For external storage with lots of parameter settings (>4), wrap the content of the cell to let a full view of the parameters. The rows of the table are now always visible until the end (the trash icon is accessible). (Note : A strange 3px margin forces me to add a class on the row added by javascript, to be able to align them with the rows rendered by the server.)
343 lines
11 KiB
343 lines
11 KiB
function updateStatus(statusEl, result){
statusEl.removeClass('success error loading-small');
if (result && result.status == 'success' && result.data.message) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
saveStorage:function(tr, callback) {
var mountPoint = $(tr).find('.mountPoint input').val();
var oldMountPoint = $(tr).find('.mountPoint input').data('mountpoint');
if (mountPoint == '') {
return false;
var statusSpan = $(tr).closest('tr').find('.status span');
var backendClass = $(tr).find('.backend').data('class');
var configuration = $(tr).find('.configuration input');
var addMountPoint = true;
if (configuration.length < 1) {
return false;
var classOptions = {};
$.each(configuration, function(index, input) {
if ($(input).val() == '' && !$(input).hasClass('optional')) {
addMountPoint = false;
return false;
if ($(input).is(':checkbox')) {
if ($(input).is(':checked')) {
classOptions[$(input).data('parameter')] = true;
} else {
classOptions[$(input).data('parameter')] = false;
} else {
classOptions[$(input).data('parameter')] = $(input).val();
if ($('#externalStorage').data('admin') === true) {
var multiselect = $(tr).find('.chzn-select').val();
if (multiselect == null) {
return false;
if (addMountPoint) {
var status = false;
if ($('#externalStorage').data('admin') === true) {
var isPersonal = false;
var oldGroups = $(tr).find('.applicable').data('applicable-groups');
var oldUsers = $(tr).find('.applicable').data('applicable-users');
var groups = [];
var users = [];
$.each(multiselect, function(index, value) {
var pos = value.indexOf('(group)');
if (pos != -1) {
var mountType = 'group';
var applicable = value.substr(0, pos);
if ($.inArray(applicable, oldGroups) != -1) {
oldGroups.splice($.inArray(applicable, oldGroups), 1);
} else {
var mountType = 'user';
var applicable = value;
if ($.inArray(applicable, oldUsers) != -1) {
oldUsers.splice($.inArray(applicable, oldUsers), 1);
statusSpan.addClass('loading-small').removeClass('error success');
$.ajax({type: 'POST',
url: OC.filePath('files_external', 'ajax', 'addMountPoint.php'),
data: {
mountPoint: mountPoint,
'class': backendClass,
classOptions: classOptions,
mountType: mountType,
applicable: applicable,
isPersonal: isPersonal,
oldMountPoint: oldMountPoint
success: function(result) {
$(tr).find('.mountPoint input').data('mountpoint', mountPoint);
status = updateStatus(statusSpan, result);
if (callback) {
error: function(result){
status = updateStatus(statusSpan, result);
if (callback) {
$(tr).find('.applicable').data('applicable-groups', groups);
$(tr).find('.applicable').data('applicable-users', users);
var mountType = 'group';
$.each(oldGroups, function(index, applicable) {
$.ajax({type: 'POST',
url: OC.filePath('files_external', 'ajax', 'removeMountPoint.php'),
data: {
mountPoint: mountPoint,
'class': backendClass,
classOptions: classOptions,
mountType: mountType,
applicable: applicable,
isPersonal: isPersonal
var mountType = 'user';
$.each(oldUsers, function(index, applicable) {
$.ajax({type: 'POST',
url: OC.filePath('files_external', 'ajax', 'removeMountPoint.php'),
data: {
mountPoint: mountPoint,
'class': backendClass,
classOptions: classOptions,
mountType: mountType,
applicable: applicable,
isPersonal: isPersonal
} else {
var isPersonal = true;
var mountType = 'user';
var applicable = OC.currentUser;
statusSpan.addClass('loading-small').removeClass('error success');
$.ajax({type: 'POST',
url: OC.filePath('files_external', 'ajax', 'addMountPoint.php'),
data: {
mountPoint: mountPoint,
'class': backendClass,
classOptions: classOptions,
mountType: mountType,
applicable: applicable,
isPersonal: isPersonal,
oldMountPoint: oldMountPoint
success: function(result) {
$(tr).find('.mountPoint input').data('mountpoint', mountPoint);
status = updateStatus(statusSpan, result);
if (callback) {
error: function(result){
status = updateStatus(statusSpan, result);
if (callback) {
return status;
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#externalStorage').on('change', '#selectBackend', function() {
var tr = $(this).parent().parent();
$('#externalStorage tbody').append($(tr).clone());
$('#externalStorage tbody tr').last().find('.mountPoint input').val('');
var selected = $(this).find('option:selected').text();
var backendClass = $(this).val();
if ($(tr).find('.mountPoint input').val() == '') {
$(tr).find('.mountPoint input').val(suggestMountPoint(selected));
$(tr).find('.backend').data('class', backendClass);
var configurations = $(this).data('configurations');
var td = $(tr).find('td.configuration');
$.each(configurations, function(backend, parameters) {
if (backend == backendClass) {
$.each(parameters['configuration'], function(parameter, placeholder) {
var is_optional = false;
if (placeholder.indexOf('&') === 0) {
is_optional = true;
placeholder = placeholder.substring(1);
if (placeholder.indexOf('*') === 0) {
var class_string = is_optional ? ' optional' : '';
td.append('<input type="password" class="added' + class_string + '" data-parameter="'+parameter+'" placeholder="'+placeholder.substring(1)+'" />');
} else if (placeholder.indexOf('!') === 0) {
td.append('<label><input type="checkbox" class="added" data-parameter="'+parameter+'" />'+placeholder.substring(1)+'</label>');
} else if (placeholder.indexOf('#') === 0) {
td.append('<input type="hidden" class="added" data-parameter="'+parameter+'" />');
} else {
var class_string = is_optional ? ' optional' : '';
td.append('<input type="text" class="added' + class_string + '" data-parameter="'+parameter+'" placeholder="'+placeholder+'" />');
if (parameters['custom'] && $('#externalStorage tbody tr.'+backendClass.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')).length == 1) {
OC.addScript('files_external', parameters['custom']);
return false;
// Reset chosen
var chosen = $(tr).find('.applicable select');
$(tr).find('td').last().attr('class', 'remove');
function suggestMountPoint(defaultMountPoint) {
var pos = defaultMountPoint.indexOf('/');
if (pos !== -1) {
defaultMountPoint = defaultMountPoint.substring(0, pos);
defaultMountPoint = defaultMountPoint.replace(/\s+/g, '');
var i = 1;
var append = '';
var match = true;
while (match && i < 20) {
match = false;
$('#externalStorage tbody td.mountPoint input').each(function(index, mountPoint) {
if ($(mountPoint).val() == defaultMountPoint+append) {
match = true;
return false;
if (match) {
append = i;
} else {
return defaultMountPoint+append;
$('#externalStorage').on('paste', 'td', function() {
var tr = $(this).parent();
setTimeout(function() {
}, 20);
var timer;
$('#externalStorage').on('keyup', 'td input', function() {
var tr = $(this).parent().parent();
if ($(this).val) {
timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
$('#externalStorage').on('change', 'td input:checkbox', function() {
$('#externalStorage').on('change', '.applicable .chzn-select', function() {
$('#sslCertificate').on('click', 'td.remove>img', function() {
var $tr = $(this).parent().parent();
var row = this.parentNode.parentNode;
$.post(OC.filePath('files_external', 'ajax', 'removeRootCertificate.php'), {cert: row.id});
return true;
$('#externalStorage').on('click', 'td.remove>img', function() {
var tr = $(this).parent().parent();
var mountPoint = $(tr).find('.mountPoint input').val();
if ($('#externalStorage').data('admin') === true) {
var isPersonal = false;
var multiselect = $(tr).find('.chzn-select').val();
if (multiselect != null) {
$.each(multiselect, function(index, value) {
var pos = value.indexOf('(group)');
if (pos != -1) {
var mountType = 'group';
var applicable = value.substr(0, pos);
} else {
var mountType = 'user';
var applicable = value;
$.post(OC.filePath('files_external', 'ajax', 'removeMountPoint.php'), { mountPoint: mountPoint, mountType: mountType, applicable: applicable, isPersonal: isPersonal });
} else {
var mountType = 'user';
var applicable = OC.currentUser;
var isPersonal = true;
$.post(OC.filePath('files_external', 'ajax', 'removeMountPoint.php'), { mountPoint: mountPoint, mountType: mountType, applicable: applicable, isPersonal: isPersonal });
$('#allowUserMounting').bind('change', function() {
if (this.checked) {
OC.AppConfig.setValue('files_external', 'allow_user_mounting', 'yes');
$('input[name="allowUserMountingBackends\\[\\]"]').prop('checked', true);
} else {
OC.AppConfig.setValue('files_external', 'allow_user_mounting', 'no');
OC.msg.finishedSaving('#userMountingMsg', {status: 'success', data: {message: t('settings', 'Saved')}});
$('input[name="allowUserMountingBackends\\[\\]"]').bind('change', function() {
var userMountingBackends = $('input[name="allowUserMountingBackends\\[\\]"]:checked').map(function(){return $(this).val();}).get();
OC.AppConfig.setValue('files_external', 'user_mounting_backends', userMountingBackends.join());
OC.msg.finishedSaving('#userMountingMsg', {status: 'success', data: {message: t('settings', 'Saved')}});
// disable allowUserMounting
if(userMountingBackends.length === 0) {
$('#allowUserMounting').prop('checked', false);