Use netcat to check when the port opens, rather than an arbitrary timeout. Hard limit of 60 seconds in case something breaks
97 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable file
97 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ownCloud
# This script start a docker container to test the files_external tests
# against. It will also change the files_external config to use the docker
# container as testing environment. This is reverted in the stop step.
# If the environment variable RUN_DOCKER_MYSQL is set the ownCloud will
# be set up using MySQL instead of SQLite.
# Set environment variable DEBUG to print config file
# @author Morris Jobke
# @copyright 2014 Morris Jobke <hey@morrisjobke.de>
if ! command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "No docker executable found - skipped docker setup"
exit 0;
echo "Docker executable found - setup docker"
echo "Fetch recent morrisjobke/owncloud docker image"
docker pull morrisjobke/owncloud
# retrieve current folder to place the config in the parent folder
thisFolder=`echo $0 | sed 's#env/start-webdav-ownCloud\.sh##'`
if [ -z "$thisFolder" ]; then
if [ -n "$RUN_DOCKER_MYSQL" ]; then
echo "Fetch recent mysql docker image"
docker pull mysql
echo "Setup MySQL ..."
# user/password will be read by ENV variables in owncloud container (they are generated by docker)
databaseContainer=`docker run -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysupersecretpassword -d mysql`
containerName=`docker inspect $databaseContainer | grep Name | grep _ | cut -d \" -f 4 | cut -d / -f 2`
parameter="--link $containerName:db"
container=`docker run -P $parameter -d -e ADMINLOGIN=test -e ADMINPWD=test morrisjobke/owncloud`
host=`docker inspect $container | grep IPAddress | cut -d '"' -f 4`
echo -n "Waiting for ownCloud initialization"
starttime=$(date +%s)
# support for GNU netcat and BSD netcat
while ! (nc -c -w 1 ${host} 80 </dev/null >&/dev/null \
|| nc -w 1 ${host} 80 </dev/null >&/dev/null); do
sleep 1
echo -n '.'
if (( $(date +%s) > starttime + 60 )); then
echo "[ERROR] Waited 60 seconds, no response" >&2
exit 1
sleep 1
cat > $thisFolder/config.webdav.php <<DELIM
return array(
// wait delay in seconds after write operations
// (only in tests)
// set to higher value for lighttpd webdav
'wait'=> 0
echo "ownCloud container: $container"
# put container IDs into a file to drop them after the test run (keep in mind that multiple tests run in parallel on the same host)
echo $container >> $thisFolder/dockerContainerOwnCloud.$EXECUTOR_NUMBER.webdav
if [ -n "$databaseContainer" ]; then
echo "Database container: $databaseContainer"
echo $databaseContainer >> $thisFolder/dockerContainerOwnCloud.$EXECUTOR_NUMBER.webdav
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
cat $thisFolder/config.webdav.php
cat $thisFolder/dockerContainerOwnCloud.$EXECUTOR_NUMBER.webdav