2018-08-19 22:33:26 +02:00

185 lines
6.6 KiB

* Nextcloud - Tasks
* @author Raimund Schlüßler
* @copyright 2018 Raimund Schlüßler <raimund.schluessler@mailbox.org>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
$('#content.app-tasks').attr('ng-app', 'Tasks');
$('#content.app-tasks').attr('ng-controller', 'AppController');
$('#content.app-tasks').attr('ng-click', 'closeAll($event)');
$('#content.app-tasks').attr('class', 'handler');
angular.module('Tasks', ['ngRoute', 'ngAnimate', 'ui.select', 'ngSanitize', 'dndLists']).config([
'$provide', '$routeProvider', '$interpolateProvider', '$httpProvider',
function($provide, $routeProvider, $interpolateProvider, $httpProvider) {
'use strict';
var config;
$provide.value('Config', config = {
markReadTimeout: 500,
taskUpdateInterval: 1000 * 600
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common.requesttoken = oc_requesttoken;
.when('/calendars/:calendarID', {})
.when('/calendars/:calendarID/edit/:listparameter', {})
.when('/calendars/:calendarID/tasks/:taskID', {})
.when('/calendars/:calendarID/tasks/:taskID/settings', {})
.when('/calendars/:calendarID/tasks/:taskID/edit/:parameter', {})
.when('/collections/:collectionID/tasks/:taskID', {})
.when('/collections/:collectionID/tasks/:taskID/settings', {})
.when('/collections/:collectionID/tasks/:taskID/edit/:parameter', {})
.when('/collections/:collectionID', {})
.when('/search/:searchString', {})
.when('/search/:searchString/tasks/:taskID', {})
.when('/search/:searchString/tasks/:taskID/edit/:parameter', {})
redirectTo: '/collections/all'
'$document', '$rootScope', 'Config', '$timeout', 'ListsBusinessLayer', 'TasksBusinessLayer', 'SearchBusinessLayer',
function($document, $rootScope, Config, $timeout, TasksBusinessLayer, ListsBusinessLayer, SearchBusinessLayer) {
'use strict';
var update;
var init = false;
(update = function() {
var timeOutUpdate;
timeOutUpdate = function() {
return $timeout(update, Config.taskUpdateInterval);
init = true;
return timeOutUpdate();
OCA.Search.tasks = SearchBusinessLayer;
$document.click(function(event) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('documentClicked', event);
moment.locale('details', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due yesterday') + '], HH:mm',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due today') + '], HH:mm',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due tomorrow') + '], HH:mm',
lastWeek: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY, HH:mm',
nextWeek: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY, HH:mm',
sameElse: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY, HH:mm'
moment.locale('details_allday', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due yesterday') + ']',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due today') + ']',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due tomorrow') + ']',
lastWeek: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY',
nextWeek: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY',
sameElse: '[' + t('tasks', 'Due on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY'
moment.locale('start', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Started yesterday') + '], HH:mm',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Starts today') + '], HH:mm',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Starts tomorrow') + '], HH:mm',
lastWeek: '[' + t('tasks', 'Started on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY, HH:mm',
nextWeek: '[' + t('tasks', 'Starts on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY, HH:mm',
sameElse: function() {
if (this.diff(moment()) > 0) {
return '[' + t('tasks', 'Starts on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY, HH:mm';
} else {
return '[' + t('tasks', 'Started on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY, HH:mm';
moment.locale('start_allday', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Started yesterday') + ']',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Starts today') + ']',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Starts tomorrow') + ']',
lastWeek: '[' + t('tasks', 'Started on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY',
nextWeek: '[' + t('tasks', 'Starts on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY',
sameElse: function() {
if (this.diff(moment()) > 0) {
return '[' + t('tasks', 'Starts on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY';
} else {
return '[' + t('tasks', 'Started on') + '] MMM DD, YYYY';
moment.locale('reminder', {
calendar: {
lastDay: t('tasks', '[Remind me yesterday at ]HH:mm'),
sameDay: t('tasks', '[Remind me today at ]HH:mm'),
nextDay: t('tasks', '[Remind me tomorrow at ]HH:mm'),
lastWeek: t('tasks', '[Remind me on ]MMM DD, YYYY,[ at ]HH:mm'),
nextWeek: t('tasks', '[Remind me on ]MMM DD, YYYY,[ at ]HH:mm'),
sameElse: t('tasks', '[Remind me on ]MMM DD, YYYY,[ at ]HH:mm')
moment.locale('tasks', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Yesterday') + ']',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Today') + ']',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Tomorrow') + ']',
lastWeek: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
nextWeek: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
sameElse: 'DD.MM.YYYY'
moment.locale('details_short', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Yesterday') + ']',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Today') + ']',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Tomorrow') + ']',
lastWeek: 'MMM DD, YYYY',
nextWeek: 'MMM DD, YYYY',
sameElse: 'MMM DD, YYYY'
moment.locale('list_week', {
calendar: {
lastDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Yesterday') + ']',
sameDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Today') + '], MMM. DD',
nextDay: '[' + t('tasks', 'Tomorrow') + '], MMM. DD',
lastWeek: 'ddd, MMM. DD',
nextWeek: 'ddd, MMM. DD',
sameElse: 'ddd, MMM. DD'
return moment.locale('en', {
relativeTime: {
future: t('tasks', "in %s"),
past: t('tasks', "%s ago"),
s: t('tasks', "seconds"),
m: t('tasks', "a minute"),
mm: t('tasks', "%d minutes"),
h: t('tasks', "an hour"),
hh: t('tasks', "%d hours"),
d: t('tasks', "a day"),
dd: t('tasks', "%d days"),
M: t('tasks', "a month"),
MM: t('tasks', "%d months"),
y: t('tasks', "a year"),
yy: t('tasks', "%d years")