
nl = 257 + zip_GETBITS(5);
nd = 1 + zip_GETBITS(5);
nb = 4 + zip_GETBITS(4);
if(nl > 286 || nd > 30) {
for(j = 0;j < nb;j++) {
ll[zip_border[j]] = zip_GETBITS(3);
for(;j < 19;j++) {
ll[zip_border[j]] = 0
zip_bl = 7;
h = new zip_HuftBuild(ll, 19, 19, null, null, zip_bl);
if(h.status != 0) {
zip_tl = h.root;
zip_bl = h.m;
n = nl + nd;
i = l = 0;
while(i < n) {
t = zip_tl.list[zip_GETBITS(zip_bl)];
j = t.b;
j = t.n;
if(j < 16) {
ll[i++] = l = j
}else {
if(j == 16) {
j = 3 + zip_GETBITS(2);
if(i + j > n) {
while(j-- > 0) {
ll[i++] = l
}else {
if(j == 17) {
j = 3 + zip_GETBITS(3);
if(i + j > n) {
while(j-- > 0) {
ll[i++] = 0
l = 0
}else {
j = 11 + zip_GETBITS(7);
if(i + j > n) {
while(j-- > 0) {
ll[i++] = 0
l = 0
zip_bl = zip_lbits;
h = new zip_HuftBuild(ll, nl, 257, zip_cplens, zip_cplext, zip_bl);
if(zip_bl == 0) {
h.status = 1
if(h.status != 0) {
zip_tl = h.root;
zip_bl = h.m;
for(i = 0;i < nd;i++) {
ll[i] = ll[i + nl]
zip_bd = zip_dbits;
h = new zip_HuftBuild(ll, nd, 0, zip_cpdist, zip_cpdext, zip_bd);
zip_td = h.root;
zip_bd = h.m;
if(zip_bd == 0 && nl > 257) {
if(h.status != 0) {
return zip_inflate_codes(buff, off, size)
var zip_inflate_start = function() {
var i;
if(zip_slide == null) {
zip_slide = new Array(2 * zip_WSIZE)
zip_wp = 0;
zip_bit_buf = 0;
zip_bit_len = 0;
zip_method = -1;
zip_eof = false;
zip_copy_leng = zip_copy_dist = 0;
zip_tl = null
var zip_inflate_internal = function(buff, off, size) {
var n, i;
n = 0;
while(n < size) {
if(zip_eof && zip_method == -1) {
return n
if(zip_copy_leng > 0) {
if(zip_method != zip_STORED_BLOCK) {
while(zip_copy_leng > 0 && n < size) {
zip_copy_dist &= zip_WSIZE - 1;
zip_wp &= zip_WSIZE - 1;
buff[off + n++] = zip_slide[zip_wp++] = zip_slide[zip_copy_dist++]
}else {
while(zip_copy_leng > 0 && n < size) {
zip_wp &= zip_WSIZE - 1;
buff[off + n++] = zip_slide[zip_wp++] = zip_GETBITS(8);
if(zip_copy_leng == 0) {
zip_method = -1
if(n == size) {
return n
if(zip_method == -1) {
if(zip_eof) {
if(zip_GETBITS(1) != 0) {
zip_eof = true
zip_method = zip_GETBITS(2);
zip_tl = null;
zip_copy_leng = 0
switch(zip_method) {
case 0:
i = zip_inflate_stored(buff, off + n, size - n);
case 1:
if(zip_tl != null) {
i = zip_inflate_codes(buff, off + n, size - n)
}else {
i = zip_inflate_fixed(buff, off + n, size - n)
case 2:
if(zip_tl != null) {
i = zip_inflate_codes(buff, off + n, size - n)
}else {
i = zip_inflate_dynamic(buff, off + n, size - n)
i = -1;
if(i == -1) {
if(zip_eof) {
return 0
n += i
return n
var zip_inflate = function(data, size) {
var i, j;
zip_inflate_data = data;
zip_inflate_pos = 0;
var buff = new runtime.ByteArray(size);
zip_inflate_internal(buff, 0, size);
zip_inflate_data = null;
return buff
this.inflate = zip_inflate
core.Cursor = function Cursor(selection, document) {
var cursorns, cursorNode;
cursorns = "urn:webodf:names:cursor";
cursorNode = document.createElementNS(cursorns, "cursor");
function putCursorIntoTextNode(container, offset) {
var len, ref, textnode, parent;
parent = container.parentNode;
if(offset === 0) {
parent.insertBefore(cursorNode, container)
}else {
if(offset === container.length) {
}else {
len = container.length;
ref = container.nextSibling;
textnode = document.createTextNode(container.substringData(offset, len));
container.deleteData(offset, len);
if(ref) {
parent.insertBefore(textnode, ref)
}else {
parent.insertBefore(cursorNode, textnode)
function putCursorIntoContainer(container, offset) {
var node;
node = container.firstChild;
while(node && offset) {
node = node.nextSibling;
offset -= 1
container.insertBefore(cursorNode, node)
function getPotentialParentOrNode(parent, node) {
var n = node;
while(n && n !== parent) {
n = n.parentNode
return n || node
function removeCursorFromSelectionRange(range, cursorpos) {
var cursorParent, start, end;
cursorParent = cursorNode.parentNode;
start = getPotentialParentOrNode(cursorNode, range.startContainer);
end = getPotentialParentOrNode(cursorNode, range.endContainer);
if(start === cursorNode) {
range.setStart(cursorParent, cursorpos)
}else {
if(start === cursorParent && range.startOffset > cursorpos) {
range.setStart(cursorParent, range.startOffset - 1)
if(range.endContainer === cursorNode) {
range.setEnd(cursorParent, cursorpos)
}else {
if(range.endContainer === cursorParent && range.endOffset > cursorpos) {
range.setEnd(cursorParent, range.endOffset - 1)
function adaptRangeToMergedText(range, prev, textnodetomerge, cursorpos) {
var diff = prev.length - textnodetomerge.length;
if(range.startContainer === textnodetomerge) {
range.setStart(prev, diff + range.startOffset)
}else {
if(range.startContainer === prev.parentNode && range.startOffset === cursorpos) {
range.setStart(prev, diff)
if(range.endContainer === textnodetomerge) {
range.setEnd(prev, diff + range.endOffset)
}else {
if(range.endContainer === prev.parentNode && range.endOffset === cursorpos) {
range.setEnd(prev, diff)
function removeCursor() {
var i, cursorpos, node, textnodetoremove, range;
if(!cursorNode.parentNode) {
cursorpos = 0;
node = cursorNode.parentNode.firstChild;
while(node && node !== cursorNode) {
cursorpos += 1;
node = node.nextSibling
if(cursorNode.previousSibling && cursorNode.previousSibling.nodeType === 3 && cursorNode.nextSibling && cursorNode.nextSibling.nodeType === 3) {
textnodetoremove = cursorNode.nextSibling;
for(i = 0;i < selection.rangeCount;i += 1) {
removeCursorFromSelectionRange(selection.getRangeAt(i), cursorpos)
if(textnodetoremove) {
for(i = 0;i < selection.rangeCount;i += 1) {
adaptRangeToMergedText(selection.getRangeAt(i), cursorNode.previousSibling, textnodetoremove, cursorpos)
function putCursor(container, offset) {
if(container.nodeType === 3) {
putCursorIntoTextNode(container, offset)
}else {
if(container.nodeType !== 9) {
putCursorIntoContainer(container, offset)
this.getNode = function() {
return cursorNode
this.updateToSelection = function() {
var range;
if(selection.focusNode) {
putCursor(selection.focusNode, selection.focusOffset)
this.remove = function() {
core.UnitTest = function UnitTest() {
core.UnitTest.prototype.setUp = function() {
core.UnitTest.prototype.tearDown = function() {
core.UnitTest.prototype.description = function() {
core.UnitTest.prototype.tests = function() {
core.UnitTest.prototype.asyncTests = function() {
core.UnitTestRunner = function UnitTestRunner() {
var failedTests = 0;
function debug(msg) {
function testFailed(msg) {
failedTests += 1;
runtime.log("fail", msg)
function testPassed(msg) {
runtime.log("pass", msg)
function areArraysEqual(a, b) {
var i;
try {
if(a.length !== b.length) {
return false
for(i = 0;i < a.length;i += 1) {
if(a[i] !== b[i]) {
return false
}catch(ex) {
return false
return true
function isResultCorrect(actual, expected) {
if(expected === 0) {
return actual === expected && 1 / actual === 1 / expected
if(actual === expected) {
return true
if(typeof expected === "number" && isNaN(expected)) {
return typeof actual === "number" && isNaN(actual)
if( ===[])) {
return areArraysEqual(actual, expected)
return false
function stringify(v) {
if(v === 0 && 1 / v < 0) {
return String(v)
function shouldBe(t, a, b) {
if(typeof a !== "string" || typeof b !== "string") {
debug("WARN: shouldBe() expects string arguments")
var exception, av, bv;
try {
av = eval(a)
}catch(e) {
exception = e
bv = eval(b);
if(exception) {
testFailed(a + " should be " + bv + ". Threw exception " + exception)
}else {
if(isResultCorrect(av, bv)) {
testPassed(a + " is " + b)
}else {
if(typeof av === typeof bv) {
testFailed(a + " should be " + bv + ". Was " + stringify(av) + ".")
}else {
testFailed(a + " should be " + bv + " (of type " + typeof bv + "). Was " + av + " (of type " + typeof av + ").")
function shouldBeNonNull(t, a) {
var exception, av;
try {
av = eval(a)
}catch(e) {
exception = e
if(exception) {
testFailed(a + " should be non-null. Threw exception " + exception)
}else {
if(av !== null) {
testPassed(a + " is non-null.")
}else {
testFailed(a + " should be non-null. Was " + av)
function shouldBeNull(t, a) {
shouldBe(t, a, "null")
this.shouldBeNull = shouldBeNull;
this.shouldBeNonNull = shouldBeNonNull;
this.shouldBe = shouldBe;
this.countFailedTests = function() {
return failedTests
core.UnitTester = function UnitTester() {
var failedTests = 0, results = {};
this.runTests = function(TestClass, callback) {
var testName = Runtime.getFunctionName(TestClass), tname, runner = new core.UnitTestRunner, test = new TestClass(runner), testResults = {}, i, t, tests, lastFailCount;
if(testName.hasOwnProperty(results)) {
runtime.log("Test " + testName + " has already run.");
runtime.log("Running " + testName + ": " + test.description());
tests = test.tests();
for(i = 0;i < tests.length;i += 1) {
t = tests[i];
tname = Runtime.getFunctionName(t);
runtime.log("Running " + tname);
lastFailCount = runner.countFailedTests();
testResults[tname] = lastFailCount === runner.countFailedTests()
function runAsyncTests(todo) {
if(todo.length === 0) {
results[testName] = testResults;
failedTests += runner.countFailedTests();
t = todo[0];
var tname = Runtime.getFunctionName(t);
runtime.log("Running " + tname);
lastFailCount = runner.countFailedTests();
t(function() {
testResults[tname] = lastFailCount === runner.countFailedTests();
this.countFailedTests = function() {
return failedTests
this.results = function() {
return results
core.PointWalker = function PointWalker(node) {
var currentNode = node, before = null, after = node && node.firstChild, root = node, pos = 0;
function getPosition(node) {
var p = -1, n = node;
while(n) {
n = n.previousSibling;
p += 1
return p
this.setPoint = function(node, position) {
currentNode = node;
pos = position;
if(currentNode.nodeType === 3) {
after = null;
before = null
}else {
after = currentNode.firstChild;
while(position) {
position -= 1;
after = after.nextSibling
if(after) {
before = after.previousSibling
}else {
before = currentNode.lastChild
this.stepForward = function() {
var len;
if(currentNode.nodeType === 3) {
if(typeof currentNode.nodeValue.length === "number") {
len = currentNode.nodeValue.length
}else {
len = currentNode.nodeValue.length()
if(pos < len) {
pos += 1;
return true
if(after) {
if(after.nodeType === 1) {
currentNode = after;
before = null;
after = currentNode.firstChild;
pos = 0
}else {
if(after.nodeType === 3) {
currentNode = after;
before = null;
after = null;
pos = 0
}else {
before = after;
after = after.nextSibling;
pos += 1
return true
if(currentNode !== root) {
before = currentNode;
after = before.nextSibling;
currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
pos = getPosition(before) + 1;
return true
return false
this.stepBackward = function() {
if(currentNode.nodeType === 3) {
if(pos > 0) {
pos -= 1;
return true
if(before) {
if(before.nodeType === 1) {
currentNode = before;
before = currentNode.lastChild;
after = null;
pos = getPosition(before) + 1
}else {
if(before.nodeType === 3) {
currentNode = before;
before = null;
after = null;
if(typeof currentNode.nodeValue.length === "number") {
pos = currentNode.nodeValue.length
}else {
pos = currentNode.nodeValue.length()
}else {
after = before;
before = before.previousSibling;
pos -= 1
return true
if(currentNode !== root) {
after = currentNode;
before = after.previousSibling;
currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
pos = getPosition(after);
return true
return false
this.node = function() {
return currentNode
this.position = function() {
return pos
this.precedingSibling = function() {
return before
this.followingSibling = function() {
return after
core.Async = function Async() {
this.forEach = function(items, f, callback) {
var i, l = items.length, itemsDone = 0;
function end(err) {
if(itemsDone !== l) {
if(err) {
itemsDone = l;
}else {
itemsDone += 1;
if(itemsDone === l) {
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
f(items[i], end)
core.Zip = function Zip(url, entriesReadCallback) {
var entries, filesize, nEntries, inflate = (new core.RawInflate).inflate, zip = this, base64 = new core.Base64;
function crc32(data) {
var table = [0, 1996959894, 3993919788, 2567524794, 124634137, 1886057615, 3915621685, 2657392035, 249268274, 2044508324, 3772115230, 2547177864, 162941995, 2125561021, 3887607047, 2428444049, 498536548, 1789927666, 4089016648, 2227061214, 450548861, 1843258603, 4107580753, 2211677639, 325883990, 1684777152, 4251122042, 2321926636, 335633487, 1661365465, 4195302755, 2366115317, 997073096, 1281953886, 3579855332, 2724688242, 1006888145, 1258607687, 3524101629, 2768942443, 901097722, 1119000684,
3686517206, 2898065728, 853044451, 1172266101, 3705015759, 2882616665, 651767980, 1373503546, 3369554304, 3218104598, 565507253, 1454621731, 3485111705, 3099436303, 671266974, 1594198024, 3322730930, 2970347812, 795835527, 1483230225, 3244367275, 3060149565, 1994146192, 31158534, 2563907772, 4023717930, 1907459465, 112637215, 2680153253, 3904427059, 2013776290, 251722036, 2517215374, 3775830040, 2137656763, 141376813, 2439277719, 3865271297, 1802195444, 476864866, 2238001368, 4066508878, 1812370925,
453092731, 2181625025, 4111451223, 1706088902, 314042704, 2344532202, 4240017532, 1658658271, 366619977, 2362670323, 4224994405, 1303535960, 984961486, 2747007092, 3569037538, 1256170817, 1037604311, 2765210733, 3554079995, 1131014506, 879679996, 2909243462, 3663771856, 1141124467, 855842277, 2852801631, 3708648649, 1342533948, 654459306, 3188396048, 3373015174, 1466479909, 544179635, 3110523913, 3462522015, 1591671054, 702138776, 2966460450, 3352799412, 1504918807, 783551873, 3082640443, 3233442989,
3988292384, 2596254646, 62317068, 1957810842, 3939845945, 2647816111, 81470997, 1943803523, 3814918930, 2489596804, 225274430, 2053790376, 3826175755, 2466906013, 167816743, 2097651377, 4027552580, 2265490386, 503444072, 1762050814, 4150417245, 2154129355, 426522225, 1852507879, 4275313526, 2312317920, 282753626, 1742555852, 4189708143, 2394877945, 397917763, 1622183637, 3604390888, 2714866558, 953729732, 1340076626, 3518719985, 2797360999, 1068828381, 1219638859, 3624741850, 2936675148, 906185462,
1090812512, 3747672003, 2825379669, 829329135, 1181335161, 3412177804, 3160834842, 628085408, 1382605366, 3423369109, 3138078467, 570562233, 1426400815, 3317316542, 2998733608, 733239954, 1555261956, 3268935591, 3050360625, 752459403, 1541320221, 2607071920, 3965973030, 1969922972, 40735498, 2617837225, 3943577151, 1913087877, 83908371, 2512341634, 3803740692, 2075208622, 213261112, 2463272603, 3855990285, 2094854071, 198958881, 2262029012, 4057260610, 1759359992, 534414190, 2176718541, 4139329115,
1873836001, 414664567, 2282248934, 4279200368, 1711684554, 285281116, 2405801727, 4167216745, 1634467795, 376229701, 2685067896, 3608007406, 1308918612, 956543938, 2808555105, 3495958263, 1231636301, 1047427035, 2932959818, 3654703836, 1088359270, 936918E3, 2847714899, 3736837829, 1202900863, 817233897, 3183342108, 3401237130, 1404277552, 615818150, 3134207493, 3453421203, 1423857449, 601450431, 3009837614, 3294710456, 1567103746, 711928724, 3020668471, 3272380065, 1510334235, 755167117], crc =
0, i, iTop = data.length, x = 0, y = 0;
crc = crc ^ -1;
for(i = 0;i < iTop;i += 1) {
y = (crc ^ data[i]) & 255;
x = table[y];
crc = crc >>> 8 ^ x
return crc ^ -1
function dosTime2Date(dostime) {
var year = (dostime >> 25 & 127) + 1980, month = (dostime >> 21 & 15) - 1, mday = dostime >> 16 & 31, hour = dostime >> 11 & 15, min = dostime >> 5 & 63, sec = (dostime & 31) << 1, d = new Date(year, month, mday, hour, min, sec);
return d
function date2DosTime(date) {
var y = date.getFullYear();
return y < 1980 ? 0 : y - 1980 << 25 | date.getMonth() + 1 << 21 | date.getDate() << 16 | date.getHours() << 11 | date.getMinutes() << 5 | date.getSeconds() >> 1
function ZipEntry(url, stream) {
var sig, namelen, extralen, commentlen, compressionMethod, compressedSize, uncompressedSize, offset, crc, entry = this;
function handleEntryData(data, callback) {
var stream = new core.ByteArray(data), sig = stream.readUInt32LE(), filenamelen, extralen;
if(sig !== 67324752) {
callback("File entry signature is wrong." + sig.toString() + " " + data.length.toString(), null);
stream.pos += 22;
filenamelen = stream.readUInt16LE();
extralen = stream.readUInt16LE();
stream.pos += filenamelen + extralen;
if(compressionMethod) {
data = data.slice(stream.pos, stream.pos + compressedSize);
if(compressedSize !== data.length) {
callback("The amount of compressed bytes read was " + data.length.toString() + " instead of " + compressedSize.toString() + " for " + entry.filename + " in " + url + ".", null);
data = inflate(data, uncompressedSize)
}else {
data = data.slice(stream.pos, stream.pos + uncompressedSize)
if(uncompressedSize !== data.length) {
callback("The amount of bytes read was " + data.length.toString() + " instead of " + uncompressedSize.toString() + " for " + entry.filename + " in " + url + ".", null);
} = data;
callback(null, data)
function load(callback) {
if( !== undefined) {
var size = compressedSize + 34 + namelen + extralen + 256;
if(size + offset > filesize) {
size = filesize - offset
}, offset, size, function(err, data) {
if(err) {
callback(err, data)
}else {
handleEntryData(data, callback)
this.load = load;
function set(filename, data, compressed, date) {
entry.filename = filename; = data;
entry.compressed = compressed; = date
this.set = set;
this.error = null;
if(!stream) {
sig = stream.readUInt32LE();
if(sig !== 33639248) {
this.error = "Central directory entry has wrong signature at position " + (stream.pos - 4).toString() + ' for file "' + url + '": ' +;
stream.pos += 6;
compressionMethod = stream.readUInt16LE(); = dosTime2Date(stream.readUInt32LE());
crc = stream.readUInt32LE();
compressedSize = stream.readUInt32LE();
uncompressedSize = stream.readUInt32LE();
namelen = stream.readUInt16LE();
extralen = stream.readUInt16LE();
commentlen = stream.readUInt16LE();
stream.pos += 8;
offset = stream.readUInt32LE();
this.filename = runtime.byteArrayToString(, stream.pos + namelen), "utf8");
stream.pos += namelen + extralen + commentlen
function handleCentralDirectory(data, callback) {
var stream = new core.ByteArray(data), i, e;
entries = [];
for(i = 0;i < nEntries;i += 1) {
e = new ZipEntry(url, stream);
if(e.error) {
callback(e.error, zip);
entries[entries.length] = e
callback(null, zip)
function handleCentralDirectoryEnd(data, callback) {
if(data.length !== 22) {
callback("Central directory length should be 22.", zip);
var stream = new core.ByteArray(data), sig, disk, cddisk, diskNEntries, cdsSize, cdsOffset;
sig = stream.readUInt32LE();
if(sig !== 101010256) {
callback("Central directory signature is wrong: " + sig.toString(), zip);
disk = stream.readUInt16LE();
if(disk !== 0) {
callback("Zip files with non-zero disk numbers are not supported.", zip);
cddisk = stream.readUInt16LE();
if(cddisk !== 0) {
callback("Zip files with non-zero disk numbers are not supported.", zip);
diskNEntries = stream.readUInt16LE();
nEntries = stream.readUInt16LE();
if(diskNEntries !== nEntries) {
callback("Number of entries is inconsistent.", zip);
cdsSize = stream.readUInt32LE();
cdsOffset = stream.readUInt16LE();
cdsOffset = filesize - 22 - cdsSize;, cdsOffset, filesize - cdsOffset, function(err, data) {
handleCentralDirectory(data, callback)
function load(filename, callback) {
var entry = null, end = filesize, e, i;
for(i = 0;i < entries.length;i += 1) {
e = entries[i];
if(e.filename === filename) {
entry = e;
if(entry) {
if( {
}else {
}else {
callback(filename + " not found.", null)
function loadAsString(filename, callback) {
load(filename, function(err, data) {
if(err) {
return callback(err, null)
data = runtime.byteArrayToString(data, "utf8");
callback(null, data)
function loadContentXmlAsFragments(filename, handler) {
loadAsString(filename, function(err, data) {
if(err) {
return handler.rootElementReady(err)
handler.rootElementReady(null, data, true)
function loadAsDataURL(filename, mimetype, callback) {
load(filename, function(err, data) {
if(err) {
return callback(err, null)
var p = data, chunksize = 45E3, i = 0, url;
if(!mimetype) {
if(p[1] === 80 && p[2] === 78 && p[3] === 71) {
mimetype = "image/png"
}else {
if(p[0] === 255 && p[1] === 216 && p[2] === 255) {
mimetype = "image/jpeg"
}else {
if(p[0] === 71 && p[1] === 73 && p[2] === 70) {
mimetype = "image/gif"
}else {
mimetype = ""
url = "data:" + mimetype + ";base64,";
while(i < data.length) {
url += base64.convertUTF8ArrayToBase64(p.slice(i, Math.min(i + chunksize, p.length)));
i += chunksize
callback(null, url)
function loadAsDOM(filename, callback) {
loadAsString(filename, function(err, xmldata) {
if(err) {
callback(err, null);
var parser = new DOMParser;
xmldata = parser.parseFromString(xmldata, "text/xml");
callback(null, xmldata)
function save(filename, data, compressed, date) {
var i, entry;
for(i = 0;i < entries.length;i += 1) {
entry = entries[i];
if(entry.filename === filename) {
entry.set(filename, data, compressed, date);
entry = new ZipEntry(url);
entry.set(filename, data, compressed, date);
function writeEntry(entry) {
var data = new core.ByteArrayWriter("utf8"), length = 0;
data.appendArray([80, 75, 3, 4, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
if( {
length =
if( {
return data
function writeCODEntry(entry, offset) {
var data = new core.ByteArrayWriter("utf8"), length = 0;
data.appendArray([80, 75, 1, 2, 20, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
if( {
length =
data.appendArray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
return data
function loadAllEntries(position, callback) {
if(position === entries.length) {
var entry = entries[position];
if( !== undefined) {
loadAllEntries(position + 1, callback);
entry.load(function(err) {
if(err) {
loadAllEntries(position + 1, callback)
function write(callback) {
loadAllEntries(0, function(err) {
if(err) {
var data = new core.ByteArrayWriter("utf8"), i, e, codoffset, codsize, offsets = [0];
for(i = 0;i < entries.length;i += 1) {
codoffset = data.getLength();
for(i = 0;i < entries.length;i += 1) {
e = entries[i];
data.appendByteArrayWriter(writeCODEntry(e, offsets[i]))
codsize = data.getLength() - codoffset;
data.appendArray([80, 75, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
data.appendArray([0, 0]);
runtime.writeFile(url, data.getByteArray(), callback)
this.load = load; = save;
this.write = write;
this.loadContentXmlAsFragments = loadContentXmlAsFragments;
this.loadAsString = loadAsString;
this.loadAsDOM = loadAsDOM;
this.loadAsDataURL = loadAsDataURL;
this.getEntries = function() {
return entries.slice()
filesize = -1;
if(entriesReadCallback === null) {
entries = [];
runtime.getFileSize(url, function(size) {
filesize = size;
if(filesize < 0) {
entriesReadCallback("File '" + url + "' cannot be read.", zip)
}else {, filesize - 22, 22, function(err, data) {
if(err || entriesReadCallback === null) {
entriesReadCallback(err, zip)
}else {
handleCentralDirectoryEnd(data, entriesReadCallback)
xmldom.LSSerializerFilter = function LSSerializerFilter() {
if(typeof Object.create !== "function") {
Object["create"] = function(o) {
var F = function() {
F.prototype = o;
return new F
xmldom.LSSerializer = function LSSerializer() {
var self = this;
function serializeAttribute(prefix, attr) {
var s = prefix + attr.localName + '="' + attr.nodeValue + '"';
return s
function attributePrefix(nsmap, prefix, ns) {
if(nsmap.hasOwnProperty(ns)) {
return nsmap[ns] + ":"
if(nsmap[ns] !== prefix) {
nsmap[ns] = prefix
return prefix + ":"
function startNode(nsmap, node) {
var s = "", atts = node.attributes, length, i, attr, attstr = "", accept, prefix;
if(atts) {
if(nsmap[node.namespaceURI] !== node.prefix) {
nsmap[node.namespaceURI] = node.prefix
s += "<" + node.nodeName;
length = atts.length;
for(i = 0;i < length;i += 1) {
attr = atts.item(i);
if(attr.namespaceURI !== "") {
accept = self.filter ? self.filter.acceptNode(attr) : 1;
if(accept === 1) {
if(attr.namespaceURI) {
prefix = attributePrefix(nsmap, attr.prefix, attr.namespaceURI)
}else {
prefix = ""
attstr += " " + serializeAttribute(prefix, attr)
for(i in nsmap) {
if(nsmap.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
prefix = nsmap[i];
if(!prefix) {
s += ' xmlns="' + i + '"'
}else {
if(prefix !== "xmlns") {
s += " xmlns:" + nsmap[i] + '="' + i + '"'
s += attstr + ">"
return s
function endNode(node) {
var s = "";
if(node.nodeType === 1) {
s += "</" + node.nodeName + ">"
return s
function serializeNode(parentnsmap, node) {
var s = "", nsmap = Object.create(parentnsmap), accept = self.filter ? self.filter.acceptNode(node) : 1, child;
if(accept === 1) {
s += startNode(nsmap, node)
if(accept === 1 || accept === 3) {
child = node.firstChild;
while(child) {
s += serializeNode(nsmap, child);
child = child.nextSibling
if(node.nodeValue) {
s += node.nodeValue
if(accept === 1) {
s += endNode(node)
return s
function invertMap(map) {
var m = {}, i;
for(i in map) {
if(map.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
m[map[i]] = i
return m
this.filter = null;
this.writeToString = function(node, nsmap) {
if(!node) {
nsmap = nsmap ? invertMap(nsmap) : {};
return serializeNode(nsmap, node)
xmldom.RelaxNGParser = function RelaxNGParser() {
var self = this, rngns = "", xmlnsns = "", start, nsmap = {"":"xml"}, parse;
function RelaxNGParseError(error, context) {
this.message = function() {
if(context) {
error += context.nodeType === 1 ? " Element " : " Node ";
error += context.nodeName;
if(context.nodeValue) {
error += " with value '" + context.nodeValue + "'"
error += "."
return error
function splitToDuos(e) {
if(e.e.length <= 2) {
return e
var o = {, e:e.e.slice(0, 2)};
return splitToDuos({, e:[o].concat(e.e.slice(2))})
function splitQName(name) {
var r = name.split(":", 2), prefix = "", i;
if(r.length === 1) {
r = ["", r[0]]
}else {
prefix = r[0]
for(i in nsmap) {
if(nsmap[i] === prefix) {
r[0] = i
return r
function splitQNames(def) {
var i, l = def.names ? def.names.length : 0, name, localnames = def.localnames = [l], namespaces = def.namespaces = [l];
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
name = splitQName(def.names[i]);
namespaces[i] = name[0];
localnames[i] = name[1]
function trim(str) {
str = str.replace(/^\s\s*/, "");
var ws = /\s/, i = str.length - 1;
while(ws.test(str.charAt(i))) {
i -= 1
return str.slice(0, i + 1)
function copyAttributes(atts, name, names) {
var a = {}, i, att;
for(i = 0;i < atts.length;i += 1) {
att = atts.item(i);
if(!att.namespaceURI) {
if(att.localName === "name" && (name === "element" || name === "attribute")) {
if(att.localName === "name" || att.localName === "combine" || att.localName === "type") {
att.value = trim(att.value)
a[att.localName] = att.value
}else {
if(att.namespaceURI === xmlnsns) {
nsmap[att.value] = att.localName
return a
function parseChildren(c, e, elements, names) {
var text = "", ce;
while(c) {
if(c.nodeType === 1 && c.namespaceURI === rngns) {
ce = parse(c, elements, e);
if(ce) {
if( === "name") {
names.push(nsmap[ce.a.ns] + ":" + ce.text);
}else {
if( === "choice" && ce.names && ce.names.length) {
names = names.concat(ce.names);
delete ce.names;
}else {
}else {
if(c.nodeType === 3) {
text += c.nodeValue
c = c.nextSibling
return text
function combineDefines(combine, name, e, siblings) {
var i, ce;
for(i = 0;siblings && i < siblings.length;i += 1) {
ce = siblings[i];
if( === "define" && ce.a && === name) {
ce.e = [{name:combine, e:ce.e.concat(e)}];
return ce
return null
parse = function parse(element, elements, siblings) {
var e = [], a, ce, i, text, name = element.localName, names = [];
a = copyAttributes(element.attributes, name, names);
a.combine = a.combine || undefined;
text = parseChildren(element.firstChild, e, elements, names);
if(name !== "value" && name !== "param") {
text = /^\s*([\s\S]*\S)?\s*$/.exec(text)[1]
if(name === "value" && a.type === undefined) {
a.type = "token";
a.datatypeLibrary = ""
if((name === "attribute" || name === "element") && !== undefined) {
i = splitQName(;
e = [{name:"name", text:i[1], a:{ns:i[0]}}].concat(e);
if(name === "name" || name === "nsName" || name === "value") {
if(a.ns === undefined) {
a.ns = ""
}else {
delete a.ns
if(name === "name") {
i = splitQName(text);
a.ns = i[0];
text = i[1]
if(e.length > 1 && (name === "define" || name === "oneOrMore" || name === "zeroOrMore" || name === "optional" || name === "list" || name === "mixed")) {
e = [{name:"group", e:splitToDuos({name:"group", e:e}).e}]
if(e.length > 2 && name === "element") {
e = [e[0]].concat({name:"group", e:splitToDuos({name:"group", e:e.slice(1)}).e})
if(e.length === 1 && name === "attribute") {
e.push({name:"text", text:text})
if(e.length === 1 && (name === "choice" || name === "group" || name === "interleave")) {
name = e[0].name;
names = e[0].names;
a = e[0].a;
text = e[0].text;
e = e[0].e
}else {
if(e.length > 2 && (name === "choice" || name === "group" || name === "interleave")) {
e = splitToDuos({name:name, e:e}).e
if(name === "mixed") {
name = "interleave";
e = [e[0], {name:"text"}]
if(name === "optional") {
name = "choice";
e = [e[0], {name:"empty"}]
if(name === "zeroOrMore") {
name = "choice";
e = [{name:"oneOrMore", e:[e[0]]}, {name:"empty"}]
if(name === "define" && a.combine) {
ce = combineDefines(a.combine,, e, siblings);
if(ce) {
ce = {name:name};
if(e && e.length > 0) {
ce.e = e
for(i in a) {
if(a.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
ce.a = a;
if(text !== undefined) {
ce.text = text
if(names && names.length > 0) {
ce.names = names
if(name === "element") { = elements.length;
ce = {name:"elementref",}
return ce
function resolveDefines(def, defines) {
var i = 0, e, defs, end, name =;
while(def.e && i < def.e.length) {
e = def.e[i];
if( === "ref") {
defs = defines[];
if(!defs) {
throw + " was not defined.";
end = def.e.slice(i + 1);
def.e = def.e.slice(0, i);
def.e = def.e.concat(defs.e);
def.e = def.e.concat(end)
}else {
i += 1;
resolveDefines(e, defines)
e = def.e;
if(name === "choice") {
if(!e || !e[1] || e[1].name === "empty") {
if(!e || !e[0] || e[0].name === "empty") {
delete def.e; = "empty"
}else {
e[1] = e[0];
e[0] = {name:"empty"}
if(name === "group" || name === "interleave") {
if(e[0].name === "empty") {
if(e[1].name === "empty") {
delete def.e; = "empty"
}else {
name = = e[1].name;
def.names = e[1].names;
e = def.e = e[1].e
}else {
if(e[1].name === "empty") {
name = = e[0].name;
def.names = e[0].names;
e = def.e = e[0].e
if(name === "oneOrMore" && e[0].name === "empty") {
delete def.e; = "empty"
if(name === "attribute") {
if(name === "interleave") {
if(e[0].name === "interleave") {
if(e[1].name === "interleave") {
e = def.e = e[0].e.concat(e[1].e)
}else {
e = def.e = [e[1]].concat(e[0].e)
}else {
if(e[1].name === "interleave") {
e = def.e = [e[0]].concat(e[1].e)
function resolveElements(def, elements) {
var i = 0, e, name;
while(def.e && i < def.e.length) {
e = def.e[i];
if( === "elementref") { = || 0;
def.e[i] = elements[]
}else {
if( !== "element") {
resolveElements(e, elements)
i += 1
function main(dom, callback) {
var elements = [], grammar = parse(dom && dom.documentElement, elements, undefined), i, e, defines = {};
for(i = 0;i < grammar.e.length;i += 1) {
e = grammar.e[i];
if( === "define") {
defines[] = e
}else {
if( === "start") {
start = e
if(!start) {
return[new RelaxNGParseError("No Relax NG start element was found.")]
resolveDefines(start, defines);
for(i in defines) {
if(defines.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
resolveDefines(defines[i], defines)
for(i = 0;i < elements.length;i += 1) {
resolveDefines(elements[i], defines)
if(callback) {
self.rootPattern = callback(start.e[0], elements)
resolveElements(start, elements);
for(i = 0;i < elements.length;i += 1) {
resolveElements(elements[i], elements)
self.start = start;
self.elements = elements;
self.nsmap = nsmap;
return null
this.parseRelaxNGDOM = main
xmldom.RelaxNG = function RelaxNG() {
var xmlnsns = "", createChoice, createInterleave, createGroup, createAfter, createOneOrMore, createValue, createAttribute, createNameClass, createData, makePattern, notAllowed = {type:"notAllowed", nullable:false, hash:"notAllowed", textDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
}, startTagOpenDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
}, attDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
}, startTagCloseDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
}, endTagDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
}}, empty = {type:"empty", nullable:true, hash:"empty", textDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
}, startTagOpenDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
}, attDeriv:function(context, attribute) {
return notAllowed
}, startTagCloseDeriv:function() {
return empty
}, endTagDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
}}, text = {type:"text", nullable:true, hash:"text", textDeriv:function() {
return text
}, startTagOpenDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
}, attDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
}, startTagCloseDeriv:function() {
return text
}, endTagDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
}}, applyAfter, childDeriv, rootPattern;
function memoize0arg(func) {
return function() {
var cache;
return function() {
if(cache === undefined) {
cache = func()
return cache
function memoize1arg(type, func) {
return function() {
var cache = {}, cachecount = 0;
return function(a) {
var ahash = a.hash || a.toString(), v;
v = cache[ahash];
if(v !== undefined) {
return v
cache[ahash] = v = func(a);
v.hash = type + cachecount.toString();
cachecount += 1;
return v
function memoizeNode(func) {
return function() {
var cache = {};
return function(node) {
var v, m;
m = cache[node.localName];
if(m === undefined) {
cache[node.localName] = m = {}
}else {
v = m[node.namespaceURI];
if(v !== undefined) {
return v
m[node.namespaceURI] = v = func(node);
return v
function memoize2arg(type, fastfunc, func) {
return function() {
var cache = {}, cachecount = 0;
return function(a, b) {
var v = fastfunc && fastfunc(a, b), ahash, bhash, m;
if(v !== undefined) {
return v
ahash = a.hash || a.toString();
bhash = b.hash || b.toString();
m = cache[ahash];
if(m === undefined) {
cache[ahash] = m = {}
}else {
v = m[bhash];
if(v !== undefined) {
return v
m[bhash] = v = func(a, b);
v.hash = type + cachecount.toString();
cachecount += 1;
return v
function unorderedMemoize2arg(type, fastfunc, func) {
return function() {
var cache = {}, cachecount = 0;
return function(a, b) {
var v = fastfunc && fastfunc(a, b), ahash, bhash, m;
if(v !== undefined) {
return v
ahash = a.hash || a.toString();
bhash = b.hash || b.toString();
if(ahash < bhash) {
m = ahash;
ahash = bhash;
bhash = m;
m = a;
a = b;
b = m
m = cache[ahash];
if(m === undefined) {
cache[ahash] = m = {}
}else {
v = m[bhash];
if(v !== undefined) {
return v
m[bhash] = v = func(a, b);
v.hash = type + cachecount.toString();
cachecount += 1;
return v
function getUniqueLeaves(leaves, pattern) {
if(pattern.p1.type === "choice") {
getUniqueLeaves(leaves, pattern.p1)
}else {
leaves[pattern.p1.hash] = pattern.p1
if(pattern.p2.type === "choice") {
getUniqueLeaves(leaves, pattern.p2)
}else {
leaves[pattern.p2.hash] = pattern.p2
createChoice = memoize2arg("choice", function(p1, p2) {
if(p1 === notAllowed) {
return p2
if(p2 === notAllowed) {
return p1
if(p1 === p2) {
return p1
}, function(p1, p2) {
function makeChoice(p1, p2) {
return{type:"choice", p1:p1, p2:p2, nullable:p1.nullable || p2.nullable, textDeriv:function(context, text) {
return createChoice(p1.textDeriv(context, text), p2.textDeriv(context, text))
}, startTagOpenDeriv:memoizeNode(function(node) {
return createChoice(p1.startTagOpenDeriv(node), p2.startTagOpenDeriv(node))
}), attDeriv:function(context, attribute) {
return createChoice(p1.attDeriv(context, attribute), p2.attDeriv(context, attribute))
}, startTagCloseDeriv:memoize0arg(function() {
return createChoice(p1.startTagCloseDeriv(), p2.startTagCloseDeriv())
}), endTagDeriv:memoize0arg(function() {
return createChoice(p1.endTagDeriv(), p2.endTagDeriv())
var leaves = {}, i;
getUniqueLeaves(leaves, {p1:p1, p2:p2});
p1 = undefined;
p2 = undefined;
for(i in leaves) {
if(leaves.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if(p1 === undefined) {
p1 = leaves[i]
}else {
if(p2 === undefined) {
p2 = leaves[i]
}else {
p2 = createChoice(p2, leaves[i])
return makeChoice(p1, p2)
createInterleave = unorderedMemoize2arg("interleave", function(p1, p2) {
if(p1 === notAllowed || p2 === notAllowed) {
return notAllowed
if(p1 === empty) {
return p2
if(p2 === empty) {
return p1
}, function(p1, p2) {
return{type:"interleave", p1:p1, p2:p2, nullable:p1.nullable && p2.nullable, textDeriv:function(context, text) {
return createChoice(createInterleave(p1.textDeriv(context, text), p2), createInterleave(p1, p2.textDeriv(context, text)))
}, startTagOpenDeriv:memoizeNode(function(node) {
return createChoice(applyAfter(function(p) {
return createInterleave(p, p2)
}, p1.startTagOpenDeriv(node)), applyAfter(function(p) {
return createInterleave(p1, p)
}, p2.startTagOpenDeriv(node)))
}), attDeriv:function(context, attribute) {
return createChoice(createInterleave(p1.attDeriv(context, attribute), p2), createInterleave(p1, p2.attDeriv(context, attribute)))
}, startTagCloseDeriv:memoize0arg(function() {
return createInterleave(p1.startTagCloseDeriv(), p2.startTagCloseDeriv())
createGroup = memoize2arg("group", function(p1, p2) {
if(p1 === notAllowed || p2 === notAllowed) {
return notAllowed
if(p1 === empty) {
return p2
if(p2 === empty) {
return p1
}, function(p1, p2) {
return{type:"group", p1:p1, p2:p2, nullable:p1.nullable && p2.nullable, textDeriv:function(context, text) {
var p = createGroup(p1.textDeriv(context, text), p2);
if(p1.nullable) {
return createChoice(p, p2.textDeriv(context, text))
return p
}, startTagOpenDeriv:function(node) {
var x = applyAfter(function(p) {
return createGroup(p, p2)
}, p1.startTagOpenDeriv(node));
if(p1.nullable) {
return createChoice(x, p2.startTagOpenDeriv(node))
return x
}, attDeriv:function(context, attribute) {
return createChoice(createGroup(p1.attDeriv(context, attribute), p2), createGroup(p1, p2.attDeriv(context, attribute)))
}, startTagCloseDeriv:memoize0arg(function() {
return createGroup(p1.startTagCloseDeriv(), p2.startTagCloseDeriv())
createAfter = memoize2arg("after", function(p1, p2) {
if(p1 === notAllowed || p2 === notAllowed) {
return notAllowed
}, function(p1, p2) {
return{type:"after", p1:p1, p2:p2, nullable:false, textDeriv:function(context, text) {
return createAfter(p1.textDeriv(context, text), p2)
}, startTagOpenDeriv:memoizeNode(function(node) {
return applyAfter(function(p) {
return createAfter(p, p2)
}, p1.startTagOpenDeriv(node))
}), attDeriv:function(context, attribute) {
return createAfter(p1.attDeriv(context, attribute), p2)
}, startTagCloseDeriv:memoize0arg(function() {
return createAfter(p1.startTagCloseDeriv(), p2)
}), endTagDeriv:memoize0arg(function() {
return p1.nullable ? p2 : notAllowed
createOneOrMore = memoize1arg("oneormore", function(p) {
if(p === notAllowed) {
return notAllowed
return{type:"oneOrMore", p:p, nullable:p.nullable, textDeriv:function(context, text) {
return createGroup(p.textDeriv(context, text), createChoice(this, empty))
}, startTagOpenDeriv:function(node) {
var oneOrMore = this;
return applyAfter(function(pf) {
return createGroup(pf, createChoice(oneOrMore, empty))
}, p.startTagOpenDeriv(node))
}, attDeriv:function(context, attribute) {
var oneOrMore = this;
return createGroup(p.attDeriv(context, attribute), createChoice(oneOrMore, empty))
}, startTagCloseDeriv:memoize0arg(function() {
return createOneOrMore(p.startTagCloseDeriv())
function createElement(nc, p) {
return{type:"element", nc:nc, nullable:false, textDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
}, startTagOpenDeriv:function(node) {
if(nc.contains(node)) {
return createAfter(p, empty)
return notAllowed
}, attDeriv:function(context, attribute) {
return notAllowed
}, startTagCloseDeriv:function() {
return this
function valueMatch(context, pattern, text) {
return pattern.nullable && /^\s+$/.test(text) || pattern.textDeriv(context, text).nullable
createAttribute = memoize2arg("attribute", undefined, function(nc, p) {
return{type:"attribute", nullable:false, nc:nc, p:p, attDeriv:function(context, attribute) {
if(nc.contains(attribute) && valueMatch(context, p, attribute.nodeValue)) {
return empty
return notAllowed
}, startTagCloseDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
function createList() {
return{type:"list", nullable:false, hash:"list", textDeriv:function(context, text) {
return empty
createValue = memoize1arg("value", function(value) {
return{type:"value", nullable:false, value:value, textDeriv:function(context, text) {
return text === value ? empty : notAllowed
}, attDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
}, startTagCloseDeriv:function() {
return this
createData = memoize1arg("data", function(type) {
return{type:"data", nullable:false, dataType:type, textDeriv:function() {
return empty
}, attDeriv:function() {
return notAllowed
}, startTagCloseDeriv:function() {
return this
function createDataExcept() {
return{type:"dataExcept", nullable:false, hash:"dataExcept"}
applyAfter = function applyAfter(f, p) {
var result;
if(p.type === "after") {
result = createAfter(p.p1, f(p.p2))
}else {
if(p.type === "choice") {
result = createChoice(applyAfter(f, p.p1), applyAfter(f, p.p2))
}else {
result = p
return result
function attsDeriv(context, pattern, attributes, position) {
if(pattern === notAllowed) {
return notAllowed
if(position >= attributes.length) {
return pattern
if(position === 0) {
position = 0
var a = attributes.item(position);
while(a.namespaceURI === xmlnsns) {
position += 1;
if(position >= attributes.length) {
return pattern
a = attributes.item(position)
a = attsDeriv(context, pattern.attDeriv(context, attributes.item(position)), attributes, position + 1);
return a
function childrenDeriv(context, pattern, walker) {
var element = walker.currentNode, childNode = walker.firstChild(), numberOfTextNodes = 0, childNodes = [], i, p;
while(childNode) {
if(childNode.nodeType === 1) {
}else {
if(childNode.nodeType === 3 && !/^\s*$/.test(childNode.nodeValue)) {
numberOfTextNodes += 1
childNode = walker.nextSibling()
if(childNodes.length === 0) {
childNodes = [""]
p = pattern;
for(i = 0;p !== notAllowed && i < childNodes.length;i += 1) {
childNode = childNodes[i];
if(typeof childNode === "string") {
if(/^\s*$/.test(childNode)) {
p = createChoice(p, p.textDeriv(context, childNode))
}else {
p = p.textDeriv(context, childNode)
}else {
walker.currentNode = childNode;
p = childDeriv(context, p, walker)
walker.currentNode = element;
return p
childDeriv = function childDeriv(context, pattern, walker) {
var childNode = walker.currentNode, p;
p = pattern.startTagOpenDeriv(childNode);
p = attsDeriv(context, p, childNode.attributes, 0);
p = p.startTagCloseDeriv();
p = childrenDeriv(context, p, walker);
p = p.endTagDeriv();
return p
function addNames(name, ns, pattern) {
if(pattern.e[0].a) {
}else {
addNames(name, ns, pattern.e[0])
if(pattern.e[1].a) {
}else {
addNames(name, ns, pattern.e[1])
createNameClass = function createNameClass(pattern) {
var name, ns, hash, i, result;
if( === "name") {
name = pattern.text;
ns = pattern.a.ns;
result = {name:name, ns:ns, hash:"{" + ns + "}" + name, contains:function(node) {
return node.namespaceURI === ns && node.localName === name
}else {
if( === "choice") {
name = [];
ns = [];
addNames(name, ns, pattern);
hash = "";
for(i = 0;i < name.length;i += 1) {
hash += "{" + ns[i] + "}" + name[i] + ","
result = {hash:hash, contains:function(node) {
var i;
for(i = 0;i < name.length;i += 1) {
if(name[i] === node.localName && ns[i] === node.namespaceURI) {
return true
return false
}else {
result = {hash:"anyName", contains:function() {
return true
return result
function resolveElement(pattern, elements) {
var element, p, i, hash;
hash = "element" +;
p = elements[] = {hash:hash};
element = createElement(createNameClass(pattern.e[0]), makePattern(pattern.e[1], elements));
for(i in element) {
if(element.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
p[i] = element[i]
return p
makePattern = function makePattern(pattern, elements) {
var p, i;
if( === "elementref") {
p = || 0;
pattern = elements[p];
if( !== undefined) {
return resolveElement(pattern, elements)
return pattern
switch( {
case "empty":
return empty;
case "notAllowed":
return notAllowed;
case "text":
return text;
case "choice":
return createChoice(makePattern(pattern.e[0], elements), makePattern(pattern.e[1], elements));
case "interleave":
p = makePattern(pattern.e[0], elements);
for(i = 1;i < pattern.e.length;i += 1) {
p = createInterleave(p, makePattern(pattern.e[i], elements))
return p;
case "group":
return createGroup(makePattern(pattern.e[0], elements), makePattern(pattern.e[1], elements));
case "oneOrMore":
return createOneOrMore(makePattern(pattern.e[0], elements));
case "attribute":
return createAttribute(createNameClass(pattern.e[0]), makePattern(pattern.e[1], elements));
case "value":
return createValue(pattern.text);
case "data":
p = pattern.a && pattern.a.type;
if(p === undefined) {
p = ""
return createData(p);
case "list":
return createList()
throw"No support for " +;
this.makePattern = function(pattern, elements) {
var copy = {}, i;
for(i in elements) {
if(elements.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
copy[i] = elements[i]
i = makePattern(pattern, copy);
return i
this.validate = function validate(walker, callback) {
var errors;
walker.currentNode = walker.root;
errors = childDeriv(null, rootPattern, walker);
if(!errors.nullable) {
runtime.log("Error in Relax NG validation: " + errors);
callback(["Error in Relax NG validation: " + errors])
}else {
this.init = function init(rootPattern1) {
rootPattern = rootPattern1
xmldom.RelaxNG2 = function RelaxNG2() {
var start, validateNonEmptyPattern, nsmap, depth = 0, p = " ";
function RelaxNGParseError(error, context) {
this.message = function() {
if(context) {
error += context.nodeType === 1 ? " Element " : " Node ";
error += context.nodeName;
if(context.nodeValue) {
error += " with value '" + context.nodeValue + "'"
error += "."
return error
function validateOneOrMore(elementdef, walker, element) {
var node, i = 0, err;
do {
node = walker.currentNode;
err = validateNonEmptyPattern(elementdef.e[0], walker, element);
i += 1
}while(!err && node !== walker.currentNode);
if(i > 1) {
walker.currentNode = node;
return null
return err
function qName(node) {
return nsmap[node.namespaceURI] + ":" + node.localName
function isWhitespace(node) {
return node && node.nodeType === 3 && /^\s+$/.test(node.nodeValue)
function validatePattern(elementdef, walker, element, data) {
if( === "empty") {
return null
return validateNonEmptyPattern(elementdef, walker, element, data)
function validateAttribute(elementdef, walker, element) {
if(elementdef.e.length !== 2) {
throw"Attribute with wrong # of elements: " + elementdef.e.length;
var att, a, l = elementdef.localnames.length, i;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
a = element.getAttributeNS(elementdef.namespaces[i], elementdef.localnames[i]);
if(a === "" && !element.hasAttributeNS(elementdef.namespaces[i], elementdef.localnames[i])) {
a = undefined
if(att !== undefined && a !== undefined) {
return[new RelaxNGParseError("Attribute defined too often.", element)]
att = a
if(att === undefined) {
return[new RelaxNGParseError("Attribute not found: " + elementdef.names, element)]
return validatePattern(elementdef.e[1], walker, element, att)
function validateTop(elementdef, walker, element) {
return validatePattern(elementdef, walker, element)
function validateElement(elementdef, walker, element) {
if(elementdef.e.length !== 2) {
throw"Element with wrong # of elements: " + elementdef.e.length;
depth += 1;
var node = walker.currentNode, type = node ? node.nodeType : 0, error = null;
while(type > 1) {
if(type !== 8 && (type !== 3 || !/^\s+$/.test(walker.currentNode.nodeValue))) {
depth -= 1;
return[new RelaxNGParseError("Not allowed node of type " + type + ".")]
node = walker.nextSibling();
type = node ? node.nodeType : 0
if(!node) {
depth -= 1;
return[new RelaxNGParseError("Missing element " + elementdef.names)]
if(elementdef.names && elementdef.names.indexOf(qName(node)) === -1) {
depth -= 1;
return[new RelaxNGParseError("Found " + node.nodeName + " instead of " + elementdef.names + ".", node)]
if(walker.firstChild()) {
error = validateTop(elementdef.e[1], walker, node);
while(walker.nextSibling()) {
type = walker.currentNode.nodeType;
if(!isWhitespace(walker.currentNode) && type !== 8) {
depth -= 1;
return[new RelaxNGParseError("Spurious content.", walker.currentNode)]
if(walker.parentNode() !== node) {
depth -= 1;
return[new RelaxNGParseError("Implementation error.")]
}else {
error = validateTop(elementdef.e[1], walker, node)
depth -= 1;
node = walker.nextSibling();
return error
function validateChoice(elementdef, walker, element, data) {
if(elementdef.e.length !== 2) {
throw"Choice with wrong # of options: " + elementdef.e.length;
var node = walker.currentNode, err;
if(elementdef.e[0].name === "empty") {
err = validateNonEmptyPattern(elementdef.e[1], walker, element, data);
if(err) {
walker.currentNode = node
return null
err = validatePattern(elementdef.e[0], walker, element, data);
if(err) {
walker.currentNode = node;
err = validateNonEmptyPattern(elementdef.e[1], walker, element, data)
return err
function validateInterleave(elementdef, walker, element) {
var l = elementdef.e.length, n = [l], err, i, todo = l, donethisround, node, subnode, e;
while(todo > 0) {
donethisround = 0;
node = walker.currentNode;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
subnode = walker.currentNode;
if(n[i] !== true && n[i] !== subnode) {
e = elementdef.e[i];
err = validateNonEmptyPattern(e, walker, element);
if(err) {
walker.currentNode = subnode;
if(n[i] === undefined) {
n[i] = false
}else {
if(subnode === walker.currentNode || === "oneOrMore" || === "choice" && (e.e[0].name === "oneOrMore" || e.e[1].name === "oneOrMore")) {
donethisround += 1;
n[i] = subnode
}else {
donethisround += 1;
n[i] = true
if(node === walker.currentNode && donethisround === todo) {
return null
if(donethisround === 0) {
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
if(n[i] === false) {
return[new RelaxNGParseError("Interleave does not match.", element)]
return null
todo = 0;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
if(n[i] !== true) {
todo += 1
return null
function validateGroup(elementdef, walker, element) {
if(elementdef.e.length !== 2) {
throw"Group with wrong # of members: " + elementdef.e.length;
return validateNonEmptyPattern(elementdef.e[0], walker, element) || validateNonEmptyPattern(elementdef.e[1], walker, element)
function validateText(elementdef, walker, element) {
var node = walker.currentNode, type = node ? node.nodeType : 0, error = null;
while(node !== element && type !== 3) {
if(type === 1) {
return[new RelaxNGParseError("Element not allowed here.", node)]
node = walker.nextSibling();
type = node ? node.nodeType : 0
return null
validateNonEmptyPattern = function validateNonEmptyPattern(elementdef, walker, element, data) {
var name =, err = null;
if(name === "text") {
err = validateText(elementdef, walker, element)
}else {
if(name === "data") {
err = null
}else {
if(name === "value") {
if(data !== elementdef.text) {
err = [new RelaxNGParseError("Wrong value, should be '" + elementdef.text + "', not '" + data + "'", element)]
}else {
if(name === "list") {
err = null
}else {
if(name === "attribute") {
err = validateAttribute(elementdef, walker, element)
}else {
if(name === "element") {
err = validateElement(elementdef, walker, element)
}else {
if(name === "oneOrMore") {
err = validateOneOrMore(elementdef, walker, element)
}else {
if(name === "choice") {
err = validateChoice(elementdef, walker, element, data)
}else {
if(name === "group") {
err = validateGroup(elementdef, walker, element)
}else {
if(name === "interleave") {
err = validateInterleave(elementdef, walker, element)
}else {
throw name + " not allowed in nonEmptyPattern.";
return err
this.validate = function validate(walker, callback) {
walker.currentNode = walker.root;
var errors = validatePattern(start.e[0], walker, walker.root);
this.init = function init(start1, nsmap1) {
start = start1;
nsmap = nsmap1
xmldom.OperationalTransformInterface = function() {
xmldom.OperationalTransformInterface.prototype.retain = function(amount) {
xmldom.OperationalTransformInterface.prototype.insertCharacters = function(chars) {
xmldom.OperationalTransformInterface.prototype.insertElementStart = function(tagname, attributes) {
xmldom.OperationalTransformInterface.prototype.insertElementEnd = function() {
xmldom.OperationalTransformInterface.prototype.deleteCharacters = function(amount) {
xmldom.OperationalTransformInterface.prototype.deleteElementStart = function() {
xmldom.OperationalTransformInterface.prototype.deleteElementEnd = function() {
xmldom.OperationalTransformInterface.prototype.replaceAttributes = function(atts) {
xmldom.OperationalTransformInterface.prototype.updateAttributes = function(atts) {
xmldom.OperationalTransformDOM = function OperationalTransformDOM(root, serializer) {
var pos, length;
function retain(amount) {
function insertCharacters(chars) {
function insertElementStart(tagname, attributes) {
function insertElementEnd() {
function deleteCharacters(amount) {
function deleteElementStart() {
function deleteElementEnd() {
function replaceAttributes(atts) {
function updateAttributes(atts) {
function atEnd() {
return pos === length
this.retain = retain;
this.insertCharacters = insertCharacters;
this.insertElementStart = insertElementStart;
this.insertElementEnd = insertElementEnd;
this.deleteCharacters = deleteCharacters;
this.deleteElementStart = deleteElementStart;
this.deleteElementEnd = deleteElementEnd;
this.replaceAttributes = replaceAttributes;
this.updateAttributes = updateAttributes;
this.atEnd = atEnd
xmldom.XPath = function() {
var createXPathPathIterator, parsePredicates;
function isSmallestPositive(a, b, c) {
return a !== -1 && (a < b || b === -1) && (a < c || c === -1)
function parseXPathStep(xpath, pos, end, steps) {
var location = "", predicates = [], value, brapos = xpath.indexOf("[", pos), slapos = xpath.indexOf("/", pos), eqpos = xpath.indexOf("=", pos), depth = 0, start = 0;
if(isSmallestPositive(slapos, brapos, eqpos)) {
location = xpath.substring(pos, slapos);
pos = slapos + 1
}else {
if(isSmallestPositive(brapos, slapos, eqpos)) {
location = xpath.substring(pos, brapos);
pos = parsePredicates(xpath, brapos, predicates)
}else {
if(isSmallestPositive(eqpos, slapos, brapos)) {
location = xpath.substring(pos, eqpos);
pos = eqpos
}else {
location = xpath.substring(pos, end);
pos = end
steps.push({location:location, predicates:predicates});
return pos
function parseXPath(xpath) {
var steps = [], p = 0, end = xpath.length, value;
while(p < end) {
p = parseXPathStep(xpath, p, end, steps);
if(p < end && xpath[p] === "=") {
value = xpath.substring(p + 1, end);
if(value.length > 2 && (value[0] === "'" || value[0] === '"')) {
value = value.slice(1, value.length - 1)
}else {
try {
value = parseInt(value, 10)
}catch(e) {
p = end
return{steps:steps, value:value}
parsePredicates = function parsePredicates(xpath, start, predicates) {
var pos = start, l = xpath.length, selector, depth = 0;
while(pos < l) {
if(xpath[pos] === "]") {
depth -= 1;
if(depth <= 0) {
predicates.push(parseXPath(xpath.substring(start, pos)))
}else {
if(xpath[pos] === "[") {
if(depth <= 0) {
start = pos + 1
depth += 1
pos += 1
return pos
function XPathIterator() {
} = function() {
XPathIterator.prototype.reset = function() {
function NodeIterator() {
var node, done = false;
this.setNode = function setNode(n) {
node = n
this.reset = function() {
done = false
}; = function next() {
var val = done ? null : node;
done = true;
return val
function AttributeIterator(it, namespace, localName) {
this.reset = function reset() {
}; = function next() {
var node =, attr;
while(node) {
node = node.getAttributeNodeNS(namespace, localName);
if(node) {
return node
node =
return node
function AllChildElementIterator(it, recurse) {
var root =, node = null;
this.reset = function reset() {
root =;
node = null
}; = function next() {
while(root) {
if(node) {
if(recurse && node.firstChild) {
node = node.firstChild
}else {
while(!node.nextSibling && node !== root) {
node = node.parentNode
if(node === root) {
root =
}else {
node = node.nextSibling
}else {
do {
node = root.firstChild;
if(!node) {
root =
}while(root && !node)
if(node && node.nodeType === 1) {
return node
return null
function ConditionIterator(it, condition) {
this.reset = function reset() {
}; = function next() {
var n =;
while(n && !condition(n)) {
n =
return n
function createNodenameFilter(it, name, namespaceResolver) {
var s = name.split(":", 2), namespace = namespaceResolver(s[0]), localName = s[1];
return new ConditionIterator(it, function(node) {
return node.localName === localName && node.namespaceURI === namespace
function createPredicateFilteredIterator(it, p, namespaceResolver) {
var nit = new NodeIterator, pit = createXPathPathIterator(nit, p, namespaceResolver), value = p.value;
if(value === undefined) {
return new ConditionIterator(it, function(node) {
return new ConditionIterator(it, function(node) {
var n =;
return n && n.nodeValue === value
createXPathPathIterator = function createXPathPathIterator(it, xpath, namespaceResolver) {
var i, j, step, location, namespace, localName, prefix, p;
for(i = 0;i < xpath.steps.length;i += 1) {
step = xpath.steps[i];
location = step.location;
if(location === "") {
it = new AllChildElementIterator(it, false)
}else {
if(location[0] === "@") {
p = location.slice(1).split(":", 2);
it = new AttributeIterator(it, namespaceResolver(p[0]), p[1])
}else {
if(location !== ".") {
it = new AllChildElementIterator(it, false);
if(location.indexOf(":") !== -1) {
it = createNodenameFilter(it, location, namespaceResolver)
for(j = 0;j < step.predicates.length;j += 1) {
p = step.predicates[j];
it = createPredicateFilteredIterator(it, p, namespaceResolver)
return it
function fallback(node, xpath, namespaceResolver) {
var it = new NodeIterator, i, nodelist, parsedXPath, pos;
parsedXPath = parseXPath(xpath);
it = createXPathPathIterator(it, parsedXPath, namespaceResolver);
nodelist = [];
i =;
while(i) {
i =
return nodelist
function getODFElementsWithXPath(node, xpath, namespaceResolver) {
var doc = node.ownerDocument, nodes, elements = [], n = null;
if(!doc || !doc.evaluate || !n) {
elements = fallback(node, xpath, namespaceResolver)
}else {
nodes = doc.evaluate(xpath, node, namespaceResolver, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null);
n = nodes.iterateNext();
while(n !== null) {
if(n.nodeType === 1) {
n = nodes.iterateNext()
return elements
xmldom.XPath = function XPath() {
this.getODFElementsWithXPath = getODFElementsWithXPath
return xmldom.XPath
odf.StyleInfo = function StyleInfo() {
var chartns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0", dbns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:database:1.0", dr3dns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0", drawns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0", fons = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0", formns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0", numberns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0", officens = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0",
presentationns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:presentation:1.0", stylens = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0", svgns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0", tablens = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0", textns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0", elementstyles = {"text":[{ens:stylens, en:"tab-stop", ans:stylens, a:"leader-text-style"}, {ens:stylens, en:"drop-cap", ans:stylens, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"notes-configuration",
ans:textns, a:"citation-body-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"notes-configuration", ans:textns, a:"citation-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"a", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"alphabetical-index", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"linenumbering-configuration", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"list-level-style-number", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"ruby-text", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"span", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns,
en:"a", ans:textns, a:"visited-style-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"text-properties", ans:stylens, a:"text-line-through-text-style"}, {ens:textns, en:"alphabetical-index-source", ans:textns, a:"main-entry-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-entry-bibliography", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-entry-chapter", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-entry-link-end", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-entry-link-start", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns,
en:"index-entry-page-number", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-entry-span", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-entry-tab-stop", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-entry-text", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-title-template", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"list-level-style-bullet", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"outline-level-style", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}], "paragraph":[{ens:drawns, en:"caption",
ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"circle", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"connector", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"control", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"custom-shape", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"ellipse", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"frame", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"line", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"measure", ans:drawns,
a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"path", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"polygon", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"polyline", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"rect", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"regular-polygon", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:officens, en:"annotation", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:formns, en:"column", ans:formns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"style", ans:stylens, a:"next-style-name"},
{ens:tablens, en:"body", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"even-columns", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"even-rows", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"first-column", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"first-row", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"last-column", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"last-row", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"}, {ens:tablens,
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a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"stock-range-line", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"subtitle", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"title", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"wall", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}], "section":[{ens:textns, en:"alphabetical-index", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"bibliography", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"illustration-index", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-title", ans:textns,
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en:"cube", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"extrude", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"rotate", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"scene", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"sphere", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"caption", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"circle", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"connector", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"control", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"custom-shape",
ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"ellipse", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"frame", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"g", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"line", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"measure", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"page-thumbnail", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"path", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"polygon", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"polyline", ans:drawns,
a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"rect", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"regular-polygon", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:officens, en:"annotation", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}], "presentation":[{ens:dr3dns, en:"cube", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"extrude", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"rotate", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"scene", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"sphere", ans:presentationns,
a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"caption", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"circle", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"connector", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"control", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"custom-shape", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"ellipse", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"frame", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"g", ans:presentationns,
a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"line", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"measure", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"page-thumbnail", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"path", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"polygon", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"polyline", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"rect", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"regular-polygon",
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en:"list-item", ans:textns, a:"style-override"}, {ens:stylens, en:"style", ans:stylens, a:"list-style-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"style", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"style", ans:stylens, a:"percentage-data-style-name"}, {ens:presentationns, en:"date-time-decl", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"creation-date", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"creation-time", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"database-display", ans:stylens,
a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"date", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"editing-duration", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"expression", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"meta-field", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"modification-date", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"modification-time", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"print-date", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns,
en:"print-time", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"table-formula", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"time", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"user-defined", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"user-field-get", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"user-field-input", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"variable-get", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"variable-input", ans:stylens,
a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"variable-set", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}], "data":[{ens:stylens, en:"style", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"style", ans:stylens, a:"percentage-data-style-name"}, {ens:presentationns, en:"date-time-decl", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"creation-date", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"creation-time", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"database-display", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"},
{ens:textns, en:"date", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"editing-duration", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"expression", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"meta-field", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"modification-date", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"modification-time", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"print-date", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"print-time",
ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"table-formula", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"time", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"user-defined", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"user-field-get", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"user-field-input", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"variable-get", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"variable-input", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"},
{ens:textns, en:"variable-set", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}], "page-layout":[{ens:presentationns, en:"notes", ans:stylens, a:"page-layout-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"handout-master", ans:stylens, a:"page-layout-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"master-page", ans:stylens, a:"page-layout-name"}]}, elements;
function canElementHaveStyle(family, element) {
var elname = elements[element.localName], elns = elname && elname[element.namespaceURI], length = elns ? elns.length : 0, i;
return elns && elns.length > 0
function getStyleRef(family, element) {
var elname = elements[element.localName], elns = elname && elname[element.namespaceURI], length = elns ? elns.length : 0, i, attr;
for(i = 0;i < length;i += 1) {
attr = element.getAttributeNS(elns[i].ns, elns[i].localname)
return null
function getUsedStylesForAutomatic(element, keys) {
var elname = elements[element.localName], elns = elname && elname[element.namespaceURI], length = elns ? elns.length : 0, i, attr, group, map, e;
for(i = 0;i < length;i += 1) {
attr = element.getAttributeNS(elns[i].ns, elns[i].localname);
if(attr) {
group = elns[i].keygroup;
map = keys[group];
if(!map) {
map = keys[group] = {}
map[attr] = 1
i = element.firstChild;
while(i) {
if(i.nodeType === 1) {
e = i;
getUsedStylesForAutomatic(e, keys)
i = i.nextSibling
function inverse(elementstyles) {
var keyname, i, list, item, l, elements = {}, map, array;
for(keyname in elementstyles) {
if(elementstyles.hasOwnProperty(keyname)) {
list = elementstyles[keyname];
l = list.length;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
item = list[i];
map = elements[item.en] = elements[item.en] || {};
array = map[item.ens] = map[item.ens] || [];
array.push({ns:item.ans, localname:item.a, keygroup:keyname})
return elements
this.UsedKeysList = function(element) {
var usedKeys = {};
this.uses = function(element) {
var localName = element.localName, name = element.getAttributeNS(drawns, "name") || element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name"), keyName, map;
if(localName === "style") {
keyName = element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "family")
}else {
if(element.namespaceURI === numberns) {
keyName = "data"
}else {
keyName = localName
map = usedKeys[keyName];
return map ? map[name] > 0 : false
getUsedStylesForAutomatic(element, usedKeys)
this.canElementHaveStyle = canElementHaveStyle;
elements = inverse(elementstyles)
odf.Style2CSS = function Style2CSS() {
var xlinkns = "", drawns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0", fons = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0", officens = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0", presentationns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:presentation:1.0", stylens = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0", svgns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0", tablens = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0",
textns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0", namespaces = {"draw":drawns, "fo":fons, "office":officens, "presentation":presentationns, "style":stylens, "svg":svgns, "table":tablens, "text":textns, "xlink":xlinkns}, familynamespaceprefixes = {"graphic":"draw", "paragraph":"text", "presentation":"presentation", "ruby":"text", "section":"text", "table":"table", "table-cell":"table", "table-column":"table", "table-row":"table", "text":"text", "list":"text"}, familytagnames = {"graphic":["circle",
"connected", "control", "custom-shape", "ellipse", "frame", "g", "line", "measure", "page", "page-thumbnail", "path", "polygon", "polyline", "rect", "regular-polygon"], "paragraph":["alphabetical-index-entry-template", "h", "illustration-index-entry-template", "index-source-style", "object-index-entry-template", "p", "table-index-entry-template", "table-of-content-entry-template", "user-index-entry-template"], "presentation":["caption", "circle", "connector", "control", "custom-shape", "ellipse",
"frame", "g", "line", "measure", "page-thumbnail", "path", "polygon", "polyline", "rect", "regular-polygon"], "ruby":["ruby", "ruby-text"], "section":["alphabetical-index", "bibliography", "illustration-index", "index-title", "object-index", "section", "table-of-content", "table-index", "user-index"], "table":["background", "table"], "table-cell":["body", "covered-table-cell", "even-columns", "even-rows", "first-column", "first-row", "last-column", "last-row", "odd-columns", "odd-rows", "table-cell"],
"table-column":["table-column"], "table-row":["table-row"], "text":["a", "index-entry-chapter", "index-entry-link-end", "index-entry-link-start", "index-entry-page-number", "index-entry-span", "index-entry-tab-stop", "index-entry-text", "index-title-template", "linenumbering-configuration", "list-level-style-number", "list-level-style-bullet", "outline-level-style", "span"], "list":["list-item"]}, textPropertySimpleMapping = [[fons, "color", "color"], [fons, "background-color", "background-color"],
[fons, "font-weight", "font-weight"], [fons, "font-style", "font-style"], [fons, "font-size", "font-size"]], bgImageSimpleMapping = [[stylens, "repeat", "background-repeat"]], paragraphPropertySimpleMapping = [[fons, "background-color", "background-color"], [fons, "text-align", "text-align"], [fons, "padding-left", "padding-left"], [fons, "padding-right", "padding-right"], [fons, "padding-top", "padding-top"], [fons, "padding-bottom", "padding-bottom"], [fons, "border-left", "border-left"], [fons,
"border-right", "border-right"], [fons, "border-top", "border-top"], [fons, "border-bottom", "border-bottom"], [fons, "margin-left", "margin-left"], [fons, "margin-right", "margin-right"], [fons, "margin-top", "margin-top"], [fons, "margin-bottom", "margin-bottom"], [fons, "border", "border"]], graphicPropertySimpleMapping = [[drawns, "fill-color", "background-color"], [drawns, "fill", "background"], [fons, "min-height", "min-height"], [drawns, "stroke", "border"], [svgns, "stroke-color", "border-color"]],
tablecellPropertySimpleMapping = [[fons, "background-color", "background-color"], [fons, "border-left", "border-left"], [fons, "border-right", "border-right"], [fons, "border-top", "border-top"], [fons, "border-bottom", "border-bottom"]];
function namespaceResolver(prefix) {
return namespaces[prefix] || null
function getStyleMap(doc, stylesnode) {
var stylemap = {}, node, name, family, map;
if(!stylesnode) {
return stylemap
node = stylesnode.firstChild;
while(node) {
if(node.namespaceURI === stylens && node.localName === "style") {
family = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "family")
}else {
if(node.namespaceURI === textns && node.localName === "list-style") {
family = "list"
name = family && node.getAttributeNS && node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
if(name) {
if(!stylemap[family]) {
stylemap[family] = {}
stylemap[family][name] = node
node = node.nextSibling
return stylemap
function findStyle(stylestree, name) {
if(!name || !stylestree) {
return null
if(stylestree[name]) {
return stylestree[name]
var derivedStyles = stylestree.derivedStyles, n, style;
for(n in stylestree) {
if(stylestree.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
style = findStyle(stylestree[n].derivedStyles, name);
if(style) {
return style
return null
function addStyleToStyleTree(stylename, stylesmap, stylestree) {
var style = stylesmap[stylename], parentname, parentstyle;
if(!style) {
parentname = style.getAttributeNS(stylens, "parent-style-name");
parentstyle = null;
if(parentname) {
parentstyle = findStyle(stylestree, parentname);
if(!parentstyle && stylesmap[parentname]) {
addStyleToStyleTree(parentname, stylesmap, stylestree);
parentstyle = stylesmap[parentname];
stylesmap[parentname] = null
if(parentstyle) {
if(!parentstyle.derivedStyles) {
parentstyle.derivedStyles = {}
parentstyle.derivedStyles[stylename] = style
}else {
stylestree[stylename] = style
function addStyleMapToStyleTree(stylesmap, stylestree) {
var name;
for(name in stylesmap) {
if(stylesmap.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
addStyleToStyleTree(name, stylesmap, stylestree);
stylesmap[name] = null
function createSelector(family, name) {
var prefix = familynamespaceprefixes[family], namepart, selector = "", first = true;
if(prefix === null) {
return null
namepart = "[" + prefix + '|style-name="' + name + '"]';
if(prefix === "presentation") {
prefix = "draw";
namepart = '[presentation|style-name="' + name + '"]'
return prefix + "|" + familytagnames[family].join(namepart + "," + prefix + "|") + namepart
function getSelectors(family, name, node) {
var selectors = [], n, ss, s;
selectors.push(createSelector(family, name));
for(n in node.derivedStyles) {
if(node.derivedStyles.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
ss = getSelectors(family, n, node.derivedStyles[n]);
for(s in ss) {
if(ss.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
return selectors
function getDirectChild(node, ns, name) {
if(!node) {
return null
var c = node.firstChild, e;
while(c) {
if(c.namespaceURI === ns && c.localName === name) {
e = c;
return e
c = c.nextSibling
return null
function applySimpleMapping(props, mapping) {
var rule = "", r, value;
for(r in mapping) {
if(mapping.hasOwnProperty(r)) {
r = mapping[r];
value = props.getAttributeNS(r[0], r[1]);
if(value) {
rule += r[2] + ":" + value + ";"
return rule
function getFontDeclaration(name) {
return'"' + name + '"'
function getTextProperties(props) {
var rule = "", value;
rule += applySimpleMapping(props, textPropertySimpleMapping);
value = props.getAttributeNS(stylens, "text-underline-style");
if(value === "solid") {
rule += "text-decoration: underline;"
value = props.getAttributeNS(stylens, "font-name");
if(value) {
value = getFontDeclaration(value);
if(value) {
rule += "font-family: " + value + ";"
return rule
function getParagraphProperties(props) {
var rule = "", imageProps, url, element;
rule += applySimpleMapping(props, paragraphPropertySimpleMapping);
imageProps = props.getElementsByTagNameNS(stylens, "background-image");
if(imageProps.length > 0) {
url = imageProps.item(0).getAttributeNS(xlinkns, "href");
if(url) {
rule += "background-image: url('odfkit:" + url + "');";
element = imageProps.item(0);
rule += applySimpleMapping(element, bgImageSimpleMapping)
return rule
function getGraphicProperties(props) {
var rule = "";
rule += applySimpleMapping(props, graphicPropertySimpleMapping);
return rule
function getTableCellProperties(props) {
var rule = "";
rule += applySimpleMapping(props, tablecellPropertySimpleMapping);
return rule
function addStyleRule(sheet, family, name, node) {
var selectors = getSelectors(family, name, node), selector = selectors.join(","), rule = "", properties = getDirectChild(node, stylens, "text-properties");
if(properties) {
rule += getTextProperties(properties)
properties = getDirectChild(node, stylens, "paragraph-properties");
if(properties) {
rule += getParagraphProperties(properties)
properties = getDirectChild(node, stylens, "graphic-properties");
if(properties) {
rule += getGraphicProperties(properties)
properties = getDirectChild(node, stylens, "table-cell-properties");
if(properties) {
rule += getTableCellProperties(properties)
if(rule.length === 0) {
rule = selector + "{" + rule + "}";
try {
sheet.insertRule(rule, sheet.cssRules.length)
}catch(e) {
throw e;
function getNumberRule(node) {
var style = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "num-format"), suffix = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "num-suffix"), prefix = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "num-prefix"), rule = "", stylemap = {1:"decimal", "a":"lower-latin", "A":"upper-latin", "i":"lower-roman", "I":"upper-roman"}, content = "";
content = prefix || "";
if(stylemap.hasOwnProperty(style)) {
content += " counter(list, " + stylemap[style] + ")"
}else {
if(style) {
content += "'" + style + "';"
}else {
content += " ''"
if(suffix) {
content += " '" + suffix + "'"
rule = "content: " + content + ";";
return rule
function getImageRule(node) {
var rule = "content: none;";
return rule
function getBulletRule(node) {
var rule = "", bulletChar = node.getAttributeNS(textns, "bullet-char");
return"content: '" + bulletChar + "';"
function addListStyleRule(sheet, name, node, itemrule) {
var selector = 'text|list[text|style-name="' + name + '"]', level = node.getAttributeNS(textns, "level"), rule = "";
level = level && parseInt(level, 10);
while(level > 1) {
selector += " > text|list-item > text|list";
level -= 1
selector += " > list-item:before";
rule = itemrule;
rule = selector + "{" + rule + "}";
try {
sheet.insertRule(rule, sheet.cssRules.length)
}catch(e) {
throw e;
function addListStyleRules(sheet, name, node) {
var n = node.firstChild, e, itemrule;
while(n) {
if(n.namespaceURI === textns) {
e = n;
if(n.localName === "list-level-style-number") {
itemrule = getNumberRule(e);
addListStyleRule(sheet, name, e, itemrule)
}else {
if(n.localName === "list-level-style-image") {
itemrule = getImageRule(e);
addListStyleRule(sheet, name, e, itemrule)
}else {
if(n.localName === "list-level-style-bullet") {
itemrule = getBulletRule(e);
addListStyleRule(sheet, name, e, itemrule)
n = n.nextSibling
function addRule(sheet, family, name, node) {
if(family === "list") {
addListStyleRules(sheet, name, node)
}else {
addStyleRule(sheet, family, name, node)
function addRules(sheet, family, name, node) {
addRule(sheet, family, name, node);
var n;
for(n in node.derivedStyles) {
if(node.derivedStyles.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
addRules(sheet, family, n, node.derivedStyles[n])
this.namespaces = namespaces;
this.namespaceResolver = namespaceResolver;
this.namespaceResolver.lookupNamespaceURI = this.namespaceResolver;
this.style2css = function(stylesheet, styles, autostyles) {
var doc, prefix, styletree, tree, name, rule, family, stylenodes, styleautonodes;
while(stylesheet.cssRules.length) {
stylesheet.deleteRule(stylesheet.cssRules.length - 1)
doc = null;
if(styles) {
doc = styles.ownerDocument
if(autostyles) {
doc = autostyles.ownerDocument
if(!doc) {
for(prefix in namespaces) {
if(namespaces.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
rule = "@namespace " + prefix + " url(" + namespaces[prefix] + ");";
try {
stylesheet.insertRule(rule, stylesheet.cssRules.length)
}catch(e) {
stylenodes = getStyleMap(doc, styles);
styleautonodes = getStyleMap(doc, autostyles);
styletree = {};
for(family in familynamespaceprefixes) {
if(familynamespaceprefixes.hasOwnProperty(family)) {
tree = styletree[family] = {};
addStyleMapToStyleTree(stylenodes[family], tree);
addStyleMapToStyleTree(styleautonodes[family], tree);
for(name in tree) {
if(tree.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
addRules(stylesheet, family, name, tree[name])
odf.FontLoader = function() {
var style2CSS = new odf.Style2CSS, xpath = new xmldom.XPath, base64 = new core.Base64;
function getEmbeddedFontDeclarations(fontFaceDecls) {
var decls = {}, fonts, i, font, name, uris, href;
if(!fontFaceDecls) {
return decls
fonts = xpath.getODFElementsWithXPath(fontFaceDecls, "style:font-face[svg:font-face-src]", style2CSS.namespaceResolver);
for(i = 0;i < fonts.length;i += 1) {
font = fonts[i];
name = font.getAttributeNS(style2CSS.namespaces["style"], "name");
uris = xpath.getODFElementsWithXPath(font, "svg:font-face-src/svg:font-face-uri", style2CSS.namespaceResolver);
if(uris.length > 0) {
href = uris[0].getAttributeNS(style2CSS.namespaces["xlink"], "href");
decls[name] = {href:href}
return decls
function addFontToCSS(name, font, fontdata, stylesheet) {
stylesheet = document.styleSheets[0];
var rule = '@font-face { font-family: "' + name + '"; src: ' + "url(data:application/x-font-ttf;charset=binary;base64," + base64.convertUTF8ArrayToBase64(fontdata) + ') format("truetype"); }';
try {
stylesheet.insertRule(rule, stylesheet.cssRules.length)
}catch(e) {
runtime.log("Problem inserting rule in CSS: " + rule)
function loadFontIntoCSS(embeddedFontDeclarations, zip, pos, stylesheet, callback) {
var name, i = 0, n;
for(n in embeddedFontDeclarations) {
if(embeddedFontDeclarations.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
if(i === pos) {
name = n
i += 1
if(!name) {
return callback()
zip.load(embeddedFontDeclarations[name].href, function(err, fontdata) {
if(err) {
}else {
addFontToCSS(name, embeddedFontDeclarations[name], fontdata, stylesheet)
return loadFontIntoCSS(embeddedFontDeclarations, zip, pos + 1, stylesheet, callback)
function loadFontsIntoCSS(embeddedFontDeclarations, zip, stylesheet) {
loadFontIntoCSS(embeddedFontDeclarations, zip, 0, stylesheet, function() {
odf.FontLoader = function FontLoader() {
var self = this;
this.loadFonts = function(fontFaceDecls, zip, stylesheet) {
var embeddedFontDeclarations = getEmbeddedFontDeclarations(fontFaceDecls);
loadFontsIntoCSS(embeddedFontDeclarations, zip, stylesheet)
return odf.FontLoader
odf.OdfContainer = function() {
var styleInfo = new odf.StyleInfo, style2CSS = new odf.Style2CSS, namespaces = style2CSS.namespaces, officens = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0", manifestns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0", nodeorder = ["meta", "settings", "scripts", "font-face-decls", "styles", "automatic-styles", "master-styles", "body"], base64 = new core.Base64, fontLoader = new odf.FontLoader, partMimetypes = {};
function getDirectChild(node, ns, name) {
node = node ? node.firstChild : null;
while(node) {
if(node.localName === name && node.namespaceURI === ns) {
return node
node = node.nextSibling
return null
function getNodePosition(child) {
var childpos = 0, i, l = nodeorder.length;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
if(child.namespaceURI === officens && child.localName === nodeorder[i]) {
return i
function OdfNodeFilter(odfroot, usedStylesElement) {
var automaticStyles = odfroot.automaticStyles, usedKeysList;
if(usedStylesElement) {
usedKeysList = new styleInfo.UsedKeysList(usedStylesElement)
this.acceptNode = function(node) {
var styleName, styleFamily, result;
if(node.namespaceURI === "") {
result = 3
}else {
if(usedKeysList && node.parentNode === automaticStyles && node.nodeType === 1) {
if(usedKeysList.uses(node)) {
result = 1
}else {
result = 2
}else {
result = 1
return result
function setChild(node, child) {
if(!child) {
var childpos = getNodePosition(child), pos, c = node.firstChild;
if(childpos === -1) {
while(c) {
pos = getNodePosition(c);
if(pos !== -1 && pos > childpos) {
c = c.nextSibling
node.insertBefore(child, c)
function ODFElement() {
function ODFDocumentElement(odfcontainer) {
this.OdfContainer = odfcontainer
ODFDocumentElement.prototype = new ODFElement;
ODFDocumentElement.prototype.constructor = ODFDocumentElement;
ODFDocumentElement.namespaceURI = officens;
ODFDocumentElement.localName = "document";
function OdfPart(name, container, zip) {
var self = this, privatedata;
this.size = 0;
this.type = null; = name;
this.container = container;
this.url = null;
this.mimetype = null;
this.document = null;
this.onreadystatechange = null;
this.onchange = null;
this.EMPTY = 0;
this.LOADING = 1;
this.DONE = 2;
this.state = this.EMPTY;
this.load = function() {
var mimetype = partMimetypes[name];
this.mimetype = mimetype;
zip.loadAsDataURL(name, mimetype, function(err, url) {
self.url = url;
if(self.onchange) {
if(self.onstatereadychange) {
this.abort = function() {
OdfPart.prototype.load = function() {
OdfPart.prototype.getUrl = function() {
if( {
return"data:;base64," + base64.toBase64(
return null
function OdfPartList(odfcontainer) {
var self = this;
this.length = 0;
this.item = function(index) {
odf.OdfContainer = function OdfContainer(url, onstatereadychange) {
var self = this, zip = null, contentXmlCompletelyLoaded = false;
this.onstatereadychange = onstatereadychange;
this.onchange = null;
this.state = null;
this.rootElement = null; = null;
function removeProcessingInstructions(element) {
var n = element.firstChild, next, e;
while(n) {
next = n.nextSibling;
if(n.nodeType === 1) {
e = n;
}else {
if(n.nodeType === 7) {
n = next
function importRootNode(xmldoc) {
var doc = self.rootElement.ownerDocument, node;
if(xmldoc) {
try {
node = doc.importNode(xmldoc.documentElement, true)
}catch(e) {
return node
function setState(state) {
self.state = state;
if(self.onchange) {
if(self.onstatereadychange) {
function handleFlatXml(xmldoc) {
var root = importRootNode(xmldoc);
if(!root || root.localName !== "document" || root.namespaceURI !== officens) {
self.rootElement = root;
root.fontFaceDecls = getDirectChild(root, officens, "font-face-decls");
root.styles = getDirectChild(root, officens, "styles");
root.automaticStyles = getDirectChild(root, officens, "automatic-styles");
root.masterStyles = getDirectChild(root, officens, "master-styles");
root.body = getDirectChild(root, officens, "body");
root.meta = getDirectChild(root, officens, "meta");
function handleStylesXml(xmldoc) {
var node = importRootNode(xmldoc), root = self.rootElement;
if(!node || node.localName !== "document-styles" || node.namespaceURI !== officens) {
root.fontFaceDecls = getDirectChild(node, officens, "font-face-decls");
setChild(root, root.fontFaceDecls);
root.styles = getDirectChild(node, officens, "styles");
setChild(root, root.styles);
root.automaticStyles = getDirectChild(node, officens, "automatic-styles");
setChild(root, root.automaticStyles);
root.masterStyles = getDirectChild(node, officens, "master-styles");
setChild(root, root.masterStyles);
fontLoader.loadFonts(root.fontFaceDecls, zip, null)
function handleContentXml(xmldoc) {
var node = importRootNode(xmldoc), root, automaticStyles, fontFaceDecls, c;
if(!node || node.localName !== "document-content" || node.namespaceURI !== officens) {
root = self.rootElement;
fontFaceDecls = getDirectChild(node, officens, "font-face-decls");
if(root.fontFaceDecls && fontFaceDecls) {
c = fontFaceDecls.firstChild;
while(c) {
c = fontFaceDecls.firstChild
}else {
if(fontFaceDecls) {
root.fontFaceDecls = fontFaceDecls;
setChild(root, fontFaceDecls)
automaticStyles = getDirectChild(node, officens, "automatic-styles");
if(root.automaticStyles && automaticStyles) {
c = automaticStyles.firstChild;
while(c) {
c = automaticStyles.firstChild
}else {
if(automaticStyles) {
root.automaticStyles = automaticStyles;
setChild(root, automaticStyles)
root.body = getDirectChild(node, officens, "body");
setChild(root, root.body)
function handleMetaXml(xmldoc) {
var node = importRootNode(xmldoc), root;
if(!node || node.localName !== "document-meta" || node.namespaceURI !== officens) {
root = self.rootElement;
root.meta = getDirectChild(node, officens, "meta");
setChild(root, root.meta)
function handleSettingsXml(xmldoc) {
var node = importRootNode(xmldoc), root;
if(!node || node.localName !== "document-settings" || node.namespaceURI !== officens) {
root = self.rootElement;
root.settings = getDirectChild(node, officens, "settings");
setChild(root, root.settings)
function handleManifestXml(xmldoc) {
var node = importRootNode(xmldoc), root, n;
if(!node || node.localName !== "manifest" || node.namespaceURI !== manifestns) {
root = self.rootElement;
root.manifest = node;
n = root.manifest.firstChild;
while(n) {
if(n.nodeType === 1 && n.localName === "file-entry" && n.namespaceURI === manifestns) {
partMimetypes[n.getAttributeNS(manifestns, "full-path")] = n.getAttributeNS(manifestns, "media-type")
n = n.nextSibling
function getContentXmlNode(callback) {
var handler = {rootElementReady:function(err, rootxml, done) {
contentXmlCompletelyLoaded = err || done;
if(err) {
return callback(err, null)
var parser = new DOMParser;
rootxml = parser.parseFromString(rootxml, "text/xml");
callback(null, rootxml)
}, bodyChildElementsReady:function(err, nodes, done) {
zip.loadContentXmlAsFragments("content.xml", handler)
function getXmlNode(filepath, callback) {
zip.loadAsDOM(filepath, callback)
function loadComponents() {
getXmlNode("styles.xml", function(err, xmldoc) {
if(self.state === OdfContainer.INVALID) {
getXmlNode("content.xml", function(err, xmldoc) {
if(self.state === OdfContainer.INVALID) {
getXmlNode("meta.xml", function(err, xmldoc) {
if(self.state === OdfContainer.INVALID) {
getXmlNode("settings.xml", function(err, xmldoc) {
if(xmldoc) {
getXmlNode("META-INF/manifest.xml", function(err, xmldoc) {
if(xmldoc) {
if(self.state !== OdfContainer.INVALID) {
function documentElement(name, map) {
var s = "", i;
for(i in map) {
if(map.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
s += " xmlns:" + i + '="' + map[i] + '"'
return'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><office:' + name + " " + s + ' office:version="1.2">'
function serializeMetaXml() {
var nsmap = style2CSS.namespaces, serializer = new xmldom.LSSerializer, s = documentElement("document-meta", nsmap);
serializer.filter = new OdfNodeFilter(self.rootElement);
s += serializer.writeToString(self.rootElement.meta, nsmap);
s += "</office:document-meta>";
return s
function serializeSettingsXml() {
var nsmap = style2CSS.namespaces, serializer = new xmldom.LSSerializer, s = documentElement("document-settings", nsmap);
serializer.filter = new OdfNodeFilter(self.rootElement);
s += serializer.writeToString(self.rootElement.settings, nsmap);
s += "</office:document-settings>";
return s
function serializeStylesXml() {
var nsmap = style2CSS.namespaces, serializer = new xmldom.LSSerializer, s = documentElement("document-styles", nsmap);
serializer.filter = new OdfNodeFilter(self.rootElement, self.rootElement.masterStyles);
s += serializer.writeToString(self.rootElement.fontFaceDecls, nsmap);
s += serializer.writeToString(self.rootElement.styles, nsmap);
s += serializer.writeToString(self.rootElement.automaticStyles, nsmap);
s += serializer.writeToString(self.rootElement.masterStyles, nsmap);
s += "</office:document-styles>";
return s
function serializeContentXml() {
var nsmap = style2CSS.namespaces, serializer = new xmldom.LSSerializer, s = documentElement("document-content", nsmap);
serializer.filter = new OdfNodeFilter(self.rootElement, self.rootElement.body);
s += serializer.writeToString(self.rootElement.automaticStyles, nsmap);
s += serializer.writeToString(self.rootElement.body, nsmap);
s += "</office:document-content>";
return s
function createElement(Type) {
var original = document.createElementNS(Type.namespaceURI, Type.localName), method, iface = new Type;
for(method in iface) {
if(iface.hasOwnProperty(method)) {
original[method] = iface[method]
return original
function loadFromXML(url, callback) {
runtime.loadXML(url, function(err, dom) {
if(err) {
}else {
this.getPart = function(partname) {
return new OdfPart(partname, self, zip)
}; = function(callback) {
var data;
data = runtime.byteArrayFromString(serializeSettingsXml(), "utf8");"settings.xml", data, true, new Date);
data = runtime.byteArrayFromString(serializeMetaXml(), "utf8");"meta.xml", data, true, new Date);
data = runtime.byteArrayFromString(serializeStylesXml(), "utf8");"styles.xml", data, true, new Date);
data = runtime.byteArrayFromString(serializeContentXml(), "utf8");"content.xml", data, true, new Date);
zip.write(function(err) {
this.state = OdfContainer.LOADING;
this.rootElement = createElement(ODFDocumentElement); = new OdfPartList(this);
zip = new core.Zip(url, function(err, zipobject) {
zip = zipobject;
if(err) {
loadFromXML(url, function(xmlerr) {
if(err) {
zip.error = err + "\n" + xmlerr;
}else {
odf.OdfContainer.EMPTY = 0;
odf.OdfContainer.LOADING = 1;
odf.OdfContainer.DONE = 2;
odf.OdfContainer.INVALID = 3;
odf.OdfContainer.SAVING = 4;
odf.OdfContainer.MODIFIED = 5;
odf.OdfContainer.getContainer = function(url) {
return new odf.OdfContainer(url, null)
return odf.OdfContainer
odf.Formatting = function Formatting() {
var odfContainer, styleInfo = new odf.StyleInfo;
function RangeElementIterator(range) {
function getNthChild(parent, n) {
var c = parent && parent.firstChild;
while(c && n) {
c = c.nextSibling;
n -= 1
return c
var start = getNthChild(range.startContainer, range.startOffset), end = getNthChild(range.endContainer, range.endOffset), current = start; = function() {
var c = current;
if(c === null) {
return c
return null
function getParentStyle(element) {
var n = element.firstChild, e;
if(n.nodeType === 1) {
e = n;
return e
return null
function getParagraphStyles(range) {
var iter = new RangeElementIterator(range), e, styles = [];
e =;
while(e) {
if(styleInfo.canElementHaveStyle("paragraph", e)) {
return styles
this.setOdfContainer = function(odfcontainer) {
odfContainer = odfcontainer
this.isCompletelyBold = function(selection) {
return false
this.getAlignment = function(selection) {
var styles = this.getParagraphStyles(selection), i, l = styles.length;
return undefined
this.getParagraphStyles = function(selection) {
var i, j, s, styles = [];
for(i = 0;i < selection.length;i += 0) {
s = getParagraphStyles(selection[i]);
for(j = 0;j < s.length;j += 1) {
if(styles.indexOf(s[j]) === -1) {
return styles
this.getTextStyles = function(selection) {
odf.OdfCanvas = function() {
function LoadingQueue() {
var queue = [], taskRunning = false;
function run(task) {
taskRunning = true;
runtime.setTimeout(function() {
try {
}catch(e) {
taskRunning = false;
if(queue.length > 0) {
}, 10)
this.clearQueue = function() {
queue.length = 0
this.addToQueue = function(loadingTask) {
if(queue.length === 0 && !taskRunning) {
return run(loadingTask)
function PageSwitcher(css) {
var sheet = css.sheet, position = 1;
function updateCSS() {
while(sheet.cssRules.length > 0) {
sheet.insertRule("office|presentation draw|page {display:none;}", 0);
sheet.insertRule("office|presentation draw|page:nth-child(" + position + ") {display:block;}", 1)
this.showNextPage = function() {
position += 1;
this.showPreviousPage = function() {
if(position > 1) {
position -= 1;
this.css = css
function listenEvent(eventTarget, eventType, eventHandler) {
if(eventTarget.addEventListener) {
eventTarget.addEventListener(eventType, eventHandler, false)
}else {
if(eventTarget.attachEvent) {
eventType = "on" + eventType;
eventTarget.attachEvent(eventType, eventHandler)
}else {
eventTarget["on" + eventType] = eventHandler
function SelectionWatcher(element) {
var selection = [], count = 0, listeners = [];
function isAncestorOf(ancestor, descendant) {
while(descendant) {
if(descendant === ancestor) {
return true
descendant = descendant.parentNode
return false
function fallsWithin(element, range) {
return isAncestorOf(element, range.startContainer) && isAncestorOf(element, range.endContainer)
function getCurrentSelection() {
var s = [], selection = runtime.getWindow().getSelection(), i, r;
for(i = 0;i < selection.rangeCount;i += 1) {
r = selection.getRangeAt(i);
if(r !== null && fallsWithin(element, r)) {
return s
function rangesNotEqual(rangeA, rangeB) {
if(rangeA === rangeB) {
return false
if(rangeA === null || rangeB === null) {
return true
return rangeA.startContainer !== rangeB.startContainer || rangeA.startOffset !== rangeB.startOffset || rangeA.endContainer !== rangeB.endContainer || rangeA.endOffset !== rangeB.endOffset
function emitNewSelection() {
var i, l = listeners.length;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
listeners[i](element, selection)
function copySelection(selection) {
var s = [selection.length], i, oldr, r, doc = element.ownerDocument;
for(i = 0;i < selection.length;i += 1) {
oldr = selection[i];
r = doc.createRange();
r.setStart(oldr.startContainer, oldr.startOffset);
r.setEnd(oldr.endContainer, oldr.endOffset);
s[i] = r
return s
function checkSelection() {
var s = getCurrentSelection(), i;
if(s.length === selection.length) {
for(i = 0;i < s.length;i += 1) {
if(rangesNotEqual(s[i], selection[i])) {
if(i === s.length) {
selection = s;
selection = copySelection(s);
this.addListener = function(eventName, handler) {
var i, l = listeners.length;
for(i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
if(listeners[i] === handler) {
listenEvent(element, "mouseup", checkSelection);
listenEvent(element, "keyup", checkSelection);
listenEvent(element, "keydown", checkSelection)
var style2CSS = new odf.Style2CSS, namespaces = style2CSS.namespaces, drawns = namespaces.draw, fons =, officens =, svgns = namespaces.svg, textns = namespaces.text, xlinkns = namespaces.xlink, window = runtime.getWindow(), xpath = new xmldom.XPath, eventHandlers = {}, editparagraph, loadingQueue = new LoadingQueue;
function addEventListener(eventType, eventHandler) {
var handlers = eventHandlers[eventType];
if(handlers === undefined) {
handlers = eventHandlers[eventType] = []
if(eventHandler && handlers.indexOf(eventHandler) === -1) {
function fireEvent(eventType, args) {
if(!eventHandlers.hasOwnProperty(eventType)) {
var handlers = eventHandlers[eventType], i;
for(i = 0;i < handlers.length;i += 1) {
function clear(element) {
while(element.firstChild) {
function handleStyles(odfelement, stylesxmlcss) {
var style2css = new odf.Style2CSS;
style2css.style2css(stylesxmlcss.sheet, odfelement.styles, odfelement.automaticStyles)
function setFramePosition(id, frame, stylesheet) {
frame.setAttribute("styleid", id);
var rule, anchor = frame.getAttributeNS(textns, "anchor-type"), x = frame.getAttributeNS(svgns, "x"), y = frame.getAttributeNS(svgns, "y"), width = frame.getAttributeNS(svgns, "width"), height = frame.getAttributeNS(svgns, "height"), minheight = frame.getAttributeNS(fons, "min-height"), minwidth = frame.getAttributeNS(fons, "min-width");
if(anchor === "as-char") {
rule = "display: inline-block;"
}else {
if(anchor || x || y) {
rule = "position: absolute;"
}else {
if(width || height || minheight || minwidth) {
rule = "display: block;"
if(x) {
rule += "left: " + x + ";"
if(y) {
rule += "top: " + y + ";"
if(width) {
rule += "width: " + width + ";"
if(height) {
rule += "height: " + height + ";"
if(minheight) {
rule += "min-height: " + minheight + ";"
if(minwidth) {
rule += "min-width: " + minwidth + ";"
if(rule) {
rule = "draw|" + frame.localName + '[styleid="' + id + '"] {' + rule + "}";
stylesheet.insertRule(rule, stylesheet.cssRules.length)
function getUrlFromBinaryDataElement(image) {
var node = image.firstChild;
while(node) {
if(node.namespaceURI === officens && node.localName === "binary-data") {
return"data:image/png;base64," + node.textContent
node = node.nextSibling
function setImage(id, container, image, stylesheet) {
image.setAttribute("styleid", id);
var url = image.getAttributeNS(xlinkns, "href"), part, node;
function callback(url) {
var rule = "background-image: url(" + url + ");";
rule = 'draw|image[styleid="' + id + '"] {' + rule + "}";
stylesheet.insertRule(rule, stylesheet.cssRules.length)
if(url) {
try {
if(container.getPartUrl) {
url = container.getPartUrl(url);
}else {
part = container.getPart(url);
part.onchange = function(part) {
}catch(e) {
runtime.log("slight problem: " + e)
}else {
url = getUrlFromBinaryDataElement(image);
function formatParagraphAnchors(odfbody) {
var runtimens = "urn:webodf", n, i, nodes = xpath.getODFElementsWithXPath(odfbody, ".//*[*[@text:anchor-type='paragraph']]", style2CSS.namespaceResolver);
for(i = 0;i < nodes.length;i += 1) {
n = nodes[i];
if(n.setAttributeNS) {
n.setAttributeNS(runtimens, "containsparagraphanchor", true)
function modifyImages(container, odfbody, stylesheet) {
var node, frames, i, images;
function namespaceResolver(prefix) {
return namespaces[prefix]
frames = [];
node = odfbody.firstChild;
while(node && node !== odfbody) {
if(node.namespaceURI === drawns) {
frames[frames.length] = node
if(node.firstChild) {
node = node.firstChild
}else {
while(node && node !== odfbody && !node.nextSibling) {
node = node.parentNode
if(node && node.nextSibling) {
node = node.nextSibling
for(i = 0;i < frames.length;i += 1) {
node = frames[i];
setFramePosition("frame" + String(i), node, stylesheet)
function loadImages(container, odffragment, stylesheet) {
var i, images, node;
function loadImage(name, container, node, stylesheet) {
loadingQueue.addToQueue(function() {
setImage(name, container, node, stylesheet)
images = odffragment.getElementsByTagNameNS(drawns, "image");
for(i = 0;i < images.length;i += 1) {
node = images.item(i);
loadImage("image" + String(i), container, node, stylesheet)
function setVideo(id, container, plugin, stylesheet) {
var video, source, url, videoType, doc = plugin.ownerDocument, part, node;
url = plugin.getAttributeNS(xlinkns, "href");
function callback(url, mimetype) {
if(mimetype.substr(0, 6) === "video/") {
video = doc.createElementNS(doc.documentElement.namespaceURI, "video");
video.setAttribute("controls", "controls");
source = doc.createElement("source");
source.setAttribute("src", url);
source.setAttribute("type", mimetype);
}else {
plugin.innerHtml = "Unrecognised Plugin"
if(url) {
try {
if(container.getPartUrl) {
url = container.getPartUrl(url);
callback(url, "video/mp4")
}else {
part = container.getPart(url);
part.onchange = function(part) {
callback(part.url, part.mimetype)
}catch(e) {
runtime.log("slight problem: " + e)
}else {
runtime.log("using MP4 data fallback");
url = getUrlFromBinaryDataElement(plugin);
callback(url, "video/mp4")
function loadVideos(container, odffragment, stylesheet) {
var i, plugins, node;
function loadVideo(name, container, node, stylesheet) {
loadingQueue.addToQueue(function() {
setVideo(name, container, node, stylesheet)
plugins = odffragment.getElementsByTagNameNS(drawns, "plugin");
runtime.log("Loading Videos:");
for(i = 0;i < plugins.length;i += 1) {
runtime.log("...Found a video.");
node = plugins.item(i);
loadVideo("video" + String(i), container, node, stylesheet)
function addStyleSheet(document) {
var styles = document.getElementsByTagName("style"), head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], text = "", prefix, a = "", b;
if(styles && styles.length > 0) {
styles = styles[0].cloneNode(false)
}else {
styles = document.createElement("style")
for(prefix in namespaces) {
if(namespaces.hasOwnProperty(prefix) && prefix) {
text += "@namespace " + prefix + " url(" + namespaces[prefix] + ");\n"
return styles
odf.OdfCanvas = function OdfCanvas(element) {
var self = this, document = element.ownerDocument, odfcontainer, formatting = new odf.Formatting, selectionWatcher = new SelectionWatcher(element), slidecssindex = 0, pageSwitcher = new PageSwitcher(addStyleSheet(document)), stylesxmlcss = addStyleSheet(document), positioncss = addStyleSheet(document), editable = false, zoomLevel = 1;
function fixContainerSize() {
var sizer = element.firstChild, odfdoc = sizer.firstChild;
if(!odfdoc) {
} = "scale(" + zoomLevel + ")"; = "left top"; = Math.round(zoomLevel * odfdoc.offsetWidth) + "px"; = Math.round(zoomLevel * odfdoc.offsetHeight) + "px"
function handleContent(container, odfnode) {
var css = positioncss.sheet, sizer;
modifyImages(container, odfnode.body, css);
css.insertRule("draw|page { background-color:#fff; }", css.cssRules.length);
sizer = document.createElement("div"); = "inline-block"; = "white";
loadImages(container, odfnode.body, css);
loadVideos(container, odfnode.body, css);
function refreshOdf(container) {
if(odfcontainer !== container) {
function callback() {
clear(element); = "inline-block";
var odfnode = container.rootElement;
element.ownerDocument.importNode(odfnode, true);
handleStyles(odfnode, stylesxmlcss);
handleContent(container, odfnode);
if(odfcontainer.state === odf.OdfContainer.DONE) {
}else {
odfcontainer.onchange = callback
this.odfContainer = function() {
return odfcontainer
this.slidevisibilitycss = function() {
return pageSwitcher.css
this["load"] = this.load = function(url) {
element.innerHTML = "loading " + url;
odfcontainer = new odf.OdfContainer(url, function(container) {
odfcontainer = container;
odfcontainer.onstatereadychange = refreshOdf
function stopEditing() {
if(!editparagraph) {
var fragment = editparagraph.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
while(editparagraph.firstChild) {
fragment.insertBefore(editparagraph.firstChild, null)
editparagraph.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, editparagraph)
} = function(callback) {
function cancelPropagation(event) {
if(event.stopPropagation) {
}else {
event.cancelBubble = true
function cancelEvent(event) {
if(event.preventDefault) {
}else {
event.returnValue = false;
event.cancelBubble = true
this.setEditable = function(iseditable) {
editable = iseditable;
if(!editable) {
function processClick(evt) {
evt = evt || window.event;
var e =, selection = window.getSelection(), range = selection.rangeCount > 0 ? selection.getRangeAt(0) : null, startContainer = range && range.startContainer, startOffset = range && range.startOffset, endContainer = range && range.endContainer, endOffset = range && range.endOffset;
while(e && !((e.localName === "p" || e.localName === "h") && e.namespaceURI === textns)) {
e = e.parentNode
if(!editable) {
if(!e || e.parentNode === editparagraph) {
if(!editparagraph) {
editparagraph = e.ownerDocument.createElement("p");
if(! {
editparagraph = e.ownerDocument.createElementNS("", "p")
} = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px";
editparagraph.setAttribute("contenteditable", true)
}else {
if(editparagraph.parentNode) {
e.parentNode.replaceChild(editparagraph, e);
if(range) {
range = e.ownerDocument.createRange();
range.setStart(startContainer, startOffset);
range.setEnd(endContainer, endOffset);
this.addListener = function(eventName, handler) {
if(eventName === "selectionchange") {
selectionWatcher.addListener(eventName, handler)
}else {
addEventListener(eventName, handler)
this.getFormatting = function() {
return formatting
this.setZoomLevel = function(zoom) {
zoomLevel = zoom;
this.getZoomLevel = function() {
return zoomLevel
this.fitToContainingElement = function(width, height) {
var realWidth = element.offsetWidth / zoomLevel, realHeight = element.offsetHeight / zoomLevel;
zoomLevel = width / realWidth;
if(height / realHeight < zoomLevel) {
zoomLevel = height / realHeight
this.fitToWidth = function(width) {
var realWidth = element.offsetWidth / zoomLevel;
zoomLevel = width / realWidth;
this.fitToHeight = function(height) {
var realHeight = element.offsetHeight / zoomLevel;
zoomLevel = height / realHeight;
this.showNextPage = function() {
this.showPreviousPage = function() {
this.showAllPages = function() {
listenEvent(element, "click", processClick)
return odf.OdfCanvas
gui.PresenterUI = function() {
var s2css = new odf.Style2CSS, xpath = new xmldom.XPath, nsResolver = s2css.namespaceResolver;
return function PresenterUI(odf_element) {
var self = this;
self.setInitialSlideMode = function() {
self.keyDownHandler = function(ev) {
if( {
if( === "input") {
switch(ev.keyCode) {
case 84:
case 37:
case 8:
case 39:
case 32:
case 36:
case 35:
self.root = function() {
return self.odf_canvas.odfContainer().rootElement
self.firstSlide = function() {
self.slideChange(function(old, pc) {
return 0
self.lastSlide = function() {
self.slideChange(function(old, pc) {
return pc - 1
self.nextSlide = function() {
self.slideChange(function(old, pc) {
return old + 1 < pc ? old + 1 : -1
self.prevSlide = function() {
self.slideChange(function(old, pc) {
return old < 1 ? -1 : old - 1
self.slideChange = function(indexChanger) {
var pages = self.getPages(self.odf_canvas.odfContainer().rootElement), last = -1, i = 0, newidx, pagelist;
pages.forEach(function(tuple) {
var name = tuple[0], node = tuple[1];
if(node.hasAttribute("slide_current")) {
last = i;
i += 1
newidx = indexChanger(last, pages.length);
if(newidx === -1) {
newidx = last
pages[newidx][1].setAttribute("slide_current", "1");
pagelist = document.getElementById("pagelist");
pagelist.selectedIndex = newidx;
if(self.slide_mode === "cont") {
window.scrollBy(0, pages[newidx][1].getBoundingClientRect().top - 30)
self.selectSlide = function(idx) {
self.slideChange(function(old, pc) {
if(idx >= pc) {
if(idx < 0) {
return idx
self.scrollIntoContView = function(idx) {
var pages = self.getPages(self.odf_canvas.odfContainer().rootElement);
if(pages.length === 0) {
window.scrollBy(0, pages[idx][1].getBoundingClientRect().top - 30)
self.getPages = function(root) {
var pagenodes = root.getElementsByTagNameNS(nsResolver("draw"), "page"), pages = [], i;
for(i = 0;i < pagenodes.length;i += 1) {
pages.push([pagenodes[i].getAttribute("draw:name"), pagenodes[i]])
return pages
self.fillPageList = function(odfdom_root, html_select) {
var pages = self.getPages(odfdom_root), i, html_option, res, page_denom;
while(html_select.firstChild) {
for(i = 0;i < pages.length;i += 1) {
html_option = document.createElement("option");
res = xpath.getODFElementsWithXPath(pages[i][1], './draw:frame[@presentation:class="title"]//draw:text-box/text:p', xmldom.XPath);
page_denom = res.length > 0 ? res[0].textContent : pages[i][0];
html_option.textContent = i + 1 + ": " + page_denom;
self.startSlideMode = function(mode) {
var pagelist = document.getElementById("pagelist"), css = self.odf_canvas.slidevisibilitycss().sheet;
self.slide_mode = mode;
while(css.cssRules.length > 0) {
if(self.slide_mode === "single") {
css.insertRule("draw|page { position:fixed; left:0px;top:30px; z-index:1; }", 0);
css.insertRule("draw|page[slide_current] { z-index:2;}", 1);
css.insertRule("draw|page { -webkit-transform: scale(1);}", 2);
window.addEventListener("resize", self.fitToWindow, false)
}else {
if(self.slide_mode === "cont") {
window.removeEventListener("resize", self.fitToWindow, false)
self.fillPageList(self.odf_canvas.odfContainer().rootElement, pagelist)
self.toggleToolbar = function() {
var css, found, i;
css = self.odf_canvas.slidevisibilitycss().sheet;
found = -1;
for(i = 0;i < css.cssRules.length;i += 1) {
if(css.cssRules[i].cssText.substring(0, 8) === ".toolbar") {
found = i;
if(found > -1) {
}else {
css.insertRule(".toolbar { position:fixed; left:0px;top:-200px; z-index:0; }", 0)
self.fitToWindow = function() {
function ruleByFactor(f) {
return"draw|page { \n" + "-moz-transform: scale(" + f + "); \n" + "-moz-transform-origin: 0% 0%; " + "-webkit-transform-origin: 0% 0%; -webkit-transform: scale(" + f + "); " + "-o-transform-origin: 0% 0%; -o-transform: scale(" + f + "); " + "-ms-transform-origin: 0% 0%; -ms-transform: scale(" + f + "); " + "}"
var pages = self.getPages(self.root()), factorVert = (window.innerHeight - 40) / pages[0][1].clientHeight, factorHoriz = (window.innerWidth - 10) / pages[0][1].clientWidth, factor = factorVert < factorHoriz ? factorVert : factorHoriz, css = self.odf_canvas.slidevisibilitycss().sheet;
css.insertRule(ruleByFactor(factor), 2)
self.load = function(url) {
self.odf_element = odf_element;
self.odf_canvas = new odf.OdfCanvas(self.odf_element);
self.odf_canvas.addListener("statereadychange", self.setInitialSlideMode);
self.slide_mode = "undefined";
document.addEventListener("keydown", self.keyDownHandler, false)
gui.Caret = function Caret(selection, rootNode) {
var document = rootNode.ownerDocument, cursorns, cursorNode;
cursorns = "urn:webodf:names:cursor";
cursorNode = document.createElementNS(cursorns, "cursor");
this.updateToSelection = function() {
var range;
if(selection.rangeCount === 1) {
range = selection.getRangeAt(0)
gui.SelectionMover = function SelectionMover(selection, pointWalker) {
var doc = pointWalker.node().ownerDocument, cursor = new core.Cursor(selection, doc);
function getActiveRange(node) {
var range;
if(selection.rangeCount === 0) {
return selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1)
function setStart(node, offset) {
var ranges = [], i, range;
for(i = 0;i < selection.rangeCount;i += 1) {
ranges[i] = selection.getRangeAt(i)
if(ranges.length === 0) {
ranges[0] = node.ownerDocument.createRange()
ranges[ranges.length - 1].setStart(pointWalker.node(), pointWalker.position());
for(i = 0;i < ranges.length;i += 1) {
function doMove(extend, move) {
if(selection.rangeCount === 0) {
var range = selection.getRangeAt(0), element;
if(!range.startContainer || range.startContainer.nodeType !== 1) {
element = range.startContainer;
pointWalker.setPoint(element, range.startOffset);
setStart(pointWalker.node(), pointWalker.position())
function doMoveForward(extend, move) {
if(selection.rangeCount === 0) {
var range = selection.getRangeAt(0), element;
if(!range.startContainer || range.startContainer.nodeType !== 1) {
element = range.startContainer;
pointWalker.setPoint(element, range.startOffset)
function moveCursor(node, offset, selectMode) {
if(selectMode) {
selection.extend(node, offset)
}else {
selection.collapse(node, offset)
function moveCursorLeft() {
var element;
if(!selection.focusNode || selection.focusNode.nodeType !== 1) {
element = selection.focusNode;
pointWalker.setPoint(element, selection.focusOffset);
moveCursor(pointWalker.node(), pointWalker.position(), false)
function moveCursorRight() {
var element;
if(!selection.focusNode || selection.focusNode.nodeType !== 1) {
element = selection.focusNode;
pointWalker.setPoint(element, selection.focusOffset);
moveCursor(pointWalker.node(), pointWalker.position(), false)
function moveCursorUp() {
var rect = cursor.getNode().getBoundingClientRect(), x = rect.left, y =, arrived = false, left = 200;
while(!arrived && left) {
left -= 1;
rect = cursor.getNode().getBoundingClientRect();
arrived = !== y && rect.left < x
function moveCursorDown() {
var rect = cursor.getNode().getBoundingClientRect(), x = rect.left, y =, arrived = false, left = 200;
while(!arrived) {
left -= 1;
rect = cursor.getNode().getBoundingClientRect();
arrived = !== y && rect.left > x
this.movePointForward = function(extend) {
doMove(extend, pointWalker.stepForward)
this.movePointBackward = function(extend) {
doMove(extend, pointWalker.stepBackward)
this.moveLineForward = function(extend) {
if(selection.modify) {
selection.modify(extend ? "extend" : "move", "forward", "line")
}else {
doMove(extend, moveCursorDown)
this.moveLineBackward = function(extend) {
if(selection.modify) {
selection.modify(extend ? "extend" : "move", "backward", "line")
}else {
doMove(extend, function() {
return this
gui.XMLEdit = function XMLEdit(element, stylesheet) {
var simplecss, cssprefix, documentElement, customNS = "customns", walker = null;
if(! { = "xml" + String(Math.random()).substring(2)
cssprefix = "#" + + " ";
function installHandlers() {
simplecss = cssprefix + "*," + cssprefix + ":visited, " + cssprefix + ":link {display:block; margin: 0px; margin-left: 10px; font-size: medium; color: black; background: white; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-family: sans-serif; text-decoration: none; white-space: pre-wrap; height: auto; width: auto}\n" + cssprefix + ":before {color: blue; content: '<' attr(customns_name) attr(customns_atts) '>';}\n" + cssprefix + ":after {color: blue; content: '</' attr(customns_name) '>';}\n" +
cssprefix + "{overflow: auto;}\n";
function listenEvent(eventTarget, eventType, eventHandler) {
if(eventTarget.addEventListener) {
eventTarget.addEventListener(eventType, eventHandler, false)
}else {
if(eventTarget.attachEvent) {
eventType = "on" + eventType;
eventTarget.attachEvent(eventType, eventHandler)
}else {
eventTarget["on" + eventType] = eventHandler
function cancelEvent(event) {
if(event.preventDefault) {
}else {
event.returnValue = false
function isCaretMoveCommand(charCode) {
if(charCode >= 16 && charCode <= 20) {
return true
if(charCode >= 33 && charCode <= 40) {
return true
return false
function syncSelectionWithWalker() {
var sel = element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection(), r;
if(!sel || sel.rangeCount <= 0 || !walker) {
r = sel.getRangeAt(0);
walker.setPoint(r.startContainer, r.startOffset)
function syncWalkerWithSelection() {
var sel = element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection(), n, r;
if(!walker || !walker.node()) {
n = walker.node();
r = n.ownerDocument.createRange();
r.setStart(n, walker.position());
function handleKeyDown(event) {
var charCode = event.charCode || event.keyCode;
walker = null;
if(walker && charCode === 39) {
}else {
if(walker && charCode === 37) {
}else {
if(isCaretMoveCommand(charCode)) {
function handleKeyPress(event) {
function handleClick(event) {
var sel = element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection(), r = sel.getRangeAt(0), n = r.startContainer;
function initElement(element) {
listenEvent(element, "click", handleClick);
listenEvent(element, "keydown", handleKeyDown);
listenEvent(element, "keypress", handleKeyPress);
listenEvent(element, "drop", cancelEvent);
listenEvent(element, "dragend", cancelEvent);
listenEvent(element, "beforepaste", cancelEvent);
listenEvent(element, "paste", cancelEvent)
function cleanWhitespace(node) {
var n = node.firstChild, p, re = /^\s*$/;
while(n && n !== node) {
p = n;
n = n.nextSibling || n.parentNode;
if(p.nodeType === 3 && re.test(p.nodeValue)) {
function setCssHelperAttributes(node) {
var atts, attsv, a, i;
atts = node.attributes;
attsv = "";
for(i = atts.length - 1;i >= 0;i -= 1) {
a = atts.item(i);
attsv = attsv + " " + a.nodeName + '="' + a.nodeValue + '"'
node.setAttribute("customns_name", node.nodeName);
node.setAttribute("customns_atts", attsv)
function addExplicitAttributes(node) {
var n = node.firstChild;
while(n && n !== node) {
if(n.nodeType === 1) {
n = n.nextSibling || n.parentNode
function getNamespacePrefixes(node, prefixes) {
var n = node.firstChild, atts, att, i;
while(n && n !== node) {
if(n.nodeType === 1) {
getNamespacePrefixes(n, prefixes);
atts = n.attributes;
for(i = atts.length - 1;i >= 0;i -= 1) {
att = atts.item(i);
if(att.namespaceURI === "") {
if(!prefixes[att.nodeValue]) {
prefixes[att.nodeValue] = att.localName
n = n.nextSibling || n.parentNode
function generateUniquePrefixes(prefixes) {
var taken = {}, ns, p, n = 0;
for(ns in prefixes) {
if(prefixes.hasOwnProperty(ns) && ns) {
p = prefixes[ns];
if(!p || taken.hasOwnProperty(p) || p === "xmlns") {
do {
p = "ns" + n;
n += 1
prefixes[ns] = p
taken[p] = true
function createCssFromXmlInstance(node) {
var prefixes = {}, css = "@namespace customns url(customns);\n", name, pre, ns, names, csssel;
getNamespacePrefixes(node, prefixes);
return css
function updateCSS() {
var css = element.ownerDocument.createElement("style"), text = createCssFromXmlInstance(element);
css.type = "text/css";
text = text + simplecss;
stylesheet = stylesheet.parentNode.replaceChild(css, stylesheet)
function getXML() {
return documentElement
function setXML(xml) {
var node = xml.documentElement || xml;
node = element.ownerDocument.importNode(node, true);
documentElement = node;
while(element.lastChild) {
walker = new core.PointWalker(node)
this.updateCSS = updateCSS;
this.setXML = setXML;
this.getXML = getXML
(function() {
return["core/Async.js", "core/Base64.js", "core/ByteArray.js", "core/ByteArrayWriter.js", "core/Cursor.js", "core/JSLint.js", "core/PointWalker.js", "core/RawDeflate.js", "core/RawInflate.js", "core/UnitTester.js", "core/Zip.js", "gui/Caret.js", "gui/SelectionMover.js", "gui/XMLEdit.js", "gui/PresenterUI.js", "odf/FontLoader.js", "odf/Formatting.js", "odf/OdfCanvas.js", "odf/OdfContainer.js", "odf/Style2CSS.js", "odf/StyleInfo.js", "xmldom/LSSerializer.js", "xmldom/LSSerializerFilter.js", "xmldom/OperationalTransformDOM.js",
"xmldom/OperationalTransformInterface.js", "xmldom/RelaxNG.js", "xmldom/RelaxNG2.js", "xmldom/RelaxNGParser.js", "xmldom/XPath.js"]