Vincent Petry f86699cd48 Fix restoring files from trash with unique name
When restoring a file, a unique name needs to be generated if a file
with the same name already exists.

Also fixed the restore() method to return false if the file to restore
does not exist.

Added unit tests to cover restore cases.
2015-05-15 12:42:27 +02:00

663 lines
20 KiB

* @author Björn Schießle <>
* @author Joas Schilling <>
* @author Morris Jobke <>
* @author Robin Appelman <>
* @author Vincent Petry <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, ownCloud, Inc.
* @license AGPL-3.0
* This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* along with this program. If not, see <>
use OCA\Files_Trashbin;
* Class Test_Encryption
class Test_Trashbin extends \Test\TestCase {
const TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1 = "test-trashbin-user1";
const TEST_TRASHBIN_USER2 = "test-trashbin-user2";
private $trashRoot1;
private $trashRoot2;
private static $rememberRetentionObligation;
private static $rememberAutoExpire;
* @var bool
private static $trashBinStatus;
* @var \OC\Files\View
private $rootView;
public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
$appManager = \OC::$server->getAppManager();
self::$trashBinStatus = $appManager->isEnabledForUser('files_trashbin');
// reset backend
// clear share hooks
$application = new \OCA\Files_Sharing\AppInfo\Application();
//disable encryption
//configure trashbin
self::$rememberRetentionObligation = \OC_Config::getValue('trashbin_retention_obligation', Files_Trashbin\Trashbin::DEFAULT_RETENTION_OBLIGATION);
\OC_Config::setValue('trashbin_retention_obligation', 2);
self::$rememberAutoExpire = \OC_Config::getValue('trashbin_auto_expire', true);
\OC_Config::setValue('trashbin_auto_expire', true);
// register hooks
// create test user
self::loginHelper(self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER2, true);
self::loginHelper(self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1, true);
public static function tearDownAfterClass() {
// cleanup test user
\OC_Config::setValue('trashbin_retention_obligation', self::$rememberRetentionObligation);
\OC_Config::setValue('trashbin_auto_expire', self::$rememberAutoExpire);
if (self::$trashBinStatus) {
protected function setUp() {
$this->trashRoot1 = '/' . self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1 . '/files_trashbin';
$this->trashRoot2 = '/' . self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER2 . '/files_trashbin';
$this->rootView = new \OC\Files\View();
protected function tearDown() {
// disable trashbin to be able to properly clean up
$this->rootView->deleteAll('/' . self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1 . '/files');
$this->rootView->deleteAll('/' . self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER2 . '/files');
// clear trash table
$connection = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection();
$connection->executeUpdate('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*files_trash`');
* test expiration of files older then the max storage time defined for the trash
public function testExpireOldFiles() {
$currentTime = time();
$expireAt = $currentTime - 2*24*60*60;
$expiredDate = $currentTime - 3*24*60*60;
// create some files
\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_put_contents('file1.txt', 'file1');
\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_put_contents('file2.txt', 'file2');
\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_put_contents('file3.txt', 'file3');
// delete them so that they end up in the trash bin
//make sure that files are in the trash bin
$filesInTrash = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1, 'name');
$this->assertSame(3, count($filesInTrash));
// every second file will get a date in the past so that it will get expired
$manipulatedList = $this->manipulateDeleteTime($filesInTrash, $this->trashRoot1, $expiredDate);
$testClass = new TrashbinForTesting();
list($sizeOfDeletedFiles, $count) = $testClass->dummyDeleteExpiredFiles($manipulatedList, $expireAt);
$this->assertSame(10, $sizeOfDeletedFiles);
$this->assertSame(2, $count);
// only file2.txt should be left
$remainingFiles = array_slice($manipulatedList, $count);
$this->assertSame(1, count($remainingFiles));
$remainingFile = reset($remainingFiles);
$this->assertSame('file2.txt', $remainingFile['name']);
// check that file1.txt and file3.txt was really deleted
$newTrashContent = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1);
$this->assertSame(1, count($newTrashContent));
$element = reset($newTrashContent);
$this->assertSame('file2.txt', $element['name']);
* test expiration of files older then the max storage time defined for the trash
* in this test we delete a shared file and check if both trash bins, the one from
* the owner of the file and the one from the user who deleted the file get expired
* correctly
public function testExpireOldFilesShared() {
$currentTime = time();
$folder = "trashTest-" . $currentTime . '/';
$expiredDate = $currentTime - 3*24*60*60;
// create some files
\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_put_contents($folder . 'user1-1.txt', 'file1');
\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_put_contents($folder . 'user1-2.txt', 'file2');
\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_put_contents($folder . 'user1-3.txt', 'file3');
\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_put_contents($folder . 'user1-4.txt', 'file4');
//share user1-4.txt with user2
$fileInfo = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo($folder);
$result = \OCP\Share::shareItem('folder', $fileInfo->getId(), \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER2, 31);
// delete them so that they end up in the trash bin
\OC\Files\Filesystem::unlink($folder . 'user1-1.txt');
\OC\Files\Filesystem::unlink($folder . 'user1-2.txt');
\OC\Files\Filesystem::unlink($folder . 'user1-3.txt');
$filesInTrash = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1, 'name');
$this->assertSame(3, count($filesInTrash));
// every second file will get a date in the past so that it will get expired
$this->manipulateDeleteTime($filesInTrash, $this->trashRoot1, $expiredDate);
// login as user2
$this->assertTrue(\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_exists($folder . "user1-4.txt"));
// create some files
\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_put_contents('user2-1.txt', 'file1');
\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_put_contents('user2-2.txt', 'file2');
// delete them so that they end up in the trash bin
$filesInTrashUser2 = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER2, 'name');
$this->assertSame(2, count($filesInTrashUser2));
// every second file will get a date in the past so that it will get expired
$this->manipulateDeleteTime($filesInTrashUser2, $this->trashRoot2, $expiredDate);
\OC\Files\Filesystem::unlink($folder . 'user1-4.txt');
$filesInTrashUser2AfterDelete = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER2);
// user2-1.txt should have been expired
$this->verifyArray($filesInTrashUser2AfterDelete, array('user2-2.txt', 'user1-4.txt'));
// user1-1.txt and user1-3.txt should have been expired
$filesInTrashUser1AfterDelete = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1);
$this->verifyArray($filesInTrashUser1AfterDelete, array('user1-2.txt', 'user1-4.txt'));
* verify that the array contains the expected results
* @param array $result
* @param array $expected
private function verifyArray($result, $expected) {
$this->assertSame(count($expected), count($result));
foreach ($expected as $expectedFile) {
$found = false;
foreach ($result as $fileInTrash) {
if ($expectedFile === $fileInTrash['name']) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
// if we didn't found the expected file, something went wrong
$this->assertTrue(false, "can't find expected file '" . $expectedFile . "' in trash bin");
private function manipulateDeleteTime($files, $trashRoot, $expireDate) {
$counter = 0;
foreach ($files as &$file) {
// modify every second file
$counter = ($counter + 1) % 2;
if ($counter === 1) {
$source = $trashRoot . '/files/' . $file['name'].'.d'.$file['mtime'];
$target = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($trashRoot . '/files/' . $file['name'] . '.d' . $expireDate);
$this->rootView->rename($source, $target);
$file['mtime'] = $expireDate;
return \OCA\Files\Helper::sortFiles($files, 'mtime');
* test expiration of old files in the trash bin until the max size
* of the trash bin is met again
public function testExpireOldFilesUtilLimitsAreMet() {
// create some files
\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_put_contents('file1.txt', 'file1');
\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_put_contents('file2.txt', 'file2');
\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_put_contents('file3.txt', 'file3');
// delete them so that they end up in the trash bin
sleep(1); // make sure that every file has a unique mtime
sleep(1); // make sure that every file has a unique mtime
//make sure that files are in the trash bin
$filesInTrash = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1, 'mtime');
$this->assertSame(3, count($filesInTrash));
$testClass = new TrashbinForTesting();
$sizeOfDeletedFiles = $testClass->dummyDeleteFiles($filesInTrash, -8);
// the two oldest files (file3.txt and file2.txt) should be deleted
$this->assertSame(10, $sizeOfDeletedFiles);
$newTrashContent = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1);
$this->assertSame(1, count($newTrashContent));
$element = reset($newTrashContent);
$this->assertSame('file1.txt', $element['name']);
* Test restoring a file
public function testRestoreFileInRoot() {
$userFolder = \OC::$server->getUserFolder();
$file = $userFolder->newFile('file1.txt');
$filesInTrash = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1, 'mtime');
$this->assertCount(1, $filesInTrash);
/** @var \OCP\Files\FileInfo */
$trashedFile = $filesInTrash[0];
'file1.txt.d' . $trashedFile->getMtime(),
$file = $userFolder->get('file1.txt');
$this->assertEquals('foo', $file->getContent());
* Test restoring a file in subfolder
public function testRestoreFileInSubfolder() {
$userFolder = \OC::$server->getUserFolder();
$folder = $userFolder->newFolder('folder');
$file = $folder->newFile('file1.txt');
$filesInTrash = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1, 'mtime');
$this->assertCount(1, $filesInTrash);
/** @var \OCP\Files\FileInfo */
$trashedFile = $filesInTrash[0];
'file1.txt.d' . $trashedFile->getMtime(),
$file = $userFolder->get('folder/file1.txt');
$this->assertEquals('foo', $file->getContent());
* Test restoring a folder
public function testRestoreFolder() {
$userFolder = \OC::$server->getUserFolder();
$folder = $userFolder->newFolder('folder');
$file = $folder->newFile('file1.txt');
$filesInTrash = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1, 'mtime');
$this->assertCount(1, $filesInTrash);
/** @var \OCP\Files\FileInfo */
$trashedFolder = $filesInTrash[0];
'folder.d' . $trashedFolder->getMtime(),
$file = $userFolder->get('folder/file1.txt');
$this->assertEquals('foo', $file->getContent());
* Test restoring a file from inside a trashed folder
public function testRestoreFileFromTrashedSubfolder() {
$userFolder = \OC::$server->getUserFolder();
$folder = $userFolder->newFolder('folder');
$file = $folder->newFile('file1.txt');
$filesInTrash = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1, 'mtime');
$this->assertCount(1, $filesInTrash);
/** @var \OCP\Files\FileInfo */
$trashedFile = $filesInTrash[0];
'folder.d' . $trashedFile->getMtime() . '/file1.txt',
$file = $userFolder->get('file1.txt');
$this->assertEquals('foo', $file->getContent());
* Test restoring a file whenever the source folder was removed.
* The file should then land in the root.
public function testRestoreFileWithMissingSourceFolder() {
$userFolder = \OC::$server->getUserFolder();
$folder = $userFolder->newFolder('folder');
$file = $folder->newFile('file1.txt');
$filesInTrash = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1, 'mtime');
$this->assertCount(1, $filesInTrash);
/** @var \OCP\Files\FileInfo */
$trashedFile = $filesInTrash[0];
// delete source folder
'file1.txt.d' . $trashedFile->getMtime(),
$file = $userFolder->get('file1.txt');
$this->assertEquals('foo', $file->getContent());
* Test restoring a file in the root folder whenever there is another file
* with the same name in the root folder
public function testRestoreFileDoesNotOverwriteExistingInRoot() {
$userFolder = \OC::$server->getUserFolder();
$file = $userFolder->newFile('file1.txt');
$filesInTrash = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1, 'mtime');
$this->assertCount(1, $filesInTrash);
/** @var \OCP\Files\FileInfo */
$trashedFile = $filesInTrash[0];
// create another file
$file = $userFolder->newFile('file1.txt');
'file1.txt.d' . $trashedFile->getMtime(),
$anotherFile = $userFolder->get('file1.txt');
$this->assertEquals('bar', $anotherFile->getContent());
$restoredFile = $userFolder->get('file1 (restored).txt');
$this->assertEquals('foo', $restoredFile->getContent());
* Test restoring a file whenever there is another file
* with the same name in the source folder
public function testRestoreFileDoesNotOverwriteExistingInSubfolder() {
$userFolder = \OC::$server->getUserFolder();
$folder = $userFolder->newFolder('folder');
$file = $folder->newFile('file1.txt');
$filesInTrash = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1, 'mtime');
$this->assertCount(1, $filesInTrash);
/** @var \OCP\Files\FileInfo */
$trashedFile = $filesInTrash[0];
// create another file
$file = $folder->newFile('file1.txt');
'file1.txt.d' . $trashedFile->getMtime(),
$anotherFile = $userFolder->get('folder/file1.txt');
$this->assertEquals('bar', $anotherFile->getContent());
$restoredFile = $userFolder->get('folder/file1 (restored).txt');
$this->assertEquals('foo', $restoredFile->getContent());
* Test restoring a non-existing file from trashbin, returns false
public function testRestoreUnexistingFile() {
* Test restoring a file into a read-only folder, will restore
* the file to root instead
public function testRestoreFileIntoReadOnlySourceFolder() {
$userFolder = \OC::$server->getUserFolder();
$folder = $userFolder->newFolder('folder');
$file = $folder->newFile('file1.txt');
$filesInTrash = OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles('/', self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1, 'mtime');
$this->assertCount(1, $filesInTrash);
/** @var \OCP\Files\FileInfo */
$trashedFile = $filesInTrash[0];
// delete source folder
list($storage, $internalPath) = $this->rootView->resolvePath('/' . self::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1 . '/files/folder');
$folderAbsPath = $storage->getSourcePath($internalPath);
// make folder read-only
chmod($folderAbsPath, 0555);
'file1.txt.d' . $trashedFile->getMtime(),
$file = $userFolder->get('file1.txt');
$this->assertEquals('foo', $file->getContent());
chmod($folderAbsPath, 0755);
* @param string $user
* @param bool $create
* @param bool $password
public static function loginHelper($user, $create = false) {
if ($create) {
try {
\OC_User::createUser($user, $user);
} catch(\Exception $e) { // catch username is already being used from previous aborted runs
$storage = new \ReflectionClass('\OC\Files\Storage\Shared');
$isInitialized = $storage->getProperty('isInitialized');
// just a dummy class to make protected methods available for testing
class TrashbinForTesting extends Files_Trashbin\Trashbin {
public function dummyDeleteExpiredFiles($files, $limit) {
// dummy value for $retention_obligation because it is not needed here
return parent::deleteExpiredFiles($files, \Test_Trashbin::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1, $limit, 0);
public function dummyDeleteFiles($files, $availableSpace) {
return parent::deleteFiles($files, \Test_Trashbin::TEST_TRASHBIN_USER1, $availableSpace);