2016-04-23 21:14:40 +02:00

4379 lines
128 KiB

(function(angular, $, oc_requesttoken, undefined){
* ownCloud Task App - v0.9.0
* Copyright (c) 2016 - Raimund Schlüßler <raimund.schluessler@googlemail.com>
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
* See the COPYING file
angular.module('Tasks', ['ngRoute', 'ngAnimate', 'ui.select', 'ngSanitize', 'dndLists']).config([
'$provide', '$routeProvider', '$interpolateProvider', '$httpProvider',
function($provide, $routeProvider, $interpolateProvider, $httpProvider) {
'use strict';
var config;
$provide.value('Config', config = {
markReadTimeout: 500,
taskUpdateInterval: 1000 * 600
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common.requesttoken = oc_requesttoken;
.when('/calendars/:calendarID', {})
.when('/calendars/:calendarID/edit/:listparameter', {})
.when('/calendars/:calendarID/tasks/:taskID', {})
.when('/calendars/:calendarID/tasks/:taskID/settings', {})
.when('/calendars/:calendarID/tasks/:taskID/edit/:parameter', {})
.when('/collections/:collectionID/tasks/:taskID', {})
.when('/collections/:collectionID/tasks/:taskID/settings', {})
.when('/collections/:collectionID/tasks/:taskID/edit/:parameter', {})
.when('/collections/:collectionID', {})
.when('/search/:searchString', {})
.when('/search/:searchString/tasks/:taskID', {})
.when('/search/:searchString/tasks/:taskID/edit/:parameter', {});
'$document', '$rootScope', 'Config', '$timeout', 'ListsBusinessLayer', 'TasksBusinessLayer', 'SearchBusinessLayer',
function($document, $rootScope, Config, $timeout, TasksBusinessLayer, ListsBusinessLayer, SearchBusinessLayer) {
'use strict';
var update;
var init = false;
(update = function() {
var timeOutUpdate;
timeOutUpdate = function() {
return $timeout(update, Config.taskUpdateInterval);
init = true;
return timeOutUpdate();
OCA.Search.tasks = SearchBusinessLayer;
$('link[rel="shortcut icon"]').attr('href', OC.filePath('tasks', 'img', 'favicon.png'));
$document.click(function(event) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('documentClicked', event);
moment.locale('details', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due yesterday') + '], HH:mm',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due today') + '], HH:mm',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due tomorrow') + '], HH:mm',
lastWeek: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY, HH:mm',
nextWeek: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY, HH:mm',
sameElse: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY, HH:mm'
moment.locale('start', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Started yesterday') + '], HH:mm',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Starts today') + '], HH:mm',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Starts tomorrow') + '], HH:mm',
lastWeek: '[' + t('tasks', 'Started on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY, HH:mm',
nextWeek: '[' + t('tasks', 'Starts on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY, HH:mm',
sameElse: function() {
if (this.diff(moment()) > 0) {
return '[' + t('tasks', 'Starts on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY, HH:mm';
} else {
return '[' + t('tasks', 'Started on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY, HH:mm';
moment.locale('reminder', {
calendar: {
lastDay: t('tasks', '[Remind me yesterday at ]HH:mm'),
sameDay: t('tasks', '[Remind me today at ]HH:mm'),
nextDay: t('tasks', '[Remind me tomorrow at ]HH:mm'),
lastWeek: t('tasks', '[Remind me on ]MMM DD, YYYY,[ at ]HH:mm'),
nextWeek: t('tasks', '[Remind me on ]MMM DD, YYYY,[ at ]HH:mm'),
sameElse: t('tasks', '[Remind me on ]MMM DD, YYYY,[ at ]HH:mm')
moment.locale('tasks', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Yesterday') + ']',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Today') + ']',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Tomorrow') + ']',
lastWeek: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
nextWeek: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
sameElse: 'DD.MM.YYYY'
moment.locale('details_short', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Yesterday') + ']',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Today') + ']',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Tomorrow') + ']',
lastWeek: 'MMM DD, YYYY',
nextWeek: 'MMM DD, YYYY',
sameElse: 'MMM DD, YYYY'
moment.locale('list_week', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Yesterday') + ']',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Today') + '], MMM. DD',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Tomorrow') + '], MMM. DD',
lastWeek: 'ddd, MMM. DD',
nextWeek: 'ddd, MMM. DD',
sameElse: 'ddd, MMM. DD'
return moment.locale('en', {
relativeTime: {
future: t('tasks', "in %s"),
past: t('tasks', "%s ago"),
s: t('tasks', "seconds"),
m: t('tasks', "a minute"),
mm: t('tasks', "%d minutes"),
h: t('tasks', "an hour"),
hh: t('tasks', "%d hours"),
d: t('tasks', "a day"),
dd: t('tasks', "%d days"),
M: t('tasks', "a month"),
MM: t('tasks', "%d months"),
y: t('tasks', "a year"),
yy: t('tasks', "%d years")
angular.module('Tasks').controller('AppController', [
'$scope', 'ListsBusinessLayer', '$route', 'Status', '$timeout', '$location', '$routeParams', 'Loading', 'SettingsModel', 'Persistence', function($scope, ListsBusinessLayer, $route, status, $timeout, $location, $routeParams, Loading, SettingsModel, Persistence) {
'use strict';
var AppController = (function() {
function AppController(_$scope, _$listsbusinesslayer, _$route, _$status, _$timeout, _$location, _$routeparams, _Loading, _$settingsmodel, _persistence) {
this._$scope = _$scope;
this._$listsbusinesslayer = _$listsbusinesslayer;
this._$route = _$route;
this._$status = _$status;
this._$timeout = _$timeout;
this._$location = _$location;
this._$routeparams = _$routeparams;
this._Loading = _Loading;
this._$settingsmodel = _$settingsmodel;
this._persistence = _persistence;
this._$scope.status = this._$status.getStatus();
this._$scope.route = this._$routeparams;
this._$scope.status.newListName = "";
this._$scope.settingsmodel = this._$settingsmodel;
this._$listsbusinesslayer.init().then(function(results) {
Promise.all(results).then(function() {
this._$scope.closeAll = function($event) {
if ($($event.target).closest('.close-all').length || $($event.currentTarget).is($($event.target).closest('.handler'))) {
if (!angular.isUndefined(_$scope.route.calendarID)) {
_$location.path('/calendars/' + _$scope.route.calendarID);
} else if (!angular.isUndefined(_$scope.route.collectionID)) {
_$location.path('/collections/' + _$scope.route.collectionID);
} else {
_$scope.status.addingList = false;
_$scope.status.focusTaskInput = false;
_$scope.status.newListName = "";
if (!$($event.target).closest('.newList').length) {
_$scope.status.addingList = false;
_$scope.status.newListName = "";
if (!$($event.target).closest('.add-subtask').length) {
_$scope.status.addSubtaskTo = null;
_$scope.status.focusSubtaskInput = false;
this._$scope.isLoading = function() {
return _Loading.isLoading();
return AppController;
return new AppController($scope, ListsBusinessLayer, $route, status, $timeout, $location, $routeParams, Loading, SettingsModel, Persistence);
angular.module('Tasks').controller('DetailsController', [
'$scope', '$window', 'TasksModel', 'TasksBusinessLayer', '$route', '$location', '$timeout', '$routeParams', 'SettingsModel', 'Loading', 'ListsModel',
function($scope, $window, TasksModel, TasksBusinessLayer, $route, $location, $timeout, $routeParams, SettingsModel, Loading, ListsModel) {
'use strict';
var DetailsController = (function() {
function DetailsController(_$scope, _$window, _$tasksmodel,
_tasksbusinesslayer, _$route, _$location, _$timeout, _$routeparams, _$settingsmodel, _Loading, _$listsmodel) {
this._$scope = _$scope;
this._$window = _$window;
this._$tasksmodel = _$tasksmodel;
this._$listsmodel = _$listsmodel;
this._tasksbusinesslayer = _tasksbusinesslayer;
this._$route = _$route;
this._$location = _$location;
this._$timeout = _$timeout;
this._$routeparams = _$routeparams;
this._$settingsmodel = _$settingsmodel;
this._Loading = _Loading;
this._$scope.task = _$tasksmodel.getById(_$scope.route.taskID);
this._$scope.found = true;
this._$scope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function() {
var task = _$tasksmodel.getByUri(_$scope.route.taskID);
if (!(angular.isUndefined(task) || task === null)) {
_$scope.task = task;
// Bind categories to task.cats as angular.ui/ui-select seems to have problems with Getter/Setter
_$scope.task.cats = task.categories;
_$scope.found = true;
} else if (_$scope.route.taskID !== void 0) {
_$scope.found = false;
this._$scope.settingsmodel = this._$settingsmodel;
'id': 'various',
'categories': []
this._$scope.isAddingComment = false;
this._$scope.timers = [];
this._$scope.durations = [{
name: t('tasks', 'week'),
names: t('tasks', 'weeks'),
id: 'week'
}, {
name: t('tasks', 'day'),
names: t('tasks', 'days'),
id: 'day'
}, {
name: t('tasks', 'hour'),
names: t('tasks', 'hours'),
id: 'hour'
}, {
name: t('tasks', 'minute'),
names: t('tasks', 'minutes'),
id: 'minute'
}, {
name: t('tasks', 'second'),
names: t('tasks', 'seconds'),
id: 'second'
this._$scope.loadTask = function(taskID) {
var task = _$tasksmodel.getByUri(_$scope.route.taskID);
if (!(angular.isUndefined(task) || task === null)) {
_$scope.task = task;
_$scope.found = true;
this._$scope.TaskState = function() {
if (_$scope.found) {
return 'found';
} else {
if (_Loading.isLoading()) {
return 'loading';
} else {
return null;
this._$scope.params = [
name: t('tasks', 'before beginning'),
invert: true,
related: 'START',
id: "10"
}, {
name: t('tasks', 'after beginning'),
invert: false,
related: 'START',
id: "00"
}, {
name: t('tasks', 'before end'),
invert: true,
related: 'END',
id: "11"
}, {
name: t('tasks', 'after end'),
invert: false,
related: 'END',
id: "01"
this._$scope.filterParams = function(params) {
var task;
task = _$tasksmodel.getById(_$scope.route.taskID);
if (!(angular.isUndefined(task) || task === null)) {
if (task.due && task.start) {
return params;
} else if (task.start) {
return params.slice(0, 2);
} else {
return params.slice(2);
this._$scope.deleteTask = function(task) {
return _$timeout(function() {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.deleteTask(task).then(function () {
return $scope.$apply();
}, 500);
this._$scope.triggerUpdate = function(task) {
this._$scope.editName = function($event, task) {
if (task.calendar.writable) {
if (!$($event.target).is('a')) {
this._$scope.editDueDate = function($event, task) {
if (task.calendar.writable) {
if ($($event.currentTarget).is($($event.target).closest('.handler'))) {
this._$scope.editStart = function($event, task) {
if (task.calendar.writable) {
if ($($event.currentTarget).is($($event.target).closest('.handler'))) {
this._$scope.editReminder = function($event, task) {
if (task.calendar.writable) {
if ($($event.currentTarget).is($($event.target).closest('.handler'))) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.initReminder(_$scope.route.taskID);
this._$scope.editNote = function($event, task) {
if (task.calendar.writable) {
if ($($event.currentTarget).is($($event.target).closest('.handler'))) {
if (!$($event.target).is('a')) {
this._$scope.editPriority = function($event, task) {
if (task.calendar.writable) {
if ($($event.currentTarget).is($($event.target).closest('.handler'))) {
this._$scope.editPercent = function($event, task) {
if (task.calendar.writable) {
if ($($event.currentTarget).is($($event.target).closest('.handler'))) {
this._$scope.endEdit = function($event) {
if ($($event.target).closest('.end-edit').length || $($event.currentTarget).is($($event.target).closest('.handler'))) {
this._$scope.endName = function($event) {
if ($event.keyCode === 13) {
if ($event.keyCode === 27) {
return _$scope.resetRoute();
this._$scope.setEditRoute = function(type) {
var calendarID = _$scope.route.calendarID;
var collectionID = _$scope.route.collectionID;
if (calendarID) {
$location.path('/calendars/' + calendarID + '/tasks/' + _$scope.route.taskID + '/edit/' + type);
} else if (collectionID) {
$location.path('/collections/' + collectionID + '/tasks/' + _$scope.route.taskID + '/edit/' + type);
this._$scope.resetRoute = function() {
var calendarID = _$scope.route.calendarID;
var collectionID = _$scope.route.collectionID;
if (calendarID) {
$location.path('/calendars/' + calendarID + '/tasks/' + _$scope.route.taskID);
} else if (collectionID) {
$location.path('/collections/' + collectionID + '/tasks/' + _$scope.route.taskID);
this._$scope.deletePercent = function(task) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.setPercentComplete(task, 0);
this._$scope.deleteReminder = function() {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.deleteReminderDate(_$scope.route.taskID);
this._$scope.toggleCompleted = function(task) {
if (task.completed) {
_tasksbusinesslayer.setPercentComplete(task, 0);
} else {
_tasksbusinesslayer.setPercentComplete(task, 100);
this._$scope.setPercentComplete = function(task, complete) {
_tasksbusinesslayer.setPercentComplete(task, complete);
this._$scope.toggleStarred = function(task) {
if (task.priority > 5) {
_tasksbusinesslayer.setPriority(task, 0);
} else {
_tasksbusinesslayer.setPriority(task, 9);
this._$scope.deletePriority = function(task) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.setPriority(task, 0);
this._$scope.isDue = function(date) {
return _$tasksmodel.due(date);
this._$scope.isOverDue = function(date) {
return _$tasksmodel.overdue(date);
this._$scope.setstartday = function(date) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.setStart(_$scope.task, moment(date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'day');
this._$scope.setstarttime = function(date) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.setStart(_$scope.task, moment(date, 'HH:mm'), 'time');
this._$scope.deleteStartDate = function(task) {
this._$scope.setdueday = function(date) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.setDue(_$scope.task, moment(date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'day');
this._$scope.setduetime = function(date) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.setDue(_$scope.task, moment(date, 'HH:mm'), 'time');
this._$scope.deleteDueDate = function(task) {
this._$scope.setreminderday = function(date) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.setReminderDate(_$scope.route.taskID, moment(date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'day');
this._$scope.setremindertime = function(date) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.setReminderDate(_$scope.route.taskID, moment(date, 'HH:mm'), 'time');
this._$scope.reminderType = function(task) {
if (!angular.isUndefined(task)) {
if (task.reminder === null) {
if (moment(task.start, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid() || moment(task.due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
return 'DURATION';
} else {
return 'DATE-TIME';
} else {
return task.reminder.type;
this._$scope.changeReminderType = function(task) {
if (this.reminderType(task) === 'DURATION') {
if (task.reminder) {
task.reminder.type = 'DATE-TIME';
} else {
task.reminder = {
type: 'DATE-TIME'
} else {
if (task.reminder) {
task.reminder.type = 'DURATION';
} else {
task.reminder = {
type: 'DURATION'
return _tasksbusinesslayer.setReminder(task.id);
this._$scope.setReminderDuration = function(taskID) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.setReminder(_$scope.route.taskID);
this._$scope.addComment = function() {
var comment,
_this = this;
if (_$scope.CommentContent) {
_$scope.isAddingComment = true;
comment = {
tmpID: 'newComment' + Date.now(),
comment: _$scope.CommentContent,
taskID: _$scope.route.taskID,
time: moment().format('YYYYMMDDTHHmmss'),
name: $('#expandDisplayName').text()
_tasksbusinesslayer.addComment(comment, function(data) {
_$scope.isAddingComment = false;
}, function() {
_$scope.isAddingComment = false;
_$scope.CommentContent = '';
this._$scope.sendComment = function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
return _$scope.addComment();
this._$scope.deleteComment = function(commentID) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.deleteComment(_$scope.route.taskID, commentID);
this._$scope.commentStrings = function() {
return {
button: t('tasks', 'Comment'),
input: t('tasks', 'Add a comment')
this._$scope.addCategory = function(category, model) {
_$scope.task.categories = _$scope.task.cats;
var default_categories = _$scope.settingsmodel.getById('various').categories;
if (default_categories.indexOf(category) < 0) {
this._$scope.removeCategory = function(category, model) {
_$scope.task.categories = _$scope.task.cats;
return DetailsController;
return new DetailsController($scope, $window, TasksModel, TasksBusinessLayer, $route, $location, $timeout, $routeParams, SettingsModel, Loading, ListsModel);
angular.module('Tasks').controller('ListController', [
'$scope', '$window', '$routeParams', 'ListsModel', 'TasksBusinessLayer', 'CollectionsModel', 'ListsBusinessLayer', '$location',
'SearchBusinessLayer', 'CalendarService', 'TasksModel',
function($scope, $window, $routeParams, ListsModel, TasksBusinessLayer, CollectionsModel, ListsBusinessLayer, $location,
SearchBusinessLayer, CalendarService, TasksModel) {
'use strict';
var ListController;
ListController = (function() {
function ListController(_$scope, _$window, _$routeParams, _$listsmodel, _$tasksbusinesslayer, _$collectionsmodel, _$listsbusinesslayer, $location,
_$searchbusinesslayer, _$calendarservice, _$tasksmodel) {
this._$scope = _$scope;
this._$window = _$window;
this._$routeParams = _$routeParams;
this._$listsmodel = _$listsmodel;
this._$tasksmodel = _$tasksmodel;
this._$tasksbusinesslayer = _$tasksbusinesslayer;
this._$collectionsmodel = _$collectionsmodel;
this._$listsbusinesslayer = _$listsbusinesslayer;
this.$location = $location;
this._$searchbusinesslayer = _$searchbusinesslayer;
this._$calendarservice = _$calendarservice;
this._$scope.collections = this._$collectionsmodel.getAll();
this._$scope.calendars = this._$listsmodel.getAll();
this._$scope.draggedTasks = [];
this._$scope.TasksBusinessLayer = this._$tasksbusinesslayer;
this._$scope["delete"] = function(calendar) {
var really;
really = confirm(t('tasks', 'This will delete the Calendar "%s" and all of its entries.').replace('%s', calendar.displayname));
if (really) {
return _$listsbusinesslayer["delete"](calendar).then(function() {
$location.path('/calendars/' + _$listsmodel.getStandardList().uri);
return $scope.$apply();
this._$scope.startCreate = function() {
_$scope.status.addingList = true;
this._$scope.cancelCreate = function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
_$scope.status.addingList = false;
_$scope.status.newListName = "";
this._$scope.create = function() {
if (_$scope.status.newListName) {
if (!_$listsmodel.isNameAlreadyTaken(_$scope.status.newListName)) {
_$scope.status.addingList = false;
_$scope.isAddingList = true;
_$listsbusinesslayer.add(_$scope.status.newListName).then(function(calendar) {
$location.path('/calendars/' + calendar.uri);
return $scope.$apply();
_$scope.status.newListName = '';
} else {
alert(t('tasks', 'The name "%s" is already used.').replace('%s', _$scope.status.newListName));
} else {
alert(t('tasks', 'An empty name is not allowed.'));
this._$scope.startRename = function(calendar) {
_$scope.status.addingList = false;
return $location.path('/calendars/' + _$scope.route.calendarID + '/edit/name');
this._$scope.cancelRename = function(event,calendar) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
$location.path('/calendars/' + _$scope.route.calendarID);
this._$scope.rename = function(calendar) {
var name = calendar.displayname;
if (name) {
if (!_$listsmodel.isNameAlreadyTaken(calendar.displayname, calendar.uri)) {
$location.path('/calendars/' + _$scope.route.calendarID);
} else {
return alert(t('tasks', 'The name "%s" is already used.').replace('%s', name));
} else {
return alert(t('tasks', 'An empty name is not allowed.'));
this._$scope.getCollectionCount = function(collectionID) {
var filter;
filter = _$searchbusinesslayer.getFilter();
return _$collectionsmodel.getCount(collectionID, filter);
this._$scope.hideCollection = function(collectionID) {
var collection;
collection = _$collectionsmodel.getById(collectionID);
switch (collection.show) {
case 0:
return true;
case 1:
return false;
case 2:
return this.getCollectionCount(collectionID) < 1;
this._$scope.getCollectionString = function(collectionID) {
var filter;
if (collectionID !== 'completed') {
filter = _$searchbusinesslayer.getFilter();
return _$collectionsmodel.getCount(collectionID, filter);
} else {
return '';
this._$scope.getListCount = function(listID, type) {
var filter;
filter = _$searchbusinesslayer.getFilter();
return _$listsmodel.getCount(listID, type, filter);
this._$scope.dragoverList = function($event, item, index) {
var calendarID = $($event.target).closest('li.list').attr('calendarID');
var calendar = _$listsmodel.getByUri(calendarID);
return calendar.writable;
this._$scope.dropList = function($event, item, index) {
if ($event.dataTransfer.dropEffect === 'move') {
// we can't simply use item as task, since the directive seems to not copy all properties --> task.calendar.uri == undefined
var task = _$tasksmodel.getByUri(item.uri);
var calendarID = $($event.target).closest('li.list').attr('calendarID');
var calendar = _$listsmodel.getByUri(calendarID);
_$tasksbusinesslayer.changeCalendar(task, calendar).then(function() {
return true;
this._$scope.dragoverCollection = function($event, item, index) {
if ($event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed === 'copy' || ($event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed === 'copyMove' && $event.ctrlKey)) {
return false;
var collectionID;
collectionID = $($event.target).closest('li.collection').attr('collectionID');
return collectionID === 'starred' || collectionID === 'completed' || collectionID === 'today';
this._$scope.dropCollection = function($event, item, index) {
if ($event.dataTransfer.dropEffect === 'move') {
var collectionID = $($event.target).closest('li.collection').attr('collectionID');
_$tasksbusinesslayer.changeCollection(item.uri, collectionID);
return true;
return ListController;
return new ListController($scope, $window, $routeParams, ListsModel, TasksBusinessLayer, CollectionsModel, ListsBusinessLayer, $location,
SearchBusinessLayer, CalendarService, TasksModel);
angular.module('Tasks').controller('SettingsController', [
'$scope', '$window', 'Status', '$location', 'CollectionsModel', 'SettingsBusinessLayer', 'SettingsModel', function($scope, $window, Status, $location, CollectionsModel, SettingsBusinessLayer, SettingsModel) {
'use strict';
var SettingsController;
SettingsController = (function() {
function SettingsController(_$scope, _$window, _$status, _$location, _$collectionsmodel, _$settingsbusinesslayer, _$settingsmodel) {
var _this = this;
this._$scope = _$scope;
this._$window = _$window;
this._$status = _$status;
this._$location = _$location;
this._$collectionsmodel = _$collectionsmodel;
this._$settingsbusinesslayer = _$settingsbusinesslayer;
this._$settingsmodel = _$settingsmodel;
this._$scope.status = this._$status.getStatus();
this._$scope.collections = this._$collectionsmodel.getAll();
this._$scope.settingsmodel = this._$settingsmodel;
this._$scope.collectionOptions = [
id: 0,
name: t('tasks', 'Hidden')
}, {
id: 1,
name: t('tasks', 'Visible')
}, {
id: 2,
name: t('tasks', 'Automatic')
this._$scope.startOfWeekOptions = [
id: 0,
name: t('tasks', 'Sunday')
}, {
id: 1,
name: t('tasks', 'Monday')
}, {
id: 2,
name: t('tasks', 'Tuesday')
}, {
id: 3,
name: t('tasks', 'Wednesday')
}, {
id: 4,
name: t('tasks', 'Thursday')
}, {
id: 5,
name: t('tasks', 'Friday')
}, {
id: 6,
name: t('tasks', 'Saturday')
this._$scope.setVisibility = function(collectionID) {
var collection;
collection = _$collectionsmodel.getById(collectionID);
return _$settingsbusinesslayer.setVisibility(collectionID, collection.show);
this._$scope.setStartOfWeek = function() {
return _$settingsbusinesslayer.set('various', 'startOfWeek', _$settingsmodel.getById('various').startOfWeek);
return SettingsController;
return new SettingsController($scope, $window, Status, $location, CollectionsModel, SettingsBusinessLayer, SettingsModel);
(function() {
'use strict';
var __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
angular.module('Tasks').controller('TasksController', [
'$scope', '$window', '$routeParams', 'TasksModel', 'ListsModel', 'CollectionsModel', 'TasksBusinessLayer', '$location',
'SettingsBusinessLayer', 'SearchBusinessLayer', 'VTodo',
function($scope, $window, $routeParams, TasksModel, ListsModel, CollectionsModel, TasksBusinessLayer, $location,
SettingsBusinessLayer, SearchBusinessLayer, VTodo) {
var TasksController;
TasksController = (function() {
function TasksController(_$scope, _$window, _$routeParams, _$tasksmodel, _$listsmodel, _$collectionsmodel, _tasksbusinesslayer, $location,
_settingsbusinesslayer, _searchbusinesslayer, vtodo) {
var _this = this;
this._$scope = _$scope;
this._$window = _$window;
this._$routeParams = _$routeParams;
this._$tasksmodel = _$tasksmodel;
this._$listsmodel = _$listsmodel;
this._$collectionsmodel = _$collectionsmodel;
this._tasksbusinesslayer = _tasksbusinesslayer;
this.$location = $location;
this._settingsbusinesslayer = _settingsbusinesslayer;
this._searchbusinesslayer = _searchbusinesslayer;
this._vtodo = vtodo;
this._$scope.tasks = this._$tasksmodel.getAll();
this._$scope.draggedTasks = [];
this._$scope.calendars = this._$listsmodel.getAll();
this._$scope.days = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
this._$scope.isAddingTask = false;
this._$scope.focusInputField = false;
this._$scope.TasksModel = this._$tasksmodel;
this._$scope.TasksBusinessLayer = this._tasksbusinesslayer;
this._$scope.addTask = function(taskName, related, calendar) {
var _ref, _this = this;
if (calendar === null) {
calendar = '';
_$scope.isAddingTask = true;
var task = {
calendar: null,
related: related,
summary: taskName,
starred: false,
priority: '0',
due: false,
start: false,
reminder: null,
completed: false,
complete: '0',
note: ''
if (((_ref = _$scope.route.collectionID) === 'starred' || _ref === 'today' || _ref === 'week' || _ref === 'all' || _ref === 'completed' || _ref === 'current')) {
if (related) {
task.calendar = calendar;
} else {
task.calendar = _$listsmodel.getStandardList();
if (_$scope.route.listID === 'starred') {
task.starred = true;
if (_$scope.route.listID === 'today') {
task.due = moment().startOf('day').format("YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
if (_$scope.route.listID === 'current') {
task.start = moment().format("YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
} else {
task.calendar = _$listsmodel.getByUri(_$scope.route.calendarID);
task = VTodo.create(task);
_tasksbusinesslayer.add(task).then(function(task) {
_$scope.isAddingTask = false;
return $scope.$apply();
_$scope.status.focusTaskInput = false;
_$scope.status.focusSubtaskInput = false;
_$scope.status.addSubtaskTo = null;
_$scope.status.taskName = '';
_$scope.status.subtaskName = '';
this._$scope.getAddString = function() {
var calendar = _$listsmodel.getStandardList();
if (angular.isDefined(calendar)) {
if (angular.isDefined(_$scope.route.collectionID)) {
switch (_$scope.route.collectionID) {
case 'starred':
return t('tasks', 'Add an important item in "%s"...').replace('%s', calendar.displayname);
case 'today':
return t('tasks', 'Add an item due today in "%s"...').replace('%s', calendar.displayname);
case 'all':
return t('tasks', 'Add an item in "%s"...').replace('%s', calendar.displayname);
case 'current':
return t('tasks', 'Add a current item in "%s"...').replace('%s', calendar.displayname);
case 'completed':
case 'week':
return null;
} else {
if (angular.isDefined(_$listsmodel.getByUri(_$scope.route.calendarID))) {
return t('tasks', 'Add an item in "%s"...').replace('%s', _$listsmodel.getByUri(_$scope.route.calendarID).displayname);
this._$scope.getSubAddString = function(taskname) {
return t('tasks', 'Add a subtask to "%s"...').replace('%s', taskname);
this._$scope.showSubtaskInput = function(uid) {
_$scope.status.addSubtaskTo = uid;
this._$scope.hideSubtasks = function(task) {
var taskID = _$scope.route.taskID;
var descendantIDs = _$tasksmodel.getDescendantIDs(task);
if (task.uri === taskID) {
return false;
} else if (__indexOf.call(descendantIDs, taskID) >= 0) {
return false;
} else {
return task.hideSubtasks;
this._$scope.showInput = function() {
var collectionID = _$scope.route.collectionID;
var calendar = _$listsmodel.getByUri(_$scope.route.calendarID);
if (collectionID === 'completed' || collectionID === 'week') {
return false;
if (angular.isDefined(calendar)) {
return calendar.writable;
} else {
return true;
this._$scope.focusTaskInput = function() {
_$scope.status.focusTaskInput = true;
this._$scope.focusSubtaskInput = function() {
_$scope.status.focusSubtaskInput = true;
this._$scope.openDetails = function(id, $event) {
var calendarID = _$scope.route.calendarID;
var collectionID = _$scope.route.collectionID;
if ($($event.currentTarget).is($($event.target).closest('.handler'))) {
if (calendarID) {
$location.path('/calendars/' + calendarID + '/tasks/' + id);
} else if (collectionID) {
$location.path('/collections/' + collectionID + '/tasks/' + id);
this._$scope.toggleCompleted = function(task) {
if (task.completed) {
_tasksbusinesslayer.setPercentComplete(task, 0);
} else {
_tasksbusinesslayer.setPercentComplete(task, 100);
this._$scope.toggleStarred = function(task) {
if (task.priority > 5) {
_tasksbusinesslayer.setPriority(task, 0);
} else {
_tasksbusinesslayer.setPriority(task, 9);
this._$scope.toggleHidden = function() {
return _settingsbusinesslayer.toggle('various', 'showHidden');
this._$scope.filterTasks = function(task, filter) {
return function(task) {
return _$tasksmodel.filterTasks(task, filter);
this._$scope.getSubTasks = function(tasks, parent) {
var ret, task, _i, _len;
ret = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
if (task.related === parent.uid && task !== parent) {
return ret;
this._$scope.hasNoParent = function(task) {
return function(task) {
return _$tasksmodel.hasNoParent(task);
this._$scope.hasSubtasks = function(task) {
return _$tasksmodel.hasSubtasks(task.uid);
this._$scope.toggleSubtasks = function(task) {
_tasksbusinesslayer.setHideSubtasks(task, !task.hideSubtasks);
this._$scope.filterTasksByString = function(task) {
return function(task) {
var filter = _searchbusinesslayer.getFilter();
return _$tasksmodel.filterTasksByString(task, filter);
this._$scope.filteredTasks = function() {
var filter;
filter = _searchbusinesslayer.getFilter();
return _$tasksmodel.filteredTasks(filter);
this._$scope.dayHasEntry = function() {
return function(date) {
var filter, task, tasks, _i, _len;
filter = _searchbusinesslayer.getFilter();
tasks = _$tasksmodel.filteredTasks(filter);
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
if (task.completed || !_$tasksmodel.hasNoParent(task)) {
if (_$tasksmodel.taskAtDay(task, date)) {
return true;
return false;
this._$scope.taskAtDay = function(task, day) {
return function(task) {
return _$tasksmodel.taskAtDay(task, day);
this._$scope.filterLists = function() {
return function(calendar) {
return _$scope.getCount(calendar.uri, _$scope.route.collectionID);
this._$scope.getCount = function(calendarID, type) {
var filter = _searchbusinesslayer.getFilter();
return _$listsmodel.getCount(calendarID, type, filter);
this._$scope.getCountString = function(calendarID, type) {
var filter = _searchbusinesslayer.getFilter();
return n('tasks', '%n Completed Task', '%n Completed Tasks', _$listsmodel.getCount(calendarID, type, filter));
this._$scope.checkTaskInput = function($event) {
if ($event.keyCode === 27) {
_$scope.status.taskName = '';
_$scope.status.subtaskName = '';
_$scope.status.addSubtaskTo = null;
_$scope.status.focusTaskInput = false;
_$scope.status.focusSubtaskInput = false;
this._$scope.getCompletedTasks = function(listID) {
return _tasksbusinesslayer.getCompletedTasks(listID);
this._$scope.loadedAll = function(listID) {
return _$listsmodel.loadedAll(listID);
this._$scope.sortDue = function(task) {
if (task.due === null) {
return 'last';
} else {
return task.due;
this._$scope.dropAsSubtask = function($event, item, index) {
if ($event.dataTransfer.dropEffect === 'move') {
var parentID = $($event.target).closest('.task-item').attr('taskID');
var task = _$tasksmodel.getByUri(item.uri);
var parent = _$tasksmodel.getByUri(parentID);
_tasksbusinesslayer.changeParent(task, parent);
return true;
this._$scope.dropAsRootTask = function($event, item, index) {
if ($event.dataTransfer.dropEffect === 'move') {
var task = _$tasksmodel.getByUri(item.uri);
var collectionID = $($event.target).closest('ol[dnd-list]').attr('collectionID');
var calendarID = $($event.target).closest('ol[dnd-list]').attr('calendarID');
var newCalendar = _$listsmodel.getByUri(calendarID);
var queries = _tasksbusinesslayer.makeRootTask(task, newCalendar, collectionID);
Promise.all(queries).then(function() {
return true;
this._$scope.dragover = function($event, item, index) {
var calendarID = $($event.target).closest('ol[dnd-list]').attr('calendarID');
var calendar = _$listsmodel.getByUri(calendarID);
if (calendar.writable) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
this._$scope.allow = function(task) {
if (task.calendar.writable) {
return "copyMove";
} else {
return "copy";
this._$scope.dragStart = function($event) {
if ($event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed === 'copy' || ($event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed === 'copyMove' && $event.ctrlKey)) {
this._$scope.dragEnd = function($event) {
return TasksController;
return new TasksController($scope, $window, $routeParams, TasksModel, ListsModel, CollectionsModel, TasksBusinessLayer, $location, SettingsBusinessLayer,
SearchBusinessLayer, VTodo);
angular.module('Tasks').directive('appNavigationEntryUtils', function() {
'use strict';
return {
restrict: 'C',
link: function(scope, elm) {
var button, menu;
menu = elm.siblings('.app-navigation-entry-menu');
button = $(elm).find('.app-navigation-entry-utils-menu-button button');
button.click(function() {
scope.$on('documentClicked', function(scope, event) {
if (event.target !== button[0]) {
angular.module('Tasks').directive('autofocusOnInsert', function() {
'use strict';
return function(scope, elm) {
return elm.focus();
angular.module('Tasks').directive('avatar', function() {
'use strict';
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
link: function(scope, elm, attr) {
return attr.$observe('userid', function() {
if (attr.userid) {
return elm.avatar(attr.userid, attr.size);
angular.module('Tasks').directive('datepicker', function() {
'use strict';
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
link: function(scope, elm, attr) {
return elm.datepicker({
onSelect: function(date, inst) {
scope['set' + attr.datepicker + 'day'](date);
return scope.$apply();
beforeShow: function(input, inst) {
var dp, marginLeft;
dp = $(inst).datepicker('widget');
marginLeft = -Math.abs($(input).outerWidth() - dp.outerWidth()) / 2 + 'px';
'margin-left': marginLeft
'left': 100 + 'px'
return $('.hasDatepicker').datepicker("option", "firstDay", scope.settingsmodel.getById('various').startOfWeek);
beforeShowDay: function(date) {
if (moment(date).startOf('day').diff(moment(scope.task[attr.datepicker], "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").startOf('day'), 'days') === 0) {
return [1, "selected"];
} else {
return [1, ""];
minDate: null
angular.module('Tasks').directive('ocClickFocus', [
'$timeout', function($timeout) {
'use strict';
return function(scope, elm, attr) {
var options;
options = scope.$eval(attr.ocClickFocus);
if (angular.isDefined(options) && angular.isDefined(options.selector)) {
return elm.click(function() {
if (angular.isDefined(options.timeout)) {
return $timeout(function() {
return $(options.selector).focus();
}, options.timeout);
} else {
return $(options.selector).focus();
angular.module('Tasks').directive('timepicker', function() {
'use strict';
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, elm, attr) {
return elm.timepicker({
onSelect: function(date, inst) {
scope['set' + attr.timepicker + 'time'](date);
return scope.$apply();
myPosition: 'center top',
atPosition: 'center bottom',
hourText: t('tasks', 'Hours'),
minuteText: t('tasks', 'Minutes')
angular.module('Tasks').directive('watchTop', function() {
'use strict';
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
scope: {
"divTop": "="
return scope.$watch(function() {
scope.divTop = element.prev().outerHeight(true);
angular.module('Tasks').filter('counterFormatter', function() {
'use strict';
return function(count) {
switch (false) {
case count !== 0:
return '';
case count < 999:
return '999+';
return count;
angular.module('Tasks').filter('dateDetails', function() {
'use strict';
return function(due) {
if (moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
return moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").locale('details').calendar();
} else {
return t('tasks', 'Set due date');
angular.module('Tasks').filter('dateDetailsShort', function() {
'use strict';
return function(reminder) {
if (moment(reminder, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
return moment(reminder, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").locale('details_short').calendar();
} else {
return '';
angular.module('Tasks').filter('dateFromNow', function() {
'use strict';
return function(due) {
if (moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
return moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").fromNow();
} else {
return '';
angular.module('Tasks').filter('dateTaskList', function() {
'use strict';
return function(due) {
if (moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
return moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").locale('tasks').calendar();
} else {
return '';
angular.module('Tasks').filter('day', function() {
'use strict';
return function(i) {
return moment().add('days', i).locale('list_week').calendar();
angular.module('Tasks').filter('dayTaskList', function() {
'use strict';
return function(due) {
if (moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
return moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").locale('tasks').calendar();
} else {
return '';
angular.module('Tasks').filter('percentDetails', function() {
'use strict';
return function(percent) {
return t('tasks', '%s %% completed').replace('%s', percent).replace('%%', '%');
angular.module('Tasks').filter('priorityDetails', function() {
'use strict';
return function(priority) {
var string;
string = t('tasks', 'priority %s: ').replace('%s', priority);
if (+priority === 6 || +priority === 7 || +priority === 8 || +priority === 9) {
return string + ' ' + t('tasks', 'high');
} else if (+priority === 5) {
return string + ' ' + t('tasks', 'medium');
} else if (+priority === 1 || +priority === 2 || +priority === 3 || +priority === 4) {
return string + ' ' + t('tasks', 'low');
} else {
return t('tasks', 'no priority assigned');
angular.module('Tasks').filter('reminderDetails', function() {
'use strict';
return function(reminder, scope) {
var ds, time, token, _i, _len, _ref;
if (!(angular.isUndefined(reminder) || reminder === null)) {
if (reminder.type === 'DATE-TIME' && moment(reminder.date, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
return moment(reminder.date, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").locale('reminder').calendar();
} else if (reminder.type === 'DURATION' && reminder.duration) {
ds = t('tasks', 'Remind me');
_ref = scope.durations;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
token = _ref[_i];
if (+reminder.duration[token.id]) {
time = 1;
ds += ' ' + reminder.duration[token.id] + ' ';
if (+reminder.duration[token.id] === 1) {
ds += token.name;
} else {
ds += token.names;
if (!time) {
if (reminder.duration.params.related === 'END') {
ds += ' ' + t('tasks', 'at the end');
} else {
ds += ' ' + t('tasks', 'at the beginning');
} else {
if (reminder.duration.params.invert) {
if (reminder.duration.params.related === 'END') {
ds += ' ' + t('tasks', 'before end');
} else {
ds += ' ' + t('tasks', 'before beginning');
} else {
if (reminder.duration.params.related === 'END') {
ds += ' ' + t('tasks', 'after end');
} else {
ds += ' ' + t('tasks', 'after beginning');
return ds;
} else {
return t('tasks', 'Remind me');
} else {
return t('tasks', 'Remind me');
angular.module('Tasks').filter('startDetails', function() {
'use strict';
return function(due) {
if (moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
return moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").locale('start').calendar();
} else {
return t('tasks', 'Set start date');
angular.module('Tasks').filter('timeTaskList', function() {
'use strict';
return function(due) {
if (moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
return moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").format('HH:mm');
} else {
return '';
angular.module('Tasks').factory('ListsBusinessLayer', [
'ListsModel', 'Persistence', 'TasksBusinessLayer', 'CalendarService', function(ListsModel, Persistence, TasksBusinessLayer, CalendarService) {
'use strict';
var ListsBusinessLayer;
ListsBusinessLayer = (function() {
function ListsBusinessLayer(_$listsmodel, _persistence, _$tasksbusinesslayer, _$calendarservice) {
this._$listsmodel = _$listsmodel;
this._persistence = _persistence;
this._$tasksbusinesslayer = _$tasksbusinesslayer;
this._$calendarservice = _$calendarservice;
ListsBusinessLayer.prototype.init = function() {
return this._$calendarservice.getAll().then(function(calendars) {
var calendar, _i, _len, _results;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = calendars.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
calendar = calendars[_i];
return _results;
ListsBusinessLayer.prototype.add = function(calendar) {
return this._$calendarservice.create(calendar, '#FF7A66', ['vtodo']).then(function(calendar) {
return calendar;
ListsBusinessLayer.prototype["delete"] = function(calendar) {
return this._$calendarservice["delete"](calendar).then(function() {
return ListsModel["delete"](calendar);
ListsBusinessLayer.prototype.rename = function(calendar) {
this._$calendarservice.update(calendar).then(function(calendar) {
return ListsBusinessLayer;
return new ListsBusinessLayer(ListsModel, Persistence, TasksBusinessLayer, CalendarService);
(function() {
'use strict';
var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };
angular.module('Tasks').factory('SearchBusinessLayer', [
'ListsModel', 'Persistence', 'TasksModel', '$rootScope', '$routeParams', '$location', function(ListsModel, Persistence, TasksModel, $rootScope, $routeParams, $location) {
var SearchBusinessLayer;
SearchBusinessLayer = (function() {
function SearchBusinessLayer(_$listsmodel, _persistence, _$tasksmodel, _$rootScope, _$routeparams, _$location) {
this._$listsmodel = _$listsmodel;
this._persistence = _persistence;
this._$tasksmodel = _$tasksmodel;
this._$rootScope = _$rootScope;
this._$routeparams = _$routeparams;
this._$location = _$location;
this.getFilter = __bind(this.getFilter, this);
this.setFilter = __bind(this.setFilter, this);
this.attach = __bind(this.attach, this);
this._$searchString = '';
SearchBusinessLayer.prototype.attach = function(search) {
var _this = this;
search.setFilter('tasks', function(query) {
return _this._$rootScope.$apply(function() {
return _this.setFilter(query);
search.setRenderer('task', this.renderTaskResult.bind(this));
return search.setHandler('task', this.handleTaskClick.bind(this));
SearchBusinessLayer.prototype.setFilter = function(query) {
this._$searchString = query;
SearchBusinessLayer.prototype.getFilter = function() {
return this._$searchString;
SearchBusinessLayer.prototype.initialize = function() {
var _this = this;
this.handleTaskClick = function($row, result, event) {
return _this._$location.path('/lists/' + result.calendarid + '/tasks/' + result.id);
this.renderTaskResult = function($row, result) {
var $template;
if (!_this._$tasksmodel.filterTasks(result, _this._$routeparams.listID) || !_this._$tasksmodel.isLoaded(result)) {
$template = $('div.task-item.template');
$template = $template.clone();
$row = $('<tr class="result"></tr>').append($template.removeClass('template'));
$row.data('result', result);
if (result.starred) {
if (result.completed) {
if (result.complete) {
'width': result.complete + '%',
'background-color': '' + _this._$listsmodel.getColor(result.calendarid)
if (result.note) {
return $row;
} else {
return null;
return OC.Plugins.register('OCA.Search', this);
return SearchBusinessLayer;
return new SearchBusinessLayer(ListsModel, Persistence, TasksModel, $rootScope, $routeParams, $location);
angular.module('Tasks').factory('SettingsBusinessLayer', [
'Persistence', 'SettingsModel', function(Persistence, SettingsModel) {
'use strict';
var SettingsBusinessLayer = (function() {
function SettingsBusinessLayer(_persistence, _$settingsmodel) {
this._persistence = _persistence;
this._$settingsmodel = _$settingsmodel;
SettingsBusinessLayer.prototype.updateModel = function() {
var success, _this = this;
success = function() {};
return this._persistence.getCollections(success, true);
SettingsBusinessLayer.prototype.setVisibility = function(collectionID, visibility) {
return this._persistence.setVisibility(collectionID, visibility);
SettingsBusinessLayer.prototype.toggle = function(type, setting) {
var value;
this._$settingsmodel.toggle(type, setting);
value = this._$settingsmodel.getById(type)[setting];
return this._persistence.setting(type, setting, value);
SettingsBusinessLayer.prototype.set = function(type, setting, value) {
return this._persistence.setting(type, setting, value);
return SettingsBusinessLayer;
return new SettingsBusinessLayer(Persistence, SettingsModel);
angular.module('Tasks').factory('TasksBusinessLayer', [
'TasksModel', 'Persistence', 'VTodoService', 'VTodo', '$timeout',
function(TasksModel, Persistence, VTodoService, VTodo, $timeout) {
'use strict';
var TasksBusinessLayer;
TasksBusinessLayer = (function() {
function TasksBusinessLayer(_$tasksmodel, _persistence, _$vtodoservice, _$vtodo, $timeout) {
this._$tasksmodel = _$tasksmodel;
this._persistence = _persistence;
this._$vtodoservice = _$vtodoservice;
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.init = function(calendar) {
return this._$vtodoservice.getAll(calendar).then(function(tasks) {
var task, _i, _len, _results;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
var vTodo = new VTodo(task.calendar, task.properties, task.uri);
return _results;
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.add = function(task) {
return this._$vtodoservice.create(task.calendar, task.data).then(function(task) {
var vTodo = new VTodo(task.calendar, task.properties, task.uri);
return vTodo;
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.getTask = function(calendar, uri) {
return this._$vtodoservice.get(calendar, uri).then(function(task) {
return task;
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.setPriority = function(task, priority) {
if (task.calendar.writable) {
task.priority = priority;
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.setPercentComplete = function(task, percentComplete) {
if (task.calendar.writable) {
if (percentComplete < 100) {
} else {
task.complete = percentComplete;
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.triggerUpdate = function(task, duration) {
if (!duration) {
duration = 1000;
if (task.timers.update) {
task.timers.update = $timeout(function(task) {
}, duration, true, task);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.doUpdate = function(task) {
return this._$vtodoservice.update(task);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.completeChildren = function(task) {
var child, _i, _len;
var children = this._$tasksmodel.getChildren(task);
var _results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = children.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = children[_i];
_results.push(this.setPercentComplete(child, 100));
return _results;
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.uncompleteParents = function(uid) {
if (uid) {
var parent = this._$tasksmodel.getByUid(uid);
if (parent.completed) {
return this.setPercentComplete(parent, 0);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.setHideSubtasks = function(task, hide) {
task.hideSubtasks = hide;
if (task.calendar.writable) {
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.deleteTask = function(task) {
var child, children, _i, _len;
children = this._$tasksmodel.getChildren(task);
for (_i = 0, _len = children.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = children[_i];
return this._$vtodoservice["delete"](task).then(function() {
return TasksModel["delete"](task);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.initDueDate = function(task) {
var due = moment(task.due, "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss");
if (!due.isValid()) {
return this.setDue(task, moment().startOf('hour').add(1, 'h'), 'time');
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.setDue = function(task, date, type) {
if (type === null) {
type = 'day';
var due = moment(task.due, "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss");
if (type === 'day') {
if (moment(due).isValid()) {
} else {
due = date.add(12, 'h');
} else if (type === 'time') {
if (moment(due).isValid()) {
} else {
due = date;
} else if (type === 'all') {
due = date;
} else {
task.due = due.format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss');
// this.checkReminderDate(task);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.deleteDueDate = function(task) {
// var reminder = task.reminder;
// if (reminder !== null && reminder.type === 'DURATION' && reminder.duration.params.related === 'END') {
// this.deleteReminderDate(task);
// }
task.due = null;
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.initStartDate = function(task) {
var start = moment(task.start, "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss");
if (!start.isValid()) {
return this.setStart(task, moment().startOf('hour').add(1, 'h'), 'time');
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.setStart = function(task, date, type) {
if (type === null) {
type = 'day';
var start = moment(task.start, "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss");
if (type === 'day') {
if (moment(start).isValid()) {
} else {
start = date.add(12, 'h');
} else if (type === 'time') {
if (moment(start).isValid()) {
} else {
start = date;
} else {
task.start = start.format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss');
// this.checkReminderDate(taskID);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.deleteStartDate = function(task) {
// var reminder = task.reminder;
// if (reminder !== null && reminder.type === 'DURATION' && reminder.duration.params.related === 'START') {
// this.deleteReminderDate(task);
// }
task.start = null;
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.initReminder = function(taskID) {
var p, task;
if (!this.checkReminderDate(taskID)) {
task = this._$tasksmodel.getById(taskID);
task.reminder = {
type: 'DURATION',
action: 'DISPLAY',
duration: {
token: 'week',
week: 0,
day: 0,
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
second: 0,
params: {
invert: true
if (moment(task.start, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
p = task.reminder.duration.params;
p.related = 'START';
p.id = '10';
} else if (moment(task.due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid()) {
p = task.reminder.duration.params;
p.related = 'END';
p.id = '11';
} else {
task.reminder.type = 'DATE-TIME';
task.reminder.date = moment().startOf('hour').add(1, 'h').format('YYYYMMDDTHHmmss');
return this.setReminder(taskID);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.setReminderDate = function(taskID, date, type) {
var newreminder, reminder, reminderdate;
if (type === null) {
type = 'day';
reminder = this._$tasksmodel.getById(taskID).reminder;
newreminder = {
type: 'DATE-TIME',
action: 'DISPLAY',
duration: null
if (type === 'day') {
if (this.checkReminderDate(taskID) || reminder === null) {
reminderdate = moment(reminder.date, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
newreminder.action = reminder.action;
if (reminderdate.isValid() && reminder.type === 'DATE-TIME') {
} else {
reminderdate = date.add(12, 'h');
} else {
reminderdate = date.add(12, 'h');
} else if (type === 'time') {
if (this.checkReminderDate(taskID) || reminder === null) {
reminderdate = moment(reminder.date, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
newreminder.action = reminder.action;
if (reminderdate.isValid() && reminder.type === 'DATE-TIME') {
} else {
reminderdate = date;
} else {
reminderdate = date;
} else {
newreminder.date = reminderdate.format('YYYYMMDDTHHmmss');
this._$tasksmodel.setReminder(taskID, newreminder);
return this._persistence.setReminder(taskID, newreminder);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.setReminder = function(taskID) {
var reminder;
if (this.checkReminderDate(taskID)) {
reminder = this._$tasksmodel.getById(taskID).reminder;
return this._persistence.setReminder(taskID, reminder);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.checkReminderDate = function(taskID) {
var d, date, duration, rel, related, reminder, seg, task, token;
task = this._$tasksmodel.getById(taskID);
reminder = task.reminder;
if (reminder !== null && reminder.type === 'DURATION') {
if (!reminder.duration) {
return false;
} else if (reminder.duration.params.related === 'START') {
token = 'start';
} else if (reminder.duration.params.related === 'END') {
token = 'due';
} else {
return false;
date = moment(task[token], "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
duration = reminder.duration;
d = {
w: duration.week,
d: duration.day,
h: duration.hour,
m: duration.minute,
s: duration.second
if (duration.params.invert) {
date = date.subtract(d);
} else {
date = date.add(d);
task.reminder.date = date.format('YYYYMMDDTHHmmss');
} else if (reminder !== null && reminder.type === 'DATE-TIME') {
duration = reminder.duration;
date = moment(reminder.date, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
if (!date.isValid()) {
return false;
if (duration) {
if (duration.params.related === 'START') {
related = moment(task.start, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
} else {
related = moment(task.due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
seg = this.secondsToSegments(date.diff(related, 'seconds'));
duration.params.invert = seg.invert;
duration.token = 'week';
duration.week = seg.week;
duration.day = seg.day;
duration.hour = seg.hour;
duration.minute = seg.minute;
duration.second = seg.second;
} else {
if (task.start) {
related = moment(task.start, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
rel = 'START';
d = 0;
} else if (task.due) {
related = moment(task.due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
rel = 'END';
d = 1;
} else {
return true;
seg = this.secondsToSegments(date.diff(related, 'seconds'));
reminder.duration = {
token: 'week',
params: {
related: rel,
invert: seg.invert,
id: +seg.invert + '' + d
week: seg.week,
day: seg.day,
hour: seg.hour,
minute: seg.minute,
second: seg.second
} else {
return false;
return true;
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.secondsToSegments = function(s) {
var d, h, i, m, w;
if (s < 0) {
s *= -1;
i = true;
} else {
i = false;
w = Math.floor(s / 604800);
s -= w * 604800;
d = Math.floor(s / 86400);
s -= d * 86400;
h = Math.floor(s / 3600);
s -= h * 3600;
m = Math.floor(s / 60);
s -= m * 60;
return {
week: w,
day: d,
hour: h,
minute: m,
second: s,
invert: i
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.deleteReminderDate = function(taskID) {
this._$tasksmodel.setReminder(taskID, null);
return this._persistence.setReminder(taskID, false);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.changeCalendar = function(task, newCalendar) {
if(task.calendar !== newCalendar && newCalendar.writable) {
var newTask = angular.copy(task);
newTask.calendar = newCalendar;
if (!TasksModel.hasNoParent(newTask)) {
var parent = TasksModel.getByUid(newTask.related);
if (parent.calendaruri !== newTask.calendaruri) {
newTask.related = null;
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.setPercentComplete(newTask, 0);
return VTodoService.create(newCalendar, newTask.data).then(function(newVTodo) {
var vTodo = new VTodo(newVTodo.calendar, newVTodo.properties, newVTodo.uri);
return VTodoService["delete"](task).then(function() {
var queries = [];
var children = TasksModel.getChildren(newTask);
var _i, _len, child;
for (_i = 0, _len = children.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = children[_i];
if (child.calendaruri !== newTask.calendaruri) {
queries.push(TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.changeCalendar(child, newTask.calendar));
return Promise.all(queries);
} else {
return Promise.resolve(true);
// called from outside
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.changeCollection = function(taskID, collectionID) {
var task = this._$tasksmodel.getById(taskID);
switch (collectionID) {
case 'starred':
task.priority = 9;
return this.doUpdate(task);
case 'completed':
return this.setPercentComplete(task, 100);
case 'uncompleted':
if (task.completed) {
return this.setPercentComplete(task, 0);
} else {
return false;
case 'today':
return this.setDue(task, moment().startOf('day').add(12, 'h'), 'all');
case 'week':
case 'all':
return false;
return false;
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.changeParent = function(task, parent) {
if (parent.calendar.writable) {
task.related = parent.uid;
parent.hideSubtasks = 0;
if (parent.completed && !task.completed) {
this.setPercentComplete(parent, 0);
} else {
if (parent.calendaruri !== task.calendaruri) {
this.changeCalendar(task, parent.calendar);
} else {
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.makeRootTask = function(task, newCalendar, collectionID) {
if (newCalendar.writable) {
var requests = [];
task.related = null;
if (collectionID !== "completed" && task.completed) {
task.complete = 0;
requests.push(this.changeCollection(task.uri, collectionID));
if (task.calendar !== newCalendar) {
requests.push(this.changeCalendar(task, newCalendar));
} else {
return requests;
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.addComment = function(comment, onSuccess, onFailure) {
var success,
_this = this;
if (!onSuccess) {
onSuccess = function() {};
if (!onFailure) {
onFailure = function() {};
success = function(response) {
if (response.status === 'error') {
return onFailure();
} else {
return onSuccess(response.data);
return this._persistence.addComment(comment, success);
TasksBusinessLayer.prototype.deleteComment = function(taskID, commentID) {
this._$tasksmodel.deleteComment(taskID, commentID);
return this._persistence.deleteComment(taskID, commentID);
return TasksBusinessLayer;
return new TasksBusinessLayer(TasksModel, Persistence, VTodoService, VTodo, $timeout);
angular.module('Tasks').service('CalendarService', ['DavClient', 'Calendar', function(DavClient, Calendar){
'use strict';
var _this = this;
this._CALENDAR_HOME = null;
this._currentUserPrincipal = null;
this._takenUrls = [];
this._PROPERTIES = [
'{' + DavClient.NS_DAV + '}displayname',
'{' + DavClient.NS_IETF + '}calendar-description',
'{' + DavClient.NS_IETF + '}calendar-timezone',
'{' + DavClient.NS_APPLE + '}calendar-order',
'{' + DavClient.NS_APPLE + '}calendar-color',
'{' + DavClient.NS_IETF + '}supported-calendar-component-set',
'{' + DavClient.NS_OWNCLOUD + '}calendar-enabled',
'{' + DavClient.NS_DAV + '}acl',
'{' + DavClient.NS_DAV + '}owner',
'{' + DavClient.NS_OWNCLOUD + '}invite'
function discoverHome(callback) {
return DavClient.propFind(DavClient.buildUrl(OC.linkToRemoteBase('dav')), ['{' + DavClient.NS_DAV + '}current-user-principal'], 0, {'requesttoken': OC.requestToken}).then(function(response) {
if (!DavClient.wasRequestSuccessful(response.status)) {
throw "CalDAV client could not be initialized - Querying current-user-principal failed";
if (response.body.propStat.length < 1) {
var props = response.body.propStat[0].properties;
_this._currentUserPrincipal = props['{' + DavClient.NS_DAV + '}current-user-principal'][0].textContent;
return DavClient.propFind(DavClient.buildUrl(_this._currentUserPrincipal), ['{' + DavClient.NS_IETF + '}calendar-home-set'], 0, {'requesttoken': OC.requestToken}).then(function (response) {
if (!DavClient.wasRequestSuccessful(response.status)) {
throw "CalDAV client could not be initialized - Querying calendar-home-set failed";
if (response.body.propStat.length < 1) {
var props = response.body.propStat[0].properties;
_this._CALENDAR_HOME = props['{' + DavClient.NS_IETF + '}calendar-home-set'][0].textContent;
return callback();
function getResponseCodeFromHTTPResponse(t) {
return parseInt(t.split(' ')[1]);
this.getAll = function() {
if (this._CALENDAR_HOME === null) {
return discoverHome(function() {
return _this.getAll();
var prom = DavClient.propFind(DavClient.buildUrl(this._CALENDAR_HOME), this._PROPERTIES, 1, {'requesttoken': OC.requestToken}).then(function(response) {
var calendars = [];
if (!DavClient.wasRequestSuccessful(response.status)) {
throw "CalDAV client could not be initialized - Querying calendars failed";
for (var i = 0; i < response.body.length; i++) {
var body = response.body[i];
if (body.propStat.length < 1) {
var responseCode = getResponseCodeFromHTTPResponse(body.propStat[0].status);
if (!DavClient.wasRequestSuccessful(responseCode)) {
var doesSupportVTodo = false;
var components = body.propStat[0].properties['{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}supported-calendar-component-set'];
if (components) {
for (var j=0; j < components.length; j++) {
var name = components[j].attributes.getNamedItem('name').textContent.toLowerCase();
if (name === 'vtodo') {
doesSupportVTodo = true;
if (!doesSupportVTodo) {
var uri = body.href.substr(_this._CALENDAR_HOME.length).replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '');
var calendar = new Calendar(body.href, body.propStat[0].properties, uri);
return calendars;
return prom;
this.get = function(url) {
if (this._CALENDAR_HOME === null) {
return discoverHome(function() {
return _this.get(url);
return DavClient.propFind(DavClient.buildUrl(url), this._PROPERTIES, 0, {'requesttoken': OC.requestToken}).then(function(response) {
var body = response.body;
if (body.propStat.length < 1) {
//TODO - something went wrong
var responseCode = getResponseCodeFromHTTPResponse(body.propStat[0].status);
if (!DavClient.wasRequestSuccessful(responseCode)) {
//TODO - something went wrong
var uri = body.href.substr(_this._CALENDAR_HOME.length).replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '');
return new Calendar(body.href, body.propStat[0].properties, uri);
this.create = function(name, color, components) {
if (this._CALENDAR_HOME === null) {
return discoverHome(function() {
return _this.create(name, color);
if (typeof components === 'undefined') {
components = ['vtodo'];
var xmlDoc = document.implementation.createDocument('', '', null);
var cMkcalendar = xmlDoc.createElement('c:mkcalendar');
cMkcalendar.setAttribute('xmlns:c', 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav');
cMkcalendar.setAttribute('xmlns:d', 'DAV:');
cMkcalendar.setAttribute('xmlns:a', 'http://apple.com/ns/ical/');
cMkcalendar.setAttribute('xmlns:o', 'http://owncloud.org/ns');
var dSet = xmlDoc.createElement('d:set');
var dProp = xmlDoc.createElement('d:prop');
dProp.appendChild(this._createXMLForProperty(xmlDoc, 'displayname', name));
dProp.appendChild(this._createXMLForProperty(xmlDoc, 'enabled', true));
dProp.appendChild(this._createXMLForProperty(xmlDoc, 'color', color));
dProp.appendChild(this._createXMLForProperty(xmlDoc, 'components', components));
var body = cMkcalendar.outerHTML;
var uri = this._suggestUri(name);
var url = this._CALENDAR_HOME + uri + '/';
var headers = {
'Content-Type' : 'application/xml; charset=utf-8',
'requesttoken' : OC.requestToken
return DavClient.request('MKCALENDAR', url, headers, body).then(function(response) {
if (response.status === 201) {
return _this.get(url).then(function(calendar) {
calendar.enabled = true;
return _this.update(calendar);
this.update = function(calendar) {
var xmlDoc = document.implementation.createDocument('', '', null);
var dPropUpdate = xmlDoc.createElement('d:propertyupdate');
dPropUpdate.setAttribute('xmlns:c', 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav');
dPropUpdate.setAttribute('xmlns:d', 'DAV:');
dPropUpdate.setAttribute('xmlns:a', 'http://apple.com/ns/ical/');
dPropUpdate.setAttribute('xmlns:o', 'http://owncloud.org/ns');
var dSet = xmlDoc.createElement('d:set');
var dProp = xmlDoc.createElement('d:prop');
var updatedProperties = calendar.updatedProperties;
for (var i=0; i < updatedProperties.length; i++) {
var url = calendar.url;
var body = dPropUpdate.outerHTML;
var headers = {
'Content-Type' : 'application/xml; charset=utf-8',
'requesttoken' : OC.requestToken
return DavClient.request('PROPPATCH', url, headers, body).then(function(response) {
return calendar;
this.delete = function(calendar) {
return DavClient.request('DELETE', calendar.url, {'requesttoken': OC.requestToken}, '').then(function(response) {
if (response.status === 204) {
return true;
} else {
// TODO - handle error case
return false;
this.share = function(calendar, shareType, shareWith, writable, existingShare) {
var xmlDoc = document.implementation.createDocument('', '', null);
var oShare = xmlDoc.createElement('o:share');
oShare.setAttribute('xmlns:d', 'DAV:');
oShare.setAttribute('xmlns:o', 'http://owncloud.org/ns');
var oSet = xmlDoc.createElement('o:set');
var dHref = xmlDoc.createElement('d:href');
if (shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
dHref.textContent = 'principal:principals/users/';
} else if (shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
dHref.textContent = 'principal:principals/groups/';
dHref.textContent += shareWith;
var oSummary = xmlDoc.createElement('o:summary');
oSummary.textContent = t('calendar', '{calendar} shared by {owner}', {
calendar: calendar.displayname,
owner: calendar.owner
if (writable) {
var oRW = xmlDoc.createElement('o:read-write');
var headers = {
'Content-Type' : 'application/xml; charset=utf-8',
requesttoken : oc_requesttoken
var body = oShare.outerHTML;
return DavClient.request('POST', calendar.url, headers, body).then(function(response) {
if (response.status === 200) {
if (!existingShare) {
if (shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
id: shareWith,
displayname: shareWith,
writable: writable
} else if (shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
id: shareWith,
displayname: shareWith,
writable: writable
this.unshare = function(calendar, shareType, shareWith) {
var xmlDoc = document.implementation.createDocument('', '', null);
var oShare = xmlDoc.createElement('o:share');
oShare.setAttribute('xmlns:d', 'DAV:');
oShare.setAttribute('xmlns:o', 'http://owncloud.org/ns');
var oRemove = xmlDoc.createElement('o:remove');
var dHref = xmlDoc.createElement('d:href');
if (shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
dHref.textContent = 'principal:principals/users/';
} else if (shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
dHref.textContent = 'principal:principals/groups/';
dHref.textContent += shareWith;
var headers = {
'Content-Type' : 'application/xml; charset=utf-8',
requesttoken: oc_requesttoken
var body = oShare.outerHTML;
return DavClient.request('POST', calendar.url, headers, body).then(function(response) {
if (response.status === 200) {
if (shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
calendar.sharedWith.users = calendar.sharedWith.users.filter(function(user) {
return user.id !== shareWith;
} else if (shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
calendar.sharedWith.groups = calendar.sharedWith.groups.filter(function(groups) {
return groups.id !== shareWith;
//todo - remove entry from calendar object
return true;
} else {
return false;
this._createXMLForProperty = function(xmlDoc, propName, value) {
switch(propName) {
case 'enabled':
var oEnabled = xmlDoc.createElement('o:calendar-enabled');
oEnabled.textContent = value ? '1' : '0';
return oEnabled;
case 'displayname':
var dDisplayname = xmlDoc.createElement('d:displayname');
dDisplayname.textContent = value;
return dDisplayname;
case 'order':
var aOrder = xmlDoc.createElement('a:calendar-color');
aOrder.textContent = value;
return aOrder;
case 'color':
var aColor = xmlDoc.createElement('a:calendar-color');
aColor.textContent = value;
return aColor;
case 'components':
var cComponents = xmlDoc.createElement('c:supported-calendar-component-set');
for (var i=0; i < value.length; i++) {
var cComp = xmlDoc.createElement('c:comp');
cComp.setAttribute('name', value[i].toUpperCase());
return cComponents;
this._getACLFromResponse = function(body) {
var canWrite = false;
var acl = body.propStat[0].properties['{' + DavClient.NS_DAV + '}acl'];
if (acl) {
for (var k=0; k < acl.length; k++) {
var href = acl[k].getElementsByTagNameNS('DAV:', 'href');
if (href.length === 0) {
href = href[0].textContent;
if (href !== _this._currentUserPrincipal) {
var writeNode = acl[k].getElementsByTagNameNS('DAV:', 'write');
if (writeNode.length > 0) {
canWrite = true;
body.propStat[0].properties.canWrite = canWrite;
this._isUriAlreadyTaken = function(uri) {
return (this._takenUrls.indexOf(this._CALENDAR_HOME + uri + '/') !== -1);
this._suggestUri = function(displayname) {
var uri = displayname.toString().toLowerCase()
.replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with -
.replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars
.replace(/\-\-+/g, '-') // Replace multiple - with single -
.replace(/^-+/, '') // Trim - from start of text
.replace(/-+$/, ''); // Trim - from end of text
if (!this._isUriAlreadyTaken(uri)) {
return uri;
if (uri.indexOf('-') === -1) {
uri = uri + '-1';
if (!this._isUriAlreadyTaken(uri)) {
return uri;
while (this._isUriAlreadyTaken(uri)) {
var positionLastDash = uri.lastIndexOf('-');
var firstPart = uri.substr(0, positionLastDash);
var lastPart = uri.substr(positionLastDash + 1);
if (lastPart.match(/^\d+$/)) {
lastPart = parseInt(lastPart);
uri = firstPart + '-' + lastPart;
} else if (lastPart === '') {
uri = uri + '1';
} else {
uri = uri = '-1';
return uri;
angular.module('Tasks').service('DavClient', [
function() {
'use strict';
var client;
client = new dav.Client({
baseUrl: OC.linkToRemote('dav/calendars'),
xmlNamespaces: {
'DAV:': 'd',
'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav': 'c',
'http://apple.com/ns/ical/': 'aapl',
'http://owncloud.org/ns': 'oc',
'http://calendarserver.org/ns/': 'cs'
angular.extend(client, {
NS_IETF: 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav',
NS_APPLE: 'http://apple.com/ns/ical/',
NS_OWNCLOUD: 'http://owncloud.org/ns',
NS_CALENDARSERVER: 'http://calendarserver.org/ns/',
buildUrl: function(path) {
return window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + path;
wasRequestSuccessful: function(status) {
return status >= 200 && status <= 299;
return client;
angular.module('Tasks').service('ICalFactory', [
function() {
'use strict';
// creates a new ICAL root element with a product id property
return {
new: function() {
var root = new ICAL.Component(['vcalendar', [], []]);
var version = angular.element('#app').attr('data-appVersion');
root.updatePropertyWithValue('prodid', '-//ownCloud tasks v' + version);
return root;
angular.module('Tasks').factory('Loading', [
function() {
'use strict';
var Loading = (function() {
function Loading() {
this.count = 0;
Loading.prototype.increase = function() {
return this.count += 1;
Loading.prototype.decrease = function() {
return this.count -= 1;
Loading.prototype.getCount = function() {
return this.count;
Loading.prototype.isLoading = function() {
return this.count > 0;
return Loading;
return new Loading();
(function() {
'use strict';
angular.module('Tasks').factory('_Model', [
function() {
var Model;
Model = (function() {
function Model() {
this._data = [];
this._dataMap = {};
this._filterCache = {};
Model.prototype.handle = function(data) {
var item, _i, _len, _results;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = data.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
item = data[_i];
return _results;
Model.prototype.add = function(data, clearCache) {
if (clearCache === null) {
clearCache = true;
if (clearCache) {
if (angular.isDefined(this._dataMap[data.id])) {
return this.update(data, clearCache);
} else {
this._dataMap[data.id] = data;
Model.prototype.update = function(data, clearCache) {
var entry, key, value, _results;
if (clearCache === null) {
clearCache = true;
if (clearCache) {
entry = this.getById(data.id);
_results = [];
for (key in data) {
value = data[key];
if (key === 'id') {
} else {
_results.push(entry[key] = value);
return _results;
Model.prototype.getById = function(id) {
return this._dataMap[id];
Model.prototype.getAll = function() {
return this._data;
Model.prototype.removeById = function(id, clearCache) {
var counter, data, entry, _i, _len, _ref;
if (clearCache === null) {
clearCache = true;
_ref = this._data;
for (counter = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; counter = ++_i) {
entry = _ref[counter];
if (entry.id === id) {
this._data.splice(counter, 1);
data = this._dataMap[id];
delete this._dataMap[id];
if (clearCache) {
return data;
Model.prototype.clear = function() {
this._data.length = 0;
this._dataMap = {};
return this._invalidateCache();
Model.prototype._invalidateCache = function() {
this._filterCache = {};
Model.prototype.get = function(query) {
var hash;
hash = query.hashCode();
if (!angular.isDefined(this._filterCache[hash])) {
this._filterCache[hash] = query.exec(this._data);
return this._filterCache[hash];
Model.prototype.size = function() {
return this._data.length;
return Model;
return Model;
angular.module('Tasks').factory('Calendar', ['$rootScope', '$filter', function($rootScope, $filter) {
'use strict';
function Calendar(url, props, uri) {
var _this = this;
angular.extend(this, {
_propertiesBackup: {},
_properties: {
url: url,
uri: uri,
enabled: props['{http://owncloud.org/ns}calendar-enabled'] === '1',
displayname: props['{DAV:}displayname'] || t('tasks','Unnamed'),
color: props['{http://apple.com/ns/ical/}calendar-color'] || '#1d2d44',
order: parseInt(props['{http://apple.com/ns/ical/}calendar-order']) || 0,
components: {
vevent: false,
vjournal: false,
vtodo: false
writable: props.canWrite,
shareable: props.canWrite,
sharedWith: {
users: [],
groups: []
owner: ''
_updatedProperties: []
// angular.extend(this, {
// tmpId: null,
// fcEventSource: {
// events: function (start, end, timezone, callback) {
// // console.log('querying events ...');
// // TimezoneService.get(timezone).then(function(tz) {
// // _this.list.loading = true;
// // $rootScope.$broadcast('reloadCalendarList');
// // VEventService.getAll(_this, start, end).then(function(events) {
// // var vevents = [];
// // for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
// // vevents = vevents.concat(events[i].getFcEvent(start, end, tz));
// // }
// // callback(vevents);
// // _this.list.loading = false;
// // $rootScope.$broadcast('reloadCalendarList');
// // });
// // });
// },
// editable: this._properties.writable,
// calendar: this
// },
// list: {
// edit: false,
// loading: this.enabled,
// locked: false,
// editingShares: false
// }
// });
var components = props['{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}supported-calendar-component-set'];
for (var i=0; i < components.length; i++) {
var name = components[i].attributes.getNamedItem('name').textContent.toLowerCase();
if (this._properties.components.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
this._properties.components[name] = true;
var shares = props['{http://owncloud.org/ns}invite'];
if (typeof shares !== 'undefined') {
for (var j=0; j < shares.length; j++) {
var href = shares[j].getElementsByTagNameNS('DAV:', 'href');
if (href.length === 0) {
href = href[0].textContent;
var access = shares[j].getElementsByTagNameNS('http://owncloud.org/ns', 'access');
if (access.length === 0) {
access = access[0];
var readWrite = access.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://owncloud.org/ns', 'read-write');
readWrite = readWrite.length !== 0;
if (href.startsWith('principal:principals/users/')) {
id: href.substr(27),
displayname: href.substr(27),
writable: readWrite
} else if (href.startsWith('principal:principals/groups/')) {
id: href.substr(28),
displayname: href.substr(28),
writable: readWrite
var owner = props['{DAV:}owner'];
if (typeof owner !== 'undefined' && owner.length !== 0) {
owner = owner[0].textContent.slice(0, -1);
if (owner.startsWith('/remote.php/dav/principals/users/')) {
this._properties.owner = owner.substr(33);
// this.tmpId = RandomStringService.generate();
Calendar.prototype = {
get url() {
return this._properties.url;
get enabled() {
return this._properties.enabled;
get uri() {
return this._properties.uri;
get components() {
return this._properties.components;
set enabled(enabled) {
this._properties.enabled = enabled;
get displayname() {
return this._properties.displayname;
set displayname(displayname) {
this._properties.displayname = displayname;
get color() {
return this._properties.color;
set color(color) {
this._properties.color = color;
get sharedWith() {
return this._properties.sharedWith;
set sharedWith(sharedWith) {
this._properties.sharedWith = sharedWith;
get textColor() {
var color = this.color;
var fallbackColor = '#fff';
var c;
switch (color.length) {
case 4:
c = color.match(/^#([0-9a-f]{3})$/i)[1];
if (c) {
return this._generateTextColor(
return fallbackColor;
case 7:
case 9:
var regex = new RegExp('^#([0-9a-f]{' + (color.length - 1) + '})$', 'i');
c = color.match(regex)[1];
if (c) {
return this._generateTextColor(
return fallbackColor;
return fallbackColor;
get order() {
return this._properties.order;
set order(order) {
this._properties.order = order;
get writable() {
return this._properties.writable;
get shareable() {
return this._properties.shareable;
get owner() {
return this._properties.owner;
_setUpdated: function(propName) {
if (this._updatedProperties.indexOf(propName) === -1) {
get updatedProperties() {
return this._updatedProperties;
resetUpdatedProperties: function() {
this._updatedProperties = [];
prepareUpdate: function() {
this._propertiesBackup = angular.copy(this._properties);
resetToPreviousState: function() {
this._properties = angular.copy(this._propertiesBackup);
this._propertiesBackup = {};
dropPreviousState: function() {
this._propertiesBackup = {};
toggleSharesEditor: function() {
this.list.editingShares = !this.list.editingShares;
_generateTextColor: function(r,g,b) {
var brightness = (((r * 299) + (g * 587) + (b * 114)) / 1000);
return (brightness > 130) ? '#000000' : '#FAFAFA';
return Calendar;
(function() {
'use strict';
var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; };
angular.module('Tasks').factory('CollectionsModel', [
'TasksModel', '_Model', function(TasksModel, _Model) {
var CollectionsModel;
CollectionsModel = (function(_super) {
__extends(CollectionsModel, _super);
function CollectionsModel(_$tasksmodel) {
this._$tasksmodel = _$tasksmodel;
this._nameCache = {};
CollectionsModel.prototype.add = function(data, clearCache) {
if (clearCache === null) {
clearCache = true;
this._nameCache[data.displayname] = data;
if (angular.isDefined(data.id)) {
return CollectionsModel.__super__.add.call(this, data, clearCache);
CollectionsModel.prototype.getCount = function(collectionID, filter) {
var count, task, tasks, _i, _len;
if (filter === null) {
filter = '';
count = 0;
tasks = this._$tasksmodel.filteredTasks(filter);
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
count += this._$tasksmodel.filterTasks(task, collectionID) && !task.related;
return count;
return CollectionsModel;
return new CollectionsModel(TasksModel);
(function() {
'use strict';
var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; };
angular.module('Tasks').factory('ListsModel', [
'TasksModel', '_Model', function(TasksModel, _Model) {
var ListsModel;
ListsModel = (function(_super) {
__extends(ListsModel, _super);
function ListsModel(_$tasksmodel) {
this._$tasksmodel = _$tasksmodel;
this._tmpUriCache = {};
this._data = [];
this._dataMap = {};
this._filterCache = {};
ListsModel.prototype.add = function(calendar, clearCache) {
var updateByUri;
if (clearCache === null) {
clearCache = true;
updateByUri = angular.isDefined(calendar.uri) && angular.isDefined(this.getByUri(calendar.uri));
if (updateByUri) {
return this.update(calendar, clearCache);
} else {
if (angular.isDefined(calendar.uri)) {
if (clearCache) {
if (!angular.isDefined(this._dataMap[calendar.uri])) {
this._dataMap[calendar.uri] = calendar;
ListsModel.prototype.getByUri = function(uri) {
return this._dataMap[uri];
ListsModel.prototype.update = function(list, clearCache) {
var tmplist;
if (clearCache === null) {
clearCache = true;
tmplist = this._tmpIdCache[list.tmpID];
if (angular.isDefined(list.id) && angular.isDefined(tmplist) && angular.isUndefined(tmplist.id)) {
tmplist.id = list.id;
this._dataMap[list.id] = tmplist;
list["void"] = false;
return ListsModel.__super__.update.call(this, list, clearCache);
ListsModel.prototype["delete"] = function(calendar, clearCache) {
var counter, data, entry, _i, _len, _ref;
if (clearCache === null) {
clearCache = true;
_ref = this._data;
for (counter = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; counter = ++_i) {
entry = _ref[counter];
if (entry === calendar) {
this._data.splice(counter, 1);
data = this._dataMap[calendar.uri];
delete this._dataMap[calendar.uri];
if (clearCache) {
return data;
ListsModel.prototype.getStandardList = function() {
var calendars;
if (this.size()) {
calendars = this.getAll();
return calendars[0];
ListsModel.prototype.isNameAlreadyTaken = function(displayname, uri) {
var calendar, calendars, ret, _i, _len;
calendars = this.getAll();
ret = false;
for (_i = 0, _len = calendars.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
calendar = calendars[_i];
if (calendar.displayname === displayname && calendar.uri !== uri) {
ret = true;
return ret;
ListsModel.prototype.getCount = function(calendarID, collectionID, filter) {
var count, task, tasks, _i, _len;
if (filter === null) {
filter = '';
count = 0;
tasks = this._$tasksmodel.filteredTasks(filter);
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
count += this._$tasksmodel.filterTasks(task, collectionID) && task.calendaruri === calendarID && !task.related;
// if (collectionID === 'completed' && filter === '') {
// count += this.notLoaded(calendarID);
// }
return count;
ListsModel.prototype.notLoaded = function(listID) {
if (angular.isUndefined(this.getById(listID))) {
return 0;
} else {
return this.getById(listID).notLoaded;
ListsModel.prototype.loadedAll = function(listID) {
return !this.notLoaded(listID);
ListsModel.prototype.getColor = function(listID) {
if (angular.isUndefined(this.getById(listID))) {
return '#CCCCCC';
} else {
return this.getById(listID).calendarcolor;
ListsModel.prototype.getName = function(listID) {
if (angular.isUndefined(this.getById(listID))) {
return '';
} else {
return this.getById(listID).displayname;
return ListsModel;
return new ListsModel(TasksModel);
(function() {
'use strict';
var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; };
angular.module('Tasks').factory('SettingsModel', [
'_Model', function(_Model) {
var SettingsModel;
SettingsModel = (function(_super) {
__extends(SettingsModel, _super);
function SettingsModel() {
this._nameCache = {};
SettingsModel.prototype.add = function(data, clearCache) {
if (clearCache === null) {
clearCache = true;
this._nameCache[data.displayname] = data;
if (angular.isDefined(data.id)) {
return SettingsModel.__super__.add.call(this, data, clearCache);
} else {
return this._data.push(data);
SettingsModel.prototype.toggle = function(type, setting) {
var set;
set = this.getById(type);
this.getById(type)[setting] = !set[setting];
return SettingsModel;
return new SettingsModel();
(function() {
'use strict';
var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
__indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
angular.module('Tasks').factory('TasksModel', [
'_Model', function(_Model) {
var TasksModel = (function(_super) {
__extends(TasksModel, _super);
function TasksModel() {
this._tmpIdCache = {};
TasksModel.prototype.ad = function(task, clearCache) {
if (clearCache === null) {
clearCache = true;
var updateByUri = angular.isDefined(task.uri) && angular.isDefined(this.getByUri(task.uri));
if (updateByUri) {
return this.update(task, clearCache);
} else {
if (angular.isDefined(task.uri)) {
if (clearCache) {
if (!angular.isDefined(this._dataMap[task.uri])) {
this._dataMap[task.uri] = task;
TasksModel.prototype.getByUri = function(uri) {
return this._dataMap[uri];
TasksModel.prototype.update = function(task, clearCache) {
var tmptask;
if (clearCache === null) {
clearCache = true;
tmptask = this._tmpIdCache[task.tmpID];
if (angular.isDefined(task.id) && angular.isDefined(tmptask)) {
tmptask.id = task.id;
this._dataMap[task.id] = tmptask;
task["void"] = false;
return TasksModel.__super__.update.call(this, task, clearCache);
TasksModel.prototype.removeById = function(taskID) {
return TasksModel.__super__.removeById.call(this, taskID);
TasksModel.prototype["delete"] = function(task, clearCache) {
var counter, data, entry, _i, _len, _ref;
if (clearCache === null) {
clearCache = true;
_ref = this._data;
for (counter = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; counter = ++_i) {
entry = _ref[counter];
if (entry === task) {
this._data.splice(counter, 1);
data = this._dataMap[task.uri];
delete this._dataMap[task.uri];
if (clearCache) {
return data;
TasksModel.prototype.removeByList = function(listID) {
var id, task, taskIDs, tasks, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _results;
tasks = this.getAll();
taskIDs = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
if (task.calendarid === listID) {
_results = [];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = taskIDs.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
id = taskIDs[_j];
return _results;
TasksModel.prototype.taskAtDay = function(task, date) {
var diff, due, duediff, start, startdiff;
start = moment(task.start, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
due = moment(task.due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss");
if (start.isValid() && !due.isValid()) {
diff = start.diff(moment().startOf('day'), 'days', true);
if (!date && diff < date + 1) {
return true;
} else if (diff < date + 1 && diff >= date) {
return true;
if (due.isValid() && !start.isValid()) {
diff = due.diff(moment().startOf('day'), 'days', true);
if (!date && diff < date + 1) {
return true;
} else if (diff < date + 1 && diff >= date) {
return true;
if (start.isValid() && due.isValid()) {
startdiff = start.diff(moment().startOf('day'), 'days', true);
duediff = due.diff(moment().startOf('day'), 'days', true);
if (!date && (startdiff < date + 1 || duediff < date + 1)) {
return true;
} else if (startdiff < date + 1 && startdiff >= date && duediff >= date) {
return true;
} else if (duediff < date + 1 && duediff >= date && startdiff >= date) {
return true;
return false;
TasksModel.prototype.isLoaded = function(task) {
if (this.getById(task.id)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
TasksModel.prototype.hasSubtasks = function(uid) {
var task, tasks, _i, _len;
tasks = this.getAll();
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
if (task.related === uid) {
return true;
return false;
TasksModel.prototype.hasNoParent = function(task) {
var t, tasks, _i, _len;
if (!task.related) {
return true;
} else {
tasks = this.getAll();
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
t = tasks[_i];
if (task.related === t.uid && task !== t) {
return false;
return true;
TasksModel.prototype.getIdByUid = function(uid) {
var task, tasks, _i, _len;
tasks = this.getAll();
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
if (task.uid === uid) {
return task.id;
return false;
TasksModel.prototype.getByUid = function(uid) {
var task, tasks, _i, _len;
tasks = this.getAll();
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
if (task.uid === uid) {
return task;
return null;
TasksModel.prototype.getChildren = function(task) {
var children, t, tasks, _i, _len;
tasks = this.getAll();
children = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
t = tasks[_i];
if (t.related === task.uid && t !== task) {
return children;
TasksModel.prototype.getDescendantIDs = function(task) {
var child, children, descendantIDs, _i, _len;
children = this.getChildren(task);
descendantIDs = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = children.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = children[_i];
descendantIDs = descendantIDs.concat(child.uri);
descendantIDs = descendantIDs.concat(this.getDescendantIDs(child));
return descendantIDs;
TasksModel.prototype.filterTasks = function(task, filter) {
switch (filter) {
case 'completed':
return task.completed === true;
case 'all':
return task.completed === false;
case 'current':
return task.completed === false && this.current(task.start, task.due);
case 'starred':
return task.completed === false && task.priority > 5;
case 'today':
return task.completed === false && (this.today(task.start) || this.today(task.due));
case 'week':
return task.completed === false && (this.week(task.start) || this.week(task.due));
return '' + task.calendaruri === '' + filter;
TasksModel.prototype.filteredTasks = function(needle) {
var ancestors, parentID, ret, task, tasks, _i, _len;
ret = [];
tasks = this.getAll();
if (!needle) {
ret = tasks;
} else {
for (_i = 0, _len = tasks.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
task = tasks[_i];
if (this.filterTasksByString(task, needle)) {
if (this.objectExists(task, ret)) {
parentID = this.getIdByUid(task.related);
ancestors = this.getAncestor(parentID, ret);
if (ancestors) {
ret = ret.concat(ancestors);
return ret;
TasksModel.prototype.objectExists = function(task, ret) {
var re, _i, _len;
for (_i = 0, _len = ret.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
re = ret[_i];
if (re.id === task.id) {
return true;
return false;
TasksModel.prototype.filterTasksByString = function(task, filter) {
var category, comment, key, keys, value, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1;
keys = ['name', 'note', 'location', 'categories', 'comments'];
filter = filter.toLowerCase();
for (key in task) {
value = task[key];
if (__indexOf.call(keys, key) >= 0) {
if (key === 'comments') {
_ref = task.comments;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
comment = _ref[_i];
if (comment.comment.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) !== -1) {
return true;
} else if (key === 'categories') {
_ref1 = task.categories;
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
category = _ref1[_j];
if (category.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) !== -1) {
return true;
} else if (value.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) !== -1) {
return true;
return false;
TasksModel.prototype.setReminder = function(taskID, reminder) {
return this.update({
id: taskID,
reminder: reminder
TasksModel.prototype.overdue = function(due) {
return moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid() && moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").diff(moment()) < 0;
TasksModel.prototype.due = function(due) {
return moment(due, 'YYYYMMDDTHHmmss').isValid();
TasksModel.prototype.today = function(due) {
return moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid() && moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").diff(moment().startOf('day'), 'days', true) < 1;
TasksModel.prototype.week = function(due) {
return moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid() && moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").diff(moment().startOf('day'), 'days', true) < 7;
TasksModel.prototype.current = function(start, due) {
return !moment(start, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").isValid() || moment(start, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").diff(moment(), 'days', true) < 0 || moment(due, "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss").diff(moment(), 'days', true) < 0;
TasksModel.prototype.addComment = function(comment) {
var task;
task = this.getById(comment.taskID);
if (task.comments) {
} else {
task.comments = [comment];
TasksModel.prototype.updateComment = function(comment) {
var com, i, task, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
task = this.getById(comment.taskID);
i = 0;
_ref = task.comments;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
com = _ref[_i];
if (com.tmpID === comment.tmpID) {
task.comments[i] = comment;
return _results;
TasksModel.prototype.deleteComment = function(taskID, commentID) {
var comment, i, task, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
task = this.getById(taskID);
i = 0;
_ref = task.comments;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
comment = _ref[_i];
if (comment.id === commentID) {
task.comments.splice(i, 1);
return _results;
return TasksModel;
return new TasksModel();
angular.module('Tasks').factory('VTodo', ['$filter', 'ICalFactory', 'RandomStringService',
function($filter, icalfactory, RandomStringService) {
'use strict';
function VTodo(calendar, props, uri) {
var _this = this;
angular.extend(this, {
calendar: calendar,
data: props['{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-data'],
uri: uri,
etag: props['{DAV:}getetag'] || null,
timers: []
this.jCal = ICAL.parse(this.data);
this.components = new ICAL.Component(this.jCal);
if (this.components.jCal.length === 0) {
throw "invalid calendar";
VTodo.prototype = {
get calendaruri() {
return this.calendar.uri;
get summary() {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
return vtodos[0].getFirstPropertyValue('summary');
set summary(summary) {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
vtodos[0].updatePropertyWithValue('summary', summary);
this.data = this.components.toString();
get priority() {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
var priority = vtodos[0].getFirstPropertyValue('priority');
return (10 - priority) % 10;
set priority(priority) {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
vtodos[0].updatePropertyWithValue('priority', (10 - priority) % 10);
this.data = this.components.toString();
get complete() {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
return vtodos[0].getFirstPropertyValue('percent-complete') || 0;
set complete(complete) {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
vtodos[0].updatePropertyWithValue('percent-complete', complete);
this.data = this.components.toString();
if (complete < 100) {
this.completed = null;
if (complete === 0) {
this.status = 'NEEDS-ACTION';
} else {
this.status = 'IN-PROCESS';
} else {
this.completed = ICAL.Time.now();
this.status = 'COMPLETED';
get completed() {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
var comp = vtodos[0].getFirstPropertyValue('completed');
if (comp) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
set completed(completed) {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
if (completed) {
vtodos[0].updatePropertyWithValue('completed', completed);
} else {
this.data = this.components.toString();
get completed_date() {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
var comp = vtodos[0].getFirstPropertyValue('completed');
if (comp) {
return comp.toJSDate();
} else {
return null;
get status() {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
return vtodos[0].getFirstPropertyValue('status');
set status(status) {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
vtodos[0].updatePropertyWithValue('status', status);
this.data = this.components.toString();
get note() {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
return vtodos[0].getFirstPropertyValue('description') || '';
set note(note) {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
vtodos[0].updatePropertyWithValue('description', note);
this.data = this.components.toString();
get uid() {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
return vtodos[0].getFirstPropertyValue('uid') || '';
get related() {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
return vtodos[0].getFirstPropertyValue('related-to') || null;
set related(related) {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
if (related) {
vtodos[0].updatePropertyWithValue('related-to', related);
} else {
this.data = this.components.toString();
get hideSubtasks() {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
return +vtodos[0].getFirstPropertyValue('x-oc-hidesubtasks') || 0;
set hideSubtasks(hide) {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
vtodos[0].updatePropertyWithValue('x-oc-hidesubtasks', +hide);
this.data = this.components.toString();
get reminder() {
return null;
get categories() {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
var categories = vtodos[0].getFirstProperty('categories');
if (categories) {
return categories.getValues();
} else {
return [];
set categories(cats) {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
var categories = vtodos[0].getFirstProperty('categories');
if (cats.length > 0) {
if (categories) {
} else {
var prop = new ICAL.Property('categories');
categories = vtodos[0].addProperty(prop);
} else {
this.data = this.components.toString();
get start() {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
return vtodos[0].getFirstPropertyValue('dtstart');
set start(start) {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
if (start) {
vtodos[0].updatePropertyWithValue('dtstart', start);
} else {
this.data = this.components.toString();
get due() {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
return vtodos[0].getFirstPropertyValue('due');
set due(due) {
var vtodos = this.components.getAllSubcomponents('vtodo');
if (due) {
vtodos[0].updatePropertyWithValue('due', due);
} else {
this.data = this.components.toString();
get comments() {
return null;
VTodo.create = function(task) {
var comp = icalfactory.new();
var vtodo = new ICAL.Component('vtodo');
vtodo.updatePropertyWithValue('created', ICAL.Time.now());
vtodo.updatePropertyWithValue('dtstamp', ICAL.Time.now());
vtodo.updatePropertyWithValue('last-modified', ICAL.Time.now());
vtodo.updatePropertyWithValue('uid', RandomStringService.generate());
vtodo.updatePropertyWithValue('summary', task.summary);
vtodo.updatePropertyWithValue('priority', task.priority);
vtodo.updatePropertyWithValue('percent-complete', task.complete);
vtodo.updatePropertyWithValue('x-oc-hidesubtasks', 0);
if (task.related) {
vtodo.updatePropertyWithValue('related-to', task.related);
if (task.note) {
vtodo.updatePropertyWithValue('description', task.note);
return new VTodo(task.calendar, {
'{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-data': comp.toString(),
'{DAV:}getetag': null
}, null);
return VTodo;
angular.module('Tasks').factory('Persistence', [
'Request', 'Loading', '$rootScope', '$q', 'CalendarService', function(Request, Loading, $rootScope, $q, CalendarService) {
'use strict';
var Persistence = (function() {
function Persistence(_request, _Loading, _$rootScope, _CalendarService) {
this._request = _request;
this._Loading = _Loading;
this._$rootScope = _$rootScope;
this._CalendarService = _CalendarService;
Persistence.prototype.init = function() {
var successCallback,
_this = this;
this.deferred = $q.defer();
successCallback = function() {
return _this.deferred.resolve();
return this.deferred.promise;
Persistence.prototype.getCollections = function(onSuccess, showLoading) {
var failureCallbackWrapper, params, successCallbackWrapper,
_this = this;
if (showLoading === null) {
showLoading = true;
if (!onSuccess) {
onSuccess = function() {};
if (showLoading) {
successCallbackWrapper = function(data) {
return _this._Loading.decrease();
failureCallbackWrapper = function(data) {
return _this._Loading.decrease();
} else {
successCallbackWrapper = function(data) {
return onSuccess();
failureCallbackWrapper = function(data) {};
params = {
onSuccess: successCallbackWrapper,
onFailure: failureCallbackWrapper
return this._request.get('/apps/tasks/collections', params);
Persistence.prototype.getSettings = function(onSuccess, showLoading) {
var failureCallbackWrapper, params, successCallbackWrapper,
_this = this;
if (showLoading === null) {
showLoading = true;
if (!onSuccess) {
onSuccess = function() {};
if (showLoading) {
successCallbackWrapper = function(data) {
return _this._Loading.decrease();
failureCallbackWrapper = function(data) {
return _this._Loading.decrease();
} else {
successCallbackWrapper = function(data) {
return onSuccess();
failureCallbackWrapper = function(data) {};
params = {
onSuccess: successCallbackWrapper,
onFailure: failureCallbackWrapper
return this._request.get('/apps/tasks/settings', params);
Persistence.prototype.setVisibility = function(collectionID, visibility) {
var params = {
routeParams: {
collectionID: collectionID,
visibility: visibility
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks/collection/{collectionID}/visibility/{visibility}', params);
Persistence.prototype.setting = function(type, setting, value) {
var params = {
routeParams: {
type: type,
setting: setting,
value: +value
return this._request.post('/apps/tasks/settings/{type}/{setting}/{value}', params);
return Persistence;
return new Persistence(Request, Loading, $rootScope, CalendarService);
angular.module('Tasks').factory('Publisher', [
'CollectionsModel', 'SettingsModel', function(CollectionsModel, SettingsModel) {
'use strict';
var Publisher = (function() {
function Publisher(_$collectionsmodel, _$settingsmodel) {
this._$collectionsmodel = _$collectionsmodel;
this._$settingsmodel = _$settingsmodel;
this._subscriptions = {};
this.subscribeObjectTo(this._$collectionsmodel, 'collections');
this.subscribeObjectTo(this._$settingsmodel, 'settings');
Publisher.prototype.subscribeObjectTo = function(object, name) {
var base = this._subscriptions;
if (!base[name]) {
base[name] = [];
return this._subscriptions[name].push(object);
Publisher.prototype.publishDataTo = function(data, name) {
var ref, results, subscriber, _i, _len;
ref = this._subscriptions[name] || [];
results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
subscriber = ref[_i];
return results;
return Publisher;
return new Publisher(CollectionsModel, SettingsModel);
angular.module('Tasks').factory('RandomStringService', function () {
'use strict';
return {
generate: function() {
return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2);
angular.module('Tasks').factory('Request', [
'$http', 'Publisher', function($http, Publisher) {
'use strict';
var Request = (function() {
function Request($http, publisher) {
this.$http = $http;
this.publisher = publisher;
this.count = 0;
this.initialized = false;
this.shelvedRequests = [];
this.initialized = true;
Request.prototype.request = function(route, data) {
var defaultConfig, defaultData, url;
if (data === null) {
data = {};
defaultData = {
routeParams: {},
data: {},
onSuccess: function() {
return {};
onFailure: function() {
return {};
config: {}
angular.extend(defaultData, data);
if (!this.initialized) {
this._shelveRequest(route, defaultData);
url = OC.generateUrl(route, defaultData.routeParams);
defaultConfig = {
url: url,
data: defaultData.data
angular.extend(defaultConfig, defaultData.config);
if (defaultConfig.method === 'GET') {
defaultConfig.params = defaultConfig.data;
return this.$http(defaultConfig).success((function(_this) {
return function(data, status, headers, config) {
var name, ref, value;
ref = data.data;
for (name in ref) {
value = ref[name];
_this.publisher.publishDataTo(value, name);
return defaultData.onSuccess(data, status, headers, config);
})(this)).error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
return defaultData.onFailure(data, status, headers, config);
Request.prototype.post = function(route, data) {
if (data === null) {
data = {};
if (!data.config) {
data.config = {};
data.config.method = 'POST';
return this.request(route, data);
Request.prototype.get = function(route, data) {
if (data === null) {
data = {};
if (!data.config) {
data.config = {};
data.config.method = 'GET';
return this.request(route, data);
Request.prototype.put = function(route, data) {
if (data === null) {
data = {};
if (!data.config) {
data.config = {};
data.config.method = 'PUT';
return this.request(route, data);
Request.prototype["delete"] = function(route, data) {
if (data === null) {
data = {};
if (!data.config) {
data.config = {};
data.config.method = 'DELETE';
return this.request(route, data);
Request.prototype._shelveRequest = function(route, data) {
var request = {
route: route,
data: data
return this.shelvedRequests.push(request);
Request.prototype._executeShelvedRequests = function() {
var r, ref, results, _i, _len;
ref = this.shelvedRequests;
results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
r = ref[_i];
results.push(this.request(r.route, r.data));
return results;
return Request;
return new Request($http, Publisher);
angular.module('Tasks').factory('Status', [
function() {
'use strict';
var Status;
Status = (function() {
function Status() {
this._$status = {
addingList: false,
focusTaskInput: false
Status.prototype.getStatus = function() {
return this._$status;
return Status;
return new Status();
angular.module('Tasks').service('VTodoService', ['DavClient', 'RandomStringService', '$timeout', function(DavClient, RandomStringService, $timeout) {
'use strict';
var _this = this;
this.getAll = function(calendar) {
var xmlDoc = document.implementation.createDocument('', '', null);
var cCalQuery = xmlDoc.createElement('c:calendar-query');
cCalQuery.setAttribute('xmlns:c', 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav');
cCalQuery.setAttribute('xmlns:d', 'DAV:');
cCalQuery.setAttribute('xmlns:a', 'http://apple.com/ns/ical/');
cCalQuery.setAttribute('xmlns:o', 'http://owncloud.org/ns');
var dProp = xmlDoc.createElement('d:prop');
var dGetEtag = xmlDoc.createElement('d:getetag');
var cCalendarData = xmlDoc.createElement('c:calendar-data');
var cFilter = xmlDoc.createElement('c:filter');
var cCompFilterVCal = xmlDoc.createElement('c:comp-filter');
cCompFilterVCal.setAttribute('name', 'VCALENDAR');
var cCompFilterVTodo = xmlDoc.createElement('c:comp-filter');
cCompFilterVTodo.setAttribute('name', 'VTODO');
var cPropFilterCompleted = xmlDoc.createElement('c:prop-filter');
cPropFilterCompleted.setAttribute('name', 'COMPLETED');
var cIsNotDefined = xmlDoc.createElement('c:is-not-defined');
// var cPropFilterStatus = xmlDoc.createElement('c:prop-filter');
// cPropFilterStatus.setAttribute('name', 'STATUS');
// cCompFilterVTodo.appendChild(cPropFilterStatus);
// var cTextMatch = xmlDoc.createElement('c:text-match');
// cTextMatch.setAttribute('negate-condition', 'yes');
// var cTextMatchValue = xmlDoc.createTextNode('CANCELLED');
// cTextMatch.appendChild(cTextMatchValue);
// cPropFilterStatus.appendChild(cTextMatch);
// var cTimeRange = xmlDoc.createElement('c:time-range');
// cTimeRange.setAttribute('start', this._getTimeRangeStamp(start));
// cTimeRange.setAttribute('end', this._getTimeRangeStamp(end));
// cCompFilterVTodo.appendChild(cTimeRange);
var url = calendar.url;
var headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/xml; charset=utf-8',
'Depth': 1,
'requesttoken': OC.requestToken
var body = cCalQuery.outerHTML;
return DavClient.request('REPORT', url, headers, body).then(function(response) {
if (!DavClient.wasRequestSuccessful(response.status)) {
//TODO - something went wrong
var vTodos = [];
for (var i in response.body) {
var object = response.body[i];
var properties = object.propStat[0].properties;
var uri = object.href.substr(object.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
var vTodo = {
calendar: calendar,
properties: properties,
uri: uri
return vTodos;
this.get = function(calendar, uri) {
var url = calendar.url + uri;
return DavClient.request('GET', url, {'requesttoken' : OC.requestToken}, '').then(function(response) {
var vTodo = {
calendar: calendar,
properties: {
'{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-data': response.body,
'{DAV:}getetag': response.xhr.getResponseHeader('ETag')},
uri: uri
return vTodo;
this.create = function(calendar, data, returnTodo) {
if (typeof returnTodo === 'undefined') {
returnTodo = true;
var headers = {
'Content-Type': 'text/calendar; charset=utf-8',
'requesttoken': OC.requestToken
var uri = this._generateRandomUri();
var url = calendar.url + uri;
return DavClient.request('PUT', url, headers, data).then(function(response) {
if (!DavClient.wasRequestSuccessful(response.status)) {
return false;
// TODO - something went wrong, do smth about it
return returnTodo ?
_this.get(calendar, uri) :
this.update = function(task) {
var url = task.calendar.url + task.uri;
var headers = {
'Content-Type': 'text/calendar; charset=utf-8',
'If-Match': task.etag,
'requesttoken': OC.requestToken
return DavClient.request('PUT', url, headers, task.data).then(function(response) {
task.etag = response.xhr.getResponseHeader('ETag');
return DavClient.wasRequestSuccessful(response.status);
this.delete = function(task) {
var url = task.calendar.url + task.uri;
var headers = {
'If-Match': task.etag,
'requesttoken': OC.requestToken
return DavClient.request('DELETE', url, headers, '').then(function(response) {
return DavClient.wasRequestSuccessful(response.status);
this._generateRandomUri = function() {
var uri = 'ownCloud-';
uri += RandomStringService.generate();
uri += RandomStringService.generate();
uri += '.ics';
return uri;
// this._getTimeRangeStamp = function(momentObject) {
// return momentObject.format('YYYYMMDD') + 'T' + momentObject.format('HHmmss') + 'Z';
// };
})(window.angular, window.jQuery, oc_requesttoken);