Daniel Calviño Sánchez 34510b73a2 Extract installation and configuration of the Nextcloud server
The installation and configuration of the Nextcloud server as expected
by the acceptance tests is extracted to its own script so it can be used
from any element that launches the acceptance tests.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Calviño Sánchez <>
2017-04-19 08:26:04 +02:00

272 lines
12 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# @copyright Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Calviño Sánchez (
# @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Helper script to run the acceptance tests, which test a running Nextcloud
# instance from the point of view of a real user.
# The acceptance tests are written in Behat so, besides running the tests, this
# script installs Behat, its dependencies, and some related packages in the
# "vendor" subdirectory of the acceptance tests. The acceptance tests also use
# the Selenium server to control a web browser, so the Selenium server is also
# installed to the "selenium" subdirectory and launched before the tests start
# (it will be stopped automatically once the tests end). Finally, the tests
# expect that a Docker image with the Nextcloud installation to be tested is
# available, so the script creates it based on the Nextcloud code from the
# grandparent directory.
# To perform its job, the script requires the "composer", "java" and "docker"
# commands to be available.
# The Docker Command Line Interface (the "docker" command) requires special
# permissions to talk to the Docker daemon, and those permissions are typically
# available only to the root user. However, you should NOT run this script as
# root, but as a regular user instead. Please see the Docker documentation to
# find out how to give access to a regular user to the Docker daemon:
# Note, however, that being able to communicate with the Docker daemon is the
# same as being able to get root privileges for the system. Therefore, you must
# give access to the Docker daemon (and thus run this script as) ONLY to trusted
# and secure users:
# Finally, take into account that this script will automatically remove the
# Docker containers named "nextcloud-local-test-acceptance" and
# "nextcloud-local-test-acceptance-[0-9a-f.]*" and the Docker image tagged as
# "nextcloud-local-test-acceptance:latest", even if the script did not create
# them (probably you will not have containers nor images with those names, but
# just in case).
# Installs Behat and its dependencies.
# Behat and its dependencies will be installed in the "vendor" subdirectory of
# the directory of the script.
function prepareBehat() {
echo "Installing Behat and dependencies"
composer install
# Launches the Selenium server, installing it if needed.
# The acceptance tests use Firefox by default but, unfortunately, Firefox >= 48
# does not provide yet the same level of support as earlier versions for certain
# features related to automated testing. Therefore, if an incompatible version
# is found the script will be exited immediately with an error state.
# The Selenium server is installed in the "selenium" subdirectory of the
# directory of the script.
# The Selenium server launched here will be automatically stopped when the
# script exits (see cleanUp). If the Selenium server can not be started then the
# script will be exited immediately with an error state; the most common cause
# for the Selenium server to fail to start is that another server is already
# running in the default port.
# The output of the Selenium server will be saved to
# "selenium/selenium-server-{DATE}.log".
function prepareSelenium() {
FIREFOX_MAJOR_VERSION=$(firefox --version | sed -e "s/Mozilla Firefox \([0-9]\+\).*/\1/")
if [ "$FIREFOX_MAJOR_VERSION" -ge 48 ]; then
echo "The acceptance tests can not be run on Mozilla Firefox >= 48 (major version found was $FIREFOX_MAJOR_VERSION)"
exit 1
mkdir --parents selenium
if [ ! -f "selenium/$SELENIUM_SERVER_STANDALONE" ]; then
echo "Installing Selenium server"
SELENIUM_SERVER_STANDALONE_LOG="selenium-server-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).log"
echo "Starting Selenium server"
# LANG=C forces "English" output for Selenium server to be able to look for
# the startup finished message (I do not really know if Selenium server log
# messages are localized or not, but just in case).
echo -n "Waiting for Selenium server to be ready"
while [ $ELAPSED_TIME -lt $TIMEOUT ] && ! grep "Selenium Server is up and running" "selenium/$SELENIUM_SERVER_STANDALONE_LOG" &>/dev/null; do
echo -n "."
if [ "$ELAPSED_TIME" -eq "$TIMEOUT" ]; then
echo -n "Could not start Selenium server; see" \
if grep "Address already in use" "selenium/$SELENIUM_SERVER_STANDALONE_LOG" &>/dev/null; then
echo " (probably another" \
"Selenium server is already running)"
exit 1
# Creates a Docker image to be used in Behat by NextcloudTestServerContext based
# on the local Nextcloud directory.
# NextcloudTestServerContext creates and destroys a Docker container for each
# acceptance test run, and the image that the container is created from must
# provide an installed copy of Nextcloud with certain configuration (like an
# "admin" user with an "admin" password, or local data storage). This function
# creates that Docker image based on the Nextcloud code from the grandparent
# directory, although ignoring any configuration or data that it may provide
# (for example, if that directory was used directly to deploy a Nextcloud
# instance in a web server). As the Nextcloud code is copied to the image
# instead of referenced the original code can be modified while the acceptance
# tests are running without interfering in them.
# Besides the Docker image to be used by the acceptance tests, which is removed
# automatically when the script exits, this function creates another image,
# that the other one will be based on, which is not removed when the script
# exits. Building this parent image could be a slow process, so it is kept built
# instead of removing it every time to speed up the launch of the acceptance
# tests.
function prepareDocker() {
# To create the Docker image to be used by the acceptance tests first a
# parent image is created. This parent image provides a system in which a
# Nextcloud server could be installed. Then, that parent image is run in a
# container in which the relevant code from the grandparent directory is
# copied; once the code is copied, the Nextcloud server is installed and
# configured as needed inside the container. Finally, the image to be used
# by the acceptance tests is generated by persisting the container to a new
# image.
# The image to be used by the acceptance tests could have been created just
# with a Dockerfile by adding the relevant code to the build context before
# starting the build and then using the ADD command in the Dockerfile (plus
# running the commands to install and configure the server as needed). In
# fact, standard Docker practices favor the creation of images through
# Dockerfiles to get a reproducible build. However, in this case I felt that
# it would go against that reproducible spirit of Dockerfiles, as an
# additional .tar file would have to be explicitly created each time before
# building the image, and that file would probably be different between
# different builds, thus resulting in a different image each time. Therefore
# I think that the current approach is better suited for this scenario.
echo "Building Docker parent image"
docker build --tag $NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_IMAGE:parent - < docker/nextcloud-local-parent/Dockerfile
# Use the $TMPDIR or, if not set, fall back to /tmp.
NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_TAR="$(mktemp --tmpdir="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" --suffix=.tar nextcloud-local-XXXXXXXXXX)"
# Setting the user and group of files in the tar would be superfluous, as
# "docker cp" does not take them into account (the extracted files are set
# to root).
echo "Copying local Git working directory of Nextcloud to the container"
tar --create --file="$NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_TAR" --exclude=".git" --exclude="./build" --exclude="./config/config.php" --exclude="./data" --exclude="./tests" --directory=../../ .
tar --append --file="$NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_TAR" --directory=../../ build/acceptance/
docker exec $NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_CONTAINER chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/
echo "Installing Nextcloud in the container"
docker exec --user www-data $NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_CONTAINER build/acceptance/
echo "Creating Docker image to be used in acceptance tests"
docker commit --message "Nextcloud installed from the local Git working directory" $NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_CONTAINER $NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_IMAGE
# Once the image to be used by the acceptance tests is created the container
# is no longer needed, so it can be stopped and removed.
# Although the parent Nextcloud image does not define a volume "--volumes"
# is used anyway just in case any of its ancestor images does.
docker rm --volumes $NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_CONTAINER
# Removes/stops temporal elements created/started by this script.
function cleanUp() {
# Disable (yes, "+" disables) exiting immediately on errors to ensure that
# all the cleanup commands are executed (well, no errors should occur during
# the cleanup anyway, but just in case).
set +o errexit
echo "Cleaning up"
if [ -f "$NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_TAR" ]; then
echo "Removing $NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_TAR"
# If the script run successfully the container should have already been
# removed; this is needed only when an error happened.
# The name filter must be specified as "^/XXX$" to get an exact match; using
# just "XXX" would match every name that contained "XXX".
if [ -n "$(docker ps --all --quiet --filter name="^/$NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_CONTAINER$")" ]; then
echo "Removing Docker container $NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_CONTAINER"
docker rm --volumes --force $NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_CONTAINER
# In case of failure (like calling a method that does not exist on an
# object) the tests would be aborted without removing the containers created
# by NextcloudTestServerContext; if that happens those dangling containers
# are removed here.
DANGLING_CONTAINERS_CREATED_BY_ACCEPTANCE_TESTS="$(docker ps --all --quiet --filter name="^/$NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_CONTAINER-[0-9a-f.]*$" --filter ancestor="$NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_IMAGE:parent")"
echo "Removing Docker containers matching $NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_CONTAINER-[0-9a-f.]*"
if [ -n "$(docker images --quiet $NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_IMAGE:latest)" ]; then
echo "Removing Docker image $NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_IMAGE:latest"
docker rmi $NEXTCLOUD_LOCAL_IMAGE:latest
echo "Stopping Selenium server (PID $SELENIUM_SERVER_STANDALONE_PID)"
# Exit immediately on errors.
set -o errexit
# Execute cleanUp when the script exits, either normally or due to an error.
trap cleanUp EXIT
# Ensure working directory is script directory, as some actions (like installing
# Behat through Composer or generating the Nextcloud image for Docker) expect
# that.
cd "$(dirname $0)"
echo "Running all tests"