Translations update (#2562)
* Update (#2545) * Update (#2546) * Update (#2547) * Update Tutorial error correction * Update Небольшие правки в Tutorial и Tutorial tasks. * Update Nations, City-states, minor translations * Update Cities * German translations 2020-04-30 (#2548) * Update (#2560) * Translation/romanian (#2557) * romanian translations * romabian translation * romanian translatiobs * Update (#2558) * Corrections to the translations (#2559) Co-authored-by: Doubi_TS <> Co-authored-by: LynxRo <> Co-authored-by: BadaTheBada <> Co-authored-by: SomeTroglodyte <> Co-authored-by: snipe2004 <> Co-authored-by: Beniamin Szabo <> Co-authored-by: guilherme-peev <> Co-authored-by: Jack Rainy <>
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 1432 additions and 2281 deletions
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Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ Mongol Terror = Terror Mongol
Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills. No maintenance costs for improvements in Hills; half cost elsewhere. = Unidades ignoram custos de terreno quando se movimentando em qualquer ladrilho com Colinas. Sem custos de manutenção para melhorias em Colinas; metade do custo nos outros lugares.
Great Andean Road = Grande Estrada Andina
+1 Movement to all embarked units, units pay only 1 movement point to embark and disembark. Melee units pay no movement cost to pillage. = +1 Movimento para todas unidades embarcadas, as unidades pagam apenas 1 ponto de movimento para embarcar e desembarcar. Unidades mão a mão não pagam custo de movimento para pilhar.
+1 Movement to all embarked units, units pay only 1 movement point to embark and disembark. Melee units pay no movement cost to pillage. = +1 Movimento para todas unidades embarcadas, as unidades pagam apenas 1 ponto de movimento para embarcar e desembarcar. Unidades corpo a corpo não pagam custo de movimento para pilhar.
Viking Fury = Fúria Viking
# New game screen
@ -3922,111 +3922,111 @@ Autocracy = Autocracia
Ancient era = Antiguidade
Agriculture = Agricultura
# Requires translation!
Starting tech =
Starting tech = Tecnologia inicial
# Requires translation!
'Where tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers therefore are the founders of human civilization.' - Daniel Webster =
'Where tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers therefore are the founders of human civilization.' - Daniel Webster = 'Onde o cultivo começa, outras artes seguem. Os fazendeiros portanto são os fundadores da civilização humana.' Daniel Webster
Pottery = Cerâmica
# Requires translation!
'Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou?' - Bible Isaiah 45:9 =
'Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou?' - Bible Isaiah 45:9 = 'Porventura dirá o barro ao que o formou: Que fazes?' - Bíblia Isaías 45:9
Animal Husbandry = Pecuária
# Requires translation!
'Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.' - Bible Deuteronomy 25:4 =
'Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.' - Bible Deuteronomy 25:4 = 'Não amarre a boca do boi quando ele estiver pisando o trigo.' - Bíblia Deuteronômio 25:4
Archery = Arquearia
# Requires translation!
'The haft of the arrow has been feathered with one of the eagle's own plumes, we often give our enemies the means of our own destruction' - Aesop =
'The haft of the arrow has been feathered with one of the eagle's own plumes, we often give our enemies the means of our own destruction' - Aesop = 'O cabo da flecha foi emplumado com uma das plumas da própria águia, nós frequentemente fornecemos aos nossos inimigos os meios para nossa própria destruição' - Esopo
Mining = Mineração
# Requires translation!
'The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights.' - J. Paul Getty =
'The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights.' - J. Paul Getty = 'O manso deverá herdar a Terra, mas não os direitos aos minerais.' -J. Paul Getty
Sailing = Navegação
# Requires translation!
'He who commands the sea has command of everything.' - Themistocles =
'He who commands the sea has command of everything.' - Themistocles = 'Aquele que comanda o mar tem comando de tudo.' - Temístocles
Calendar = Calendário
# Requires translation!
'So teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.' - Bible Psalms 90:12 =
'So teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.' - Bible Psalms 90:12 = 'Ensina-nos a contar os nossos dias para que o nosso coração alcance sabedoria.' - Bíblia Salmos 90:12
Writing = Literatura
# Requires translation!
'He who destroys a good book kills reason itself.' - John Milton =
'He who destroys a good book kills reason itself.' - John Milton = 'Aquele que destroi um bom livro mata a prórpria razão.' - John Milton
Trapping = Caça
# Requires translation!
'Even brute beasts and wandering birds do not fall into the same traps or nets twice.' - Saint Jerome =
'Even brute beasts and wandering birds do not fall into the same traps or nets twice.' - Saint Jerome = 'Até bestas selvagens e pássaros vagantes não caem na mesma armadilha ou rede duas vezes.' - Saint Jerome
The Wheel = A roda
# Requires translation!
'Wisdom and virtue are like the two wheels of a cart.' - Japanese proverb =
'Wisdom and virtue are like the two wheels of a cart.' - Japanese proverb = 'Conhecimento e virtude são como as duas rodas de uma carroça.' - Provérbio japonês
Masonry = Alvenaria
# Requires translation!
'How happy are those whose walls already rise!' - Virgil =
'How happy are those whose walls already rise!' - Virgil = 'Quão feliz são aqueles cuja as paredes já levantam!' - Virgílio
Bronze Working = Trabalho com bronze
# Requires translation!
'Here Hector entered, with a spear eleven cubits long in his hand; the bronze point gleamed in front of him, and was fastened to the shaft of the spear by a ring of gold.' - Homer =
'Here Hector entered, with a spear eleven cubits long in his hand; the bronze point gleamed in front of him, and was fastened to the shaft of the spear by a ring of gold.' - Homer = 'Aqui Heitor entrou, com uma lança de onze côvados de comprimento em sua mão; o bronze aponta brilhante em sua frente, e foi preso ao cabo da lança por um anel de ouro.' - Homero
Classical era = Antiguidade Clássica
Optics = Óptica
Enables embarkation for land units = Permite o embarque de unidades terrestres
# Requires translation!
'He made an instrument to know if the moon shine at full or no.' - Samuel Butler =
'He made an instrument to know if the moon shine at full or no.' - Samuel Butler = 'Ele fez um instrumento para saber se a lua brilha cheia ou não.' - Samuel Butler
Horseback Riding = Montaria
# Requires translation!
'A Horse! A Horse! My kingdom for a horse!' - Shakespeare (Richard III) =
'A Horse! A Horse! My kingdom for a horse!' - Shakespeare (Richard III) = 'Um cavalo! Um Cavalo! Meu reino por um cavalo!' - Shakespeare (Ricardo III)
Mathematics = Matemática
# Requires translation!
'Mathematics is the gate and key to the sciences.' - Roger Bacon =
'Mathematics is the gate and key to the sciences.' - Roger Bacon = 'Matemática é o portão e a chave para as ciências.' Roger Bacon
Construction = Construção
# Requires translation!
'Three things are to be looked to in a building: that it stands on the right spot; that it be securely founded; that it be successfully executed.' - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe =
'Three things are to be looked to in a building: that it stands on the right spot; that it be securely founded; that it be successfully executed.' - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe = 'Três coisas não devem ser observadas em uma construção: que ela está no local correto; que suas fundações são seguras; que ela seja executada com sucesso.' - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Philosophy = Filosofia
# Requires translation!
'There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.' - Socrates =
'There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.' - Socrates = 'Só existe um bem, conhecimento, e um mal, ignrância.' - Sócrates
Currency = Moeda
# Requires translation!
'Better is bread with a happy heart than wealth with vexation.' - Amenemope =
'Better is bread with a happy heart than wealth with vexation.' - Amenemope = 'Melhor é pão com coração feliz do que riqueza com tormento.' - Amenemope
Engineering = Engenharia
# Requires translation!
'Instrumental or mechanical science is the noblest and, above all others, the most useful.' - Leonardo da Vinci =
'Instrumental or mechanical science is the noblest and, above all others, the most useful.' - Leonardo da Vinci = 'Ciência mecânica ou instrumental é a mais nobre e, acima de todas, a mais útil.' - Leonardo da Vinci
Iron Working = Trabalho com ferro
# Requires translation!
'Do not wait to strike til the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.' - William Butler Yeats =
'Do not wait to strike til the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.' - William Butler Yeats = 'Não espere o aço ficar quente para bater, mas faça-o quente batendo.' - William Butler Yeats
Medieval era = Idade Média
Theology = Teologia
# Requires translation!
'Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do' - St. Thomas Aquinas =
'Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do' - St. Thomas Aquinas = 'Tres coisas são necessárias para a salvação do homem: saber em que ele deve acreditar; saber o que ele deve desejar; e saber o que ele deve fazer' - S. Tomás de Aquino
Civil Service = Serviço civil
Enables Open Borders agreements = Permite acordos de Fronteiras Abertas
# Requires translation!
'The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency' - Eugene McCarthy =
'The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency' - Eugene McCarthy = 'A única coisa que nos salva da burocracia é sua ineficiência' - Eugene McCarthy
Guilds = Corporações
Enables conversion of city production to gold = Habilita a conversão da produção das cidades para ouro
# Requires translation!
'The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained...' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib =
'The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained...' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib = 'Os mercadores e comerciantes chegaram; seus lúcros são pré-ordenados...' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Metal Casting = Fundição
# Requires translation!
'When pieces of bronze or gold or iron break, the metal-smith welds them together again in the fire, and the bond is established.' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib =
'When pieces of bronze or gold or iron break, the metal-smith welds them together again in the fire, and the bond is established.' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib = 'Quando pedaços de bronze, ouro, ou aço quebram, o ferreiro os solda novamento no fogo, e a liga é estabelecida.' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Compass = Bússola
# Requires translation!
'I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes =
'I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes = 'Eu descobri que a grande coisa deste mundo não se trata de onde nos encontramos, mas na direção que nos movemos.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Education = Educação
Enables conversion of city production to science = Habilita a conversão de produção das cidades para ciência
# Requires translation!
Enables Research agreements =
Enables Research agreements = Habilita acordos de pesquisa
# Requires translation!
'Education is the best provision for old age.' - Aristotle =
'Education is the best provision for old age.' - Aristotle = 'Educação é o melhor segura para velhice.' - Aristóteles
Chivalry = Cavalaria
# Requires translation!
'Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born of all England.' - Malory =
'Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born of all England.' - Malory = Quem sacar fora essa espada desta rocha e bigorna, será rei nascido por direito de toda Inglaterra.' - Malory
Machinery = Maquinária
Improves movement speed on roads = Melhora velocidade de movimento em estradas
# Requires translation!
'The press is the best instrument for enlightening the mind of man, and improving him as a rational, moral and social being.' - Thomas Jefferson =
'The press is the best instrument for enlightening the mind of man, and improving him as a rational, moral and social being.' - Thomas Jefferson = 'A imprensa é o melhor instrumento para iluminar a mente do homem, e o aprimorar como um ser racional, moral e social.' - Thomas Jefferson
Physics = Física
# Requires translation!
'Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.' - Galileo Galilei =
'Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.' - Galileo Galilei = 'Meça o que for mensurável, e faça mensurável o que não for.' - Galileo Galilei
Steel = Aço
# Requires translation!
'John Henry said to his Captain, / 'A man ain't nothin' but a man, / And before I'll let your steam drill beat me down, / I'll die with the hammer in my hand.'' - Anonymous: The Ballad of John Henry, the Steel-Drivin' Man =
'John Henry said to his Captain, / 'A man ain't nothin' but a man, / And before I'll let your steam drill beat me down, / I'll die with the hammer in my hand.'' - Anonymous: The Ballad of John Henry, the Steel-Drivin' Man = 'John Henry disse ao seu capitão, / 'Um homem não é nada mas um homem, / E antes que eu permita que sua broca a vapor me vença, / Eu morrerei com o martelo em minha mão.'' - Anônimo: A balada de John Henry, o Homem Movido a Aço
Renaissance era = Renascimento
Astronomy = Astronomia
@ -4899,12 +4899,12 @@ Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Unidades militares podem pilhar melhorias, o que cura elas em 25 de vida e destroi a melhoria.\nAinda se pode trabalhar no ladrilho, mas vantagens da melhoria - bonus de status e recursos - se perderão.\nTrabalhadores podem consertar essas melhorias, o que demora menos tempo que fazer a melhoria do zero.
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Unidade que engajam em combate ganham experiência, a qual pode então ser aplicada em promoçoes para esta unidade.\nUnidades ganham mais experiência em combates mão a mão do que à distância, e mais atacando do que defendendo.
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Unidade que engajam em combate ganham experiência, a qual pode então ser aplicada em promoçoes para esta unidade.\nUnidades ganham mais experiência em combates corpo a corpo do que à distância, e mais atacando do que defendendo.
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = Unidades só podem ganhar até 30 XP de unidades de Bárbaros - ou seja, até 2 promoçoes. Depois disso, unidades de Bárbaros não providenciarão mais experiência.
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. = Unidades e cidades são abatidas por combate, o que é afetado por vários valores diferentes.\nCada unidade tem um certo valor de combate 'base', o qual pode ser aprimorado por certas condições, promoçoes e localizações.
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. = Unidades usam o valor 'Força' como o valor de base em ataques mão a mão e defendendo.\nQuando atacando a distância, elas usam o valor 'Força a Distância' em vez.
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = Ataques à distância dependem do valor de 'Alcance' da unidade.\nEnquanto ataques mão a mão permitem o defensor gerar dano ao atacante em retaliação, ataques a distância não permitem.
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. = Unidades usam o valor 'Força' como o valor de base em ataques corpo a corpo e defendendo.\nQuando atacando a distância, elas usam o valor 'Força a Distância' em vez.
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = Ataques à distância dependem do valor de 'Alcance' da unidade.\nEnquanto ataques corpo a corpo permitem o defensor gerar dano ao atacante em retaliação, ataques a distância não permitem.
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = Em acordos de pesquisa, você e outra civilização decidem pesquisar em conjunto tecnologia.\nAo fim do acordo, ambos vocês irão receber um 'montante único' de ciência, o qual será direcionado a uma de suas tecnologia ainda não pesquisada.
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = A quantidade de Ciência que você recebe no fim depende na ciência gerada por suas cidades e das cidades das outras civilizações durante o acordo - quanto mais. melhor!
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Oh no! It looks like something went DISASTROUSLY wrong! This is ABSOLUTELY not s
# Buildings
Choose a free great person = Alege un om extraordinar gratis
Choose a free great person = Alege o persoană extraordinară gratis
Get = Obține
Hydro Plant = Hidrocentrală
@ -94,8 +94,7 @@ Ally = Aliat
## Diplomatic modifiers
You declared war on us! = Ne-ai declarat război!
# Requires translation!
Your warmongering ways are unacceptable to us. =
Your warmongering ways are unacceptable to us. = Căile tale ațâțătoare la război sunt inacceptabile pentru noi.
You have captured our cities! = Ne-ai capturat orașele!
We applaud your liberation of our conquered cities! = Aplaudăm liberarea orașelor noastre cucerite!
Years of peace have strengthened our relations. = Anii de pace ne-au întărit relațiile.
@ -161,7 +160,7 @@ There's nothing on the table = Nu e nimic pe masă
Peace Treaty = Tratat de pace
Agreements = Înțelegeri
Open Borders = Granițe deschise
Gold per turn = Aur per rundă
Gold per turn = Aur per tură
Cities = Orașe
Technologies = Tehnologii
Declarations of war = Declarație de război
@ -199,8 +198,7 @@ Sun Never Sets = Soarele Nu Apune Niciodată
Ancien Régime = Regim Vechi
Strategic Resources provide +1 Production, and Horses, Iron and Uranium Resources provide double quantity = Resursele strategice oferă +1 Producție, resursele Cai, Fier și Uraniu oferind cantitate dublă
# Requires translation!
Siberian Riches =
Siberian Riches = Bogății Siberiene
+25% Production towards any buildings that already exist in the Capital = +25% Producție pentru toate clădirile deja existente în capitală
The Glory of Rome = Gloria Romei
@ -291,21 +289,15 @@ Start game! = Începe jocul!
Map options = Opțiuni ale hărții
Game options = Opțiuni ale jocului
Map type = Tipul hărții
# Requires translation!
Generated =
# Requires translation!
Existing =
# Requires translation!
Custom =
Generated = Generat
Existing = Existent
Custom = Personalizat
Map generation type = Tip de generare a hărții
# Requires translation!
Default =
# Requires translation!
Pangaea =
Default = Implicit
Pangaea = Pangaea
# Requires translation!
Perlin =
# Requires translation!
Continents =
Continents = Continente
Number of city-states = Numărul de orașe-stat
One City Challenge = Provocare cu un oraș
No barbarians = Fără barbari
@ -316,8 +308,7 @@ Scientific = Știință
Domination = Dominație
Cultural = Cultură
# Requires translation!
Map shape =
Map shape = Forma hărții
# Requires translation!
Hexagonal =
# Requires translation!
@ -387,27 +378,17 @@ Mods: =
# Multiplayer
Username = Utilizator
# Requires translation!
Multiplayer =
# Requires translation!
Could not download game! =
# Requires translation!
Could not upload game! =
Multiplayer = Multiplayer
Could not download game! = Nu s-a putut descărca jocul!
Could not upload game! = Nu s-a putut publica jocul!
Join Game = Intră în joc
# Requires translation!
Invalid game ID! =
# Requires translation!
Copy User ID =
# Requires translation!
Copy Game ID =
# Requires translation!
UserID copied to clipboard =
# Requires translation!
GameID copied to clipboard =
# Requires translation!
Set current user =
# Requires translation!
Player ID from clipboard =
Invalid game ID! = ID-ul jocului invalid!
Copy User ID = Copiază ID-ul utilizatorului
Copy Game ID = Copiază ID-ul jocului
UserID copied to clipboard = ID-ul utilizatorului copiat în clipboard
GameID copied to clipboard = ID-ul jocului copiat în clipboard
Set current user = Pune utilizaorul curent
Player ID from clipboard = ID-ul utilizatorului din clipboard
# Requires translation!
To create a multiplayer game, check the 'multiplayer' toggle in the New Game screen, and for each human player insert that player's user ID. =
# Requires translation!
@ -418,34 +399,20 @@ Once you've created your game, the Game ID gets automatically copied to your cli
Players can enter your game by copying the game ID to the clipboard, and clicking on the 'Add Multiplayer Game' button =
# Requires translation!
The symbol of your nation will appear next to the game when it's your turn =
# Requires translation!
Back =
# Requires translation!
Rename =
# Requires translation!
Edit Game Info =
# Requires translation!
Add Multiplayer Game =
# Requires translation!
Refresh List =
# Requires translation!
Could not save game! =
# Requires translation!
Could not delete game! =
# Requires translation!
Could not refresh! =
# Requires translation!
Last refresh: [time] minutes ago =
# Requires translation!
Current Turn: =
# Requires translation!
Add Currently Running Game =
# Requires translation!
Game name =
# Requires translation!
Loading latest game state... =
# Requires translation!
Couldn't download the latest game state! =
Back = Înapoi
Rename = Redenumește
Edit Game Info = Editează informațiile jocului
Add Multiplayer Game = Adaugă joc multiplayer
Refresh List = Reîmpropspătează lista
Could not save game! = Nu s-a putut salva jocul!
Could not delete game! = Nu s-a putut șterge jocul!
Could not refresh! = Nu s-a putut reîmprospăta!
Last refresh: [time] minutes ago = Ultima reîmprospătare: acum [time] minute
Current Turn: = Tura actuală:
Add Currently Running Game = Adaugă joc în curs
Game name = Nunele jocului
Loading latest game state... = Se încarcă ultima stare a jocului...
Couldn't download the latest game state! = Nu s-a putut încarca ultima stare a jocului!
# Save game menu
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -342,8 +342,7 @@ You can assign your own user ID there easily, and other players can copy their u
Once you've created your game, the Game ID gets automatically copied to your clipboard so you can send it to the other players. = 当你建立了多人游戏后,游戏ID将自动复制至剪贴板,你可以通过网络分享给其他玩家。
Players can enter your game by copying the game ID to the clipboard, and clicking on the 'Add Multiplayer Game' button = 其他玩家可以将接收到的游戏ID复制到剪贴板,并点击“加入多人游戏”按钮加入游戏
The symbol of your nation will appear next to the game when it's your turn = 当轮到你的时候,你国家的象征将出现在游戏旁边
# Requires translation!
Back =
Back = 返回
Rename = 重命名
Edit Game Info = 编辑游戏信息
Add Multiplayer Game = 添加多人游戏
@ -351,8 +350,7 @@ Refresh List = 刷新列表
Could not save game! = 无法保存游戏!
Could not delete game! = 无法删除游戏!
Could not refresh! = 无法刷新!
# Requires translation!
Last refresh: [time] minutes ago =
Last refresh: [time] minutes ago = 上次刷新:[time]分钟之前
Current Turn: = 当前转向:
Add Currently Running Game = 添加一个当前运行的游戏
Game name = 游戏名:
@ -886,9 +884,9 @@ Dogfighting III = 缠斗III级
# Multiplayer Turn Checker Service
Multiplayer options = 多人游戏选项
Enable out-of-game turn notifications = 启用游戏外转向通知
Enable out-of-game turn notifications = 启用游戏外回合通知
Time between turn checks out-of-game (in minutes) = 下一回合时间(分钟)
Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = 显示转向通知服务的持久通知
Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = 显示持久的回合通知服务
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
@ -3752,16 +3750,16 @@ Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions fo
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = 单位只能从野蛮单位获得30点经验值-意味着最多2次提升。在那之后,野蛮人单位将不会提供经验。
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. = 单位和城市都会因战斗而磨损,这会受到许多不同的变量的影响。每个单位都有一定的“基础”变量,这些变量可以通过一定的条件、晋升和位置来提高。
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. = 当近战攻击和防御时,单位使用“力量”值作为基础战斗值。\n当使用远程攻击时,它们将使用“远程力量”值代替。
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = 远程攻击可以从远处进行,这取决于单位的“距离”值。\n近战攻击允许防御者报复性地伤害攻击者,远程攻击则不允许。
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = 在研究协议中,你和另一个文明决定共同研究技术。\n在协议结束时,你和另一个文明都将获得一笔“一次性”的科学费,这将用于你尚未研究的技术之一。
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = 你最终获得的科学数量取决于协议期间你所在城市和其他文明城市所产生的科学——越多越好!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. = 并不是所有的国家都在和你争夺胜利。城邦是无法胜利的国家,不能征服其他城市,也不能被交易
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = 相反,与城邦的外交关系取决于影响力——一个表示“城邦有多喜欢你”的数值。\n通过攻击敌人,解放他们的城市,给他们一大笔黄金,可以增加影响力。
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = 当您的影响力超过30时,会获得一定的奖励。\n当您的影响力超过60时,并且您在所有文明中对他们的影响力最高,您将被视为他们的“盟友”,并获得更多的奖励,并可以使用他们土地上的奢侈品和战略资源。
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = 自然奇观,如富士山、直布罗陀岩石和大堡礁,是独特的、不可逾越的地形特征,是大自然的杰作,它们具有特殊的品质,使它们与一般地形有很大的不同。\n如果您的工作人员为您提供大量的文化、科学、黄金或产品,它们将为您带来好处城市,这就是为什么你可能需要尽快将它们纳入你的帝国。
@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ You have won a cultural victory! = Ви здобули культурну пер
You have won a domination victory! = Ви знищили усіх!
You have achieved victory through the awesome power of your Culture. Your civilization's greatness - the magnificence of its monuments and the power of its artists - have astounded the world! Poets will honor you as long as beauty brings gladness to a weary heart. = Ви домоглися перемоги завдяки приголомшливій силі вашої культури. Велич вашої цивілізації — пишність пам’ятників та сила її митців вразили світ! Поети будуть шанувати вас до тих пір, поки краса приносить радість стомленому серцю.
The world has been convulsed by war. Many great and powerful civilizations have fallen, but you have survived - and emerged victorious! The world will long remember your glorious triumph! = Світ заплутаний війною. Занепало багато великих і могутніх цивілізацій, але ви вижили — і вийшли переможцями! Світ надовго запам’ятає твій славний тріумф!
You have achieved victory through mastery of Science! You have conquered the mysteries of nature and led your people on a voyage to a brave new world! Your triumph will be remembered as long as the stars burn in the night sky! = Ви здобули перемогу завдяки оволодінню Наукою! Ви перемогли таємниці природи і повели своїх людей у плавання до сміливого нового світу! Ваш тріумф запам’ятається до тих пір, поки на нічному небі горить зірки!
You have achieved victory through mastery of Science! You have conquered the mysteries of nature and led your people on a voyage to a brave new world! Your triumph will be remembered as long as the stars burn in the night sky! = Ви здобули перемогу завдяки оволодінню Наукою! Ви розкрили таємниці природи і повели своїх людей у плавання до сміливого нового світу! Ваш тріумф запам’ятається, доки у нічному небі сяють зірки!
You have been defeated. Your civilization has been overwhelmed by its many foes. But your people do not despair, for they know that one day you shall return - and lead them forward to victory! = Ви зазнали поразки. Вашу цивілізацію переповнили численні вороги. Але ваш народ не впадає у відчай, бо вони знають, що одного дня ви повернетеся — і поведете їх до перемоги!
One more turn...! = Ще один хід...
Built Apollo Program = Здійснити Програму Аполлон
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ object UnitActions {
for (otherCiv in notifications)
otherCiv.addNotification("${unit.civInfo} has stolen your territory!", unit.currentTile.position, Color.RED)
otherCiv.addNotification("[${unit.civInfo}] has stolen your territory!", unit.currentTile.position, Color.RED)
private fun addGoldPerGreatPersonUsage(civInfo: CivilizationInfo) {
Reference in a new issue