Updated the poppler formula to address the following issues:
- Poppler font data is now downloaded and installed to
#{prefix}/share/poppler using an internal brew.
- Added an install option, --with-qt4, that sets flags for linking to Qt
frameworks installed by the qt formula.
Using the qt4 option will also desginate the qt formula as a dependency
which will significantly increase compile times if Qt has not allready
been installed.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <flangy@gmail.com>
eXosip is a library that hides the complexity of using the SIP protocol
for mutlimedia session establishement. This protocol is mainly to be
used by VoIP telephony applications (endpoints or conference server) but
might be also usefull for any application that wish to establish sessions
like multiplayer games.
oSIP is an implementation of SIP. And SIP stands for the Session Initiation Protocol
and is described by the rfc3261 (wich deprecates rfc2543). This library aims to
provide multimedia and telecom software developers an easy and powerful interface to
initiate and control SIP based sessions in their applications. SIP is a open standard
replacement from IETF for H323.
GAFFitter is a CLI tool that arranges a list of files/directories into volumes
of a certain capacity, such as CD or DVD, to make the total wastage minimized.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <flangy@gmail.com>
ImageSnap is a Public Domain command-line tool that lets you capture
still images from an iSight or other video source.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <flangy@gmail.com>
* Update to 0.2.4
* Build from source
IMAPFilter is a mail filtering utility. It connects to remote mail servers
using the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), sends searching queries
to the server and processes mailboxes based on the results. It can be used
to delete, copy, move, flag, etc. messages residing in mailboxes at the same
or different mail servers. The 4rev1 and 4 versions of the IMAP protocol
are supported.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <flangy@gmail.com>
The preferred way to install Jake is to install Narwhal and then use the
included "tusk" package manager to install Jake as a package.
(Homebrew tries not to replace language-specific packagers.)
Cdrtools is a set of command line programs that allows to record CD/DVD/BluRay media.
The suite includes the following programs:
cdrecord A CD/DVD/BD recording program
readcd A program to read CD/DVD/BD media with CD-clone features
cdda2wav The most evolved CD-audio extraction program with paranoia support
mkisofs A program to create hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS filesystes with optional Rock Ridge attributes
isodebug A program to print mkisofs debug information from media
isodump A program to dump ISO-9660 media
isoinfo A program to analyse/verify ISO/9660/Joliet/Rock-Ridge Filesystems
isovfy A program to verify the ISO-9660 structures
rscsi A Remote SCSI enabling daemon
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <flangy@gmail.com>