Added mountType attribute for files/folder to indicated whether they are regular, external or shared. The client side then adapts the "Delete" action hint text based on this information. Only the mount roots must have the delete icon hint adapted. To make this detectable on the client side, the mountType can now be null, "shared", "shared-root", "external" or "external-root". This also gives room to icon customization on the client side.
1888 lines
54 KiB
1888 lines
54 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2014
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3
* or later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
(function() {
* The FileList class manages a file list view.
* A file list view consists of a controls bar and
* a file list table.
var FileList = function($el, options) {
this.initialize($el, options);
FileList.prototype = {
SORT_INDICATOR_ASC_CLASS: 'icon-triangle-s',
SORT_INDICATOR_DESC_CLASS: 'icon-triangle-n',
id: 'files',
appName: t('files', 'Files'),
isEmpty: true,
* Top-level container with controls and file list
$el: null,
* Files table
$table: null,
* List of rows (table tbody)
$fileList: null,
breadcrumb: null,
* Instance of FileSummary
fileSummary: null,
initialized: false,
// number of files per page
pageSize: 20,
* Array of files in the current folder.
* The entries are of file data.
files: [],
* File actions handler, defaults to OCA.Files.FileActions
fileActions: null,
* Map of file id to file data
_selectedFiles: {},
* Summary of selected files.
* Instance of FileSummary.
_selectionSummary: null,
* Sort attribute
_sort: 'name',
* Sort direction: 'asc' or 'desc'
_sortDirection: 'asc',
* Sort comparator function for the current sort
_sortComparator: null,
* Current directory
_currentDirectory: null,
_dragOptions: null,
_folderDropOptions: null,
* Initialize the file list and its components
* @param $el container element with existing markup for the #controls
* and a table
* @param options map of options, see other parameters
* @param scrollContainer scrollable container, defaults to $(window)
* @param dragOptions drag options, disabled by default
* @param folderDropOptions folder drop options, disabled by default
initialize: function($el, options) {
var self = this;
options = options || {};
if (this.initialized) {
if (options.dragOptions) {
this._dragOptions = options.dragOptions;
if (options.folderDropOptions) {
this._folderDropOptions = options.folderDropOptions;
this.$el = $el;
this.$container = options.scrollContainer || $(window);
this.$table = $el.find('table:first');
this.$fileList = $el.find('#fileList');
this.files = [];
this._selectedFiles = {};
this._selectionSummary = new OCA.Files.FileSummary();
this.fileSummary = this._createSummary();
this.setSort('name', 'asc');
var breadcrumbOptions = {
onClick: _.bind(this._onClickBreadCrumb, this),
getCrumbUrl: function(part) {
return self.linkTo(part.dir);
// if dropping on folders is allowed, then also allow on breadcrumbs
if (this._folderDropOptions) {
breadcrumbOptions.onDrop = _.bind(this._onDropOnBreadCrumb, this);
this.breadcrumb = new OCA.Files.BreadCrumb(breadcrumbOptions);
this.$el.find('thead th .columntitle').click(_.bind(this._onClickHeader, this));
this._onResize = _.debounce(_.bind(this._onResize, this), 100);
this.$el.on('show', this._onResize);
this.$fileList.on('click','td.filename>a.name', _.bind(this._onClickFile, this));
this.$fileList.on('change', 'td.filename>input:checkbox', _.bind(this._onClickFileCheckbox, this));
this.$el.on('urlChanged', _.bind(this._onUrlChanged, this));
this.$el.find('.select-all').click(_.bind(this._onClickSelectAll, this));
this.$el.find('.download').click(_.bind(this._onClickDownloadSelected, this));
this.$el.find('.delete-selected').click(_.bind(this._onClickDeleteSelected, this));
this.$container.on('scroll', _.bind(this._onScroll, this));
* Destroy / uninitialize this instance.
destroy: function() {
// TODO: also unregister other event handlers
this.fileActions.off('registerAction', this._onFileActionsUpdated);
this.fileActions.off('setDefault', this._onFileActionsUpdated);
_initFileActions: function(fileActions) {
this.fileActions = fileActions;
if (!this.fileActions) {
this.fileActions = new OCA.Files.FileActions();
this._onFileActionsUpdated = _.debounce(_.bind(this._onFileActionsUpdated, this), 100);
this.fileActions.on('registerAction', this._onFileActionsUpdated);
this.fileActions.on('setDefault', this._onFileActionsUpdated);
* Event handler for when the window size changed
_onResize: function() {
var containerWidth = this.$el.width();
var actionsWidth = 0;
$.each(this.$el.find('#controls .actions'), function(index, action) {
actionsWidth += $(action).outerWidth();
// substract app navigation toggle when visible
containerWidth -= $('#app-navigation-toggle').width();
this.breadcrumb.setMaxWidth(containerWidth - actionsWidth - 10);
* Event handler for when the URL changed
_onUrlChanged: function(e) {
if (e && e.dir) {
this.changeDirectory(e.dir, false, true);
* Selected/deselects the given file element and updated
* the internal selection cache.
* @param $tr single file row element
* @param state true to select, false to deselect
_selectFileEl: function($tr, state) {
var $checkbox = $tr.find('td.filename>input:checkbox');
var oldData = !!this._selectedFiles[$tr.data('id')];
var data;
$checkbox.prop('checked', state);
$tr.toggleClass('selected', state);
// already selected ?
if (state === oldData) {
data = this.elementToFile($tr);
if (state) {
this._selectedFiles[$tr.data('id')] = data;
else {
delete this._selectedFiles[$tr.data('id')];
this.$el.find('.select-all').prop('checked', this._selectionSummary.getTotal() === this.files.length);
* Event handler for when clicking on files to select them
_onClickFile: function(event) {
var $tr = $(event.target).closest('tr');
if (event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey) {
if (event.shiftKey) {
var $lastTr = $(this._lastChecked);
var lastIndex = $lastTr.index();
var currentIndex = $tr.index();
var $rows = this.$fileList.children('tr');
// last clicked checkbox below current one ?
if (lastIndex > currentIndex) {
var aux = lastIndex;
lastIndex = currentIndex;
currentIndex = aux;
// auto-select everything in-between
for (var i = lastIndex + 1; i < currentIndex; i++) {
this._selectFileEl($rows.eq(i), true);
else {
this._lastChecked = $tr;
var $checkbox = $tr.find('td.filename>input:checkbox');
this._selectFileEl($tr, !$checkbox.prop('checked'));
} else {
var filename = $tr.attr('data-file');
var renaming = $tr.data('renaming');
if (!renaming) {
this.fileActions.currentFile = $tr.find('td');
var mime = this.fileActions.getCurrentMimeType();
var type = this.fileActions.getCurrentType();
var permissions = this.fileActions.getCurrentPermissions();
var action = this.fileActions.getDefault(mime,type, permissions);
if (action) {
// also set on global object for legacy apps
window.FileActions.currentFile = this.fileActions.currentFile;
action(filename, {
$file: $tr,
fileList: this,
fileActions: this.fileActions,
dir: $tr.attr('data-path') || this.getCurrentDirectory()
* Event handler for when clicking on a file's checkbox
_onClickFileCheckbox: function(e) {
var $tr = $(e.target).closest('tr');
this._selectFileEl($tr, !$tr.hasClass('selected'));
this._lastChecked = $tr;
* Event handler for when selecting/deselecting all files
_onClickSelectAll: function(e) {
var checked = $(e.target).prop('checked');
this.$fileList.find('td.filename>input:checkbox').prop('checked', checked)
.closest('tr').toggleClass('selected', checked);
this._selectedFiles = {};
if (checked) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) {
var fileData = this.files[i];
this._selectedFiles[fileData.id] = fileData;
* Event handler for when clicking on "Download" for the selected files
_onClickDownloadSelected: function(event) {
var files;
var dir = this.getCurrentDirectory();
if (this.isAllSelected()) {
files = OC.basename(dir);
dir = OC.dirname(dir) || '/';
else {
files = _.pluck(this.getSelectedFiles(), 'name');
OC.Notification.show(t('files','Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big.'));
OC.redirect(this.getDownloadUrl(files, dir));
return false;
* Event handler for when clicking on "Delete" for the selected files
_onClickDeleteSelected: function(event) {
var files = null;
if (!this.isAllSelected()) {
files = _.pluck(this.getSelectedFiles(), 'name');
return false;
* Event handler when clicking on a table header
_onClickHeader: function(e) {
var $target = $(e.target);
var sort;
if (!$target.is('a')) {
$target = $target.closest('a');
sort = $target.attr('data-sort');
if (sort) {
if (this._sort === sort) {
this.setSort(sort, (this._sortDirection === 'desc')?'asc':'desc');
else {
this.setSort(sort, 'asc');
* Event handler when clicking on a bread crumb
_onClickBreadCrumb: function(e) {
var $el = $(e.target).closest('.crumb'),
$targetDir = $el.data('dir');
if ($targetDir !== undefined) {
* Event handler for when scrolling the list container.
* This appends/renders the next page of entries when reaching the bottom.
_onScroll: function(e) {
if (this.$container.scrollTop() + this.$container.height() > this.$el.height() - 100) {
* Event handler when dropping on a breadcrumb
_onDropOnBreadCrumb: function( event, ui ) {
var $target = $(event.target);
if (!$target.is('.crumb')) {
$target = $target.closest('.crumb');
var targetPath = $(event.target).data('dir');
var dir = this.getCurrentDirectory();
while (dir.substr(0,1) === '/') {//remove extra leading /'s
dir = dir.substr(1);
dir = '/' + dir;
if (dir.substr(-1,1) !== '/') {
dir = dir + '/';
// do nothing if dragged on current dir
if (targetPath === dir || targetPath + '/' === dir) {
var files = this.getSelectedFiles();
if (files.length === 0) {
// single one selected without checkbox?
files = _.map(ui.helper.find('tr'), this.elementToFile);
this.move(_.pluck(files, 'name'), targetPath);
* Sets a new page title
setPageTitle: function(title){
if (title) {
title += ' - ';
} else {
title = '';
title += this.appName;
// Sets the page title with the " - ownCloud" suffix as in templates
window.document.title = title + ' - ' + oc_defaults.title;
return true;
* Returns the tr element for a given file name
* @param fileName file name
findFileEl: function(fileName){
// use filterAttr to avoid escaping issues
return this.$fileList.find('tr').filterAttr('data-file', fileName);
* Returns the file data from a given file element.
* @param $el file tr element
* @return file data
elementToFile: function($el){
$el = $($el);
return {
id: parseInt($el.attr('data-id'), 10),
name: $el.attr('data-file'),
mimetype: $el.attr('data-mime'),
type: $el.attr('data-type'),
size: parseInt($el.attr('data-size'), 10),
etag: $el.attr('data-etag')
* Appends the next page of files into the table
* @param animate true to animate the new elements
* @return array of DOM elements of the newly added files
_nextPage: function(animate) {
var index = this.$fileList.children().length,
count = this.pageSize,
newTrs = [],
isAllSelected = this.isAllSelected();
if (index >= this.files.length) {
return false;
while (count > 0 && index < this.files.length) {
fileData = this.files[index];
tr = this._renderRow(fileData, {updateSummary: false, silent: true});
if (isAllSelected || this._selectedFiles[fileData.id]) {
tr.find('input:checkbox').prop('checked', true);
if (animate) {
tr.addClass('appear transparent');
// trigger event for newly added rows
if (newTrs.length > 0) {
this.$fileList.trigger($.Event('fileActionsReady', {fileList: this, $files: newTrs}));
if (animate) {
// defer, for animation
window.setTimeout(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < newTrs.length; i++ ) {
}, 0);
return newTrs;
* Event handler for when file actions were updated.
* This will refresh the file actions on the list.
_onFileActionsUpdated: function() {
var self = this;
var $files = this.$fileList.find('tr');
if (!$files.length) {
$files.each(function() {
self.fileActions.display($(this).find('td.filename'), false, self);
this.$fileList.trigger($.Event('fileActionsReady', {fileList: this, $files: $files}));
* Sets the files to be displayed in the list.
* This operation will re-render the list and update the summary.
* @param filesArray array of file data (map)
setFiles: function(filesArray) {
// detach to make adding multiple rows faster
this.files = filesArray;
// clear "Select all" checkbox
this.$el.find('.select-all').prop('checked', false);
this.isEmpty = this.files.length === 0;
this._selectedFiles = {};
* Creates a new table row element using the given file data.
* @param fileData map of file attributes
* @param options map of attribute "loading" whether the entry is currently loading
* @return new tr element (not appended to the table)
_createRow: function(fileData, options) {
var td, simpleSize, basename, extension, sizeColor,
icon = OC.Util.replaceSVGIcon(fileData.icon),
name = fileData.name,
type = fileData.type || 'file',
mtime = parseInt(fileData.mtime, 10) || new Date().getTime(),
mime = fileData.mimetype,
path = fileData.path,
options = options || {};
if (type === 'dir') {
mime = mime || 'httpd/unix-directory';
//containing tr
var tr = $('<tr></tr>').attr({
"data-id" : fileData.id,
"data-type": type,
"data-size": fileData.size,
"data-file": name,
"data-mime": mime,
"data-mtime": mtime,
"data-etag": fileData.etag,
"data-permissions": fileData.permissions || this.getDirectoryPermissions()
if (fileData.mountType) {
tr.attr('data-mounttype', fileData.mountType);
if (!_.isUndefined(path)) {
tr.attr('data-path', path);
else {
path = this.getCurrentDirectory();
if (type === 'dir') {
// use default folder icon
icon = icon || OC.imagePath('core', 'filetypes/folder');
else {
icon = icon || OC.imagePath('core', 'filetypes/file');
// filename td
td = $('<td></td>').attr({
"class": "filename",
"style": 'background-image:url(' + icon + '); background-size: 32px;'
// linkUrl
if (type === 'dir') {
linkUrl = this.linkTo(path + '/' + name);
else {
linkUrl = this.getDownloadUrl(name, path);
td.append('<input id="select-' + this.id + '-' + fileData.id +
'" type="checkbox" /><label for="select-' + this.id + '-' + fileData.id + '"></label>');
var linkElem = $('<a></a>').attr({
"class": "name",
"href": linkUrl
// from here work on the display name
name = fileData.displayName || name;
// split extension from filename for non dirs
if (type !== 'dir' && name.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
basename = name.substr(0, name.lastIndexOf('.'));
extension = name.substr(name.lastIndexOf('.'));
} else {
basename = name;
extension = false;
var nameSpan=$('<span></span>').addClass('nametext');
var innernameSpan = $('<span></span>').addClass('innernametext').text(basename);
if (extension) {
// dirs can show the number of uploaded files
if (type === 'dir') {
'class': 'uploadtext',
'currentUploads': 0
// size column
if (typeof(fileData.size) !== 'undefined' && fileData.size >= 0) {
simpleSize = humanFileSize(parseInt(fileData.size, 10), true);
sizeColor = Math.round(160-Math.pow((fileData.size/(1024*1024)),2));
} else {
simpleSize = t('files', 'Pending');
td = $('<td></td>').attr({
"class": "filesize",
"style": 'color:rgb(' + sizeColor + ',' + sizeColor + ',' + sizeColor + ')'
// date column (1000 milliseconds to seconds, 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours)
// difference in days multiplied by 5 - brightest shade for files older than 32 days (160/5)
var modifiedColor = Math.round(((new Date()).getTime() - mtime )/1000/60/60/24*5 );
// ensure that the brightest color is still readable
if (modifiedColor >= '160') {
modifiedColor = 160;
td = $('<td></td>').attr({ "class": "date" });
"class": "modified",
"title": formatDate(mtime),
"style": 'color:rgb('+modifiedColor+','+modifiedColor+','+modifiedColor+')'
}).text( relative_modified_date(mtime / 1000) ));
return tr;
* Adds an entry to the files array and also into the DOM
* in a sorted manner.
* @param fileData map of file attributes
* @param options map of attributes:
* - "updateSummary": true to update the summary after adding (default), false otherwise
* - "silent": true to prevent firing events like "fileActionsReady"
* @return new tr element (not appended to the table)
add: function(fileData, options) {
var index = -1;
var $tr;
var $rows;
var $insertionPoint;
options = options || {};
// there are three situations to cover:
// 1) insertion point is visible on the current page
// 2) insertion point is on a not visible page (visible after scrolling)
// 3) insertion point is at the end of the list
$rows = this.$fileList.children();
index = this._findInsertionIndex(fileData);
if (index > this.files.length) {
index = this.files.length;
else {
$insertionPoint = $rows.eq(index);
// is the insertion point visible ?
if ($insertionPoint.length) {
// only render if it will really be inserted
$tr = this._renderRow(fileData, options);
else {
// if insertion point is after the last visible
// entry, append
if (index === $rows.length) {
$tr = this._renderRow(fileData, options);
this.isEmpty = false;
this.files.splice(index, 0, fileData);
if ($tr && options.animate) {
$tr.addClass('appear transparent');
window.setTimeout(function() {
// defaults to true if not defined
if (typeof(options.updateSummary) === 'undefined' || !!options.updateSummary) {
this.fileSummary.add(fileData, true);
return $tr;
* Creates a new row element based on the given attributes
* and returns it.
* @param fileData map of file attributes
* @param options map of attributes:
* - "index" optional index at which to insert the element
* - "updateSummary" true to update the summary after adding (default), false otherwise
* @return new tr element (not appended to the table)
_renderRow: function(fileData, options) {
options = options || {};
var type = fileData.type || 'file',
mime = fileData.mimetype,
path = fileData.path || this.getCurrentDirectory(),
permissions = parseInt(fileData.permissions, 10) || 0;
if (fileData.isShareMountPoint) {
permissions = permissions | OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE;
if (type === 'dir') {
mime = mime || 'httpd/unix-directory';
var tr = this._createRow(
var filenameTd = tr.find('td.filename');
// TODO: move dragging to FileActions ?
// enable drag only for deletable files
if (this._dragOptions && permissions & OC.PERMISSION_DELETE) {
// allow dropping on folders
if (this._folderDropOptions && fileData.type === 'dir') {
if (options.hidden) {
// display actions
this.fileActions.display(filenameTd, !options.silent, this);
if (fileData.isPreviewAvailable) {
// lazy load / newly inserted td ?
if (!fileData.icon) {
path: path + '/' + fileData.name,
mime: mime,
etag: fileData.etag,
callback: function(url) {
filenameTd.css('background-image', 'url(' + url + ')');
else {
// set the preview URL directly
var urlSpec = {
file: path + '/' + fileData.name,
c: fileData.etag
var previewUrl = this.generatePreviewUrl(urlSpec);
previewUrl = previewUrl.replace('(', '%28').replace(')', '%29');
filenameTd.css('background-image', 'url(' + previewUrl + ')');
return tr;
* Returns the current directory
* @return current directory
getCurrentDirectory: function(){
return this._currentDirectory || this.$el.find('#dir').val() || '/';
* Returns the directory permissions
* @return permission value as integer
getDirectoryPermissions: function() {
return parseInt(this.$el.find('#permissions').val(), 10);
* @brief Changes the current directory and reload the file list.
* @param targetDir target directory (non URL encoded)
* @param changeUrl false if the URL must not be changed (defaults to true)
* @param {boolean} force set to true to force changing directory
changeDirectory: function(targetDir, changeUrl, force) {
var self = this;
var currentDir = this.getCurrentDirectory();
targetDir = targetDir || '/';
if (!force && currentDir === targetDir) {
this._setCurrentDir(targetDir, changeUrl);
if (!success) {
self.changeDirectory(currentDir, true);
linkTo: function(dir) {
return OC.linkTo('files', 'index.php')+"?dir="+ encodeURIComponent(dir).replace(/%2F/g, '/');
* Sets the current directory name and updates the breadcrumb.
* @param targetDir directory to display
* @param changeUrl true to also update the URL, false otherwise (default)
_setCurrentDir: function(targetDir, changeUrl) {
var previousDir = this.getCurrentDirectory(),
baseDir = OC.basename(targetDir);
if (baseDir !== '') {
else {
this._currentDirectory = targetDir;
// legacy stuff
if (changeUrl !== false) {
this.$el.trigger(jQuery.Event('changeDirectory', {
dir: targetDir,
previousDir: previousDir
* Sets the current sorting and refreshes the list
* @param sort sort attribute name
* @param direction sort direction, one of "asc" or "desc"
setSort: function(sort, direction) {
var comparator = FileList.Comparators[sort] || FileList.Comparators.name;
this._sort = sort;
this._sortDirection = (direction === 'desc')?'desc':'asc';
this._sortComparator = comparator;
if (direction === 'desc') {
this._sortComparator = function(fileInfo1, fileInfo2) {
return -comparator(fileInfo1, fileInfo2);
this.$el.find('thead th .sort-indicator')
this.$el.find('thead th.column-' + sort + ' .sort-indicator')
.addClass(direction === 'desc' ? this.SORT_INDICATOR_DESC_CLASS : this.SORT_INDICATOR_ASC_CLASS);
* Reloads the file list using ajax call
* @return ajax call object
reload: function() {
this._selectedFiles = {};
this.$el.find('.select-all').prop('checked', false);
if (this._reloadCall) {
this._reloadCall = $.ajax({
url: this.getAjaxUrl('list'),
data: {
dir : this.getCurrentDirectory(),
sort: this._sort,
sortdirection: this._sortDirection
var callBack = this.reloadCallback.bind(this);
return this._reloadCall.then(callBack, callBack);
reloadCallback: function(result) {
delete this._reloadCall;
if (!result || result.status === 'error') {
// if the error is not related to folder we're trying to load, reload the page to handle logout etc
if (result.data.error === 'authentication_error' ||
result.data.error === 'token_expired' ||
result.data.error === 'application_not_enabled'
) {
return false;
if (result.status === 404) {
// go back home
return false;
// aborted ?
if (result.status === 0){
return true;
// TODO: should rather return upload file size through
// the files list ajax call
if (result.data.permissions) {
return true;
updateStorageStatistics: function(force) {
OCA.Files.Files.updateStorageStatistics(this.getCurrentDirectory(), force);
getAjaxUrl: function(action, params) {
return OCA.Files.Files.getAjaxUrl(action, params);
getDownloadUrl: function(files, dir) {
return OCA.Files.Files.getDownloadUrl(files, dir || this.getCurrentDirectory());
* Generates a preview URL based on the URL space.
* @param urlSpec map with {x: width, y: height, file: file path}
* @return preview URL
generatePreviewUrl: function(urlSpec) {
urlSpec = urlSpec || {};
if (!urlSpec.x) {
urlSpec.x = this.$table.data('preview-x') || 36;
if (!urlSpec.y) {
urlSpec.y = this.$table.data('preview-y') || 36;
urlSpec.y *= window.devicePixelRatio;
urlSpec.x *= window.devicePixelRatio;
urlSpec.forceIcon = 0;
return OC.generateUrl('/core/preview.png?') + $.param(urlSpec);
* Lazy load a file's preview.
* @param path path of the file
* @param mime mime type
* @param callback callback function to call when the image was loaded
* @param etag file etag (for caching)
lazyLoadPreview : function(options) {
var self = this;
var path = options.path;
var mime = options.mime;
var ready = options.callback;
var etag = options.etag;
// get mime icon url
OCA.Files.Files.getMimeIcon(mime, function(iconURL) {
var previewURL,
urlSpec = {};
ready(iconURL); // set mimeicon URL
urlSpec.file = OCA.Files.Files.fixPath(path);
if (etag){
// use etag as cache buster
urlSpec.c = etag;
else {
console.warn('OCA.Files.FileList.lazyLoadPreview(): missing etag argument');
previewURL = self.generatePreviewUrl(urlSpec);
previewURL = previewURL.replace('(', '%28');
previewURL = previewURL.replace(')', '%29');
// preload image to prevent delay
// this will make the browser cache the image
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function(){
// if loading the preview image failed (no preview for the mimetype) then img.width will < 5
if (img.width > 5) {
img.src = previewURL;
setDirectoryPermissions: function(permissions) {
var isCreatable = (permissions & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) !== 0;
this.$el.find('.creatable').toggleClass('hidden', !isCreatable);
this.$el.find('.notCreatable').toggleClass('hidden', isCreatable);
* Shows/hides action buttons
* @param show true for enabling, false for disabling
showActions: function(show){
this.$el.find('.actions,#file_action_panel').toggleClass('hidden', !show);
if (show){
// make sure to display according to permissions
var permissions = this.getDirectoryPermissions();
var isCreatable = (permissions & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) !== 0;
this.$el.find('.creatable').toggleClass('hidden', !isCreatable);
this.$el.find('.notCreatable').toggleClass('hidden', isCreatable);
// remove old style breadcrumbs (some apps might create them)
this.$el.find('#controls .crumb').remove();
// refresh breadcrumbs in case it was replaced by an app
this.$el.find('.creatable, .notCreatable').addClass('hidden');
* Enables/disables viewer mode.
* In viewer mode, apps can embed themselves under the controls bar.
* In viewer mode, the actions of the file list will be hidden.
* @param show true for enabling, false for disabling
setViewerMode: function(show){
this.$el.find('#filestable').toggleClass('hidden', show);
this.$el.trigger(new $.Event('changeViewerMode', {viewerModeEnabled: show}));
* Removes a file entry from the list
* @param name name of the file to remove
* @param options optional options as map:
* "updateSummary": true to update the summary (default), false otherwise
* @return deleted element
remove: function(name, options){
options = options || {};
var fileEl = this.findFileEl(name);
var index = fileEl.index();
if (!fileEl.length) {
return null;
if (this._selectedFiles[fileEl.data('id')]) {
// remove from selection first
this._selectFileEl(fileEl, false);
if (this._dragOptions && (fileEl.data('permissions') & OC.PERMISSION_DELETE)) {
// file is only draggable when delete permissions are set
this.files.splice(index, 1);
// TODO: improve performance on batch update
this.isEmpty = !this.files.length;
if (typeof(options.updateSummary) === 'undefined' || !!options.updateSummary) {
this.fileSummary.remove({type: fileEl.attr('data-type'), size: fileEl.attr('data-size')}, true);
var lastIndex = this.$fileList.children().length;
// if there are less elements visible than one page
// but there are still pending elements in the array,
// then directly append the next page
if (lastIndex < this.files.length && lastIndex < this.pageSize) {
return fileEl;
* Finds the index of the row before which the given
* fileData should be inserted, considering the current
* sorting
_findInsertionIndex: function(fileData) {
var index = 0;
while (index < this.files.length && this._sortComparator(fileData, this.files[index]) > 0) {
return index;
* Moves a file to a given target folder.
* @param fileNames array of file names to move
* @param targetPath absolute target path
move: function(fileNames, targetPath) {
var self = this;
var dir = this.getCurrentDirectory();
var target = OC.basename(targetPath);
if (!_.isArray(fileNames)) {
fileNames = [fileNames];
_.each(fileNames, function(fileName) {
var $tr = self.findFileEl(fileName);
var $td = $tr.children('td.filename');
var oldBackgroundImage = $td.css('background-image');
$td.css('background-image', 'url('+ OC.imagePath('core', 'loading.gif') + ')');
// TODO: improve performance by sending all file names in a single call
OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'move.php'),
dir: dir,
file: fileName,
target: targetPath
function(result) {
if (result) {
if (result.status === 'success') {
// if still viewing the same directory
if (self.getCurrentDirectory() === dir) {
// recalculate folder size
var oldFile = self.findFileEl(target);
var newFile = self.findFileEl(fileName);
var oldSize = oldFile.data('size');
var newSize = oldSize + newFile.data('size');
oldFile.data('size', newSize);
// TODO: also update entry in FileList.files
} else {
if (result.status === 'error' && result.data.message) {
else {
OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Error moving file.'));
// hide notification after 10 sec
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10000);
} else {
OC.dialogs.alert(t('files', 'Error moving file'), t('files', 'Error'));
$td.css('background-image', oldBackgroundImage);
* Triggers file rename input field for the given file name.
* If the user enters a new name, the file will be renamed.
* @param oldname file name of the file to rename
rename: function(oldname) {
var self = this;
var tr, td, input, form;
tr = this.findFileEl(oldname);
var oldFileInfo = this.files[tr.index()];
td = tr.children('td.filename');
input = $('<input type="text" class="filename"/>').val(oldname);
form = $('<form></form>');
//preselect input
var len = input.val().lastIndexOf('.');
if ( len === -1 ||
tr.data('type') === 'dir' ) {
len = input.val().length;
input.selectRange(0, len);
var checkInput = function () {
var filename = input.val();
if (filename !== oldname) {
// Files.isFileNameValid(filename) throws an exception itself
if (self.inList(filename)) {
throw t('files', '{new_name} already exists', {new_name: filename});
return true;
function restore() {
form.submit(function(event) {
if (input.hasClass('error')) {
try {
var newName = input.val();
if (newName !== oldname) {
// mark as loading (temp element)
td.css('background-image', 'url('+ OC.imagePath('core', 'loading.gif') + ')');
tr.attr('data-file', newName);
var basename = newName;
if (newName.indexOf('.') > 0 && tr.data('type') !== 'dir') {
basename = newName.substr(0, newName.lastIndexOf('.'));
td.find('a.name span.nametext').text(basename);
tr.find('.fileactions, .action').addClass('hidden');
url: OC.filePath('files','ajax','rename.php'),
data: {
dir : tr.attr('data-path') || self.getCurrentDirectory(),
newname: newName,
file: oldname
success: function(result) {
var fileInfo;
if (!result || result.status === 'error') {
OC.dialogs.alert(result.data.message, t('core', 'Could not rename file'));
fileInfo = oldFileInfo;
else {
fileInfo = result.data;
// reinsert row
self.files.splice(tr.index(), 1);
tr = self.add(fileInfo, {updateSummary: false, silent: true});
self.$fileList.trigger($.Event('fileActionsReady', {fileList: self, $files: $(tr)}));
} else {
// add back the old file info when cancelled
self.files.splice(tr.index(), 1);
tr = self.add(oldFileInfo, {updateSummary: false, silent: true});
self.$fileList.trigger($.Event('fileActionsReady', {fileList: self, $files: $(tr)}));
} catch (error) {
input.attr('title', error);
input.tipsy({gravity: 'w', trigger: 'manual'});
return false;
input.keyup(function(event) {
// verify filename on typing
try {
} catch (error) {
input.attr('title', error);
input.tipsy({gravity: 'w', trigger: 'manual'});
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
input.click(function(event) {
input.blur(function() {
inList:function(file) {
return this.findFileEl(file).length;
* Delete the given files from the given dir
* @param files file names list (without path)
* @param dir directory in which to delete the files, defaults to the current
* directory
do_delete:function(files, dir) {
var self = this;
var params;
if (files && files.substr) {
if (files) {
for (var i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
var deleteAction = this.findFileEl(files[i]).children("td.date").children(".action.delete");
// Finish any existing actions
if (this.lastAction) {
params = {
dir: dir || this.getCurrentDirectory()
if (files) {
params.files = JSON.stringify(files);
else {
// no files passed, delete all in current dir
params.allfiles = true;
// show spinner for all files
this.$fileList.find('tr>td.date .action.delete').removeClass('delete-icon').addClass('progress-icon');
$.post(OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'delete.php'),
function(result) {
if (result.status === 'success') {
if (params.allfiles) {
else {
$.each(files,function(index,file) {
var fileEl = self.remove(file, {updateSummary: false});
// FIXME: not sure why we need this after the
// element isn't even in the DOM any more
fileEl.find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', false);
self.fileSummary.remove({type: fileEl.attr('data-type'), size: fileEl.attr('data-size')});
// TODO: this info should be returned by the ajax call!
} else {
if (result.status === 'error' && result.data.message) {
else {
OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Error deleting file.'));
// hide notification after 10 sec
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10000);
if (params.allfiles) {
// reload the page as we don't know what files were deleted
// and which ones remain
else {
$.each(files,function(index,file) {
var deleteAction = self.findFileEl(file).find('.action.delete');
* Creates the file summary section
_createSummary: function() {
var $tr = $('<tr class="summary"></tr>');
return new OCA.Files.FileSummary($tr);
updateEmptyContent: function() {
var permissions = this.getDirectoryPermissions();
var isCreatable = (permissions & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) !== 0;
this.$el.find('#emptycontent').toggleClass('hidden', !isCreatable || !this.isEmpty);
this.$el.find('#filestable thead th').toggleClass('hidden', this.isEmpty);
* Shows the loading mask.
* @see #hideMask
showMask: function() {
// in case one was shown before
var $mask = this.$el.find('.mask');
if ($mask.exists()) {
$mask = $('<div class="mask transparent"></div>');
$mask.css('background-image', 'url('+ OC.imagePath('core', 'loading.gif') + ')');
$mask.css('background-repeat', 'no-repeat');
* Hide the loading mask.
* @see #showMask
hideMask: function() {
scrollTo:function(file) {
//scroll to and highlight preselected file
var $scrollToRow = this.findFileEl(file);
if ($scrollToRow.exists()) {
//remove highlight when hovered over
$scrollToRow.one('hover', function() {
filter:function(query) {
this.$fileList.find('tr').each(function(i,e) {
if ($(e).data('file').toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
} else {
//do not use scrollto to prevent removing searchresult css class
var first = this.$fileList.find('tr.searchresult').first();
if (first.exists()) {
unfilter:function() {
this.$fileList.find('tr.searchresult').each(function(i,e) {
* Update UI based on the current selection
updateSelectionSummary: function() {
var summary = this._selectionSummary.summary;
var canDelete;
if (summary.totalFiles === 0 && summary.totalDirs === 0) {
this.$el.find('#headerName a.name>span:first').text(t('files','Name'));
this.$el.find('#headerSize a>span:first').text(t('files','Size'));
this.$el.find('#modified a>span:first').text(t('files','Modified'));
else {
canDelete = (this.getDirectoryPermissions() & OC.PERMISSION_DELETE);
this.$el.find('#headerSize a>span:first').text(OC.Util.humanFileSize(summary.totalSize));
var selection = '';
if (summary.totalDirs > 0) {
selection += n('files', '%n folder', '%n folders', summary.totalDirs);
if (summary.totalFiles > 0) {
selection += ' & ';
if (summary.totalFiles > 0) {
selection += n('files', '%n file', '%n files', summary.totalFiles);
this.$el.find('#headerName a.name>span:first').text(selection);
this.$el.find('#modified a>span:first').text('');
this.$el.find('.delete-selected').toggleClass('hidden', !canDelete);
* Returns whether all files are selected
* @return true if all files are selected, false otherwise
isAllSelected: function() {
return this.$el.find('.select-all').prop('checked');
* Returns the file info of the selected files
* @return array of file names
getSelectedFiles: function() {
return _.values(this._selectedFiles);
getUniqueName: function(name) {
if (this.findFileEl(name).exists()) {
var numMatch;
var parts=name.split('.');
var extension = "";
if (parts.length > 1) {
var base=parts.join('.');
var num=2;
if (numMatch && numMatch.length>0) {
num=parseInt(numMatch[numMatch.length-1], 10)+1;
name=base+' ('+num+')';
if (extension) {
name = name+'.'+extension;
// FIXME: ugly recursion
return this.getUniqueName(name);
return name;
* Setup file upload events related to the file-upload plugin
setupUploadEvents: function() {
var self = this;
// handle upload events
var fileUploadStart = this.$el.find('#file_upload_start');
// detect the progress bar resize
fileUploadStart.on('resized', this._onResize);
fileUploadStart.on('fileuploaddrop', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.log('filelist handle fileuploaddrop', e, data);
var dropTarget = $(e.originalEvent.target);
// check if dropped inside this container and not another one
if (dropTarget.length && !self.$el.is(dropTarget) && !self.$el.has(dropTarget).length) {
return false;
// find the closest tr or crumb to use as target
dropTarget = dropTarget.closest('tr, .crumb');
// if dropping on tr or crumb, drag&drop upload to folder
if (dropTarget && (dropTarget.data('type') === 'dir' ||
dropTarget.hasClass('crumb'))) {
// remember as context
data.context = dropTarget;
var dir = dropTarget.data('file');
// if from file list, need to prepend parent dir
if (dir) {
var parentDir = self.getCurrentDirectory();
if (parentDir[parentDir.length - 1] !== '/') {
parentDir += '/';
dir = parentDir + dir;
// read full path from crumb
dir = dropTarget.data('dir') || '/';
// add target dir
data.targetDir = dir;
} else {
// we are dropping somewhere inside the file list, which will
// upload the file to the current directory
data.targetDir = self.getCurrentDirectory();
// cancel uploads to current dir if no permission
var isCreatable = (self.getDirectoryPermissions() & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) !== 0;
if (!isCreatable) {
return false;
fileUploadStart.on('fileuploadadd', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.log('filelist handle fileuploadadd', e, data);
//finish delete if we are uploading a deleted file
if (self.deleteFiles && self.deleteFiles.indexOf(data.files[0].name)!==-1) {
self.finishDelete(null, true); //delete file before continuing
// add ui visualization to existing folder
if (data.context && data.context.data('type') === 'dir') {
// add to existing folder
// update upload counter ui
var uploadText = data.context.find('.uploadtext');
var currentUploads = parseInt(uploadText.attr('currentUploads'), 10);
currentUploads += 1;
uploadText.attr('currentUploads', currentUploads);
var translatedText = n('files', 'Uploading %n file', 'Uploading %n files', currentUploads);
if (currentUploads === 1) {
var img = OC.imagePath('core', 'loading.gif');
} else {
* when file upload done successfully add row to filelist
* update counter when uploading to sub folder
fileUploadStart.on('fileuploaddone', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.log('filelist handle fileuploaddone', e, data);
var response;
if (typeof data.result === 'string') {
response = data.result;
} else {
// fetch response from iframe
response = data.result[0].body.innerText;
var result=$.parseJSON(response);
if (typeof result[0] !== 'undefined' && result[0].status === 'success') {
var file = result[0];
var size = 0;
if (data.context && data.context.data('type') === 'dir') {
// update upload counter ui
var uploadText = data.context.find('.uploadtext');
var currentUploads = parseInt(uploadText.attr('currentUploads'), 10);
currentUploads -= 1;
uploadText.attr('currentUploads', currentUploads);
var translatedText = n('files', 'Uploading %n file', 'Uploading %n files', currentUploads);
if (currentUploads === 0) {
var img = OC.imagePath('core', 'filetypes/folder');
} else {
// update folder size
size = parseInt(data.context.data('size'), 10);
size += parseInt(file.size, 10);
data.context.attr('data-size', size);
} else {
// only append new file if uploaded into the current folder
if (file.directory !== self.getCurrentDirectory()) {
// Uploading folders actually uploads a list of files
// for which the target directory (file.directory) might lie deeper
// than the current directory
var fileDirectory = file.directory.replace('/','').replace(/\/$/, "");
var currentDirectory = self.getCurrentDirectory().replace('/','').replace(/\/$/, "") + '/';
if (currentDirectory !== '/') {
// abort if fileDirectory does not start with current one
if (fileDirectory.indexOf(currentDirectory) !== 0) {
// remove the current directory part
fileDirectory = fileDirectory.substr(currentDirectory.length);
// only take the first section of the path
fileDirectory = fileDirectory.split('/');
var fd;
// if the first section exists / is a subdir
if (fileDirectory.length) {
fileDirectory = fileDirectory[0];
// See whether it is already in the list
fd = self.findFileEl(fileDirectory);
if (fd.length === 0) {
var dir = {
name: fileDirectory,
type: 'dir',
mimetype: 'httpd/unix-directory',
permissions: file.permissions,
size: 0,
id: file.parentId
fd = self.add(dir, {insert: true});
// update folder size
size = parseInt(fd.attr('data-size'), 10);
size += parseInt(file.size, 10);
fd.attr('data-size', size);
// add as stand-alone row to filelist
size = t('files', 'Pending');
if (data.files[0].size>=0) {
//should the file exist in the list remove it
// create new file context
data.context = self.add(file, {animate: true});
fileUploadStart.on('fileuploadstop', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.log('filelist handle fileuploadstop', e, data);
//if user pressed cancel hide upload chrome
if (data.errorThrown === 'abort') {
//cleanup uploading to a dir
var uploadText = $('tr .uploadtext');
var img = OC.imagePath('core', 'filetypes/folder');
uploadText.attr('currentUploads', 0);
fileUploadStart.on('fileuploadfail', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.log('filelist handle fileuploadfail', e, data);
//if user pressed cancel hide upload chrome
if (data.errorThrown === 'abort') {
//cleanup uploading to a dir
var uploadText = $('tr .uploadtext');
var img = OC.imagePath('core', 'filetypes/folder');
uploadText.attr('currentUploads', 0);
* Sort comparators.
FileList.Comparators = {
* Compares two file infos by name, making directories appear
* first.
* @param fileInfo1 file info
* @param fileInfo2 file info
* @return -1 if the first file must appear before the second one,
* 0 if they are identify, 1 otherwise.
name: function(fileInfo1, fileInfo2) {
if (fileInfo1.type === 'dir' && fileInfo2.type !== 'dir') {
return -1;
if (fileInfo1.type !== 'dir' && fileInfo2.type === 'dir') {
return 1;
return fileInfo1.name.localeCompare(fileInfo2.name);
* Compares two file infos by size.
* @param fileInfo1 file info
* @param fileInfo2 file info
* @return -1 if the first file must appear before the second one,
* 0 if they are identify, 1 otherwise.
size: function(fileInfo1, fileInfo2) {
return fileInfo1.size - fileInfo2.size;
* Compares two file infos by timestamp.
* @param fileInfo1 file info
* @param fileInfo2 file info
* @return -1 if the first file must appear before the second one,
* 0 if they are identify, 1 otherwise.
mtime: function(fileInfo1, fileInfo2) {
return fileInfo1.mtime - fileInfo2.mtime;
OCA.Files.FileList = FileList;
$(document).ready(function() {
// FIXME: unused ?
OCA.Files.FileList.useUndo = (window.onbeforeunload)?true:false;
$(window).bind('beforeunload', function () {
if (OCA.Files.FileList.lastAction) {
$(window).unload(function () {