Translations writer updated to handle new older structure
This commit is contained in:
23 changed files with 2422 additions and 2630 deletions
@ -854,10 +854,6 @@ Crab = Krabi
Citrus = Citrusy
Citrus = Citrusy
Truffles = Lanýže
Truffles = Lanýže
Terrace farm = Terasovité pole
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 jídlo za každou přilehlou horu
Cannot improve a resource = Nelze vylepšit surovinu
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = Civilista
Civilian = Civilista
@ -3954,7 +3950,6 @@ Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Může být vybudován pouze na pobřežní
Moai = Moai
Moai = Moai
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 jídlo za každou přilehlou horu
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 jídlo za každou přilehlou horu
Cannot improve a resource = Nelze vylepšit surovinu
Terrace farm = Terasovité pole
Terrace farm = Terasovité pole
Ancient ruins = Starobylé ruiny
Ancient ruins = Starobylé ruiny
@ -4032,92 +4027,6 @@ Whales = Velryby
Pearls = Perly
Pearls = Perly
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Prvním úkolem je založení hlavního města.\nTo je ve skutečnosti velmi dúležité, protože hlavní město bude nejspíše to nejvíce prosperující.\nMnoho herních výhod se vztahuje pouze na hlavní město, proto bude pravděpodobně centrem říše.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Jak se pozná to pravé místo?\nNa to není tak snadná odpověď, ale vybudovat ho poblíž luxusních surovin bývá dobré pravidlo.\nNaleziště luxusních surovin jsou políčka obsahující věci jako drahokamy, bavlnu či hedvábí (označeno ikonkou smajlíku u ikonky suroviny).\nTyto suroviny přispívají ke spokojenosti civilizace. Také je potřeba hlídat suroviny pro stavbu jednotek, jako je například železo.
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = Města však nemají pevně stanovené území, které mohou spravovat.\nTo znamená, že není potřeba postavit město hned vedle naleziště surovin.\nNapříklad, potřebujete železo - ale naleziště je hned vedle pouště.\nAle nemusíte mít město hned vedle pouště. Můžete se usadit o několik políček dál na lepším terénu.\nVaše město poroste a časem získá přístup k surovině.\nPouze pokud chcete surovinu ihned, potřebujete se usadit hned vedle suroviny – \n což se tu a tam může hodit, většinou však máte trochu času.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = První jednotkou, kterou město postaví, by měl být průzkumník nebo válečník.\nPreferuji válečnika protože lze použít k obraně a může být později vylepšen\n na Šermíře za rozumnou cenu.\nPrůzkumník však může být lepší, pokud jste v krajině s hustými lesy nebo kopci.\nPrůzkumníci nemají postih k pohybu za špatný terén.\nPokud jste veteránem 4X strategických her, váš první válečník či průzkumník bude následován osadníkem.\nRychlá expanze je naprosto zásadní ve většině her tohoto typu.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = Během prvních pár tahů,\n máme jen velmi málo možností na výběr,\n ale jak bude naše civilizace vzkvétat,\n objeví se řada věcí vyžadujících naši pozornost.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = V každém tahu, kulturní body které získáme ze všech našich měst,\n jsou přidány do společného kulturního banku cené říše.\nVe chvíli kdy nasbíráme dostatečný počet kulturních bodů,\n lze si vybrat novou sociální politiku, která přineše říši určité výhody.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Sociální politika je rozdělena do jednotlivých skupin (větví),\n přičemž každá z nich poskytuje speciální bonus ve chvíli,\n kdy jsou získány všechny sociální politiky z jedné větve.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = S každou zavedenou sociální politikou a s každým dalším vybudovaným městem,\n cena za výběr další sociální politiky významně vzrůstá. Vybírejte tedy s rozvahou!
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = Každé další políčko vžaduje více kulturních bodů, ale vaše první města se většinou rozrostou daleko.
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Ačkoliv město může rozrůstat bez omezení, jeho obyvatelé mohou pracovat do vzdálenosti 3 políček od středu města. To byste měli zohlednit při umísťování nových měst.
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Jak města rostou a vzkvétají, budeme se muset vypořádat s mechanismem Spokojenosti,\n který již není nadále vypočítáván individuálně pro každé město.\nMísto toho sdílí celá říše společnou úroveň spokojenosti\nS přibývajícím počtem obyvatel zjistíme, že je stále obtížnější udržet populaci naší říše spokojenou.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Aby toho nebylo málo, tak budovy zlepšující spokojenost obyvatel nelze stavět bez dokončení příslušného výzkumu.\nV případě že spokojenost v naší říši klesne pod nulu, tak se ve všech městech významně zpomalí přírůstek nových obyvatel.\nPokud bude naše říše velmi nespokojená (jak ukazuje ikona smajlíku v horní liště)\n celá naše armáda (bojové jednotky) obdrží významnou penalizaci a dojde k výraznému oslabení v boji.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = To znamená, že ve hře UnCiv je poměrně obtížné rychle expandovat.\nNikdo netvrdí, že je to nemožné, ale novým hráčům se doporučuje nedělat to.\nTakže co bychom měli dělat? Uklidnit se, vyslat průzkumníky a vylepšovat námi ovládané území pomocí Dělníků.\nNové města budujme až poté, co pro ně najdeme vhodné místo.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Zdá se, že jsou naši obyvatelé nešťastní!\nDokud bude nespokojenost trvat, města porostou pouze 1/4 rychlostí,\n a všechny naše jednotky budou penalizovány 2% za každý 1 bod nespokojenosti.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Nespokojenost má dva hlavní důvody: Populaci (počet obyvatel) a města\n Každé město přidává 3 body nespokojenosti a každý obyvatel 1 bod nespokojenosti
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = Existují dva účinné způsoby jak bojovat proti nespokojenosti:\n výstavbou budov, které zvyšují spokojenost obyvatel\n nebo vylepšením Luxusních surovin, které se nachází na území našich měst.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Vstoupili jsme do Zlatého věku!\nZlatý věk představují body, které se získávají každé kolo jako celková Spokojenost celé naší civilizace\nVe zlatém věku je produkce a počet generovaných kulturních bodů zvýšený o +20%,\n na víc každé políčko, ze kterého získáváme alespoň jedno zlato nám poskytne další jedno extra zlato navíc.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Propojení našich měst pomocí cest\n přináší zisky z obchodních cest.\nPovšimněme si, že údržba každého políčka cesty stojí každé kolo 1 zlato, železnice pak dokonce 2 zlata\n takže může být ekonomicky výhodnější s výstavbou počkat, až se města rozrostou!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = Poté se se nám podaří založit první dvě nebo tři města, máme obvykle za sebou kolem 100 až 150 tahů ve hře. \nNyní je vhodná chvíli popřemýšlet o tom, jakým způsobem chceme naši říši k vítězství.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = Ve hře UnCiv existují celkem tři způsoby jak zvítězit. Tady jsou:\n - Kulturní vítězství: Zkompletovat 4 větve Sociální politiky\n - Vítězství v boji: Buďme poslední civilizací, která přežije (zničme všechny ostatní)\n - Vědecké vítězství: Získá ho ten, kdo první zkoustruuje vesmírnou loď pro cestu na Alfa Centauri
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = Když si to ve stručnosti shrneme, tady jsou základy hry UnCiv - Založme prosperující první město, pomalu expandujme na mapě,\n postarejme se o spokojenost lidu a soustřeďme se na jednu z cest k vítězství.\n\nSo to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObvykle je toho mnohem více než je zde zmíněno. Je potřeba postupovat pomalu a s rozvahou, a krok po kroku pochopit herní principy.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Města lze dobýt tak, že snížíte jejich zdraví na 1,\n a poté do něj vstoupíme s jednotkou určenou na boj zblízka.\nMěsto se samo opravuje v každém tahu, proto je nejpoužívanější metodou dobývání užití jednotek pro boj na dálku,\n přičemž jednotky pro boj zblízka používáme k jejich ochraně a poté na finální útok na město!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Luxusní zdroje na území říše včetně jejich vylepšení jsou připojeny do naší obchodní sítě.\nKaždý unikátní Luxusní zdroj přidá 5 bodů spokojenosti pro naši říši,\n další zdroje té samé luxusní suroviny už spokojenost neovliivňují,\n takže je můžeme použít jako obchovní artikl pro výměnu s jinou ciivilizací!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Strategiické zdroje na území říše včetně jejich vylepšení jsou připojeny do naší obchodní sítě.\nStrategické zdroje nám umožňují vycvičit některé jednotky a postavit určiité budovy,\n které tyto specifiické zdroje potřebují. Například ke vycvičení jednotky Jízda potřebujeme koně.\nKaždá jednotka spotřebuje právě jeden požadovaný zdroj, v případě že je tato jednotka zabita nebo propuštěna,\n stane se tento zdroj nevyužitý a můžeme za něj vycvičit novou jednotku.\nNevyužité strategické zdroje máme neustále na očích - v horní liště.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = Město už není nadále schopné bojovat a bránit se!\nOvšem pokud ho chceme dobýt, je potřeba do něj vstoupiit s jednotkou určenou pro boj zblízka.
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = Ihned po obsazení města si můžeme vybrat, jaký bude jeho další osud Na výběr máme z vyhlazení, anektování a nebo loutkové vlády.\nVyhladzování města znamená, že se jeho populace sníží každý tah o 1 obyvatele až do úplného zničení.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Loutková vláda znamená, že nemáme kontrolu nad výrobními procesy ve městě.\nMěsto nepřispívá říši Výzkumem, ani body do Sociální politiky, ovšem jeho obyvatelé vytvářejí 1,5 násobek běžné nespokojenosti.\nAnektování města nám dá kontrolu nad produkcí města, ale nespokojenost obyvatel se zvýší 2x!\nTento jev lze zmírnit vybudováním budovy Soudu (nejlépe koupit za zlato), což navrátí nespokojenost obyvatel na původní hodnotu.\nMěsto s Loutkovou vládou lze kdykoliv anektovat, ovšem v anektovaných městech již není možné znovu zavést loutkovou vládu!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Setkali jsme se s barbarskou jednotkou!\nBarbaři útočí na každého bez rozdílu, takže nenechávajme naše\n civilní jednotky v jejich blízkosti a dávejme také pozor na naše průzkumníky!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Setkali jsme se s jinou civilizací!\nOstatní civilizace začínají vyjednávat mírumilovně a lze s nimi obchodovat,\n v budoucnu ovšem můžou změnit svůj názor a klidně nám vyhlásí válku.
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Ve chvíli kdy jsme dokončili Apollo Program, můžeme začít ve městech stavět části vesmírné lodi (SS z anglického SpaceShip),\n samozřejmě s použitím vyzkoumaných relevantních technologií, a dosáhnout tak vítězství Vědeckou cestou!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = Zraněné jednotky způsobují menší poškození, pokud s nimi během tahu nebudeme provádět žádnou akci, budou se pomalu uzdravovat.\nJednotce se obnoví 5 bodů zdraví na území nepřítele, 10 bodů zdraví na neutrální půdě,\n 15 bodů zdraví na území naší říše a 20 bodů zdraví pokud jsou umístěny v jednom z našich měst.
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Dělníci jsou stavebními kameny pro naše města, přestože dokáží pouze stavět vylepšení na jednotlivých políčkách\nTyto vylepšení zvyšují zisky z jednotlivých políček, což umožňuje městu větší a rychlejší produkci\n při hospodaření na stejném množství políček!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Obléhací stroje (jednotky) jsou extrémně silné při útoku na město, ale nejprve potřebují provést Přípravu na útok\nVe chvíli kdy je naše obléhací jednotka připravena na boj, může útočit z políčka na kterém právě stojí,\n po pohybu na jiné políčko je potřeba provést další Přípravu na útok.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Po vyzkoumání příslušné technologie se naše pozemní jednotky můžou nalodit a začít pohybovat v pobřežních vodách.\nNalodění či vylodění stojí každou jednotku jeden celý tah.\nPři tomto procesu je jednotka zcela bezbranná, tak pozor na to!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = Pokud tento tah nechceme s jednotkou vykonávat žádnou činnost, můžem ji přeskočit kliknutím na tlačítko 'Další jednotka'.\nPokud s jednotkou nechceme hýbat po delší dobu, můžeme ji buď opevnit a nebo uspat,\n opevněné a uspané jodnotky nejsou považovány za zahálející (nezaměstnané) jedotky.\nPokud chcete funkci 'Další jednotka' úplně zakázat, lze to provést v Menu -> Kontrolovat zahálející jednotky
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Zdravíčko, pokud jste se dostali až sem, pravděpodobně vidíte,\n že hra ještě stále není zcela dokončená.\nUnCiv je vyvíjena jako hra s otevřeným zdrojovýcm kódem (open-source) a zdarma. Navždy.\n To znamená žádné reklamy, žedné mikrotransakce ani jiné dosud neobjevené nesmysly :-)
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = To co mě motivuje k další práci na hře,\n kromě faktu že jsem naprosto skvělý a úžasný,\n je podpora ze strany hráčů - jste prostě nějleší!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Každé hodnocení, komentář či recenze mi vykouzlí úsměv na tváři =)\n Neváhejte mě kontaktovat! Pošlete mi email, napište recenzi, nahlašte problém na Githubu\n nebo pošlete třeba poštovního holuba a dejte mi vědět, jak hru udělat\n ještě více úžasnou!\n(Kontaktní údaje naleznete na Play Storu)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Vojenské jednotky můžou drancovat vylepšení, což jim přidá 25 zdraví a zároveň zničí vylepšení.\nPolíčko lze i nadále obhospodařovávat, ale výhody z vylepšení zmízí. Bonusy a zdroje budou zničeny.\nDělníci můžou opravit tyto poničené vylepšení, což jim bude méně času, než kdyby je měli budovat znovu od začátku.
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Jednotky účastnící se boje získávají body zkušenosti, které je možno využít k povyšování.\nJednotky získávají více zkušenosti v boji zblízka než zdálky a více při útoku než při obraně.
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = Bojem s barbary mohou jednotky získat nejvýše 30 zkušeností - tedy na 2 povýšení. Poté už pobíjení barbarů neposkytuje žádnou další zkušenost.
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. = Jednotky i města se bojem opotřebovávají, což je ovlivněno několika hodnotami.\nKaždá jednotka má 'základní' bojovou hodnotu, která může být vylepšena různými stavy, povýšeními či místem.
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. = Jednotky pužívají tuto 'sílu' jako základni hodnotu při útoku a obraně zblízka.\nPři útoku zdálky použijí 'sílu na dálku'.
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = Útoky zdálky mohou být prováděny ze vzdálenosti definované hodnotou 'dostřel' dané jednotky.\nA zatímco při útoku zblízka může obránce napadanout zpátky útočníka, při útoku zdálky nikoli.
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = Výzkumnou dohodou se vy a jiná civilizace rozhodnete spolupracovat na výzkumu technologií. \nPo uplynutí dohody oba obdržíte 'jednorázový obnos' bodů výzkumu, který bude aplikován na jednu z nevyzkoumaných technologií.
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = Množství bodů výzkumu, ktere obdržíte po uplynutí dohody, je závislé na množství výzkumu poskytovaném vašimi městy a městy druhé civilizace po dobu trvání dohody - čím více, tím lépe!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. = Ne všechny národy soupeří o vítezství.\nMěstské státy jsou národy, které nemohou zvítězit, nemohou dobývat jiná města a nelze s nimi s obchodovat.
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = Místo toho jsou diplomatické vztahy s městskými státy určené vlivem - měřítkem toho, jak moc vás má městský stát v oblibě.\nVliv může být zvýšen útokem na jejich nepřítele, osvobozením jejich měst či věnováním obnosu zlata.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Po dosažení či překonání hranice 30 vlivu obržíte různé bonusy.\nPo dosažení hranice 60 vlivu a pokud máte vůči nim nejvyšší vliv ze všech civilizací, jste považováni za 'spojence' a získáte další bonusy a přístup k Luxusním a Strategickým surovinám na jejich území.
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = Přírodní divy jako je hora Fuji, Gibraltarské skály nebo Velký bariérový útes jsou jedinečná neprůchozí terénní pole, mistrovská díla matky Přírody s výjimečnými vlastnostmi, které je činí velmi odlišnými od běžných terénů.\nPoskytují větší množství kultury, výzkumu, zlata či produkce, pokud jsou využívána městskými dělníky. Proto byste je meli co nejdříve zahrnout do své říše.
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
Heal Instantly = Okamžité léčení
Heal Instantly = Okamžité léčení
@ -4515,3 +4424,89 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = Bonus pro bojové jednotky v okruhu 2 pol
Khan = Chán
Khan = Chán
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Léčí sousední jednotky o dalšich 15 zdraví za kolo
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Léčí sousední jednotky o dalšich 15 zdraví za kolo
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Prvním úkolem je založení hlavního města.\nTo je ve skutečnosti velmi dúležité, protože hlavní město bude nejspíše to nejvíce prosperující.\nMnoho herních výhod se vztahuje pouze na hlavní město, proto bude pravděpodobně centrem říše.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Jak se pozná to pravé místo?\nNa to není tak snadná odpověď, ale vybudovat ho poblíž luxusních surovin bývá dobré pravidlo.\nNaleziště luxusních surovin jsou políčka obsahující věci jako drahokamy, bavlnu či hedvábí (označeno ikonkou smajlíku u ikonky suroviny).\nTyto suroviny přispívají ke spokojenosti civilizace. Také je potřeba hlídat suroviny pro stavbu jednotek, jako je například železo.
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = Města však nemají pevně stanovené území, které mohou spravovat.\nTo znamená, že není potřeba postavit město hned vedle naleziště surovin.\nNapříklad, potřebujete železo - ale naleziště je hned vedle pouště.\nAle nemusíte mít město hned vedle pouště. Můžete se usadit o několik políček dál na lepším terénu.\nVaše město poroste a časem získá přístup k surovině.\nPouze pokud chcete surovinu ihned, potřebujete se usadit hned vedle suroviny – \n což se tu a tam může hodit, většinou však máte trochu času.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = První jednotkou, kterou město postaví, by měl být průzkumník nebo válečník.\nPreferuji válečnika protože lze použít k obraně a může být později vylepšen\n na Šermíře za rozumnou cenu.\nPrůzkumník však může být lepší, pokud jste v krajině s hustými lesy nebo kopci.\nPrůzkumníci nemají postih k pohybu za špatný terén.\nPokud jste veteránem 4X strategických her, váš první válečník či průzkumník bude následován osadníkem.\nRychlá expanze je naprosto zásadní ve většině her tohoto typu.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = Během prvních pár tahů,\n máme jen velmi málo možností na výběr,\n ale jak bude naše civilizace vzkvétat,\n objeví se řada věcí vyžadujících naši pozornost.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = V každém tahu, kulturní body které získáme ze všech našich měst,\n jsou přidány do společného kulturního banku cené říše.\nVe chvíli kdy nasbíráme dostatečný počet kulturních bodů,\n lze si vybrat novou sociální politiku, která přineše říši určité výhody.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Sociální politika je rozdělena do jednotlivých skupin (větví),\n přičemž každá z nich poskytuje speciální bonus ve chvíli,\n kdy jsou získány všechny sociální politiky z jedné větve.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = S každou zavedenou sociální politikou a s každým dalším vybudovaným městem,\n cena za výběr další sociální politiky významně vzrůstá. Vybírejte tedy s rozvahou!
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = Každé další políčko vžaduje více kulturních bodů, ale vaše první města se většinou rozrostou daleko.
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Ačkoliv město může rozrůstat bez omezení, jeho obyvatelé mohou pracovat do vzdálenosti 3 políček od středu města. To byste měli zohlednit při umísťování nových měst.
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Jak města rostou a vzkvétají, budeme se muset vypořádat s mechanismem Spokojenosti,\n který již není nadále vypočítáván individuálně pro každé město.\nMísto toho sdílí celá říše společnou úroveň spokojenosti\nS přibývajícím počtem obyvatel zjistíme, že je stále obtížnější udržet populaci naší říše spokojenou.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Aby toho nebylo málo, tak budovy zlepšující spokojenost obyvatel nelze stavět bez dokončení příslušného výzkumu.\nV případě že spokojenost v naší říši klesne pod nulu, tak se ve všech městech významně zpomalí přírůstek nových obyvatel.\nPokud bude naše říše velmi nespokojená (jak ukazuje ikona smajlíku v horní liště)\n celá naše armáda (bojové jednotky) obdrží významnou penalizaci a dojde k výraznému oslabení v boji.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = To znamená, že ve hře UnCiv je poměrně obtížné rychle expandovat.\nNikdo netvrdí, že je to nemožné, ale novým hráčům se doporučuje nedělat to.\nTakže co bychom měli dělat? Uklidnit se, vyslat průzkumníky a vylepšovat námi ovládané území pomocí Dělníků.\nNové města budujme až poté, co pro ně najdeme vhodné místo.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Zdá se, že jsou naši obyvatelé nešťastní!\nDokud bude nespokojenost trvat, města porostou pouze 1/4 rychlostí,\n a všechny naše jednotky budou penalizovány 2% za každý 1 bod nespokojenosti.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Nespokojenost má dva hlavní důvody: Populaci (počet obyvatel) a města\n Každé město přidává 3 body nespokojenosti a každý obyvatel 1 bod nespokojenosti
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = Existují dva účinné způsoby jak bojovat proti nespokojenosti:\n výstavbou budov, které zvyšují spokojenost obyvatel\n nebo vylepšením Luxusních surovin, které se nachází na území našich měst.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Vstoupili jsme do Zlatého věku!\nZlatý věk představují body, které se získávají každé kolo jako celková Spokojenost celé naší civilizace\nVe zlatém věku je produkce a počet generovaných kulturních bodů zvýšený o +20%,\n na víc každé políčko, ze kterého získáváme alespoň jedno zlato nám poskytne další jedno extra zlato navíc.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Propojení našich měst pomocí cest\n přináší zisky z obchodních cest.\nPovšimněme si, že údržba každého políčka cesty stojí každé kolo 1 zlato, železnice pak dokonce 2 zlata\n takže může být ekonomicky výhodnější s výstavbou počkat, až se města rozrostou!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = Poté se se nám podaří založit první dvě nebo tři města, máme obvykle za sebou kolem 100 až 150 tahů ve hře. \nNyní je vhodná chvíli popřemýšlet o tom, jakým způsobem chceme naši říši k vítězství.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = Ve hře UnCiv existují celkem tři způsoby jak zvítězit. Tady jsou:\n - Kulturní vítězství: Zkompletovat 4 větve Sociální politiky\n - Vítězství v boji: Buďme poslední civilizací, která přežije (zničme všechny ostatní)\n - Vědecké vítězství: Získá ho ten, kdo první zkoustruuje vesmírnou loď pro cestu na Alfa Centauri
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = Když si to ve stručnosti shrneme, tady jsou základy hry UnCiv - Založme prosperující první město, pomalu expandujme na mapě,\n postarejme se o spokojenost lidu a soustřeďme se na jednu z cest k vítězství.\n\nSo to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObvykle je toho mnohem více než je zde zmíněno. Je potřeba postupovat pomalu a s rozvahou, a krok po kroku pochopit herní principy.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Města lze dobýt tak, že snížíte jejich zdraví na 1,\n a poté do něj vstoupíme s jednotkou určenou na boj zblízka.\nMěsto se samo opravuje v každém tahu, proto je nejpoužívanější metodou dobývání užití jednotek pro boj na dálku,\n přičemž jednotky pro boj zblízka používáme k jejich ochraně a poté na finální útok na město!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Luxusní zdroje na území říše včetně jejich vylepšení jsou připojeny do naší obchodní sítě.\nKaždý unikátní Luxusní zdroj přidá 5 bodů spokojenosti pro naši říši,\n další zdroje té samé luxusní suroviny už spokojenost neovliivňují,\n takže je můžeme použít jako obchovní artikl pro výměnu s jinou ciivilizací!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Strategiické zdroje na území říše včetně jejich vylepšení jsou připojeny do naší obchodní sítě.\nStrategické zdroje nám umožňují vycvičit některé jednotky a postavit určiité budovy,\n které tyto specifiické zdroje potřebují. Například ke vycvičení jednotky Jízda potřebujeme koně.\nKaždá jednotka spotřebuje právě jeden požadovaný zdroj, v případě že je tato jednotka zabita nebo propuštěna,\n stane se tento zdroj nevyužitý a můžeme za něj vycvičit novou jednotku.\nNevyužité strategické zdroje máme neustále na očích - v horní liště.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = Město už není nadále schopné bojovat a bránit se!\nOvšem pokud ho chceme dobýt, je potřeba do něj vstoupiit s jednotkou určenou pro boj zblízka.
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = Ihned po obsazení města si můžeme vybrat, jaký bude jeho další osud Na výběr máme z vyhlazení, anektování a nebo loutkové vlády.\nVyhladzování města znamená, že se jeho populace sníží každý tah o 1 obyvatele až do úplného zničení.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Loutková vláda znamená, že nemáme kontrolu nad výrobními procesy ve městě.\nMěsto nepřispívá říši Výzkumem, ani body do Sociální politiky, ovšem jeho obyvatelé vytvářejí 1,5 násobek běžné nespokojenosti.\nAnektování města nám dá kontrolu nad produkcí města, ale nespokojenost obyvatel se zvýší 2x!\nTento jev lze zmírnit vybudováním budovy Soudu (nejlépe koupit za zlato), což navrátí nespokojenost obyvatel na původní hodnotu.\nMěsto s Loutkovou vládou lze kdykoliv anektovat, ovšem v anektovaných městech již není možné znovu zavést loutkovou vládu!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Setkali jsme se s barbarskou jednotkou!\nBarbaři útočí na každého bez rozdílu, takže nenechávajme naše\n civilní jednotky v jejich blízkosti a dávejme také pozor na naše průzkumníky!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Setkali jsme se s jinou civilizací!\nOstatní civilizace začínají vyjednávat mírumilovně a lze s nimi obchodovat,\n v budoucnu ovšem můžou změnit svůj názor a klidně nám vyhlásí válku.
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Ve chvíli kdy jsme dokončili Apollo Program, můžeme začít ve městech stavět části vesmírné lodi (SS z anglického SpaceShip),\n samozřejmě s použitím vyzkoumaných relevantních technologií, a dosáhnout tak vítězství Vědeckou cestou!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = Zraněné jednotky způsobují menší poškození, pokud s nimi během tahu nebudeme provádět žádnou akci, budou se pomalu uzdravovat.\nJednotce se obnoví 5 bodů zdraví na území nepřítele, 10 bodů zdraví na neutrální půdě,\n 15 bodů zdraví na území naší říše a 20 bodů zdraví pokud jsou umístěny v jednom z našich měst.
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Dělníci jsou stavebními kameny pro naše města, přestože dokáží pouze stavět vylepšení na jednotlivých políčkách\nTyto vylepšení zvyšují zisky z jednotlivých políček, což umožňuje městu větší a rychlejší produkci\n při hospodaření na stejném množství políček!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Obléhací stroje (jednotky) jsou extrémně silné při útoku na město, ale nejprve potřebují provést Přípravu na útok\nVe chvíli kdy je naše obléhací jednotka připravena na boj, může útočit z políčka na kterém právě stojí,\n po pohybu na jiné políčko je potřeba provést další Přípravu na útok.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Po vyzkoumání příslušné technologie se naše pozemní jednotky můžou nalodit a začít pohybovat v pobřežních vodách.\nNalodění či vylodění stojí každou jednotku jeden celý tah.\nPři tomto procesu je jednotka zcela bezbranná, tak pozor na to!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = Pokud tento tah nechceme s jednotkou vykonávat žádnou činnost, můžem ji přeskočit kliknutím na tlačítko 'Další jednotka'.\nPokud s jednotkou nechceme hýbat po delší dobu, můžeme ji buď opevnit a nebo uspat,\n opevněné a uspané jodnotky nejsou považovány za zahálející (nezaměstnané) jedotky.\nPokud chcete funkci 'Další jednotka' úplně zakázat, lze to provést v Menu -> Kontrolovat zahálející jednotky
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Zdravíčko, pokud jste se dostali až sem, pravděpodobně vidíte,\n že hra ještě stále není zcela dokončená.\nUnCiv je vyvíjena jako hra s otevřeným zdrojovýcm kódem (open-source) a zdarma. Navždy.\n To znamená žádné reklamy, žedné mikrotransakce ani jiné dosud neobjevené nesmysly :-)
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = To co mě motivuje k další práci na hře,\n kromě faktu že jsem naprosto skvělý a úžasný,\n je podpora ze strany hráčů - jste prostě nějleší!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Každé hodnocení, komentář či recenze mi vykouzlí úsměv na tváři =)\n Neváhejte mě kontaktovat! Pošlete mi email, napište recenzi, nahlašte problém na Githubu\n nebo pošlete třeba poštovního holuba a dejte mi vědět, jak hru udělat\n ještě více úžasnou!\n(Kontaktní údaje naleznete na Play Storu)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Vojenské jednotky můžou drancovat vylepšení, což jim přidá 25 zdraví a zároveň zničí vylepšení.\nPolíčko lze i nadále obhospodařovávat, ale výhody z vylepšení zmízí. Bonusy a zdroje budou zničeny.\nDělníci můžou opravit tyto poničené vylepšení, což jim bude méně času, než kdyby je měli budovat znovu od začátku.
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Jednotky účastnící se boje získávají body zkušenosti, které je možno využít k povyšování.\nJednotky získávají více zkušenosti v boji zblízka než zdálky a více při útoku než při obraně.
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = Bojem s barbary mohou jednotky získat nejvýše 30 zkušeností - tedy na 2 povýšení. Poté už pobíjení barbarů neposkytuje žádnou další zkušenost.
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. = Jednotky i města se bojem opotřebovávají, což je ovlivněno několika hodnotami.\nKaždá jednotka má 'základní' bojovou hodnotu, která může být vylepšena různými stavy, povýšeními či místem.
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. = Jednotky pužívají tuto 'sílu' jako základni hodnotu při útoku a obraně zblízka.\nPři útoku zdálky použijí 'sílu na dálku'.
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = Útoky zdálky mohou být prováděny ze vzdálenosti definované hodnotou 'dostřel' dané jednotky.\nA zatímco při útoku zblízka může obránce napadanout zpátky útočníka, při útoku zdálky nikoli.
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = Výzkumnou dohodou se vy a jiná civilizace rozhodnete spolupracovat na výzkumu technologií. \nPo uplynutí dohody oba obdržíte 'jednorázový obnos' bodů výzkumu, který bude aplikován na jednu z nevyzkoumaných technologií.
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = Množství bodů výzkumu, ktere obdržíte po uplynutí dohody, je závislé na množství výzkumu poskytovaném vašimi městy a městy druhé civilizace po dobu trvání dohody - čím více, tím lépe!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. = Ne všechny národy soupeří o vítezství.\nMěstské státy jsou národy, které nemohou zvítězit, nemohou dobývat jiná města a nelze s nimi s obchodovat.
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = Místo toho jsou diplomatické vztahy s městskými státy určené vlivem - měřítkem toho, jak moc vás má městský stát v oblibě.\nVliv může být zvýšen útokem na jejich nepřítele, osvobozením jejich měst či věnováním obnosu zlata.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Po dosažení či překonání hranice 30 vlivu obržíte různé bonusy.\nPo dosažení hranice 60 vlivu a pokud máte vůči nim nejvyšší vliv ze všech civilizací, jste považováni za 'spojence' a získáte další bonusy a přístup k Luxusním a Strategickým surovinám na jejich území.
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = Přírodní divy jako je hora Fuji, Gibraltarské skály nebo Velký bariérový útes jsou jedinečná neprůchozí terénní pole, mistrovská díla matky Přírody s výjimečnými vlastnostmi, které je činí velmi odlišnými od běžných terénů.\nPoskytují větší množství kultury, výzkumu, zlata či produkce, pokud jsou využívána městskými dělníky. Proto byste je meli co nejdříve zahrnout do své říše.
@ -1348,13 +1348,6 @@ Crab = Krabben
Citrus = Citrus
Citrus = Citrus
Truffles = Truffles
Truffles = Truffles
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource =
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = Burger
Civilian = Burger
@ -5085,8 +5078,6 @@ Moai =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource =
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
Terrace farm =
Ancient ruins = Oude ruïnes
Ancient ruins = Oude ruïnes
@ -5169,143 +5160,6 @@ Whales = Walvissen
Pearls = Parels
Pearls = Parels
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! =
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. =
# Requires translation!
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. =
# Requires translation!
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
# Requires translation!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention =
# Requires translation!
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. =
# Requires translation!
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. =
# Requires translation!
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! =
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
# Requires translation!
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. =
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
# Requires translation!
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders =
# Requires translation!
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. =
# Requires translation!
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! =
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
# Requires translation!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
# Requires translation!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! =
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. =
# Requires translation!
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
# Requires translation!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on =
# Requires translation!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities =
# Requires translation!
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! =
# Requires translation!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. =
# Requires translation!
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! =
# Requires translation!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units =
# Requires translation!
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. =
# Requires translation!
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! =
# Requires translation!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. =
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
@ -5921,3 +5775,140 @@ Khan =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn =
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn =
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! =
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. =
# Requires translation!
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. =
# Requires translation!
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
# Requires translation!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention =
# Requires translation!
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. =
# Requires translation!
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. =
# Requires translation!
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! =
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
# Requires translation!
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. =
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
# Requires translation!
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders =
# Requires translation!
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. =
# Requires translation!
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! =
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
# Requires translation!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
# Requires translation!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! =
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. =
# Requires translation!
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
# Requires translation!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on =
# Requires translation!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities =
# Requires translation!
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! =
# Requires translation!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. =
# Requires translation!
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! =
# Requires translation!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units =
# Requires translation!
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. =
# Requires translation!
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! =
# Requires translation!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. =
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
@ -1559,13 +1559,6 @@ Citrus =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Truffles =
Truffles =
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource =
# Unit types
# Unit types
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
@ -5443,8 +5436,6 @@ Moai =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource =
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
Terrace farm =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
@ -5562,105 +5553,6 @@ Whales =
Pearls =
Pearls =
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron.
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely!
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch.
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
@ -6280,3 +6172,102 @@ Khan =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn =
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn =
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron.
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely!
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch.
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
@ -850,10 +850,6 @@ Crab = Crabe
Citrus = Agrumes
Citrus = Agrumes
Truffles = Truffe
Truffles = Truffe
Terrace farm = Ferme en Terrace
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 Nourriture par montagne adjacente
Cannot improve a resource = Non permis en cases avec ressources
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = Civil
Civilian = Civil
@ -3241,7 +3237,6 @@ Can only be built on Coastal tiles = constructible uniquement sur des cases coti
Moai = Moai
Moai = Moai
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 Nourriture par montagne adjacente
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 Nourriture par montagne adjacente
Cannot improve a resource = Non permis en cases avec ressources
Terrace farm = Ferme en Terrace
Terrace farm = Ferme en Terrace
Ancient ruins = Anciennes ruines
Ancient ruins = Anciennes ruines
@ -3319,109 +3314,6 @@ Whales = Baleines
Pearls = Perles
Pearls = Perles
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Bienvenue sur Unciv ! Comme il s'agit d'un jeu complexe, voici quelques tâches basiques pour vous aider à vous familiariser avec le jeu.\n Elles sont complètement optionnelles et vous êtes libre de découvrir le jeu par vous-même !
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. =
# Requires translation!
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. =
# Requires translation!
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = Lors de vos premiers tours,\n vous aurez peu de choix.\n Mais plus votre civilisation grandira, \n plus vous aurez d'éléments à gérer.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = A chaque tour, la culture que vous gagnez grâce à vos\n villes est ajoutée à votre total de culture.\nLorsque vous avez suffisament de culture, vous pouvez choisir\n une Doctrine, chaque culture vous donnera un bonus différent.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Les Doctrines sont organisées en arbre, chaque\n arbre donne un bonus supplémentaire lorsque\n toutes les doctrines de l'arbre ont été adoptées.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Pour chaque doctrine adoptée et chaque ville construite,\n le coût pour adopter une nouvelle doctrine augmente.
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = On dirait que vos citoyens ne sont pas contents !\n Tant qu'ils sont malheureux, vos villes grandiront 4 fois moins vite\n et vos troupes seront 2% moins efficace au combat pour chaque point négatif.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Le malheur peut provenir de deux choses : la population et les villes.\n Chaque ville coûte 3 de bonheur, et chaque habitants en coûte 1.
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = Il y a deux moyens de lutter contre le malheur :\n en construisant certains batiments\n ou en ayant des ressources de luxe sur votre territoire.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Vous êtes entré dans un Age d'or !\n Les points d'Age d'or se gagnent grâce au bonheur de vos citoyens :\n 1 point de bonheur excédentaire
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Vous avez fondé votre deuxième ville !\n Connectez vos villes à votre capitale par des routes.\n Cela génèrera de l'or via les routes du commerce.\n Notez que chaque route coûte 1 ressource d'or de maintenance par tour,\n donc attendez que vos villes grandissent !
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 4 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Vous avez rencontré une ville ennemie !\n Les villes peuvent être conquises en réduisant leur vie à 1\n puis en y envoyant une unité de mêlée.\n Les villes se soignent à chaque tour. Il vaut donc mieux les attaquer avec des unités à distance\n et utiliser vos unités de mêlée pour les défendre jusqu'à ce que la ville tombe !
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Vous avez trouvé votre première ressource de luxe !\n Chaque ressource de luxe différente que vous possédez vous donne 5 de bonheur\n mais les doublons/triplons/... de la même ressource ne donnent rien. \n Donc échangez-les avec les autres civilisations !
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Vous avez trouvé votre première ressource stratégique !\n Les ressources stratégiques servent à produire certaines unités et certains bâtiments\n qui requierent des ressources spécifiques. Par exemple, le cavalier nécessite des chevaux.\n Chaque unité 'consomme' 1 de la ressource dont il a besoin, mais si l'unité est détruite \n vous récupérez cette ressource.\n Les ressources stratégiques que vous possédez sont listées sur la barre en haut de l'écran.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = Cette ville n'est plus capable de se défendre !\n Pour conquérir cette ville vous devez l'attaquer avec une unité de mêlée.
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Fantochiser la ville signifie que vous n'avez pas de contrôle sur la production de la ville.\n la ville n'augmentera pas le coût de vos Recherches ni de vos Doctrines, mais ses citoyens génèreront 1,5x le mécontement habituel.\nAnnexer la ville vous donnera le control sur la production, mais doublera le mécontentement de ses citoyens !\n Cela peut être résolu en construisant un Tribunal dans la ville, ramenant le mécontentement des citoyens à son niveau normal.\nUne ville fantoche peut être annexée à tout moment, cependant, une fois annexée, elle ne pourra pas redevenir une ville fantoche !
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Vous avez rencontré une unité barbare !\n Les barbares attaquent tous ceux qu'ils croisent, donc ne laissez \n pas vos unités civiles à côté d'eux et gardez un oeil sur vos éclaireurs !
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Vous avez rencontré une autre civilisation !\n Lorsque vous les rencontrez, les autres civilisations sont pacifiques\n et vous pouvez échanger avec elles, mais elles pourront vous déclarer la guerre si l'envie leur prend.
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Vous avez complété le programmme Apollo !\n Vous pouvez désormais produire des parties de vaisseau spatial\n (si vous avez les technologies nécessaires) et faire une victoire scientifique !
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = L'une de vos unités est blessée !\n Les unités blessées font moins de dégâts en combat, mais elles regagnent des points de vie en restant inactives.\n Les unités se soignent de 5 points de vie par tour en territoire ennemi, de 10 points de vie en territoire neutre,\n de 15 points de vie en territoire allié et de 20 points de vie dans vos villes.
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Vous avez produit un Ouvrier !\n Les ouvriers sont vitaux pour l'agrandissement de vos villes. Ils peuvent aménager les cases\n leur permettant ainsi de produire plus de nourriture, d'or ou de points de production.
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Vous avez produit une unité de siège !\n Ces unités sont efficaces contre les villes, mais elles doivent être installées avant de pouvoir attaquer.\n Une fois installées, elles peuvent attaquer depuis leur position\n mais dès qu'elles bougent, elles devront être ré-installées avant de pouvoir attaquer.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Vos unités terrestres peuvent désormais s'embarquer pour traverser les océans !\n Entrer ou quitter une case d'océan prend un tour entier.\n De plus, les unités embarquées ne peuvent pas se défendre, donc faites attention !
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Salut ! Si vous avez joué jusqu'ici, vous avez probablement\n remarqué que ce jeu n'est pas encore fini.\n UnCiv est open-source et gratuit, pour toujours.\n Ce qui veut dire qu'il ne contient ni pub ou ni aucun élément payant.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Ce qui me motive à travailler dessus, \n en plus du fait que c'est super cool,\n c'est le soutien des joueurs - vous êtes les meilleurs !
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Chaque note et commentaire que je reçois me fait sourire =)\n Donc n'hésitez pas à me contacter ! Envoyez-moi un email, une review, ou une Github issue.\n Ou envoyez-moi un pigeon voyageur, et découvrons comment rendre ce jeu\n encore plus incroyable ! (écrivez-moi en anglais si possible)\n(info Contact dans le Play Store)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch.
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
Heal Instantly = Soin instantané
Heal Instantly = Soin instantané
@ -3824,3 +3716,106 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = Bonus de combat +15% pour les unités dan
Khan = Khan
Khan = Khan
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Soigne les unités adjacentes de 15 PV supplémentaires par tour
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Soigne les unités adjacentes de 15 PV supplémentaires par tour
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Bienvenue sur Unciv ! Comme il s'agit d'un jeu complexe, voici quelques tâches basiques pour vous aider à vous familiariser avec le jeu.\n Elles sont complètement optionnelles et vous êtes libre de découvrir le jeu par vous-même !
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. =
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How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. =
# Requires translation!
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
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The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = Lors de vos premiers tours,\n vous aurez peu de choix.\n Mais plus votre civilisation grandira, \n plus vous aurez d'éléments à gérer.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = A chaque tour, la culture que vous gagnez grâce à vos\n villes est ajoutée à votre total de culture.\nLorsque vous avez suffisament de culture, vous pouvez choisir\n une Doctrine, chaque culture vous donnera un bonus différent.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Les Doctrines sont organisées en arbre, chaque\n arbre donne un bonus supplémentaire lorsque\n toutes les doctrines de l'arbre ont été adoptées.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Pour chaque doctrine adoptée et chaque ville construite,\n le coût pour adopter une nouvelle doctrine augmente.
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = On dirait que vos citoyens ne sont pas contents !\n Tant qu'ils sont malheureux, vos villes grandiront 4 fois moins vite\n et vos troupes seront 2% moins efficace au combat pour chaque point négatif.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Le malheur peut provenir de deux choses : la population et les villes.\n Chaque ville coûte 3 de bonheur, et chaque habitants en coûte 1.
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = Il y a deux moyens de lutter contre le malheur :\n en construisant certains batiments\n ou en ayant des ressources de luxe sur votre territoire.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Vous êtes entré dans un Age d'or !\n Les points d'Age d'or se gagnent grâce au bonheur de vos citoyens :\n 1 point de bonheur excédentaire
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Vous avez fondé votre deuxième ville !\n Connectez vos villes à votre capitale par des routes.\n Cela génèrera de l'or via les routes du commerce.\n Notez que chaque route coûte 1 ressource d'or de maintenance par tour,\n donc attendez que vos villes grandissent !
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 4 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Vous avez rencontré une ville ennemie !\n Les villes peuvent être conquises en réduisant leur vie à 1\n puis en y envoyant une unité de mêlée.\n Les villes se soignent à chaque tour. Il vaut donc mieux les attaquer avec des unités à distance\n et utiliser vos unités de mêlée pour les défendre jusqu'à ce que la ville tombe !
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Vous avez trouvé votre première ressource de luxe !\n Chaque ressource de luxe différente que vous possédez vous donne 5 de bonheur\n mais les doublons/triplons/... de la même ressource ne donnent rien. \n Donc échangez-les avec les autres civilisations !
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Vous avez trouvé votre première ressource stratégique !\n Les ressources stratégiques servent à produire certaines unités et certains bâtiments\n qui requierent des ressources spécifiques. Par exemple, le cavalier nécessite des chevaux.\n Chaque unité 'consomme' 1 de la ressource dont il a besoin, mais si l'unité est détruite \n vous récupérez cette ressource.\n Les ressources stratégiques que vous possédez sont listées sur la barre en haut de l'écran.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = Cette ville n'est plus capable de se défendre !\n Pour conquérir cette ville vous devez l'attaquer avec une unité de mêlée.
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Fantochiser la ville signifie que vous n'avez pas de contrôle sur la production de la ville.\n la ville n'augmentera pas le coût de vos Recherches ni de vos Doctrines, mais ses citoyens génèreront 1,5x le mécontement habituel.\nAnnexer la ville vous donnera le control sur la production, mais doublera le mécontentement de ses citoyens !\n Cela peut être résolu en construisant un Tribunal dans la ville, ramenant le mécontentement des citoyens à son niveau normal.\nUne ville fantoche peut être annexée à tout moment, cependant, une fois annexée, elle ne pourra pas redevenir une ville fantoche !
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Vous avez rencontré une unité barbare !\n Les barbares attaquent tous ceux qu'ils croisent, donc ne laissez \n pas vos unités civiles à côté d'eux et gardez un oeil sur vos éclaireurs !
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Vous avez rencontré une autre civilisation !\n Lorsque vous les rencontrez, les autres civilisations sont pacifiques\n et vous pouvez échanger avec elles, mais elles pourront vous déclarer la guerre si l'envie leur prend.
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Vous avez complété le programmme Apollo !\n Vous pouvez désormais produire des parties de vaisseau spatial\n (si vous avez les technologies nécessaires) et faire une victoire scientifique !
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = L'une de vos unités est blessée !\n Les unités blessées font moins de dégâts en combat, mais elles regagnent des points de vie en restant inactives.\n Les unités se soignent de 5 points de vie par tour en territoire ennemi, de 10 points de vie en territoire neutre,\n de 15 points de vie en territoire allié et de 20 points de vie dans vos villes.
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Vous avez produit un Ouvrier !\n Les ouvriers sont vitaux pour l'agrandissement de vos villes. Ils peuvent aménager les cases\n leur permettant ainsi de produire plus de nourriture, d'or ou de points de production.
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Vous avez produit une unité de siège !\n Ces unités sont efficaces contre les villes, mais elles doivent être installées avant de pouvoir attaquer.\n Une fois installées, elles peuvent attaquer depuis leur position\n mais dès qu'elles bougent, elles devront être ré-installées avant de pouvoir attaquer.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Vos unités terrestres peuvent désormais s'embarquer pour traverser les océans !\n Entrer ou quitter une case d'océan prend un tour entier.\n De plus, les unités embarquées ne peuvent pas se défendre, donc faites attention !
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Salut ! Si vous avez joué jusqu'ici, vous avez probablement\n remarqué que ce jeu n'est pas encore fini.\n UnCiv est open-source et gratuit, pour toujours.\n Ce qui veut dire qu'il ne contient ni pub ou ni aucun élément payant.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Ce qui me motive à travailler dessus, \n en plus du fait que c'est super cool,\n c'est le soutien des joueurs - vous êtes les meilleurs !
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Chaque note et commentaire que je reçois me fait sourire =)\n Donc n'hésitez pas à me contacter ! Envoyez-moi un email, une review, ou une Github issue.\n Ou envoyez-moi un pigeon voyageur, et découvrons comment rendre ce jeu\n encore plus incroyable ! (écrivez-moi en anglais si possible)\n(info Contact dans le Play Store)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch.
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
@ -852,10 +852,6 @@ Crab = Krabben
Citrus = Zitrusfrüchte
Citrus = Zitrusfrüchte
Truffles = Trüffel
Truffles = Trüffel
Terrace farm = Terrassenfelder
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 Nahrung pro anliegendem Berg
Cannot improve a resource = Kann nicht auf Feld mit Ressourcen gebaut werden
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = Zivilist
Civilian = Zivilist
@ -3727,7 +3723,6 @@ Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Kann nur auf Küstenfeldern gebaut werden
Moai = Moai
Moai = Moai
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 Nahrung pro anliegendem Berg
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 Nahrung pro anliegendem Berg
Cannot improve a resource = Kann nicht auf Feld mit Ressourcen gebaut werden
Terrace farm = Terrassenfelder
Terrace farm = Terrassenfelder
Ancient ruins = Altertümliche Ruinen
Ancient ruins = Altertümliche Ruinen
@ -3805,124 +3800,6 @@ Whales = Wale
Pearls = Perlen
Pearls = Perlen
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Willkommen zu Unciv!\n Weil es ein komplexes Spiel ist, gibt es Einführungsaufgaben, welche dich mit dem Spiel vertraut machen.\nDiese sind optional, und du bist eingeladen das Spiel selbst zu erkunden!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Deine erste Aufgabe ist die Hauptstadt zu gründen.\nDies ist eine wichtige Aufgabe, da deine Hauptstadt wahrscheinlich deine beste Stadt ist.\nViele Spielvorteile gelten nur in deiner Hauptstadt und es and ist wahrscheinlich das Zentrum deines Imperiums.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Woher weißt du das ein Ort gut ist?\nEs ist nicht einfach zu beantworten, aber in der Nähe von Luxusressourcen ist gut.\nLuxusressourcen sind Felder, welche Dinge wie Diamanten, Baumwolle, oder Seide (gezeigt durch ein Smiley direktzum Ressourcenicon)\nDiese Ressourcen machen deine Civilisation fröhlich. Du solltest auch ein Auge auf Ressources werfen, die für Einheiten gebraucht werden, wie die Ressource Eisen.
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = Wieauchimmer, Städte aben keine feste Fläche wo gearbeitet werden kann - mehr dazu später!\nDas meint du musst deine Städte nicht direkt neben die Ressourcen setzen.\nSagen wir als Beispiel, das du etwas Eisen möchtest, aber die Ressource ist direkt neben einer Wüste .\nDu musst die Stadt nicht in die Nähe der wüste setzen. du kannst ein paar Felder weiter in besserer Umgebung siedeln.\nDeine Stadt wird größer werden und irgendwann Zugriff auf die Ressource erhalten.\ndu musst nur direkt daneben siedeln, wenn du sie sofort brauchst – \n Was hin unt wieder vorkommt, aber meisents hast du die Zeit.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = Die erste produzierte einheit der Stadt sollte ein Späher oder Krieger sein.\nIch (der Programmierer, nicht der Übersetzer) bevorzuge allgemein den Krieger, weil er für die Verteidigung gut ist,\n und da er später zu einem Schwertkämpfer verbessert werden kann, und das für eine moderate Summe Gold.\nSpäher können auch effektiv sein, wenn du in einem Gebiet mit Wald und Hügeln bist.\nSpäher erhalten durch sowas keine Nachteile in der Bewegung.\nWenn du schon lange 4x strategy genre spielst, wird deinem Krieger oder Späher ein Siedler folgen.\nSchnelle Expansion ist in den meisten Spielen dieser Art notwendig.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = In deinen ersten Runden\n gibt es wenig zu tun,\n aber sobald deine Zivilation wächst, \n wächst auch die Zahl der Dinge auf die du achten musst
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Jede Runde wird die Produktion von Kultur der Städte \n zu der Kultur deiner Zivilisation dazugerechnet.\nWenn du ausreichend Kultur hast, kannst du eine neue \n Sozialpolitik wählen. Jede Sozialpolitik gibt dir einen bestimmten Bonus.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Die Politiken sind in Äste sortiert.\n Jeder Ast gibt besondere Vorteile, wenn er vollständig erforscht wurde.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Mit jeder gewählten Politik, und mit jeder gebauten Stadt,\n steigen die Kosten für die nächsten Politiken - wähle deshalb weise!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = Sobald eine Stadt genügend Kultur gesammelt hat, wird sie auf ein weiteres Feld expandieren.\nDu kannst das Feld nicht bestimmen, aber wertvolle Felder werden bevorzugt (Ressourcen).
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = Jedes Weitere Feld kostet mehr Kultur,\n aber meistens wird deine 1. Stadt ein großes Gebiet einnehmen.
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Auch wenn deine Stadt sich immer weiter ausbreitet, können deine Einwohner nur bis zu 3 Felder vom Stadtzentrum entfernt arbeiten.\n Dies sollte beim siedeln beachtet werden.
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Sobald die Städte und ihr Einfluss größer wird, musst du mit der Glücklichkeitsmechanik umgehen, welche nicht mehr alle Städte einzelnd betrachtet.\nStattdessen ist das Level der Glücklichkeit überall in deiner Zivilation gleich.\nWenn die Städte wachsen wird es immer schwieriger alle glücklich zu machen.
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
# Requires translation!
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders =
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Ein goldenes Zeitalter hat für dich begonnen!\nPunkte für goldene Zeitalter ist die Summe jede Runde der totalen Zufriedenheit.\ndeiner Zivilisation\nWenn du in einem goldenen Zeitalter bist, steigert sich die Produktion von Kultur und Produktion um 20%,\n und jedes Feld welches mindestens ein Gold produziert, produziert ein weiteres Gold.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Verbindungen von deinen Städten zu deiner Hauptstadt\n produziert Gold über einen Handelsweg.\nBeachte das jedes Feld Straße Kosten von einem Gold pro Runde verursacht, und jede Schine 2 Gold,\n so ist kann es ökonomischer sein zu warten bis die Städte gewachsen sind!
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
# Requires translation!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
# Requires translation!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! =
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. =
# Requires translation!
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
# Requires translation!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! =
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Du hast eine Einheit der Barbaren gefunden!\nBarbaren greifen jeden an, also lasse \n ,deine zivilen Einheiten nicht in die Nähe von ihnen. und sei vorsictig mit den Spähern!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Du hast eine andere Zivilisation gefunden!\nAndere Zivilisationen starten friedlich, und du kannst mit ihnen handeln,\n aber möglicherweise erklären sie dir später den Krieg.
# Requires translation!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities =
# Requires translation!
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! =
# Requires translation!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. =
# Requires translation!
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! =
# Requires translation!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units =
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Hallo! When du soweit gespielt hast, hast du wahrscheinlich gemerkt,\n dass das Spiel nicht fertig ist.\nUnCiv ist open-source und kostenlos/frei, für immer.\n Das meint auch keine Werbung und andere sinnlose Dinge.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Was mich (den Entwickler, nicht den Übersetzer) motiviert daran weiterzuarbeiten, \n abgesehen von dem Fact, dass es wirklich cool ist\n , ist die Unterstützung von den Spielern - Ihr seid die Besten!
# Requires translation!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. =
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
Heal Instantly = Sofortige Heilung
Heal Instantly = Sofortige Heilung
@ -4320,3 +4197,121 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 15% Bonus für Einheiten im Umfeld von 2
Khan = Khan
Khan = Khan
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Heile angrenzende Einheiten für 15 zusätzliche HP pro Runde
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Heile angrenzende Einheiten für 15 zusätzliche HP pro Runde
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Willkommen zu Unciv!\n Weil es ein komplexes Spiel ist, gibt es Einführungsaufgaben, welche dich mit dem Spiel vertraut machen.\nDiese sind optional, und du bist eingeladen das Spiel selbst zu erkunden!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Deine erste Aufgabe ist die Hauptstadt zu gründen.\nDies ist eine wichtige Aufgabe, da deine Hauptstadt wahrscheinlich deine beste Stadt ist.\nViele Spielvorteile gelten nur in deiner Hauptstadt und es and ist wahrscheinlich das Zentrum deines Imperiums.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Woher weißt du das ein Ort gut ist?\nEs ist nicht einfach zu beantworten, aber in der Nähe von Luxusressourcen ist gut.\nLuxusressourcen sind Felder, welche Dinge wie Diamanten, Baumwolle, oder Seide (gezeigt durch ein Smiley direktzum Ressourcenicon)\nDiese Ressourcen machen deine Civilisation fröhlich. Du solltest auch ein Auge auf Ressources werfen, die für Einheiten gebraucht werden, wie die Ressource Eisen.
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = Wieauchimmer, Städte aben keine feste Fläche wo gearbeitet werden kann - mehr dazu später!\nDas meint du musst deine Städte nicht direkt neben die Ressourcen setzen.\nSagen wir als Beispiel, das du etwas Eisen möchtest, aber die Ressource ist direkt neben einer Wüste .\nDu musst die Stadt nicht in die Nähe der wüste setzen. du kannst ein paar Felder weiter in besserer Umgebung siedeln.\nDeine Stadt wird größer werden und irgendwann Zugriff auf die Ressource erhalten.\ndu musst nur direkt daneben siedeln, wenn du sie sofort brauchst – \n Was hin unt wieder vorkommt, aber meisents hast du die Zeit.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = Die erste produzierte einheit der Stadt sollte ein Späher oder Krieger sein.\nIch (der Programmierer, nicht der Übersetzer) bevorzuge allgemein den Krieger, weil er für die Verteidigung gut ist,\n und da er später zu einem Schwertkämpfer verbessert werden kann, und das für eine moderate Summe Gold.\nSpäher können auch effektiv sein, wenn du in einem Gebiet mit Wald und Hügeln bist.\nSpäher erhalten durch sowas keine Nachteile in der Bewegung.\nWenn du schon lange 4x strategy genre spielst, wird deinem Krieger oder Späher ein Siedler folgen.\nSchnelle Expansion ist in den meisten Spielen dieser Art notwendig.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = In deinen ersten Runden\n gibt es wenig zu tun,\n aber sobald deine Zivilation wächst, \n wächst auch die Zahl der Dinge auf die du achten musst
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Jede Runde wird die Produktion von Kultur der Städte \n zu der Kultur deiner Zivilisation dazugerechnet.\nWenn du ausreichend Kultur hast, kannst du eine neue \n Sozialpolitik wählen. Jede Sozialpolitik gibt dir einen bestimmten Bonus.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Die Politiken sind in Äste sortiert.\n Jeder Ast gibt besondere Vorteile, wenn er vollständig erforscht wurde.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Mit jeder gewählten Politik, und mit jeder gebauten Stadt,\n steigen die Kosten für die nächsten Politiken - wähle deshalb weise!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = Sobald eine Stadt genügend Kultur gesammelt hat, wird sie auf ein weiteres Feld expandieren.\nDu kannst das Feld nicht bestimmen, aber wertvolle Felder werden bevorzugt (Ressourcen).
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = Jedes Weitere Feld kostet mehr Kultur,\n aber meistens wird deine 1. Stadt ein großes Gebiet einnehmen.
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Auch wenn deine Stadt sich immer weiter ausbreitet, können deine Einwohner nur bis zu 3 Felder vom Stadtzentrum entfernt arbeiten.\n Dies sollte beim siedeln beachtet werden.
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Sobald die Städte und ihr Einfluss größer wird, musst du mit der Glücklichkeitsmechanik umgehen, welche nicht mehr alle Städte einzelnd betrachtet.\nStattdessen ist das Level der Glücklichkeit überall in deiner Zivilation gleich.\nWenn die Städte wachsen wird es immer schwieriger alle glücklich zu machen.
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
# Requires translation!
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders =
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Ein goldenes Zeitalter hat für dich begonnen!\nPunkte für goldene Zeitalter ist die Summe jede Runde der totalen Zufriedenheit.\ndeiner Zivilisation\nWenn du in einem goldenen Zeitalter bist, steigert sich die Produktion von Kultur und Produktion um 20%,\n und jedes Feld welches mindestens ein Gold produziert, produziert ein weiteres Gold.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Verbindungen von deinen Städten zu deiner Hauptstadt\n produziert Gold über einen Handelsweg.\nBeachte das jedes Feld Straße Kosten von einem Gold pro Runde verursacht, und jede Schine 2 Gold,\n so ist kann es ökonomischer sein zu warten bis die Städte gewachsen sind!
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
# Requires translation!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
# Requires translation!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! =
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. =
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The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
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When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! =
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Du hast eine Einheit der Barbaren gefunden!\nBarbaren greifen jeden an, also lasse \n ,deine zivilen Einheiten nicht in die Nähe von ihnen. und sei vorsictig mit den Spähern!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Du hast eine andere Zivilisation gefunden!\nAndere Zivilisationen starten friedlich, und du kannst mit ihnen handeln,\n aber möglicherweise erklären sie dir später den Krieg.
# Requires translation!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities =
# Requires translation!
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! =
# Requires translation!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. =
# Requires translation!
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! =
# Requires translation!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units =
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Hallo! When du soweit gespielt hast, hast du wahrscheinlich gemerkt,\n dass das Spiel nicht fertig ist.\nUnCiv ist open-source und kostenlos/frei, für immer.\n Das meint auch keine Werbung und andere sinnlose Dinge.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Was mich (den Entwickler, nicht den Übersetzer) motiviert daran weiterzuarbeiten, \n abgesehen von dem Fact, dass es wirklich cool ist\n , ist die Unterstützung von den Spielern - Ihr seid die Besten!
# Requires translation!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. =
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
@ -353,9 +353,7 @@ Last refresh: [time] minutes ago = Terakhir memuat ulang game: [time] beberapa m
Current Turn: = Giliran Saat Ini:
Current Turn: = Giliran Saat Ini:
Add Currently Running Game = Tambahkan Game yang Sedang Berjalan
Add Currently Running Game = Tambahkan Game yang Sedang Berjalan
Game name = Nama game
Game name = Nama game
# Requires translation!
Loading latest game state... = Memuat kondisi game termutakhir...
Loading latest game state... = Memuat kondisi game termutakhir...
# Requires translation!
Couldn't download the latest game state! = Tidak bisa mengunduh kondisi game termutakhir!
Couldn't download the latest game state! = Tidak bisa mengunduh kondisi game termutakhir!
# Save game menu
# Save game menu
@ -554,13 +552,9 @@ Civilopedia = Civilopedia
Start new game = Mulai permainan baru
Start new game = Mulai permainan baru
Save game = Simpan permainan
Save game = Simpan permainan
Load game = Muat permainan
Load game = Muat permainan
# Requires translation!
Main menu = Menu utama
Main menu = Menu utama
# Requires translation!
Resume = Lanjutkan
Resume = Lanjutkan
# Requires translation!
Cannot resume game! = Tidak bisa melanjutkan game!
Cannot resume game! = Tidak bisa melanjutkan game!
# Requires translation!
Quickstart = Mulai cepat
Quickstart = Mulai cepat
Victory status = Status kemenangan
Victory status = Status kemenangan
Social policies = Kebijakan sosial
Social policies = Kebijakan sosial
@ -844,10 +838,6 @@ Crab = Kepiting
Citrus = Jeruk
Citrus = Jeruk
Truffles = Truffle
Truffles = Truffle
Terrace farm = Sawah bersengkedan
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 makanan untuk setiap Gunung yang bersebelahan
Cannot improve a resource = Tidak bisa mengusahakan sumber daya
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = Penduduk
Civilian = Penduduk
@ -2924,7 +2914,6 @@ Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Hanya bisa dibangun di daerah pantai
Moai = Moai
Moai = Moai
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 makanan untuk setiap Gunung yang bersebelahan
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 makanan untuk setiap Gunung yang bersebelahan
Cannot improve a resource = Tidak bisa mengusahakan sumber daya
Terrace farm = Sawah bersengkedan
Terrace farm = Sawah bersengkedan
Ancient ruins = Reruntuhan kuno
Ancient ruins = Reruntuhan kuno
@ -3002,91 +2991,6 @@ Whales = Paus
Pearls = Mutiara
Pearls = Mutiara
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Selamat datang di Unciv!\nKarena game ini cukup rumit, ada beberapa tugas sederhan untuk membuatmu lebih terbiasa dengan game ini.\nTugas ini opsional, dan kalian boleh mengeksplorasi game ini sendiri!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Tugasmu yang pertama adalah mendirikan ibu kota.\nTugas ini sangat penting karena ibu kotamu kemungkinan akan menjadi yang paling makmur.\nBanyak bonus dalam game yang hanya berlaku di ibu kota dan ibu kotamu mungkin menjadi pusat peradabanmu.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Bagaimana cara tahu kalau tempat itu tepat?\nTidak gampang untuk menjawabnya, tetapi mencari dan membangun di samping sumber daya tersier biasanya baik.\nSumber daya tersier adalah daerah yang memiliki barang seperti permata, kapas, atau sutra (ditandai dengan senyuman di samping ikon sumber daya)\nSumber daya ini membuat peradabanmu bahagia. Kamu juga harus mencari sumber daya yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat unit, seperti besi.
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = Akan tetapi, tidak hanya area sebesar itu saja yang bisa dikerjakan sebuah kota - selebihnya nanti!\nIni berarti kamu tidak perlu mendirikan sebuah kota tepat di samping sumber daya.\nSebagai contoh, kamu ingin mendapat besi – tetapi besinya ada di samping gurun.\nKamu tidak perlu mendirikan kota di samping gurun. Kamu bisa mendirikan kota beberapa blok jauhnya di daerah yang lebih subur.\nKotamu akan bertumbuh dan nantinya bisa mengakses sumber daya tersebut.\nKamu hanya perlu mendirikan kota di samping sumber daya jika kamu membutuhkannya segera – \n yang mungkin menjadi kasus sekarang atau di lain waktu, tetapi biasanya kamu punya waktu.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = Hal pertama yang dibuat di kota harus berupa Pengintai atau Pejuang.\nSaya biasanya memilih Pejuang karena dia biasanya bisa dipakai untuk bertahan dan bisa diupgrade\n ke unit Prajurit Berpedang nantinya dengan emas yang relatif sedikit.\nPengintai pun bisa efektif juga jika kamu sepertinya berada di daerah yang berhutan lebat dan berbukit.\nPengintai tidak mendapat penalti gerak di medan ini.\nJika kamu sudah berpengalaman dengan permainan strategi 4X, Pejuang atau Pengintai pertamamu akan ada bersama sebuah Penetap.\nEkspansi yang cepat sangat kritikal di hampir seluruh game seperti ini.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = Dalam beberapa giliran di awal, kamu hanya mempunyai sedikit pilihan, tetapi seiring dengan pertumbuhan peradabanmu, hal yang perlu kamu perhatikan juga semakin banyak.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Di setiap giliran, budaya yang kamu dapatkan dari semua kota masuk ke total budaya peradabanmu.\nSaat kamu punya budaya yang mencukupi, kamu dapat memilih sebuah Kebijakan Sosial di mana setiap kebijakan memberikan bonus tertentu.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Kebijakan tersebut dirancang dalam cabang-cabang, di mana setiap cabang menyediakan kemampuan bonus ketika semua kebijakan di cabang tersebut sudah diadopsi.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Bersamaan dengan setiap adopsi kebijakan, dan setiap kota yang dibangun,\n biaya mengadopsi kebijakan lainnya naik - jadi memilihlah dengan bijak!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = Ketika sebuah kota telah mengumpulkan budaya yang cukup, ia akan memperluas daerahnya ke daerah yang bersebelahan.\nKamu tidak bisa mengontrol daerah yang akan diperluas kota, tetapi daerah dengan sumber daya dan berpenghasilan tinggi akan diprioritaskan.
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = Dengan semakin luasnya kota, dibutuhkan budaya yang lebih banyak juga untuk memperluas daerah, tetapi biasanya kota pertama nantinya akan berkembang lebih luas.
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Meskipun kota akan berkembang selamanya, pendudukmu hanya bisa bekerja 3 daerah jauhnya dari pusat kota.\nHal ini harus diperhitungkan sebelum mendirikan kota-kota baru.
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Dengan bertumbuhnya luas dan pengaruh kota, kamu harus berurusan dengan mekanisme kebahagiaan yang tidak lagi berlaku dalam satu kota saja.\nAkan tetapi, seluruh peradabanmu berbagi level kepuasan yang sama.\nDengan bertumbuhnya populasi di kota-kotamu, kamu akan menemukan bahwa menjaga kebahagiaan peradabanmu semakin susah.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Sebagai tambahan, kamu tidak bisa membangun improvisasi kota yang meningkatkan kebahagiaan sampai kamu selesai meriset teknologi yang diperlukan.\nJika kebahagiaan peradabanmu menyentuh angka di bawah nol, pertumbuhan penduduk kota-kotamu akan terdampak.\nJika peradabanmu menjadi sangat tidak bahagia (ditandai dengan ikon smiley-face di atas antarmuka)\n pasukanmu akan mendapat penalti besar di efektivitas pertempuran secara keseluruhan.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Ini berarti sulit untuk berekspansi secara cepat di Unciv.\nBukan berarti tidak mungkin, tetapi sebagai pemain baru kamu sebaiknya jangan dulu.\nJadi apa yang harus dilakukan? Tenang, jelajahi dunia, dan bangun tanah yang kamu punya dengan membuat Pekerja.\nBangunlah kota baru hanya ketika kamu telah menemukan tempat yang kamu percaya pas untukmu.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Sepertinya pendudukmu tidak bahagia!\nKetika mereka tidak bahagia, kota akan bertumbuh dalam 1/4 kecepatan dari biasanya dan unitmu akan menerima penalti 2% untuk setiap ketidakbahagiaan.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Ada dua alasan untuk ketidakbahagiaan: Populasi dan kota\n Setiap kota menghasilkan 3 ketidakbahagiaan, dan setiap populasi menghasilkan 1
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = Ada 2 cara utama untuk memerangi ketidakbahagiaan:\n dengan membangun bangunan untuk kebahagiaan untuk populasimu\n atau dengan menguasai sumber daya tersier di dalam negara.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Kamu telah masuk masa kejayaan!\nPoin masa kejayaan diakumulasi setiap giliran dari total kebahagiaan \n peradabanmu.\nKetika dalam masa kejayaan, penghasilan budaya dan produksi +20%,\n dan setiap daerah yang sudah menyediakan sedikitnya satu emas akan memberikan satu emas ekstra.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Koneksi kota ke ibu kota dengan jalan\n akan menghasilkan emas dari rute perdagangan.\nCata bahwa setiap bagian jalan yang dibangun perlu biaya pemeliharaan 1 emas tiap giliran, dan setiap rel kereta perlu 2 emas,\n jadi mungkin lebih ekonomis untuk menunggu sampai kotamu berkembang!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = Ketika kamu telah mendirikan dua atau tiga kota pertamamu, kemungkinan kamu telah 100 sampai 150 giliran dalam game ini.\nSekarang waktu yang baik untuk memikirkan dengan cara apa kamu mau menang – jika kamu belum memikirkannya.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = Ada tiga cara untuk meraih kemenangan di Unciv. Ketiganya yaitu:\n - Kemenangan Kebudayaan: Selesaikan 5 Cabang Kebijakan\n - Kemenangan Penaklukan: Bertahan sebagai peradaban terakhir\n - Kemenangan Ilmu Pengetahuan: Jadi yang pertama untuk membangun pesawat angkasa ke Alpha Centauri
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = Kesimpulannya, ini adalah dasar Unciv – Temukan kota pertama yang makmur, jangan buru-buru berekspansi untuk mengendalikan kebahagiaan,\n dan siapkan diri untuk kemenangan yang ingin diraih.\nTentu, masih ada lebih banyak dari itu saja, tetapi penting untuk tidak menyelam terlalu dalam sebelum kamu tahu caranya untuk berenang.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Kota dapat ditaklukkan dengan mengurangi darah mereka hingga menjadi 1, dan kota dimasuki dengan menggunakan unit jarak dekat.\nKarena kota menyembuhkan diri setiap giliran, menyeranglah dengan unit jarak jauh dan pakailah unit jarak dekatmu untuk melindungi mereka hingga kota dikalahkan!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Sumber daya tersier dalam kuasamu dengan improvisasi khususnya terkoneksi ke jaringan perdaganganmu.\nSetiap sumber daya tersier unik yang kamu punya menambah 5 kebahagiaan ke peradabanmu, tetapi kelebihan sumber daya tersier yang sama tidak menambah apa-apa, jadi tawarkan itu kepada peradaban lain.
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Sumber daya strategis dalam kuasamu dengan improvisasi khususnya terkoneksi ke jaringan perdaganganmu.\nSumber daya strategis memperbolehkan untuk membuat unit dan membangun bangunan yang memerlukan sumber daya khusus tersebut, sebagai contoh: Pasukan Berkuda membutuhkan Kuda.\nBar di atas mendaftarkan banyaknya sumber daya strategis yang tidak terpakai yang kamu punya.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = Kota tidak bisa lagi memberi perlawanan!\nAkan tetapi, untuk menaklukkannya, kamu harus masuk ke kota dengan unit jarak dekat.
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = Ketika menaklukkan sebuah kota, sekarang kamu bisa memilih untuk menghancurkan, menjadikan kota boneka, atau mencaplok kota tersebut.\nMenghancurkan kota akan menurunkan populasi sebesar 1 setiap giliran hingga kota dihancurkan.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Menjadikan kota boneka berarti kamu tidak punya kontrol dalam apa yang diproduksi kota.\nKota boneka tidak meningkatkan biaya teknologi atau kebijakan, tetapi penduduknya menghasilkan 1,5x ketidakbahagiaan dari biasanya.\nMencaplok kota akan memberikan kontrol atas produksi, tetapi akan meningkatkan ketidakbahagiaan penduduk menjadi 2x semula!\nHal ini dapat dimitigasi dengan membangun pengadilan di kota itu, mengembalikan ketidakbahagiaan penduduk menjadi normal.\nKota boneka dapat dicaplok kapan saja, tetapi kota yang dicaplok tidak bisa kembali menjadi kota boneka!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Kamu telah menjumpai unit orang barbar!\nOrang barbar menyerang tanpa pandang bulu, jadi, jangan biarkan \n unit sipil pergi ke dekat mereka, dan hati-hati dengan pengintaimu!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Kamu telah menjumpai peradaban lain!\nPeradaban lain mula-mula tetap berdamai denganmu dan kamu bisa bertukar barang dengan mereka,\n tetapi mereka bisa memilih untuk menyatakan perang denganmu di kemudian hari.
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Ketika kamu menyelesaikan Program Apollo, kamu bisa membangun bagian pesawat angkasa di kotamu\n (dengan teknologi yang relevan) untuk memenangkan kemenangan ilmu pengetahuan!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = Unit yang terluka memberikan perlawanan yang lebih lemah, tetapi pulih setelah giliran-giliran saat dia tidak aktif\nUnit sembuh 5 darah tiap giliran di daerah musuh, 10 di tanah netral,\n 15 di dalam daerahmu dan 20 dalam kotamu.
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Pekerja sangat vital bagi pertumbuhan kota, karena hanya mereka yang bisa membangun improvisasi di daerah-daerah.\nImprovisasi meningkatkan hasil dari daerahmu, membuat produksi kotamu lebih banyak and pertumbuhannya lebih cepat walaupun mengerjakan daerah yang sama!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Unit pengepung sangat kuat melawan kota, tetapi perlu dipersiapkan sebelum mereka bisa menyerang.\nKetika unit pengepung sudah dipersiapkan, ia bisa menyerang dari daerahnya saat itu juga,\n tetapi ketika telah dipindahkan ke daerah lain, ia perlu dipersiapkan kembali.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Ketika teknologi tertentu telah diriset, unit darat dapat melaut, memampukan mereka untuk mengarungi daerah air.\nMemasuki atau keluar dari air mengambil 1 giliran.\nUnit tidak punya pertahanan ketika melaut, jadi berhati-hatilah!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = Jika kamu tidak mau memindahkan unit di giliran itu, kamu bisa melewatinya dengan menekan 'Unit selanjutnya' lagi.\nJika kamu tidak mau memindahkannya selama beberapa waktu, kamu bisa mengatur unit ke mode Bertahan atau Istirahat - \n unit yang Bertahan atau Istirahat tidak dipandang sebagai unit yang perlu perintah.\nJika kamu mau menonaktifkan fitur 'Unit selanjutnya', kamu bisa mengubahnya di Menu -> Cek unit yang menganggur.
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Halo! Jika kamu telah bermain sejauh ini, kamu mungkin menyadari bahwa game ini belum lengkap.\n UnCiv dibuat dengan sumber yang terbuka dan gratis, selamanya.\n Itu berarti tidak ada iklan dan omong kosong lainnya.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Yang memotivasi saya untuk tetap mengerjakan ini, \n selain fakta bahwa saya pikir sangat keren untuk bisa membuat ini,\n adalah dukungan para pemain seperti kamu :) - kalian adalah yang terbaik!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Setiap penilaian dan ulasan yang saya dapatkan membuatku tersenyum :)\n Jadi kontaklah saya! Kirim email, ulasan, isu di Github\n atau merpati pos, dan mari mencari tahu apa yang membuat game ini \n lebih keren!\n(Info kontak ada di Play Store)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Unit militer dapat menjarah improvisasi dan menyembuhkan 25 darah dan menghancurkan improvisasi.\nDaerah itu masih bisa dikerjakan, tapi keuntungan dari improvisasi - bonus statistik dan sumber daya - akan hilang.\nPekerja dapat memperbaiki improvisasinya dengan waktu yang lebih singkat daripada membangun improvisasi dari nol.
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Unit yang bertempur mendapatkan pengalaman, yang nantinya dapat dipakai untuk promosi unit tersebut.\nUnit mendapatkan pengalaman lebih banyak dalam pertempuran jarak dekat daripada jarak jauh, dan lebih banyak lagi ketika menyerang daripada bertahan.
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = Unit hanya bisa meraih hingga 30 XP dari unit Orang Barbar - berarti hingga 2 promosi. Setelah itu, unit Orang Barbar tidak memberikan pengalaman.
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. = Unit dan kota akan kewalahan dengan pertempuran. Hal ini dipengaruhi beberapa nilai yang berbeda.\nSetiap unit memiliki nilai tempur 'dasar', yang bisa ditingkatkan dengan kondisi kondisi, promosi, dan lokasi tertentu.
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. = Unit menggunakan nilai 'Kekuatan' sebagai nilai tempur dasar ketika menyerang jarak dekat dan bertahan.\nKetika memakai serangan jarak jauh, mereka akan menggunakan nilai 'Kekuatan Jarak Jauh'.
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = Serangan jarak jauh dapat dilakukan dari kejauhan, tergantung nilai 'Jarak' unit itu.\nSerangan jarak dekat memampukan unit yang bertahan untuk melawan penyerang sebagai balasan, sedangkan di dalam serangan jarak jauh unit tidak bisa membalas.
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = Dalam persetujuan riset, kamu dan peradaban lain bertekad untuk meriset teknologi bersama-sama.\nDi akhir proses, kalian akan menerima 'pembayaran sekaligus' Ilmu Pengetahuan yang akan menuju satu teknologi yang belum diriset.
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = Jumlah Ilmu Pengetahuan yang diterima di akhir tergantung ilmu pengetahuan yang dihasilkan kota-kotamu dan kota-kota peradaban lain ketika masa persetujuan masih berlaku - semakin banyak, semakin baik!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. = Tidak semua bangsa bersaing denganmu untuk menang.\nNegara kota tidak bisa menang, tidak bisa menaklukkan kota lain dan tidak bisa diperjualbelikan.
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = Akan tetapi, relasi diplomatik dengan negara kota ditentukan dengan Pengaruh - sebuah meteran yang menunjukkan sejauh apa negara kota itu menyukai kamu.\nPengaruh dapat ditingkatkan dengan menyerang musuh mereka, memerdekakan kota mereka, dan memberikan mereka sejumlah emas.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Bonus tertentu diberikan ketika kamu memiliki pengaruh di atas 30.\nKetika kamu memiliki 60 Pengaruh dan kamu punya pengaruh terbesar dengan mereka di atas peradaban lain, kamu dianggap sebagai 'Sekutu' dan mendapat bonus lebih lanjut serta akses ke sumber daya Tersier dan Strategis yang berada di tanah mereka.
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = Keajaiban Alam, seperti Gn. Fuji, Batu Gibraltar, dan Karang Penghalang Besar merupakan hal istimewa, sebuah fitur yang tidak bisa dilewati, karya agung Tuhan, yang memiliki kualitas unik yang membuat mereka berbeda dari medan biasa.\nMereka memberi keuntungan dengan menghasilkan sejumlah Budaya, Ilmu Pengetahuan, Emas atau Produksi yang cukup besar jika dikerjakan oleh kota. Itulah mengapa kamu mungkin perlu untuk menguasai mereka dalam peradabanmu secepat mungkin.
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
Heal Instantly = Sembuhkan seketika
Heal Instantly = Sembuhkan seketika
@ -3483,3 +3387,88 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = Bonus 15% untuk unit di jangkauan 2 daera
Khan = Khan
Khan = Khan
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Menyembuhkan unit bersebelahan 15 HP tiap giliran
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Menyembuhkan unit bersebelahan 15 HP tiap giliran
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Selamat datang di Unciv!\nKarena game ini cukup rumit, ada beberapa tugas sederhan untuk membuatmu lebih terbiasa dengan game ini.\nTugas ini opsional, dan kalian boleh mengeksplorasi game ini sendiri!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Tugasmu yang pertama adalah mendirikan ibu kota.\nTugas ini sangat penting karena ibu kotamu kemungkinan akan menjadi yang paling makmur.\nBanyak bonus dalam game yang hanya berlaku di ibu kota dan ibu kotamu mungkin menjadi pusat peradabanmu.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Bagaimana cara tahu kalau tempat itu tepat?\nTidak gampang untuk menjawabnya, tetapi mencari dan membangun di samping sumber daya tersier biasanya baik.\nSumber daya tersier adalah daerah yang memiliki barang seperti permata, kapas, atau sutra (ditandai dengan senyuman di samping ikon sumber daya)\nSumber daya ini membuat peradabanmu bahagia. Kamu juga harus mencari sumber daya yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat unit, seperti besi.
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = Akan tetapi, tidak hanya area sebesar itu saja yang bisa dikerjakan sebuah kota - selebihnya nanti!\nIni berarti kamu tidak perlu mendirikan sebuah kota tepat di samping sumber daya.\nSebagai contoh, kamu ingin mendapat besi – tetapi besinya ada di samping gurun.\nKamu tidak perlu mendirikan kota di samping gurun. Kamu bisa mendirikan kota beberapa blok jauhnya di daerah yang lebih subur.\nKotamu akan bertumbuh dan nantinya bisa mengakses sumber daya tersebut.\nKamu hanya perlu mendirikan kota di samping sumber daya jika kamu membutuhkannya segera – \n yang mungkin menjadi kasus sekarang atau di lain waktu, tetapi biasanya kamu punya waktu.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = Hal pertama yang dibuat di kota harus berupa Pengintai atau Pejuang.\nSaya biasanya memilih Pejuang karena dia biasanya bisa dipakai untuk bertahan dan bisa diupgrade\n ke unit Prajurit Berpedang nantinya dengan emas yang relatif sedikit.\nPengintai pun bisa efektif juga jika kamu sepertinya berada di daerah yang berhutan lebat dan berbukit.\nPengintai tidak mendapat penalti gerak di medan ini.\nJika kamu sudah berpengalaman dengan permainan strategi 4X, Pejuang atau Pengintai pertamamu akan ada bersama sebuah Penetap.\nEkspansi yang cepat sangat kritikal di hampir seluruh game seperti ini.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = Dalam beberapa giliran di awal, kamu hanya mempunyai sedikit pilihan, tetapi seiring dengan pertumbuhan peradabanmu, hal yang perlu kamu perhatikan juga semakin banyak.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Di setiap giliran, budaya yang kamu dapatkan dari semua kota masuk ke total budaya peradabanmu.\nSaat kamu punya budaya yang mencukupi, kamu dapat memilih sebuah Kebijakan Sosial di mana setiap kebijakan memberikan bonus tertentu.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Kebijakan tersebut dirancang dalam cabang-cabang, di mana setiap cabang menyediakan kemampuan bonus ketika semua kebijakan di cabang tersebut sudah diadopsi.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Bersamaan dengan setiap adopsi kebijakan, dan setiap kota yang dibangun,\n biaya mengadopsi kebijakan lainnya naik - jadi memilihlah dengan bijak!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = Ketika sebuah kota telah mengumpulkan budaya yang cukup, ia akan memperluas daerahnya ke daerah yang bersebelahan.\nKamu tidak bisa mengontrol daerah yang akan diperluas kota, tetapi daerah dengan sumber daya dan berpenghasilan tinggi akan diprioritaskan.
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = Dengan semakin luasnya kota, dibutuhkan budaya yang lebih banyak juga untuk memperluas daerah, tetapi biasanya kota pertama nantinya akan berkembang lebih luas.
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Meskipun kota akan berkembang selamanya, pendudukmu hanya bisa bekerja 3 daerah jauhnya dari pusat kota.\nHal ini harus diperhitungkan sebelum mendirikan kota-kota baru.
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Dengan bertumbuhnya luas dan pengaruh kota, kamu harus berurusan dengan mekanisme kebahagiaan yang tidak lagi berlaku dalam satu kota saja.\nAkan tetapi, seluruh peradabanmu berbagi level kepuasan yang sama.\nDengan bertumbuhnya populasi di kota-kotamu, kamu akan menemukan bahwa menjaga kebahagiaan peradabanmu semakin susah.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Sebagai tambahan, kamu tidak bisa membangun improvisasi kota yang meningkatkan kebahagiaan sampai kamu selesai meriset teknologi yang diperlukan.\nJika kebahagiaan peradabanmu menyentuh angka di bawah nol, pertumbuhan penduduk kota-kotamu akan terdampak.\nJika peradabanmu menjadi sangat tidak bahagia (ditandai dengan ikon smiley-face di atas antarmuka)\n pasukanmu akan mendapat penalti besar di efektivitas pertempuran secara keseluruhan.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Ini berarti sulit untuk berekspansi secara cepat di Unciv.\nBukan berarti tidak mungkin, tetapi sebagai pemain baru kamu sebaiknya jangan dulu.\nJadi apa yang harus dilakukan? Tenang, jelajahi dunia, dan bangun tanah yang kamu punya dengan membuat Pekerja.\nBangunlah kota baru hanya ketika kamu telah menemukan tempat yang kamu percaya pas untukmu.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Sepertinya pendudukmu tidak bahagia!\nKetika mereka tidak bahagia, kota akan bertumbuh dalam 1/4 kecepatan dari biasanya dan unitmu akan menerima penalti 2% untuk setiap ketidakbahagiaan.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Ada dua alasan untuk ketidakbahagiaan: Populasi dan kota\n Setiap kota menghasilkan 3 ketidakbahagiaan, dan setiap populasi menghasilkan 1
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = Ada 2 cara utama untuk memerangi ketidakbahagiaan:\n dengan membangun bangunan untuk kebahagiaan untuk populasimu\n atau dengan menguasai sumber daya tersier di dalam negara.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Kamu telah masuk masa kejayaan!\nPoin masa kejayaan diakumulasi setiap giliran dari total kebahagiaan \n peradabanmu.\nKetika dalam masa kejayaan, penghasilan budaya dan produksi +20%,\n dan setiap daerah yang sudah menyediakan sedikitnya satu emas akan memberikan satu emas ekstra.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Koneksi kota ke ibu kota dengan jalan\n akan menghasilkan emas dari rute perdagangan.\nCata bahwa setiap bagian jalan yang dibangun perlu biaya pemeliharaan 1 emas tiap giliran, dan setiap rel kereta perlu 2 emas,\n jadi mungkin lebih ekonomis untuk menunggu sampai kotamu berkembang!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = Ketika kamu telah mendirikan dua atau tiga kota pertamamu, kemungkinan kamu telah 100 sampai 150 giliran dalam game ini.\nSekarang waktu yang baik untuk memikirkan dengan cara apa kamu mau menang – jika kamu belum memikirkannya.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = Ada tiga cara untuk meraih kemenangan di Unciv. Ketiganya yaitu:\n - Kemenangan Kebudayaan: Selesaikan 5 Cabang Kebijakan\n - Kemenangan Penaklukan: Bertahan sebagai peradaban terakhir\n - Kemenangan Ilmu Pengetahuan: Jadi yang pertama untuk membangun pesawat angkasa ke Alpha Centauri
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = Kesimpulannya, ini adalah dasar Unciv – Temukan kota pertama yang makmur, jangan buru-buru berekspansi untuk mengendalikan kebahagiaan,\n dan siapkan diri untuk kemenangan yang ingin diraih.\nTentu, masih ada lebih banyak dari itu saja, tetapi penting untuk tidak menyelam terlalu dalam sebelum kamu tahu caranya untuk berenang.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Kota dapat ditaklukkan dengan mengurangi darah mereka hingga menjadi 1, dan kota dimasuki dengan menggunakan unit jarak dekat.\nKarena kota menyembuhkan diri setiap giliran, menyeranglah dengan unit jarak jauh dan pakailah unit jarak dekatmu untuk melindungi mereka hingga kota dikalahkan!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Sumber daya tersier dalam kuasamu dengan improvisasi khususnya terkoneksi ke jaringan perdaganganmu.\nSetiap sumber daya tersier unik yang kamu punya menambah 5 kebahagiaan ke peradabanmu, tetapi kelebihan sumber daya tersier yang sama tidak menambah apa-apa, jadi tawarkan itu kepada peradaban lain.
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Sumber daya strategis dalam kuasamu dengan improvisasi khususnya terkoneksi ke jaringan perdaganganmu.\nSumber daya strategis memperbolehkan untuk membuat unit dan membangun bangunan yang memerlukan sumber daya khusus tersebut, sebagai contoh: Pasukan Berkuda membutuhkan Kuda.\nBar di atas mendaftarkan banyaknya sumber daya strategis yang tidak terpakai yang kamu punya.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = Kota tidak bisa lagi memberi perlawanan!\nAkan tetapi, untuk menaklukkannya, kamu harus masuk ke kota dengan unit jarak dekat.
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = Ketika menaklukkan sebuah kota, sekarang kamu bisa memilih untuk menghancurkan, menjadikan kota boneka, atau mencaplok kota tersebut.\nMenghancurkan kota akan menurunkan populasi sebesar 1 setiap giliran hingga kota dihancurkan.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Menjadikan kota boneka berarti kamu tidak punya kontrol dalam apa yang diproduksi kota.\nKota boneka tidak meningkatkan biaya teknologi atau kebijakan, tetapi penduduknya menghasilkan 1,5x ketidakbahagiaan dari biasanya.\nMencaplok kota akan memberikan kontrol atas produksi, tetapi akan meningkatkan ketidakbahagiaan penduduk menjadi 2x semula!\nHal ini dapat dimitigasi dengan membangun pengadilan di kota itu, mengembalikan ketidakbahagiaan penduduk menjadi normal.\nKota boneka dapat dicaplok kapan saja, tetapi kota yang dicaplok tidak bisa kembali menjadi kota boneka!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Kamu telah menjumpai unit orang barbar!\nOrang barbar menyerang tanpa pandang bulu, jadi, jangan biarkan \n unit sipil pergi ke dekat mereka, dan hati-hati dengan pengintaimu!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Kamu telah menjumpai peradaban lain!\nPeradaban lain mula-mula tetap berdamai denganmu dan kamu bisa bertukar barang dengan mereka,\n tetapi mereka bisa memilih untuk menyatakan perang denganmu di kemudian hari.
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Ketika kamu menyelesaikan Program Apollo, kamu bisa membangun bagian pesawat angkasa di kotamu\n (dengan teknologi yang relevan) untuk memenangkan kemenangan ilmu pengetahuan!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = Unit yang terluka memberikan perlawanan yang lebih lemah, tetapi pulih setelah giliran-giliran saat dia tidak aktif\nUnit sembuh 5 darah tiap giliran di daerah musuh, 10 di tanah netral,\n 15 di dalam daerahmu dan 20 dalam kotamu.
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Pekerja sangat vital bagi pertumbuhan kota, karena hanya mereka yang bisa membangun improvisasi di daerah-daerah.\nImprovisasi meningkatkan hasil dari daerahmu, membuat produksi kotamu lebih banyak and pertumbuhannya lebih cepat walaupun mengerjakan daerah yang sama!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Unit pengepung sangat kuat melawan kota, tetapi perlu dipersiapkan sebelum mereka bisa menyerang.\nKetika unit pengepung sudah dipersiapkan, ia bisa menyerang dari daerahnya saat itu juga,\n tetapi ketika telah dipindahkan ke daerah lain, ia perlu dipersiapkan kembali.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Ketika teknologi tertentu telah diriset, unit darat dapat melaut, memampukan mereka untuk mengarungi daerah air.\nMemasuki atau keluar dari air mengambil 1 giliran.\nUnit tidak punya pertahanan ketika melaut, jadi berhati-hatilah!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = Jika kamu tidak mau memindahkan unit di giliran itu, kamu bisa melewatinya dengan menekan 'Unit selanjutnya' lagi.\nJika kamu tidak mau memindahkannya selama beberapa waktu, kamu bisa mengatur unit ke mode Bertahan atau Istirahat - \n unit yang Bertahan atau Istirahat tidak dipandang sebagai unit yang perlu perintah.\nJika kamu mau menonaktifkan fitur 'Unit selanjutnya', kamu bisa mengubahnya di Menu -> Cek unit yang menganggur.
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Halo! Jika kamu telah bermain sejauh ini, kamu mungkin menyadari bahwa game ini belum lengkap.\n UnCiv dibuat dengan sumber yang terbuka dan gratis, selamanya.\n Itu berarti tidak ada iklan dan omong kosong lainnya.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Yang memotivasi saya untuk tetap mengerjakan ini, \n selain fakta bahwa saya pikir sangat keren untuk bisa membuat ini,\n adalah dukungan para pemain seperti kamu :) - kalian adalah yang terbaik!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Setiap penilaian dan ulasan yang saya dapatkan membuatku tersenyum :)\n Jadi kontaklah saya! Kirim email, ulasan, isu di Github\n atau merpati pos, dan mari mencari tahu apa yang membuat game ini \n lebih keren!\n(Info kontak ada di Play Store)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Unit militer dapat menjarah improvisasi dan menyembuhkan 25 darah dan menghancurkan improvisasi.\nDaerah itu masih bisa dikerjakan, tapi keuntungan dari improvisasi - bonus statistik dan sumber daya - akan hilang.\nPekerja dapat memperbaiki improvisasinya dengan waktu yang lebih singkat daripada membangun improvisasi dari nol.
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Unit yang bertempur mendapatkan pengalaman, yang nantinya dapat dipakai untuk promosi unit tersebut.\nUnit mendapatkan pengalaman lebih banyak dalam pertempuran jarak dekat daripada jarak jauh, dan lebih banyak lagi ketika menyerang daripada bertahan.
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = Unit hanya bisa meraih hingga 30 XP dari unit Orang Barbar - berarti hingga 2 promosi. Setelah itu, unit Orang Barbar tidak memberikan pengalaman.
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. = Unit dan kota akan kewalahan dengan pertempuran. Hal ini dipengaruhi beberapa nilai yang berbeda.\nSetiap unit memiliki nilai tempur 'dasar', yang bisa ditingkatkan dengan kondisi kondisi, promosi, dan lokasi tertentu.
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. = Unit menggunakan nilai 'Kekuatan' sebagai nilai tempur dasar ketika menyerang jarak dekat dan bertahan.\nKetika memakai serangan jarak jauh, mereka akan menggunakan nilai 'Kekuatan Jarak Jauh'.
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = Serangan jarak jauh dapat dilakukan dari kejauhan, tergantung nilai 'Jarak' unit itu.\nSerangan jarak dekat memampukan unit yang bertahan untuk melawan penyerang sebagai balasan, sedangkan di dalam serangan jarak jauh unit tidak bisa membalas.
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = Dalam persetujuan riset, kamu dan peradaban lain bertekad untuk meriset teknologi bersama-sama.\nDi akhir proses, kalian akan menerima 'pembayaran sekaligus' Ilmu Pengetahuan yang akan menuju satu teknologi yang belum diriset.
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = Jumlah Ilmu Pengetahuan yang diterima di akhir tergantung ilmu pengetahuan yang dihasilkan kota-kotamu dan kota-kota peradaban lain ketika masa persetujuan masih berlaku - semakin banyak, semakin baik!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. = Tidak semua bangsa bersaing denganmu untuk menang.\nNegara kota tidak bisa menang, tidak bisa menaklukkan kota lain dan tidak bisa diperjualbelikan.
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = Akan tetapi, relasi diplomatik dengan negara kota ditentukan dengan Pengaruh - sebuah meteran yang menunjukkan sejauh apa negara kota itu menyukai kamu.\nPengaruh dapat ditingkatkan dengan menyerang musuh mereka, memerdekakan kota mereka, dan memberikan mereka sejumlah emas.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Bonus tertentu diberikan ketika kamu memiliki pengaruh di atas 30.\nKetika kamu memiliki 60 Pengaruh dan kamu punya pengaruh terbesar dengan mereka di atas peradaban lain, kamu dianggap sebagai 'Sekutu' dan mendapat bonus lebih lanjut serta akses ke sumber daya Tersier dan Strategis yang berada di tanah mereka.
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = Keajaiban Alam, seperti Gn. Fuji, Batu Gibraltar, dan Karang Penghalang Besar merupakan hal istimewa, sebuah fitur yang tidak bisa dilewati, karya agung Tuhan, yang memiliki kualitas unik yang membuat mereka berbeda dari medan biasa.\nMereka memberi keuntungan dengan menghasilkan sejumlah Budaya, Ilmu Pengetahuan, Emas atau Produksi yang cukup besar jika dikerjakan oleh kota. Itulah mengapa kamu mungkin perlu untuk menguasai mereka dalam peradabanmu secepat mungkin.
@ -838,10 +838,6 @@ Crab = Granchi
Citrus = Agrumi
Citrus = Agrumi
Truffles = Tartufi
Truffles = Tartufi
Terrace farm = Terrazzamento
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 Cibo per ogni Montagna adiacente
Cannot improve a resource = Non può migliorare una risorsa
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = unità civile
Civilian = unità civile
@ -2919,7 +2915,6 @@ Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Costruibile solo su Costa
Moai = Moai
Moai = Moai
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 Cibo per ogni Montagna adiacente
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 Cibo per ogni Montagna adiacente
Cannot improve a resource = Non può migliorare una risorsa
Terrace farm = Terrazzamento
Terrace farm = Terrazzamento
Ancient ruins = Antiche rovine
Ancient ruins = Antiche rovine
@ -2997,91 +2992,6 @@ Whales = Balene
Pearls = Perle
Pearls = Perle
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Benvenuto/a su Unciv!\nLascia che ti avverta: questo è un gioco complesso, e quindi vi sono dei compiti base che ti aiuteranno a familiarizzarti con il gioco e tutte le sue funzioni.\nSono completamente opzionali, e puoi anche esplorare il gioco da solo!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Il tuo primo compito è fondare la tua Capitale.\nÈ un compito molto importante, perché la Capitale sarà forse la Città più prospera del tuo impero.\nMolti bonus del gioco si applicano solo sulla Capitale, che probabilmente sarà il centro del tuo impero.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Come sapere quale è il posto perfetto?\nNon è una domanda facile da rispondere, ma trovare e insediarsi vicino a una risorsa di lusso è un ottimo indizio.\nTra le risorse di lusso troviamo gemme, cotone e seta (tutte indicate con un sorriso vicino alla loro icona). Queste risorse rendono il tuo impero più felice.\nTieni d'occhio anche risorse speciali per unità speciali, come il Ferro.
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = Tuttavia, le città non hanno un'area specifica dove lavorare (ci torneremo dopo). Questo vuol dire che non devi per forza insediarti proprio vicino alle risorse.\nDiciamo, ad esempio, che ti serve del ferro, ma la risorsa si trova vicino a un deserto. Non devi per forza fondare una città vicino al deserto, ma puoi insediarti più in là, in terre più prospere. La tua città crescerà e prima o poi avrai l'accesso alla risorsa. Tutto questo se non ti serve immediatamente quella risorsa, cosa che invece accadrebbe adesso, ma di solito avrai il beneficio del tempo.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = La prima cosa che dovresti reclutare nella Città sarebbe uno Scout o un Guerriero.\nDi solito sceglierei il guerriero perché è utilizzabile per una buona difesa e si può aggiornare allo Spadaccino al prezzo di una certa quantità d'oro e un'unità di Ferro.\nGli Scout sono però efficaci se ti trovi in un'area piena zeppa di foreste e colline, anche perché ignorano le penalità di movimento di questi terreni.\nSe sei un veterano del genere strategico 4X, dovresti costruire prima un Guerriero o uno Scout e poi un Colono.\nIn gran parte dei giochi di questo tipo, una rapida espansione è un elemento estremamente critico.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = Durante i tuoi primi turni, avrai pochissime opzioni, ma col crescere della tua città, aumenterano anche le cose che richiederanno la tua attenzione.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Ad ogni turno, la cultura ottenuta da ogni tua città si aggiunge alla cultura della tua civiltà. Una volta accumultata abbastanza cultura, potrai scegliere una Politica Sociale tra tante, ognuna con i propri benefici.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Le politiche sono divise in rami, ognuno dei quali concede un'abilità bonus quanto tutte le sue politiche sono state adottate.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Per ogni politica adottata, e per ogni nuova città fondata, il costo di adozione per un'altra politica aumenta, quindi scegli con cautela!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = Quando una città accumula abbastanza Cultura, si espanderà in una casella nelle vicinanze. Le caselle con risorse e maggiori rese hanno la maggior priorità.\nNon puoi, inoltre, cambiare la casella sulla quale si espanderà.
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = Ogni cella aggiuntiva richiedera più Cultura, ma generalmente le tue prime città espanderanno i loro confini in maniera molto larga.
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Le tue città possono espandersi per sempre, ma possono solo sfruttare fino a tre caselle a distanza dal loro centro. Ricordatelo sempre quando fondi nuove città.
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Col crescere delle Città in grandezza e influenza, crescerà anche il territorio a disposizione.\nDovrai però avere a che fare con una meccanica legata all'impero e non alle Città singole. Il tuo intero impero, infatti, condivide lo stesso livello di soddisfazione.\nAll'aumentare della popolazione troverai sempre più difficile mantenerne la felicità.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Inoltre, per costruire degli edifici che incrementano la Felicità, dovrai ricercarne l'apposita tecnologia.\nControlla la tua Felicità (indicata da un sorriso nella barra superiore dell'interfaccia): se scende sotto lo zero, non solo la tua economia ne avrà da soffrire, ma i tuoi eserciti avranno una spiacevole penalità che li renderà meno efficaci in combattimento.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Questa è la ragione per cui è molto difficile espandersi rapidamente in Unciv. Non è certo impossibile, ma come neofita non ti è consigliato. Pertanto, basta fare con calma, esplorare, e migliorare i tuoi terreni utilizzando i Lavoratori. Se vuoi fondare nuove Città, fallo solo su punti che credi appropriati.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Sembra che i tuoi cittadini siano insoddisfatti dal tuo governo.\nSe il tuo impero è infelice, le città cresceranno a 1/4 della loro velocità, e la Forza delle tue unità verrà penalizzata del 2% ad ogni punto Infelicità.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = L'Infelicità è un effetto di due fattori: abitanti e Città.\nOgni città dona 3 punti infelicità, e ogni abitante ne dona 1.
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = Vi sono due modi per combattere l'Infelicità: o costruisci edifici che migliorano la felicità della tua popolazione, o sfrutti delle caselle contenenti risorse di lusso entro i tuoi confini.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Sei entrato in un'Età dell'Oro! Che fortuna!\nI punti Età dell'Oro si accumulano ad ogni turno dalla felicità totale della tua civiltà.\nDurante l'Età dell'Oro, generi il 20% in più di Cultura e Produzione, e ogni casella che frutta minimo un punto Oro ne frutta uno aggiuntivo.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Connettere le Città alla tua capitale tramite la tua rete stradale generà introiti in Oro.\nNota che le Strade e le Ferrovie richiedono rispettivamente 1 e 2 Oro di mantenimento, quindi sarebbe economicamente saggio attendere una crescita maggiore delle Città.
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = Una volta fondate le tue prime due/tre città, saranno passati meno di 100, forse 150 turni.\nOra dovresti pensare a come, esattamente, vincere il gioco - se non l'hai già fatto.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = Tre sono le condizioni di vittoria in Unciv. Eccole:\n - Vittoria Culturale: completa 5 rami delle Politiche Sociali\n - Vittoria per Dominazione: sopravvivi come l'ultima civiltà in gioco conquistando tutte le altre\n - Vittoria Scientifica: costruisci per primo l'astronave che verrà lanciata verso Alpha Centauri
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = Queste sono, in breve, le basi di Unciv – fonda una capitale prospera, espanditi lentamente per gestire la felicità, e impostati una condizione di vittoria che desideri conseguire.\nOvviamente, vi è molto altro ancora, ma è importante fare un passo alla volta: per imparare a nuotare devi prima andare in acqua.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Hai avvistato una città nemica!\nPuoi conquistare le città prima riducendo la loro salute a 1, e poi facendo entrare un'unità da mischia.\nDato che le città guariscono ad ogni turno, è meglio attaccare con unità da tiro e d'assedio, e usare le tue unità da mischia per difenderle fino alla sconfitta della città.
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Le risorse di lusso situate nel tuo territorio e migliorate sono connesse nella tua rete commerciale.\nOgni risorsa unica di lusso posseduta frutta 5 punti felicità alla civiltà, ma le copie extra della stessa risorsa non fruttano niente, quindi usale per commerciare con le altre civiltà, magari in cambio di oro o altre risorse che non possiedi.
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Le risorse strategiche situate nel tuo territorio e migliorate sono connesse nella tua rete commerciale.\nLe risorse strategiche ti permettono di addestrare unità e costruire edifici che richiedono tali risorse specifiche (ad esempio, lo Spadaccino richiede Ferro).\nOgni unità 'consuma' una copia di quella risorsa, ma se quell'unità muore recuperi quella 'copia' della risorsa, e puoi quindi costruire una nuova unità con quella risorsa ora non utilizzata.\nLa barra superiore tiene conto di quante risorse strategiche non usate possiedi.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = La città ha esaurito del tutto la sua resistenza! È giunto il momento di conquistarla!\nRicordati che per conquistarla devi farvi entrare un'unità da mischia.
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = Conquistata una città nemica, puoi scegliere se raderla al suolo, ridurla a stato fantoccio o annetterla al tuo impero.\nSe scegli la prima opzione, la città perderà un abitante ogni turno, fino a scomparire del tutto.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Porla come stato fantoccio non ti consente di controllarne la produzione, ma in compenso non incrementerà i tuoi costi tecnologici o di politica, e la popolazione genererà soltanto un'infelicità 1.5 volte superiore alla norma.\nSe annetti la città, potrai farne quello che desideri, ma l'infelicità della popolazione sarà raddoppiata!\nPuoi mitigare il tutto costruendo un palazzo di giustizia, ripristinando l'infelicità della popolazione.\nPuoi annettere una città fantoccio quando vuoi, ma ricorda che è un processo irreversibile!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Hai incontrato un'unità barbarica!\nI barbari attaccano chiunque indiscriminatamente, quindi tieni le tue unità civili lontane dalla loro vista, e stai attento col tuo esploratore!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Hai incontrato un'altra civiltà!\nLe altre civiltà cominciamo come pacifiche, e tu potrai commerciare con loro, ma spesso possono anche dichiararti guerra!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Una volta completato il Programma Apollo, potrai iniziare a costruire le parti dell'astronave nelle tue città (con le apposite tecnologie) e cercare di ottenere una vittoria scientifica!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = Le unità ferite infliggono meno danni, ma recuperano salute finché rimangono inattive\nLe unità recuperano 5 punti salute in territorio nemico, 10 in terra neutrale, 15 nel tuo territorio o in territorio amico e 20 nelle tue città.
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = I lavoratori sono vitali per la crescita delle città, perché solo loro possono costruire miglioramenti nelle caselle.\nI miglioramenti incrementano la resa delle caselle, permettendo alle città di produrre di più e crescere più in fretta, senza dover espandersi a forza!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Le unità d'assedio sono estremamente potenti contro le città, ma vanno allestite prima di attaccare.\nUna volta montata, l'unità d'assedio può attaccare dalla sua casella in cui è presente, ma una volta spostatasi a un'altra casella, dovrà essere allestita di nuovo.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Una volta ricercata una specifica tecnologia, le tue unità terrestri possono imbarcarsi e attraversare caselle acquatiche!\nEntrare o uscire da una casella acquatica impiega un intero turno. Inoltre, le unità imbarcate sono indifese, quindi fai attenzione!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = Se non vuoi muovere un'unità per questo turno, puoi saltarla cliccando di nuovo su 'Prossima unità'.\nSe non vuoi muoverla per alcuni turni, puoi ordinarle col comando Fortifica o Dormi.\nLe unità in tali posizioni non sono considerate unità non utilizzate, perché stanno compiendo un'azione.\nSe vuoi disabilitare del tutto la caratteristica 'Prossima unità', vai su Menu -> Controlla unità non usate.
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Salve! Se sei giunto/a fin qui, forse avrai visto che il gioco è al momento incompleto.\nUnCiv dovrebbe essere open-source e gratuito per sempre, quindi privo di pubblicità o altre siocchezze.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Ciò che mi motiva a continuare il progetto, oltre al fatto che è fantastico, è il supporto dai giocatori. Vi ringrazio tutti di cuore!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Ogni voto e recensione che mi date mi fa sempre sorridere =)\nPerciò contattatemi! Mandatemi un'email, una recensione, un fattoide Github o un piccione viaggiatore, e vediamo di rendere il gioco ancora più bello! (Informazioni contatti nel Play Store)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Le unità militari, che siano marittime o terrestri, possono saccheggiare qualsiasi miglioramento, guarendo di 25 punti vita.\nLa casella sarà ancora sfruttata, ma perderà i vantaggi che ricavava dal miglioramento.\nRicostruire tali miglioramenti, in compenso, impiega meno tempo che edificarli da zero.
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Le unità che combattono ottengono esperienza, usabile per promozioni per quell'unità.\nLe unità da mischia ottengono più esperienza di quelle da tiro, e tutte ottengono più esperienza in attacco che in difesa.
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = Le unità possono ottenere fino a 30 XP contro i Barbari, e quindi due promozioni.\nDopo questo, i Barbari non le doneranno più esperienza.
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. = Le unità e Città possono essere sfiancate dalle battaglie, su cui hanno effetto numerosi fattori.\nOgni unità ha un valore base di Forza, migliorabile attraverso certe condizioni, promozioni e posizioni.
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. = Le unità usano il valore 'Forza' come il valore base quando le unità da mischia attaccano o difendono.\nLe unità da tiro, invece, utilizzano il valore 'Forza da Tiro', o 'Forza a distanza'.
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = Gli attacchi a distanza dipendono dal valore 'Distanza' dell'unità.\nMentre gli attacchi da mischia permettono al difensore di contrattaccare, non è così per quelli a distanza.
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = Negli accordi di ricerca, tu e un'altra civiltà ricercherete tecnologie in modo uniforme.\nAlla fine dell'accordo, riceverete entrambi una tantum di Scienza, che si sommerà a una delle tecnologie ancora non scoperte.
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = La quantità di Scienza che ricevi alla fine dipende da quella generata dalle città tue e dell'altra civiltà durante l'accordo. Più è alta, meglio è!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. = Non esistono solo grandi nazioni che contendono per la vittoria. Ci sono anche le Città-Stato.\nLe Città-Stato sono delle nazioni minori che si limitano a una sola città. Non possono conseguire alcun tipo di vittoria, non possono conquistare altre città e non possono condurre scambi commerciali.
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = I loro rapporti diplomatici sono invece determinati dall'Influenza, una barra che indica i rapporti che la Città-Stato ha con te.\nL'Influenza aumenta attaccando i loro nemici, liberando le loro città, e concedendole delle tantum in Oro, mentre diminuisce se attraversi i loro territori con un'Influenza al di sotto di 30.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = I rapporti possono salire al livello di Amici se il loro livello d'Influenza è minimo 30, e a quel punto la Città-Stato ti darà benefici e ti lascerà attraversare il suo territorio senza conseguenze.\nAl livello almeno 60, se possiedi la maggior influenza rispetto a tutte le altre civiltà, sarai considerato Alleato della Città-Stato, che non solo ti darà bonus ancor maggiori, ma anche l'accesso alle risorse Strategiche e di Lusso nelle loro terre.
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = Le Meraviglie Naturali, dei capolavori di Madre Natura come il Monte Fuji, la Rocca di Gibilterra e la Grande Barriera Corallina, sono caratteristiche terrene uniche e impassabili che possiedono qualità eccezionali che le rendono diverse dai soliti terreni.\nBeneficiano di grandi rese di Cultura, Scienza, Oro o Produzione se sfruttate dalle tue Città, e pertanto è una buona idea portarne quante più possibile nei tuoi confini.
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
Heal Instantly = Cura istantanea
Heal Instantly = Cura istantanea
@ -3478,3 +3388,88 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 15% Bonus per le unità nel raggio di 2 c
Khan = Khan
Khan = Khan
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Cura le unità vicine di 15 HP al turno
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Cura le unità vicine di 15 HP al turno
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Benvenuto/a su Unciv!\nLascia che ti avverta: questo è un gioco complesso, e quindi vi sono dei compiti base che ti aiuteranno a familiarizzarti con il gioco e tutte le sue funzioni.\nSono completamente opzionali, e puoi anche esplorare il gioco da solo!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Il tuo primo compito è fondare la tua Capitale.\nÈ un compito molto importante, perché la Capitale sarà forse la Città più prospera del tuo impero.\nMolti bonus del gioco si applicano solo sulla Capitale, che probabilmente sarà il centro del tuo impero.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Come sapere quale è il posto perfetto?\nNon è una domanda facile da rispondere, ma trovare e insediarsi vicino a una risorsa di lusso è un ottimo indizio.\nTra le risorse di lusso troviamo gemme, cotone e seta (tutte indicate con un sorriso vicino alla loro icona). Queste risorse rendono il tuo impero più felice.\nTieni d'occhio anche risorse speciali per unità speciali, come il Ferro.
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = Tuttavia, le città non hanno un'area specifica dove lavorare (ci torneremo dopo). Questo vuol dire che non devi per forza insediarti proprio vicino alle risorse.\nDiciamo, ad esempio, che ti serve del ferro, ma la risorsa si trova vicino a un deserto. Non devi per forza fondare una città vicino al deserto, ma puoi insediarti più in là, in terre più prospere. La tua città crescerà e prima o poi avrai l'accesso alla risorsa. Tutto questo se non ti serve immediatamente quella risorsa, cosa che invece accadrebbe adesso, ma di solito avrai il beneficio del tempo.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = La prima cosa che dovresti reclutare nella Città sarebbe uno Scout o un Guerriero.\nDi solito sceglierei il guerriero perché è utilizzabile per una buona difesa e si può aggiornare allo Spadaccino al prezzo di una certa quantità d'oro e un'unità di Ferro.\nGli Scout sono però efficaci se ti trovi in un'area piena zeppa di foreste e colline, anche perché ignorano le penalità di movimento di questi terreni.\nSe sei un veterano del genere strategico 4X, dovresti costruire prima un Guerriero o uno Scout e poi un Colono.\nIn gran parte dei giochi di questo tipo, una rapida espansione è un elemento estremamente critico.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = Durante i tuoi primi turni, avrai pochissime opzioni, ma col crescere della tua città, aumenterano anche le cose che richiederanno la tua attenzione.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Ad ogni turno, la cultura ottenuta da ogni tua città si aggiunge alla cultura della tua civiltà. Una volta accumultata abbastanza cultura, potrai scegliere una Politica Sociale tra tante, ognuna con i propri benefici.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Le politiche sono divise in rami, ognuno dei quali concede un'abilità bonus quanto tutte le sue politiche sono state adottate.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Per ogni politica adottata, e per ogni nuova città fondata, il costo di adozione per un'altra politica aumenta, quindi scegli con cautela!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = Quando una città accumula abbastanza Cultura, si espanderà in una casella nelle vicinanze. Le caselle con risorse e maggiori rese hanno la maggior priorità.\nNon puoi, inoltre, cambiare la casella sulla quale si espanderà.
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = Ogni cella aggiuntiva richiedera più Cultura, ma generalmente le tue prime città espanderanno i loro confini in maniera molto larga.
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Le tue città possono espandersi per sempre, ma possono solo sfruttare fino a tre caselle a distanza dal loro centro. Ricordatelo sempre quando fondi nuove città.
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Col crescere delle Città in grandezza e influenza, crescerà anche il territorio a disposizione.\nDovrai però avere a che fare con una meccanica legata all'impero e non alle Città singole. Il tuo intero impero, infatti, condivide lo stesso livello di soddisfazione.\nAll'aumentare della popolazione troverai sempre più difficile mantenerne la felicità.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Inoltre, per costruire degli edifici che incrementano la Felicità, dovrai ricercarne l'apposita tecnologia.\nControlla la tua Felicità (indicata da un sorriso nella barra superiore dell'interfaccia): se scende sotto lo zero, non solo la tua economia ne avrà da soffrire, ma i tuoi eserciti avranno una spiacevole penalità che li renderà meno efficaci in combattimento.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Questa è la ragione per cui è molto difficile espandersi rapidamente in Unciv. Non è certo impossibile, ma come neofita non ti è consigliato. Pertanto, basta fare con calma, esplorare, e migliorare i tuoi terreni utilizzando i Lavoratori. Se vuoi fondare nuove Città, fallo solo su punti che credi appropriati.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Sembra che i tuoi cittadini siano insoddisfatti dal tuo governo.\nSe il tuo impero è infelice, le città cresceranno a 1/4 della loro velocità, e la Forza delle tue unità verrà penalizzata del 2% ad ogni punto Infelicità.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = L'Infelicità è un effetto di due fattori: abitanti e Città.\nOgni città dona 3 punti infelicità, e ogni abitante ne dona 1.
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = Vi sono due modi per combattere l'Infelicità: o costruisci edifici che migliorano la felicità della tua popolazione, o sfrutti delle caselle contenenti risorse di lusso entro i tuoi confini.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Sei entrato in un'Età dell'Oro! Che fortuna!\nI punti Età dell'Oro si accumulano ad ogni turno dalla felicità totale della tua civiltà.\nDurante l'Età dell'Oro, generi il 20% in più di Cultura e Produzione, e ogni casella che frutta minimo un punto Oro ne frutta uno aggiuntivo.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Connettere le Città alla tua capitale tramite la tua rete stradale generà introiti in Oro.\nNota che le Strade e le Ferrovie richiedono rispettivamente 1 e 2 Oro di mantenimento, quindi sarebbe economicamente saggio attendere una crescita maggiore delle Città.
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = Una volta fondate le tue prime due/tre città, saranno passati meno di 100, forse 150 turni.\nOra dovresti pensare a come, esattamente, vincere il gioco - se non l'hai già fatto.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = Tre sono le condizioni di vittoria in Unciv. Eccole:\n - Vittoria Culturale: completa 5 rami delle Politiche Sociali\n - Vittoria per Dominazione: sopravvivi come l'ultima civiltà in gioco conquistando tutte le altre\n - Vittoria Scientifica: costruisci per primo l'astronave che verrà lanciata verso Alpha Centauri
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = Queste sono, in breve, le basi di Unciv – fonda una capitale prospera, espanditi lentamente per gestire la felicità, e impostati una condizione di vittoria che desideri conseguire.\nOvviamente, vi è molto altro ancora, ma è importante fare un passo alla volta: per imparare a nuotare devi prima andare in acqua.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Hai avvistato una città nemica!\nPuoi conquistare le città prima riducendo la loro salute a 1, e poi facendo entrare un'unità da mischia.\nDato che le città guariscono ad ogni turno, è meglio attaccare con unità da tiro e d'assedio, e usare le tue unità da mischia per difenderle fino alla sconfitta della città.
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Le risorse di lusso situate nel tuo territorio e migliorate sono connesse nella tua rete commerciale.\nOgni risorsa unica di lusso posseduta frutta 5 punti felicità alla civiltà, ma le copie extra della stessa risorsa non fruttano niente, quindi usale per commerciare con le altre civiltà, magari in cambio di oro o altre risorse che non possiedi.
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Le risorse strategiche situate nel tuo territorio e migliorate sono connesse nella tua rete commerciale.\nLe risorse strategiche ti permettono di addestrare unità e costruire edifici che richiedono tali risorse specifiche (ad esempio, lo Spadaccino richiede Ferro).\nOgni unità 'consuma' una copia di quella risorsa, ma se quell'unità muore recuperi quella 'copia' della risorsa, e puoi quindi costruire una nuova unità con quella risorsa ora non utilizzata.\nLa barra superiore tiene conto di quante risorse strategiche non usate possiedi.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = La città ha esaurito del tutto la sua resistenza! È giunto il momento di conquistarla!\nRicordati che per conquistarla devi farvi entrare un'unità da mischia.
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = Conquistata una città nemica, puoi scegliere se raderla al suolo, ridurla a stato fantoccio o annetterla al tuo impero.\nSe scegli la prima opzione, la città perderà un abitante ogni turno, fino a scomparire del tutto.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Porla come stato fantoccio non ti consente di controllarne la produzione, ma in compenso non incrementerà i tuoi costi tecnologici o di politica, e la popolazione genererà soltanto un'infelicità 1.5 volte superiore alla norma.\nSe annetti la città, potrai farne quello che desideri, ma l'infelicità della popolazione sarà raddoppiata!\nPuoi mitigare il tutto costruendo un palazzo di giustizia, ripristinando l'infelicità della popolazione.\nPuoi annettere una città fantoccio quando vuoi, ma ricorda che è un processo irreversibile!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Hai incontrato un'unità barbarica!\nI barbari attaccano chiunque indiscriminatamente, quindi tieni le tue unità civili lontane dalla loro vista, e stai attento col tuo esploratore!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Hai incontrato un'altra civiltà!\nLe altre civiltà cominciamo come pacifiche, e tu potrai commerciare con loro, ma spesso possono anche dichiararti guerra!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Una volta completato il Programma Apollo, potrai iniziare a costruire le parti dell'astronave nelle tue città (con le apposite tecnologie) e cercare di ottenere una vittoria scientifica!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = Le unità ferite infliggono meno danni, ma recuperano salute finché rimangono inattive\nLe unità recuperano 5 punti salute in territorio nemico, 10 in terra neutrale, 15 nel tuo territorio o in territorio amico e 20 nelle tue città.
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = I lavoratori sono vitali per la crescita delle città, perché solo loro possono costruire miglioramenti nelle caselle.\nI miglioramenti incrementano la resa delle caselle, permettendo alle città di produrre di più e crescere più in fretta, senza dover espandersi a forza!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Le unità d'assedio sono estremamente potenti contro le città, ma vanno allestite prima di attaccare.\nUna volta montata, l'unità d'assedio può attaccare dalla sua casella in cui è presente, ma una volta spostatasi a un'altra casella, dovrà essere allestita di nuovo.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Una volta ricercata una specifica tecnologia, le tue unità terrestri possono imbarcarsi e attraversare caselle acquatiche!\nEntrare o uscire da una casella acquatica impiega un intero turno. Inoltre, le unità imbarcate sono indifese, quindi fai attenzione!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = Se non vuoi muovere un'unità per questo turno, puoi saltarla cliccando di nuovo su 'Prossima unità'.\nSe non vuoi muoverla per alcuni turni, puoi ordinarle col comando Fortifica o Dormi.\nLe unità in tali posizioni non sono considerate unità non utilizzate, perché stanno compiendo un'azione.\nSe vuoi disabilitare del tutto la caratteristica 'Prossima unità', vai su Menu -> Controlla unità non usate.
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Salve! Se sei giunto/a fin qui, forse avrai visto che il gioco è al momento incompleto.\nUnCiv dovrebbe essere open-source e gratuito per sempre, quindi privo di pubblicità o altre siocchezze.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Ciò che mi motiva a continuare il progetto, oltre al fatto che è fantastico, è il supporto dai giocatori. Vi ringrazio tutti di cuore!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Ogni voto e recensione che mi date mi fa sempre sorridere =)\nPerciò contattatemi! Mandatemi un'email, una recensione, un fattoide Github o un piccione viaggiatore, e vediamo di rendere il gioco ancora più bello! (Informazioni contatti nel Play Store)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Le unità militari, che siano marittime o terrestri, possono saccheggiare qualsiasi miglioramento, guarendo di 25 punti vita.\nLa casella sarà ancora sfruttata, ma perderà i vantaggi che ricavava dal miglioramento.\nRicostruire tali miglioramenti, in compenso, impiega meno tempo che edificarli da zero.
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Le unità che combattono ottengono esperienza, usabile per promozioni per quell'unità.\nLe unità da mischia ottengono più esperienza di quelle da tiro, e tutte ottengono più esperienza in attacco che in difesa.
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = Le unità possono ottenere fino a 30 XP contro i Barbari, e quindi due promozioni.\nDopo questo, i Barbari non le doneranno più esperienza.
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. = Le unità e Città possono essere sfiancate dalle battaglie, su cui hanno effetto numerosi fattori.\nOgni unità ha un valore base di Forza, migliorabile attraverso certe condizioni, promozioni e posizioni.
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. = Le unità usano il valore 'Forza' come il valore base quando le unità da mischia attaccano o difendono.\nLe unità da tiro, invece, utilizzano il valore 'Forza da Tiro', o 'Forza a distanza'.
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = Gli attacchi a distanza dipendono dal valore 'Distanza' dell'unità.\nMentre gli attacchi da mischia permettono al difensore di contrattaccare, non è così per quelli a distanza.
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = Negli accordi di ricerca, tu e un'altra civiltà ricercherete tecnologie in modo uniforme.\nAlla fine dell'accordo, riceverete entrambi una tantum di Scienza, che si sommerà a una delle tecnologie ancora non scoperte.
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = La quantità di Scienza che ricevi alla fine dipende da quella generata dalle città tue e dell'altra civiltà durante l'accordo. Più è alta, meglio è!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. = Non esistono solo grandi nazioni che contendono per la vittoria. Ci sono anche le Città-Stato.\nLe Città-Stato sono delle nazioni minori che si limitano a una sola città. Non possono conseguire alcun tipo di vittoria, non possono conquistare altre città e non possono condurre scambi commerciali.
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = I loro rapporti diplomatici sono invece determinati dall'Influenza, una barra che indica i rapporti che la Città-Stato ha con te.\nL'Influenza aumenta attaccando i loro nemici, liberando le loro città, e concedendole delle tantum in Oro, mentre diminuisce se attraversi i loro territori con un'Influenza al di sotto di 30.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = I rapporti possono salire al livello di Amici se il loro livello d'Influenza è minimo 30, e a quel punto la Città-Stato ti darà benefici e ti lascerà attraversare il suo territorio senza conseguenze.\nAl livello almeno 60, se possiedi la maggior influenza rispetto a tutte le altre civiltà, sarai considerato Alleato della Città-Stato, che non solo ti darà bonus ancor maggiori, ma anche l'accesso alle risorse Strategiche e di Lusso nelle loro terre.
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = Le Meraviglie Naturali, dei capolavori di Madre Natura come il Monte Fuji, la Rocca di Gibilterra e la Grande Barriera Corallina, sono caratteristiche terrene uniche e impassabili che possiedono qualità eccezionali che le rendono diverse dai soliti terreni.\nBeneficiano di grandi rese di Cultura, Scienza, Oro o Produzione se sfruttate dalle tue Città, e pertanto è una buona idea portarne quante più possibile nei tuoi confini.
@ -906,13 +906,6 @@ Crab = カニ
Citrus = 柑橘果物
Citrus = 柑橘果物
Truffles = トリュフ
Truffles = トリュフ
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource =
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = 市民ユニット
Civilian = 市民ユニット
@ -3986,8 +3979,6 @@ Moai = モアイ
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource =
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
Terrace farm =
Ancient ruins = 古代遺跡
Ancient ruins = 古代遺跡
@ -4065,143 +4056,6 @@ Whales = 鯨
Pearls = 真珠
Pearls = 真珠
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! =
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. =
# Requires translation!
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. =
# Requires translation!
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
# Requires translation!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention =
# Requires translation!
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. =
# Requires translation!
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. =
# Requires translation!
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! =
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
# Requires translation!
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. =
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
# Requires translation!
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders =
# Requires translation!
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. =
# Requires translation!
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! =
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
# Requires translation!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
# Requires translation!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! =
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. =
# Requires translation!
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
# Requires translation!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on =
# Requires translation!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities =
# Requires translation!
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! =
# Requires translation!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. =
# Requires translation!
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! =
# Requires translation!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units =
# Requires translation!
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. =
# Requires translation!
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! =
# Requires translation!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. =
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
Heal Instantly = 瞬時回復
Heal Instantly = 瞬時回復
@ -4610,3 +4464,140 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 周囲2タイル以内にいる自国の
Khan = カン
Khan = カン
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = 隣接するユニットが1ターンにつき15ポイント多く回復できる。
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = 隣接するユニットが1ターンにつき15ポイント多く回復できる。
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! =
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. =
# Requires translation!
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. =
# Requires translation!
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
# Requires translation!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention =
# Requires translation!
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. =
# Requires translation!
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. =
# Requires translation!
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! =
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
# Requires translation!
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. =
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
# Requires translation!
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders =
# Requires translation!
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. =
# Requires translation!
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! =
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
# Requires translation!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
# Requires translation!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! =
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. =
# Requires translation!
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
# Requires translation!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on =
# Requires translation!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities =
# Requires translation!
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! =
# Requires translation!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. =
# Requires translation!
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! =
# Requires translation!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units =
# Requires translation!
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. =
# Requires translation!
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! =
# Requires translation!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. =
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
@ -1004,13 +1004,6 @@ Crab = 게
Citrus = 감귤
Citrus = 감귤
Truffles = 송로버섯
Truffles = 송로버섯
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource =
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = 민간인
Civilian = 민간인
@ -3476,8 +3469,6 @@ Moai = 모아이
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource =
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
Terrace farm =
Ancient ruins = 고대 유적
Ancient ruins = 고대 유적
@ -3556,109 +3547,6 @@ Whales = 고래
Pearls = 진주
Pearls = 진주
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own!
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. =
# Requires translation!
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. =
# Requires translation!
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = 이렇게 초반 몇 턴동안에는,\n 행동할 수 있는 선택지가 매우 적습니다.\n 하지만 문명이 성장하면 성장할수록, \n 새로운 행동이나 기능들이 나오게 되지요.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = 매 턴 마다, 당신의 도시에서는 '문화'가 생성되며,\n 당신의 문명 전체의 '문화량'에 축적됩니다.\n문화가 특정한 양만큼 축적되게 되면,\n '사회 정책'이라는 것을 채택할 수 있습니다.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = 사회 정책은 여러 개의 '정책 트리'로 구분됩니다.\n하나의 '정책 트리'에 있는 모든 정책이 채택되면,\n 정책이 '완성'되어 추가적인 보너스를 받게 됩니다.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = 채택한 정책 수가 많아질수록, 그리고 도시의 수가 많아질수록,\n 다음 정책 채택에 필요한 문화 축적량이 증가합니다. 주의하세요!
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = 도시의 크기와 영향력이 증가하면, 문명 전체의 '행복도'를 신경써야 합니다.\n'행복도'는 '과학'이나 '금'과 같이, 문명 전체에서 공유되는 값입니다.\n도시가 늘어나고 인구 수가 증가하면 증가할수록, 행복도를 관리하는 것은 매우 어려워집니다.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = 기술을 연구하다 보면, '행복도'를 늘려주는 건물을 지을 수 있게 됩니다.\n만약 행복도가 0 이하로 떨어지게 되면, '불행'상태가 되어 도시들의 성장률이 크게 감소합니다.\n상단에 있는 웃는 아이콘이 행복도를 나타내는데, 문명이 불행하면 불행할수록,\n 군사 유닛들이 전투를 할 때의 '전투력'이 감소하게 됩니다.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = 행복도는 Unciv에서 도시를 마구 확장하는 것에 제한을 둡니다.\n물론 확장은 끝없이 할 수 있지만, 초보자라면 무리한 확장은 피해야 합니다.\n그럼 무엇을 해야 할까요? 도시를 발전시키고, 근처를 정찰하고, '일꾼' 유닛으로 '타일 시설'을 개발하세요.\n적절한 장소를 찾고 나서 새로운 도시를 짓는 것이 좋다는 것을 기억하세요.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = '행복도'가 0 이하가 되면 문명이 '불행' 상태에 빠집니다.\n불행한 상태에서는, 도시의 성장률이 1/4로 감소하게 되며,\n 부족한 행복도 하나마다 유닛의 전투력이 2%씩 감소합니다.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = 불행의 원인에는 크게 '인구'와 '도시' 두 가지가 있습니다.\n 도시 수 하나마다 3의 불행이, 시민 수 하나마다 1의 불행이 생성됩니다.
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = 불행 상태에서 벗어나려면 어떻게 해야 할까요?\n 우선 행복도를 올려주는 건물을 지을 수도 있고,\n '일꾼'을 통해 국경 안에 있는 '사치 자원'을 개발할 수도 있습니다.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = 문명이 황금기에 진입했습니다!\n매 턴마다 행복도가 문명의 '황금기 점수'에 축적되게 되며,\n 일정 수치 이상의 황금기 점수가 축적되면 황금기가 시작됩니다.\n황금기 동안에는, 당신의 문명에서 문화와 생산력을 20% 추가로 생산하고,\n 금을 하나 이상 생산하던 모든 타일에서 금을 1 추가로 생산합니다.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = 도로나 철도를 이용해 수도와 다른 도시를 연결하게 된다면,\n 금을 추가로 만들어내는 '무역로'가 만들어집니다.\n도로 하나마다 매 턴 금 1이, 철도 하나마다 매 턴 금 2가 소모되지만,\n 도시가 성장할 때까지 걸리는 시간은 경제적으로 훨씬 단축될 것입니다.
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = 두 세개의 도시를 짓고 난다면 아마도 100턴이나 150턴 정도가 지나 있을 것입니다.\n아직까지 '승리'에 대해 생각하지 않았다면, 이제 천천히 생각해 나가야 할 시간입니다.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = Unciv에는 현재 세 가지의 승리 조건이 있습니다.\n - '문화 승리'는 사회 정책 트리를 네 개 완료해야 하고,\n - '정복 승리'는 가장 마지막으로 살아남는 문명이 되어야 하며,\n - '과학 승리'는 알파 센타우리로 향한 우주선을 발사해야 합니다.
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = 정리하자면, 이게 Unciv의 전부입니다. 첫 번째 도시를 성장시키며, 행복도를 관리해주고,\n 확장과 발전을 해 나가면서 원하는 승리 조건에 서서히 다가가는 것이지요.\n세부적인 내용이 아직 많지만, 위의 행동들이 거의 전부가 됩니다.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = 적 도시의 체력을 1로 감소시키면 도시 점령이 가능합니다.\n근접 유닛으로만 도시를 점령할 수 있다는 것을 기억하세요!\n도시는 매 턴 체력을 회복하기 때문에, 원거리 유닛으로 멀리서 공격하고\n 근접 유닛으로 도시의 공격을 방어하면서 도시의 체력을 깎아 나가세요!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = 영토 안에 있는 사치 자원들은 타일 시설을 지음으로써 개발할 수 있습니다.\n개발된 사치 자원들은 각각 문명에 행복도를 5 제공하지만,\n 같은 사치 자원이 여러 개라면 행복도 증가는 한 번만 적용됩니다.\n 그러므로 겹치는 사치 자원이 있다면 다른 문명과 거래를 시도하세요.
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = 영토 안에 있는 전략 자원들은 타일 시설을 지음으로써 개발할 수 있습니다.\n전략 자원이 개발되면 그 자원을 필요로 하는 유닛이나 건물을 지을 수 있습니다.\n'말' 전략 자원을 필요로 하는 '기마병' 같은 유닛이 그 예시입니다.\n각 유닛은 전략 자원 하나를 소모하지만, 유닛이 죽게 된다면 소모된 전략 자원은\n 문명으로 다시 돌아오게 되어 다른 유닛을 생산할 때 쓸 수 있습니다.\n상단에 전략 자원의 개수가 표시되게 됩니다.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = 이제 적 도시의 체력을 더이상 깎을 수 없습니다!\n하지만, 점령을 위해서는 '근접 유닛'으로 적 도시를 공격해야 한다는 것을 기억하세요!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = 도시를 점령하고 나면, 도시를 불태울지, 괴뢰 도시로 만들지, 합병할지 선택할 수 있습니다.\n도시를 불태우게 되면, 도시가 파괴될 때까지 인구가 매 턴 1씩 감소합니다.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = 도시를 괴뢰 도시로 만들게 되면, 그 도시 내에서 무엇을 생산할지 지정해줄 수 없습니다.\n괴뢰 도시는 기술에 필요한 연구량이나 정책에 필요한 문화량을 증가시키지 않지만, 다른 시민들보다 1.5배의 불행을 생성해냅니다.\n합병된 도시에서는 무엇을 생산할지 지정해 줄 수 있지만, 무려 두 배의 불행을 생성해냅니다!\n이 불행은 일시적인 것으로, 도시에 법원이 지어지면 불행이 원래대로 생성됩니다.\n괴뢰 도시는 언제나 합병할 수 있지만, 합병된 도시는 괴뢰 도시로 만들 수 없습니다!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = 야만인 유닛을 만났습니다!\n야만인은 문명을 가리지 않고 공격하므로, 민간인 유닛이나\n 정찰병을 가까이 두지 않도록 조심하세요!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = 당신은 방금 다른 문명과 조우했습니다!\n다른 문명들과는 평화롭게 거래를 할 수 있지만,\n 시간이 지나면서 전쟁을 선포하게 될 수도 있습니다.
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = '아폴로 프로그램' 프로젝트를 완료하면, 도시에서 우주선 부품을 개발할 수 있습니다.\n 연구를 계속하면서 부품 개발을 하게 되면, 과학 승리를 할 수 있습니다!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = 부상당한 유닛은 전투력이 하락하지만, 전투를 하지 않으면 점차 체력을 회복합니다.\n유닛들은 적 영토에서 턴당 5의 HP를, 중립 지역에서는 10의 HP를,\n 아군 영토에서는 15의 HP를 회복하며 도시 안에서는 20 HP를 회복합니다.
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = 일꾼들은 타일 시설을 건설할 수 있기 때문에 도시의 성장에 필수적입니다.\n타일 시설은 타일에서의 기초 자원 생산량을 증가시켜서, 도시를 빠르게 성장시킵니다.\n동일한 시민 수를 가진 도시라도 타일 시설이 개발된 쪽이 훨씬 빠르게 성장하지요!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = 공성 유닛들은 도시를 공격할 때 매우 강력하지만, 공격 전에 '설치'를 해야 합니다.\n공성 유닛들이 설치되면, 설치된 타일에서 공격을 할 수 있지만,\n 다른 타일로 이동하게 되면 그 타일에서 다시 설치를 해야 합니다.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = 특정한 기술을 연구하게 되면, 지상 유닛은 바다를 향해 '승선' 할 수 있습니다.\n바다로 '승선'하거나, 지상으로 '상륙'할 경우 유닛의 행동력이 전부 소모됩니다.\n승선한 상태의 지상 유닛들은 방어가 불가능하기 때문에, 조심하세요!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = 이번 턴에 유닛을 이동시키고 싶지 않다면, '다음 유닛' 버튼을 다시 눌러 스킵이 가능합니다.\n만약, 오랫동안 유닛을 이동시키고 싶지 않다면, '요새화'나 '대기'를 선택하세요.\n'요새화'나 '대기'상태에 있는 유닛들은 자동으로 턴을 넘깁니다.\n'다음 유닛' 버튼은 메뉴의 설정 창에서 끌 수 있습니다.
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = 안녕하십니까? 지금까지 플레이해 주셨다면, 이 게임이\n 완벽히 완성되지 않았다는 것을 깨달으셨을 것입니다.\nUnCiv는 언제나 무료 오픈소스 상태로 배포될 것입니다.\n 광고나 현질 같은 요소는 절대로 추가되지 않는다는 것입니다.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = 그럼에도 제가 이 게임을 계속 개발하는 이유는,\n 여러 플레이어분들께서 게임을 즐겨주시고, 또한 저를 지원해주시기 때문입니다.\n이 게임을 즐겨주시는 여러분, 항상 감사합니다!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = 여러분께서 남겨주시는 평가와 별점들에 감사한 마음을 가지고 있습니다.\n 게임을 재미있게 만들 아이디어가 있다면, 이메일, 평가, Github 사이트\n 등등으로 조언을 남겨 주신다면 감사하겠습니다.\n 정 안되면 비둘기에 편지를 묶어서 보내세요! (장난입니다)\n(플레이 스토어에 제 이메일이 있습니다.)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = 군사 유닛들은 타일 시설을 약탈하여 시설을 무너트리고 25의 HP를 회박할 수 있습니다.\n약탈된 타일에 시민을 배치할 수는 있지만, 시설에 의한 추가 보너스나 여러 자원들을 이용하지 못하게 됩니다.\n일꾼들은 이런 약탈된 시설을 수리할 수 있는데, 이 때에는 새로운 시설을 건설하는 것보다 적은 시간이 걸립니다.
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
Heal Instantly = 즉시 회복
Heal Instantly = 즉시 회복
@ -4088,3 +3976,106 @@ Khan =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn =
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn =
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own!
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. =
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How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. =
# Requires translation!
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = 이렇게 초반 몇 턴동안에는,\n 행동할 수 있는 선택지가 매우 적습니다.\n 하지만 문명이 성장하면 성장할수록, \n 새로운 행동이나 기능들이 나오게 되지요.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = 매 턴 마다, 당신의 도시에서는 '문화'가 생성되며,\n 당신의 문명 전체의 '문화량'에 축적됩니다.\n문화가 특정한 양만큼 축적되게 되면,\n '사회 정책'이라는 것을 채택할 수 있습니다.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = 사회 정책은 여러 개의 '정책 트리'로 구분됩니다.\n하나의 '정책 트리'에 있는 모든 정책이 채택되면,\n 정책이 '완성'되어 추가적인 보너스를 받게 됩니다.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = 채택한 정책 수가 많아질수록, 그리고 도시의 수가 많아질수록,\n 다음 정책 채택에 필요한 문화 축적량이 증가합니다. 주의하세요!
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = 도시의 크기와 영향력이 증가하면, 문명 전체의 '행복도'를 신경써야 합니다.\n'행복도'는 '과학'이나 '금'과 같이, 문명 전체에서 공유되는 값입니다.\n도시가 늘어나고 인구 수가 증가하면 증가할수록, 행복도를 관리하는 것은 매우 어려워집니다.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = 기술을 연구하다 보면, '행복도'를 늘려주는 건물을 지을 수 있게 됩니다.\n만약 행복도가 0 이하로 떨어지게 되면, '불행'상태가 되어 도시들의 성장률이 크게 감소합니다.\n상단에 있는 웃는 아이콘이 행복도를 나타내는데, 문명이 불행하면 불행할수록,\n 군사 유닛들이 전투를 할 때의 '전투력'이 감소하게 됩니다.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = 행복도는 Unciv에서 도시를 마구 확장하는 것에 제한을 둡니다.\n물론 확장은 끝없이 할 수 있지만, 초보자라면 무리한 확장은 피해야 합니다.\n그럼 무엇을 해야 할까요? 도시를 발전시키고, 근처를 정찰하고, '일꾼' 유닛으로 '타일 시설'을 개발하세요.\n적절한 장소를 찾고 나서 새로운 도시를 짓는 것이 좋다는 것을 기억하세요.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = '행복도'가 0 이하가 되면 문명이 '불행' 상태에 빠집니다.\n불행한 상태에서는, 도시의 성장률이 1/4로 감소하게 되며,\n 부족한 행복도 하나마다 유닛의 전투력이 2%씩 감소합니다.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = 불행의 원인에는 크게 '인구'와 '도시' 두 가지가 있습니다.\n 도시 수 하나마다 3의 불행이, 시민 수 하나마다 1의 불행이 생성됩니다.
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = 불행 상태에서 벗어나려면 어떻게 해야 할까요?\n 우선 행복도를 올려주는 건물을 지을 수도 있고,\n '일꾼'을 통해 국경 안에 있는 '사치 자원'을 개발할 수도 있습니다.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = 문명이 황금기에 진입했습니다!\n매 턴마다 행복도가 문명의 '황금기 점수'에 축적되게 되며,\n 일정 수치 이상의 황금기 점수가 축적되면 황금기가 시작됩니다.\n황금기 동안에는, 당신의 문명에서 문화와 생산력을 20% 추가로 생산하고,\n 금을 하나 이상 생산하던 모든 타일에서 금을 1 추가로 생산합니다.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = 도로나 철도를 이용해 수도와 다른 도시를 연결하게 된다면,\n 금을 추가로 만들어내는 '무역로'가 만들어집니다.\n도로 하나마다 매 턴 금 1이, 철도 하나마다 매 턴 금 2가 소모되지만,\n 도시가 성장할 때까지 걸리는 시간은 경제적으로 훨씬 단축될 것입니다.
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = 두 세개의 도시를 짓고 난다면 아마도 100턴이나 150턴 정도가 지나 있을 것입니다.\n아직까지 '승리'에 대해 생각하지 않았다면, 이제 천천히 생각해 나가야 할 시간입니다.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = Unciv에는 현재 세 가지의 승리 조건이 있습니다.\n - '문화 승리'는 사회 정책 트리를 네 개 완료해야 하고,\n - '정복 승리'는 가장 마지막으로 살아남는 문명이 되어야 하며,\n - '과학 승리'는 알파 센타우리로 향한 우주선을 발사해야 합니다.
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = 정리하자면, 이게 Unciv의 전부입니다. 첫 번째 도시를 성장시키며, 행복도를 관리해주고,\n 확장과 발전을 해 나가면서 원하는 승리 조건에 서서히 다가가는 것이지요.\n세부적인 내용이 아직 많지만, 위의 행동들이 거의 전부가 됩니다.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = 적 도시의 체력을 1로 감소시키면 도시 점령이 가능합니다.\n근접 유닛으로만 도시를 점령할 수 있다는 것을 기억하세요!\n도시는 매 턴 체력을 회복하기 때문에, 원거리 유닛으로 멀리서 공격하고\n 근접 유닛으로 도시의 공격을 방어하면서 도시의 체력을 깎아 나가세요!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = 영토 안에 있는 사치 자원들은 타일 시설을 지음으로써 개발할 수 있습니다.\n개발된 사치 자원들은 각각 문명에 행복도를 5 제공하지만,\n 같은 사치 자원이 여러 개라면 행복도 증가는 한 번만 적용됩니다.\n 그러므로 겹치는 사치 자원이 있다면 다른 문명과 거래를 시도하세요.
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = 영토 안에 있는 전략 자원들은 타일 시설을 지음으로써 개발할 수 있습니다.\n전략 자원이 개발되면 그 자원을 필요로 하는 유닛이나 건물을 지을 수 있습니다.\n'말' 전략 자원을 필요로 하는 '기마병' 같은 유닛이 그 예시입니다.\n각 유닛은 전략 자원 하나를 소모하지만, 유닛이 죽게 된다면 소모된 전략 자원은\n 문명으로 다시 돌아오게 되어 다른 유닛을 생산할 때 쓸 수 있습니다.\n상단에 전략 자원의 개수가 표시되게 됩니다.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = 이제 적 도시의 체력을 더이상 깎을 수 없습니다!\n하지만, 점령을 위해서는 '근접 유닛'으로 적 도시를 공격해야 한다는 것을 기억하세요!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = 도시를 점령하고 나면, 도시를 불태울지, 괴뢰 도시로 만들지, 합병할지 선택할 수 있습니다.\n도시를 불태우게 되면, 도시가 파괴될 때까지 인구가 매 턴 1씩 감소합니다.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = 도시를 괴뢰 도시로 만들게 되면, 그 도시 내에서 무엇을 생산할지 지정해줄 수 없습니다.\n괴뢰 도시는 기술에 필요한 연구량이나 정책에 필요한 문화량을 증가시키지 않지만, 다른 시민들보다 1.5배의 불행을 생성해냅니다.\n합병된 도시에서는 무엇을 생산할지 지정해 줄 수 있지만, 무려 두 배의 불행을 생성해냅니다!\n이 불행은 일시적인 것으로, 도시에 법원이 지어지면 불행이 원래대로 생성됩니다.\n괴뢰 도시는 언제나 합병할 수 있지만, 합병된 도시는 괴뢰 도시로 만들 수 없습니다!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = 야만인 유닛을 만났습니다!\n야만인은 문명을 가리지 않고 공격하므로, 민간인 유닛이나\n 정찰병을 가까이 두지 않도록 조심하세요!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = 당신은 방금 다른 문명과 조우했습니다!\n다른 문명들과는 평화롭게 거래를 할 수 있지만,\n 시간이 지나면서 전쟁을 선포하게 될 수도 있습니다.
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = '아폴로 프로그램' 프로젝트를 완료하면, 도시에서 우주선 부품을 개발할 수 있습니다.\n 연구를 계속하면서 부품 개발을 하게 되면, 과학 승리를 할 수 있습니다!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = 부상당한 유닛은 전투력이 하락하지만, 전투를 하지 않으면 점차 체력을 회복합니다.\n유닛들은 적 영토에서 턴당 5의 HP를, 중립 지역에서는 10의 HP를,\n 아군 영토에서는 15의 HP를 회복하며 도시 안에서는 20 HP를 회복합니다.
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = 일꾼들은 타일 시설을 건설할 수 있기 때문에 도시의 성장에 필수적입니다.\n타일 시설은 타일에서의 기초 자원 생산량을 증가시켜서, 도시를 빠르게 성장시킵니다.\n동일한 시민 수를 가진 도시라도 타일 시설이 개발된 쪽이 훨씬 빠르게 성장하지요!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = 공성 유닛들은 도시를 공격할 때 매우 강력하지만, 공격 전에 '설치'를 해야 합니다.\n공성 유닛들이 설치되면, 설치된 타일에서 공격을 할 수 있지만,\n 다른 타일로 이동하게 되면 그 타일에서 다시 설치를 해야 합니다.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = 특정한 기술을 연구하게 되면, 지상 유닛은 바다를 향해 '승선' 할 수 있습니다.\n바다로 '승선'하거나, 지상으로 '상륙'할 경우 유닛의 행동력이 전부 소모됩니다.\n승선한 상태의 지상 유닛들은 방어가 불가능하기 때문에, 조심하세요!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = 이번 턴에 유닛을 이동시키고 싶지 않다면, '다음 유닛' 버튼을 다시 눌러 스킵이 가능합니다.\n만약, 오랫동안 유닛을 이동시키고 싶지 않다면, '요새화'나 '대기'를 선택하세요.\n'요새화'나 '대기'상태에 있는 유닛들은 자동으로 턴을 넘깁니다.\n'다음 유닛' 버튼은 메뉴의 설정 창에서 끌 수 있습니다.
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = 안녕하십니까? 지금까지 플레이해 주셨다면, 이 게임이\n 완벽히 완성되지 않았다는 것을 깨달으셨을 것입니다.\nUnCiv는 언제나 무료 오픈소스 상태로 배포될 것입니다.\n 광고나 현질 같은 요소는 절대로 추가되지 않는다는 것입니다.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = 그럼에도 제가 이 게임을 계속 개발하는 이유는,\n 여러 플레이어분들께서 게임을 즐겨주시고, 또한 저를 지원해주시기 때문입니다.\n이 게임을 즐겨주시는 여러분, 항상 감사합니다!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = 여러분께서 남겨주시는 평가와 별점들에 감사한 마음을 가지고 있습니다.\n 게임을 재미있게 만들 아이디어가 있다면, 이메일, 평가, Github 사이트\n 등등으로 조언을 남겨 주신다면 감사하겠습니다.\n 정 안되면 비둘기에 편지를 묶어서 보내세요! (장난입니다)\n(플레이 스토어에 제 이메일이 있습니다.)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = 군사 유닛들은 타일 시설을 약탈하여 시설을 무너트리고 25의 HP를 회박할 수 있습니다.\n약탈된 타일에 시민을 배치할 수는 있지만, 시설에 의한 추가 보너스나 여러 자원들을 이용하지 못하게 됩니다.\n일꾼들은 이런 약탈된 시설을 수리할 수 있는데, 이 때에는 새로운 시설을 건설하는 것보다 적은 시간이 걸립니다.
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
@ -1512,13 +1512,6 @@ Citrus =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Truffles =
Truffles =
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource =
# Unit types
# Unit types
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
@ -5259,8 +5252,6 @@ Moai =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource =
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
Terrace farm =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
@ -5378,143 +5369,6 @@ Whales =
Pearls =
Pearls =
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! =
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. =
# Requires translation!
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. =
# Requires translation!
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
# Requires translation!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention =
# Requires translation!
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. =
# Requires translation!
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. =
# Requires translation!
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! =
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
# Requires translation!
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. =
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
# Requires translation!
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders =
# Requires translation!
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. =
# Requires translation!
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! =
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
# Requires translation!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
# Requires translation!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! =
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. =
# Requires translation!
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
# Requires translation!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on =
# Requires translation!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities =
# Requires translation!
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! =
# Requires translation!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. =
# Requires translation!
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! =
# Requires translation!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units =
# Requires translation!
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. =
# Requires translation!
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! =
# Requires translation!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. =
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
@ -6143,3 +5997,140 @@ Khan =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn =
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn =
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! =
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. =
# Requires translation!
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. =
# Requires translation!
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
# Requires translation!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention =
# Requires translation!
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. =
# Requires translation!
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. =
# Requires translation!
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! =
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
# Requires translation!
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. =
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
# Requires translation!
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders =
# Requires translation!
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. =
# Requires translation!
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! =
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
# Requires translation!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
# Requires translation!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! =
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. =
# Requires translation!
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
# Requires translation!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on =
# Requires translation!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities =
# Requires translation!
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! =
# Requires translation!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. =
# Requires translation!
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! =
# Requires translation!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units =
# Requires translation!
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. =
# Requires translation!
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! =
# Requires translation!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. =
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
@ -860,10 +860,6 @@ Crab = Krab
Citrus = Cytrusy
Citrus = Cytrusy
Truffles = Trufle
Truffles = Trufle
Terrace farm = Uprawa tarasowa
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 do pożywienia za każdą przyległą Górę
Cannot improve a resource = Nie może ulepszyć zasobu
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = Cywil
Civilian = Cywil
@ -3080,7 +3076,6 @@ Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Może być zbudowane wyłącznie na polach
Moai = Moai
Moai = Moai
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 do pożywienia za każdą przyległą Górę
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 do pożywienia za każdą przyległą Górę
Cannot improve a resource = Nie może ulepszyć zasobu
Terrace farm = Uprawa tarasowa
Terrace farm = Uprawa tarasowa
Ancient ruins = Starożytne ruiny
Ancient ruins = Starożytne ruiny
@ -3158,108 +3153,6 @@ Whales = Wieloryby
Pearls = Perły
Pearls = Perły
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Witaj w grze Unciv!\nPonieważ jest to złożona gra, podane będą zadania krok po kroku, które pomogą Ci zapoznać się z grą.\nSą one całkowicie opcjonalne, więc możesz odkrywać grę na własną ręke! (Wyłączane w Ustawieniach)
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Twoim pierwszym zadaniem jest założenie stolicy.\nTo jest dosyć istotne zadanie gdyż Twoja stolica będzie przynosiła dużo korzyści jeżeli będzie leżała w dobrym miejscu.\nWiele bonusów będzie nadawanych właśnie Twojej stolicy, a poza tym to stolica będzie prawdopodobnie w centrum Twojego imperium.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Po czym poznać że wybrane miejsce jest właściwe?\nNa to pytanie nie ma prostej odpowiedzi, ale zawsze dobrze mieć w swoim zasięgu luksusowe zasoby.\nLuksusowe zasoby to pola z klejnotami, bawełną, lub z jedwabiem (na mapie widoczne są jako uśmieszki obok ikony zasobów)\nTe zasoby sprawiają że Twoja cywilizacja jest zadowolona. Zwróć też uwagę na zasoby, takie jak żelazo, potrzebne do budowy jednostek
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = Jednakże, miasta nie posiadają ustalonej strefy w których pracują ale o tym później!\nTo oznacza, że nie ma potrzeby budować miast przy samych surowcach.\nPowiedzmy że chcesz mieć dostęp do żelaza, ale ten zasób leży niemalże na pustyni.\nNie musisz zakładać miasta przy pustyni. Możesz zbudować miasto kilka pól dalej w bardziej prosperującuch ziemiach\nTwoje miasto z czasem urośnie i ostatecznie dosięgnie swoimi granicami to przysłowiowe żelazo\nJeżeli natomiast jesteś w pilnej potrzebie danego zasobu i nie masz czasu wtedy to może być jedyne wyjście - \n może tak się zdarzyć, a może nie, ale zazwyczaj będziesz miał o wiele za dużo czasu na takie taktyki.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = UWAGA! Polskie tłumaczenie jest w trakcie powstawania, więc za ewentualne błędy i braki w tłumaczeniu z góry przepraszam.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = W pierwszych paru turach większość czynności będzie ograniczona,\njednakże wraz z rozwojem Twojej cywilizacji ilość czynności zwiększy się\n wymagając tym samym od Ciebie większej uwagi na pozostałe.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Co turę każde Miasto generuje Kulturę, która jest wspólna\n dla całej cywilizacji.\nKiedy osiągniesz określony poziom, będziesz mógł\n wybrać nowy Ustrój Społeczny, a co za tym idze otrzymasz bonus.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Ustroje są podzielone na gałęzie, a każda z nich dodaje dodatkową\n zdolność którą otrzymasz po odblokowaniu całej gałęzi.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Z każdym nowym Ustrojem i z każdym nowym powstałym miastem\n koszt nowego Ustroju rośnie więc wybieraj rozsądnie!
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
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Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
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Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Gdy Miasto rozrasta się i staje się bardziej wpływowe powinieneś zacząć zwracać uwagę na mechanikę Zadowolenia mieszkańców, która to\n wpływa na całe imperium, a nie na pojedyńcze Miasta.\nWraz z ekspansją miast utrzymanie Zadowolenia miast stanie się coraz trudniejsze.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Ponad to nie możesz budować ulepszeń dla Miasta, które podnosi Zadowolenie, do czasu zakończenia odpowiednich badań.\nJeżeli Zadowolenie Twojego imperium kiedykolwiek spadnie poniżej zera tempo rozwoju miasta drastycznie zmaleje.\nJeżeli imperium będzie bardzo niezadowolone (znacznik znajduje się na górze interfejsu - to ta buźka)\n Twoje armie doświadczą spadku efektywności w walce.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Jak już widzisz trzeba cały czas balansować pomiędzy rozwojem i ekspansją a Zadowoleniem mieskańców.\nTo nie jest niemożliwe ale jako nowy gracz to nie jest dobry sposób na rozpoczęcie gry.\nPóki co zamiast martwić się zbytnio o Zadowolenie na spokojnie zwiedzaj okoliczne ziemie i ulepszaj\n je przy pomocy Budowniczych.\nCo do Miast to zakładaj je tylko wtedy, kiedy masz pewność że wybrałeś właściwe miejsce.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Wygląda na to że Twoja ludność jest nieszczęśliwa!\nPrzy niskim Zadowoleniu Miasta rozwijają się 4 razy wolniej, a\n Twoje jednostki będą słabsze o 2% za każde Niezadowolenie
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Niezadowolenie ma 2 przyczyny: Obywatele i Miasta.\n Każde miasto odbiera 3 Zadowolenia a każdy Obywatel 1.
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = Są 2 główne sposoby na radzenie sobie z Niezadowoleniem:\n - budowanie konstrukcji przynoszących Zadowolenie Obywatelom\n - pozyskanie lepszych Luksusowych Zasobów.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Brawo !\nTwoje imperium wkroczyło w Złotą Erę!\nPunkty Złotej Ery gromadzone są co ture bazując na Zadowoleniu Twojej cywilizacji\nPodczas Złotej Ery ilość zdobywanej Kultury i Produkcj wzrasta o 20%,\n a każde pole które w tym momencie generuje co najmniej 1 Złoto, dodatkowo będzie dodawało jedno więcej.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Łączenie Twoich Miast do stolicy z użyciem dróg\n będzie dostarczało Złoto poprzez szalak handlowy.\nZauważ jednak że utrzymanie drogi kosztuje 1 Złota na turę a Torowisko 2,\n więc z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia czasem będzie lepiej po\n prostu poczekać aż Miasta urosną.
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Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
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There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
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So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Miasta mogą zostać przejęte po zredukowaniu ich zdrowia do 1 i\n wysłaniu do tego miasta jednostki do walki w zwarciu.\nPonieważ miasta się regenerują co turę najlepiej zrobisz atakując je jednostkami\n do walki dystansowej, jednocześnie osłąniając je jednostkami do walki w zwarciu, do\n momentu w którym Miasto zostanie pokonane!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Zasoby Luksusowe to nic innego jak droga do zysku z handlu.\nKażdy unikatowy Luksusowy Zasób dodaje 5 Zadowolenia Twojej cywilizacji,\n ale dodatkowe Zasoby tego samego typu nie dodają nic,\n więc można je dobrze spożytkować handlując nimi z innymi!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Zasoby Strategiczne pozwalają Tobie na tworzenie nowych jednostek jak również na budowę nowych konstrukcji które\n wymagają tych konkretnych zasobów, jak na prykład Jeźdcy potrzebują Koni\nKażda jednostka 'zabiera' kopię tego zasoby, ale gdy jednostka ginie możesz\n stworzyć nową jednostkę z obecnie niewykorzystanym zasobem.\nPasek na górze pokazuje dokładnie ile takowych zasobów posiadasz
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = Miasto nie może już dłużej stawiać oporu!\nJednakże, aby podbić miasto musisz wprowadzić do niego jednostkę do walki w zwarciu.
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = Podczas podbijania Miasta możesz wybrać czy wolisz zburzyć je, czerpać z niego zysk\n w zamian namiastkę autonomii czy zaanektować.\nBurzenie miasta będzie co ture zabierało 1 Populacji co turę do momentu kiedy miasto zostanie zniszczone.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Uczynienie z Miasta marionetki oznacza tyle co czerpanie z niego korzyści ale brak kontroli nad produkcją.\nSamo Miasto nie zwiększy kosztów Technologii czy Ustroi Społecznych, ale jego mieszkańcy będą generować 1.5x podstawowego Niezadowolenia.\nZaanektowanie Miasta da Ci kontrolę nad produkcją, ale tym samym zwiększy przyrost Niezadowolenia Obywateli dwukrotnie!\nZłagodzić to może zbudowanie Sądu w mieście, co przywróci Niezadowolenie Obywateli do normy.\nMiasta-marionetki mogą zostać zaanektowane, ale w drugą stronę to już nie zadziała!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Napotkałeś jednostkę Barbażyńców!\nBarbażyńcy atakują wszystkich bez wyjątku, więc nie pozwól\n swoim Cywilom zbliżać się do nich!\nUważaj też na swoich Zwiadowców!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Napotkałeś nową cywilizację!\nNowo poznane cywilizacje zawsze są na początku obojętne, więc to od Ciebie\n zależy czy wypowiesz im wojnę, czy będziesz z nimi handlował.
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Po ukończeniu programu Apollo możesz rozpocząć budowę części statku kosmicznego w swoich Miastach\n (mając odpowiednie technologie oczywiście) i tym samym osiągnąć Naukowe Zwycięstwo!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = Zranione jednostki zadają mniejsze obrażenia, lecz regenerują się w każdej turze w której\n nie zostały użyte. Jednostki leczą się po:\n - 20 punktów w Twoich Miastach\n - 15 na Twoim terytorium\n - 10 na neutralnych ziemiach\n - 5 na terenie wroga
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Robotnicy są istotni dla rozwoju Twoich Miast bo jako jedyni są w stanie budować ulepszenia\n na polach. Ulepszenia zwiększają wydajność Twoich pól, pozwalając Miastom na znacznie szybszą\n produkuckję i rozwój, zachowując tą samą liczbę pracujących pól.
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Jednostki przystosowane do oblężeń są niezwykle potężne przeciwko Miastom, ale wymagają wcześniejszego\n przygotowania zanim mogą być użyte.\nPo przygotowaniu takiej jednostki, może ona atakować z tego pola. Jeżeli jednak przeniesiesz jednostkę\n na inne pole, znowu będze potrzebna chwila na prygotowanie.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Po odblokowaniu pewnych technologi, twoje lądowe jednostki będą mogły wsiąść na pokład statku i \n przemieszczać się po wodzie\nWejście i zejście z pokładu trwa całą turę.\nJednostki na czas wchodzenia lub zchodzenia ze statku są bezbronni, więc uważaj!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = Jeżeli nie chcesz wykonywać daną jednostką żadnych akcji w danej turze możesz ponownie kliknąć\n przycisk 'Następna jednostka'.\nJeżeli nie planujesz w najbliższym czasie żadnych akcji związanych z daną jednostką możesz wprowadzić\n ją w tryb snu lub fortyfikacji - te jednostki nie będą brane pod uwagę jako bezczynne.\nJeżeli chcesz wyłączyć funkcje 'Następna jednostka' całkowicie, możesz\n to zrobić w Menu -> Sprawdź jednostki czekające na rozkazy
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Witaj ! Jeżeli doszedłeś aż tutaj to prawdopodobnie\n zauważyłeś już że obecnie gra jest niekompletna.\nUnCiv jest tworzone jako całkowicie darmowa gra.\nWięc żadnych reklam czy innych dziwactw.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = To co naprawdę mnie motywuje do pracy na tą grą, poza\n tym że samo tworzenie sprawia mi frajdę, jest wsparcie\n od innych graczy - jesteście najlepsi!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Każda ocena i opinia motywuje mnie do dalszego działania.\nWięc skontaktuj się ze mną! Wyślij mi maila, opinię albo\n gołębiem pocztowym, i razem stwórzmy wspaniałą grę!\n(Dane kontaktowe znajdują się w Sklepie Play)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Jednostki wojskowe mogą plądrować ulepszenia co w rezultacie regeneruje im 25 punktów zdrowia, a tym samym\nniszczy ulepszenie\nNa tym polu wciąż będzie można pracować, ale wszystkie korzyści wynikające z ulepszenia - przepadają.\nRobotnicy mogą naprawiać ulepszenia, co zajmuje mniej czasu niż budowanie ich od początku.
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Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
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Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
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Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
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Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
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Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
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In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
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The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
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Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
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Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
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Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
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Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
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Heal Instantly = Natychmiastowe leczenie
Heal Instantly = Natychmiastowe leczenie
@ -3662,3 +3555,105 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = +15% do walki dla jednostek w zasięgu 2
Khan = Chan
Khan = Chan
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Leczy sąsiadujące jednostki 15 punktów zdrowia na turę
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Leczy sąsiadujące jednostki 15 punktów zdrowia na turę
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Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Witaj w grze Unciv!\nPonieważ jest to złożona gra, podane będą zadania krok po kroku, które pomogą Ci zapoznać się z grą.\nSą one całkowicie opcjonalne, więc możesz odkrywać grę na własną ręke! (Wyłączane w Ustawieniach)
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Twoim pierwszym zadaniem jest założenie stolicy.\nTo jest dosyć istotne zadanie gdyż Twoja stolica będzie przynosiła dużo korzyści jeżeli będzie leżała w dobrym miejscu.\nWiele bonusów będzie nadawanych właśnie Twojej stolicy, a poza tym to stolica będzie prawdopodobnie w centrum Twojego imperium.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Po czym poznać że wybrane miejsce jest właściwe?\nNa to pytanie nie ma prostej odpowiedzi, ale zawsze dobrze mieć w swoim zasięgu luksusowe zasoby.\nLuksusowe zasoby to pola z klejnotami, bawełną, lub z jedwabiem (na mapie widoczne są jako uśmieszki obok ikony zasobów)\nTe zasoby sprawiają że Twoja cywilizacja jest zadowolona. Zwróć też uwagę na zasoby, takie jak żelazo, potrzebne do budowy jednostek
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = Jednakże, miasta nie posiadają ustalonej strefy w których pracują ale o tym później!\nTo oznacza, że nie ma potrzeby budować miast przy samych surowcach.\nPowiedzmy że chcesz mieć dostęp do żelaza, ale ten zasób leży niemalże na pustyni.\nNie musisz zakładać miasta przy pustyni. Możesz zbudować miasto kilka pól dalej w bardziej prosperującuch ziemiach\nTwoje miasto z czasem urośnie i ostatecznie dosięgnie swoimi granicami to przysłowiowe żelazo\nJeżeli natomiast jesteś w pilnej potrzebie danego zasobu i nie masz czasu wtedy to może być jedyne wyjście - \n może tak się zdarzyć, a może nie, ale zazwyczaj będziesz miał o wiele za dużo czasu na takie taktyki.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = UWAGA! Polskie tłumaczenie jest w trakcie powstawania, więc za ewentualne błędy i braki w tłumaczeniu z góry przepraszam.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = W pierwszych paru turach większość czynności będzie ograniczona,\njednakże wraz z rozwojem Twojej cywilizacji ilość czynności zwiększy się\n wymagając tym samym od Ciebie większej uwagi na pozostałe.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Co turę każde Miasto generuje Kulturę, która jest wspólna\n dla całej cywilizacji.\nKiedy osiągniesz określony poziom, będziesz mógł\n wybrać nowy Ustrój Społeczny, a co za tym idze otrzymasz bonus.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Ustroje są podzielone na gałęzie, a każda z nich dodaje dodatkową\n zdolność którą otrzymasz po odblokowaniu całej gałęzi.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Z każdym nowym Ustrojem i z każdym nowym powstałym miastem\n koszt nowego Ustroju rośnie więc wybieraj rozsądnie!
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Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
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Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
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Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Gdy Miasto rozrasta się i staje się bardziej wpływowe powinieneś zacząć zwracać uwagę na mechanikę Zadowolenia mieszkańców, która to\n wpływa na całe imperium, a nie na pojedyńcze Miasta.\nWraz z ekspansją miast utrzymanie Zadowolenia miast stanie się coraz trudniejsze.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Ponad to nie możesz budować ulepszeń dla Miasta, które podnosi Zadowolenie, do czasu zakończenia odpowiednich badań.\nJeżeli Zadowolenie Twojego imperium kiedykolwiek spadnie poniżej zera tempo rozwoju miasta drastycznie zmaleje.\nJeżeli imperium będzie bardzo niezadowolone (znacznik znajduje się na górze interfejsu - to ta buźka)\n Twoje armie doświadczą spadku efektywności w walce.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Jak już widzisz trzeba cały czas balansować pomiędzy rozwojem i ekspansją a Zadowoleniem mieskańców.\nTo nie jest niemożliwe ale jako nowy gracz to nie jest dobry sposób na rozpoczęcie gry.\nPóki co zamiast martwić się zbytnio o Zadowolenie na spokojnie zwiedzaj okoliczne ziemie i ulepszaj\n je przy pomocy Budowniczych.\nCo do Miast to zakładaj je tylko wtedy, kiedy masz pewność że wybrałeś właściwe miejsce.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Wygląda na to że Twoja ludność jest nieszczęśliwa!\nPrzy niskim Zadowoleniu Miasta rozwijają się 4 razy wolniej, a\n Twoje jednostki będą słabsze o 2% za każde Niezadowolenie
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Niezadowolenie ma 2 przyczyny: Obywatele i Miasta.\n Każde miasto odbiera 3 Zadowolenia a każdy Obywatel 1.
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = Są 2 główne sposoby na radzenie sobie z Niezadowoleniem:\n - budowanie konstrukcji przynoszących Zadowolenie Obywatelom\n - pozyskanie lepszych Luksusowych Zasobów.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Brawo !\nTwoje imperium wkroczyło w Złotą Erę!\nPunkty Złotej Ery gromadzone są co ture bazując na Zadowoleniu Twojej cywilizacji\nPodczas Złotej Ery ilość zdobywanej Kultury i Produkcj wzrasta o 20%,\n a każde pole które w tym momencie generuje co najmniej 1 Złoto, dodatkowo będzie dodawało jedno więcej.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Łączenie Twoich Miast do stolicy z użyciem dróg\n będzie dostarczało Złoto poprzez szalak handlowy.\nZauważ jednak że utrzymanie drogi kosztuje 1 Złota na turę a Torowisko 2,\n więc z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia czasem będzie lepiej po\n prostu poczekać aż Miasta urosną.
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
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There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Miasta mogą zostać przejęte po zredukowaniu ich zdrowia do 1 i\n wysłaniu do tego miasta jednostki do walki w zwarciu.\nPonieważ miasta się regenerują co turę najlepiej zrobisz atakując je jednostkami\n do walki dystansowej, jednocześnie osłąniając je jednostkami do walki w zwarciu, do\n momentu w którym Miasto zostanie pokonane!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Zasoby Luksusowe to nic innego jak droga do zysku z handlu.\nKażdy unikatowy Luksusowy Zasób dodaje 5 Zadowolenia Twojej cywilizacji,\n ale dodatkowe Zasoby tego samego typu nie dodają nic,\n więc można je dobrze spożytkować handlując nimi z innymi!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Zasoby Strategiczne pozwalają Tobie na tworzenie nowych jednostek jak również na budowę nowych konstrukcji które\n wymagają tych konkretnych zasobów, jak na prykład Jeźdcy potrzebują Koni\nKażda jednostka 'zabiera' kopię tego zasoby, ale gdy jednostka ginie możesz\n stworzyć nową jednostkę z obecnie niewykorzystanym zasobem.\nPasek na górze pokazuje dokładnie ile takowych zasobów posiadasz
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = Miasto nie może już dłużej stawiać oporu!\nJednakże, aby podbić miasto musisz wprowadzić do niego jednostkę do walki w zwarciu.
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = Podczas podbijania Miasta możesz wybrać czy wolisz zburzyć je, czerpać z niego zysk\n w zamian namiastkę autonomii czy zaanektować.\nBurzenie miasta będzie co ture zabierało 1 Populacji co turę do momentu kiedy miasto zostanie zniszczone.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Uczynienie z Miasta marionetki oznacza tyle co czerpanie z niego korzyści ale brak kontroli nad produkcją.\nSamo Miasto nie zwiększy kosztów Technologii czy Ustroi Społecznych, ale jego mieszkańcy będą generować 1.5x podstawowego Niezadowolenia.\nZaanektowanie Miasta da Ci kontrolę nad produkcją, ale tym samym zwiększy przyrost Niezadowolenia Obywateli dwukrotnie!\nZłagodzić to może zbudowanie Sądu w mieście, co przywróci Niezadowolenie Obywateli do normy.\nMiasta-marionetki mogą zostać zaanektowane, ale w drugą stronę to już nie zadziała!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Napotkałeś jednostkę Barbażyńców!\nBarbażyńcy atakują wszystkich bez wyjątku, więc nie pozwól\n swoim Cywilom zbliżać się do nich!\nUważaj też na swoich Zwiadowców!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Napotkałeś nową cywilizację!\nNowo poznane cywilizacje zawsze są na początku obojętne, więc to od Ciebie\n zależy czy wypowiesz im wojnę, czy będziesz z nimi handlował.
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Po ukończeniu programu Apollo możesz rozpocząć budowę części statku kosmicznego w swoich Miastach\n (mając odpowiednie technologie oczywiście) i tym samym osiągnąć Naukowe Zwycięstwo!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = Zranione jednostki zadają mniejsze obrażenia, lecz regenerują się w każdej turze w której\n nie zostały użyte. Jednostki leczą się po:\n - 20 punktów w Twoich Miastach\n - 15 na Twoim terytorium\n - 10 na neutralnych ziemiach\n - 5 na terenie wroga
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Robotnicy są istotni dla rozwoju Twoich Miast bo jako jedyni są w stanie budować ulepszenia\n na polach. Ulepszenia zwiększają wydajność Twoich pól, pozwalając Miastom na znacznie szybszą\n produkuckję i rozwój, zachowując tą samą liczbę pracujących pól.
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Jednostki przystosowane do oblężeń są niezwykle potężne przeciwko Miastom, ale wymagają wcześniejszego\n przygotowania zanim mogą być użyte.\nPo przygotowaniu takiej jednostki, może ona atakować z tego pola. Jeżeli jednak przeniesiesz jednostkę\n na inne pole, znowu będze potrzebna chwila na prygotowanie.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Po odblokowaniu pewnych technologi, twoje lądowe jednostki będą mogły wsiąść na pokład statku i \n przemieszczać się po wodzie\nWejście i zejście z pokładu trwa całą turę.\nJednostki na czas wchodzenia lub zchodzenia ze statku są bezbronni, więc uważaj!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = Jeżeli nie chcesz wykonywać daną jednostką żadnych akcji w danej turze możesz ponownie kliknąć\n przycisk 'Następna jednostka'.\nJeżeli nie planujesz w najbliższym czasie żadnych akcji związanych z daną jednostką możesz wprowadzić\n ją w tryb snu lub fortyfikacji - te jednostki nie będą brane pod uwagę jako bezczynne.\nJeżeli chcesz wyłączyć funkcje 'Następna jednostka' całkowicie, możesz\n to zrobić w Menu -> Sprawdź jednostki czekające na rozkazy
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Witaj ! Jeżeli doszedłeś aż tutaj to prawdopodobnie\n zauważyłeś już że obecnie gra jest niekompletna.\nUnCiv jest tworzone jako całkowicie darmowa gra.\nWięc żadnych reklam czy innych dziwactw.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = To co naprawdę mnie motywuje do pracy na tą grą, poza\n tym że samo tworzenie sprawia mi frajdę, jest wsparcie\n od innych graczy - jesteście najlepsi!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Każda ocena i opinia motywuje mnie do dalszego działania.\nWięc skontaktuj się ze mną! Wyślij mi maila, opinię albo\n gołębiem pocztowym, i razem stwórzmy wspaniałą grę!\n(Dane kontaktowe znajdują się w Sklepie Play)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Jednostki wojskowe mogą plądrować ulepszenia co w rezultacie regeneruje im 25 punktów zdrowia, a tym samym\nniszczy ulepszenie\nNa tym polu wciąż będzie można pracować, ale wszystkie korzyści wynikające z ulepszenia - przepadają.\nRobotnicy mogą naprawiać ulepszenia, co zajmuje mniej czasu niż budowanie ich od początku.
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
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Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
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Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
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In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
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The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
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Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
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Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
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Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1022,11 +1022,6 @@ Crab = Crab
Citrus = Citrus
Citrus = Citrus
Truffles = Trufe
Truffles = Trufe
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 mâncare pentru fiecare Munte alăturat
Cannot improve a resource = O resursă nu poate fi înbunătățită
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = Civil
Civilian = Civil
@ -4436,7 +4431,6 @@ Can only be built on Coastal tiles =
Moai =
Moai =
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 mâncare pentru fiecare Munte alăturat
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 mâncare pentru fiecare Munte alăturat
Cannot improve a resource = O resursă nu poate fi înbunătățită
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
Terrace farm =
@ -4517,143 +4511,6 @@ Whales = Balene
Pearls = Perle
Pearls = Perle
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! =
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. =
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How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. =
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However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
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The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
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In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention =
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Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. =
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The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. =
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With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! =
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Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
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Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
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Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
# Requires translation!
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. =
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
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This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
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It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
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There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders =
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You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. =
# Requires translation!
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! =
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
# Requires translation!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
# Requires translation!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! =
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. =
# Requires translation!
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
# Requires translation!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. =
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Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on =
# Requires translation!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities =
# Requires translation!
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! =
# Requires translation!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. =
# Requires translation!
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! =
# Requires translation!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units =
# Requires translation!
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. =
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What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! =
# Requires translation!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. =
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
Heal Instantly = Vindecare instantanee
Heal Instantly = Vindecare instantanee
@ -5125,3 +4982,140 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = Bonus pentru unitățile în raza de 2 ce
Khan = Han
Khan = Han
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Vindecă unitățile adiacente cu 15 HP pe tură
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Vindecă unitățile adiacente cu 15 HP pe tură
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! =
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. =
# Requires translation!
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. =
# Requires translation!
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
# Requires translation!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention =
# Requires translation!
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. =
# Requires translation!
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. =
# Requires translation!
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! =
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
# Requires translation!
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. =
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
# Requires translation!
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders =
# Requires translation!
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. =
# Requires translation!
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! =
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
# Requires translation!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
# Requires translation!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! =
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. =
# Requires translation!
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
# Requires translation!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on =
# Requires translation!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities =
# Requires translation!
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! =
# Requires translation!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. =
# Requires translation!
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! =
# Requires translation!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units =
# Requires translation!
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. =
# Requires translation!
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! =
# Requires translation!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. =
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
@ -868,10 +868,6 @@ Crab = Крабы
Citrus = Цитрусы
Citrus = Цитрусы
Truffles = Трюфели
Truffles = Трюфели
Terrace farm = Террасная ферма
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 еда за каждую примыкающую Гору
Cannot improve a resource = Не дает добычи рессурсов
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = Мирный житель
Civilian = Мирный житель
@ -3305,7 +3301,6 @@ Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Можно построить только
Moai = Статуя Моаи
Moai = Статуя Моаи
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 еда за каждую примыкающую Гору
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 еда за каждую примыкающую Гору
Cannot improve a resource = Не дает добычи рессурсов
Terrace farm = Террасная ферма
Terrace farm = Террасная ферма
Ancient ruins = Древние руины
Ancient ruins = Древние руины
@ -3383,107 +3378,6 @@ Whales = Киты
Pearls = Жемчуг
Pearls = Жемчуг
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Добро пожаловать в Unciv!\nТак как это сложная игра, здесь находятся основные подсказки, чтобы помочь вам познакомиться с игрой.\nЭто абсолютно необязательно, и вы можете cамостоятельно исследовать игру!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Во-первых, вам надо основать столицу.\nЭто очень важно, ведь столица, скорее всего, будет наиболее процветающим городом.\nМножестов бонусов доступно только в столице, и именно она будет центром вашей империи.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Как вы узнаете, что место подходящее?\nНа этот вопрос не так просто ответить, но оптимальнее всего сториться рядом с редкими ресурсами.\nРедкие ресурсы — это ресурсы вроде самоцветов, хлопка или шёлка (помечены смайликом рядом с иконкой ресурсов).\nЭти ресурсы делают население счастливым. Также важно искать ресурсы, необходимые для постройки юнитов, например железо.
# Requires translation!
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = В ваши первые несколько ходов\n у вас будет очень мало возможностей,\n но когда ваша цивилизация будет расти, также будет \n расти количество вещей требующих внимания.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Каждый ход культура, которую вы получаете от всех ваших \n городов добавляется к культуре вашей Цивилизации.\nКогда у вас достаточно культуры, вы можете выбрать\n Общественный Институт, каждый из которых даёт определённый бонус.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Институты объеденины в ветви, каждая из\n ветвей даёт бонусную способность, когда все \n институты в ветви приняты.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = С каждым принятым институтом, и с каждым основаным городом,\n цена принятия новой политики растёт - так что выбирайте мудро!
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Так как города растут в размере и влиянии, вам надо работать с механикой счастья что больше не связана с каждым отдельным городом.\nВместо этого по вашей империи распределяется тот же уровень удовлетворения.\nТак как ваши города растут вы найдёте что всё труднее и труднее держать свою империю счастливой.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = К тому же, вы также не можете строить любые улучшения города что увеличивают счастье до тех пор пока не выполните соответствующее исследование.\nЕсли здоровье вашей империи упадёт ниже нуля то cкорость роста в городах снизиться.\nЕсли ваша империя станет крайне несчастливой(отображается как изображение лица наверху интерфейса)\n ваши армии получат большой штраф который скажется на их общей эффективности.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Это означает что очень сложно быстро расшириться в Unciv.\nЭто не невозможно, но как новый игрок вы, возможно, не должны этого делать.\nТак что вам надо делать? Успокойтесь, разведывайте и улучшайте местность, что можно обеспечить постройкой Рабочих.\nТолько строя новые города вы сможете найти место, которое считате подходящим.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Кажется ваши жители недовольны!\nКогда жители недовольны, города растут в 4 раза медленнее\n и ваши юниты получают 2% штрафа за каждую единицу недовольства.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Недовольство имеет две главные причины: Население и города.\n Каждый город вызывает 3 недовольства и каждый житель 1.
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = Есть два способа борьбы с недовольством:\n строительство зданий увеличивающих счастье вашего населения\n или имея улучшенные редкие ресурсы внутри ваших границ.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Вы вошли в золотой век!\nОчки золотого века увеличиваются, каждый ход, на общее количество счастья\n вашей цивилизации.\nКогда идёт золотой век выработка культуры и производства увеличивается на 20%\n и каждая клетка, производящая хотя бы 1 золото, предоставляет дополнительное золото.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Вы основали ваш второй город!\nСоединение ваших городов со столицей дорогами\n будет вырабатывать золото через торговые пути.\nУчитывайте что содержание каждой дороги стоит 1 золото за ход, \n так что может быть экономнее подождать роста ваших городов!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = С тех пор как вы разместили свои первые 2 или 3 города вы уже, вероятно, сделали от 100 до 150 ходов в игре.\nСейчас хорошее время чтобы начать думать об том, как вы хочете выиграть – если вы ещё не определились с этим.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = Есть три способа победить в Unciv.Это:\n - Культурная победа: Закончите 5 ветвей общественных институтов.\n - Завоевание: Станьте последней выжившей цивилизацией.\n - Научная победа: Первым постройте космический корабль к Альфа Центавра.
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = Таким образом обобщу, это основы Unciv – Расположите первый процветающий город, медленно расширяйтесь, для контроля счастья,\n настройте себя на условие победы и гонитесь за выбранной.\nОчевидно, для этого надо намного больше чем есть тут, но важно не прыгать глубоко до того, как ты умееш плавать.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Вы встретили вражеский город!\nГорода могут быть захвачены уменьшением их здоровья до 0\n и входом в город юнита ближнего боя.\nВвиду того что города лечатся каждый ход лучше всего атаковать юнитами дальнего боя\n и защищать их юнитами ближнего боя, тогда город не будет побеждён!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Вы добыли ваш первый редкий ресурс!\nКаждый уникальный редкий ресурс, который у вас есть добавляет 5 счастья вашей цивилизации,\n но дополнительные ресурсы ничего не дают,\n поэтому используйте их для торговли с другими цивилизациями!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Вы добыли ваш первый стратегический ресурс!\nСтратегические ресурсы позволяют вам тренировать юнитов и строить постройки, которые\n требуют эти специфические ресурсы, например Кавалеристу необходимы лошади.\nКаждый юнит 'потребляет' единицу этого ресурса, но если этот юнит уничтожен вы можете\n создать нового юнита с помощью ваших неиспользованных ресурсов.\nВерхняя панель показывает сколлько у вас не использованных стратегических ресурсов.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = Город больше не может сопротивлятся!\nОднако, чтобы его захватить вы должны войти в город с юнитом ближнего боя.
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = Когда захватываете город , вы сейчас можете выбрать cледующее: cнести город, сделать своей марионеткой или оккупировать его.\nСнос города будет уменьшать его население на 1 жителя, каждый ход, пока город не разрушиться.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Напрямую контролировать производство в городе-сателлите нельзя.\nГород не будет увеличивать стоимость технологий или институтов, но его жители будут производить в 1,5 раза больше несчастья.\nОккупация города означает что у вас будет контроль над его производством, но увеличит количество несчастья от жителей в 2 раза!\nЭто может быть уменьшено постройкой в городе суда, возвращая несчастье от жителей к обычному уровню.\nГород-сателлит может быть оккупирован в любое время, но оккупированные города не могут снова стать сателлитом!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Вы встретили варварский юнит!\nВарвары атакуют всех без разбора, поэтому не давайте вашим\n мирным юнитам проходить рядом с ними и будьте осторожны отправляя вашего разведчика!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Вы встретили другую цивилизацию!\nДругие цивилизации начинают мирно, и вы можете торговать с ними,\n но позднее они могут решить объявить вам войну.
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = С тех пор как вы закончили Программу Аполлон можете начинать строить части космического корабля в своих городах\n (с соотвествующими технологиями) чтобы сделать научную победу.
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = Раненые юниты наносят меньше урона, но восстанавливаются в течении тех ходов, в течении которых они были неактивны.\nЮниты излечивают 5 очка здоровья на вражеской територии, 10 на нейтральной земле,\n 15 внутри вашей територии и 20 в ваших городах
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Рабочие жизненно необходимы для роста ваших городов, только с тех пор как они могут сооружать улучшения на клетках.\nУлучшения повышают урожай с ваших клеток, разрешая, в тоже время, вашему городу всё больше производить и расти быстрее!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Осадные юниты чрезвычайно мощны против городов, но требуют Подготовку перед тем как они смогут атаковать.\nКак только юнит подготовлен, он может атаковать из текущей клетки,\n но как только юнит переместиться на другую клетку, он будет нуждаться в новой подготовке.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Единожды нужная технология будет изучена,ваши наземные юниты смогут подниматься на борт, разрешая им перемещаться по водным клеткам.\nВхождение или выход из воды занимает весь ход.\nЮниты теряют обороноспособность, так что будьте осторожны!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = Если вы не хочете перемещать юнит на этом ходу, то можете пропустить его, снова нажимая на ‘Следующий юнит’.\nЕсли вы не будете перемещать его в течении длительного срока времени, то можете применить режим Укрепления или Сна – \n юниты в Укреплении или Сне не считаются бездействующими юнитами.\nЕсли вы хочете отменить особенность ‘Следующий юнит’ то можете переключить её в Меню -> Проверка на бездействующие юниты.
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Привет! Если вы доиграли досюда, вы наверное\n заметили, что эта игра сейчас не закончена.\nUnCiv предназначено быть с открытым исходным кодом и бесплатной, навсегда.\n Это означает, что она без рекламы или любой другой ерунды.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Что мотивирует меня продолжать работать, \n кроме того факта, что я думаю это невероятно круто, что я могу,\n так это вся эта поддержка от игроков - вы лучшие ребята!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Каждая оценка и обзор, которые я получаю вызывает на моём лице улыбку =)\nПоэтому свяжитесь со мной! Отправте мне емейл, обзор, вопрос на Github\n Или почтового голубя и давайте разберёмся как сделать игру\n ещё более потрясающей!\n(Контактная информация находится в Play Store)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Военные юниты могут грабить улучшения, что лечит им 25 здоровья и разрушает улучшение.\nКлетка может продолжать работать, но её преимущества от улучшения – бонусы к характеристикам и ресурсы – будут потеряны.\nРабочие могут починить эти улучшения, что займёт меньше времени чем его строительство .
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
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Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
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Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
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Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
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In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
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The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
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Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
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Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
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Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
Heal Instantly = Мгновенное излечение
Heal Instantly = Мгновенное излечение
@ -3889,3 +3783,104 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = Бонус к атаке юнитам в
Khan = Хан
Khan = Хан
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Дополнительное лечение соседних юнитов на 15 HP каждый ход
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Дополнительное лечение соседних юнитов на 15 HP каждый ход
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Добро пожаловать в Unciv!\nТак как это сложная игра, здесь находятся основные подсказки, чтобы помочь вам познакомиться с игрой.\nЭто абсолютно необязательно, и вы можете cамостоятельно исследовать игру!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Во-первых, вам надо основать столицу.\nЭто очень важно, ведь столица, скорее всего, будет наиболее процветающим городом.\nМножестов бонусов доступно только в столице, и именно она будет центром вашей империи.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Как вы узнаете, что место подходящее?\nНа этот вопрос не так просто ответить, но оптимальнее всего сториться рядом с редкими ресурсами.\nРедкие ресурсы — это ресурсы вроде самоцветов, хлопка или шёлка (помечены смайликом рядом с иконкой ресурсов).\nЭти ресурсы делают население счастливым. Также важно искать ресурсы, необходимые для постройки юнитов, например железо.
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However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
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The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = В ваши первые несколько ходов\n у вас будет очень мало возможностей,\n но когда ваша цивилизация будет расти, также будет \n расти количество вещей требующих внимания.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Каждый ход культура, которую вы получаете от всех ваших \n городов добавляется к культуре вашей Цивилизации.\nКогда у вас достаточно культуры, вы можете выбрать\n Общественный Институт, каждый из которых даёт определённый бонус.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Институты объеденины в ветви, каждая из\n ветвей даёт бонусную способность, когда все \n институты в ветви приняты.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = С каждым принятым институтом, и с каждым основаным городом,\n цена принятия новой политики растёт - так что выбирайте мудро!
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
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Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
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Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Так как города растут в размере и влиянии, вам надо работать с механикой счастья что больше не связана с каждым отдельным городом.\nВместо этого по вашей империи распределяется тот же уровень удовлетворения.\nТак как ваши города растут вы найдёте что всё труднее и труднее держать свою империю счастливой.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = К тому же, вы также не можете строить любые улучшения города что увеличивают счастье до тех пор пока не выполните соответствующее исследование.\nЕсли здоровье вашей империи упадёт ниже нуля то cкорость роста в городах снизиться.\nЕсли ваша империя станет крайне несчастливой(отображается как изображение лица наверху интерфейса)\n ваши армии получат большой штраф который скажется на их общей эффективности.
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Это означает что очень сложно быстро расшириться в Unciv.\nЭто не невозможно, но как новый игрок вы, возможно, не должны этого делать.\nТак что вам надо делать? Успокойтесь, разведывайте и улучшайте местность, что можно обеспечить постройкой Рабочих.\nТолько строя новые города вы сможете найти место, которое считате подходящим.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Кажется ваши жители недовольны!\nКогда жители недовольны, города растут в 4 раза медленнее\n и ваши юниты получают 2% штрафа за каждую единицу недовольства.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Недовольство имеет две главные причины: Население и города.\n Каждый город вызывает 3 недовольства и каждый житель 1.
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = Есть два способа борьбы с недовольством:\n строительство зданий увеличивающих счастье вашего населения\n или имея улучшенные редкие ресурсы внутри ваших границ.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Вы вошли в золотой век!\nОчки золотого века увеличиваются, каждый ход, на общее количество счастья\n вашей цивилизации.\nКогда идёт золотой век выработка культуры и производства увеличивается на 20%\n и каждая клетка, производящая хотя бы 1 золото, предоставляет дополнительное золото.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Вы основали ваш второй город!\nСоединение ваших городов со столицей дорогами\n будет вырабатывать золото через торговые пути.\nУчитывайте что содержание каждой дороги стоит 1 золото за ход, \n так что может быть экономнее подождать роста ваших городов!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = С тех пор как вы разместили свои первые 2 или 3 города вы уже, вероятно, сделали от 100 до 150 ходов в игре.\nСейчас хорошее время чтобы начать думать об том, как вы хочете выиграть – если вы ещё не определились с этим.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = Есть три способа победить в Unciv.Это:\n - Культурная победа: Закончите 5 ветвей общественных институтов.\n - Завоевание: Станьте последней выжившей цивилизацией.\n - Научная победа: Первым постройте космический корабль к Альфа Центавра.
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = Таким образом обобщу, это основы Unciv – Расположите первый процветающий город, медленно расширяйтесь, для контроля счастья,\n настройте себя на условие победы и гонитесь за выбранной.\nОчевидно, для этого надо намного больше чем есть тут, но важно не прыгать глубоко до того, как ты умееш плавать.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Вы встретили вражеский город!\nГорода могут быть захвачены уменьшением их здоровья до 0\n и входом в город юнита ближнего боя.\nВвиду того что города лечатся каждый ход лучше всего атаковать юнитами дальнего боя\n и защищать их юнитами ближнего боя, тогда город не будет побеждён!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Вы добыли ваш первый редкий ресурс!\nКаждый уникальный редкий ресурс, который у вас есть добавляет 5 счастья вашей цивилизации,\n но дополнительные ресурсы ничего не дают,\n поэтому используйте их для торговли с другими цивилизациями!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Вы добыли ваш первый стратегический ресурс!\nСтратегические ресурсы позволяют вам тренировать юнитов и строить постройки, которые\n требуют эти специфические ресурсы, например Кавалеристу необходимы лошади.\nКаждый юнит 'потребляет' единицу этого ресурса, но если этот юнит уничтожен вы можете\n создать нового юнита с помощью ваших неиспользованных ресурсов.\nВерхняя панель показывает сколлько у вас не использованных стратегических ресурсов.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = Город больше не может сопротивлятся!\nОднако, чтобы его захватить вы должны войти в город с юнитом ближнего боя.
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = Когда захватываете город , вы сейчас можете выбрать cледующее: cнести город, сделать своей марионеткой или оккупировать его.\nСнос города будет уменьшать его население на 1 жителя, каждый ход, пока город не разрушиться.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Напрямую контролировать производство в городе-сателлите нельзя.\nГород не будет увеличивать стоимость технологий или институтов, но его жители будут производить в 1,5 раза больше несчастья.\nОккупация города означает что у вас будет контроль над его производством, но увеличит количество несчастья от жителей в 2 раза!\nЭто может быть уменьшено постройкой в городе суда, возвращая несчастье от жителей к обычному уровню.\nГород-сателлит может быть оккупирован в любое время, но оккупированные города не могут снова стать сателлитом!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Вы встретили варварский юнит!\nВарвары атакуют всех без разбора, поэтому не давайте вашим\n мирным юнитам проходить рядом с ними и будьте осторожны отправляя вашего разведчика!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Вы встретили другую цивилизацию!\nДругие цивилизации начинают мирно, и вы можете торговать с ними,\n но позднее они могут решить объявить вам войну.
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = С тех пор как вы закончили Программу Аполлон можете начинать строить части космического корабля в своих городах\n (с соотвествующими технологиями) чтобы сделать научную победу.
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = Раненые юниты наносят меньше урона, но восстанавливаются в течении тех ходов, в течении которых они были неактивны.\nЮниты излечивают 5 очка здоровья на вражеской територии, 10 на нейтральной земле,\n 15 внутри вашей територии и 20 в ваших городах
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Рабочие жизненно необходимы для роста ваших городов, только с тех пор как они могут сооружать улучшения на клетках.\nУлучшения повышают урожай с ваших клеток, разрешая, в тоже время, вашему городу всё больше производить и расти быстрее!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Осадные юниты чрезвычайно мощны против городов, но требуют Подготовку перед тем как они смогут атаковать.\nКак только юнит подготовлен, он может атаковать из текущей клетки,\n но как только юнит переместиться на другую клетку, он будет нуждаться в новой подготовке.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Единожды нужная технология будет изучена,ваши наземные юниты смогут подниматься на борт, разрешая им перемещаться по водным клеткам.\nВхождение или выход из воды занимает весь ход.\nЮниты теряют обороноспособность, так что будьте осторожны!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = Если вы не хочете перемещать юнит на этом ходу, то можете пропустить его, снова нажимая на ‘Следующий юнит’.\nЕсли вы не будете перемещать его в течении длительного срока времени, то можете применить режим Укрепления или Сна – \n юниты в Укреплении или Сне не считаются бездействующими юнитами.\nЕсли вы хочете отменить особенность ‘Следующий юнит’ то можете переключить её в Меню -> Проверка на бездействующие юниты.
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Привет! Если вы доиграли досюда, вы наверное\n заметили, что эта игра сейчас не закончена.\nUnCiv предназначено быть с открытым исходным кодом и бесплатной, навсегда.\n Это означает, что она без рекламы или любой другой ерунды.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Что мотивирует меня продолжать работать, \n кроме того факта, что я думаю это невероятно круто, что я могу,\n так это вся эта поддержка от игроков - вы лучшие ребята!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Каждая оценка и обзор, которые я получаю вызывает на моём лице улыбку =)\nПоэтому свяжитесь со мной! Отправте мне емейл, обзор, вопрос на Github\n Или почтового голубя и давайте разберёмся как сделать игру\n ещё более потрясающей!\n(Контактная информация находится в Play Store)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Военные юниты могут грабить улучшения, что лечит им 25 здоровья и разрушает улучшение.\nКлетка может продолжать работать, но её преимущества от улучшения – бонусы к характеристикам и ресурсы – будут потеряны.\nРабочие могут починить эти улучшения, что займёт меньше времени чем его строительство .
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
@ -867,10 +867,6 @@ Crab = 螃蟹
Citrus = 柑橘
Citrus = 柑橘
Truffles = 松露
Truffles = 松露
Terrace farm = 梯田农场
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = 每座相邻的山+1食物
Cannot improve a resource = 无法改善资源
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = 平民单位
Civilian = 平民单位
@ -2624,9 +2620,7 @@ Chucuito =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Choquequirao =
Choquequirao =
# Requires translation!
Denmark = 丹麦
Denmark = 丹麦
# Requires translation!
Harald Bluetooth = 蓝牙哈拉尔德
Harald Bluetooth = 蓝牙哈拉尔德
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
If I am to be honest, I tire of those pointless charades. Why don't we settle our disputes on the field of battle, like true men? Perhaps the skalds will sing of your valor... or mine! =
If I am to be honest, I tire of those pointless charades. Why don't we settle our disputes on the field of battle, like true men? Perhaps the skalds will sing of your valor... or mine! =
@ -2635,94 +2629,66 @@ Ahahah! You seem to show some skills of a true Viking! Too bad that I'll probabl
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Loki must have stood by you, for a common man alone could not have defeated me... Oh well! I will join the einherjar in Valhalla and feast, while you toil away here. =
Loki must have stood by you, for a common man alone could not have defeated me... Oh well! I will join the einherjar in Valhalla and feast, while you toil away here. =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Harald Bluetooth bids you welcome to his lands, a Viking unlike any the seas and lands have ever known! Hah, are you afraid? =
Harad Bluetooth bids you welcome to his lands, a Viking unlike any the seas and lands have ever known! Hah, are you afraid? =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
This is a fine deal! Even a drunk beggar would agree! =
This is a fine deal! Even a drunk beggar would agree! =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Hail to you. =
Hail to you. =
# Requires translation!
Copenhagen = 哥本哈根
Copenhagen = 哥本哈根
# Requires translation!
Aarhus = 奥胡斯
Aarhus = 奥胡斯
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Kaupang =
Kaupang =
# Requires translation!
Ribe = 里伯
Ribe = 里伯
# Requires translation!
Viborg = 维堡
Viborg = 维堡
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Tunsbers =
Tunsbers =
# Requires translation!
Roskilde = 罗斯基勒
Roskilde = 罗斯基勒
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Hedeby =
Hedeby =
# Requires translation!
Oslo = 奥斯陆
Oslo = 奥斯陆
# Requires translation!
Jelling = 耶灵
Jelling = 耶灵
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Truso =
Truso =
# Requires translation!
Bergen = 卑尔根
Bergen = 卑尔根
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Faeroerne =
Faeroerne =
# Requires translation!
Reykjavik = 雷克雅维克
Reykjavik = 雷克雅维克
# Requires translation!
Trondheim = 特隆赫姆
Trondheim = 特隆赫姆
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Godthab =
Godthab =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Helluland =
Helluland =
# Requires translation!
Lillehammer = 利勒哈默尔
Lillehammer = 利勒哈默尔
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Markland =
Markland =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Elsinore =
Elsinore =
# Requires translation!
Sarpsborg = 萨尔普斯堡
Sarpsborg = 萨尔普斯堡
# Requires translation!
Odense = 欧登塞
Odense = 欧登塞
# Requires translation!
Aalborg = 奥尔堡
Aalborg = 奥尔堡
# Requires translation!
Stavanger = 斯塔万格
Stavanger = 斯塔万格
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Vorbasse =
Vorbasse =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Schleswig =
Schleswig =
# Requires translation!
Kristiansand = 克里斯蒂安桑
Kristiansand = 克里斯蒂安桑
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Halogaland =
Halogaland =
# Requires translation!
Randers = 兰讷斯
Randers = 兰讷斯
# Requires translation!
Fredrikstad = 腓特烈斯塔
Fredrikstad = 腓特烈斯塔
# Requires translation!
Kolding = 科灵
Kolding = 科灵
# Requires translation!
Horsens = 霍尔森斯
Horsens = 霍尔森斯
# Requires translation!
Tromsoe = 特罗姆瑟
Tromsoe = 特罗姆瑟
# Requires translation!
Vejle = 瓦埃勒
Vejle = 瓦埃勒
# Requires translation!
Koge = 克厄
Koge = 克厄
# Requires translation!
Sandnes = 桑内斯
Sandnes = 桑内斯
# Requires translation!
Holstebro = 霍尔斯特布罗
Holstebro = 霍尔斯特布罗
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Slagelse =
Slagelse =
# Requires translation!
Drammen = 德拉门
Drammen = 德拉门
# Requires translation!
Hillerod = 希勒勒
Hillerod = 希勒勒
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Sonderborg =
Sonderborg =
# Requires translation!
Skien = 希恩
Skien = 希恩
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Svendborg =
Svendborg =
@ -2734,7 +2700,6 @@ Hjorring =
Fladstrand =
Fladstrand =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Haderslev =
Haderslev =
# Requires translation!
Ringsted = 灵斯泰兹
Ringsted = 灵斯泰兹
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Skrive =
Skrive =
@ -3281,7 +3246,6 @@ Can only be built on Coastal tiles = 只能建造在沿海地块
Moai = 摩艾石像群
Moai = 摩艾石像群
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = 每座相邻的山+1食物
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = 每座相邻的山+1食物
Cannot improve a resource = 无法改善资源
Terrace farm = 梯田农场
Terrace farm = 梯田农场
Ancient ruins = 远古遗迹
Ancient ruins = 远古遗迹
@ -3359,98 +3323,6 @@ Whales = 鲸鱼
Pearls = 珍珠
Pearls = 珍珠
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = 您好,欢迎来到绚丽多彩的UnCiv游戏世界!\n文明游戏是复杂的,让我们通过一些简单的任务来熟悉它吧。\n这些任务是可选的,当然您也可以自己探索游戏世界!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = 您的第一个任务是建立首都,\n这个任务是非常重要的,因为通常情况下首都会成为你的文明最繁荣的城市。\n游戏中解锁政策、科技等带来的很多增益往往只对首都有效,所以首都的发展代表了您的文明的发达程度。
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = 如何选择一个合适的首都建立位置?这不是一个容易回答的问题。\n通常情况下,选择紧邻奢侈资源的位置是选择建立点的不二法则。\n奢侈资源主要包括宝石、棉花、丝绸等(这些资源在地图上用一个“笑脸”标示),\n开发这些资源可以增加您的文明的快乐。当然,你也应该留意那些组建单位时所需要的战略资源,比如铁。
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = 但是,城市的边界不是固定的,它会随着文化的积累慢慢扩张。\n这意味着你并不一定要把城市建在太过靠近资源的位置。\n举例来说,比如, 你需要获得战略资源铁--但悲剧的是该资源紧邻沙漠。\n您无需把城市建立在紧邻沙漠的位置。相反的,可以选择离该资源稍远而且更加富饶的地块。\n随着城市的不断繁荣发展和边界的扩张,城市将慢慢靠近该资源直至获得它。\n如果需要马上获得所需的战略资源你可以选择建城在靠近资源的位置--\n有时候这样做可能对游戏的胜利更有利,但通常情况下您都有充裕的时间选择更加合理的建立点。
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = 您的城市第一个组建的单位应当是勇士或斥候。\n我非常喜欢勇士,因为他可以用于防守,\n同时在研发“铁器”科技后只需花少量的金钱就可以把他升级为剑士。\n当您的城市位于大片森林或丘陵间时斥候是非常有效的选择,\n因为他在这些地形移动时没有移动力惩罚。\n如果您是4x游戏的行家里手,紧随第一个勇士或斥候的单位应该是移民。\n请记住:快速扩张永远是获取胜利的不二法门!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = 在游戏开始的最初几回合,\n您只需进行很少的操作。\n但随着您的文明的发展,\n很多事情必须面面俱到。
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = 文化可以通过建设文化建筑或奇观、推行社会政策等积累。\n当您有足够的文化时, 可以推行一项社会政策,\n每项社会政策都给您一定的奖励。
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = 社会政策被划分成几个分支,每个分支都有自己的子政策,\n当一个分支社会政策的所有子政策都被推行,\n会有一个额外的奖励。
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = 随着每项社会政策的推行,每座城市的建立,\n推行新的社会政策时的文化花费会随之提升--所以要明智地选择!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = 一旦一个城市收集了足够的文化,它将扩展到相邻的瓷砖中。\n您无法控制它将扩展到的瓷砖,但优先考虑具有资源和更高产量的瓷砖。
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = 虽然你的城市将永远扩展,但你的市民只能在离市中心3个地砖的地方工作。\n在放置新城市时应考虑到这一点。
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = 随着城市规模扩大,城市的可工作地块也会变得越来越多。\n这时,你将不得不面对游戏中关于“快乐”的机制。在游戏中,快乐的产出是所有城市总和计算,\n快乐的消耗则由城市数量和人口数量决定。\n随着城市数量的增加和城市人口的增长您将会很快发现:保持你的文明始终处于快乐是一件越来越难的事。
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = 此外,在未研发相关科技前您将无法建造任何能增加快乐的建筑、奇观和开发可以增加快乐的奢侈资源。\n如果您的文明处于不满,将会极大地减慢城市发展速度。\n如果文明的不满状态非常严重(顶部信息栏用一个“哭脸”标示),\n您的部队战斗力将会有极大的减成。
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = 这意味着在Unciv游戏中快速扩张是一件非常困难的事,新手们一定要十分慎重。\n那么究竟应该如何做呢?把目光聚焦在发展自己已有的城市上吧。\n通过组建工人建造设施、开发资源,同时不要放松对其他文明的侦查工作,\n只有当您在寻找到一个合适的位置后再来建立新的城市吧。
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = 看来您的市民不太高兴!\n因为不满(快乐为负),城市的食物产出将-75%,\n每1点不满会使您的单位战斗力-2%。
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = 产生不满的原因有两个:人口数和城市数,\n每座城市产生3点不满,每个市民产生1点不满。
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = 有两种方法可以减少不满:\n为您的市民建造提供快乐的建筑或奇观,\n或者开发奢侈资源。
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = 您的文明进入了一个黄金时代!\n您的快乐每个回合都会积累,\n当快乐积累到一定数值就会开启一个黄金时代。\n在黄金时代,文化和产能积累速率+20%,\n每个至少产出1金钱的地块将提供额外的金钱。
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = 您已经建立了第二座城市!\n通过道路连接您的城市和首都来建立贸易路线,\n贸易路线将提供额外的金钱产出。\n请注意,道路经过的每个地块都需要1金钱的维护费,\n所以等待城市的自然发展可能更经济!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = 当您建立了两三座城市后,可能已经经过了100~150回合,\n这时您应该思考和谋划如何赢得游戏的胜利--如果此时你还没有胜利的话!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = 在Unciv游戏中,有三种赢得胜利的方式。分别是:\n文化胜利--完成4个社会政策分支;\n征服胜利--消灭其他文明成为世界上唯一的存在;\n科技胜利--成为第一个建造太空飞船飞向遥远的半人马阿尔法星的文明。
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = 小心谋划、认真算计、稳扎稳打、步步为营,这是游玩Unciv游戏的基本法则。\n首先建立一座繁荣的城市,确保快乐不为负的情况下慢慢扩张,渐渐成长为一方强权,\n向着你设定的胜利目标勇敢前进吧!\n这是勇敢者的游戏,需要的不仅是智谋和勇气,请尽情享受吧!不过,请注意:鲁莽与草率是通向死亡的快车道!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = 您已经包围了敌人的一座城市!\n当城市的耐久降至1时就可以被占领。\n只能使用近战单位占领城市。\n城市每回合会自动回复少许耐久,所以最好先使用远程单位攻击它,\n同时使用您的近战单位来保护远程单位,直到城市被占领!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = 您已经获得了第一个奢侈资源!\n您拥有的每种独一无二的奢侈资源都会给您的文明+5快乐,\n每种奢侈资源只能提供一份快乐加成,同种的多个资源并不会提供更多的快乐,\n所以用它们和其他文明进行贸易吧!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = 您已经获得了第一个战略资源!\n战略资源允许您组建特定的单位和建造特定的建筑。\n当您在一个战略资源地块上建造了设施,它将为您提供有限数量的该种资源。\n组建相关单位和建造相关建筑时这些资源会消耗。如需要消耗1单位的马来组建1个骑手,\n没有马就不能组建骑手。当该单位或建筑被摧毁时,此资源将能再次使用。\n如果获取资源途径出现中断,需要该资源的单位将受到战斗力减成,直至重新获得该资源。
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = 这座城市再也不能抵抗了!\n然而,要征服城市,请使用您的近战单位占领它。
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = 恭喜!您已经攻占了一座敌人的城市!\n您可以选择摧毁、傀儡甚至吞并它。\n“摧毁城市”可以令城市人口每回合-1,人口为0时城市将完全被摧毁。
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = “傀儡城市”意味着您将无法控制该城市的产能,\n好处是该城市将不会额外增加您研发科技和推行社会政策时的花费,同时该城市人口产生的不满是正常值的1.5倍。\n“吞并城市”将会给予您该城市的绝对控制权,但该城市人口产生的不满将是正常值的2倍。\n在城市内建造“法庭”可以使人口产生的不满降低到正常值。\n可以在任何时候吞并已傀儡的城市,但已吞并的城市无法再变为傀儡状态。选择前请考虑清楚!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = 您遇到蛮族了!\n蛮族会不分青红皂白地攻击靠近它的每一个单位,\n所以请不要让您的移民等平民单位靠近他们,同时还要注意你的斥候!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = 您遇到了另一个文明!\n其他文明一开始是和平的,您可以和他们进行贸易,\n但是他们以后可能会选择对您宣战。
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = 您已经完成了阿波罗计划!\n现在可以开始在您的城市中建造飞船部件了,\n来通过太空竞赛赢得科技胜利吧!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = 您的一个单位受伤了!\n受伤的单位造成的伤害比未受伤时少,他们的生命值在不进行任何操作时可以回复。\n每回合生命值回复量取决于单位所处的位置:\n敌方领土时5点,中立领土时10点,己方领土时15点,城市中心地块时20点。
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = 您训练了一个工人!\n工人对您所在城市的发展至关重要,因为只有他们才能在地块上建造设施。\n设施可以提高地块的产出,\n当市民在建有设施的地块工作时,将给您的城市带来更多的收益。
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = 您训练了一支攻城单位!\n攻城单位对城市具有极强的毁灭力,但在进攻前必须先把它架设起来。\n您的攻城单位架设起来后,它就可以从当前的地块发起攻击,\n但是一旦它移动到其他地块,就需要重新架设。
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = 您的陆军单位现在拥有船运能力,他们可以穿越海洋地块!\n陆军单位进入或离开水域后,当前回合内将不能再进行任何操作。\n陆军单位处于船运状态在海上行进时是没有防御能力的,所以请小心!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = 如果当前回合不想对某个单位执行任何操作,可以点击右上方“下个闲置单位”按钮来跳过该单位。\n如果一段时间内不想对其执行任何操作,可以对该单位执行“驻守”或“休眠”指令,\n系统执行“回合结束前查看闲置单位”指令时将自动跳过处于“驻守”或“休眠”状态的单位。\n如果想完全禁用“下个闲置单位”按钮,请进入“设置”菜单并将“回合结束前查看闲置单位”设置为“否”。
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = 您好!玩到这里,您已经熟悉了游戏的全部内容,\n您会发现游戏目前是不完整的,它还处于开发状态。\n不过UnCiv将永远是开源和免费的,\n这意味着您无须担心广告或付费问题。
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = 您的支持将激励着我进一步完善它,\n我一定会竭尽全力、精益求精。\n感谢玩家们的支持--您们是最棒的!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = 如果喜欢它,请到Play Store对它进行评价。\n如果您发现了游戏存在的问题或有什么好的意见和建议,\n请联系我!\n我的email地址:yairm210@hotmail.com,\nGitHub项目页面:https://github.com/yairm210/UnCiv。
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = 军事单位可以劫掠地块设施,“劫掠”可以回复单位25点生命值同时将设施化为废墟。\n被“劫掠”的地块仍旧可以工作,但从地块设施获得的效果————例如基本资源加成和战略资源收益————将会消失。\n工人可以修复这些化为废墟的设施,所花费时间将比重新建造它们要少。
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = 进入战斗的单位获得经验,然后可用于该单位的升级。\n近战时该单位获得的经验大于远程,攻击时获得的经验大于防御时获得的经验。
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = 单位只能从野蛮单位获得30点经验值-意味着最多2次提升。在那之后,野蛮人单位将不会提供经验。
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Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
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Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = 远程攻击可以从远处进行,这取决于单位的“距离”值。\n近战攻击允许防御者报复性地伤害攻击者,远程攻击则不允许。
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In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
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The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
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Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
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Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = 当您的影响力超过30时,会获得一定的奖励。\n当您的影响力超过60时,并且您在所有文明中对他们的影响力最高,您将被视为他们的“盟友”,并获得更多的奖励,并可以使用他们土地上的奢侈品和战略资源。
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = 自然奇观,如富士山、直布罗陀岩石和大堡礁,是独特的、不可逾越的地形特征,是大自然的杰作,它们具有特殊的品质,使它们与一般地形有很大的不同。\n如果您的工作人员为您提供大量的文化、科学、黄金或产品,它们将为您带来好处城市,这就是为什么你可能需要尽快将它们纳入你的帝国。
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
Heal Instantly = 浴火重生
Heal Instantly = 浴火重生
@ -3856,3 +3728,95 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 周围2格地块内所有我方陆军单
Khan = 汗
Khan = 汗
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = 相邻的所有单位每回合额外回复15生命值
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = 相邻的所有单位每回合额外回复15生命值
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = 您好,欢迎来到绚丽多彩的UnCiv游戏世界!\n文明游戏是复杂的,让我们通过一些简单的任务来熟悉它吧。\n这些任务是可选的,当然您也可以自己探索游戏世界!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = 您的第一个任务是建立首都,\n这个任务是非常重要的,因为通常情况下首都会成为你的文明最繁荣的城市。\n游戏中解锁政策、科技等带来的很多增益往往只对首都有效,所以首都的发展代表了您的文明的发达程度。
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = 如何选择一个合适的首都建立位置?这不是一个容易回答的问题。\n通常情况下,选择紧邻奢侈资源的位置是选择建立点的不二法则。\n奢侈资源主要包括宝石、棉花、丝绸等(这些资源在地图上用一个“笑脸”标示),\n开发这些资源可以增加您的文明的快乐。当然,你也应该留意那些组建单位时所需要的战略资源,比如铁。
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = 但是,城市的边界不是固定的,它会随着文化的积累慢慢扩张。\n这意味着你并不一定要把城市建在太过靠近资源的位置。\n举例来说,比如, 你需要获得战略资源铁--但悲剧的是该资源紧邻沙漠。\n您无需把城市建立在紧邻沙漠的位置。相反的,可以选择离该资源稍远而且更加富饶的地块。\n随着城市的不断繁荣发展和边界的扩张,城市将慢慢靠近该资源直至获得它。\n如果需要马上获得所需的战略资源你可以选择建城在靠近资源的位置--\n有时候这样做可能对游戏的胜利更有利,但通常情况下您都有充裕的时间选择更加合理的建立点。
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = 您的城市第一个组建的单位应当是勇士或斥候。\n我非常喜欢勇士,因为他可以用于防守,\n同时在研发“铁器”科技后只需花少量的金钱就可以把他升级为剑士。\n当您的城市位于大片森林或丘陵间时斥候是非常有效的选择,\n因为他在这些地形移动时没有移动力惩罚。\n如果您是4x游戏的行家里手,紧随第一个勇士或斥候的单位应该是移民。\n请记住:快速扩张永远是获取胜利的不二法门!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = 在游戏开始的最初几回合,\n您只需进行很少的操作。\n但随着您的文明的发展,\n很多事情必须面面俱到。
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = 文化可以通过建设文化建筑或奇观、推行社会政策等积累。\n当您有足够的文化时, 可以推行一项社会政策,\n每项社会政策都给您一定的奖励。
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = 社会政策被划分成几个分支,每个分支都有自己的子政策,\n当一个分支社会政策的所有子政策都被推行,\n会有一个额外的奖励。
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = 随着每项社会政策的推行,每座城市的建立,\n推行新的社会政策时的文化花费会随之提升--所以要明智地选择!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = 一旦一个城市收集了足够的文化,它将扩展到相邻的瓷砖中。\n您无法控制它将扩展到的瓷砖,但优先考虑具有资源和更高产量的瓷砖。
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = 虽然你的城市将永远扩展,但你的市民只能在离市中心3个地砖的地方工作。\n在放置新城市时应考虑到这一点。
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = 随着城市规模扩大,城市的可工作地块也会变得越来越多。\n这时,你将不得不面对游戏中关于“快乐”的机制。在游戏中,快乐的产出是所有城市总和计算,\n快乐的消耗则由城市数量和人口数量决定。\n随着城市数量的增加和城市人口的增长您将会很快发现:保持你的文明始终处于快乐是一件越来越难的事。
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = 此外,在未研发相关科技前您将无法建造任何能增加快乐的建筑、奇观和开发可以增加快乐的奢侈资源。\n如果您的文明处于不满,将会极大地减慢城市发展速度。\n如果文明的不满状态非常严重(顶部信息栏用一个“哭脸”标示),\n您的部队战斗力将会有极大的减成。
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = 这意味着在Unciv游戏中快速扩张是一件非常困难的事,新手们一定要十分慎重。\n那么究竟应该如何做呢?把目光聚焦在发展自己已有的城市上吧。\n通过组建工人建造设施、开发资源,同时不要放松对其他文明的侦查工作,\n只有当您在寻找到一个合适的位置后再来建立新的城市吧。
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = 看来您的市民不太高兴!\n因为不满(快乐为负),城市的食物产出将-75%,\n每1点不满会使您的单位战斗力-2%。
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = 产生不满的原因有两个:人口数和城市数,\n每座城市产生3点不满,每个市民产生1点不满。
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = 有两种方法可以减少不满:\n为您的市民建造提供快乐的建筑或奇观,\n或者开发奢侈资源。
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = 您的文明进入了一个黄金时代!\n您的快乐每个回合都会积累,\n当快乐积累到一定数值就会开启一个黄金时代。\n在黄金时代,文化和产能积累速率+20%,\n每个至少产出1金钱的地块将提供额外的金钱。
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = 您已经建立了第二座城市!\n通过道路连接您的城市和首都来建立贸易路线,\n贸易路线将提供额外的金钱产出。\n请注意,道路经过的每个地块都需要1金钱的维护费,\n所以等待城市的自然发展可能更经济!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = 当您建立了两三座城市后,可能已经经过了100~150回合,\n这时您应该思考和谋划如何赢得游戏的胜利--如果此时你还没有胜利的话!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = 在Unciv游戏中,有三种赢得胜利的方式。分别是:\n文化胜利--完成4个社会政策分支;\n征服胜利--消灭其他文明成为世界上唯一的存在;\n科技胜利--成为第一个建造太空飞船飞向遥远的半人马阿尔法星的文明。
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = 小心谋划、认真算计、稳扎稳打、步步为营,这是游玩Unciv游戏的基本法则。\n首先建立一座繁荣的城市,确保快乐不为负的情况下慢慢扩张,渐渐成长为一方强权,\n向着你设定的胜利目标勇敢前进吧!\n这是勇敢者的游戏,需要的不仅是智谋和勇气,请尽情享受吧!不过,请注意:鲁莽与草率是通向死亡的快车道!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = 您已经包围了敌人的一座城市!\n当城市的耐久降至1时就可以被占领。\n只能使用近战单位占领城市。\n城市每回合会自动回复少许耐久,所以最好先使用远程单位攻击它,\n同时使用您的近战单位来保护远程单位,直到城市被占领!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = 您已经获得了第一个奢侈资源!\n您拥有的每种独一无二的奢侈资源都会给您的文明+5快乐,\n每种奢侈资源只能提供一份快乐加成,同种的多个资源并不会提供更多的快乐,\n所以用它们和其他文明进行贸易吧!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = 您已经获得了第一个战略资源!\n战略资源允许您组建特定的单位和建造特定的建筑。\n当您在一个战略资源地块上建造了设施,它将为您提供有限数量的该种资源。\n组建相关单位和建造相关建筑时这些资源会消耗。如需要消耗1单位的马来组建1个骑手,\n没有马就不能组建骑手。当该单位或建筑被摧毁时,此资源将能再次使用。\n如果获取资源途径出现中断,需要该资源的单位将受到战斗力减成,直至重新获得该资源。
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = 这座城市再也不能抵抗了!\n然而,要征服城市,请使用您的近战单位占领它。
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = 恭喜!您已经攻占了一座敌人的城市!\n您可以选择摧毁、傀儡甚至吞并它。\n“摧毁城市”可以令城市人口每回合-1,人口为0时城市将完全被摧毁。
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = “傀儡城市”意味着您将无法控制该城市的产能,\n好处是该城市将不会额外增加您研发科技和推行社会政策时的花费,同时该城市人口产生的不满是正常值的1.5倍。\n“吞并城市”将会给予您该城市的绝对控制权,但该城市人口产生的不满将是正常值的2倍。\n在城市内建造“法庭”可以使人口产生的不满降低到正常值。\n可以在任何时候吞并已傀儡的城市,但已吞并的城市无法再变为傀儡状态。选择前请考虑清楚!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = 您遇到蛮族了!\n蛮族会不分青红皂白地攻击靠近它的每一个单位,\n所以请不要让您的移民等平民单位靠近他们,同时还要注意你的斥候!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = 您遇到了另一个文明!\n其他文明一开始是和平的,您可以和他们进行贸易,\n但是他们以后可能会选择对您宣战。
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = 您已经完成了阿波罗计划!\n现在可以开始在您的城市中建造飞船部件了,\n来通过太空竞赛赢得科技胜利吧!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = 您的一个单位受伤了!\n受伤的单位造成的伤害比未受伤时少,他们的生命值在不进行任何操作时可以回复。\n每回合生命值回复量取决于单位所处的位置:\n敌方领土时5点,中立领土时10点,己方领土时15点,城市中心地块时20点。
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = 您训练了一个工人!\n工人对您所在城市的发展至关重要,因为只有他们才能在地块上建造设施。\n设施可以提高地块的产出,\n当市民在建有设施的地块工作时,将给您的城市带来更多的收益。
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = 您训练了一支攻城单位!\n攻城单位对城市具有极强的毁灭力,但在进攻前必须先把它架设起来。\n您的攻城单位架设起来后,它就可以从当前的地块发起攻击,\n但是一旦它移动到其他地块,就需要重新架设。
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = 您的陆军单位现在拥有船运能力,他们可以穿越海洋地块!\n陆军单位进入或离开水域后,当前回合内将不能再进行任何操作。\n陆军单位处于船运状态在海上行进时是没有防御能力的,所以请小心!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = 如果当前回合不想对某个单位执行任何操作,可以点击右上方“下个闲置单位”按钮来跳过该单位。\n如果一段时间内不想对其执行任何操作,可以对该单位执行“驻守”或“休眠”指令,\n系统执行“回合结束前查看闲置单位”指令时将自动跳过处于“驻守”或“休眠”状态的单位。\n如果想完全禁用“下个闲置单位”按钮,请进入“设置”菜单并将“回合结束前查看闲置单位”设置为“否”。
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = 您好!玩到这里,您已经熟悉了游戏的全部内容,\n您会发现游戏目前是不完整的,它还处于开发状态。\n不过UnCiv将永远是开源和免费的,\n这意味着您无须担心广告或付费问题。
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = 您的支持将激励着我进一步完善它,\n我一定会竭尽全力、精益求精。\n感谢玩家们的支持--您们是最棒的!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = 如果喜欢它,请到Play Store对它进行评价。\n如果您发现了游戏存在的问题或有什么好的意见和建议,\n请联系我!\n我的email地址:yairm210@hotmail.com,\nGitHub项目页面:https://github.com/yairm210/UnCiv。
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = 军事单位可以劫掠地块设施,“劫掠”可以回复单位25点生命值同时将设施化为废墟。\n被“劫掠”的地块仍旧可以工作,但从地块设施获得的效果————例如基本资源加成和战略资源收益————将会消失。\n工人可以修复这些化为废墟的设施,所花费时间将比重新建造它们要少。
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = 进入战斗的单位获得经验,然后可用于该单位的升级。\n近战时该单位获得的经验大于远程,攻击时获得的经验大于防御时获得的经验。
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = 单位只能从野蛮单位获得30点经验值-意味着最多2次提升。在那之后,野蛮人单位将不会提供经验。
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = 远程攻击可以从远处进行,这取决于单位的“距离”值。\n近战攻击允许防御者报复性地伤害攻击者,远程攻击则不允许。
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = 当您的影响力超过30时,会获得一定的奖励。\n当您的影响力超过60时,并且您在所有文明中对他们的影响力最高,您将被视为他们的“盟友”,并获得更多的奖励,并可以使用他们土地上的奢侈品和战略资源。
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = 自然奇观,如富士山、直布罗陀岩石和大堡礁,是独特的、不可逾越的地形特征,是大自然的杰作,它们具有特殊的品质,使它们与一般地形有很大的不同。\n如果您的工作人员为您提供大量的文化、科学、黄金或产品,它们将为您带来好处城市,这就是为什么你可能需要尽快将它们纳入你的帝国。
@ -853,10 +853,6 @@ Crab = Cangrejos
Citrus = Cítricos
Citrus = Cítricos
Truffles = Trufas
Truffles = Trufas
Terrace farm = Terrazas de cultivo
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 comida para cada montaña vecina
Cannot improve a resource = No puede construirse sobre recursos naturales
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = Civil
Civilian = Civil
@ -3703,7 +3699,6 @@ Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Solo puede construirse en casillas costeras
Moai = Móai
Moai = Móai
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 comida para cada montaña vecina
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 comida para cada montaña vecina
Cannot improve a resource = No puede construirse sobre recursos naturales
Terrace farm = Terrazas de cultivo
Terrace farm = Terrazas de cultivo
Ancient ruins = Ruinas Antiguas
Ancient ruins = Ruinas Antiguas
@ -3781,136 +3776,6 @@ Whales = Ballenas
Pearls = Perlas
Pearls = Perlas
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = ¡Bienvenido a Unciv!\nDebido a que este es un juego complejo, hay tareas básicas para ayudarte a familiarizarte con el juego.\n¡Estas son completamente opcionales y puedes explorar el juego por tu cuenta!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Tu primera misión es fundar tu ciudad capital.\nEn realidad, esta es una tarea importante porque su ciudad capital probablemente será la más próspera.\nMuchos bonos de juego se aplican sólo a tu ciudad capital y probablemente será el centro de tu imperio.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = ¿Cómo sabes que un lugar es apropiado?\nEsa no es una pregunta fácil de responder, pero buscar y construir junto a recursos de lujo es una buena regla general.\nLos recursos de lujo son parcelas que tienen cosas como gemas, algodón o seda (indicado por una carita sonriente al lado del icono de recursos)\nEstos recursos hacen feliz a tu civilización. También debes estar atento a los recursos necesarios para construir unidades, como el hierro.
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = Sin embargo, las ciudades no tienen un área establecida en la que puedan trabajar - ¡hablaremos sobre eso más adelante!\nEsto significa que no tiene que asentar ciudades justo al lado de los recursos.\nDigamos, por ejemplo, que desea acceder a algo de hierro - pero el recurso está justo al lado de un desierto. Puedes colocarte a algunas parcelas de distancia en tierras más prósperas.\nNo tienes que establecer tu ciudad al lado del desierto.\nTu ciudad crecerá y eventualmente obtendrá acceso al recurso.\nSólo necesitas establecerte justo al lado de los recursos si los necesita de inmediato – \n lo cual podría pasar de vez en cuando, pero generalmente tendrás el lujo del tiempo.
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
# Requires translation!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention =
# Requires translation!
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. =
# Requires translation!
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. =
# Requires translation!
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! =
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = Una vez que una ciudad ha reunido suficiente Cultura, se expandirá a una parcela vecina.\nNo tiene control sobre la parcela a la que se expandirá, pero se priorizan las que contienen recursos y mayores rendimientos.
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = Cada parcela adicional requerirá más cultura, pero generalmente sus primeras ciudades eventualmente se expandirán a un amplio rango de parcelas.
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Aunque su ciudad seguirá expandiéndose para siempre, sus ciudadanos solo pueden trabajar a 3 parcelas del centro de la ciudad.\nEsto debe tenerse en cuenta al colocar nuevas ciudades.
# Requires translation!
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. =
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
# Requires translation!
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders =
# Requires translation!
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. =
# Requires translation!
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! =
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
# Requires translation!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
# Requires translation!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! =
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. =
# Requires translation!
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
# Requires translation!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on =
# Requires translation!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities =
# Requires translation!
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! =
# Requires translation!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. =
# Requires translation!
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! =
# Requires translation!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units =
# Requires translation!
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. =
# Requires translation!
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! =
# Requires translation!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. =
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
Heal Instantly = Curar al instante
Heal Instantly = Curar al instante
@ -4307,3 +4172,133 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 15% de bonus para unidades en un radio de
Khan = Khan
Khan = Khan
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Cura unidades adyacentes por 15 PS adicionales por turno
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Cura unidades adyacentes por 15 PS adicionales por turno
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = ¡Bienvenido a Unciv!\nDebido a que este es un juego complejo, hay tareas básicas para ayudarte a familiarizarte con el juego.\n¡Estas son completamente opcionales y puedes explorar el juego por tu cuenta!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Tu primera misión es fundar tu ciudad capital.\nEn realidad, esta es una tarea importante porque su ciudad capital probablemente será la más próspera.\nMuchos bonos de juego se aplican sólo a tu ciudad capital y probablemente será el centro de tu imperio.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = ¿Cómo sabes que un lugar es apropiado?\nEsa no es una pregunta fácil de responder, pero buscar y construir junto a recursos de lujo es una buena regla general.\nLos recursos de lujo son parcelas que tienen cosas como gemas, algodón o seda (indicado por una carita sonriente al lado del icono de recursos)\nEstos recursos hacen feliz a tu civilización. También debes estar atento a los recursos necesarios para construir unidades, como el hierro.
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = Sin embargo, las ciudades no tienen un área establecida en la que puedan trabajar - ¡hablaremos sobre eso más adelante!\nEsto significa que no tiene que asentar ciudades justo al lado de los recursos.\nDigamos, por ejemplo, que desea acceder a algo de hierro - pero el recurso está justo al lado de un desierto. Puedes colocarte a algunas parcelas de distancia en tierras más prósperas.\nNo tienes que establecer tu ciudad al lado del desierto.\nTu ciudad crecerá y eventualmente obtendrá acceso al recurso.\nSólo necesitas establecerte justo al lado de los recursos si los necesita de inmediato – \n lo cual podría pasar de vez en cuando, pero generalmente tendrás el lujo del tiempo.
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
# Requires translation!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention =
# Requires translation!
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. =
# Requires translation!
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. =
# Requires translation!
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! =
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = Una vez que una ciudad ha reunido suficiente Cultura, se expandirá a una parcela vecina.\nNo tiene control sobre la parcela a la que se expandirá, pero se priorizan las que contienen recursos y mayores rendimientos.
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = Cada parcela adicional requerirá más cultura, pero generalmente sus primeras ciudades eventualmente se expandirán a un amplio rango de parcelas.
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Aunque su ciudad seguirá expandiéndose para siempre, sus ciudadanos solo pueden trabajar a 3 parcelas del centro de la ciudad.\nEsto debe tenerse en cuenta al colocar nuevas ciudades.
# Requires translation!
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. =
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
# Requires translation!
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders =
# Requires translation!
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. =
# Requires translation!
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! =
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
# Requires translation!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
# Requires translation!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! =
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. =
# Requires translation!
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
# Requires translation!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! =
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You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on =
# Requires translation!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities =
# Requires translation!
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! =
# Requires translation!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. =
# Requires translation!
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! =
# Requires translation!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units =
# Requires translation!
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. =
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What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! =
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Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. =
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
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Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
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In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
@ -856,10 +856,6 @@ Crab = 螃蟹
Citrus = 柑橘
Citrus = 柑橘
Truffles = 松露
Truffles = 松露
Terrace farm = 梯田
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = 每個相鄰的山脈+1食物
Cannot improve a resource = 無法在含增益資源的地區上建造
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = 平民單位
Civilian = 平民單位
@ -4076,7 +4072,6 @@ Can only be built on Coastal tiles = 只能在沿海地塊建造
Moai = 摩艾石像群
Moai = 摩艾石像群
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = 每個相鄰的山脈+1食物
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = 每個相鄰的山脈+1食物
Cannot improve a resource = 無法在含增益資源的地區上建造
Terrace farm = 梯田
Terrace farm = 梯田
Ancient ruins = 遠古遺跡
Ancient ruins = 遠古遺跡
@ -4154,105 +4149,6 @@ Whales = 鯨魚
Pearls = 珍珠
Pearls = 珍珠
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = 您好,歡迎來到絢麗多彩的UnCiv遊戲世界!\n文明遊戲是復雜的,讓我們通過一些簡單的任務來熟悉它吧。\n這些任務是可選的,當然您也可以自己探索遊戲世界!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = 您的第一个任务是建立首都,\n这个任务是非常重要的,因为通常情况下首都会成为你的文明最繁荣的城市。\n游戏中解锁政策、科技等带来的很多增益往往只对首都有效,所以首都的发展代表了您的文明的发达程度。
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = 如何选择一个合适的首都建立位置?这不是一个容易回答的问题。\n通常情况下,选择紧邻奢侈资源的位置是选择建立点的不二法则。\n奢侈资源主要包括宝石、棉花、丝绸等(这些资源在地图上用一个“笑脸”标示),\n开发这些资源可以增加您的文明的快乐。当然,你也应该留意那些组建单位时所需要的战略资源,比如铁。
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = 但是,城市的边界不是固定的,它会随着文化的积累慢慢扩张。\n这意味着你并不一定要把城市建在太过靠近资源的位置。\n举例来说,比如, 你需要获得战略资源铁--但悲剧的是该资源紧邻沙漠。\n您无需把城市建立在紧邻沙漠的位置。相反的,可以选择离该资源稍远而且更加富饶的地块。\n随着城市的不断繁荣发展和边界的扩张,城市将慢慢靠近该资源直至获得它。\n如果需要马上获得所需的战略资源你可以选择建城在靠近资源的位置--\n有时候这样做可能对游戏的胜利更有利,但通常情况下您都有充裕的时间选择更加合理的建立点。
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = 您的城市第一個組建的單位應當是勇士或斥候。\n我非常喜歡勇士,因為他可以用於防守,\n同時在研發“鐵器”科技後只需花少量的金錢就可以把他升級為劍士。\n當您的城市位於大片森林或丘陵間時斥候是非常有效的選擇,\n因為他在這些地形移動時沒有移動力懲罰。\n如果您是4x遊戲的行家裏手,緊隨第一個勇士或斥候的單位應該是移民。\n請記住:快速擴張永遠是獲取勝利的不二法門!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = 在游戏开始的最初几回合,\n您只需进行很少的操作。\n但随着您的文明的发展,\n很多事情必须面面俱到。
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = 文化可以通過建設文化建築或奇觀、推行社會政策等累積。\n當您有足夠的文化點數時, 可以推行一項社會政策,\n每項社會政策都會給您一定的獎勵。
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = 社會政策被話分成幾個分支,每個分支都有自己的子政策,\n當一個分支社會政策的所有子政策都被推行,\n會有一個額外的獎勵。
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = 隨著每項社會政策的推行,每座城市的建立,\n推行新的社會政策時的文化花費會隨之提升--所以要明智地選擇!
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = 随着城市规模扩大,城市的可工作地块也会变得越来越多。\n这时,你将不得不面对游戏中关于“快乐”的机制。在游戏中,快乐的产出是所有城市总和计算,\n快乐的消耗则由城市数量和人口数量决定。\n随着城市数量的增加和城市人口的增长您将会很快发现:保持你的文明始终处于快乐是一件越来越难的事。
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = 此外,在未研发相关科技前您将无法建造任何能增加快乐的建筑、奇观和开发可以增加快乐的奢侈资源。\n如果您的文明处于不满,将会极大地减慢城市发展速度。\n如果文明的不满状态非常严重(顶部信息栏用一个“哭脸”标示),\n您的部队战斗力将会有极大的减成。
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = 这意味着在Unciv游戏中快速扩张是一件非常困难的事,新手们一定要十分慎重。\n那么究竟应该如何做呢?把目光聚焦在发展自己已有的城市上吧。\n通过组建工人建造设施、开发资源,同时不要放松对其他文明的侦查工作,\n只有当您在寻找到一个合适的位置后再来建立新的城市吧。
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = 看来您的市民不太高兴!\n因为不满(快乐为负),城市的食物产出将-75%,\n每1点不满会使您的单位战斗力-2%。
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = 产生不满的原因有两个:人口数和城市数,\n每座城市产生3点不满,每个市民产生1点不满。
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = 有两种方法可以减少不满:\n为您的市民建造提供快乐的建筑或奇观,\n或者开发奢侈资源。
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = 您的文明进入了一个黄金时代!\n您的快乐每个回合都会积累,\n当快乐积累到一定数值就会开启一个黄金时代。\n在黄金时代,文化和产能积累速率+20%,\n每个至少产出1金钱的地块将提供额外的金钱。
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = 您已经建立了第二座城市!\n通过道路连接您的城市和首都来建立贸易路线,\n贸易路线将提供额外的金钱产出。\n请注意,道路经过的每个地块都需要1金钱的维护费,\n所以等待城市的自然发展可能更经济!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = 当您建立了两三座城市后,可能已经经过了100~150回合,\n这时您应该思考和谋划如何赢得游戏的胜利--如果此时你还没有胜利的话!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = 在Unciv游戏中,有三种赢得胜利的方式。分别是:\n文化胜利--完成4个社会政策分支;\n征服胜利--消灭其他文明成为世界上唯一的存在;\n科技胜利--成为第一个建造太空飞船飞向遥远的半人马阿尔法星的文明。
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = 小心谋划、认真算计、稳扎稳打、步步为营,这是游玩Unciv游戏的基本法则。\n首先建立一座繁荣的城市,确保快乐不为负的情况下慢慢扩张,渐渐成长为一方强权,\n向着你设定的胜利目标勇敢前进吧!\n这是勇敢者的游戏,需要的不仅是智谋和勇气,请尽情享受吧!不过,请注意:鲁莽与草率是通向死亡的快车道!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = 您已经包围了敌人的一座城市!\n当城市的耐久降至1时就可以被占领。\n只能使用近战单位占领城市。\n城市每回合会自动回复少许耐久,所以最好先使用远程单位攻击它,\n同时使用您的近战单位来保护远程单位,直到城市被占领!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = 您已经获得了第一个奢侈资源!\n您拥有的每种独一无二的奢侈资源都会给您的文明+5快乐,\n每种奢侈资源只能提供一份快乐加成,同种的多个资源并不会提供更多的快乐,\n所以用它们和其他文明进行贸易吧!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = 您已经获得了第一个战略资源!\n战略资源允许您组建特定的单位和建造特定的建筑。\n当您在一个战略资源地块上建造了设施,它将为您提供有限数量的该种资源。\n组建相关单位和建造相关建筑时这些资源会消耗。如需要消耗1单位的马来组建1个骑手,\n没有马就不能组建骑手。当该单位或建筑被摧毁时,此资源将能再次使用。\n如果获取资源途径出现中断,需要该资源的单位将受到战斗力减成,直至重新获得该资源。
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = 这座城市再也不能抵抗了!\n然而,要征服城市,请使用您的近战单位占领它。
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = 恭喜!您已经攻占了一座敌人的城市!\n您可以选择摧毁、傀儡甚至吞并它。\n“摧毁城市”可以令城市人口每回合-1,人口为0时城市将完全被摧毁。
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = “傀儡城市”意味着您将无法控制该城市的产能,\n好处是该城市将不会额外增加您研发科技和推行社会政策时的花费,同时该城市人口产生的不满是正常值的1.5倍。\n“吞并城市”将会给予您该城市的绝对控制权,但该城市人口产生的不满将是正常值的2倍。\n在城市内建造“法庭”可以使人口产生的不满降低到正常值。\n可以在任何时候吞并已傀儡的城市,但已吞并的城市无法再变为傀儡状态。选择前请考虑清楚!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = 您遇到蛮族了!\n蛮族会不分青红皂白地攻击靠近它的每一个单位,\n所以请不要让您的移民等平民单位靠近他们,同时还要注意你的斥候!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = 您遇到了另一个文明!\n其他文明一开始是和平的,您可以和他们进行贸易,\n但是他们以后可能会选择对您宣战。
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = 您已经完成了阿波罗计划!\n现在可以开始在您的城市中建造飞船部件了,\n来通过太空竞赛赢得科技胜利吧!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = 您的一个单位受伤了!\n受伤的单位造成的伤害比未受伤时少,他们的生命值在不进行任何操作时可以回复。\n每回合生命值回复量取决于单位所处的位置:\n敌方领土时5点,中立领土时10点,己方领土时15点,城市中心地块时20点。
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = 您训练了一个工人!\n工人对您所在城市的发展至关重要,因为只有他们才能在地块上建造设施。\n设施可以提高地块的产出,\n当市民在建有设施的地块工作时,将给您的城市带来更多的收益。
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = 您训练了一支攻城单位!\n攻城单位对城市具有极强的毁灭力,但在进攻前必须先把它架设起来。\n您的攻城单位架设起来后,它就可以从当前的地块发起攻击,\n但是一旦它移动到其他地块,就需要重新架设。
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = 您的陆军单位现在拥有船运能力,他们可以穿越海洋地块!\n陆军单位进入或离开水域后,当前回合内将不能再进行任何操作。\n陆军单位处于船运状态在海上行进时是没有防御能力的,所以请小心!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = 如果当前回合不想对某个单位执行任何操作,可以点击右上方“下个闲置单位”按钮来跳过该单位。\n如果一段时间内不想对其执行任何操作,可以对该单位执行“驻守”或“休眠”指令,\n系统执行“回合结束前查看未行动单位”指令时将自动跳过处于“驻守”或“休眠”状态的单位。\n如果想完全禁用“下个闲置单位”按钮,请进入“设置”菜单并将“回合结束前查看闲置单位”设置为“否”。
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = 您好!玩到这里,您已经熟悉了游戏的全部内容,\n您会发现游戏目前是不完整的,它还处于开发状态。\n不过UnCiv将永远是开源和免费的,\n这意味着您无须担心广告或付费问题。
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = 您的支持将激励着我进一步完善它,\n我一定会竭尽全力、精益求精。\n感谢玩家们的支持--您们是最棒的!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = 如果喜欢它,请到Play Store对它进行评价。\n如果您发现了游戏存在的问题或有什么好的意见和建议,\n请联系我!\n我的email地址:yairm210@hotmail.com,\nGitHub项目页面:https://github.com/yairm210/UnCiv。
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = 军事单位可以劫掠地块设施,“劫掠”可以回复单位25点生命值同时将设施化为废墟。\n被“劫掠”的地块仍旧可以工作,但从地块设施获得的效果————例如基本资源加成和战略资源收益————将会消失。\n工人可以修复这些化为废墟的设施,所花费时间将比重新建造它们要少。
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
Heal Instantly = 浴火重生
Heal Instantly = 浴火重生
@ -4649,3 +4545,102 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 周圍兩格地塊內的我方所有陸
Khan = 汗
Khan = 汗
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = 相鄰的所有單位每回合額外回復15生命值
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = 相鄰的所有單位每回合額外回復15生命值
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = 您好,歡迎來到絢麗多彩的UnCiv遊戲世界!\n文明遊戲是復雜的,讓我們通過一些簡單的任務來熟悉它吧。\n這些任務是可選的,當然您也可以自己探索遊戲世界!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = 您的第一个任务是建立首都,\n这个任务是非常重要的,因为通常情况下首都会成为你的文明最繁荣的城市。\n游戏中解锁政策、科技等带来的很多增益往往只对首都有效,所以首都的发展代表了您的文明的发达程度。
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = 如何选择一个合适的首都建立位置?这不是一个容易回答的问题。\n通常情况下,选择紧邻奢侈资源的位置是选择建立点的不二法则。\n奢侈资源主要包括宝石、棉花、丝绸等(这些资源在地图上用一个“笑脸”标示),\n开发这些资源可以增加您的文明的快乐。当然,你也应该留意那些组建单位时所需要的战略资源,比如铁。
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = 但是,城市的边界不是固定的,它会随着文化的积累慢慢扩张。\n这意味着你并不一定要把城市建在太过靠近资源的位置。\n举例来说,比如, 你需要获得战略资源铁--但悲剧的是该资源紧邻沙漠。\n您无需把城市建立在紧邻沙漠的位置。相反的,可以选择离该资源稍远而且更加富饶的地块。\n随着城市的不断繁荣发展和边界的扩张,城市将慢慢靠近该资源直至获得它。\n如果需要马上获得所需的战略资源你可以选择建城在靠近资源的位置--\n有时候这样做可能对游戏的胜利更有利,但通常情况下您都有充裕的时间选择更加合理的建立点。
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = 您的城市第一個組建的單位應當是勇士或斥候。\n我非常喜歡勇士,因為他可以用於防守,\n同時在研發“鐵器”科技後只需花少量的金錢就可以把他升級為劍士。\n當您的城市位於大片森林或丘陵間時斥候是非常有效的選擇,\n因為他在這些地形移動時沒有移動力懲罰。\n如果您是4x遊戲的行家裏手,緊隨第一個勇士或斥候的單位應該是移民。\n請記住:快速擴張永遠是獲取勝利的不二法門!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = 在游戏开始的最初几回合,\n您只需进行很少的操作。\n但随着您的文明的发展,\n很多事情必须面面俱到。
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = 文化可以通過建設文化建築或奇觀、推行社會政策等累積。\n當您有足夠的文化點數時, 可以推行一項社會政策,\n每項社會政策都會給您一定的獎勵。
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = 社會政策被話分成幾個分支,每個分支都有自己的子政策,\n當一個分支社會政策的所有子政策都被推行,\n會有一個額外的獎勵。
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = 隨著每項社會政策的推行,每座城市的建立,\n推行新的社會政策時的文化花費會隨之提升--所以要明智地選擇!
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = 随着城市规模扩大,城市的可工作地块也会变得越来越多。\n这时,你将不得不面对游戏中关于“快乐”的机制。在游戏中,快乐的产出是所有城市总和计算,\n快乐的消耗则由城市数量和人口数量决定。\n随着城市数量的增加和城市人口的增长您将会很快发现:保持你的文明始终处于快乐是一件越来越难的事。
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = 此外,在未研发相关科技前您将无法建造任何能增加快乐的建筑、奇观和开发可以增加快乐的奢侈资源。\n如果您的文明处于不满,将会极大地减慢城市发展速度。\n如果文明的不满状态非常严重(顶部信息栏用一个“哭脸”标示),\n您的部队战斗力将会有极大的减成。
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = 这意味着在Unciv游戏中快速扩张是一件非常困难的事,新手们一定要十分慎重。\n那么究竟应该如何做呢?把目光聚焦在发展自己已有的城市上吧。\n通过组建工人建造设施、开发资源,同时不要放松对其他文明的侦查工作,\n只有当您在寻找到一个合适的位置后再来建立新的城市吧。
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = 看来您的市民不太高兴!\n因为不满(快乐为负),城市的食物产出将-75%,\n每1点不满会使您的单位战斗力-2%。
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = 产生不满的原因有两个:人口数和城市数,\n每座城市产生3点不满,每个市民产生1点不满。
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = 有两种方法可以减少不满:\n为您的市民建造提供快乐的建筑或奇观,\n或者开发奢侈资源。
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = 您的文明进入了一个黄金时代!\n您的快乐每个回合都会积累,\n当快乐积累到一定数值就会开启一个黄金时代。\n在黄金时代,文化和产能积累速率+20%,\n每个至少产出1金钱的地块将提供额外的金钱。
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = 您已经建立了第二座城市!\n通过道路连接您的城市和首都来建立贸易路线,\n贸易路线将提供额外的金钱产出。\n请注意,道路经过的每个地块都需要1金钱的维护费,\n所以等待城市的自然发展可能更经济!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = 当您建立了两三座城市后,可能已经经过了100~150回合,\n这时您应该思考和谋划如何赢得游戏的胜利--如果此时你还没有胜利的话!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = 在Unciv游戏中,有三种赢得胜利的方式。分别是:\n文化胜利--完成4个社会政策分支;\n征服胜利--消灭其他文明成为世界上唯一的存在;\n科技胜利--成为第一个建造太空飞船飞向遥远的半人马阿尔法星的文明。
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = 小心谋划、认真算计、稳扎稳打、步步为营,这是游玩Unciv游戏的基本法则。\n首先建立一座繁荣的城市,确保快乐不为负的情况下慢慢扩张,渐渐成长为一方强权,\n向着你设定的胜利目标勇敢前进吧!\n这是勇敢者的游戏,需要的不仅是智谋和勇气,请尽情享受吧!不过,请注意:鲁莽与草率是通向死亡的快车道!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = 您已经包围了敌人的一座城市!\n当城市的耐久降至1时就可以被占领。\n只能使用近战单位占领城市。\n城市每回合会自动回复少许耐久,所以最好先使用远程单位攻击它,\n同时使用您的近战单位来保护远程单位,直到城市被占领!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = 您已经获得了第一个奢侈资源!\n您拥有的每种独一无二的奢侈资源都会给您的文明+5快乐,\n每种奢侈资源只能提供一份快乐加成,同种的多个资源并不会提供更多的快乐,\n所以用它们和其他文明进行贸易吧!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = 您已经获得了第一个战略资源!\n战略资源允许您组建特定的单位和建造特定的建筑。\n当您在一个战略资源地块上建造了设施,它将为您提供有限数量的该种资源。\n组建相关单位和建造相关建筑时这些资源会消耗。如需要消耗1单位的马来组建1个骑手,\n没有马就不能组建骑手。当该单位或建筑被摧毁时,此资源将能再次使用。\n如果获取资源途径出现中断,需要该资源的单位将受到战斗力减成,直至重新获得该资源。
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = 这座城市再也不能抵抗了!\n然而,要征服城市,请使用您的近战单位占领它。
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = 恭喜!您已经攻占了一座敌人的城市!\n您可以选择摧毁、傀儡甚至吞并它。\n“摧毁城市”可以令城市人口每回合-1,人口为0时城市将完全被摧毁。
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = “傀儡城市”意味着您将无法控制该城市的产能,\n好处是该城市将不会额外增加您研发科技和推行社会政策时的花费,同时该城市人口产生的不满是正常值的1.5倍。\n“吞并城市”将会给予您该城市的绝对控制权,但该城市人口产生的不满将是正常值的2倍。\n在城市内建造“法庭”可以使人口产生的不满降低到正常值。\n可以在任何时候吞并已傀儡的城市,但已吞并的城市无法再变为傀儡状态。选择前请考虑清楚!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = 您遇到蛮族了!\n蛮族会不分青红皂白地攻击靠近它的每一个单位,\n所以请不要让您的移民等平民单位靠近他们,同时还要注意你的斥候!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = 您遇到了另一个文明!\n其他文明一开始是和平的,您可以和他们进行贸易,\n但是他们以后可能会选择对您宣战。
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = 您已经完成了阿波罗计划!\n现在可以开始在您的城市中建造飞船部件了,\n来通过太空竞赛赢得科技胜利吧!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = 您的一个单位受伤了!\n受伤的单位造成的伤害比未受伤时少,他们的生命值在不进行任何操作时可以回复。\n每回合生命值回复量取决于单位所处的位置:\n敌方领土时5点,中立领土时10点,己方领土时15点,城市中心地块时20点。
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = 您训练了一个工人!\n工人对您所在城市的发展至关重要,因为只有他们才能在地块上建造设施。\n设施可以提高地块的产出,\n当市民在建有设施的地块工作时,将给您的城市带来更多的收益。
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = 您训练了一支攻城单位!\n攻城单位对城市具有极强的毁灭力,但在进攻前必须先把它架设起来。\n您的攻城单位架设起来后,它就可以从当前的地块发起攻击,\n但是一旦它移动到其他地块,就需要重新架设。
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = 您的陆军单位现在拥有船运能力,他们可以穿越海洋地块!\n陆军单位进入或离开水域后,当前回合内将不能再进行任何操作。\n陆军单位处于船运状态在海上行进时是没有防御能力的,所以请小心!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = 如果当前回合不想对某个单位执行任何操作,可以点击右上方“下个闲置单位”按钮来跳过该单位。\n如果一段时间内不想对其执行任何操作,可以对该单位执行“驻守”或“休眠”指令,\n系统执行“回合结束前查看未行动单位”指令时将自动跳过处于“驻守”或“休眠”状态的单位。\n如果想完全禁用“下个闲置单位”按钮,请进入“设置”菜单并将“回合结束前查看闲置单位”设置为“否”。
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = 您好!玩到这里,您已经熟悉了游戏的全部内容,\n您会发现游戏目前是不完整的,它还处于开发状态。\n不过UnCiv将永远是开源和免费的,\n这意味着您无须担心广告或付费问题。
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = 您的支持将激励着我进一步完善它,\n我一定会竭尽全力、精益求精。\n感谢玩家们的支持--您们是最棒的!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = 如果喜欢它,请到Play Store对它进行评价。\n如果您发现了游戏存在的问题或有什么好的意见和建议,\n请联系我!\n我的email地址:yairm210@hotmail.com,\nGitHub项目页面:https://github.com/yairm210/UnCiv。
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = 军事单位可以劫掠地块设施,“劫掠”可以回复单位25点生命值同时将设施化为废墟。\n被“劫掠”的地块仍旧可以工作,但从地块设施获得的效果————例如基本资源加成和战略资源收益————将会消失。\n工人可以修复这些化为废墟的设施,所花费时间将比重新建造它们要少。
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
@ -873,13 +873,6 @@ Crab = Yengeç
Citrus = Narenciye
Citrus = Narenciye
Truffles = Trüf mantarı
Truffles = Trüf mantarı
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource =
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = Sivil
Civilian = Sivil
@ -3610,8 +3603,6 @@ Moai = Moai
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource =
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
Terrace farm =
Ancient ruins = Antik Kalıntılar
Ancient ruins = Antik Kalıntılar
@ -3689,142 +3680,6 @@ Whales = Balina
Pearls = İnci
Pearls = İnci
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Unciv'e hoşgeldin! Bu karışık bir oyun olduğundan burada seni oyuna alıştıracak bazı basit görevler var. Bunlar tamamen opsiyonel, ve bu yüzden oyunu kendin keşfetmekte özgürsün!
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. =
# Requires translation!
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. =
# Requires translation!
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
# Requires translation!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention =
# Requires translation!
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. =
# Requires translation!
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. =
# Requires translation!
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! =
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
# Requires translation!
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. =
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
# Requires translation!
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders =
# Requires translation!
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. =
# Requires translation!
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! =
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
# Requires translation!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
# Requires translation!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! =
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. =
# Requires translation!
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
# Requires translation!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on =
# Requires translation!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities =
# Requires translation!
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! =
# Requires translation!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. =
# Requires translation!
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! =
# Requires translation!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units =
# Requires translation!
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. =
# Requires translation!
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! =
# Requires translation!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. =
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
Heal Instantly = Anında iyileştir
Heal Instantly = Anında iyileştir
@ -4232,3 +4087,139 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 2 kare yarıçapındaki birimler için 15
Khan = Kağan
Khan = Kağan
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Bitişik birimlere iyileştirme başına 15 can ilave edin
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Bitişik birimlere iyileştirme başına 15 can ilave edin
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Unciv'e hoşgeldin! Bu karışık bir oyun olduğundan burada seni oyuna alıştıracak bazı basit görevler var. Bunlar tamamen opsiyonel, ve bu yüzden oyunu kendin keşfetmekte özgürsün!
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. =
# Requires translation!
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. =
# Requires translation!
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. =
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. =
# Requires translation!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention =
# Requires translation!
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. =
# Requires translation!
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. =
# Requires translation!
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! =
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
# Requires translation!
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. =
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
# Requires translation!
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders =
# Requires translation!
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. =
# Requires translation!
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! =
# Requires translation!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
# Requires translation!
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri =
# Requires translation!
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
# Requires translation!
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! =
# Requires translation!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. =
# Requires translation!
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
# Requires translation!
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! =
# Requires translation!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on =
# Requires translation!
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities =
# Requires translation!
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! =
# Requires translation!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. =
# Requires translation!
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! =
# Requires translation!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units =
# Requires translation!
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. =
# Requires translation!
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! =
# Requires translation!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. =
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. =
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. =
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
@ -838,10 +838,6 @@ Crab = Краб
Citrus = Цитрус
Citrus = Цитрус
Truffles = Трюфелі
Truffles = Трюфелі
Terrace farm = Терасна ферма
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 їжа з кожної гори поруч
Cannot improve a resource = Неможливо покращити ресурс
# Unit types
# Unit types
Civilian = Цивільний
Civilian = Цивільний
@ -3032,7 +3028,6 @@ Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Можна побудувати лише н
Moai = Моаї
Moai = Моаї
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 їжа з кожної гори поруч
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 їжа з кожної гори поруч
Cannot improve a resource = Неможливо покращити ресурс
Terrace farm = Терасна ферма
Terrace farm = Терасна ферма
Ancient ruins = Стародавні руїни
Ancient ruins = Стародавні руїни
@ -3110,100 +3105,6 @@ Whales = Кити
Pearls = Перли
Pearls = Перли
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Ласкаво просимо до Unciv!\nОскільки це складна гра, є основні завдання, які допоможуть ознайомити вас з грою.\nВони абсолютно необов’язкові, і ви можете самостійно вивчити гру!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Ваша перша місія — це заснувати свою столицю.\nЦе насправді важливе завдання, адже саме ваша столиця буде, мабуть, найбільш процвітаючою.\nБагато ігрових бонусів стосуються лише вашої столиці, і, ймовірно, вона буде центром вашої імперії.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Як дізнатися, що це місце підходить для заснування міста?\nНа це питання складно відповісти, але шукайте і засновуйте місто біля ресурсів розкоші.\nРесурси розкоші — це клітини, на яких є речі, такі як дорогоцінні камені, бавовна або шовк (позначені посмішкою поруч із значком ресурсу)\nЦі ресурси роблять вашу цивілізацію щасливішою. Ви також повинні стежити за ресурсами, які потребуються для створення підрозділів, такі як залізо.
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = Однак у містах немає визначеної площі, на якій вони можуть працювати — про це пізніше!\nТобто ви не повинні засновувати міста прямо поруч з ресурсами.\nСкажімо, наприклад, що ви хочете отримати доступ до заліза — проте ресурс поруч з пустелею.\nВи не повинні селитися поруч з пустелею. Ви можете оселитися кілька клітин подалі в процвітаючишіх містах.\nВаше місто буде розширюватись, і врешті-решт отримає доступ до ресурсу.\nЯкщо ви хочете поселитися поруч з ресурсом негайно, то оселіться біля нього, \n це може знадобитися, щоб отримати ресурс якнайшвидше, але зазвичай у вас багато часу.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = Перший, хто вийде з вашого міста, повинен бути або розвідником, або воїном.\nЯ, як правило, віддаю перевагу Воїну, оскільки його можна використовувати для оборони і тому, що його можна вдосконалити\n до мечника в пізній стадії гри за відносно невелику суму золота.\nОднак Розвідники можуть бути ефективними, якщо вам здається, що ви знаходитесь в районі густого лісу та пагорбів.\nРозвідники не отримують штраф до руху на цій місцевості.\nЯкщо ви знавець жанру глобальних стратегій, то за вашим першим Воїном чи Розвідником послідує Поселенець.\nШвидке розширення є абсолютно необхідним у більшості ігор цього типу.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = У ваші перші пару ходів,\n ви будете мати дуже мало можливостей,\n але як зростатиме ваша цивілізація, так і зростатиме \n кількість речей, що потребують вашої уваги.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Кожний хід, культура, яку ви отримуєте від усіх своїх\n міст, додається до культури вашої Цивілізації.\nКоли у вас буде достатньо культури, ви зможете вибрати \n Соціальний інститут, кожен з яких дає певний бонус.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Політика організована у гілки,\n при цьому кожна гілка надає можливість бонусу,\n коли всі інститути у цій галузі будуть прийняті.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Із кожним прийнятим інститутом, з кожним побудованим містом,\n вартість прийняття нових інститутів зростає, тому вибирайте з розумом!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = Щойно місто збирає достатньо очків культури, воно розширюється на сусідню клітинку.\nВи не можете контролювати на яку саме клітинку буде розширення, хоча клітинки з ресурсами та більш продуктивні клітинки є у приорітеті.
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = Кожна додаткова клітинка вимагає більше очків культури, попри це ваші перші міста згодом розширяться на досить широкі відстані.
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Навіть якщо ваше місто буде рости беззупинно, ваші городяне можуть працювати лише на відстані 3 клітинок від міського центру.\nЦе має бути вами враховано, коли розташовуєте нові міста.
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = У міру того, як міста зростають у чисельності населення та впливі, вам доведеться мати справу із механікою щастя, яка вже не прив’язана до кожного окремого міста.\nНатомість уся ваша імперія має однаковий рівень задоволення.\nПо мірі зростання чисельності ваших міст ви побачите, що підтримувати свою імперію все складніше і складніше.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Окрім того, ви навіть не можете побудувати будь-які покращення міста, які збільшують щастя, поки ви не зробите відповідне дослідження.\nЯкщо щастя вашої імперії коли-небудь опуститься нижче нуля, темп зростання ваших міст буде знижено.\nЯкщо ваша імперія стає сильно нещасною (на що вказує значок обличчя у верхній частині інтерфейсу)\n ваші армії матимуть велику штрафну санкцію у загальній ефективності бою
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Це означає, що в Unciv швидко розширитись дуже важко.\nЦе не є неможливим, проте, як новий гравець, ви, мабуть, не повинні цього робити.\nТо що ж робити? Охолоньте, розвідайте та покращуйте землю, яку ви маєте, будуючи Робітників.\nБудуйте нові міста лише після того, як знайдете місце, яке вважаєте за потрібне.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Схоже, що мешканці нещасливі!\nПоки вони нещасливі, міста будуть зростати на 1/4 швидкості від початкової,\n і ваші підрозділи будуть отримувати 2% штрафу за кожну одиницю нещастя
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Нещастя має дві основні причини: населення та міста\n Кожне місто викликає 3 одиниці нещастя, а кожне населення — 1
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = Є два основні способи боротьби з нещастям:\n будуючи будинки щастя для свого населення,\n або покращувати ресурси розкоші у ваших межах.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Ви вступили до Золотої доби!\nОчки Золотої доби накопичуються на кожному кроці відповідно до загального щастя \n вашої цивілізації\nПід час Золотої доби культура і виробництво збільшується на 20%,\n і кожна клітина, яка вже виробляє хоча б 1 золото, надасть додаткове золото.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Підключення ваших міст до столиці дорогами \n призведе до отримання золота через торговий шлях.\nЗауважте, що обслуговування доріг коштуватиме вам 1 золото за хід, а кожної колії - 2 золота,\n тому ви маєте бути більш економними доки міста зростуть!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = Якщо ви побудували свої перші два-три міста, то мабуть, вже пройшло 100-150 ходів.\nЗараз настав час почати думати про те, як саме ви хочете виграти, якщо ви ще цього не зробили.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = У грі є 3 способи перемогти, а саме:\n — Культурна перемога: завершіть 5 гілок соціальних інститутів\n — Загарбання: виживіть як остання цивілізація\n — Наукова перемога: будьте першими, хто зконструює космічний корабель до Альфа Центаври
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = Отже, підводячи підсумок, основи Unciv — засновувати процвітаюче перше місто, повільно розширятись, щоб керувати рівнем щастя,\n і налаштовувати себе на перемогу, яку хочете досягти.\nОчевидно, що є ще багато чого іншого, але важливо не переоцінювати свої можливості, і робити все поступово.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Міста можна завоювати, зменшивши їх здоров'я до 1,\n і увійношовши в місто з підрозділом ближнього бою.\nОскільки міста відновлюються кожного ходу, найкраще атакувати підрозділами дального бою\n і використовуйте свої ближньобійні підрозділи, щоб захищати їх, поки місто не буде розгромлено!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Ресурси розкоші у вашому володінні та з їх конкретним удосконаленням під’єднані до вашої торговельної мережі.\nКожен унікальний ресурс розкоші додає вашій цивілізації 5 щастя, але додаткові ресурси одного типу нічого не додають, тому використовуйте їх для торгівлі з іншими цивілізаціями!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Стратегічні ресурси у вашому володінні та з їх конкретним удосконаленням під’єднані до вашої торговельної мережі.\nСтратегічні ресурси дозволяють тренувати підрозділи та споруджувати будівлі, які потребують конкретних ресурсів, наприклад, Вершник вимагає Коней.\nНа верхній панелі відображається кількість невикористаних стратегічних ресурсів.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = Місто вже не може чинити будь-який опір!\nОднак, щоб його завоювати, ви повинні увійти до міста з ближньобійником.
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = Ви захопили місто, тепер оберіть що ви хочете зробити з ним: зруйнувати, зробити з нього маріонетку чи анексувати.\n«Зруйнувати» означає зменшувати чисельність населення міста на 1 одиницю кожен хід, поки воно не буде зрівняно з землею.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Зробити місто «маріонеткою» означатиме, що ви не будете мати контролю над виробництвом міста.\nМісто не збільшуватиме ваші витрати на технології чи інститути, але його громадяни породжуватимуть у 1,5 рази більше нещастя.\nАнексія міста надасть вам контроль над виробництвом, але збільшить нещастя громадян до 2х!\nЦе можна зменшити, побудувавши у місті суд, повернувши нещастя громадян у нормальний стан.\nМаріонеткове місто можна будь-коли анексувати, але анексовані міста не можна повернути до маріонеткового стану!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Ви зіткнулися з підрозділом варварів!\nВарвари нападають на всіх без розбору, тому не дозволяйте \n цивільним підрозділам підходити до них і стежте уважно за своїм розвідником!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Ви зіткнулися з іншою цивілізацією!\nНа початку гри всі цивілізаціїї у дружніх відносинах з вами, і ви можете торгувати з ними,\n але згодом вони можуть оголосити вам війну
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Як тільки ви завершите програму «Аполлон», ви можете розпочати проектування частин космічного корабля в ваших містах,\n (з відповідними технологіями) щоб здобути наукову перемогу!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = Травмовані підрозділи завдають меншої шкоди, але відновлюються після ходів, якщо вони були неактивними\nПідрозділи відновлюють 5 здоров’я за хід на ворожій території, 10 на нейтральній,\n 15 на вашій території і 20 у ваших містах
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Робітники життєво важливі для зростання ваших міст, оскільки тільки вони можуть будувати вдосконалення на клітинках\nУдосконалення підвищують прибуток від вашої клітини, дозволяючи вашому місту виробляти більше і рости швидше, працюючи на тій же кількості клітин!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Підрозділи облоги надзвичайно потужні проти міст, але їх потрібно налаштувати, перед тим як вони зможуть атакувати.\nКоли ви налаштуєте підрозділ облоги, він зможе атакувати з поточної клітинки,\n але вам прийдеться знову налаштовувати його, як тільки він буде переміщений на іншу клітинку.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Після того, як певна технологія буде досліджена, ваші наземні підрозділи будуть сідати на судна, дозволяючи їм переходити клітинки води.\nВхід або вихід з води займає весь хід.\nПідрозділи беззахисні під час входу чи виходу, тому будьте обережні!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = Якщо ви не хочете, щоб підрозділ рухався на цьому ході, то ви можете пропустити хід натиснувши на «Наступний підрозділ» знову.\nЯкщо ви деякий час не будете переміщувати його, ви можете ввімкнути режим «Укріпити» або «Спати». \nПідрозділи у цих режимах не вважаються неробочими.\nЯкщо ви хочете вимкнути «Наступний підрозділ» повністю, то ви можете відключити це в Меню -> Перевіряти неробочі підрозділи
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Привіт! Якщо ви зайшли так далеко,\n то, напевно, бачили, що гра наразі незавершена\nUnCiv — це гра безкоштовна та з відкритим вихідним кодом. Так буде завжди,\n тобто це означає, що не буде реклами чи іншої нісенітниці.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Що мотивує мене продовжувати працювати над нею, \n крім того, що я думаю, що це дивовижно, що я можу,\n це підтримка від гравців — ви, хлопці та дівчата найкращі!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Кожна оцінка та відгуки, які я отримую, викликають посмішку на моєму обличчі =).\n Тож зв’яжіться зі мною! Надішліть мені електронний лист, відгук, чи опис проблеми на Github\n або поштового голуба для того, щоб розібратися, як зробити гру \n ще більш чудовою!\n(Контактна інформація знаходиться в Google Play)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Військові підрозділи можуть грабувати вдосконалення, яке оздоровляє їх на 25 здоров’я і зруйновує це вдосконалення.\nНа клітині все ще можна працювати, проте переваги від удосконалення (бонуси до характеристики і бонусні ресурси) буде втрачено.\nРобітники можуть відновити ці вдосконалення, що займає менше часу, ніж будувати поліпшення з нуля.
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Підрозділи у бою отримують досвід, який може бути використаний для підвищень цього підрозділа.\nПідрозділи отримують більше досвіду у ближньому бою ніж у дальньому, та більше під час нападу, аніж у захисті.
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = Підрозділи можуть отримувати від перемог над варварами лише до 30 одиниць досвіду - тобто до 2 підвищень. Після цього, перемоги над варварами більше не будуть приносити додатковий досвід.
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
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In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions.json ####################
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Heal Instantly = Миттєве лікування
Heal Instantly = Миттєве лікування
@ -3600,3 +3501,97 @@ Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = Підрозділи в радіусі 2
Khan = Хан
Khan = Хан
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Сусідні підрозділи отримують +15 додаткового здоровʼя кожен хід
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Сусідні підрозділи отримують +15 додаткового здоровʼя кожен хід
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Ласкаво просимо до Unciv!\nОскільки це складна гра, є основні завдання, які допоможуть ознайомити вас з грою.\nВони абсолютно необов’язкові, і ви можете самостійно вивчити гру!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Ваша перша місія — це заснувати свою столицю.\nЦе насправді важливе завдання, адже саме ваша столиця буде, мабуть, найбільш процвітаючою.\nБагато ігрових бонусів стосуються лише вашої столиці, і, ймовірно, вона буде центром вашої імперії.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Як дізнатися, що це місце підходить для заснування міста?\nНа це питання складно відповісти, але шукайте і засновуйте місто біля ресурсів розкоші.\nРесурси розкоші — це клітини, на яких є речі, такі як дорогоцінні камені, бавовна або шовк (позначені посмішкою поруч із значком ресурсу)\nЦі ресурси роблять вашу цивілізацію щасливішою. Ви також повинні стежити за ресурсами, які потребуються для створення підрозділів, такі як залізо.
However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = Однак у містах немає визначеної площі, на якій вони можуть працювати — про це пізніше!\nТобто ви не повинні засновувати міста прямо поруч з ресурсами.\nСкажімо, наприклад, що ви хочете отримати доступ до заліза — проте ресурс поруч з пустелею.\nВи не повинні селитися поруч з пустелею. Ви можете оселитися кілька клітин подалі в процвітаючишіх містах.\nВаше місто буде розширюватись, і врешті-решт отримає доступ до ресурсу.\nЯкщо ви хочете поселитися поруч з ресурсом негайно, то оселіться біля нього, \n це може знадобитися, щоб отримати ресурс якнайшвидше, але зазвичай у вас багато часу.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = Перший, хто вийде з вашого міста, повинен бути або розвідником, або воїном.\nЯ, як правило, віддаю перевагу Воїну, оскільки його можна використовувати для оборони і тому, що його можна вдосконалити\n до мечника в пізній стадії гри за відносно невелику суму золота.\nОднак Розвідники можуть бути ефективними, якщо вам здається, що ви знаходитесь в районі густого лісу та пагорбів.\nРозвідники не отримують штраф до руху на цій місцевості.\nЯкщо ви знавець жанру глобальних стратегій, то за вашим першим Воїном чи Розвідником послідує Поселенець.\nШвидке розширення є абсолютно необхідним у більшості ігор цього типу.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = У ваші перші пару ходів,\n ви будете мати дуже мало можливостей,\n але як зростатиме ваша цивілізація, так і зростатиме \n кількість речей, що потребують вашої уваги.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Кожний хід, культура, яку ви отримуєте від усіх своїх\n міст, додається до культури вашої Цивілізації.\nКоли у вас буде достатньо культури, ви зможете вибрати \n Соціальний інститут, кожен з яких дає певний бонус.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Політика організована у гілки,\n при цьому кожна гілка надає можливість бонусу,\n коли всі інститути у цій галузі будуть прийняті.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Із кожним прийнятим інститутом, з кожним побудованим містом,\n вартість прийняття нових інститутів зростає, тому вибирайте з розумом!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = Щойно місто збирає достатньо очків культури, воно розширюється на сусідню клітинку.\nВи не можете контролювати на яку саме клітинку буде розширення, хоча клітинки з ресурсами та більш продуктивні клітинки є у приорітеті.
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = Кожна додаткова клітинка вимагає більше очків культури, попри це ваші перші міста згодом розширяться на досить широкі відстані.
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Навіть якщо ваше місто буде рости беззупинно, ваші городяне можуть працювати лише на відстані 3 клітинок від міського центру.\nЦе має бути вами враховано, коли розташовуєте нові міста.
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = У міру того, як міста зростають у чисельності населення та впливі, вам доведеться мати справу із механікою щастя, яка вже не прив’язана до кожного окремого міста.\nНатомість уся ваша імперія має однаковий рівень задоволення.\nПо мірі зростання чисельності ваших міст ви побачите, що підтримувати свою імперію все складніше і складніше.
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Окрім того, ви навіть не можете побудувати будь-які покращення міста, які збільшують щастя, поки ви не зробите відповідне дослідження.\nЯкщо щастя вашої імперії коли-небудь опуститься нижче нуля, темп зростання ваших міст буде знижено.\nЯкщо ваша імперія стає сильно нещасною (на що вказує значок обличчя у верхній частині інтерфейсу)\n ваші армії матимуть велику штрафну санкцію у загальній ефективності бою
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Це означає, що в Unciv швидко розширитись дуже важко.\nЦе не є неможливим, проте, як новий гравець, ви, мабуть, не повинні цього робити.\nТо що ж робити? Охолоньте, розвідайте та покращуйте землю, яку ви маєте, будуючи Робітників.\nБудуйте нові міста лише після того, як знайдете місце, яке вважаєте за потрібне.
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Схоже, що мешканці нещасливі!\nПоки вони нещасливі, міста будуть зростати на 1/4 швидкості від початкової,\n і ваші підрозділи будуть отримувати 2% штрафу за кожну одиницю нещастя
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Нещастя має дві основні причини: населення та міста\n Кожне місто викликає 3 одиниці нещастя, а кожне населення — 1
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = Є два основні способи боротьби з нещастям:\n будуючи будинки щастя для свого населення,\n або покращувати ресурси розкоші у ваших межах.
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Ви вступили до Золотої доби!\nОчки Золотої доби накопичуються на кожному кроці відповідно до загального щастя \n вашої цивілізації\nПід час Золотої доби культура і виробництво збільшується на 20%,\n і кожна клітина, яка вже виробляє хоча б 1 золото, надасть додаткове золото.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Підключення ваших міст до столиці дорогами \n призведе до отримання золота через торговий шлях.\nЗауважте, що обслуговування доріг коштуватиме вам 1 золото за хід, а кожної колії - 2 золота,\n тому ви маєте бути більш економними доки міста зростуть!
Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = Якщо ви побудували свої перші два-три міста, то мабуть, вже пройшло 100-150 ходів.\nЗараз настав час почати думати про те, як саме ви хочете виграти, якщо ви ще цього не зробили.
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = У грі є 3 способи перемогти, а саме:\n — Культурна перемога: завершіть 5 гілок соціальних інститутів\n — Загарбання: виживіть як остання цивілізація\n — Наукова перемога: будьте першими, хто зконструює космічний корабель до Альфа Центаври
So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = Отже, підводячи підсумок, основи Unciv — засновувати процвітаюче перше місто, повільно розширятись, щоб керувати рівнем щастя,\n і налаштовувати себе на перемогу, яку хочете досягти.\nОчевидно, що є ще багато чого іншого, але важливо не переоцінювати свої можливості, і робити все поступово.
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Міста можна завоювати, зменшивши їх здоров'я до 1,\n і увійношовши в місто з підрозділом ближнього бою.\nОскільки міста відновлюються кожного ходу, найкраще атакувати підрозділами дального бою\n і використовуйте свої ближньобійні підрозділи, щоб захищати їх, поки місто не буде розгромлено!
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Ресурси розкоші у вашому володінні та з їх конкретним удосконаленням під’єднані до вашої торговельної мережі.\nКожен унікальний ресурс розкоші додає вашій цивілізації 5 щастя, але додаткові ресурси одного типу нічого не додають, тому використовуйте їх для торгівлі з іншими цивілізаціями!
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own. = Стратегічні ресурси у вашому володінні та з їх конкретним удосконаленням під’єднані до вашої торговельної мережі.\nСтратегічні ресурси дозволяють тренувати підрозділи та споруджувати будівлі, які потребують конкретних ресурсів, наприклад, Вершник вимагає Коней.\nНа верхній панелі відображається кількість невикористаних стратегічних ресурсів.
The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = Місто вже не може чинити будь-який опір!\nОднак, щоб його завоювати, ви повинні увійти до міста з ближньобійником.
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = Ви захопили місто, тепер оберіть що ви хочете зробити з ним: зруйнувати, зробити з нього маріонетку чи анексувати.\n«Зруйнувати» означає зменшувати чисельність населення міста на 1 одиницю кожен хід, поки воно не буде зрівняно з землею.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Зробити місто «маріонеткою» означатиме, що ви не будете мати контролю над виробництвом міста.\nМісто не збільшуватиме ваші витрати на технології чи інститути, але його громадяни породжуватимуть у 1,5 рази більше нещастя.\nАнексія міста надасть вам контроль над виробництвом, але збільшить нещастя громадян до 2х!\nЦе можна зменшити, побудувавши у місті суд, повернувши нещастя громадян у нормальний стан.\nМаріонеткове місто можна будь-коли анексувати, але анексовані міста не можна повернути до маріонеткового стану!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Ви зіткнулися з підрозділом варварів!\nВарвари нападають на всіх без розбору, тому не дозволяйте \n цивільним підрозділам підходити до них і стежте уважно за своїм розвідником!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Ви зіткнулися з іншою цивілізацією!\nНа початку гри всі цивілізаціїї у дружніх відносинах з вами, і ви можете торгувати з ними,\n але згодом вони можуть оголосити вам війну
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Як тільки ви завершите програму «Аполлон», ви можете розпочати проектування частин космічного корабля в ваших містах,\n (з відповідними технологіями) щоб здобути наукову перемогу!
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = Травмовані підрозділи завдають меншої шкоди, але відновлюються після ходів, якщо вони були неактивними\nПідрозділи відновлюють 5 здоров’я за хід на ворожій території, 10 на нейтральній,\n 15 на вашій території і 20 у ваших містах
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Робітники життєво важливі для зростання ваших міст, оскільки тільки вони можуть будувати вдосконалення на клітинках\nУдосконалення підвищують прибуток від вашої клітини, дозволяючи вашому місту виробляти більше і рости швидше, працюючи на тій же кількості клітин!
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Підрозділи облоги надзвичайно потужні проти міст, але їх потрібно налаштувати, перед тим як вони зможуть атакувати.\nКоли ви налаштуєте підрозділ облоги, він зможе атакувати з поточної клітинки,\n але вам прийдеться знову налаштовувати його, як тільки він буде переміщений на іншу клітинку.
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Після того, як певна технологія буде досліджена, ваші наземні підрозділи будуть сідати на судна, дозволяючи їм переходити клітинки води.\nВхід або вихід з води займає весь хід.\nПідрозділи беззахисні під час входу чи виходу, тому будьте обережні!
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = Якщо ви не хочете, щоб підрозділ рухався на цьому ході, то ви можете пропустити хід натиснувши на «Наступний підрозділ» знову.\nЯкщо ви деякий час не будете переміщувати його, ви можете ввімкнути режим «Укріпити» або «Спати». \nПідрозділи у цих режимах не вважаються неробочими.\nЯкщо ви хочете вимкнути «Наступний підрозділ» повністю, то ви можете відключити це в Меню -> Перевіряти неробочі підрозділи
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Привіт! Якщо ви зайшли так далеко,\n то, напевно, бачили, що гра наразі незавершена\nUnCiv — це гра безкоштовна та з відкритим вихідним кодом. Так буде завжди,\n тобто це означає, що не буде реклами чи іншої нісенітниці.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Що мотивує мене продовжувати працювати над нею, \n крім того, що я думаю, що це дивовижно, що я можу,\n це підтримка від гравців — ви, хлопці та дівчата найкращі!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Кожна оцінка та відгуки, які я отримую, викликають посмішку на моєму обличчі =).\n Тож зв’яжіться зі мною! Надішліть мені електронний лист, відгук, чи опис проблеми на Github\n або поштового голуба для того, щоб розібратися, як зробити гру \n ще більш чудовою!\n(Контактна інформація знаходиться в Google Play)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Військові підрозділи можуть грабувати вдосконалення, яке оздоровляє їх на 25 здоров’я і зруйновує це вдосконалення.\nНа клітині все ще можна працювати, проте переваги від удосконалення (бонуси до характеристики і бонусні ресурси) буде втрачено.\nРобітники можуть відновити ці вдосконалення, що займає менше часу, ніж будувати поліпшення з нуля.
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Підрозділи у бою отримують досвід, який може бути використаний для підвищень цього підрозділа.\nПідрозділи отримують більше досвіду у ближньому бою ніж у дальньому, та більше під час нападу, аніж у захисті.
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = Підрозділи можуть отримувати від перемог над варварами лише до 30 одиниць досвіду - тобто до 2 підвищень. Після цього, перемоги над варварами більше не будуть приносити додатковий досвід.
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
# Requires translation!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
# Requires translation!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. =
# Requires translation!
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
# Requires translation!
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Italian = 99
Polish = 93
Polish = 93
Russian = 85
Russian = 85
Romanian = 42
Romanian = 42
Simplified_Chinese = 86
Simplified_Chinese = 87
Korean = 78
Korean = 78
German = 70
German = 70
Japanese = 60
Japanese = 60
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ Turkish = 73
English = 1
English = 1
Ukrainian = 95
Ukrainian = 95
French = 87
French = 87
Portuguese = 42
Portuguese = 45
Indonesian = 99
Indonesian = 100
Czech = 63
Czech = 63
Spanish = 70
Spanish = 70
Malay = 6
Malay = 6
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ allprojects {
version = '1.0.1'
version = '1.0.1'
ext {
ext {
appName = "Unciv"
appName = "Unciv"
appCodeNumber = 418
appCodeNumber = 419
appVersion = "3.8.1-patch1"
appVersion = "3.8.2"
gdxVersion = '1.9.10'
gdxVersion = '1.9.10'
roboVMVersion = '2.3.1'
roboVMVersion = '2.3.1'
@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
## 3.8.2
Main screen buttons fit in all languages - by Jack Rainy
Typo fixes and character organization - By SomeTroglodyte
AI great people no longer raise improvements on tiles with great improvements
Iroquois movement unique only applies to friendly territory
Resolved #2503 - Resizing game no longer returns to main menu
New game screen adjusts to base rulesets with small amounts of civs, including barbarians
Saving a map from the map editor screen no longer changes the screen
Translation updates
## 3.8.1
## 3.8.1
Solved concurrency problems
Solved concurrency problems
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ object TranslationFileWriter {
// read the JSON files
// read the JSON files
val generatedStrings = generateStringsFromJSONs(modFolder)
val generatedStrings = generateStringsFromJSONs(modFolder)
// Tutorials are a bit special
generatedStrings["Tutorials"] = generateTutorialsStrings()
for (key in generatedStrings.keys) {
for (key in generatedStrings.keys) {
linesFromTemplates.add("\n#################### Lines from $key.json ####################\n")
linesFromTemplates.add("\n#################### Lines from $key.json ####################\n")
@ -131,23 +134,19 @@ object TranslationFileWriter {
it.count{ line: String -> !line.startsWith(specialNewLineCode) } }
it.count{ line: String -> !line.startsWith(specialNewLineCode) } }
private fun generateStringsFromJSONs(modFolder: FileHandle? = null): Map<String, MutableSet<String>> {
private fun generateStringsFromJSONs(modFolder: FileHandle? = null): LinkedHashMap<String, MutableSet<String>> {
// Using LinkedHashMap (instead of HashMap) is important to maintain the order of sections in the translation file
// Using LinkedHashMap (instead of HashMap) is important to maintain the order of sections in the translation file
val generatedStrings = LinkedHashMap<String, MutableSet<String>>()
val generatedStrings = LinkedHashMap<String, MutableSet<String>>()
var uniqueIndexOfNewLine = 0
var uniqueIndexOfNewLine = 0
val jsonParser = JsonParser()
val jsonParser = JsonParser()
val folderHandler = getFileHandle(modFolder,"jsons")
val folderHandler = if(modFolder!=null) getFileHandle(modFolder,"jsons")
else getFileHandle(modFolder, "jsons/Civ V - Vanilla")
val listOfJSONFiles = folderHandler.list{file -> file.name.endsWith(".json", true)}
val listOfJSONFiles = folderHandler.list{file -> file.name.endsWith(".json", true)}
for (jsonFile in listOfJSONFiles)
for (jsonFile in listOfJSONFiles)
val filename = jsonFile.nameWithoutExtension()
val filename = jsonFile.nameWithoutExtension()
// Tutorials are a bit special
if (filename == "Tutorials") {
generatedStrings[filename] = generateTutorialsStrings()
val javaClass = getJavaClassByName(filename)
val javaClass = getJavaClassByName(filename)
if (javaClass == this.javaClass)
if (javaClass == this.javaClass)
Reference in a new issue