migration: fix multipart/encrypted parts for pgp/mime case
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 198 additions and 80 deletions
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.support.annotation.NonNull;
import android.support.annotation.Nullable;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
@ -263,15 +264,32 @@ class StoreSchemaDefinition implements LockableDatabase.SchemaDefinition {
MimeStructureState structureState = MimeStructureState.getNewRootState();
boolean isSimpleStructured = attachmentCount == 0 &&
Utility.isAnyMimeType(mimeType, "text/plain", "text/html", "multipart/alternative");
if (isSimpleStructured) {
structureState = migrateSimpleMailContent(db, htmlContent, textContent,
mimeType, mimeHeader, structureState);
} else {
mimeType = "multipart/mixed";
structureState = migrateComplexMailContent(db, attachmentDirOld, attachmentDirNew, messageId,
htmlContent, textContent, mimeHeader, structureState);
boolean messageHadSpecialFormat = false;
boolean isMaybePgpMimeEncrypted = attachmentCount >= 2
&& MimeUtil.isSameMimeType(mimeType, "multipart/encrypted");
if (isMaybePgpMimeEncrypted) {
MimeStructureState maybeStructureState =
migratePgpMimeEncryptedContent(db, messageId, attachmentDirOld, attachmentDirNew,
mimeHeader, structureState);
if (maybeStructureState != null) {
structureState = maybeStructureState;
messageHadSpecialFormat = true;
if (!messageHadSpecialFormat) {
boolean isSimpleStructured = attachmentCount == 0 &&
Utility.isAnyMimeType(mimeType, "text/plain", "text/html", "multipart/alternative");
if (isSimpleStructured) {
structureState = migrateSimpleMailContent(db, htmlContent, textContent,
mimeType, mimeHeader, structureState);
} else {
mimeType = "multipart/mixed";
structureState =
migrateComplexMailContent(db, attachmentDirOld, attachmentDirNew, messageId,
htmlContent, textContent, mimeHeader, structureState);
@ -398,9 +416,96 @@ class StoreSchemaDefinition implements LockableDatabase.SchemaDefinition {
private static MimeStructureState migratePgpMimeEncryptedContent(SQLiteDatabase db, long messageId,
File attachmentDirOld, File attachmentDirNew, MimeHeader mimeHeader, MimeStructureState structureState) {
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "Attempting to migrate multipart/encrypted as pgp/mime");
Cursor cursor = null;
try {
cursor = db.query("attachments",
new String[] {
"id", "size", "name", "mime_type", "store_data",
"content_uri", "content_id", "content_disposition"
"message_id = ?", new String[] { Long.toString(messageId) }, null, null, null);
if (cursor.getCount() < 2) {
Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "Found multipart/encrypted but not enough attaachments, handling as regular mail");
return null;
long firstPartId = cursor.getLong(0);
int firstPartSize = cursor.getInt(1);
String firstPartName = cursor.getString(2);
String firstPartMimeType = cursor.getString(3);
String firstPartStoreData = cursor.getString(4);
String firstPartContentUriString = cursor.getString(5);
if (!MimeUtil.isSameMimeType(firstPartMimeType, "application/pgp-encrypted")) {
"First part in multipart/encrypted wasn't application/pgp-encrypted, handling as regular mail");
return null;
long secondPartId = cursor.getLong(0);
int secondPartSize = cursor.getInt(1);
String secondPartName = cursor.getString(2);
String secondPartMimeType = cursor.getString(3);
String secondPartStoreData = cursor.getString(4);
String secondPartContentUriString = cursor.getString(5);
if (!MimeUtil.isSameMimeType(secondPartMimeType, "application/octet-stream")) {
"First part in multipart/encrypted wasn't application/octet-stream, handling as regular mail");
return null;
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put("type", MessagePartType.UNKNOWN);
cv.put("data_location", DataLocation.IN_DATABASE);
cv.put("mime_type", "multipart/encrypted");
cv.put("header", mimeHeader.toString());
cv.put("boundary", MimeUtil.createUniqueBoundary());
long rootMessagePartId = db.insertOrThrow("message_parts", null, cv);
structureState = structureState.nextMultipartChild(rootMessagePartId);
structureState =
insertMimeAttachmentPart(db, attachmentDirOld, attachmentDirNew, structureState, firstPartId,
firstPartSize, firstPartName, "application/pgp-encrypted", firstPartStoreData,
firstPartContentUriString, null, null);
structureState =
insertMimeAttachmentPart(db, attachmentDirOld, attachmentDirNew, structureState, secondPartId,
secondPartSize, secondPartName, "application/octet-stream", secondPartStoreData,
secondPartContentUriString, null, null);
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "Ignoring trailing part after multipart/encrypted data.");
} finally {
if (cursor != null) {
return structureState;
private static MimeStructureState migrateComplexMailContent(SQLiteDatabase db,
File attachmentDirOld, File attachmentDirNew, long messageId, String htmlContent, String textContent,
MimeHeader mimeHeader, MimeStructureState structureState) throws IOException {
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "Processing mail with complex data structure as multipart/mixed");
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put("type", MessagePartType.UNKNOWN);
cv.put("data_location", DataLocation.IN_DATABASE);
@ -453,6 +558,8 @@ class StoreSchemaDefinition implements LockableDatabase.SchemaDefinition {
private static MimeStructureState migrateSimpleMailContent(SQLiteDatabase db, String htmlContent,
String textContent, String mimeType, MimeHeader mimeHeader, MimeStructureState structureState)
throws IOException {
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "Processing mail with simple structure");
if (MimeUtil.isSameMimeType(mimeType, "text/plain")) {
return insertTextualPartIntoDatabase(db, structureState, mimeHeader, textContent, false);
} else if (MimeUtil.isSameMimeType(mimeType, "text/html")) {
@ -485,77 +592,9 @@ class StoreSchemaDefinition implements LockableDatabase.SchemaDefinition {
String contentId = cursor.getString(6);
String contentDisposition = cursor.getString(7);
if (K9.DEBUG) {
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "processing attachment " + id + ", " + name + ", "
+ mimeType + ", " + storeData + ", " + contentUriString);
if (contentDisposition == null) {
contentDisposition = "attachment";
MimeHeader mimeHeader = new MimeHeader();
String.format("%s;\r\n name=\"%s\"", mimeType, name));
String.format(Locale.US, "%s;\r\n filename=\"%s\";\r\n size=%d",
contentDisposition, name, size)); // TODO: Should use encoded word defined in RFC 2231.
mimeHeader.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_ID, contentId);
boolean hasData = contentUriString != null;
boolean hasDataWithChecks;
File attachmentFileToMove = null;
if (hasData) {
try {
Uri contentUri = Uri.parse(contentUriString);
List<String> pathSegments = contentUri.getPathSegments();
String attachmentId = pathSegments.get(1);
boolean isMatchingAttachmentId = Long.parseLong(attachmentId) == id;
File attachmentFile = new File(attachmentDirOld, attachmentId);
boolean isExistingAttachmentFile = attachmentFile.exists();
hasDataWithChecks = isMatchingAttachmentId && isExistingAttachmentFile;
if (!isMatchingAttachmentId) {
Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "mismatched attachment id. mark as missing");
if (isExistingAttachmentFile) {
attachmentFileToMove = attachmentFile;
} else {
Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "attached file doesn't exist. mark as missing");
} catch (Exception e) {
// anything here fails, conservatively assume the data doesn't exist
hasDataWithChecks = false;
} else {
hasDataWithChecks = false;
if (K9.DEBUG && hasDataWithChecks) {
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "attachment is in local cache");
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put("type", MessagePartType.UNKNOWN);
cv.put("mime_type", mimeType);
cv.put("decoded_body_size", size);
cv.put("display_name", name);
cv.put("header", mimeHeader.toString());
cv.put("encoding", MimeUtil.ENC_BINARY);
cv.put("data_location", hasDataWithChecks ? DataLocation.ON_DISK : DataLocation.MISSING);
cv.put("content_id", contentId);
cv.put("server_extra", storeData);
long partId = db.insertOrThrow("message_parts", null, cv);
structureState = structureState.nextChild(partId);
if (attachmentFileToMove != null) {
boolean moveOk = attachmentFileToMove.renameTo(new File(attachmentDirNew, Long.toString(partId)));
if (!moveOk) {
Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "Moving attachment to new dir failed!");
structureState =
insertMimeAttachmentPart(db, attachmentDirOld, attachmentDirNew, structureState, id, size, name,
mimeType, storeData, contentUriString, contentId, contentDisposition);
} finally {
@ -567,6 +606,85 @@ class StoreSchemaDefinition implements LockableDatabase.SchemaDefinition {
return structureState;
private static MimeStructureState insertMimeAttachmentPart(SQLiteDatabase db, File attachmentDirOld,
File attachmentDirNew, MimeStructureState structureState, long id, int size, String name, String mimeType,
String storeData, String contentUriString, String contentId, String contentDisposition) {
if (K9.DEBUG) {
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "processing attachment " + id + ", " + name + ", "
+ mimeType + ", " + storeData + ", " + contentUriString);
if (contentDisposition == null) {
contentDisposition = "attachment";
MimeHeader mimeHeader = new MimeHeader();
String.format("%s;\r\n name=\"%s\"", mimeType, name));
String.format(Locale.US, "%s;\r\n filename=\"%s\";\r\n size=%d",
contentDisposition, name, size)); // TODO: Should use encoded word defined in RFC 2231.
if (contentId != null) {
mimeHeader.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_ID, contentId);
boolean hasData = contentUriString != null;
boolean hasDataWithChecks;
File attachmentFileToMove = null;
if (hasData) {
try {
Uri contentUri = Uri.parse(contentUriString);
List<String> pathSegments = contentUri.getPathSegments();
String attachmentId = pathSegments.get(1);
boolean isMatchingAttachmentId = Long.parseLong(attachmentId) == id;
File attachmentFile = new File(attachmentDirOld, attachmentId);
boolean isExistingAttachmentFile = attachmentFile.exists();
hasDataWithChecks = isMatchingAttachmentId && isExistingAttachmentFile;
if (!isMatchingAttachmentId) {
Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "mismatched attachment id. mark as missing");
if (isExistingAttachmentFile) {
attachmentFileToMove = attachmentFile;
} else {
Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "attached file doesn't exist. mark as missing");
} catch (Exception e) {
// anything here fails, conservatively assume the data doesn't exist
hasDataWithChecks = false;
} else {
hasDataWithChecks = false;
if (K9.DEBUG && hasDataWithChecks) {
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "attachment is in local cache");
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put("type", MessagePartType.UNKNOWN);
cv.put("mime_type", mimeType);
cv.put("decoded_body_size", size);
cv.put("display_name", name);
cv.put("header", mimeHeader.toString());
cv.put("encoding", MimeUtil.ENC_BINARY);
cv.put("data_location", hasDataWithChecks ? DataLocation.ON_DISK : DataLocation.MISSING);
cv.put("content_id", contentId);
cv.put("server_extra", storeData);
long partId = db.insertOrThrow("message_parts", null, cv);
structureState = structureState.nextChild(partId);
if (attachmentFileToMove != null) {
boolean moveOk = attachmentFileToMove.renameTo(new File(attachmentDirNew, Long.toString(partId)));
if (!moveOk) {
Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "Moving attachment to new dir failed!");
return structureState;
private static void updateFlagsForMessage(SQLiteDatabase db, long messageId, String messageFlags) {
List<Flag> extraFlags = new ArrayList<>();
if (messageFlags != null && messageFlags.length() > 0) {
Reference in a new issue