# IMPORTANT: This repository is no longer maintained. The web version of Twigs has been replaced with a server-rendered implementation in the [backend repository](https://github.com/wbrawner/twigs)
Twigs is an open source budgeting app aimed at people who need to share a budget. This project serves as the web front end, and is powered by Angular. The main back end project can be found at [wbrawner/twigs-server](https://github.com/wbrawner/twigs-server)
Eventually the plan is to ship this web app within the JAR for the server, but for now you'll need to run them separately. Before you build the app, be sure to change the `apiUrl` value in [src/environments/environment.prod.ts](src/environments/environment.prod.ts). Then you can run the following command to get an optimized version of the build for production deployments