2014-04-12 11:32:51 +02:00

1844 lines
64 KiB

(function(angular, $, moment, undefined){
* ownCloud Task App - v0.1
* Copyright (c) 2014 - Raimund Schlüßler <raimund.schluessler@googlemail.com>
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
* See the COPYING file
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks', ['OC', 'ngRoute', 'ngAnimate']).config([
'$provide', '$routeProvider', '$interpolateProvider', function($provide, $routeProvider, $interpolateProvider) {
var config;
$provide.value('Config', config = {
markReadTimeout: 500,
taskUpdateInterval: 1000 * 600
$routeProvider.when('/lists/:listID', {}).when('/lists/:listID/edit/:listparameter', {}).when('/lists/:listID/tasks/:taskID', {}).when('/lists/:listID/tasks/:taskID/edit/:parameter', {}).when('/search/:searchString', {}).when('/search/:searchString/tasks/:taskID', {}).when('/search/:searchString/tasks/:taskID/edit/:parameter', {}).otherwise({
redirectTo: '/lists/all'
overwrite angular's directive ngSwitchWhen
to handle ng-switch-when="value1 || value2 || value3
$provide.decorator('ngSwitchWhenDirective', function($delegate) {
$delegate[0].compile = function(element, attrs, transclude) {
return function(scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
var casee, i, len, subCases, _results;
subCases = [attrs.ngSwitchWhen];
if (attrs.ngSwitchWhen && attrs.ngSwitchWhen.length > 0 && attrs.ngSwitchWhen.indexOf('||') !== -1) {
subCases = attrs.ngSwitchWhen.split('||');
i = 0;
len = subCases.length;
_results = [];
while (i < len) {
casee = $.trim(subCases[i++]);
ctrl.cases['!' + casee] = ctrl.cases['!' + casee] || [];
_results.push(ctrl.cases['!' + casee].push({
transclude: transclude,
element: element
return _results;
return $delegate;
'Config', '$timeout', 'ListsBusinessLayer', 'TasksBusinessLayer', function(Config, $timeout, TasksBusinessLayer, ListsBusinessLayer) {
var init, update;
init = false;
(update = function() {
var timeOutUpdate;
timeOutUpdate = function() {
return $timeout(update, Config.taskUpdateInterval);
if (init) {
init = true;
return timeOutUpdate();
moment.lang('details', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Due Yesterday') + ']',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Due Today') + ']',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Due Tomorrow') + ']',
lastWeek: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Due on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY',
nextWeek: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Due on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY',
sameElse: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Due on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY'
moment.lang('tasks', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Yesterday') + ']',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Today') + ']',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Tomorrow') + ']',
lastWeek: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
nextWeek: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
sameElse: 'DD.MM.YYYY'
moment.lang('details_short', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Yesterday') + ']',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Today') + ']',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Tomorrow') + ']',
lastWeek: 'MMM DD, YYYY',
nextWeek: 'MMM DD, YYYY',
sameElse: 'MMM DD, YYYY'
return moment.lang('list_week', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Yesterday') + ']',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Today') + '], MMM. DD',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Tomorrow') + '], MMM. DD',
lastWeek: 'ddd, MMM. DD',
nextWeek: 'ddd, MMM. DD',
sameElse: 'ddd, MMM. DD'
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').directive('datepicker', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, elm, attr) {
onSelect: function(date, inst) {
scope['set' + attr.datepicker](date);
return scope.$apply();
beforeShow: function(input, inst) {
var dp, marginLeft;
dp = $(inst).datepicker('widget');
marginLeft = -Math.abs($(input).outerWidth() - dp.outerWidth()) / 2 + 'px';
'margin-left': marginLeft
return $(".popover:before").css({
'left': 100 + 'px'
beforeShowDay: function(date) {
if (moment(date).startOf('day').diff(moment(scope.task[attr.datepicker], "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").startOf('day'), 'days') === 0) {
return [1, "selected"];
} else {
return [1, ""];
return elm.datepicker('widget').addClass('popover');
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').directive('ocDragTask', function() {
return {
link: function(scope, elm, attr) {
return elm.draggable({
helper: "clone",
appendTo: $('#content'),
cursorAt: {
left: 150,
top: 15
distance: 4,
start: function(event, ui) {
return $(this).css('visibility', 'hidden');
stop: function(event, ui) {
return $(this).css('visibility', 'visible');
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').directive('ocDropTask', function() {
return {
link: function(scope, elm, attr) {
return elm.droppable({
over: function(event, ui) {
return $(this).addClass('dragOver');
out: function(event, ui) {
return $(this).removeClass('dragOver');
deactivate: function(event, ui) {
return $(this).removeClass('dragOver');
drop: function(event, ui) {
return scope.$apply(scope.TasksBusinessLayer.changeList($(this).attr('rel'), ui.helper.attr('rel')));
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').directive('stopEvent', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
return element.bind(attr.stopEvent, function(e) {
return e.stopPropagation();
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').directive('watchTop', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
scope: {
"divTop": "="
return scope.$watch(function() {
return scope.divTop = element.prev().outerHeight(true);
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').controller('AppController', [
'$scope', 'Persistence', '$route', 'Status', '$timeout', '$location', '$routeParams', 'Loading', function($scope, Persistence, $route, status, $timeout, $location, $routeParams, Loading) {
var AppController;
AppController = (function() {
function AppController(_$scope, _persistence, _$route, _$status, _$timeout, _$location, _$routeparams, _Loading) {
var successCallback,
_this = this;
this._$scope = _$scope;
this._persistence = _persistence;
this._$route = _$route;
this._$status = _$status;
this._$timeout = _$timeout;
this._$location = _$location;
this._$routeparams = _$routeparams;
this._Loading = _Loading;
this._$scope.initialized = false;
this._$scope.status = this._$status.getStatus();
this._$scope.route = this._$routeparams;
this._$scope.status.newListName = "";
successCallback = function() {
return _this._$scope.initialized = true;
this._$scope.closeAll = function() {
if (_$scope.status.searchActive) {
_$location.path('/search/' + _$scope.route.searchString);
} else {
_$location.path('/lists/' + _$scope.route.listID);
_$scope.status.addingList = false;
return _$scope.status.newListName = "";
this._$scope.isLoading = function() {
return _Loading.isLoading();
return AppController;
return new AppController($scope, Persistence, $route, status, $timeout, $location, $routeParams, Loading);
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').controller('DetailsController', [
'$scope', '$window', 'TasksModel', 'TasksBusinessLayer', '$route', '$location', '$timeout', '$routeParams', function($scope, $window, TasksModel, TasksBusinessLayer, $route, $location, $timeout, $routeParams) {
var DetailsController;
DetailsController = (function() {
function DetailsController(_$scope, _$window, _$tasksmodel, _tasksbusinesslayer, _$route, _$location, _$timeout, _$routeparams) {
this._$scope = _$scope;
this._$window = _$window;
this._$tasksmodel = _$tasksmodel;
this._tasksbusinesslayer = _tasksbusinesslayer;
this._$route = _$route;
this._$location = _$location;
this._$timeout = _$timeout;
this._$routeparams = _$routeparams;
this._$scope.task = _$tasksmodel.getById(_$scope.route.taskID);
this._$scope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function() {
return _$scope.task = _$tasksmodel.getById(_$scope.route.taskID);
this._$scope.closeDetails = function() {
if (_$scope.status.searchActive) {
return _$location.path('/search/' + _$scope.route.searchString);
} else {
return _$location.path('/lists/' + _$scope.route.listID);
this._$scope.deleteTask = function(taskID) {
return _$timeout(function() {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.deleteTask(taskID);
}, 500);
this._$scope.editName = function() {
if (_$scope.status.searchActive) {
return _$location.path('/search/' + _$scope.route.searchString + '/tasks/' + _$scope.route.taskID + '/edit/name');
} else {
return _$location.path('/lists/' + _$scope.route.listID + '/tasks/' + _$scope.route.taskID + '/edit/name');
this._$scope.editDueDate = function() {
if (_$scope.status.searchActive) {
return _$location.path('/search/' + _$scope.route.searchString + '/tasks/' + _$scope.route.taskID + '/edit/duedate');
} else {
return _$location.path('/lists/' + _$scope.route.listID + '/tasks/' + _$scope.route.taskID + '/edit/duedate');
this._$scope.editReminder = function() {
if (_$scope.status.searchActive) {
return _$location.path('/search/' + _$scope.route.searchString + '/tasks/' + _$scope.route.taskID + '/edit/reminder');
} else {
return _$location.path('/lists/' + _$scope.route.listID + '/tasks/' + _$scope.route.taskID + '/edit/reminder');
this._$scope.editNote = function() {
if (_$scope.status.searchActive) {
return _$location.path('/search/' + _$scope.route.searchString + '/tasks/' + _$scope.route.taskID + '/edit/note');
} else {
return _$location.path('/lists/' + _$scope.route.listID + '/tasks/' + _$scope.route.taskID + '/edit/note');
this._$scope.endEdit = function() {
if (_$scope.status.searchActive) {
return _$location.path('/search/' + _$scope.route.searchString + '/tasks/' + _$scope.route.taskID);
} else {
return _$location.path('/lists/' + _$scope.route.listID + '/tasks/' + _$scope.route.taskID);
this._$scope.endName = function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
return _$scope.endEdit();
this._$scope.deleteDueDate = function() {
_tasksbusinesslayer.setDueDate(_$scope.route.taskID, void 0);
return _$scope.endEdit();
this._$scope.deleteReminder = function() {
_tasksbusinesslayer.setReminderDate(_$scope.route.taskID, void 0);
return _$scope.endEdit();
this._$scope.toggleCompleted = function(taskID) {
if (_$tasksmodel.completed(taskID)) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.uncompleteTask(taskID);
} else {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.completeTask(taskID);
this._$scope.toggleStarred = function(taskID) {
if (_$tasksmodel.starred(taskID)) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.unstarTask(taskID);
} else {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.starTask(taskID);
this._$scope.isDue = function(date) {
return _$tasksmodel.due(date);
this._$scope.isOverDue = function(date) {
return _$tasksmodel.overdue(date);
this._$scope.$watch('task', function(newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal === oldVal || (void 0 === newVal || void 0 === oldVal) || newVal.id !== oldVal.id) {
} else {
if (newVal.name !== oldVal.name) {
if (_$scope.nametimer) {
_$scope.nametimer = $timeout(function() {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.setTaskName(_$scope.task.id, _$scope.task.name);
}, 2000);
if (newVal.note !== oldVal.note) {
if (_$scope.notetimer) {
return _$scope.notetimer = $timeout(function() {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.setTaskNote(_$scope.task.id, _$scope.task.note);
}, 5000);
}, true);
this._$scope.setdue = function(date) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.setDueDate(_$scope.route.taskID, moment(date, 'MM/DD/YYYY').format('YYYYMMDDTHHmmss'));
this._$scope.setreminder = function(date) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.setReminderDate(_$scope.route.taskID, moment(date, 'MM/DD/YYYY').format('YYYYMMDDTHHmmss'));
return DetailsController;
return new DetailsController($scope, $window, TasksModel, TasksBusinessLayer, $route, $location, $timeout, $routeParams);
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').controller('ListController', [
'$scope', '$window', '$routeParams', 'ListsModel', 'TasksBusinessLayer', 'CollectionsModel', 'ListsBusinessLayer', '$location', function($scope, $window, $routeParams, ListsModel, TasksBusinessLayer, CollectionsModel, ListsBusinessLayer, $location) {
var ListController;
ListController = (function() {
function ListController(_$scope, _$window, _$routeParams, _$listsmodel, _$tasksbusinesslayer, _$collectionsmodel, _$listsbusinesslayer, $location) {
this._$scope = _$scope;
this._$window = _$window;
this._$routeParams = _$routeParams;
this._$listsmodel = _$listsmodel;
this._$tasksbusinesslayer = _$tasksbusinesslayer;
this._$collectionsmodel = _$collectionsmodel;
this._$listsbusinesslayer = _$listsbusinesslayer;
this.$location = $location;
this._$scope.collections = this._$collectionsmodel.getAll();
this._$scope.lists = this._$listsmodel.getAll();
this._$scope.TasksBusinessLayer = this._$tasksbusinesslayer;
this._$scope.status.listNameBackup = '';
this._$scope.deleteList = function(listID) {
var really;
really = confirm(t('tasks_enhanced', 'This will delete the Calendar "%s" and all of its entries.').replace('%s', _$listsmodel.getById(_$scope.route.listID).displayname));
if (really) {
return $location.path('/lists/' + _$listsmodel.getStandardList());
this._$scope.startAddingList = function() {
return _$scope.status.addingList = true;
this._$scope.endAddingList = function() {
_$scope.status.addingList = false;
return _$scope.status.newListName = "";
this._$scope.checkListInput = function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
return _$scope.endAddingList();
this._$scope.submitNewList = function() {
var list,
_this = this;
if (_$scope.status.newListName) {
if (_$listsmodel.checkName(_$scope.status.newListName)) {
_$scope.status.addingList = false;
_$scope.isAddingList = true;
list = {
tmpID: 'newList' + Date.now(),
displayname: _$scope.status.newListName
_$listsbusinesslayer.addList(list, function(data) {
$location.path('/lists/' + data.list.id);
return _$scope.isAddingList = false;
}, function() {
_$scope.status.addingList = false;
return _$scope.isAddingList = false;
return _$scope.status.newListName = '';
} else {
return alert(t('tasks_enhanced', 'The name "%s" is already used.').replace('%s', _$scope.status.newListName));
} else {
return alert(t('tasks_enhanced', 'An empty name ist not allowed.'));
this._$scope.editName = function(listID) {
_$scope.status.listNameBackup = _$listsmodel.getById(listID).displayname;
return $location.path('/lists/' + _$scope.route.listID + '/edit/name');
this._$scope.checkName = function(event) {
if (!_$scope.status.listNameBackup) {
_$scope.status.listNameBackup = _$listsmodel.getById(_$scope.route.listID).displayname;
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
_$listsmodel.getById(_$scope.route.listID).displayname = _$scope.status.listNameBackup;
return _$scope.endEditList();
this._$scope.submitNewName = function() {
var name;
name = _$listsmodel.getById(_$scope.route.listID).displayname;
if (name) {
if (_$listsmodel.checkName(name, _$scope.route.listID)) {
return _$scope.endEditList();
} else {
return alert(t('tasks_enhanced', 'The name "%s" is already used.').replace('%s', name));
} else {
return alert(t('tasks_enhanced', 'An empty name ist not allowed.'));
this._$scope.endEditList = function() {
return $location.path('/lists/' + _$scope.route.listID);
this._$scope.setListName = function(listID, listName) {
return _$listsbusinesslayer.setListName(listID(listName));
this._$scope.getCollectionCount = function(collectionID) {
return _$collectionsmodel.getCount(collectionID);
this._$scope.getCollectionString = function(collectionID) {
return _$collectionsmodel.getCountString(collectionID);
this._$scope.getListCount = function(listID, type) {
return _$listsmodel.getCount(listID, type);
this._$scope.showDelete = function(listID) {
var _ref;
return (_ref = _$scope.route.listID) !== 'starred' && _ref !== 'today' && _ref !== 'completed' && _ref !== 'week' && _ref !== 'all';
this._$scope.update = function() {
if (!_$scope.isLoading()) {
return _$listsbusinesslayer.updateModel();
return ListController;
return new ListController($scope, $window, $routeParams, ListsModel, TasksBusinessLayer, CollectionsModel, ListsBusinessLayer, $location);
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').controller('SearchController', [
'$scope', '$window', 'Status', '$location', function($scope, $window, Status, $location) {
var SearchController;
SearchController = (function() {
function SearchController(_$scope, _$window, _$status, _$location) {
var _this = this;
this._$scope = _$scope;
this._$window = _$window;
this._$status = _$status;
this._$location = _$location;
this._$scope.searchString = '';
this._$scope.searchBuffer = '/lists/all';
this._$scope.status = this._$status.getStatus();
this._$scope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function() {
if (_$scope.route.searchString !== void 0) {
return _$scope.status.searchActive = true;
this._$scope.openSearch = function() {
_$scope.searchBuffer = _$location.path();
return _$scope.status.searchActive = true;
this._$scope.closeSearch = function() {
_$scope.searchString = '';
return _$scope.status.searchActive = false;
this._$scope.trySearch = function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
return _$scope.closeSearch();
} else {
return _$location.path('/search/' + _$scope.searchString);
return SearchController;
return new SearchController($scope, $window, Status, $location);
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').controller('TasksController', [
'$scope', '$window', '$routeParams', 'TasksModel', 'ListsModel', 'CollectionsModel', 'TasksBusinessLayer', '$location', function($scope, $window, $routeParams, TasksModel, ListsModel, CollectionsModel, TasksBusinessLayer, $location) {
var TasksController;
TasksController = (function() {
function TasksController(_$scope, _$window, _$routeParams, _$tasksmodel, _$listsmodel, _$collectionsmodel, _tasksbusinesslayer, $location) {
this._$scope = _$scope;
this._$window = _$window;
this._$routeParams = _$routeParams;
this._$tasksmodel = _$tasksmodel;
this._$listsmodel = _$listsmodel;
this._$collectionsmodel = _$collectionsmodel;
this._tasksbusinesslayer = _tasksbusinesslayer;
this.$location = $location;
this._$scope.tasks = this._$tasksmodel.getAll();
this._$scope.lists = this._$listsmodel.getAll();
this._$scope.days = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
this._$scope.isAddingTask = false;
this._$scope.TasksModel = this._$tasksmodel;
this._$scope.TasksBusinessLayer = this._tasksbusinesslayer;
this._$scope.getAddString = function() {
var list;
if (angular.isDefined(list = _$listsmodel.getById(_$listsmodel.getStandardList()))) {
switch (_$scope.route.listID) {
case 'starred':
return t('tasks_enhanced', 'Add an important item in "%s"...').replace('%s', list.displayname);
case 'today':
return t('tasks_enhanced', 'Add an item due today in "%s"...').replace('%s', list.displayname);
case 'all':
return t('tasks_enhanced', 'Add an Entry in "%s"...').replace('%s', list.displayname);
case 'completed':
case 'week':
return null;
if (angular.isDefined(_$listsmodel.getById(_$scope.route.listID))) {
return t('tasks_enhanced', 'Add an Entry in "%s"...').replace('%s', _$listsmodel.getById(_$scope.route.listID).displayname);
this._$scope.showInput = function() {
var _ref;
if (((_ref = _$scope.route.listID) === 'completed' || _ref === 'week') || _$scope.status.searchActive) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
this._$scope.openDetails = function(id) {
var listID, searchString;
if (_$scope.status.searchActive) {
searchString = _$scope.route.searchString;
return $location.path('/search/' + searchString + '/tasks/' + id);
} else {
listID = _$scope.route.listID;
return $location.path('/lists/' + listID + '/tasks/' + id);
this._$scope.toggleCompleted = function(taskID) {
if (_$tasksmodel.completed(taskID)) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.uncompleteTask(taskID);
} else {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.completeTask(taskID);
this._$scope.toggleStarred = function(taskID) {
if (_$tasksmodel.starred(taskID)) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.unstarTask(taskID);
} else {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.starTask(taskID);
this._$scope.toggleHidden = function() {
return _$scope.status.showhidden = !_$scope.status.showhidden;
this._$scope.filterTasks = function() {
return function(task) {
switch (_$scope.route.listID) {
case 'completed':
return task.completed === true;
case 'all':
return task.completed === false;
case 'starred':
return task.starred === true && task.completed === false;
case 'today':
return _$tasksmodel.today(task.due) && task.completed === false;
this._$scope.filterLists = function() {
return function(list) {
return _$scope.getCount(list.id, _$scope.route.listID);
this._$scope.getCount = function(listID, type) {
return _$listsmodel.getCount(listID, type);
this._$scope.addTask = function(taskName) {
var task, _ref,
_this = this;
_$scope.isAddingTask = true;
task = {
tmpID: 'newTask' + Date.now(),
calendarID: void 0,
name: taskName,
starred: false,
due: false,
completed: false
if (((_ref = _$scope.route.listID) === 'starred' || _ref === 'today' || _ref === 'week' || _ref === 'all' || _ref === 'completed')) {
task.calendarID = _$listsmodel.getStandardList();
if (_$scope.route.listID === 'starred') {
task.starred = true;
if (_$scope.route.listID === 'today') {
task.due = moment().startOf('day').format("YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
} else {
task.calendarID = _$scope.route.listID;
_tasksbusinesslayer.addTask(task, function(data) {
return _$scope.isAddingTask = false;
}, function() {
return _$scope.isAddingTask = false;
return _$scope.taskName = '';
this._$scope.checkTaskInput = function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
return _$scope.taskName = "";
this._$scope.dayHasEntry = function() {
return function(date) {
return _$tasksmodel.dayHasEntry(date);
this._$scope.loadMore = function() {
return console.log('TODO');
return TasksController;
return new TasksController($scope, $window, $routeParams, TasksModel, ListsModel, CollectionsModel, TasksBusinessLayer, $location);
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').factory('ListsBusinessLayer', [
'ListsModel', 'Persistence', 'TasksModel', function(ListsModel, Persistence, TasksModel) {
var ListsBusinessLayer;
ListsBusinessLayer = (function() {
function ListsBusinessLayer(_$listsmodel, _persistence, _$tasksmodel) {
this._$listsmodel = _$listsmodel;
this._persistence = _persistence;
this._$tasksmodel = _$tasksmodel;
ListsBusinessLayer.prototype.addList = function(list, onSuccess, onFailure) {
var success,
_this = this;
if (onSuccess == null) {
onSuccess = null;
if (onFailure == null) {
onFailure = null;
onSuccess || (onSuccess = function() {});
onFailure || (onFailure = function() {});
success = function(response) {
if (response.status === 'error') {
return onFailure();
} else {
return onSuccess(response.data);
return this._persistence.addList(list, success);
ListsBusinessLayer.prototype.deleteList = function(listID) {
return this._persistence.deleteList(listID);
ListsBusinessLayer.prototype.setListName = function(listID) {
return this._persistence.setListName(this._$listsmodel.getById(listID));
ListsBusinessLayer.prototype.updateModel = function() {
var success,
_this = this;
success = function() {
return _this._$listsmodel.removeVoid();
return this._persistence.getLists(success, true);
return ListsBusinessLayer;
return new ListsBusinessLayer(ListsModel, Persistence, TasksModel);
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').factory('TasksBusinessLayer', [
'TasksModel', 'Persistence', function(TasksModel, Persistence) {
var TasksBusinessLayer;
TasksBusinessLayer = (function() {
function TasksBusinessLayer(_$tasksmodel, _persistence) {
this._$tasksmodel = _$tasksmodel;
this._persistence = _persistence;
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.addTask = function(task, onSuccess, onFailure) {
var success,
_this = this;
if (onSuccess == null) {
onSuccess = null;
if (onFailure == null) {
onFailure = null;
onSuccess || (onSuccess = function() {});
onFailure || (onFailure = function() {});
success = function(response) {
if (response.status === 'error') {
return onFailure();
} else {
return onSuccess(response.data);
return this._persistence.addTask(task, success);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.starTask = function(taskID) {
return this._persistence.starTask(taskID);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.unstarTask = function(taskID) {
return this._persistence.unstarTask(taskID);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.completeTask = function(taskID) {
return this._persistence.completeTask(taskID);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.uncompleteTask = function(taskID) {
return this._persistence.uncompleteTask(taskID);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.deleteTask = function(taskID) {
return this._persistence.deleteTask(taskID);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.setDueDate = function(taskID, due) {
var date;
this._$tasksmodel.setDueDate(taskID, due);
date = moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
return this._persistence.setDueDate(taskID, date.isValid() ? date.unix() : false);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.setReminderDate = function(taskID, reminder) {
return this._$tasksmodel.setReminderDate(taskID, reminder);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.changeCalendarId = function(taskID, calendarID) {
this._$tasksmodel.changeCalendarId(taskID, calendarID);
return this._persistence.changeCalendarId(taskID, calendarID);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.setTaskNote = function(taskID, note) {
return this._persistence.setTaskNote(taskID, note);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.setTaskName = function(taskID, name) {
return this._persistence.setTaskName(taskID, name);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.changeList = function(listID, taskID) {
switch (listID) {
case 'starred':
return this.starTask(taskID);
case 'completed':
return this.completeTask(taskID);
case 'uncompleted':
return this.uncompleteTask(taskID);
case 'today':
return this.setDueDate(taskID, moment().format("YYYYMMDDTHHmmss"));
case 'week':
case 'all':
return this.changeCalendarId(taskID, listID);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.updateModel = function() {
var success,
_this = this;
success = function() {
return _this._$tasksmodel.removeVoid();
return this._persistence.getTasks(success, true);
return TasksBusinessLayer;
return new TasksBusinessLayer(TasksModel, Persistence);
(function() {
var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; };
angular.module('Tasks').factory('CollectionsModel', [
'TasksModel', '_Model', '_EqualQuery', 'Utils', function(TasksModel, _Model, _EqualQuery, Utils) {
var CollectionsModel;
CollectionsModel = (function(_super) {
__extends(CollectionsModel, _super);
function CollectionsModel(_$tasksmodel, _utils) {
var collection, _i, _len, _ref;
this._$tasksmodel = _$tasksmodel;
this._utils = _utils;
this._nameCache = {};
this._$collections = [
id: "starred",
displayname: t('tasks_enhanced', 'Important')
}, {
id: "today",
displayname: t('tasks_enhanced', 'Today')
}, {
id: "week",
displayname: t('tasks_enhanced', 'Week')
}, {
id: "all",
displayname: t('tasks_enhanced', 'All')
}, {
id: "completed",
displayname: t('tasks_enhanced', 'Done')
_ref = this._$collections;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
collection = _ref[_i];
CollectionsModel.prototype.add = function(data, clearCache) {
if (clearCache == null) {
clearCache = true;
this._nameCache[data.displayname] = data;
if (angular.isDefined(data.id)) {
return CollectionsModel.__super__.add.call(this, data, clearCache);
CollectionsModel.prototype.getCount = function(collectionID) {
var count, task, tasks, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len1, _len2, _len3, _len4, _m;
count = 0;
tasks = this._$tasksmodel.getAll();
switch (collectionID) {
case 'starred':
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
count += task.starred && !task.completed;
case 'today':
for (_j = 0, _len1 = tasks.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
task = tasks[_j];
count += !task.completed && this._$tasksmodel.today(task.due);
case 'week':
for (_k = 0, _len2 = tasks.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
task = tasks[_k];
count += !task.completed && this._$tasksmodel.week(task.due);
case 'all':
for (_l = 0, _len3 = tasks.length; _l < _len3; _l++) {
task = tasks[_l];
count += !task.completed;
case 'completed':
for (_m = 0, _len4 = tasks.length; _m < _len4; _m++) {
task = tasks[_m];
count += task.completed;
return count;
CollectionsModel.prototype.getCountString = function(collectionID) {
if (collectionID !== 'completed') {
return this.getCount(collectionID);
} else {
return '';
return CollectionsModel;
return new CollectionsModel(TasksModel, Utils);
(function() {
var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; };
angular.module('Tasks').factory('ListsModel', [
'TasksModel', '_Model', '_EqualQuery', 'Utils', function(TasksModel, _Model, _EqualQuery, Utils) {
var ListsModel;
ListsModel = (function(_super) {
__extends(ListsModel, _super);
function ListsModel(_$tasksmodel, _utils) {
this._$tasksmodel = _$tasksmodel;
this._utils = _utils;
this._tmpIdCache = {};
ListsModel.prototype.add = function(list, clearCache) {
var tmplist, updateById, updateByTmpId;
if (clearCache == null) {
clearCache = true;
tmplist = this._tmpIdCache[list.tmpID];
updateById = angular.isDefined(list.id) && angular.isDefined(this.getById(list.id));
updateByTmpId = angular.isDefined(tmplist) && angular.isUndefined(tmplist.id);
if (updateById || updateByTmpId) {
return this.update(list, clearCache);
} else {
if (angular.isDefined(list.id)) {
return ListsModel.__super__.add.call(this, list, clearCache);
} else {
this._tmpIdCache[list.tmpID] = list;
if (clearCache) {
return this._invalidateCache();
ListsModel.prototype.update = function(list, clearCache) {
var tmplist;
if (clearCache == null) {
clearCache = true;
tmplist = this._tmpIdCache[list.tmpID];
if (angular.isDefined(list.id) && angular.isDefined(tmplist) && angular.isUndefined(tmplist.id)) {
tmplist.id = list.id;
this._dataMap[list.id] = tmplist;
list["void"] = false;
return ListsModel.__super__.update.call(this, list, clearCache);
ListsModel.prototype.removeById = function(listID) {
return ListsModel.__super__.removeById.call(this, listID);
ListsModel.prototype.voidAll = function() {
var list, lists, _i, _len, _results;
lists = this.getAll();
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = lists.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
list = lists[_i];
_results.push(list["void"] = true);
return _results;
ListsModel.prototype.removeVoid = function() {
var id, list, listIDs, lists, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _results;
lists = this.getAll();
listIDs = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = lists.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
list = lists[_i];
if (list["void"]) {
_results = [];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = listIDs.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
id = listIDs[_j];
return _results;
ListsModel.prototype.getStandardList = function() {
var lists;
if (this.size()) {
lists = this.getAll();
return lists[0].id;
ListsModel.prototype.checkName = function(listName, listID) {
var list, lists, ret, _i, _len;
if (listID == null) {
listID = void 0;
lists = this.getAll();
ret = true;
for (_i = 0, _len = lists.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
list = lists[_i];
if (list.displayname === listName && listID !== list.id) {
ret = false;
return ret;
ListsModel.prototype.getCount = function(listID, type) {
var count, task, tasks, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len1, _len2, _len3;
count = 0;
tasks = this._$tasksmodel.getAll();
switch (type) {
case 'all':
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
count += task.calendarid === listID && !task.completed;
return count;
case 'completed':
for (_j = 0, _len1 = tasks.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
task = tasks[_j];
count += task.calendarid === listID && task.completed;
return count;
case 'starred':
for (_k = 0, _len2 = tasks.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
task = tasks[_k];
count += task.calendarid === listID && !task.completed && task.starred;
return count;
case 'today':
for (_l = 0, _len3 = tasks.length; _l < _len3; _l++) {
task = tasks[_l];
count += task.calendarid === listID && !task.completed && this._$tasksmodel.today(task.due);
return count;
return ListsModel;
return new ListsModel(TasksModel, Utils);
(function() {
var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; };
angular.module('Tasks').factory('TasksModel', [
'_Model', '_EqualQuery', 'Utils', function(_Model, _EqualQuery, Utils) {
var TasksModel;
TasksModel = (function(_super) {
__extends(TasksModel, _super);
function TasksModel(_utils) {
this._utils = _utils;
this._tmpIdCache = {};
TasksModel.prototype.add = function(task, clearCache) {
var tmptask, updateById, updateByTmpId;
if (clearCache == null) {
clearCache = true;
tmptask = this._tmpIdCache[task.tmpID];
updateById = angular.isDefined(task.id) && angular.isDefined(this.getById(task.id));
updateByTmpId = angular.isDefined(tmptask) && angular.isUndefined(tmptask.id);
if (updateById || updateByTmpId) {
return this.update(task, clearCache);
} else {
if (angular.isDefined(task.id)) {
return TasksModel.__super__.add.call(this, task, clearCache);
} else {
this._tmpIdCache[task.tmpID] = task;
if (clearCache) {
return this._invalidateCache();
TasksModel.prototype.update = function(task, clearCache) {
var tmptask;
if (clearCache == null) {
clearCache = true;
tmptask = this._tmpIdCache[task.tmpID];
if (angular.isDefined(task.id) && angular.isDefined(tmptask) && angular.isUndefined(tmptask.id)) {
tmptask.id = task.id;
this._dataMap[task.id] = tmptask;
task["void"] = false;
return TasksModel.__super__.update.call(this, task, clearCache);
TasksModel.prototype.removeById = function(taskID) {
return TasksModel.__super__.removeById.call(this, taskID);
TasksModel.prototype.voidAll = function() {
var task, tasks, _i, _len, _results;
tasks = this.getAll();
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
_results.push(task["void"] = true);
return _results;
TasksModel.prototype.removeVoid = function() {
var id, task, taskIDs, tasks, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _results;
tasks = this.getAll();
taskIDs = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
if (task["void"]) {
_results = [];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = taskIDs.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
id = taskIDs[_j];
return _results;
TasksModel.prototype.removeByList = function(listID) {
var id, task, taskIDs, tasks, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _results;
tasks = this.getAll();
taskIDs = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
if (task.calendarid === listID) {
_results = [];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = taskIDs.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
id = taskIDs[_j];
return _results;
TasksModel.prototype.dayHasEntry = function(date) {
var diff, due, ret, task, tasks, _i, _len;
tasks = this.getAll();
ret = false;
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
if (task.completed) {
due = moment(task.due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
if (due.isValid()) {
diff = due.diff(moment().startOf('day'), 'days', true);
if (!date && diff < date + 1) {
ret = true;
} else if (diff < date + 1 && diff >= date) {
ret = true;
return ret;
TasksModel.prototype.starred = function(taskID) {
return this.getById(taskID).starred;
TasksModel.prototype.star = function(taskID) {
return this.update({
id: taskID,
starred: true
TasksModel.prototype.unstar = function(taskID) {
return this.update({
id: taskID,
starred: false
TasksModel.prototype.completed = function(taskID) {
return this.getById(taskID).completed;
TasksModel.prototype.complete = function(taskID) {
return this.update({
id: taskID,
completed: true,
completed_date: moment().format("YYYYMMDDTHHmmss")
TasksModel.prototype.uncomplete = function(taskID) {
return this.update({
id: taskID,
completed: false,
completed_date: void 0
TasksModel.prototype.setDueDate = function(taskID, date) {
return this.update({
id: taskID,
due: date
TasksModel.prototype.setReminderDate = function(taskID, date) {
return this.update({
id: taskID,
reminder: date
TasksModel.prototype.overdue = function(due) {
return moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid() && moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").diff(moment().startOf('day'), 'days', true) < 0;
TasksModel.prototype.due = function(due) {
return moment(due, 'YYYYMMDDTHHmmss').isValid();
TasksModel.prototype.today = function(due) {
return moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid() && moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").diff(moment().startOf('day'), 'days', true) < 1;
TasksModel.prototype.week = function(due) {
return moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid() && moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").diff(moment().startOf('day'), 'days', true) < 7;
TasksModel.prototype.changeCalendarId = function(taskID, calendarID) {
return this.update({
id: taskID,
calendarid: calendarID
TasksModel.prototype.setNote = function(taskID, note) {
return this.update({
id: taskID,
note: note
return TasksModel;
return new TasksModel(Utils);
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').factory('Persistence', [
'Request', 'Loading', '$rootScope', '$q', function(Request, Loading, $rootScope, $q) {
var Persistence;
Persistence = (function() {
function Persistence(_request, _Loading, _$rootScope) {
this._request = _request;
this._Loading = _Loading;
this._$rootScope = _$rootScope;
Persistence.prototype.init = function() {
var successCallback,
_this = this;
this.deferred = $q.defer();
successCallback = function() {
return _this.deferred.resolve();
return this.deferred.promise;
Persistence.prototype.getLists = function(onSuccess, showLoading, which) {
var failureCallbackWrapper, params, successCallbackWrapper,
_this = this;
if (showLoading == null) {
showLoading = true;
if (which == null) {
which = 'all';
onSuccess || (onSuccess = function() {});
if (showLoading) {
successCallbackWrapper = function(data) {
return _this._Loading.decrease();
failureCallbackWrapper = function(data) {
return _this._Loading.decrease();
} else {
successCallbackWrapper = function(data) {
return onSuccess();
failureCallbackWrapper = function(data) {};
params = {
onSuccess: successCallbackWrapper,
onFailure: failureCallbackWrapper,
routeParams: {
request: which
return this._request.get('/apps/tasks_enhanced/lists', params);
Persistence.prototype.addList = function(list, onSuccess, onFailure) {
var params;
if (onSuccess == null) {
onSuccess = null;
if (onFailure == null) {
onFailure = null;
onSuccess || (onSuccess = function() {});
onFailure || (onFailure = function() {});
params = {
data: {
name: list.displayname,
tmpID: list.tmpID
onSuccess: onSuccess,
onFailure: onFailure
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks_enhanced/lists/add', params);
Persistence.prototype.setListName = function(list) {
var params;
params = {
routeParams: {
listID: list.id
data: {
name: list.displayname
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks_enhanced/lists/{listID}/name', params);
Persistence.prototype.deleteList = function(listID) {
var params;
params = {
routeParams: {
listID: listID
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks_enhanced/lists/{listID}/delete', params);
Persistence.prototype.getTasks = function(onSuccess, showLoading) {
var failureCallbackWrapper, params, successCallbackWrapper,
_this = this;
if (showLoading == null) {
showLoading = true;
onSuccess || (onSuccess = function() {});
if (showLoading) {
successCallbackWrapper = function(data) {
return _this._Loading.decrease();
failureCallbackWrapper = function(data) {
return _this._Loading.decrease();
} else {
successCallbackWrapper = function(data) {
return onSuccess();
failureCallbackWrapper = function(data) {};
params = {
onSuccess: successCallbackWrapper,
onFailure: failureCallbackWrapper
return this._request.get('/apps/tasks_enhanced/tasks', params);
Persistence.prototype.starTask = function(taskID) {
var params;
params = {
routeParams: {
taskID: taskID
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks_enhanced/tasks/{taskID}/star', params);
Persistence.prototype.unstarTask = function(taskID) {
var params;
params = {
routeParams: {
taskID: taskID
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks_enhanced/tasks/{taskID}/unstar', params);
Persistence.prototype.completeTask = function(taskID) {
var params;
params = {
routeParams: {
taskID: taskID
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks_enhanced/tasks/{taskID}/complete', params);
Persistence.prototype.uncompleteTask = function(taskID) {
var params;
params = {
routeParams: {
taskID: taskID
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks_enhanced/tasks/{taskID}/uncomplete', params);
Persistence.prototype.addTask = function(task, onSuccess, onFailure) {
var params;
if (onSuccess == null) {
onSuccess = null;
if (onFailure == null) {
onFailure = null;
onSuccess || (onSuccess = function() {});
onFailure || (onFailure = function() {});
params = {
data: {
name: task.name,
calendarID: task.calendarID,
starred: task.starred,
due: task.due,
tmpID: task.tmpID
onSuccess: onSuccess,
onFailure: onFailure
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks_enhanced/tasks/add', params);
Persistence.prototype.deleteTask = function(taskID) {
var params;
params = {
routeParams: {
taskID: taskID
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks_enhanced/tasks/{taskID}/delete', params);
Persistence.prototype.setDueDate = function(taskID, due) {
var params;
params = {
routeParams: {
taskID: taskID
data: {
due: due
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks_enhanced/tasks/{taskID}/due', params);
Persistence.prototype.setReminderDate = function(taskID, reminder) {
var params;
params = {
routeParams: {
taskID: taskID
data: {
reminder: reminder
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks_enhanced/tasks/{taskID}/reminder', params);
Persistence.prototype.changeCalendarId = function(taskID, calendarID) {
var params;
params = {
routeParams: {
taskID: taskID
data: {
calendarID: calendarID
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks_enhanced/tasks/{taskID}/calendar', params);
Persistence.prototype.setTaskName = function(taskID, name) {
var params;
params = {
routeParams: {
taskID: taskID
data: {
name: name
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks_enhanced/tasks/{taskID}/name', params);
Persistence.prototype.setTaskNote = function(taskID, note) {
var params;
params = {
routeParams: {
taskID: taskID
data: {
note: note
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks_enhanced/tasks/{taskID}/note', params);
return Persistence;
return new Persistence(Request, Loading, $rootScope);
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').factory('Request', [
'_Request', '$http', 'Publisher', 'Router', function(_Request, $http, Publisher, Router) {
return new _Request($http, Publisher, Router);
angular.module('Tasks').factory('Loading', [
'_Loading', function(_Loading) {
return new _Loading();
angular.module('Tasks').factory('Publisher', [
'_Publisher', 'ListsModel', 'TasksModel', function(_Publisher, ListsModel, TasksModel) {
var publisher;
publisher = new _Publisher();
publisher.subscribeObjectTo(ListsModel, 'lists');
publisher.subscribeObjectTo(TasksModel, 'tasks');
return publisher;
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').factory('Status', [
function() {
var Status;
Status = (function() {
function Status() {
this._$status = {
showhidden: true,
searchActive: false,
addingList: false
Status.prototype.getStatus = function() {
return this._$status;
return Status;
return new Status();
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').filter('dateDetails', function() {
return function(due) {
if (moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
return moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").lang('details').calendar();
} else {
return t('tasks_enhanced', 'Set due date');
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').filter('dateDetailsShort', function() {
return function(reminder) {
if (moment(reminder, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
return moment(reminder, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").lang('details_short').calendar();
} else {
return '';
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').filter('dateTaskList', function() {
return function(due) {
if (moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
return moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").lang('tasks').calendar();
} else {
return '';
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').filter('day', function() {
return function(i) {
return moment().add('days', i).lang('list_week').calendar();
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').filter('dayHasEntry', function() {
return function(date) {
return _$tasksmodel.dayHasEntry(date);
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').filter('taskAtDay', function() {
return function(tasks, date) {
var diff, due, ret, task, _i, _len;
ret = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
due = moment(task.due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
if (due.isValid()) {
diff = due.diff(moment().startOf('day'), 'days', true);
if (!date && diff < date + 1) {
} else if (diff < date + 1 && diff >= date) {
return ret;
(function() {
angular.module('Tasks').filter('timeDetails', function() {
return function(reminder) {
if (moment(reminder, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
return moment(reminder, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").format('[' + t('tasks_enhanced', 'Remind me at') + '] h:mm A');
} else {
return t('tasks_enhanced', 'Remind me');
})(window.angular, window.jQuery, window.moment);