When renaming over the web UI, check early that the target name is
This prevents nonsensical error messages when renaming to a name with a
trailing backslash.
Sometimes a background job for versions expiration was scheduled for a
file that has been moved or deleted since.
This prevents showing useless warnings in the log and simply bail out.
IE 9 and below do not provide window.btoa and there is currently no way
to generate base64 strings without introducting further dependencies.
So for now the solution is to fall back to the ugly picture mode for
text files whenever IE <= 9 is used.
* A list of recipients can now be properly formatted with remote shares.
Before the shares where simply shown in full in the "Shared with others"
* Unit tests updated and added
FIX for webdav.mediencenter.t-online.de
https://webdav.mediencenter.t-online.de returns invalid response code.
{"reqId":"f9a1c394b98108e4e5ca62bf47829c64","remoteAddr":"","app":"PHP","message":"Undefined offset: 2 at \/var\/www\/owncloud\/3rdparty\/sabre\/dav\/lib\/Sabre\/DAV\/Client.php#569","level":3,"time":"2015-03-25T18:25:48+00:00","method":"GET","url":"\/index.php\/apps\/files\/ajax\/getstoragestats.php?dir=External%2FT-Cloud%2FTests"}
{"reqId":"3407d66672b3cef206b0af883e49bff4","remoteAddr":"","app":"PHP","message":"Undefined index: {DAV:}getlastmodified at \/var\/www\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/files\/storage\/dav.php#563","level":3,"time":"2015-03-25T16:33:21+00:00"}
Without /dev/urandom being available to read the medium RNG will rely only on the following components on a Linux system:
1. MicroTime: microtime() . memory_get_usage() as seed and then a garbage collected microtime for loop
2. MTRand: chr((mt_rand() ^ mt_rand()) % 256)
3. Rand: chr((rand() ^ rand()) % 256)
4. UniqId: Plain uniqid()
An adversary with the possibility to predict the seed used by the PHP process may thus be able to predict future tokens which is an unwanted behaviour.
One should note that this behaviour is documented in our documentation to ensure that users get aware of this even without reading our documentation this will add a post setup check to the administrative interface.
Thanks to David Black from d1b.org for bringing this again to our attention.