reone is a free and open source game engine, capable of running Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and its sequel, The Sith Lords. We aim to provide an engine that is flexible and modern, and can be used to:
The project is in the early stages of development at this point: resource management, scene management, rendering, audio, GUI and scripting subsystems are already implemented, while game mechanics are actively being worked on. See project [gallery]( and [roadmap]( in the Wiki.
reone is open to potential contributors. Contact me at <> if you're interested in taking a particular task from the [roadmap](
Those wishing to test reone, can either download a prebuilt executable from the [releases]( page, or build it from source. Building it requires a modern C++ compiler and a set of free and open source libraries. See detailed instructions for your operating system [here](
reone must only be used to run a legal copy of the game - both KotOR and TSL can be obtained from Steam or Keep in mind that mod compatibility is not being tested and thus cannot be guaranteed.
reone can be configured from either a command line or a configuration file. Configuration file, named "reone.cfg", must be located in the current directory. See a complete list of options [here](