
133 lines
3.1 KiB

Created by Billy Brawner on 9/25/19.
Copyright © 2019 William Brawner. All rights reserved.
// MARK: Generic
"add" = "Add";
"filter" = "Filter";
"edit" = "Edit";
"save" = "Save";
"delete" = "Delete";
"cancel" = "Cancel";
"details" = "Details";
"loading_default" = "Loading...";
"prompt_name" = "Name";
"prompt_description" = "Description";
"prompt_amount" = "Amount";
"prompt_date" = "Date";
"prompt_category" = "Category";
"prompt_budget" = "Budget";
"prompt_type" = "Type";
"prompt_archived" = "Archived";
"type_income" = "Income";
"type_expense" = "Expense";
"action_retry" = "Retry";
"confirm_delete" = "Are you sure you want to delete this?";
"cannot_undo" = "This cannot be undone";
"overview" = "Overview";
// MARK: Login
"info_login" = "Login to start managing your budget";
"prompt_server" = "Server";
"prompt_username" = "Username";
"prompt_password" = "Password";
"action_login" = "Login";
"loading_login" = "Logging in...";
"logout" = "Logout";
// MARK: Registration
"info_register" = "Don't have an account?";
"action_register" = "Register";
"prompt_email" = "Email Address";
"prompt_confirm_password" = "Confirm Password";
// MARK: Transactions
"transactions" = "Transactions";
"add_transaction" = "Add Transaction";
"edit_transaction" = "Edit Transaction";
"notes" = "Notes";
"registered_by" = "Registered by";
"no_transactions" = "No transactions found for the given criteria";
// MARK: Categories
"category" = "Category";
"categories" = "Categories";
"amount_budgeted" = "Budgeted";
"amount_spent" = "Spent";
"amount_earned" = "Earned";
"amount_remaining" = "Remaining";
// MARK: Budgets
"budget" = "Budget";
"budgets" = "Budgets";
"new_budget" = "New Budget";
"current_balance" = "Current Balance:";
"expected" = "Expected:";
"actual" = "Actual:";
"income" = "Income:";
"expenses" = "Expenses:";
// MARK: Profile
"profile" = "Profile";
"change_password" = "Change Password";
"change_email" = "Change Email";
"delete_account" = "Delete Account";
// MARK: Recurring Transactions
"recurring" = "Recurring";
"recurring_transactions" = "Recurring Transactions";
"add_recurring_transaction" = "Add Recurring Transaction";
"edit_recurring_transaction" = "Edit Recurring Transaction";
"prompt_start" = "Start";
"prompt_end" = "End";
"frequency" = "Frequency";
"note_end_optional" = "Note: The end date is optional";
"day" = "Day";
"week" = "Week";
"month" = "Month";
"year" = "Year";
"sunday" = "SUN";
"monday" = "MON";
"tuesday" = "TUES";
"wednesday" = "WED";
"thursday" = "THURS";
"friday" = "FRI";
"saturday" = "SAT";
"first" = "First";
"second" = "Second";
"third" = "Third";
"fourth" = "Fourth";
"last" = "Last";
"SUNDAY" = "Sunday";
"MONDAY" = "Monday";
"TUESDAY" = "Tuesday";
"WEDNESDAY" = "Wednesday";
"THURSDAY" = "Thursday";
"FRIDAY" = "Friday";
"SATURDAY" = "Saturday";
"january" = "January";
"february" = "February";
"march" = "March";
"april" = "April";
"may" = "May";
"june" = "June";
"july" = "July";
"august" = "August";
"september" = "September";
"october" = "October";
"november" = "November";
"december" = "December";
"start" = "Start";
"end" = "End";
"never" = "Never";
"onDate" = "On Date";