"Xeres", "Important" => "Importante", "Today" => "Güei", "Week" => "Selmana", "All" => "Toos", "Current" => "Actual", "Completed" => "Completáu", "Due yesterday" => "Venció ayeri", "Due today" => "Vencimientu güei", "Due tomorrow" => "Vencimientu mañana", "Due on" => "Vence en", "Started yesterday" => "Entamó ayeri", "Starts today" => "Entama güei", "Starts tomorrow" => "Entamará mañana", "Started on" => "Entamó en", "Starts on" => "Entama en", "[Remind me yesterday at ]HH:mm" => "[Recuérdame ayeri a les ]HH:mm", "[Remind me today at ]HH:mm" => "[Recuérdame güei a les ]HH:mm", "[Remind me tomorrow at ]HH:mm" => "[Recuérdame mañana a les ]HH:mm", "[Remind me on ]MMM DD, YYYY,[ at ]HH:mm" => "[Recuerdame'l ]MMM DD, YYYY,[ a les]HH:mm", "Yesterday" => "Ayeri", "Tomorrow" => "Mañana", "in %s" => "en %s", "%s ago" => "hai %s", "seconds" => "segundos", "a minute" => "un minutu", "%d minutes" => "%d minutos", "an hour" => "una hora", "%d hours" => "%d hores", "a day" => "un día", "%d days" => "%d díes", "a month" => "un mes", "%d months" => "%d meses", "a year" => "un añu", "%d years" => "%d años", "Hours" => "Hores", "Minutes" => "Minutos", "week" => "selmana", "weeks" => "selmanes", "day" => "día", "days" => "díes", "hour" => "hora", "hours" => "hores", "minute" => "minutu", "minutes" => "minutos", "second" => "segundu", "before beginning" => "Enantes del entamu", "after beginning" => "Dempués del entamu", "before end" => "Enantes del final", "after end" => "Dempués del final", "Comment" => "Comentariu", "This will delete the Calendar \"%s\" and all of its entries." => "Esto desaniciará'l calendariu \"%s\" y toles sos entraes.", "The name \"%s\" is already used." => "El nome \"%s\" yá ta usándose.", "Hidden" => "Anubríu", "Visible" => "Visible", "Automatic" => "Automáticu", "Sunday" => "Domingu", "Monday" => "Llunes", "Tuesday" => "Martes", "Wednesday" => "Miércoles", "Thursday" => "Xueves", "Friday" => "Vienres", "Saturday" => "Sábadu", "Settings" => "Axustes", "General" => "Xeneral", "General Settings" => "Axustes xenerales" ); $PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";