# Translation CLI This is a command line interface that will check the [weblate](https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/tb-android/#languages) translation state for all languages and print out the ones that are above a certain threshold. ## Usage To use this script you need to have a weblate token. You can get it by logging in to weblate and going to your profile settings. You can run the script with the following command: ```bash ./scripts/translation --token [--threshold 70] ``` It will print out the languages that are above the threshold. The default threshold is 70. You can change it by passing the `--threshold` argument. If you want a code example, you can pass the `--print-all` argument. It will print out example code for easier integration into the project. ```bash ./scripts/translation --token --print-all ``` You could use this output to update the `resourceConfigurations` variable in the `app-k9mail/build.gradle.kts` file and the `supported_languages` in the `arrays_general_settings_values.xml` file.