"タスク", "Due yesterday" => "昨日まで", "Due today" => "今日まで", "Due tomorrow" => "明日まで", "Due on" => "期日", "Started yesterday" => "昨日開始", "Starts today" => "今日開始", "Starts tomorrow" => "明日開始", "Started on" => "開始", "Starts on" => "開始", "[Remind me yesterday at ]HH:mm" => "[昨日の通知時刻]HH:mm", "[Remind me today at ]HH:mm" => "[今日の通知時刻]HH:mm", "[Remind me tomorrow at ]HH:mm" => "[明日の通知時刻]HH:mm", "[Remind me on ]MMM DD, YYYY,[ at ]HH:mm" => "YYYY,MM,DD[の]HH:mm[に通知]", "Yesterday" => "昨日", "Today" => "今日", "Tomorrow" => "明日", "in %s" => "%s で", "%s ago" => "%s前", "seconds" => "秒", "a minute" => "1分", "%d minutes" => "%d分", "an hour" => "1時間", "%d hours" => "%d時間", "a day" => "1日", "%d days" => "%d日", "a month" => "1ヶ月", "%d months" => "%dヶ月", "a year" => "1年", "%d years" => "%d年", "week" => "週", "weeks" => "週", "day" => "日", "days" => "日", "hour" => "時間", "hours" => "時間", "minute" => "分", "minutes" => "分", "second" => "2週目", "before beginning" => "開始前", "after beginning" => "開始後", "before end" => "終了前", "after end" => "終了後", "Comment" => "コメント", "Add a comment" => "コメントを追加", "This will delete the Calendar \"%s\" and all of its entries." => "カレンダー \"%s\"とすべてのエントリが削除されます", "The name \"%s\" is already used." => "名前 \"%s\" はすでに使われています。", "An empty name is not allowed." => "件名を入力してください。", "Hidden" => "隠す", "Visible" => "表示する", "Automatic" => "自動", "Sunday" => "日", "Monday" => "月", "Tuesday" => "火", "Wednesday" => "水", "Thursday" => "木", "Friday" => "金", "Saturday" => "土", "Add an important item in \"%s\"..." => "重要なアイテムを \"%s\" に追加...", "Add an item due today in \"%s\"..." => "今日期限のアイテムを \"%s\" に追加...", "Add an item in \"%s\"..." => "アイテムを \"%s\" に追加...", "Add a current item in \"%s\"..." => "現在のアイテムを \"%s\" に追加...", "Add a subtask to \"%s\"..." => "サブタスク \"%s\" を追加...", "_%n Completed Task_::_%n Completed Tasks_" => array("完了済みタスク %n"), "Hours" => "時間", "Minutes" => "分", "Set due date" => "期限を設定", "%s %% completed" => "%s %% 完了", "priority %s: " => "優先度 %s:", "high" => "高い", "medium" => "中間", "low" => "低い", "no priority assigned" => "優先度未割り当て", "Remind me" => "リマインド", "at the end" => "終了時", "at the beginning" => "開始時", "Set start date" => "開始日を設定", "{calendar} shared by {owner}" => "{owner} が共有中の{calendar} ", "Unnamed" => "名称未設定", "Important" => "重要", "Week" => "週", "All" => "すべて", "Current" => "現在", "Completed" => "完了", "Add List..." => "リスト追加...", "New List" => "新規リスト", "Settings" => "設定", "Start of week" => "週の初め", "Visibility of Smart Collections" => "スマートコレクションの表示", "Load remaining completed tasks." => "残りの完了済みタスクをロード", "(New category)" => "(新しいカテゴリ)", "Select categories..." => "カテゴリーの選択...", "Loading the task..." => "タスクの読み込み中...", "Task not found!" => "タスクがありません!", "add a subtask to" => "サブタスクを次に追加" ); $PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=1; plural=0;";