Before, the avatar for a circle share was generated using the "share_with" field as the seed for "imageplaceholder". Due to this, when the "share_with" field is set to the circle ID the character shown in the avatar was just a random character instead of the first character of the display name. Now the "share_with" is still used as the seed for the colour, but the display name is used as the text of the avatar. This adds support for "share_with" fields set to the circle ID while being backwards compatible with "share_with" fields set to the circle name. Note that when "share_with" fields is set to the circle name the colour of the avatar is different in the list of suggested sharees and in the list of current sharees, but that also happened before these changes (due to a different seed being used in each place). Signed-off-by: Daniel Calviño Sánchez <danxuliu@gmail.com>
529 lines
16 KiB
529 lines
16 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2015
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3
* or later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
/* globals Handlebars */
(function() {
if(!OC.Share) {
OC.Share = {};
'<div class="resharerInfoView subView"></div>' +
'{{#if isSharingAllowed}}' +
'<label for="shareWith-{{cid}}" class="hidden-visually">{{shareLabel}}</label>' +
'<div class="oneline">' +
' <input id="shareWith-{{cid}}" class="shareWithField" type="text" placeholder="{{sharePlaceholder}}" />' +
' <span class="shareWithLoading icon-loading-small hidden"></span>'+
'{{{shareInfo}}}' +
'</div>' +
'{{/if}}' +
'<div class="shareeListView subView"></div>' +
'<div class="linkShareView subView"></div>' +
'<div class="expirationView subView"></div>' +
'<div class="loading hidden" style="height: 50px"></div>';
'<span class="icon icon-info shareWithRemoteInfo hasTooltip" ' +
* @class OCA.Share.ShareDialogView
* @member {OC.Share.ShareItemModel} model
* @member {jQuery} $el
* @memberof OCA.Sharing
* @classdesc
* Represents the GUI of the share dialogue
var ShareDialogView = OC.Backbone.View.extend({
/** @type {Object} **/
_templates: {},
/** @type {boolean} **/
_showLink: true,
/** @type {string} **/
tagName: 'div',
/** @type {OC.Share.ShareConfigModel} **/
configModel: undefined,
/** @type {object} **/
resharerInfoView: undefined,
/** @type {object} **/
linkShareView: undefined,
/** @type {object} **/
expirationView: undefined,
/** @type {object} **/
shareeListView: undefined,
events: {
'focus .shareWithField': 'onShareWithFieldFocus',
'input .shareWithField': 'onShareWithFieldChanged'
initialize: function(options) {
var view = this;
this.model.on('fetchError', function() {
OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('core', 'Share details could not be loaded for this item.'));
if(!_.isUndefined(options.configModel)) {
this.configModel = options.configModel;
} else {
throw 'missing OC.Share.ShareConfigModel';
this.configModel.on('change:isRemoteShareAllowed', function() {
this.model.on('change:permissions', function() {
this.model.on('request', this._onRequest, this);
this.model.on('sync', this._onEndRequest, this);
var subViewOptions = {
model: this.model,
configModel: this.configModel
var subViews = {
resharerInfoView: 'ShareDialogResharerInfoView',
linkShareView: 'ShareDialogLinkShareView',
expirationView: 'ShareDialogExpirationView',
shareeListView: 'ShareDialogShareeListView'
for(var name in subViews) {
var className = subViews[name];
this[name] = _.isUndefined(options[name])
? new OC.Share[className](subViewOptions)
: options[name];
OC.Plugins.attach('OC.Share.ShareDialogView', this);
onShareWithFieldChanged: function() {
var $el = this.$el.find('.shareWithField');
if ($el.val().length < 2) {
/* trigger search after the field was re-selected */
onShareWithFieldFocus: function() {
autocompleteHandler: function (search, response) {
var $shareWithField = $('.shareWithField'),
view = this,
$loading = this.$el.find('.shareWithLoading'),
$shareInfo = this.$el.find('.shareWithRemoteInfo');
var count = oc_config['sharing.minSearchStringLength'];
if (search.term.trim().length < count) {
var title = n('core',
'At least {count} character is needed for autocompletion',
'At least {count} characters are needed for autocompletion',
{ count: count }
.attr('data-original-title', title)
placement: 'bottom',
trigger: 'manual'
var perPage = 200;
OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1') + 'sharees',
format: 'json',
search: search.term.trim(),
perPage: perPage,
itemType: view.model.get('itemType')
function (result) {
if (result.ocs.meta.statuscode === 100) {
var users = result.ocs.data.exact.users.concat(result.ocs.data.users);
var groups = result.ocs.data.exact.groups.concat(result.ocs.data.groups);
var remotes = result.ocs.data.exact.remotes.concat(result.ocs.data.remotes);
var lookup = result.ocs.data.lookup;
var emails = [],
circles = [];
if (typeof(result.ocs.data.emails) !== 'undefined') {
emails = result.ocs.data.exact.emails.concat(result.ocs.data.emails);
if (typeof(result.ocs.data.circles) !== 'undefined') {
circles = result.ocs.data.exact.circles.concat(result.ocs.data.circles);
var usersLength;
var groupsLength;
var remotesLength;
var emailsLength;
var circlesLength;
var i, j;
//Filter out the current user
usersLength = users.length;
for (i = 0; i < usersLength; i++) {
if (users[i].value.shareWith === OC.currentUser) {
users.splice(i, 1);
// Filter out the owner of the share
if (view.model.hasReshare()) {
usersLength = users.length;
for (i = 0 ; i < usersLength; i++) {
if (users[i].value.shareWith === view.model.getReshareOwner()) {
users.splice(i, 1);
var shares = view.model.get('shares');
var sharesLength = shares.length;
// Now filter out all sharees that are already shared with
for (i = 0; i < sharesLength; i++) {
var share = shares[i];
if (share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
usersLength = users.length;
for (j = 0; j < usersLength; j++) {
if (users[j].value.shareWith === share.share_with) {
users.splice(j, 1);
} else if (share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
groupsLength = groups.length;
for (j = 0; j < groupsLength; j++) {
if (groups[j].value.shareWith === share.share_with) {
groups.splice(j, 1);
} else if (share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE) {
remotesLength = remotes.length;
for (j = 0; j < remotesLength; j++) {
if (remotes[j].value.shareWith === share.share_with) {
remotes.splice(j, 1);
} else if (share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_EMAIL) {
emailsLength = emails.length;
for (j = 0; j < emailsLength; j++) {
if (emails[j].value.shareWith === share.share_with) {
emails.splice(j, 1);
} else if (share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_CIRCLE) {
circlesLength = circles.length;
for (j = 0; j < circlesLength; j++) {
if (circles[j].value.shareWith === share.share_with) {
circles.splice(j, 1);
var suggestions = users.concat(groups).concat(remotes).concat(emails).concat(circles).concat(lookup);
if (suggestions.length > 0) {
.autocomplete("option", "autoFocus", true);
// show a notice that the list is truncated
// this is the case if one of the search results is at least as long as the max result config option
if(oc_config['sharing.maxAutocompleteResults'] > 0 &&
Math.min(perPage, oc_config['sharing.maxAutocompleteResults'])
<= Math.max(users.length, groups.length, remotes.length, emails.length, lookup.length)) {
var message = t('core', 'This list is maybe truncated - please refine your search term to see more results.');
$('.ui-autocomplete').append('<li class="autocomplete-note">' + message + '</li>');
} else {
var title = t('core', 'No users or groups found for {search}', {search: $shareWithField.val()});
if (!view.configModel.get('allowGroupSharing')) {
title = t('core', 'No users found for {search}', {search: $('.shareWithField').val()});
.attr('data-original-title', title)
placement: 'bottom',
trigger: 'manual'
} else {
).fail(function() {
OC.Notification.show(t('core', 'An error occurred. Please try again'));
window.setTimeout(OC.Notification.hide, 5000);
autocompleteRenderItem: function(ul, item) {
var text = item.label;
if (item.value.shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
text = t('core', '{sharee} (group)', { sharee: text }, undefined, { escape: false });
} else if (item.value.shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE) {
text = t('core', '{sharee} (remote)', { sharee: text }, undefined, { escape: false });
} else if (item.value.shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_EMAIL) {
text = t('core', '{sharee} (email)', { sharee: text }, undefined, { escape: false });
} else if (item.value.shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_CIRCLE) {
text = t('core', '{sharee} ({type}, {owner})', {sharee: text, type: item.value.circleInfo, owner: item.value.circleOwner}, undefined, {escape: false});
var insert = $("<div class='share-autocomplete-item'/>");
var avatar = $("<div class='avatardiv'></div>").appendTo(insert);
if (item.value.shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER || item.value.shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_CIRCLE) {
avatar.avatar(item.value.shareWith, 32, undefined, undefined, undefined, item.label);
} else {
avatar.imageplaceholder(text, undefined, 32);
$("<div class='autocomplete-item-text'></div>")
insert.attr('title', item.value.shareWith);
insert = $("<a>")
return $("<li>")
.addClass((item.value.shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) ? 'group' : 'user')
_onSelectRecipient: function(e, s) {
$(e.target).attr('disabled', true)
var $loading = this.$el.find('.shareWithLoading');
var $shareInfo = this.$el.find('.shareWithRemoteInfo');
this.model.addShare(s.item.value, {success: function() {
.attr('disabled', false);
}, error: function(obj, msg) {
$(e.target).attr('disabled', false)
.autocomplete('search', $(e.target).val());
_toggleLoading: function(state) {
this._loading = state;
this.$el.find('.subView').toggleClass('hidden', state);
this.$el.find('.loading').toggleClass('hidden', !state);
_onRequest: function() {
// only show the loading spinner for the first request (for now)
if (!this._loadingOnce) {
_onEndRequest: function() {
var self = this;
if (!this._loadingOnce) {
this._loadingOnce = true;
// the first time, focus on the share field after the spinner disappeared
if (!OC.Util.isIE()) {
_.defer(function () {
render: function() {
var baseTemplate = this._getTemplate('base', TEMPLATE_BASE);
cid: this.cid,
shareLabel: t('core', 'Share'),
sharePlaceholder: this._renderSharePlaceholderPart(),
shareInfo: this._renderShareInfoPart(),
isSharingAllowed: this.model.sharePermissionPossible()
var $shareField = this.$el.find('.shareWithField');
if ($shareField.length) {
minLength: 1,
delay: 750,
focus: function(event) {
source: this.autocompleteHandler,
select: this._onSelectRecipient
}).data('ui-autocomplete')._renderItem = this.autocompleteRenderItem;
this.resharerInfoView.$el = this.$el.find('.resharerInfoView');
this.linkShareView.$el = this.$el.find('.linkShareView');
this.expirationView.$el = this.$el.find('.expirationView');
this.shareeListView.$el = this.$el.find('.shareeListView');
return this;
* sets whether share by link should be displayed or not. Default is
* true.
* @param {bool} showLink
setShowLink: function(showLink) {
this._showLink = (typeof showLink === 'boolean') ? showLink : true;
this.linkShareView.showLink = this._showLink;
_renderShareInfoPart: function() {
var shareInfo = '';
var infoTemplate = this._getShareInfoTemplate();
if(this.configModel.get('isMailShareAllowed') && this.configModel.get('isRemoteShareAllowed')) {
shareInfo = infoTemplate({
tooltip: t('core', 'Share with other people by entering a user or group, a federated cloud ID or an email address.')
} else if(this.configModel.get('isRemoteShareAllowed')) {
shareInfo = infoTemplate({
tooltip: t('core', 'Share with other people by entering a user or group or a federated cloud ID.')
} else if(this.configModel.get('isMailShareAllowed')) {
shareInfo = infoTemplate({
tooltip: t('core', 'Share with other people by entering a user or group or an email address.')
return shareInfo;
_renderSharePlaceholderPart: function () {
var allowRemoteSharing = this.configModel.get('isRemoteShareAllowed');
var allowMailSharing = this.configModel.get('isMailShareAllowed');
if (!allowRemoteSharing && allowMailSharing) {
return t('core', 'Name or email address...');
if (allowRemoteSharing && !allowMailSharing) {
return t('core', 'Name or federated cloud ID...');
if (allowRemoteSharing && allowMailSharing) {
return t('core', 'Name, federated cloud ID or email address...');
return t('core', 'Name...');
* @param {string} key - an identifier for the template
* @param {string} template - the HTML to be compiled by Handlebars
* @returns {Function} from Handlebars
* @private
_getTemplate: function (key, template) {
if (!this._templates[key]) {
this._templates[key] = Handlebars.compile(template);
return this._templates[key];
* returns the info template for remote sharing
* @returns {Function}
* @private
_getShareInfoTemplate: function() {
return this._getTemplate('shareInfo', TEMPLATE_SHARE_INFO);
OC.Share.ShareDialogView = ShareDialogView;