lengstrom 3dff49b0ef added click support for rotating the hexagon. consolidated touch
support. created pause button. created unselectable class for menus.
fixed being able to restart game while paused. now render every frame for
the pause menu now to avoid difficulties when resizing.
2014-05-31 18:12:35 -04:00

83 lines
2.7 KiB

var colors = ["#e74c3c", "#f1c40f", "#3498db", "#2ecc71"];
var hexagonBackgroundColor = 'rgb(236, 240, 241)';
var hexagonBackgroundColorClear = 'rgba(236, 240, 241, 0.5)';
var centerBlue = '#2c3e50'; //tumblr?
function showModal(text, secondaryText) {
var buttonSize = 150;
var fontSizeLarge = 50;
var fontSizeSmall = 25;
drawPolygon(trueCanvas.width / 2, trueCanvas.height / 2, 6, trueCanvas.width / 2 - 25, 30, hexagonBackgroundColorClear);
// drawPolygon(trueCanvas.width / 2, trueCanvas.height / 2, 6, buttonSize, 30, swegBlue);
ctx.font = fontSizeLarge + 'px Helvetica'; // figure out what is not working
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.fillStyle = centerBlue;
// ctx.fillStyle = hexagonBackgroundColor;
ctx.fillText(text, trueCanvas.width / 2, trueCanvas.height / 2 + (fontSizeLarge / 4));
ctx.font = fontSizeSmall + 'px Helvetica';
ctx.fillText(secondaryText, trueCanvas.width / 2, trueCanvas.height / 2 + fontSizeLarge / 4 + fontSizeSmall / 4 + 30);
function renderText(x, y, fontSize, color, text) {
ctx.font = fontSize + 'px/0 Roboto';
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.fillText(text, x, y + (fontSize / 4) + 3.5);
scoreOpacity = 0;
function drawScoreboard() {
if(scoreOpacity < 1){
ctx.globalAlpha = scoreOpacity;
renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy, 50, "#fff", score);
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
function clearGameBoard() {
drawPolygon(trueCanvas.width / 2, trueCanvas.height / 2, 6, trueCanvas.width / 2, 30, hexagonBackgroundColor, 0, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)');
function drawPolygon(x, y, sides, radius, theta, fillColor, lineWidth, lineColor) {
ctx.fillStyle = fillColor;
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = lineColor;
var coords = rotatePoint(0, radius, theta);
ctx.moveTo(coords.x + x, coords.y + y);
var oldX = coords.x;
var oldY = coords.y;
for (var i = 0; i < sides; i++) {
coords = rotatePoint(oldX, oldY, 360 / sides);
ctx.lineTo(coords.x + x, coords.y + y);
oldX = coords.x;
oldY = coords.y;
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
function showHighScores() {
$('#highscores').html(function() {
var str = '<li> High Scores: </li>';
for (var i = 0; i < highscores.length; i++) {
str += '<li>' + highscores[i]+ '</li>';
return str;
toggleClass('#highscores', 'not-visible');
function toggleClass(element, active) {
if ($(element).hasClass(active)) {
else {