
1328 lines
104 KiB
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"name": "Babylon",
"translatedName": "Вавилон",
"leaderName": "Навуходоносор II",
"adjective": ["Вавилонський"],
"startBias": ["Avoid Tundra"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Scientific",
"startIntroPart1": "May the blessings of heaven be upon you, O great Nebuchadnezzar, father of mighty and ancient Babylon! Young was the world when Sargon built Babylon some five thousand years ago, long did it grow and prosper, gaining its first empire the eighteenth century BC, under godlike Hammurabi, the giver of law. Although conquered by the Kassites and then by the Assyrians, Babylon endured, emerging phoenix-like from its ashes of destruction and regaining its independence despite its many enemies. Truly was Babylon the center of arts and learning in the ancient world. O Nebuchadnezzar, your empire endured but a short time after your death, falling to the mighty Persians, and then to the Greeks, until the great city was destroyed by 141 BC.",
"startIntroPart2": "But is Babylon indeed gone forever, great Nebuchadnezzar? Your people look to you to bring the empire back to life once more. Will you accept the challenge? Will you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Демони хочуть крові воїнів!",
"attacked": "Що ж, сподіваюсь, ви знаєте, що робите.",
"defeated": "Це кінець. Сподіваюсь, тепер я піду на покій, востаннє.",
"introduction": "Ви справжній чи ні?",
"neutralHello": "Вітаю.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Я слухаю.","Що ви хочете?"],
"neutralNo": ["Ні!","Звісно, ні.","Неприпустимо!"],
"neutralYes": ["Виконано!","Так!","Згоден!"],
"hateHello": "Що ви хочете?!",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Я уважно слухаю.","Я слухаю!"],
"hateNo": ["Ні!","Звісно, ні.","Неприпустимо!"],
"hateYes": ["Так!"],
"afterPeace": "Нерозумно. Нерозумно - залишити мене живим.",
"tradeRequest": "Здається, сенс вашого існування укласти цю угоду зі мною.",
"outerColor": [27,53,63],
"innerColor": [213,249,255],
"uniqueName": "Винахідливість",
"unique": "Отримайте безкоштовно Великого вченого, коли відкриєте для себе Письмо, народження Великих Вчених на 50% швидше",
"cities": ["Вавилон","Аккад","Дур-Курігальзу","Ніппур","Борсіппа","Сіппар","Опис","Марі","Сузи","Ешнунна",
"name": "Greece",
"translatedName": "Греція",
"leaderName": "Олександр",
"adjective": ["Грецька"],
"startBias": ["Coast"],
// preferredVictoryType:"Diplomatic",
"startIntroPart1": "May the blessings of the gods be upon you, oh great King Alexander! You are the ruler of the mighty Greek nation. Your people lived for so many years in isolated city-states - legendary cities such as Athens, Sparta, Thebes - where they gave the world many great things, such as democracy, philosophy, ragedy, art and architecture, the very foundation of Western Civilization. Although few in number and often hostile to each other, in the 5th century BC they were able to defeat their much larger neighbor, Persia, on land and sea.",
"startIntroPart2": "Alexander, your people stand ready to march to war, to spread the great Greek culture to millions and to bring you everlasting glory. Are you ready to accept your destiny, King Alexander? Will you lead your people to triumph and greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Ти - завада на моєму шляху. Тому я мушу знищити тебе.",
"attacked": "Власне, я занадто втомився від миру.",
"defeated": "Ти якимось чином зпромігся мого знищення! Що ти за тварина така?",
"introduction": "Привіт незнайомець! Я Олександр, син королів та внук богів!",
"neutralHello": "Вітаю!",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Вітаю.","Продовжуйте.","Так?","Приходь."],
"neutralNo": ["Ми відхиляємо.","Звісно, ні.","Ми не згодні."],
"neutralYes": ["Звісно.","Вельми.","Дуже добре!"],
"hateHello": "Що?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Ти говориш.","І?","Приходь."],
"hateNo": ["Це не припустимо!","Ти несерйозний!","Вибачаюсь?"],
"hateYes": ["Ох, добре.","Схоже у мене немає вибору.","Чудово."],
"afterPeace": "Мушу привітати вас з великою перемогою.",
"tradeRequest": "Друже, тобі це здається розумним?",
"outerColor": [181, 232, 232],
"innerColor": [68,142,249],
"uniqueName": "Грецька ліга",
"unique": "Вплив на міста-держави погіршується вдвійчі повільніше та відновлюється вдвійчі швидше ніж зазвичай.",
"cities": ["Афіни","Спарта","Коринф","Аргос","Kносс","Мікени","Фарсалос","Ефес","Галікарнас","Родос",
"name": "China",
"translatedName": "Китай",
"leaderName": "У Цзетянь",
"adjective": ["Китайський"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Scientific",
"startIntroPart1": "The Blessings of Heaven be upon you. Empress Wu Zetian, most beautiful and haughty ruler of China! Oh great Empress, whose shadow causes the flowers to blossom and the rivers to flow! You are the leader of the Chinese, the oldest and the greatest civilization that humanity has ever produced. China's history stretches back into the mists of time, its people achieving many great things long before the other upstart civilizations were even conceived. China's contributions to the arts and sciences are too many and too wondrous to do justice to - the printing press, gunpowder, the works of Confucius - these are but a few of the gifts China has given to an undeserving world!",
"startIntroPart2": "You, great Queen, who, with cunning and beauty, rose from the position of lowly concubine to that of Divine Empress - your people call out to you to lead them! Great China is once again beset on all sides by barbarians. Can you defeat all your many foes and return your country to greatness? Can you build a civilization to stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Ви більше ніколи не зможете мене потурбувати. Іди назустріч Ямі.",
"attacked": "Дурень! Я вас знищу!",
"defeated": "Ви зарекомендували себе як хитрий та грамотний суперник. Вітаю вас з перемогою.",
"introduction": "Вітаю, я імператриця У Цзетянь. Китай бажає миру та розвитку. Не турбуйте нас, і ми не турбуватимемо вас.",
"neutralHello": "Як справи?",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Продовжуй.","Що?","Не зупиняйся."],
"neutralNo": ["Ні.","Звісно, ні.","Точно ні."],
"neutralYes": ["Звісно.","Я підтверджую.","Чудово!"],
"hateHello": "Ох, знову ти?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["І що ще?","Продовжуй."],
"hateNo": ["Я не можу прийняти це.","Вибач, повтори знову.","Забирайся з очей моїх!"],
"hateYes": ["Здається, у мене немає вибору.","Ах. Чудово."],
"afterPeace": "Благословення Небесам над тобою.",
"tradeRequest": "Друже, чи не міг би ти прийняти це?",
"outerColor": [9, 112, 84],
"innerColor": [255,255,255],
"uniqueName": "Мистецтво війни",
"unique": "Бонус сили видатних генералів подвоюється. Видатні генерали народжуються на 50% швидше",
"cities": ["Пекін","Шанхай","Гуанчжоу","Нанкін","Сіань","Ченду","Ханчжоу","Тяньцзінь","Макао","Шаньдун",
2019-12-30 16:18:37 +00:00
"name": "Egypt",
"translatedName": "Єгипет",
"leaderName": "Рамсес II",
"adjective": ["Єгипетський"],
"startBias": ["Avoid Jungle","Avoid Forest"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Cultural",
"startIntroPart1": "We greet thee, oh great Ramesses, Pharaoh of Egypt, who causes the sun to rise and the Nile to flow, and who blesses his fortunate people with all the good things of life! Oh great lord, from time immemorial your people lived on the banks of the Nile river, where they brought writing to the world, and advanced mathematics, sculpture, and architecture. Thousands of years ago they created the great monuments which still stand tall and proud.",
"startIntroPart2": "Oh, Ramesses, for uncounted years your people endured, as other petty nations around them have risen and then fallen into dust. They look to you to lead them once more into greatness. Can you honor the gods and bring Egypt back to her rightful place at the very center of the world? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Ви — шкідник на цій планеті! Приготуйтесь до знищення!",
"attacked": "Ти дурень, який викликає лише жалість. Вам, та вашій гидкій цивілізації скоро прийде кінець!",
"defeated": "Знищи мене і мій дух буде переслідувати тебе довічно ти нічого не виграв.",
"introduction": "Вітаю, Я - бог Рамсес. Я живе втілення Єгипту, мати і батько всіх цивілізацій.",
"neutralHello": "Доброго дня.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Продовжуй.","Не зупиняйся.","Я слухаю."],
"neutralNo": ["Ні.","Звісно ні."],
"neutralYes": ["Добре.","Чудово."],
"hateHello": "Ох, це ти.",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["І?","Завершуй."],
"hateNo": ["Це неприпустимо.","Ти можеш більш серйозно ставитись до свого запиту?"],
"hateYes": ["Ох, чудово.","Я змушений прийняти це."],
"afterPeace": "Ви знаєте, що я міг знищити вас, але сьогодні щедрість переповнює мене.",
"tradeRequest": "Щедрий Єгипет пропонує вам цю пропозицію.",
"outerColor": [ 231, 213, 0],
"innerColor": [98,10,210],
"uniqueName": "Будівництво пам'ятників",
"unique": "Чудеса Світу будуються на +20% швидше",
"cities": ["Тибет","Мемфіс","Геліополь","Елефантина","Александрія","Пер-Рамсес","Гіза","Бібл","Амарна","Ієраконполіс",
2019-12-30 16:18:37 +00:00
"Мендес","Аль-Ашмунін","Таніст","Бубастіс","Орикс","Себенніт","Ахмім","Карнак","Луксор","Ель Каб"]
"name": "England",
"translatedName": "Англія",
"leaderName": "Єлизавета I",
"adjective": ["Англійська"],
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"startIntroPart1": "Praises upon her serene highness, Queen Elizabeth Gloriana. You lead and protect the celebrated maritime nation of England. England is an ancient land, settled as early as 35,000 years ago. The island has seen countless waves of invaders, each in turn becoming a part of the fabric of the people. Although England is a small island, for many years your people dominated the world stage. Their matchless navy, brilliant artists and shrewd merchants, giving them power and influence far in excess of their mere numbers.",
"startIntroPart2": "Queen Elizabeth, will you bring about a new golden age for the English people? They look to you once more to return peace and prosperity to the nation. Will you take up the mantle of greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Боги благословили мене, твої дні злічені.",
"attacked": "Ми ніколи не здамося.",
"defeated": "Ви здобули перемогу над нами. Це твій день.",
"introduction": "Ми раді зустріти вас.",
"neutralHello": "Привіт, знову.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Продовжуй.","Не зупиняйся."],
"neutralNo": ["Перепрошую?","Це неприпустимо!"],
"neutralYes": ["Абсолютно!","Чудово!"],
"hateHello": "О, ти!",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Я слухаю.","Ви щось сказали?"],
"hateNo": ["Ти це несерйозно.","Звісно що ні!"],
"hateYes": ["Ох, чудово!","Схоже, я змушена!"],
"afterPeace": "Ну, тоді все врегульовано.",
"tradeRequest": "Ви зацікавлені в підписанні торгівельної угоди з Англією?",
"outerColor": [ 114, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,255,255],
"uniqueName": "Сонце ніколи не заходить",
"unique": "+2 пересування для кожного морського підрозділу",
"cities": ["Лондон","Йорк","Ноттінгем","Гастінгс","Кентербері","Ковентрі","Ворвік","Ньюкасл-апон-Тайн","Оксфорд","Ліверпуль",
2020-01-09 18:29:23 +00:00
"name": "France",
"translatedName": "Франція",
"leaderName": "Наполеон",
"adjective": ["Французька"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Cultural",
"startIntroPart1": "Long life and triumph to you, First Consul and Emperor of France, Napoleon I, ruler of the French people. France lies at the heart of Europe. Long has Paris been the world center of culture, arts and letters. Although surrounded by competitors - and often enemies - France has endured as a great nation. Its armies have marched triumphantly into battle from one end of the world to the other, its soldiers and generals among the best in history.",
"startIntroPart2": "Napoleon Bonaparte, France yearns for you to rebuild your empire, to lead her once more to glory and greatness, to make France once more the epicenter of culture and refinement. Emperor, will you ride once more against your foes? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Ти нам заважаєш, готуйся до війни.",
"attacked": "Ти потрапив в мою пастку. Я поховаю тебе.",
"defeated": "Вітаю з перемогою.",
"introduction": "Вітаю. Я Наполеон, імператор Франції; найрозумніший воїн в історії.",
"neutralHello": "Привіт.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Продовжуй.","Я слухаю.","Продовжуй.","Ти щось сказав?"],
"neutralNo": ["Ми відмовляємось.","Звісно що ні.","Ні."],
"neutralYes": ["Чудово.","Дуже добре.","Я почув."],
"hateHello": "Це ти.",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Говори."],
"hateNo": ["Ти не вмієш бути серйозним.","Аж ніяк.","Це неприйнятно."],
"hateYes": ["Все правильно.","Я гадаю у мене немає вибору.","Звичайно.","Все добре."],
"afterPeace": "Схоже, я недооцінив ваші можливості. Я більше не натраплю на ці ж граблі, обіцяю.",
"tradeRequest": "Франція пропонує вам прийняти цю пропозицію.",
"outerColor": [ 38, 98, 255],
"innerColor": [239,236,148],
"uniqueName": "Старий порядок",
"unique": "+2 культури з міст до відкриття Парової енергії",
"cities": ["Париж","Орлеан","Ліон","Труа","Турс","Марсель","Шартр","Авіньйон","Руан","Ґренобль",
2020-01-09 18:29:23 +00:00
"name": "Russia",
"translatedName": "Росія",
"leaderName": "Катерина",
"adjective": ["Російська"],
"startBias": ["Tundra"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Scientific",
"startIntroPart1": "Greetings upon thee, Your Imperial Majesty Catherine, wondrous Empress of all the Russias. At your command lies the largest country in the world. Mighty Russia stretches from the Pacific Ocean in the east to the Baltic Sea in the west. Despite wars, droughts, and every manner of disaster the heroic Russian people survive and prosper, their artists and scientists among the best in the world. The Empire today remains one of the strongest ever seen in human history - a true superpower, with the greatest destructive force ever devised at her command.",
"startIntroPart2": "Catherine, your people look to you to bring forth glorious days for Russia and her people, to revitalize the land and recapture the wonder of the Enlightenment. Will you lead your people once more into greatness? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Ви поводили себе дуже погано, вам це відомо. Тепер настав час відповідати за свої гріхи.",
"attacked": "Ви помилково сприйняли мою пристрасть за слабкість, ви пошкодуєте про це.",
"defeated": "Ми зазнали поразки, тому це робить мене твоїм в'язнем. Я думаю, є гірші долі.",
"introduction": "Вітаю тебе, незнайомець! Якщо ви настільки розумні і тактовні, наскільки ви привабливі, ми будемо чудово ладити.",
"neutralHello": "Привіт!",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Продовжуй.","Говори."],
"neutralNo": ["Ми відхиляємо.","Хах! Звісно ні.","Звичайно що ні."],
"neutralYes": ["Звісно.","Я підтверджую.","Чудово!"],
"hateHello": "Що тобі потрібно?!",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["І?","Давай, кажи.","Продовжуй."],
"hateNo": ["Ти глузуєш?!","Вибачаюсь?!","Це неприпустимо."],
"hateYes": ["Я думаю...Я мушу прийняти.","Ох... дуже добре.","Згода."],
"afterPeace": "Настав час спробувати на смак фрукти миру.",
"tradeRequest": "Ви б могли прийняти наш запит на обмін?",
"outerColor": [ 236, 178, 0],
"innerColor": [0,0,0],
"uniqueName": "Сибірське багатство",
"unique": "Стратегічні ресурси забезпечують виробництво +1, а коні, залізні та уранові ресурси забезпечуються в подвійній кількості",
"cities": ["Москва","Санкт-Петербург","Новгород","Ростов","Ярославль","Єкатеринбург","Якутськ","Владивосток","Смоленськ","Оренбург",
"name": "Rome",
"translatedName": "Рим",
"leaderName": "Октавіан Август",
"adjective": ["Римський"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Scientific",
"startIntroPart1": "The blessings of the gods be upon you, Caesar Augustus, emperor of Rome and all her holdings. Your empire was the greatest and longest lived of all in Western civilization. And your people single handedly shaped its culture, law, art, and warfare like none other, before or since. Through years of glorious conquest, Rome came to dominate all the lands of the Mediterranean from Spain in the west to Syria in the east. And her dominion would eventually expand to cover much of England and northern Germany. Roman art and architecture still awe and inspire the world. And she remains the envy of all lesser civilizations who have followed.",
"startIntroPart2": "O mighty emperor, your people turn to you to once more reclaim the glory of Rome! Will you see to it that your empire rises again, bringing peace and order to all? Will you make Rome once again center of the world? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Моя скарбниця зменшується, а мої солдати вже не можуть дочекатись... <зітхає> ...тому ти мусиш померти.",
"attacked": "Такий сміливий поступок, але такий дурний! Якби ж ваш мозок був таким же великим як і ваша мужність.",
"defeated": "Боги покинули нас. Ми програли.",
"introduction": "Вітаю тебе. Я Август, імператор та Великий понтифік риму. Якщо ви друг Риму, ми готові дружити з вами.",
"neutralHello": "Привіт!",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Починай.","Продовжуй."],
"neutralNo": ["Ні.","Звісно ні!"],
"neutralYes": ["Добре.","Я підтверджую."],
"hateHello": "Що ти хочеш?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["І?","Продовжуй."],
"hateNo": ["Це непрйнятно.","Ти не вмієш бути серйозним!"],
"hateYes": ["Чудово.","Ах. Добре."],
"afterPeace": "Ваші воїни хоробро бились. Вітаю вас з вашою перемогою.",
"tradeRequest": "Прийміть цю угоду, якщо ви згодні.",
"outerColor": [ 53,0,87],
"innerColor": [238,201,9],
"uniqueName": "Слава Риму",
"unique": "+25% Виробництва для всіх будівель що вже існують в столиці",
"cities": ["Рим","Антиум","Куми","Неаполіс","Равенна","Ареццо","Мілан","Арпіно","Сирсея","Сетія",
"name": "Arabia",
"translatedName": "Аравія",
"leaderName": "Гарун ар-Рашид",
"adjective": ["Аравійська"],
"startBias": ["Desert"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Scientific",
"startIntroPart1": "Blessings of God be upon you oh great caliph Harun al-Rashid, leader of the pious Arabian people! The Muslim empire, the Caliphate was born in the turbulent years after the death of the prophet Muhammad in 632 AD, as his followers sought to extend the rule of God to all of the people of the earth. The caliphate grew mighty indeed at the height of its power, ruling Spain, North Africa, the Middle East, Anatolia, the Balkans and Persia. An empire as great as or even greater than that of Rome. The arts and sciences flourished in Arabia during the Middle Ages, even as the countries of Europe descended into ignorance and chaos. The Caliphate survived for six hundred years, until finally succumbing to attack from the Mongols, those destroyers of Empires.",
"startIntroPart2": "Great Caliph Harun al Rashid, your people look to you to return them to greatness! To make Arabia once again an enlightened land of arts and knowledge, a powerful nation who needs fear no enemy! Oh Caliph, will you take up the challenge? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Світ буде кращим без вас. Готуйтесь до війни.",
"attacked": "Дурень! Ви пошкодуєте! Я обіцяю вам!",
"defeated": "Ви перемогли, мої вітання. Зараз мій палац у твоїх володіннях, і я благаю, щоб ти добре піклувався про павича.",
"introduction": "Привіт, іноземцю, я Гарун ар-Рашид, Халіф арабів. Підійди і розкажи мені про свою імперію.",
"neutralHello": "Мир вам.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Що це?","Що ти сказав?"],
"neutralNo": ["Звісно що ні.","Аж ніяк."],
"neutralYes": ["Добре.","Прекрасно."],
"hateHello": "Ах, це ти.",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Що це?!","Завершуй."],
"hateNo": ["Це неприйнятно.","Ти міг би бути більш серйозним на рахунок цього запиту?"],
"hateYes": ["Дуже добре.","Якщо я мушу."],
"afterPeace": "Ми дякуємо вам за ваші щедрі умови, ми не забудемо прихильність, яку ви нам виявляєте.",
"tradeRequest": "Підійди, давай поторгуємось.",
"outerColor": [ 41,83,42],
"innerColor": [146,221,9],
"uniqueName": "Торговельні каравани",
"unique": "+1 Золото з кожного торгового шляху, та нафтові ресурси у подвійній кількості",
"cities": ["Мекка","Медіна","Дамаск","Багдад","Найран","Куфа","Басра","Хорасан","Анджар","Фустат",
2020-01-09 18:29:23 +00:00
"name": "America",
"translatedName": "Америка",
"leaderName": "Джордж Вашингтон",
"adjective": ["Американська"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Scientific",
"startIntroPart1": "Ласкаво просимо, президент Вашингтон! Ви керуєте працьовитою американською цивілізацією! Formed in the conflagration of revolution in the 18th century, within a hundred years, the young nation became embroiled in a terrible civil war that nearly tore the country apart, but it was just a few short years later in the 20th century that the United States reached the height of its power, emerging triumphant and mighty from the two terrible wars that destroyed so many other great nations. The United States is a nation of immigrants, filled with optimism and determination. Їм не вистачає лише керівника, який допоможе їм виконати свої обіцянки.",
"startIntroPart2": "Президент Вашингтон, чи можете ви привести американський народ до величі? Чи можете ви побудувати цивілізацію, яка витримає випробування часом?",
"declaringWar": "Ваша безглузда агресія не залишає нам іншого вибору. Готуйся до війни!",
"attacked": "Ви сплутали нашу любов до миру та слабкість. Ви заплатите за це!",
"defeated": "День... твій. Сподіваюсь, ви будете милосердними у своєму торжестві.",
"introduction": "Народ Сполучених Штатів Америки вітає вас.",
"neutralHello": "Гарного дня.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Продовжуйте!","Не затримуйся.","Я слухаю."],
"neutralNo": ["Звичайно що ні!","Ні."],
"neutralYes": ["Дуже добре.","Домовились.","Авжеж!"],
"hateHello": "Ну?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Продовжуйте.","Ви говорили?"],
"hateNo": ["Звичайно, ні.","Ми відмовляємося!","Ви не можете бути серйозними."],
"hateYes": ["О, дуже добре.","Я гадаю, що треба.","Домовились.","Добре.","Гаразд","Згоден."],
"afterPeace": "Ми вітаємо мир з вашою великою нацією. Я молюся, щоб між нашими двома народами не виникло майбутніх непорозумінь.",
"tradeRequest": "Чи цікавить вас торгівля?",
"outerColor": [ 28,51,119],
"innerColor": [255,255,255],
"uniqueName": "Явне призначення",
"unique": "Усі наземні підрозділи отримують +1 до зору, а також купівля клітинок за півціни",
"cities": ["Вашингтон","Нью-Йорк","Бостон","Філадельфія","Атланта","Чикаго","Сіетл","Сан-Франциско","Лос-Анджелес","Х’юстон",
2020-01-01 14:50:12 +00:00
"Портленд","Сент-Луїс","Маямі","Баффало","Детройт","Новий Орлеан","Ба́лтимор ","Денвер","Цінціннаті","Даллас","Мемфіс",
"name": "Japan",
"translatedName": "Японія",
"leaderName": "Ода Нобунаґа",
"adjective": ["Японська"],
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Domination",
"startIntroPart1": "Blessings upon you, noble Oda Nobunaga, ruler of Japan, the land of the Rising Sun! May you long walk among its flowering blossoms. The Japanese are an island people, proud and pious with a rich culture of arts and letters. Your civilization stretches back thousands of years, years of bloody warfare, expansion and isolation, great wealth and great poverty. In addition to their prowess on the field of battle, your people are also immensely industrious, and their technological innovation and mighty factories are the envy of lesser people everywhere.",
"startIntroPart2": "Legendary damiyo, will you grab the reins of destiny? Will you bring your family and people the honor and glory they deserve? Will you once again pick up the sword and march to triumph? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Я тут для того, щоб поінформувати вас про наші наміри винищити вашу цивізілацію з цього світу.",
"attacked": "Жалюгідний дурень! Тепер ми тебе знищимо!",
"defeated": "Ти був мудрішим, аніж я ґадав.",
"introduction": "We hope for a fair and just relationship with you, who are renowned for military bravery.",
"neutralHello": "Привіт.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Давай далі.","Продовжуй.","Я слухаю."],
"neutralNo": ["Вибач.","Ні.","Мабуть, іншим разом."],
"neutralYes": ["Дуже добре.","Згоден.","Хай. (Так)"],
"hateHello": "Ох, це ти...",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Давай я послухаю.","Давай далі.","Продовжуй."],
"hateNo": ["Ее. (Ні)","Перепрошую?","Мабуть, наступного разу."],
"hateYes": ["Я згоден.","Ох... дуже добре.","Мабуть, у мене немає вибору."],
"afterPeace": "Це було за честь битись з тобою.",
"tradeRequest": "Я буду вдячний, якщо ви погодитесь на наступну пропозицію.",
"outerColor": [215,225,225],
"innerColor": [185,0,0],
"uniqueName": "Бусідо",
"unique": "Підрозділи б'ються у повну силу, навіть коли поранені.",
"cities": ["Кіото","Осак","Токіо","Сацума","Каґосіма","Нара","Нагоя","Ідзумо","Нагасакі","Йокогама",
2020-01-09 18:29:23 +00:00
"name": "India",
"translatedName": "Індія",
"leaderName": "Ганді",
"adjective": ["Індійська"],
"startBias": ["Grassland"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Cultural",
"startIntroPart1": "Greetings, President Mahatma Gandhi, great souled leader of India! You are the ruler of one of the oldest countries in the world with history stretching back almost 10'000 years. A spiritual country, India is the birthplace of three of the world's great religions - Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. This is a passionate land of music and color, a land of great wealth and grinding poverty. For centuries, India was divided into kingdoms who fought constantly with each other and against outside invaders. That was, horever, after empires such as Maratha, Maurya and Gupta. In the 12th century AD, India was conquered by Muslim Turks fled from the Mongols. In the early 17th century, the English arrived, and thought a combination of shrewd diplomacy and technological supeiority, they conquered your fragmented nation. England remained in power for some two centuries until driven out by a rising wave of Indian nationalism, a peaceful rebellion unlike any before seen in history, one led by you!",
"startIntroPart2": "Gandhi, your people look to you to lead them to even greater heights of glory! Can you help your people realize their great potential, to once again become the world's center of arts, culture and religion? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Я тільки-но дізнався, що велика кількість моїх воїнів перейшла через ваші кордони.",
"attacked": "Мої спроби уникати насильства зазнали невдачі. Око за око лиш робить світ сліпим.",
"defeated": "Ви можете зв'язати мене, ви можете катувати мене, ви можете навіть знищити це тіло, але ви не зможете ув'язнити мій розум. ",
"introduction": "Привіт, я Магатма Ґанді. Мої люди звуть мене Бапу, але будь-ласка, називайте мене другом.",
"neutralHello": "Я бажаю вам миру.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Продовжуй.","Так?","Я слухаю."],
"neutralNo": ["Аж ніяк.","Ні.","Це неприйнятно"],
"neutralYes": ["Добре.","Ми згідні.","Чудово."],
"hateHello": "Що вам потрібно?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Продовжуй.","І?","Говори."],
"hateNo": ["Це неприйнятно.","Схоже, ви несерйозні.","Це неможливо."],
"hateYes": ["Ох. Чудово.","Здається, я мушу прийняти це.","Дуже добре..."],
"afterPeace": "Я щасливий що ми знову живемо у мирі, навіть якщо це багато чого нам коштувало.",
"tradeRequest": "Мій друже, ти зацікавлений у цій пропозиії?",
"outerColor": [16,126,5],
"innerColor": [255,153,51],
"unique": "Нещастя від кількості міст подвоєно, нещастя від кількості громадян вдвічі зменшено.",
"cities": ["Делі","Мумбаї","Віджаянагара","Патна","Варанасі","Агра","Колката","Лахо́р","Бенґалуру","Гайдарабад","Мадурай","Ахмедабад",
2020-01-09 18:29:23 +00:00
"name": "Germany",
"translatedName": "Німеччина",
"leaderName": "Отто фон Бісмарк",
"adjective": ["Німецька"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Scientific",
"startIntroPart1": "Hail mighty Bismark, first canchellor of Germany and her empire! Germany is an upstart nation, fashioned from the ruins of the Holy Roman Empire and finally unified in 1871, a little more than a century ago. The German people have proven themselves to be creative, industrious a ferocious warriors. Despite enduring great catastrophes in the first half of the 20th century, Germany remains a worldwide economic, artistic and technological leader.",
"startIntroPart2": "Great Prince Bismark, the German people look up too you to lead them to greater days of glory. Their determination is strong, and now they turn to you, their beloved iron chancellor, to guide them once more. Will you rile and conquer through blood and iron, or foster the Germanic arts and industry? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Ми не можемо допустити вашого посилення. Тож готуйтесь до війни!",
"attacked": "Лиходію! Ми зрівняємо вас з землею!",
"defeated": "Німеччина була знищена. Мені шкода наступні покоління.",
"introduction": "Гутен таг. Від імені великого німецького народу, я вітаю вас.",
"neutralHello": "Що тепер?",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Що ти сказав?","Так?","Йа?"],
"neutralNo": ["Ми не приймаємо.","Нейн.","Немає шансів."],
"neutralYes": ["Принйято","Дуже добре, тож","Чудово."],
"hateHello": "Йди звідси!",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["І?!","Гайда!","Що ж, скажи мені!"],
"hateNo": ["Це неприйнятно!","Будь серйознішим!","Нейн!"],
"hateYes": ["Що ж, добре.","Гут.","Схоже, я не можу відмовити."],
"afterPeace": "Називатимемо це нічиєю?",
"tradeRequest": "У ваших інтересах уважно розглянути цю пропозиію.",
"outerColor": [150,150,150],
"innerColor": [60,60,60],
"uniqueName": "Furor Teutonicus",
"unique": "67% chance to earn 25 Gold and recruit a Barbarian unit from a conquered encampment, -25% land units maintenance.",
"cities": ["Берлін","Гамбург","Мюнхен","Кельн","Франкфурт","Ессен","Дортмунд","Штутґарт","Дюссельдорф","Бремен",
2020-01-09 18:29:23 +00:00
"name": "The Ottomans",
"translatedName": "Османська Імперія",
"leaderName": "Сулейман I",
"adjective": ["Османська"],
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Domination",
"startIntroPart1": "Blessings of God be upon you, oh Great Emperor Suleiman! Your power, wealth and generosity awe the world! Truly, are you called 'Magnificent!' Your empire began in Bithynia, a small country in Eastern Anatolia in 12th century. Taking advantage in the decline of the great Selkuj Sultanate of Rum, King Osman I of Bithynia expanded west into Anatolia. Over the next century, your subjects brought down the empire of Byzantium, taking its holdings in Turkey and then the Balkans. In the mid 15th century, the Ottomans captured ancient Constantinople, gaining control of the strategic link between Europe and the Middle East. Your people's empire would continue to expand for centuries governing much of North Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe at its height.",
"startIntroPart2": "Mighty Sultan, heed the call of your people! Bring your empire back to the height of its power and glory and once again the world will look upon your greatness with awe and admiration! Will you accept the challenge, great emperor? Will you build an empire that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Ваше нахабство, зухвалість та неусвідомлення веде нас до війни.",
"attacked": "Добре. Світ стане свідком незаперечної сили моїх армій та слави імперії.",
"defeated": "Руїни! Руїни! Стамбул тепер схожий на Ірам, запам’ятований лише меланхолійними поетами.",
"introduction": "З пишності Топкапі османський народ вітає вас, незнайомець! Я Сулейман, Кайсер-Ром, і я вітаю вас!",
"neutralHello": "Мої вітання!",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Я слухаю.","Говори."],
"neutralNo": ["Ні.","Звісно ні!","Ми відхиляєм."],
"neutralYes": ["Дуже добре.","Чудово.","Ми приймаємо!"],
"hateHello": "Що ви хочете?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Говоріть!","Вперед!"],
"hateNo": ["Вибач?","Це неприйнятно!","Будь серйознішим!"],
"hateYes": ["Ох, чудово!","Дуже добре.","Я припускаю, що ми повинні дійти згоди."],
"afterPeace": "Мої привітання! Сподіваюсь мир між нами буде вічним!",
"tradeRequest": "Давайте торгувати! Ви зацікавлені?",
"outerColor": [18,84,30],
"innerColor": [245,248,185],
"uniqueName": "Barbary Corsairs",
"unique": "Pay only one third the usual cost for naval unit maintenance. Melee naval units have a 1/3 chance to capture defeated naval units.",
"cities": ["Стамбул","Едірне","Анкара","Бурса","Конья","Самсун","Ґазіантеп","Діярбакир","Ізмир","Кайсері","Малатья",
2020-01-09 18:29:23 +00:00
"name": "Korea",
"translatedName": "Корея",
"leaderName": "Седжон",
"adjective": ["Корейська"],
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Scientific",
"startIntroPart1": "Greetings to you, exalted King Sejong the Great, servant to the people and protector of the Choson Dynasty! Your glorious vision of prosperity and overwhelming benevolence towards the common man made you the most beloved of all Korean kings. From the earliest days of your reign, the effort you took to provide a fair and just society for all was surpassed only by the technological advances spurred onwards by your unquenched thirst for knowledge. Guided by your wisdom, the scholars of the Jade Hall developed Korea's first written language, Hangul, bringing the light of literature and science to the masses after centuries of literary darkness.",
"startIntroPart2": "Honorable Sejong, once more the people look to your for guidance. Will you rise to the occasion, bringing harmony and understanding to the people? Can you once again advance your kingdom's standing to such wondrous heights? Can you build a civilization that stands the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Джип-хюн-жуна (Зал вартих) більше не потерпить вашої дратівливої поведінки. Ми звільнимо громадян з під вашого гніту, навіть якщо ви будете чинити опір, та просвітимо їх!",
"attacked": "Дурень, жалюгідний! Ви будете розчавлені науковою силою нашої країни!",
"defeated": "Залишається лише одне питання, хто захистить мій народ. Настають темні часи",
"introduction": "Вітаємо в палаці Чосон, незнайомець. Я навчений Цар Седжон, який слідкує за своїм великим народом.",
"neutralHello": "Привіт.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Я почув.","Що ще","Продовжуй."],
"neutralNo": ["Вибач, але ми не можемо прийняти це.","На жаль, я не можу прийняти це."],
"neutralYes": ["Звучить добре.","Я зрозумів.","Звісно!"],
"hateHello": "Ох, це ти...",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Що ти намагається сказати?","Тож?","Продовжуй."],
"hateNo": ["Не дай Бог!","Ви зійшли з розуму!","Я не можу зробити це."],
"hateYes": ["Хм... ну, чудово.","Схоже, я мушу прийняти...","Дуже добре..."],
"afterPeace": "Здається, ви реалізували кілька цікавих стратегій... Дуже добре, може слід називати це нічиєю.",
"tradeRequest": "У нас є багато речей для обговорення, ми можемо отримати вигоду один від одного.",
"outerColor": [20,25,73],
"innerColor": [187,33,51],
"uniqueName": "Науковці нефритового залу",
"unique": "+2 Science for all specialists and Great Person tile improvements",
"cities": ["Сеул","Бусан","Чонджу","Теґу","Пхеньян","Кесон","Сувон","Кванджу","Каннин","Хамхин","Вонджу","Ульсан",
2020-01-09 18:29:23 +00:00
"name": "Iroquois",
"translatedName": "Ірокези",
"leaderName": "Гайавата",
"adjective": ["Ірокезький"],
"startBias": ["Forest"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Scientific",
"startIntroPart1": "Greetings, noble Hiawatha, leader of the mighty Iroquois nations! Long have your people lived near the great and holy lake Ontario in the land that has come to be known as the New York state in North America. In the mists of antiquity, the five peoples of Seneca, Onondaga, Mohawks, Cayugas and Oneida united into one nation, the Haudenosaunee, the Iroquois. With no written language, the wise men of your nation created the great law of peace, the model for many contitutions including that of the United States. For many years, your people battled great enemies, such as the Huron, and the French and English invaders. Tought outnumbered and facing weapons far more advanced than the ones your warriors wielded, the Iroquois survived and prospered, until they were finally overwhelmed by the mighty armies of the new United States.",
"startIntroPart2": "Oh noble Hiawatha, listen to the cries of your people! They call out to you to lead them in peace and war, to rebuild the great longhouse and unite the tribes once again. Will you accept this challenge, great leader? Will you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Ви хвороба цієї планети! Приготуйтесь до битви!",
"attacked": "Ти диявол! Мої воїни заріжуть тебе!",
"defeated": "Ти знищив нас... але наші духи ніколи не будуть поборені! Ми повернемося!",
"introduction": "Мої вітання, незнайомець. Я Гайавата, представник Ірокезів. Ми бажаємо бути в мирі зі всіма, але у разі чого готові до війни.",
"neutralHello": "Доброго дня.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Так?","Я слухаю"],
"neutralNo": ["Ні.","Аж ніяк."],
"neutralYes": ["Чудово.","Добре."],
"hateHello": "Ох, ти.",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Я слухаю.","Кажи."],
"hateNo": ["Це неприйнятно","Будь серйозним!"],
"hateYes": ["Схоже, я мушу.","Дуже добре."],
"afterPeace": "Я дякую вам за помилування. Дуже сподіваюсь що ми знову станемо друзями.",
"tradeRequest": "Чи ти згідний з цією угодою, мій друже?",
"outerColor": [54,72,72],
"innerColor": [246,205,137],
"uniqueName": "Великий воєнний шлях",
"unique": "All units move through Forest and Jungle Tiles in friendly territory as if they have roads. These tiles can be used to establish City Connections upon researching the Wheel.",
"cities": ["Онондага","Осінінка","Ґранд","Аквесасне","Буффало-Крик","Брантфорд","Монреаль","Genesse River",
"Canandaigua Lake","Lake Simcoe","Salamanca","Gowanda","Куба","Akron","Kanesatake","Ganienkeh","Cayuga Castle",
"Chondote","Canajoharie","Nedrow","Oneida Lake","Kanonwalohale","Green Bay","Southwold","Mohawk Valley",
"Schoharie","Bay of Quinte","Kanawale","Kanatsiokareke","Tyendinaga","Hahta"]
"name": "Persia",
"translatedName": "Персія",
"leaderName": "Дарій I",
"adjective": ["Персидська"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Scientific",
"startIntroPart1": "The blessings of heaven be upon you, beloved king Darius of Persia! You lead a strong and wise people. In the morning of the world, the great Persian leader Cyrus revolted against the mighty Median empire and by 550 BC, the Medes were no more. Through cunning diplomacy and military prowess, great Cyrus conquered wealthy Lydia and powerful Babylon. His son conquering proud Egypt some years later. Over time, Persian might expanded into far away Macedonia, at the very door of the upstart Greek city-states. Long would Persia prosper until the upstart villain Alexander of Macedon, destroyed the great empire in one shocking campaign.",
"startIntroPart2": "Darius, your people look to you to once again bring back the days of power and glory for Persia! The empire of your ancestors must emerge again, to triumph over its foes and to bring peace and order to the world! O king, will you answer the call? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Продовження вашого існування — перешкода для всіх лідерів! Ви повинні бути знищені!",
"attacked": "Проклинаю вас! Ти ніхто, син віслюка! Я знищу тебе!",
"defeated": "Ти не чистокровний! Будь проклятим! Світ буде довго пам'ятати ваш злочин!",
"introduction": "Мир нам обом! Я Дарій, великий та видатний, цар усіх царів Персії... але я думаю, ви й так знали.",
"neutralHello": "Хорошого дня вам!",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Продовжуй.","Ти говориш?"],
"neutralNo": ["Будь серйозним!","Недостатньо добре."],
"neutralYes": ["Добре!","Звісно.","Згода!"],
"hateHello": "Агххх... ви...",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Я слухаю.","Ну ж бо!"],
"hateNo": ["Ми відповімо... ні!","Звісно ні!"],
"hateYes": ["Добре!","Угода."],
"afterPeace": "Схоже ми повинні називати це нічиєю...",
"tradeRequest": "У своїй нескінченній великодушності я роблю вам цю пропозицію. Ви згодні, так?",
"outerColor": [153,5,3],
"innerColor": [244,232,54],
"uniqueName": "Achaemenid Legacy",
"unique": "Golden Ages last 50% longer. During a Golden Age, units receive +1 Movement and +10% Strength",
"cities": ["Персеполіс","Пасаргади","Сузи","Екбатана","Тарсус","Гордій","Бактра","Сарді","Ергілі","Даріушкабір",
"Dura Europos","Aleppo","Qatna","Kabul","Capisa","Kyreskhata","Marakanda","Peshawar","Van","Pteira","Arshada",
"name": "Polynesia",
"translatedName": "Полінезія",
"leaderName": "Камегамега I",
"adjective": ["Полінезійська"],
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Cultural",
"startIntroPart1": "Greetings and blessings be upon you, Kamehameha the Great, chosen by the heavens to unite your scattered peoples. Oh mighty King, you were the first to bring the Big Island of Hawai'I under one solitary rule in 1791 AD. This was followed by the merging of all the remaining islands under your standard in 1810. As the first King of Hawai'I, you standardized the legal and taxation systems and instituted the Mamalahoe Kawanai, an edict protecting civilians in times of war. You ensured the continued unification and sovereignty of the islands by your strong laws and deeds, even after your death in 1819.",
"startIntroPart2": "Oh wise and exalted King, your people wish for a kingdom of their own once more and require a leader of unparalleled greatness! Will you answer their call and don the mantle of the Lion of the Pacific? Will you build a kingdom that stands the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "The ancient fire flashing across the sky is what proclaimed that this day would come, though I had foolishly hoped for a different outcome.",
"attacked": "It is obvious now that I misjudged you and your true intentions.",
"defeated": "The hard-shelled crab yields, and the lion lies down to sleep. Kanaloa comes for me now.",
"introduction": "Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of this strand of islands.",
"neutralHello": "Вітаю, друже!!",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Proceed.","And?","What is it?"],
"hateNo": ["Certainly not.","We will have to decline."],
"hateYes": ["It is agreed, then.","Excellent!"],
"hateHello": "Oh, it's you.",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Proceed.","I'm listening","What is it?"],
"afterPeace": "Perhaps the stars were mistakenly placed... I will consult my Kahuna.",
"tradeRequest": "Come, let our people feast together!",
"outerColor": [210,51,0],
"innerColor": [255,255,78],
"uniqueName": "Wayfinding",
"unique": "Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately. +1 Sight when embarked. +10% Combat Strength bonus if within 2 tiles of a Moai.",
"cities": ["Гонолулу","Самоа","Тонґа","Нуку-Хіва","Раїатеа","Аотеароа","Таїті","Гіло","Те Ваї Поунаму","Рапа Нуї",
2020-01-09 18:29:23 +00:00
"name": "Spain",
"translatedName": "Іспанія",
"leaderName": "Ізабелла",
"adjective": ["Іспанська"],
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Domination",
"startIntroPart1": "Blessed Isabella, servant of God, holy queen of Castille and Leòn! Your people greet and welcome you. You are the ruler of Spain, a beautiful and ancient country at the crossroads of the world between Europe and Africa, one shor on the Mediterranean and the other on the mighty Atlantic Ocean. The Spanish are a multicultural people with roots in the Muslim and Christian worlds. A seafaring race, Spanish explorers found and conquered much of the New World, and, for many centuries, its gold and silver brought Spain unrivalled wealth and power, making the Spanish court the envy of the world.",
"startIntroPart2": "O fair and virtuous Isabella! Will you rebuld the Spanish empire and show the world again the greatness of your people? Will your take up the mantle of the holy monarchy, and vanquish your foes under heaven's watchful eyes? Your adoring subjects await your command! Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Можливо Бог й забув тебе... але я ні. Готуйся до війни.",
"attacked": "Випромінювач зла! Ти заплатиш",
"defeated": "Якщо це мій програш, і якщо так хоче Бог, то я згідна.",
"introduction": "Бог благословляє тих, хто цього заслуговує. Я Ізабель, правителька Іспанії.",
"neutralHello": "Мої привітання.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Продовжуйте","Слухаю.","Так?"],
"neutralNo": ["Ми відхиляєм.","Не перед Богом.","Ні в якому разі."],
"neutralYes": ["Дуже добре.","Чудово.","З Божим благословенням, я приймаю."],
"hateHello": "Що?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Ну!","Що ти говориш?","Продовжуй."],
"hateNo": ["Це неприйнятно.","Звісно що ні.","Ви божевільні?"],
"hateYes": ["Я згоден.","Чудово.","Я думаю, що я зобов’язана прийняти."],
"afterPeace": "Нехай Бог благословить вас за вашу милість до переможеного ворога.",
"tradeRequest": "Я сподіваюсь що ви приймете цю угоду.",
"outerColor": [102,0,0],
"innerColor": [255,102,102],
"uniqueName": "Сім міст золота",
"unique": "Gold nous for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced if first to discover it). Culture, Happiness and tile yelds from Natural Wonders doubled.",
"cities": ["Мадрид","Барселона","Севілья","Кордова","Толедо","Сантьяго","Саламанка","Мурсія","Валенсія","Сарагоса","Памплона",
"name": "Songhai",
"translatedName": "Сонгаї",
"leaderName": "Аскія",
"adjective": ["Сонгайський"],
"startBias": ["Avoid Tundra"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Domination",
"startIntroPart1": "May the blessings of God, who is greatest of all, be upon you Askia, leader of the Songhai people! For many years your kingdom was a vassal of the mighty West African state of Mali, until the middle of the 14th century, when King Sunni Ali Ber wrested independence from the Mali, conquering much territory and fighting off numerous foes who sought to destroy him. Ultimately, his conquest of the wealthy cities of Timbuktu and Jenne gave the growing Songhai empire the economic power to survive for some 100 years, until the empire was destroyed by foes with advanced technology - muskets against spearmen.",
"startIntroPart2": "King Askia, your people look yo you to lead them to glory. To make them powerful and wealthy, to keep them supplied with the weapons they need to defeat any foe. Can you save them from destruction, oh King? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "You are an abomination to heaven and earth, the chief of ignorant savages! You must be destroyed!",
"attacked": "Fool! You have doomed your people to fire and destruction!",
"defeated": "We have been consumed by the fires of hatred and rage. Enjoy your victory in this world - you shall pay a heavy price in the next!",
"introduction": "I am Askia of the Songhai. We are a fair people - but those who cross us will find only destruction. You would do well to avoid repeating the mistakes others have made in the past.",
"neutralHello": "Greetings.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Yes?","Proceed."],
"neutralNo": ["No","Of course not."],
"neutralYes": ["Very well.","Yes.","Fine."],
"hateHello": "Oh, it's you.",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["And?","Continue."],
"hateNo": ["You cannot be serious!","That's unacceptable!","We decline."],
"hateYes": ["Oh, very well.","Alright."],
"afterPeace": "We thank you for bringing an end to this pointless war.",
"tradeRequest": "Can I interest you in this deal?",
"outerColor": [204,102,0],
"innerColor": [255,0,0],
"uniqueName": "River Warlord",
"unique": "Embarked units gain the War Canoes and Amphibious promotions, strengthening them while embarked.",
"cities": ["Гао","Томбукту","Єнне","Тегаза","Тондібі","Kumbi Saleh","Kukia","Walata","Tegdaoust","Argungu","Gwandu",
"name": "Siam",
"translatedName": "Таїланд",
"leaderName": "Рамакхамхаенг",
"adjective": ["Таїландський"],
"startBias": ["Avoid Forest"],
"startIntroPart1": "Greetings to you, Great King Ramkhamhaeng, leader of the glorious Siamese people! O mighty King, your people bow down before you in awe and fear! You are the ruler of Siam, an ancient country in the heart of Southeast Asia, a beautiful and mysterious land. Surrounded by foes, beset by bloody war and grinding poverty, the clever and loyal Siamese people have endured and trumphed. King Ramkhamhaeng, your empire was once part of the Khmer Empire, until the 13th century AD, when your ancestors revolted, forming the small Sukhothai kingdom. Through successful battle and cunning diplomacy, the tiny kingdom grew into a mighty empire, an empire which would dominate South East Asia for more than a century!",
"startIntroPart2": "Oh, wise and puissant King Ramkhamhaeng, your people need you to once again lead them to greatness! Cann you use your wits and strenght of arms to protect your people and defeat your foes? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "You lowly, arrogant fool! I will make you regret of your insolence!",
"attacked": "You scoundrel! I shall prepare to fend you off!",
"defeated": "Althought I lost, my honor shall endure. I wish you good luck.",
"introduction": "I, Pho Kun Ramkhamhaeng, King of Siam, consider it a great honor that you have walked to visit my country of Siam.",
"neutralHello": "Welcome.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Let us hear it.","You say?","I'm listening"],
"neutralNo": ["No.","Certainly no.","No way."],
"neutralYes": ["In that case...","Of course.","Agreed."],
"hateHello": "Greetings.",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["You were saying?.","Please proceed","So?"],
"hateNo": ["That is unacceptable.","You probably didn't mean that.","What did you say?"],
"hateYes": ["I think I must do as such.","Very well."],
"afterPeace": "You have won, but I shall return to repay this debt.",
"tradeRequest": "Greetings. I believe this is a fair proposal for both parties. What do you think?",
"outerColor": [51,25,0],
"innerColor": [255,255,102],
"uniqueName": "Father Governs Children",
"unique": "Food and Culture from Friendly City-States are increased by 50%",
"cities": ["Сукхотхай","Si Satchanalai","Muang Saluang","Lampang","Phitsanulok","Kamphaeng Pet","Nakhom Chum","Vientiane",
"Nakhon Si Thammarat","Martaban","Nakhon Sawan","Chainat","Luang Prabang","Uttaradit","Chiang Thong","Phrae",
"Nan","Tak","Suphanburi","Hongsawadee","Thawaii","Ayutthuya","Taphan Hin","Uthai Thani","Lap Buri","Ratchasima",
"Ban Phai","Loci","Khan Kaen","Surin"]
"name": "Aztecs",
"translatedName": "Ацтеки",
"leaderName": "Монтесума I",
"adjective": ["Aztec"],
"startBias": ["Jungle"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Domination",
"startIntroPart1": "Welcome, O divine Montezuma! We grovel in awe at your magnificence! May the heaven shower all manner of good things upon you all the days of your life! Your are the leader of the mighty Aztec people, wandering nomads from a lost home in the north who in the 12th century came to live in the mesa central in the heart of what would come to be call Mexico. Surrounded by many tribes fighting to control the rich land surrounding the sacred lakes of Texoco, Xaltocan and Zampango. Through cunning alliances and martial prowess, within a mere two hundred years, the Aztecs came to dominate the Central American basin, ruling a mighty empire stretching from sea to sea. But the empire fell soon under the assault of the accursed Spaniards, wielding fiendish weapons the likes of which your faithful warriors had never seen.",
"startIntroPart2": "O great king Montezuma, your people call upon you once more, to rise up and lead them to glory, bring them wealth and power, and give them dominion over their foes and rivals. Will you answer their call, glorious leader? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Xi-miqa-can! Xi-miqa-can! Xi-miqa-can! (Die, die, die!)",
"attacked": "Excellent! Let the blood flow in raging torrents!",
"defeated": " Monster! Who are you to destroy my greatness?",
"introduction": "What do I see before me? Another beating heart for my sacrificial fire.",
"neutralHello": "Welcome, friend.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Go ahead.","Proceed.","I'm listening."],
"neutralNo": ["Certainly not!","No!","Unacceptable!"],
"neutralYes": ["Certainly.","Yes, it is good.","Agreed!"],
"hateHello": "What do you want?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["What?","What do you say?","Go on."],
"hateNo": ["Are you crazy?","Certainly not!","I would rather pierce my bowels with hot skewers!"],
"hateYes": ["Oh, very well.","I suppose I must.","Yes, it is good!"],
"afterPeace": "Curses! I will sacrifice ten thousand citizens to expiate this humiliation!",
"tradeRequest": " Accept this agreement or suffer the consequences.",
"outerColor": [255,51,51],
"innerColor": [153,255,255],
"uniqueName": "Sacrificial Captives",
"unique": "Gain Culture for the empire from each enemy unit killed.",
"cities": ["Теночтітлан","Теотіуакан","Tlatelolco","Texcoco","Tlaxcala","Calixtlahuaca","Xochicalco","Tlacopan",
"name": "Mongolia",
"translatedName": "Монголія",
"leaderName": "Чингісхан",
"adjective": ["Mongolian"],
"startBias": ["Plains"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Domination",
"startIntroPart1": "Greetings, o great Temujin, immortal emperor of the mighty Mongol Empire! Your fists shatter walls of cities and your voice brings despair to your enemies. O Khan! You united the warring tribes of Northern Asia into a mighty people, creating the greatest cavalry force the world has ever witnessed. Your people's cunning diplomacy divided their enemies, making them weak and helpless before Mongolia's conquering armies. In a few short years, your people soldiers conquered most of China and Eastern Asia, and the empire continued to grow until it reached west into Europe and south to Korea. Indeed, it was the greatest empire ever seen, dwarfing those pathetic conquests of the Romans of the Greeks.",
"startIntroPart2": "Temujin, your people cann upon you once more to lead them to battle and conquest. Will the world once again trembe at the thunderous sound of your cavalry, sweeping down from the steppes? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "You stand in the way of my armies. Let us solve this like warriors!",
"attacked": "No more words. Today, Mongolia charges toward your defeat.",
"defeated": "You have hobbled the Mongolian clans. My respect for you nearly matches the loathing. I am waiting for my execution.",
"introduction": "I am Temuujin, conqueror of cities and countries. Before me lie future Mongolian lands. Behind me is the only cavalry that matters.",
"neutralHello": "Hello.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["I'm listening.","What?"],
"neutralNo": ["No.","Of course not!"],
"neutralYes": ["Good.","That works.","Of course!"],
"hateHello": "So what now?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["And then?","Continue..."],
"hateNo": ["Stop playing around.","This is not to be tolerated!"],
"hateYes": ["Very well...","Fine!"],
"afterPeace": "It seems I have underestimate you. Very well... I won't take you head for now.",
"tradeRequest": "I am not always this generous, but we hope you take this rare opportunity we give you.",
"outerColor": [51,0,0],
"innerColor": [0,204,102],
"uniqueName": "Mongol Terror",
"unique": "All mounted units have +1 Movement. +30% when assaulting cities,",
"cities": ["Каракорум","Beshbalik","Turfan","Hsia","Old Sarai","New Sarai","Tabriz","Tiflis","Otrar","Sanchu","Kazan",
"name": "Incan",
"translatedName": "Інки",
"leaderName": "Пачакутек",
"adjective": ["Incan"],
"startBias": ["Hill"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Cultural",
"startIntroPart1": "Oh ye who remakes the world, your loyal subjects greet you, King Pachacuti Sapa Inca, ruler of the Inca people! From the beginnings in the small state of Cusco, the Incans displayed their potential for greatness, marching to war against their many enemies, crushing their armies into dust and carving for themselves a mighty empire stretching from Ecuador to Chile. Indeed, they build the greatest empire ever seen in all pre-Columbian Americas. More than mere soldiers, your people were great builders and artists as well, and the remnants of their works still awe and inspire the world today.",
"startIntroPart2": "Oh King Pachacuti, truly are you called 'Earth Shaker'! Will you once again call upon the ground itself to a fight at your side? Your armies await your signal. Will you restore the glory of your empire? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war!",
"attacked": "Declare war on me?!? You can't, because I declare war on you first!",
"defeated": "How did you darken the sun? I ruled with diligence and mercy—see that you do so as well.",
"introduction": "How are you? You stand before Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui.",
"neutralHello": "How are you doing?",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Go on.","What do you say?","You may begin."],
"neutralNo": ["We absolutely refuse.","No!","I refuse."],
"neutralYes": ["Very good.","Of course, yes","That is very good."],
"hateHello": "What do you want now?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Speak!","What do you say?","Go on."],
"hateNo": ["That is not possible!","We are not agreeing to that!","I beg your pardon?"],
"hateYes": ["That is fine.","That is good enough.","Very well..."],
"afterPeace": "Viracocha has frowned upon our war, and has agreed to our peace agreements.",
"tradeRequest": "The Incan people offer this fair trade.",
"outerColor": [255,255,51],
"innerColor": [0,204,102],
"uniqueName": "Great Andean Road",
"unique": "Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills. No maintenance costs for improvements in Hills; half cost elsewhere.",
"cities": ["Куско","Тіаванако","Мачу","Ольянтайтамбо","Коривайрачина","Айякучо","Vilcas","Vilcabamba","Vitcos",
"Andahuaylas","Ica","Arequipa","Nasca","Atico","Juli","Chuito","Chuquiapo","Huanuco Pampa","Tamboccocha",
"Huaras","Riobamba","Caxamalca","Sausa","Tambo Colorado","Huaca","Tumbes","Chan Chan","Sipan","Pachacamac",
"name": "Denmark",
"translatedName": "Данія",
"leaderName": "Гаральд I Синьозубий",
"adjective": ["Danish"],
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Domination",
"startIntroPart1": "Honor and glory be yours, Harald Bluetooth Gormsson, mighty heir of King Gorm of the Old and Thryra Dannebod. Not only were you victorious on the battlefield against the armies of Norway, you also completed massive construction project across the land - numerous Ring Fortresses to protect the populace from invasion and internal strife. You successfully drove off waves of German settlers in 983 AD and sheltered your kingdom from unwanted foreign influence.",
"startIntroPart2": "Stalwart Viking, the time for greatness is upon you once more. You are called to rise up and lead your people to renewed power and trumph! Will you make the world shudder once more at the very thought of your great armies of the Northsmen? Will you let the Viking battle cry ring out across the crashing waved? Will you build a civilization to stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "If I am to be honest, I tire of those pointless charades. Why don't we settle our disputes on the field of battle, like true men? Perhaps the skalds will sing of your valor... or mine!",
"attacked": "Ahahah! You seem to show some skills of a true Viking! Too bad that I'll probably kill you!",
"defeated": "Loki must have stood by you, for a common man alone could not have defeated me... Oh well! I will join the einherjar in Valhalla and feast, while you toil away here.",
"introduction": "Harad Bluetooth bids you welcome to his lands, a Viking unlike any the seas and lands have ever known! Hah, are you afraid?",
"neutralHello": "Hail to you.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Let us hear it.","Go ahead.","I'm listening"],
"neutralNo": ["No.","Not today, I'm afraid.","I must decline."],
"neutralYes": ["Very well.","Of course, my friend!","That's a deal!"],
"hateHello": "Oh, it's you.",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["What is it?.","And?","Go on"],
"hateNo": ["Don't be silly!","That is unacceptable."],
"hateYes": ["I guess I have to.","Oh, very well."],
"afterPeace": "By the hammer of Thor, you have proven yourself a worthy opponent today. I congratulate you!",
"tradeRequest": "This is a fine deal! Even a drunk beggar would agree!",
"outerColor": [51,25,0],
"innerColor": [255,255,102],
"uniqueName": "Viking Fury",
"unique": "+1 Movement to all embarked units, units pay only 1 movement point to embark and disembark. Melee units pay no movement cost to pillage.",
"cities": ["Копенгаген","Орхус","Kaupang","Рібе","Віборг","Тенсберг","Роскілле","Хедебю","Осло","Jelling","Truso",
2020-01-09 18:29:23 +00:00
"name": "Sweden",
"translatedName": "Швеція",
"leaderName": "Густав II Адольф",
"adjective": ["Swedish"],
"startBias": ["Tundra"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Diplomatic",
"startIntroPart1": "All hail the transcendent King Gustavus Adolphus, founder of the Swedish Empire and her most distinguished military tactician. It was during your reign that Sweden emerged as one of the greatest powers in Europe, due in no small part to your wisdom, both on and off the battlefield. As king, you initiated a number of domestic reforms that ensured the economic stability and prosperity of your people. As the general who came to be known as the "Lion of the North," your visionary designs in warfare gained the admiration of military commanders the world over. Thanks to your triumphs in the Thirty Years' War, you were assured a legacy as one of history's greatest generals.",
"startIntroPart2": "Oh noble King, the people long for your prudent leadership, hopeful that once again they will see your kingdom rise to glory. Will you devise daring new strategies, leading your armies to victory on the theater of war? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "The Hakkapeliittas will ride again and your men will fall just at the sight of my cavalry!God with us!",
"attacked": "Ha ha ha, captain Gars will be very glad to head out to war again.",
"defeated": "I am Sweden's king. You can take my lands, my people, my kingdom, but you will never reach the House of Vasa.",
"introduction": "Stranger, welcome to the Snow King's kingdom! I am Gustavus Adolphus,member of the esteemed House of Vasa",
"neutralHello": "Oh","welcome!",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Let us hear.","Go on.","I am listening."],
"neutralNo": ["I must decline.","No, absolutely not.","We must decline."],
"neutralYes": ["Very good!","Gladly!","Hah, excellent!"],
"hateHello": "Oh, it is you.",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Go on."],
"hateNo": ["That is unacceptable.","You can't be serious.","What did you say!?"],
"hateYes": [" Aargh, very well!"," Aargh, very well!","Bah, I guess I have no choice."],
"afterPeace": "Enjoy your victory while you can. It will not be long-lasting.",
"tradeRequest": "My friend, it is my belief that this settlement can benefit both our peoples.",
"innerColor": [194,97,255]
"uniqueName": "The Lion of the North,",
"unique": "Gain 90 Influence with a Great Person gift to a City-State,When declaring friendship, Sweden and their friend gain a +10% boost to Great Person generation",
"cities": ["Стокгольм","Мальме","Гетеборг","Вісбю","Уппсала","Умео","Лунд","Кіруна","Хельсінгборг",
2020-01-09 18:29:23 +00:00
{ // THIS IS A FROM A MOD and so is the least important!
"name": "Philippines",
"translatedName": "Філіпіни",
"leaderName": "Хосе Рісаль",
"adjective": ["Filipinos"],
"startBias": ["Coastal"],
"prefferedVictoryType": "Cultural",
"startIntroPart1": "O magnificent Rizal, your people call you to change their world once more. Can you defend this beautiful and tranquil omeland against all manner of foe?",
"startIntroPart2": "Can you forge a place for the Philippine Republic through peace and harmony with the world around you? Can you build a civilization that can stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "We bleed into the same earth and bleed we must!",
"attacked": "You sure about that!",
"defeated": "You have destroyed a beautiful creation. In its place is the blood of the thousands that you have lustfully slain.",
"introduction": "At long last a friendly face has come to our shores. I am José Rizal, leader of the Philippine Republic! Cometellme of your people and their culture.",
"neutralHello": "Hello.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["What do you need.","Go on"],
"neutralNo": ["Sorry I cannot do that.","No Sorry."],
"neutralYes": ["Of Course!","Yes"],
"hateHello": ["You again"],
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Hurry Up!,"So?"],
"hateNo": ["Of Course Not!,"Are you crazy no"],
"hateYes": ["Ok Fine","I Agree"],
"afterPeace": "Impressive! I Offer you peace because war only bring destruction",
"tradeRequest": "Here's the list for our own benefits",
"innerColor": [185,132,66]
"uniqueName": "Pearl Of The Orient",
"unique": "Upon signing OpenBorders, both Civilizations receive a Cargo Ship. Foreign Units within your borders provide Culture.",
"cities": ["Маніла","Quezon","Себу",Пасіґ","Макаті","Cagayan de Oro","Баґйо","Давао","Баколод","Тагіг","Pasay",
2020-01-09 18:29:23 +00:00
{ /// MOD CIV
"name": "Australia",
"translatedName": "Австралія",
"leaderName": "Джон Кертін",
"adjective": ["Australian"],
"startBias": ["Avoid Tundra"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Scientific",
"startIntroPart1": "The people of the Australian nation salute you, Johnatan Joseph Curtin, their Prime Minister, as their leader. You have been the fourteenth prime minister of this nation, once one of the largest colonies of the British empire. You were born in a land mixed with primal nature and human civilization, and ascended on your seat as minister while the accursed Japanese empire, planning to rule the entire Asian continent, sought to conquer Australia. Your wise and careful leadership, horever, united with some luck, twarted their plans, and contributed to the rise of an indipendent, British control-free Australia. Unfortunately, your very ill health prevented you to see that dream come true, as your life ended shortly before the Second World War finally come to a close after six years of bloodshed.",
"startIntroPart2": "Mister Curtin, the Australian people consider you as one of their most famous people of their history, and the best leader they could ever have, but not they call for your leadership, so that they are free to ascend to true greatness. Will you answer the call? Will you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "After thorough deliberation, Australia finds itself at a crossroads. Prepare yourself - war is upon us.",
"attacked": "We will mobilize every means of resistance to stop this transgression against our nation!",
"defeated": "The principles for which we have fought will survive longer than any nation you could ever build.",
"introduction": "My name is Jonathan Joseph Curtin, and I speak for the people of Australia as their Prime Minister. We seek sympathetic allies in the fight against the hawks of war.",
"neutralHello": "Greetings.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["I'm listening.","What do you have in mind?"],
"neutralNo": ["Sorry but no.","I decline.","I regret I must refuse."],
"neutralYes": ["As you wish!","So be it!","I agree!"],
"hateHello": "You again, it seems...",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Speak your mind.","I'm listening!"],
"hateNo": ["No.","It shall not be.","Thanks, but no thanks."],
"hateYes": ["Fine...","I accept."],
"afterPeace": "The war is over, for now. At least I see it alive.",
"tradeRequest": "I hope you will receive my offer with my sincerest thanks.",
"outerColor": [0,102,0],
"innerColor": [255,255,0],
"uniqueName": "Land Down Under",
"unique": "+1 Food in coastal Cities. +1 Culture from Pastures",
"cities": ["Сідней", "Лонсестон", "Балларат", "Перт", "Брисбен", "Мельбурн", "Таунсвіль", "Джилонг", "Аделаїда",
2020-01-09 18:29:23 +00:00
"Гобарт", "Bendigo", "Брокен-Гілл", "Кернс", "Ньюкасл", "Мейтленд", "Рокгемптон", "Вогга-Вогга",
"Вуллонгонг", "Олбері", "Аліс-Спрінгс", "Батерст", "Queanbeyan", "Бандаберг", "Коффс-Гарбор", "Дарвін",
"Fremantle", "Gladstone", "Goulburn", "Hervey Bay", "Kalgoorlie", "Lismore", "Lithgow", "Maryborough",
2020-01-09 18:29:23 +00:00
"Орандж", "Port Macquarie", "Порт-Пірі", "Boomahnoomoonah", "Твід-Гедс"]
///Unique unit: Digger (replaces Infantry, and has +10% Strenght against anti-cavalry units, +10% Strenght on coastal tiles)
///Unique building: Outback Station (replaces Windmill, adds +1 Food)
{ /// MOD CIV
"name": "Nubia",
"translatedName": "Нубія",
"leaderName": "Аманітор",
"adjective": ["Nubian"],
"startBias": ["Desert"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Domination",
"startIntroPart1": "O wise Queen of Nubia, Amanitore, we greet thee. You are the leader of the mysterious and fascinating Nubian civilization. For centuries, your people has known lots and lots of centuries of trade, friendships and warfare with the Egyptians, from which they have been culturally inspired, building pyramids and burial tombs that, while not as big as the majestic Pyramids of Kheops, Khephren and Menkaure, were no less amazing than these. After some centuries of servitude under the ambitious Pharaohs of Egypt, your ancestor Piankhi took revenge and subdued the entire land of the Pharaohs.",
"startIntroPart2": "Amanitore, watchful Queen of Nubia, the empire you command shall claim the horizon as its border. Fear not enemies, for your cities shall know prosperity and piety. Can you build a civilization that stands the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "We have arrows, finely honed. We shall deliver them freely to your throat.",
"attacked": "As predicted, you know only how to take. Come, then - choose the manner of your defear.",
"defeated": "Though Nubia falls, our pyramids shall remain long after your plans and palaces fall to ruin.",
"introduction": "I am Amanitore of Nubia. All are welcome in our magnificent cities - provided they come as friends.",
"neutralHello": "Greetings to you.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Let us hear.","Please, talk.","What do you suggest?"],
"neutralNo": ["I must refuse.","Sorry, but no.","I'm afraid this is unacceptable."],
"neutralYes": ["How gracious of you.","So shall it be.","Of course!"],
"hateHello": "You again?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["What are you to say?","What is it?","Speak."],
"hateNo": ["The Gods forbid this!","Are you out of your mind?","I cannot do that."],
"hateYes": ["Hm... very well, fine.","I suppose I should agree...","Very well..."],
"afterPeace": "At least you know how to speak of peace. May war never touch us again!",
"tradeRequest": "Our delegation brings goodwill. Oh, here's also some fresh camel liver. Just don't cook it!",
"outerColor": [255,255,51],
"innerColor": [153,76,0],
"uniqueName": "Ta-Seti",
"unique": "+50% Production toward Ranged units, which gain +50% combat experience. +1 Production from Mines over a Strategic Resource, and +2 Gold from Mines over a Luxury Resource.",
"cities": ["Kerma","Napata","Nuri","El-Kurru","Kawa","Sedeinga","Heh","Qasr Ibrim","Faras","Shaat","Iken","Abu Simbel","Buhen",
"Dengeil","Miam","Tombos","Kurgus","Toshka","Soleb","Wad ban Naqa","Debba","Bugdumbush","Baki","Amara",
"Musawwarat es-Sufra","El Fura","Ukma","Pedeme","Defeia"]
//Nubians should have Pitati Archer as their unique unit, which replaces Archer and it's stronger. Can also move three tiles.
//There should also be another new Unique Improvement - but only for G&K, since it uses Faith.
//City states
"name": "Milan",
"translatedName": "Мілан",
"adjective": ["Milan"],
"cityStateType": "Cultured",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "Ти божевільний! Історія пам'ятатиме це!",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [185,132,66],
"cities": ["Мілан"]
"name": "Florence",
"translatedName": "Флоренція",
"adjective": ["Florence"],
"cityStateType": "Cultured",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Що ж, квітучі землі Флоренції потрапили до рук варварів...",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [62,197,252],
"cities": ["Флоренція"]
"name": "Rio de Janeiro",
"translatedName": "Ріо-де-Жанейро",
"adjective": ["Rio de Janeiro"],
"cityStateType": "Maritime",
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Ми помстимось.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [211, 220, 103],
"cities": ["Ріо-де-Жанейро"]
"name": "Antwerp",
"translatedName": "Антверпен",
"adjective": ["Antwerp"],
"cityStateType": "Mercantile",
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Цю подію оспівуватимуть в піснях.... моліться щоб на вашу користь.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [194,97,255],
"cities": ["Антверпен"]
"name": "Dublin",
"translatedName": "Дублін",
"adjective": ["Dublin"],
"cityStateType": "Militaristic",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Хех! Хороша перемога.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [211,180,113],
"cities": ["Дублін"]
"name": "Tyre",
"translatedName": "Сур",
"adjective": ["Tyre"],
"cityStateType": "Mercantile",
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Ми ніколи не довіряли тобі.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,97,255],
"cities": ["Сур"]
"name": "Ur",
"translatedName": "Ур",
"adjective": ["Ur"],
"cityStateType": "Maritime",
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Чому ти зробив це?",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,69,0],
"cities": ["Ур"]
"name": "Genoa",
"translatedName": "Генуя",
"adjective": ["Genoa"],
"cityStateType": "Mercantile",
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Як низько. Той, хто живе мечем, від меча й загине.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [45,255,86],
"cities": ["Генуя"]
"name": "Venice",
"translatedName": "Венеція",
"adjective": ["Venice"],
"cityStateType": "Maritime",
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Якщо нас пам'ятатимуть, ви ніколи не переможете.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [153,204,255],
"cities": ["Венеція"]
"name": "Brussels",
"translatedName": "Брюссель",
"adjective": ["Brussels"],
"cityStateType": "Cultured",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "I guess you weren't here for the sprouts after all...",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [153,255,51],
"cities": ["Брюссель"]
"name": "Kabul",
"translatedName": "Кабул",
"adjective": ["Kabul"],
"cityStateType": "Cultured",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Неприпустимо!",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [153,0,76],
"cities": ["Кабул"]
"name": "Sidon",
"translatedName": "Сидон",
"adjective": ["Sidon"],
"cityStateType": "Militaristic",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Що за прекрасна битва! Сидон готовий вам служити!",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [250,128,114],
"cities": ["Сидон"]
"name": "Almaty",
"translatedName": "Алмати",
"adjective": ["Almaty"],
"cityStateType": "Militaristic",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Як ми могли пасти перед такими як ви?!",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [102,0,51],
"cities": ["Алмати"]
"name": "Edinburgh",
"translatedName": "Единбург",
"adjective": ["Edinburgh"],
"cityStateType": "Militaristic",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Немає безчестя в програші гідному ворогу.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [0,102,102],
"cities": ["Единбург"]
"name": "Singapore",
"translatedName": "Сінгапур",
"adjective": ["Singapore"],
"cityStateType": "Mercantile",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Можливо, в іншому світі ми будемо друзями...",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,255,0],
"cities": ["Сінгапур"]
"name": "Zanzibar",
"translatedName": "Занзібар",
"adjective": ["Zanzibar"],
"cityStateType": "Mercantile",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Нехай небеса пробачать вас за те, що ви принизили наш народ.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,153,255],
"cities": ["Занзібар"]
"name": "Sydney",
"translatedName": "Сідней",
"adjective": ["Sydney"],
"cityStateType": "Maritime",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Цілі, за які ми боролися, житимуть довше, ніж будь-яка нація, яку ви коли-небудь побудували.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,204,204],
"cities": ["Сідней"]
"name": "Cape Town",
"translatedName": "Кейптаун",
"adjective": ["Cape Town"],
"cityStateType": "Maritime",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Я програв. Сподіваємось, ви співчуватимете нашому народові.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,153,153],
"cities": ["Кейптаун"]
"name": "Kathmandu",
"translatedName": "Катманду",
"adjective": ["Kathmandu"],
"cityStateType": "Mercantile",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Ми.... програли? Ні... у нас ще стільки роботи!",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [51,25,0],
"cities": ["Катманду"]
"name": "Hanoi",
"translatedName": "Ханой",
"adjective": ["Hanoi"],
"cityStateType": "Cultured",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Що ж, ось як це, померти...",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [0,0,255],
"cities": ["Ханой"]
"name": "Quebec City",
"translatedName": "Квебек",
"adjective": ["Quebec City"],
"cityStateType": "Cultured",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Ми були занадто слабкі щоб захищатись...",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [51,102,0],
"cities": ["Квебек"]
"name": "Helsinki",
"translatedName": "Гельсінкі",
"adjective": ["Helsinki"],
"cityStateType": "Maritime",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Це наш судний день. Але, це ж саме чекає і тебе!",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,178,102],
"cities": ["Гельсінкі"]
"name": "Kuala Lumpur",
"translatedName": "Куала-Лумпур",
"adjective": ["Куала-Лумпур"],
"cityStateType": "Cultured",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Сьогодні, народ Малайзії підкоряється вам, але це не кінець...",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [0,102,102],
"cities": ["Куала-Лумпур"]
"name": "Manila",
"translatedName": "Маніля",
"adjective": ["Manila"],
"cityStateType": "Maritime",
"declaringWar": "Ви не залишили нам вибору. Війні бути.",
"attacked": "Прекрасно, ми цього не забудем.",
"afterPeace": "Нехай панує мир над цими землями.",
"defeated": "Ах, Боги! Чому ви забули про нас?",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [96,96,96],
"cities": ["Маніля"]
"name": "Barbarians",
"translatedName": "Варвари",
"outerColor": [0,0,0],
"innerColor": [182,0,0]